Emergency Motion
Emergency Motion
Emergency Motion
Petitioner, ) Civil Case: 20-cv-2250 RJL
v. )
Respondents. )
undersigned counsel, and respectfully submits this Emergency Motion to Vacate Stay
Restraining Order.
Concise Argument
Mancuso and this Court as they relate to his removal to Italy. As late as close of
business Friday, August 28, 2020, government counsel advised undersigned counsel
that Mr. Mancuso remained scheduled for removal to Italy. However, less than 24
hours later, the Respondents served Mr. Mancuso with notice that they had changed
their minds. See Exhibit, Notice of Change of Country. The notice served on Mr.
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Mancuso read that he would be removed to Colombia instead of Italy, specifying that
removal to Italy would be “prejudicial to the United States.” Id. The notice was
and failed to explain why a removal to Italy would “prejudice” this country.
many questions. The primary question is whether Respondents were, at the very
least, less than forthcoming to this Court about their intentions for Mr. Mancuso’s
removal destination at the hearing held on August 24, 2020. Petitioners’ about-face
At the August 24th hearing, Respondent’s did not advise the Court that the
invoke at the 11th hour a seldom used provision of the Immigration and Nationality
destination. Therefore, Petitioner requests that the Court vacate the August 24, 2020
stay of proceedings order, and immediately schedule a hearing on the merits of his
motion for temporary restraining order. Petitioner seeks immediate relief in the form
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Procedural Background
On August 17, 2020, Petitioner filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus [ECF 1]
before this Court challenging the unreasonable delay by U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) to remove him from the United States to Italy. The
following day, on August 18, 2020, Petitioner filed a motion for a temporary
restraining order [ECF 6] to enjoin ICE from continuing his illegal detention, his
removal to Colombia, and order his removal to Italy. The Court ordered a hearing on
Petitioner’s motion for temporary restraining order for Monday, August 24, 2020.
Court Order (no document), ECF Order posted Aug. 20, 2020.
Prior to the August 24th hearing, the parties conferred and reached an
agreement that would stay the motion hearing. This agreement was premised on
Respondents’ assurances that Petitioner was scheduled for removal to Italy no later
representations and assurances and presented to the Court a draft order to stay
On the telephone hearing, held August 24, 2020, the Court inquired of both
parties as to the agreement and whether “this is all going to be done by the 4th
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responded affirmatively. Id. All parties concluded the hearing with full expectation
After the hearing and throughout the week of August the 24th, Petitioner’s
counsel continued to monitor his detention status for any indication of when his
removal to Italy would take place. Throughout the week, all signs seemed to confirm
that representations made to this Court on Monday, August 24th, remained true and
that Petitioner would soon be removed to Italy. Petitioner’s counsel was in constant
contact with government counsel, ICE agents and officials, U.S. Marshal Service, and
court officials and prosecutors from the Middle District of Georgia where Petitioner
was detained. Every local, state, and federal entity/person that was responsible for
Petitioner and his impending removal confirmed that Petitioner’s removal remained
as was told to this Court, which was, scheduled to occur before September 4th with
On the morning of Friday, August 28, 2020, Petitioner was moved from an
Throughout the day on Friday, Petitioner’s counsel reached out to all contacts related
to this case, and all confirmed that Petitioner’s removal remained destined for Italy.
counsel that nothing had changed with the removal information and the
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representations made to this Court. Additionally, Italy prepared for Mr. Mancuso’s
changed. Mr. Mancuso was served by an ICE officer with a notice advising him that
ICE changed its mind and would now remove him to Colombia. See Exhibit, Notice
of Change of Country. The notice did not reference an arrest warrant, nor an
extradition warrant, from Colombia. Rather, the reason provided was that
“[Petitioner’s] removal to Italy at this time is prejudicial to the United States.” Id.
The sequence of events described above leaves Petitioner with the conclusion
that officials of the United States government were actively working in concert with
the government of Colombia to prevent his removal to Italy. If true, this would be
inconsistent with the government representations made to the Court during the
hearing of Monday, August 24, 2020. Petitioner’s counsel recognizes the import of
this allegation; however, the circumstances and timing of events can yield no other
reasonable explanation.
to Italy was prejudicial to this country, and that removal to Colombia was
appropriate, all in a matter of hours between Friday, August 29, and Saturday,
August 30th. Rather, Petitioner concludes that one arm of the U.S. government was
actively working to send Mr. Mancuso to Colombia, while another arm of the U.S.
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government was making representations to this Court that were disingenuous. The
representations made before this Court caused Petitioner to justifiably rely upon
unilaterally chose not to inform this Court and Petitioner that the United States was
Petitioner’s counsel had heard from reliable sources that some United States
extradition request for Mr. Mancuso. See In the Matter of Salvatore Mancuso Gomez,
Case 7:20-cv-00116-HL, ECF 10 (July 21, 2020). Petitioner submits these actions
government counsel. The sequence and timing of events can yield no other conclusion
other than that United States government officials acted in bad faith and in a manner
that is wholly inconsistent with the representations made to government counsel, and
the Court.
acceptable, it is the representations made to this Court that are objectionable and
disingenuous. Petitioner asserts that any direct action by the United States that
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actively assisted Colombia in its latest attempt to extradite, or secure the removal of,
There can be no doubt that the United States government conveyed to this
Court on August 24, 2020, the impression that it was removing Mr. Mancuso to Italy.
Italy is referenced in no less than three instances of the final order issued by this
Order, ECF 11, August 26, 2020 (Emphasis added.). Moreover, this Court’s own
question to government counsel at the August 24, 2020 hearing left no doubt that the
petition another country for an individual’s extradition and that ICE may change a
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removal destination for an alien. However, this decision could have been made five
months earlier, when a final order of removal to Italy was entered. Instead, the
government waited until days before Petitioner’s removal to invoke the seldom used
Given the events described above, and the fact that Mr. Mancuso has been
deprived of his freedom by ICE for approximately five months, it is clear that he will
avail himself of all rights and legal remedies available to him. This will necessarily
mean that he will spend additional time detained. For this reason, we ask this Court
WHEREFORE, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Court vacate the stay
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Respectfully submitted,
Hector G. Mora, Esq.
District of Colombia Bar #489889
1789 Columbia Road NW, Ste. 200
Washington, D.C. 20009
Ph: (202) 558-6515
By: _______________________________
Manuel J. Retureta, Esq.
District of Columbia Bar #430006
300 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20001
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