Credicorp Pronostica "Caída Significativa" en Precio de La Acción de Nutresa Después de La OPA
Credicorp Pronostica "Caída Significativa" en Precio de La Acción de Nutresa Después de La OPA
Credicorp Pronostica "Caída Significativa" en Precio de La Acción de Nutresa Después de La OPA
line with our expectations. We highlight that the Cold Cuts and Biscuits
segments were the ones that experienced the largest contractions (- Price chart (COP) and volume (USD mn)
575bps and -335bps, respectively).
160 6
Management announced final dividend distribution, which amounts to
COP 948 per share (+35% y/y), implying a 2.3% yield. This dividend 5
payment is subject to approval in the shareholders’ meeting. 4
USD mn
120 3
80 0
Feb-21 May-21 Aug-21 Nov-21 Feb-22
Nutresa COLCAP
The company will host a conference call on February 28th, 2022, at 8 AM ET | Colombia. Dial-in information
in the following link. You can also listen to management joining the webcast.
Important Disclosures
This research report was prepared by Credicorp Capital Peru S.A and/or Credicorp Capital Colombia Sociedad Comisionista
de Bolsa and/or Credicorp Capital S.A. Corredores de Bolsa, companies authorized to engage in securities activities in Peru,
Colombia and Chile, respectively and indirect subsidiaries of Credicorp Capital Ltd. (jointly referred to as “Credicorp
Capital”). None of the companies jointly referred to as Credicorp Capital are registered as broker-dealers in the United
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A. Analyst Disclosures
The functional job title of the person(s) responsible for the recommendations contained in this report is Equity Research
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Please refer to for further information relating to research and conflict of interest management.
B. Ownership and Material Conflicts of Interest
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Credicorp Capital, LLC or its affiliates ´beneficially own´ securities issued by the companies referenced in this report
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Neither the research analysts primarily responsible for the preparation of the content of this research report nor their
household members ´beneficially own´securities issued by any of the company referenced herein.
F. Rating System
Stock ratings are based on the analyst’s expectation of the stock’s total return during the twelve to eighteen months
following assignment of the rating. This view is based on the target price, set as described below, and on the analyst’s
opinion, general market conditions and economic developments.
Buy: Expected returns of 5 percentage points or more in excess over the expected return of the local index, over the next
12-18 months.
Hold: Expected returns of +/- 5% in excess/below the expected return of the local index over the next 12-18 months.
Underperform: Expected to underperform the local index by 5 percentage points or more over the next 12-18 months.
Under Review: Company coverage is under review.
The IPSA, COLCAP and SP/BVL indexes are the selective equity indexes calculated by the Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago,
the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, and the Bolsa de Valores de Lima, respectively.
In making a recommendation, the analyst compares the target price with the actual share price, and compares the
resulting expected return for the IPSA, the COLCAP, and/or the SP/BVL indexes, as estimated by Credicorp Capital S.A.
Corredores de Bolsa, Credicorp Capital Colombia Sociedad Comisionista de Bolsa, and/or CredicorpCapital Peru S.A, and
then makes a recommendation derived from the difference in upside potential between the shares and the respective
G. Distribution of Rating
H. Price Target
Unless otherwise stated in the text of this report, target prices in this report are based on either a discounted cash flow
valuation or comparison of valuation ratios with companies seen by the analyst as comparable or a combination of the two
methods. The result of this fundamental valuation is adjusted to reflect the analyst’s views on the likely course of investor
sentiment. Whichever valuation method is used there is a significant risk that the target price will not be achieved within
the expected timeframe. Risk factors include unforeseen changes in competitive pressures or in the level of demand for
the company’s products. Such demand variations may result from changes in technology, in the overall level of economic
activity or, in some cases, in fashion. Valuations may also be affected by changes in taxation, in exchange rates and, in
certain industries, in regulations. Investment in overseas markets and instruments such as ADRs can result in increased risk
from factors such as exchange rates, exchange controls, taxation, and political and social conditions. This discussion of
valuation methods and risk factors is not comprehensive – further information is available upon request.
I. Price Chart.
Date Rating Price (COP) T.P. (COP)
11/09/2020 buy 22,540 30,800
34,000 16/09/2021 hold 21,550 26,000
26,000 H 26,000
Andrés Cereceda Miguel Leiva Steffania Mosquera Benjamin Ruiz-Tagle Daniel Guzman Juan A. Jiménez
Team Leader Equity Research Chile Team Leader Equity Research Peru Team Leader Equity Research Colombia Equity Director Head of Equity - Peru Head of International Equity Sales
Food&Beverage, Natural Resources Mining Cement & Construction, Nonbank # (562) 2446 1793 # (511) 313 2918 Ext 36044 # (571) 339 4400 Ext 1701
# (562) 2446 1798 # (511) 416 3333 # (571) 339 4400 Ext 1025
Jose Manuel Baeza Renzo Castillo
Andrew McCarthy Mauricio Fernandini Daniel Mora Head of Equity Sales Equity Sales
VP Analyst Senior Analyst
Utilities, Oil & Gas Mining Andean Banks # (562) 2450 1637 # (511) 416 3333 Ext 36167
# (562) 24461751 # (511) 416 3333 # (571) 339 4400 Ext 1609 Ursula Mitterhofer Maria Fernanda Luna
Senior Associate Sales & Trading Equity Sales
Marco Zuñiga Ana Paula Galvez Sergio Segura
Associate - Telecom & TI, Analyst Analyst # (562) 2450 1613 # (511) 416 3333 Ext 36182
Construction, Industrial, ports Utilities, Oil & Gas Utilities, Oil & Gas Jorge Escalona Alexander Castelo
# (562) 2450 1600 # (511) 416 3333 # (571) 339 4400 Ext 1365 Senior Associate Equity Sales Equity Sales
Maria Ignacia Flores Bianca Venegas Santiago Alba # (562) 2446 1732 # (511) 416 3333 Ext 36153
Analyst Junior Analyst Junior Analyst
Retail & Real Estate Cement & Construction Andean Banks Juan Cerda Pecarevic Credicorp Capital, LLC Associate Equity Sales
# (562) 24346440 Ext 440 # (511) 416 3333 # (571) 339 4400 Faustino Cortina
# (562) 24501629 Equity Sales Trader
Vicente Valenzuela Carol Roca
Analyst Junior Analyst # 1 - 305-904-1170
Food&Beverage, Natural Resources Food&Beverage, Natural Resources
# (562) 2450 1600 # (571) 339 4400 Ext 1507
Agustina Maira
Research Coordinator
# (562) 2434 6433
Samuel Carrasco Madrid Sandra Loyola Diego Camacho Guido Riquelme Evangeline Arapoglou Carlos Sanchez
Senior Economist Senior Analyst Senior Economist Head of Capital Markets Chile Head of international FI Sales Head of Fixed Income
# (562) 2446 1736 # (571) 339 4400 # (562) 2446 1712 # (511) 416 3333 Ext 36099 # (571) 323 9154