Revision Phase-1 (UNIT 1 & 2) 2 Marks
Revision Phase-1 (UNIT 1 & 2) 2 Marks
Revision Phase-1 (UNIT 1 & 2) 2 Marks
(UNIT 1 & 2)
6. What is FOB?
7. Define FOS?
10. List out the approximation methods available to compute area & Volume.
2. Sketch a typical Lines plan for a ship having single propeller. Name the different parts of it.
3. Explain how fairing of a lines plan is done. How a set of offsets is lifted from a lines plan.
5. Explain about the Lofting process and the various tools used to do it.
6. The Half ordinates(m) of a water plane, which are 6m apart are given by
11.16,24.84,39.42,47.52,40.23,26.46,13.23.Calculate and compare the areas of water plane as given
by 1-4-1 rule, 1-3-3-1 rule and trapezoidal rule.
7. What are the various integration methods used to find area? Explain in detail.
8. The half ordinates of a water plan at 15m intervals commencing from aft are
1,7,10.5,11,11,10.5,8,4 and 0. Calculate i) TPC ii) Distance of centre of flotation from midship iii)
second moment of water plane about a transverse axis through the centre of flotation.
9. Derive BM=I/ ▼
10. L=75m Semi ordinates at load water plane commencing from forward 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0
(m) The spacing between first three semi ordinates & last three semi ordinates are half of that
between other semi-ordinates find position of centre of floatation relative to amidships