Students Instruction - SP-II
Students Instruction - SP-II
Students Instruction - SP-II
The model exam Schedule and Circular for Students was already circulated. This model exam is
conducted on digital mode, students are requested to follow the below mentioned instructions regarding
receiving the question paper and submission of answer scripts.
1. Due to the present (COVID 19) situation the model exam marks will be given more importance
like end semester exam. Therefore, I inform all the students to write the exam without fail.
2. As mentioned in the circular already sent, the question paper will be sent to the student’s
thorough class WhatsApp group and student Email, by the class representative, 30 minutes
before the commencement of the examination (10:30 am every day)
3. The students should send the Answer Script in PDF format to the respective subject staff’s mail
(refer Table) before 1:30 pm on the same day of examination.
4. Format for File name of the Answer scripts: Model Exam_SP2_Register Number
7. In each sheet top right corner, you should mention your REGISTER NUMBER.
9. Rest all Instructions remains same as H.O.D sir’s instruction which was given by H.O.D in
individual group.
10. Please find the affixed template in next page like which you have present your front page of
your answer sheet
University Model Examinations May- 2020
Reg no:
Section: BTECH
Year/Sem: III/VI
S.No Reg.No Name Booklet Number
1 17613101 Abinesh. K NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M001
2 17613102 AshwiniBernath. I NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M002
3 17613104 Ritesh Santosh Bhoir NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M003
4 17613105 Sabareesh. B.S NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M004
5 17613106 M. Selvaprakasham NAOE-BTECH-2020- SP2M005
6 17613107 S. Sharon Varsha NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M006
7 17613108 P. Singaram NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M007
8 17613110 Divya Rajesh Solanki NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M008
9 17613111 S. Aakash NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M009
10 17613501 Jayaganeshan NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M010
11 17613502 Palash Biswas NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M011
12 16613125 Kattabonia Ajith Harsha NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M012
13 16613132 Vimal Raj NAOE-BTECH-2020-SP2M013