Measurement and Analysis of The Dynamics of Mechanical Structures
Measurement and Analysis of The Dynamics of Mechanical Structures
Measurement and Analysis of The Dynamics of Mechanical Structures
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Law to all masses in the system. By performing a "force balance" on the system, that is by setting all
forces acting on each mass equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration, a set of differential
equations is derived which completely describes the dynamics of the system. These equations can then
be solved analytically to yield structural responses to specified external forces and boundary conditions.
However many dynamics problems cannot be solved by using a rigid body approximation of the
structure. These problems require that the distributed elastic behavior of the structure be modeled more
If the structure has a simple geometric shape and its physical properties (eg. density and elasticity) are
more or less uniform throughout, then a partial differential equation of the form known as the "wave
equation" can be used to describe its dynamics. There are well known solutions to the wave equation for
many types of simple mechanical structures, such as beams, shafts and plates. However the
approximations required in order to apply these analytical methods are often too restrictive to adequately
describe the dynamics of a complex structure such as automobile body.
The requirement for a more generalized method for modeling the dynamics of large, complex structures
with non-homogeneous physical properties has brought about the development in recent years of the
finite element modeling method.
The Finite Element Method
The objective of the finite element method is to sub-divide a structure into an assemblage of many
smaller elements such as plates, beams, shafts, etc. Then the overall equations of motion of the structure
are constructed from equations describing the motions of each of the individual elements, plus all the
boundary conditions at the connection points between elements. (This process is depicted in Figure 4.)
A primary advantage of this approach is that it has been computerized, and readily available programs
such as the NASTRAN program, which was initially developed by NASA (The National Aeronautics
and Space Administration of the United States) to assist in the design of space vehicles, can be used to
build very large dynamic models of complex structures.
As shown in Figure 4, the differential equations of motion are a set of simultaneous, second order
differential equations which represent a "force balance" among the inertial, dissipative, restoring and
externally applied forces on the structure.
Note that the space variable x(t) has been "discretized" in this modeling process. That is, a finite
number of degrees-of-freedom have been chosen to represent the motion of the structure. (A degree-of-
freedom is motion at a point in a particular direction.) This approximation removes all derivatives with
respect to the space variable from the equations and reduces them to a "generalized" statement of
Newton's Second Law.
Although these equations are of the same form as those obtained by using rigid body analysis, the mass,
stiffness, and damping coefficient matrices do not necessarily contain mass values, spring constants and
damping coefficients which are readily associated with lumped elements on the structure. Rather, these
matrices can be viewed simply as coefficients which are necessary to satisfy force balances between the
various finite elements of the structure.
Once the mathematical model has been built, (i.e. the mass, stiffness and damping matrices have been
synthesized), the equations of motion can be solved, again by using computer methods.
A popular method of solving the equations of motion is to "diagonalize" them. This is done by finding
the "eigenvalues" and "eigenvectors" of the equations. A commonly used approach is to assume that the
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damping forces on the structure are negligible, and can therefore be ignored. The equations of motion,
minus the damping terms, can be transformed to a new coordinate system, called "generalized"
coordinates, and written in diagonal or uncoupled form as shown in Figure 5. The transformation
relating the Generalized coordinates to the actual degrees-of-freedom of the structure is a matrix, the
columns of which are the eigenvectors of the system. Once the equations of motion are in diagonal form
it is much easier to solve them to obtain the structure's response to externally applied forces. This model
is known as a "normal mode" model.
Uses of the Mathematical Model
A finite element model can be used to perform several different types of analysis. They include: LOAD
LOAD ANALYSIS is basically an analysis of the internal stresses and strains in a structure due to
external loads. If the structure is in a static condition (i.e. all accelerations are zero) then the equations
of motion reduce to a force balance between the internal restoring forces and externally applied forces.
By performing analyses with these equations, areas of high static stress or strain can be located on the
structure. In a similar manner dynamic stress and strain levels can be analyzed if the inertial terms are
also included in the equations of motion.
MODAL ANALYSIS is defined as the process of characterizing the dynamics of a structure in terms of
its modes of vibration. It turns out that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the previously defined
normal mode mathematical model are also parameters which define the resonant frequencies and mode
shapes of the modes of vibration of the structure. (This is shown in Figure 6.) That is, the eigenvalues of
the equations of motion correspond to frequencies at which the structure tends to vibrate with a
predominant, well defined deformation. The amplitude of this wave motion on the structure is specified
by the corresponding eigenvector. Each mode of vibration, then, is defined by an eigenvalue (resonant
frequency) and corresponding eigenvector (mode shape). If the dynamic model has n-degrees-of-
freedom then it also has n-eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs, or n-modes of vibration.
Knowing the modes of vibration of a structure is useful information in itself, for it tells at what
frequencies the structure can be excited into resonant motion, and the predominant wave-like motion it
will assume at a resonant frequency. In many cases, this information is sufficient for modifying the
structural design in order to reduce noise and vibration.
WHAT IF INVESTIGATIONS can be conducted using a finite element model to determine how changes
in the mass or stiffness of the structure will affect its dynamic characteristics. These types of
investigations can be made using the mathematical model long before the first prototype structure is
even built. This way, 4D any deficiencies in the design can be spotted early in the design cycle where
changes are a lot less costly than in the later stages. This capability is perhaps the single most important
advantage of finite element modeling.
A finite element model can also be used for SIMULATION of the dynamic response of the structure to
real world external forces. These forces might be of short duration and high amplitude, i.e. impulsive in
nature, in which case they could cause immediate damage to the structure. Or they may be of long
duration and cyclic in nature, and could cause fatigue damage to the structure over a long period of time.
The simulated response of the mathematical model could be used as input to fatigue damage prediction
algorithms, thus giving information about the fatigue life of a prototype design even before the first
prototype is constructed.
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Finite element modeling does however have two major disadvantages, as pointed out in Figure 7. Most
finite element computer programs are very large in size, and require large computers with lots of
memory in which to operate. Hence, it is not unusual for companies to spend tens of thousands of
dollars to develop a single finite element model. To obtain the required accuracy, models containing
several thousand degrees-of-freedom are not uncommon. Models of this size require many man-hours
of effort to develop, debug, and operate.
A second disadvantage of finite element modeling is that the dynamic response of the model can differ
substantially from that of the actual structure. This can occur because of errors in entering model
parameters, but can also occur when the finite elements do not approximate the real world situation well
enough. Many times the model will turn out to be much stiffer than the actual structure. This can be
due to the use of an inadequate number of elements or unrealistic boundary conditions between
elements. Both of these disadvantages point to a need for dynamic testing of the structure in order to
confirm the validity of the model.
Why Dynamic Testing?
Not only is dynamic testing necessary in order to check a finite element model, but some other
Advantages can be gained from testing, as shown in Figure 8.
Dynamic testing can be used for troubleshooting noise and vibration problems in existing mechanical
systems. These problems can occur because of errors in the design or construction of the system, or they
could occur as a result or wearout, failure or malfunction in some of its components. Not only can
testing be used to locate a problem, but it can also be used to evaluate fixes to the problem. Finally
dynamic testing can be used to construct a dynamic model for components of a structure which are too
difficult to model analytically.
In all the cases mentioned above, the objective of the dynamic testing procedure is to excite and identify
the test specimen's modes of vibration. As shown in Figure 9 the common element between finite
element modeling and dynamic, (or modal) testing is the modal parameters of the structure.
As previously discussed, one of the mathematical transformations which can be performed on the
dynamic model of a structure converts it to an "uncoupled" form. This process involves identifying the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the equations of motion. These parameters also define the modes of
vibration of the structure.
Not only are modal parameters a fundamental part of a mathematical dynamic model, but they can be
observed in practically any vibrating body, Physically speaking modes of vibration are the so called
"natural" frequencies at which a structure's predominant motion is a well defined waveform, as shown in
Figure 10.
Mathematically speaking modes of vibration are defined by certain parameters of a linear dynamic
model. As shown in Figure 11 each mode of vibration is defined by a resonant frequency, a damping
factor and a mode shape. It will be shown later that a dynamic model can be completely represented in
terms of these parameters.
The purpose of modal testing, then, is to artificially excite a structure so that the frequencies, damping
and mode shapes of its predominant modes of vibration can be identified.
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functions between various points on the structure. For example, on the simple beam in Figure 13, a set
of transfer functions is measured between each of the X's marked on the beam, and a single response
point. A single transfer function measurement is obtained by exciting the beam with a hammer at one of
the X's, simultaneously measuring the input force and corresponding response motion signals, and then
dividing the Fourier transform of the response by the transform of the input.
Modal parameters are identified by performing further computations (i.e. "curve fitting") on this set of
transfer function measurements. Figure 14 shows how modal parameters can be obtained from transfer
function measurements. Although much more sophisticated curve fitting algorithms are often used to
identify modal parameters, this figure shows fundamentally how the parameters are obtained. The
figure shows the imaginary part of each transfer function made between an impact point and the
reference point. Modal frequencies correspond to peaks in the imaginary part of the transfer functions.
A peak should exist at the same frequency in all measurements, except those measured at "node" points
where the modal amplitude is zero. The width of the modal peak is related to the damping of the mode.
That is, the wider the peak, the higher the modal damping. The mode shape is obtained by assembling
the peak values at the same frequency from all measurements. As shown in Figure 14, as modal
frequency increases, the complexity of the mode shape also increases.
Some major differences between the two modal testing methods are shown in Figure 15. A fundamental
difference is that one method attempts to excite one mode at a time using a narrow band signal, while
the other attempts to excite many modes simultaneously, using a broadband signal. A distinct advantage
of the transfer function method is that any type of broadband excitation method can be used since the
measurement being made is a response signal divided by the input which caused it. This type of
"normalized" response measurement is independent of the type of input signal used, as long as it can be
measured and has sufficient energy to excite the structure over the frequency range of interest. Hence, a
simple excitation device such as a hammer can many times be used to measure transfer functions at a
great savings of time and money compared to attaching shakers to the structure.
Another cost advantage on the transfer function method is that the measurements can be made one at a
time. This means that a large set of measurements can be made using only one accelerometer (motion
transducer) and one load cell (force transducer), and the corresponding signal conditioning equipment.
If a shaker is used for excitation, the accelerometer is moved to each new measurement point on the
structure. If a hammer is used, the structure is impacted at each new measurement point.
Some other advantages of the transfer function method are shown in Figure 16. In general, it is easier to
make transfer function measurements on a structure than to isolate one of its modes of vibration. In
addition, once the measurement signals have been digitized and stored in the computer's memory, further
processing of the data can be performed to reduce the effects of noise and distortion. Large amounts of
data can also be stored on a mass memory device such as a magnetic disc or tape, and later recalled for
further processing. Statistical estimation algorithms which use large amounts of measurement data, can
also be used to estimate modal parameters with more accuracy.
Lastly, the mode shapes can be displayed in animation on the same equipment used to perform the
modal test. Figures 17 and 18 depict a typical modal test setup using the transfer function method, and
some typical displays of mode shapes of the test structure on the CRT of a transfer function analyzer.
Not only is the mode shape display an effective method for checking the validity of a large amount of
data, (i.e. data values in gross error are easily spotted) but the animation is also a convenient means of
locating "weak spots" or areas of overdesign in the structure.
In addition to these direct uses of modal data for problem solving purposes, it is next shown that modal
parameters are a fundamental part of a transfer function dynamic model of a structure.
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Note also that the magnitude of the transfer function goes to infinity at two points in the S-plane. These
discontinuities are called the POLES of the transfer function. These poles define resonant conditions on
the structure which will "amplify" an input force. The location of these poles in the S-plane is defined
by a FREQUENCY and DAMPING value as shown in Figure 23. Hence the σ-axis and jω-axis of the
S-plane have become known as the damping axis and the frequency axis respectively. The frequency
and damping which define a pole in the S-plane are the frequency and damping of a mode of vibration
of the structure.
Transfer Matrix in Partial Fraction Form
The elements of the transfer matrix can be written as ratios of polynomials as shown in Figure 20. With
some minor assumptions, (explained later) the transfer matrix-can be re-written in partial fraction form
as shown in Figure 21. This form clearly shows the transfer function in terms of the parameters which
describe its pole locations, namely pk = σk + jωk. For a model with n-degrees-of-freedom, it is clear that
the transfer functions contain n-pole pairs (pk, pk*).
(* - denotes complex conjugate.) Two unique features of the partial fraction form are that all transfer
functions contain the same denominator terms involving the S-variable, and that the numerators simply
become constants (numbers), which are assembled into the RESIDUE matrix, and its conjugate matrix.
Transfer Matrix in Terms of Modal Parameters
After writing it in partial fraction form, the transfer function can be further simplified by writing the
residue matrix in terms of a MODAL VECTOR (uk ) as shown in Figure 24.
The derivation of this form is given in Refs. (1) or (2). This is a crucial step, for now we have reduced
the transfer matrix (i.e. the entire dynamic model) to a parametric form involving only modal
parameters. As stated in Figure 24 a mode of vibration is characterized by a pair of conjugate poles and
a pair of conjugate mode vectors.
Note that the unique form of the residue matrix allows the entire (n x n) matrix to be defined once the n-
dimensional mode vector is known. Furthermore since every row and column contains the mode vector
multiplied by a different component of itself, ONLY ONE ROW OR COLUMN of the residue matrix
(and hence the transfer matrix) needs to be measured in order to identify the mode vector. A 2-
dimensional case is written out in Figure 25 to illustrate this point.
The numerators of the first column of the transfer matrix are made up of the mode vector (u11, u21)
multiplied by its first component (u11), plus the conjugate mode vector (u11*, u21*)
multiplied by its first component (u11*), for mode #1. Similarly, two more terms are added for mode #2.
The denominators, which contain the pole locations (p1,p1*) and (p2, p2*), are the same for every transfer
function in the matrix.
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Figure 39 shows the measurement results when a pure random signal is used to excite the vibrator. A
pure random signal never repeats in the measurement window and therefore excites the vibrator
differently during each measurement period. If enough different power spectrum measurements are
averaged together, using the previously discussed power spectrum averaging scheme, then the distortion,
which shows up as random noise in each power spectrum, can be "averaged out" of the measurement
just like any other type of extraneous noise.
When a pseudo random excitation is used, this distortion noise cannot be averaged out since all the
power spectrums are exactly alike, i.e. they contain the same distortion components at the same
Although a pure random signal is good for removing distortion from a measurement it is not a periodic
signal in the measurement the window. Any signal which is not periodic in the measurement window
causes a smearing of data in the vicinity of peaks in the spectrum. This error always results when a
signal that has been truncated by the measurement window, is Fourier transformed. This smearing of the
data is called "leakage". Leakage can be considered as another form of distortion on the data. Since the
resulting transfer function waveform has been smeared during the measurement process, resonance
peaks will become broader and less peaked than they should be.
Although it appears from Figure 39 that the ideal linear waveform matches the measurement data well,
the resulting modal parameters obtained by curve fitting data with leakage in it can be in great error.
Figure 40 shows the results of exciting the vibrator with another type of random signal, called a periodic
random signal. This signal contains the desirable properties of both the pseudo random and pure
random signals, so that it removes distortion from the measurement without causing leakage.
The periodic random signal is generated as a pseudo random signal so that it is periodic in the
measurement window. However instead of continually repeating the same random sequence during each
successive measurement period, the pseudo random signal is changed to a different sequence. With this
scheme each power spectrum measurement used in the averaging process is the result of a different
random excitation just as with pure random excitation. Therefore, distortion is removed by averaging
many of these spectra together.
The only drawback of this final test method is that it is 2 to 3 times slower than either of the other
random methods, because several time windows of data must be ignored between averages in order to
allow the signals from the structure to become periodic in the measurement window.
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Finally the residue can be estimated by using the peak value of the imaginary part of transfer function at
resonance. This is known as "quadrature picking" or simply the quadrature method.
If the measurements are noisy, or if the frequency resolution is not good, all of the above methods can
yield largely incorrect results since they use only one or two data points from the measurement.
The methods shown in Figures 51 and 52 will yield better results in general, since they use more
measurement data. The method shown in Figure 51, the so called "circle fitting" method, is a way of
estimating the residue by least squared error fitting the parametric form of a circle to the measurement
data in Nyquist form. The method shown in Figure 52 is a simple complex division of one measurement
into all the other measurements in the set. The result of each divide is a complex constant in the vicinity
of a resonance. Several values over an interval of frequencies around the resonance can then be
averaged together to obtain an estimate of the residue. These methods and others are explained in more
detail in Reference (3)
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Residue Sorting
Rather than simply assemble residues from one row or column of the transfer matrix into a mode vector,
residue estimates from other rows or columns of the matrix can also be used to improve the estimate of
the mode vector. This procedure is known as "residue sorting" and is discussed in detail in Reference
Multiple Row/Column Fitting
Many times modal coupling and/or noise on the measurements may
be so great that it is difficult to determine how many modes there are, or to correctly identify their
parameters from any single measurement. In these cases a curve fitting procedure that identifies modal
parameters from the entire set of measurements should be used.
The last two "multiple measurement" methods are not commonly used today, but will probably be
employed more in the future as curve fitting methods continue to improve.
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This paper has discussed the subject of measuring and modeling the dynamics of mechanical structures.
It was shown that the modes of vibration are not only physically observable, and thus are intuitively
understandable to most people, but they are also defined by certain fundamental parameters of a linear
dynamic model for an elastic structure.
Modes of vibration were also shown to be the link between a mathematical model developed with finite
element modeling methods, and an equivalent transfer function model, the elements of which can be
measured in a testing laboratory.
Two different methods of performing a modal test were discussed, but the emphasis in this paper was
placed on the more recently developed transfer function method, which has been applied to a much
wider variety of problems than the normal mode testing method.
In addition to the speed, low cost and versatility of the transfer function method, the capability of
displaying mode shapes in animation using this equipment has proved to be a valuable aid for quickly
evaluating test results, and in many cases for determining solutions to noise and vibration problems.
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1. Richardson, M. and Potter, R., "Identification of the Modal Properties of an Elastic Structure from
Measured Transfer Function Data", 20th I.S.A., International Instrumentation Symposium,
Albuquerque, N.M., May 1974
2. Potter, R. and Richardson, M., "Mass, Stiffness, and Damping Matrices from Measured Modal
Parameters", ISA, International Instrumentation - Automation Conference, New York, N.Y., Oct.
3. Richardson, M., "Modal Analysis using Digital Test Systems", Seminar on Understanding Digital
Control and Analysis in Vibration Test Systems, Shock and Vibration Information Center
publication, Naval Research Lab. , Wash. , D.C. , May 1975
4. Richardson, M. and Kniskern, J., "Identifying Modes of Large Structures from Multiple Input and
Response Measurements", SAE Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing Meeting Proceedings,
San Diego, 1976
5. Ramsey, K.A., "Effective Measurements for Structural Dynamics Testing", Sound and Vibration
Magazine, Part I, Nov. 1975, pp. 24-35, Part II, April 1976, pp. 18-31
6. Potter, R. , "A General Theory of Modal Analysis for Linear Systems", Shock and Vibration Digest,
Nov. 1975
7. Roth, P., "Effective Measurements Using Digital Signal Analysis", IEEE Spectrum, April 1971, pp.
8. McKinney, W., "Band Selectable Fourier Analysis", Hewlett-Packard Journal, April 1975, pp. 20-24
9. Ramsey, K.A., "Accelerometer Calibration using Random Noise and Transfer Function
Measurements", ISA 21st International Instrumentation Symposium, Phila., PA., May 1975
10. Halvorsen, W.G. and Brown, D.L., "Impulse Technique for Structural Frequency Response Testing",
Sound and Vibration Magazine, Nov. 1977, pp. 8-21
11. Richardson, M., "Fundamentals of the Discrete Fourier Transform", Sound and Vibration Magazine,
March 1978, 40-46
12. Richardson, M. and Potter, R. "Viscous vs. Structural Damping in Modal Analysis", 46th Shock and
Vibration Symposium, San Diego, CA, Oct. 1975
13. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED, "Representation and Analysis of Sonar Signals, Vol.
I: Improvements in the Complex Exponential Signal Analysis Computational Algorithm", 31 March
1970, Office of Naval Research Contract No. N00014-69-C-90315
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