Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Hunger, Achieve Food Security and Improved Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Ludovic Mollier
Frédérique Seyler
Jean-Luc Chotte
Claudia Ringler
dependent on energy security (affordable, and food and nutrition security. When
easily accessible, and reliable energy rural economies develop, productivity
supplies), because energy is often used growth in agriculture has shown to
to increase food production (agricultural be a key aid to overall economic growth
chemicals, machinery, irrigation, through releasing surplus labour to
post-harvest processing, storage and non-agricultural sectors, thereby spurring
transportation, etc.). Remote agricultural growth in these sectors and in the
areas without access to fertilisers and overall economy. Advances in decoupling
pesticides or electricity connections (or economic growth from environmental
solar pumps) face greater challenges degradation may be constrained by a
in increasing agricultural productivity. focus limited to doubling agricultural
Conversely, agricultural production productivity. Moreover, the agriculture
can play an important role in achieving sector is known to have an important
affordable, reliable, sustainable and buffer function during economic crises,
modern energy for all through the produc- with people losing their jobs in cities
tion of biofuels and biogas. Global during financial turmoil switching to
energy demand is expected to increase temporary employment in the agriculture
by 48% between 2012 and 2040 – with sector. This was well documented
most of the increase among the developing during the Asian financial and economic
non-oecd nations (eia, 2016). The crisis of 1989/1990 (e.g. Rosegrant and
interactions between these trends and Hazell, 2000). Another important linkage
sdg2 depend on (climate) policy and relates to employment. Agricultural
fossil energy prices, but could mean that production strategies and systems can
more crops are diverted for use as constrain the achievement of decent
biofuels. Furthermore, methane production employment as 60% of all child labourers
from agricultural wastes (animal or in the 5–17 year age group are engaged
plant-based) can contribute to meeting in agriculture (ilo, 2010). Moreover, the
the renewable energy targets set for 2030, agriculture sector in some countries
as can dedicated bioenergy resources thrives on temporary migrant workers,
(agroforestry or biofuels crops). often with limited legal and other
protection. Finally, some economic growth
2 + 8 strategies can constrain advancement
Agriculture provides a livelihood for many of the agriculture sector, for example,
of the most poor and vulnerable people if countries choose import-substitution
and supports pro-poor economic develop- industrialisation policies to move agrarian
ment. By increasing sustainable agri- into industrialised economies, by taxing
cultural productivity and incomes of the agricultural surplus and moving
smallholder women and men, sdg2 the resources to the industrial sector
can participate in sustainable economic (Rosegrant and Hazell, 2000).
growth. Key areas for women’s parti-
cipation in economic growth through 2 + 9
agriculture include ensuring their access With changing demographic conditions
to financial services knowledge and and changing patterns of food demand,
markets, strengthening agriculture capac- there is a growing need for the design and
ity to climate adaption, and increasing development of more efficient integra-
investment in rural infrastructure. ted systems of food production, processing,
Especially in remote rural areas that are preservation and distribution as well as
39 reliable transportation and logistics the reduction of inequality. Of note,
infrastructure with roads facilitating access trade liberalisation, an implementation
to markets (Knox et al., 2013). Infras mechanism suggested under sdg2, can
tructure including affordable and water- adversely affect achieving the equality
use efficient irrigation, transportation, targets under sdg10, if small-scale
communication (e.g. internet access) and farmers are not linked to value chains
market (e.g. cold chain) facilities, could and markets and other non-competitive
make a major contribution to achieving farming enterprises face import prices
sdg2. Moreover, with growing climate below local and national production costs.
variability and extremes, resilient Trade liberalisation can also constrain
transportation infrastructure, allowing a country’s capacity to provide some
food transport from surplus to climate forms of subsidies to domestic farmers or
stressed areas, will become increasingly consumers to address internal inequalities.
important. Access to physical infras- However, trade liberalisation can also
tructure is in this sense an important support achieving sdg2 through making
factor for the interaction between food more affordable to poor farmers,
productivity and income. From an sdg2 most of whom are net buyers of food, and
perspective, developing and upgrading to consumers.
rural infrastructure, integrating small-
scale enterprises into value chains, and 2 + 11
enhancing investment in agricultural Progress in food security and nutrition,
research are aligned with sdg9; however, increased agricultural productivity
if such infrastructure, research and and more sustainable food production
financial services favours some producers systems will reinforce the inclusive-
over others, then achieving targets under ness and sustainability of cities. Specifi-
sdg 9 might constrain achievement of cally, increased agricultural produc-
some sdg 2 targets and/or reduce equity in tivity – freeing up agricultural land for
access to such infrastructure (un, 2016). urban growth – can support progress
For instance, more resilient infrastructure, on expanding green spaces and other
such as larger dams supporting irrigation city expansion needs. However, cities
infrastructure, or wider, asphalted roads are generally built on prime agricultural
may address the needs of agri-exporters land with stable water resources and
while ignoring those of smallholders and uncontrolled expansion on these areas
the food insecure. Such infrastructure might constrain achieving sdg 2, by
may also accelerate biodiversity loss, over- removing further land resources and by
extract of water resources, and ignite other consuming and polluting water resources.
unsustainable practices. Urban agriculture can address this
potential trade-off to some extent, through
2 + 10 growing food on soil-less agriculture or
Hunger and food security are closely hydroponics, vertical farming, aeroponics,
related to poverty, and thus to inequality. nutrient-film-techniques, aquaponics,
Reduction or elimination of inequality in and through recycling of nutrients in
the policy and legal arenas should en- wastewater. Urban agriculture thus can
hance food and nutrition security as well contribute to social welfare and sustain-
as sustainable agricultural production. able development of cities and can
Empowering small-scale food producers, support development of green spaces.
both women and men (who represent It can also contribute to waste avoidance
an important segment of the world’s and recycling of organic waste in cities
extremely poor) and ensuring their equal (Goldstein et al., 2016). Advancing rural-
access to resources such as land, facilitates urban linkages will support sustainable
40 agricultural productivity and income the implementation mode proposed for
generation – peri-urban environments rationalising inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies
often house high-value vegetable and is implemented in agriculture and the
livestock production systems whose food value chain without putting alterna-
sustainable management is key to urban tives in place. The direct elimination
food and nutrition security. Of note, of such subsidies could lead to increased
urban dwellers tend to consume more food prices which, in turn, could constrain
processed foods and, at least in low-income achieving ‘zero hunger’ by making food
developing countries, tend to house more less affordable to the poor.
obese people and in some places (e.g.
cities in Latin America and elsewhere) also 2 + 13
more undernourished people than rural Rising temperatures, changing precipi-
areas. Addressing the triple burden of tation patterns, and the intensity and
malnutrition (obesity, undernutrition and frequency of extreme weather events
micronutrient deficiencies) is therefore an adversely affect agricultural production
important linkage between sdg2 and sdg11 systems, particularly those in developing
that deserves further attention. countries, which in turn constrains
the achievement of ‘zero hunger’ and
2 + 12 nutritional objectives under sdg2.
Most aspects of sdg12 support progress It is important that investments in agri-
in sdg 2 and vice versa. For example, the culture increase the sector’s resilience
10-year Framework of Programmes on and adaptive capacity to climate change;
Sustainable Consumption and Production for example, by mobilising large funds
Patterns is housed at unep (and not at for climate mitigation and adaptation.
un fao) and aims at raising awareness, How climate adaptation and mitigation
building capacity, developing information options are implemented in the agri-
as well as synergies and cooperation culture sector under the climate change
toward more sustainable food systems, frameworks (e.g. through biofuel
which directly strengthen all areas of development, short-term coping mech-
sdg 2. Similarly, the subsequent efficiency, anisms or long-term adaptation /
waste and loss reduction targets and the mitigation strategies) will be decisive
aim to manage chemicals more judiciously for achieving sdg2. At the same time,
directly support sdg2 in terms of increased unsustainable agriculture, deforestation
productivity and more sustainable natural and other types of land use account
resource use. While sdg2 focuses more for about 24% of total anthropogenic
on the production end and nutritional greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions (ipcc,
outcomes, sdg 12 focuses on the processing, 2014). Achieving sdg13 will thus require
distribution and procurement side of the reduction of ghg emissions in
the food system, which complements and agriculture and related activities and
completes the food system perspective. depending on which actions are taken,
However, if developing countries, where ending hunger, doubling agricultural
most food is produced, distributed and productivity and ensuring more
consumed, would use the sdg12 focus on sustainable food production systems
industrialised countries as a reason to may be achieved faster or slower, or not
not make progress on sdg12 themselves at all. A range of actions could be
or would await funding and support impactful in this area, such as a mora-
from industrialised countries before embark- torium on further expansion of
ing on progress, then some aspects of agricultural areas into tropical forests
sdg2 (and sdg12) might not be achieved. or peatlands, a tax on highly emitting
An additional constraint could develop if livestock production systems, increased
41 R&D toward new technologies that 2 + 15
increase fertiliser nutrient use efficiency The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
levels of plants, the accelerated adoption identified agriculture as the major cause
that hunger is, at times, deliberately with structures around five sub-categories:
used in conflicts as a weapon to starve finance, technology, capacity-building,
opponents into submission (seizing or trade, and systemic issues (including
destroying food stocks, livestock, cutting policy and institutional coherence, multi-
off marketed supplies of food, targeting stakeholder partnerships, data, moni-
farmers, land-mining, etc.). And, if toring and accountability). These are all
food insecurity is not already a factor linked with sdg2. For instance, finance
contributing to war and civil strife, enhancement can reinforce investment
then hunger and undernutrition are often in rural infrastructure for agriculture.
the result of such activities, as farmers Enhancing technology and capacity
need to leave their land to flee insecurity, building can also lead to the strengthening
abuse and destruction and/or agricultural of agriculture’s capacity for adaptation
inputs or outputs cannot be moved to to climate change, extreme weather,
where they are needed, and support drought, flooding and other disasters.
through food aid is often restricted or not Enhancing multi-stakeholder partnerships,
available. On the other hand, effective, data, monitoring and accountability,
transparent and accountable institutions and especially policy and institutional
are needed at all levels of government coherence, should also positively impact
to support sustainable agriculture, food sdg2. Some trade-offs can emerge
and nutrition security and the empow- insofar as trade liberalisation may not
erment of certain marginal groups such fit with some countries’ policy spaces,
as women, indigenous peoples, family if they seek to establish and implement
farmers, pastoralists and fishers. Justice policies for poverty eradication and
for all and non-discriminatory laws lead sustainable development. Furthermore,
directly or indirectly to securing fair non-discriminatory international trade
access to land, other productive resources regulation may limit the capacity for some
and inputs, knowledge, financial services, countries, mostly those in development,
markets and opportunities. Armed to protect their national agriculture
conflict and broader forms of violence production and small-scale food producers.
undoubtedly undermine the achievement
of food security, improved nutrition and
sustainable agricultural systems. Civil
war and conflict are also detrimental to the
preservation of seed and plant banks,
as the impacts on icarda’s (International
Center for Agricultural Research in the
Dry Areas) gene bank in Syria has shown
(Bhattacharya, 2016). Conversely, food
insecurity has the potential to become the
leading cause of conflict in the 21st century
in the absence of national, regional and
global political measures to enhance food
solidarity, particularly in crisis situations.
sdg 2 is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda, Seven goals were selected for detailed
linking to all 16 other sdgs. This section analysis:
analyses some of these interactions, from
the perspective of sdg 2, with a selected SDG 1
set of sdgs in detail at the target-level. SDG 3
sdgs were selected based on the strength SDG 5
of the interactions with sdg 2 and the SDG 6
magnitude and scale of impact in relation SDG 7
to the overall objective of the 2030 Agenda, SDG 13
while ensuring a balanced consideration SDG 15
of the economic, social and environmental
dimensions. Target-level interactions sdgs were selected based on the strength
are judged to fall within one of seven cate- of the interactions with sdg 2, while
gories and are scored accordingly: indi- ensuring a balanced consideration of the
visible (+3), reinforcing (+2), enabling (+1), economic, social and environmental
consistent (0), constraining (-1), counter- dimensions. While there are also obvious
acting (-2), and cancelling (-3). Following linkages between sdg 12 and sdg 2, it
a generic analysis of the selected inter- was considered that these are less insight-
actions, specific examples are provided to ful than those between sdg 2 and the
illustrate how interactions unfold in other sdgs selected for detailed analysis.
different geographical and policy contexts.
Illustrative examples are used to show the
context-dependency of the interactions
and provide a more practical entry point
to characterising sdg 2 interactions among
the ‘integrated and indivisible’ sdgs.
These concern three geographic regions:
2.4 1.5 Enhancing adaptive capacity cycle of poverty and at the same time generate
in agriculture may enhance accelerated shared economic growth.
the resilience of the poor as long Such interactions could be reinforced via social
as they are fully included in
adaptation strategies +1 programmes in nutrition education
frameworks and safeguards for poor and
2.b 1.b Removal of trade restrictions could
vulnerable small-scale food producers within
constrain the creation of pro-poor
a competitive market environment
policy frameworks by limiting the
range of policy actions, at least in
Ensure inclusive participation in trade negotiations
the short term
and in addressing trade related issues. Consider
the situation of the poorest countries in the agricul-
ture sector and design trade policy accordingly.
Address factors leading to market failure such as
limited market access. Set up complementary
policies to trade reform – such as strengthening
social protection systems for those losing out from
trade and develop capacities to explore beneficial
sdg 1 through enhanced food and Although recent data show the rural/
nutrition security – which are urban gap in poverty to be declining,
essential to reduce poverty and with the poor urbanising faster than the
population as a whole (Chen and Raval-
eradicate extreme poverty lion, 2007), rural people still represent a
large proportion of the world’s extreme
Supporting small-scale food poor (i.e. those living on less than us$ 1.90
producers can lead to substantial per day). With wide regional variation,
80% of the world’s poor live in rural areas,
poverty reduction as rural people
64% work in agriculture, 44% are 14 years
constitute the largest segment of the old or younger, and 39% have no formal
world’s ultra-poor education (World Bank, 2016).
It is usually assumed that growth in
agriculture is at least twice more effective
A possible constraint is the potential
in reducing poverty than change in any
impact of trade liberalisation, other sector (World Bank, 2007). In this
because small-scale farmers, at sense, a focus on small-scale food producers
least in the short term, might be and aiming at doubling their agricultural
productivity and incomes (through equal
adversely affected by import surges access to land and other productive
and highly competitive foreign resources and inputs) (2.3), and on resilient
products or food dumping practices agriculture and adaptation practices (2.4)
should provide significant means to
achieve sdg 1. Such a focus can even rein-
If targets on agricultural force targets on access to equal rights
productivity and on ensuring to economic resources and basic services
(including control over land) (1.4) and
sustainable food production are not
on building resilience of the poor and those
implemented in tandem, the poor in vulnerable situations (1.5). Women are
and those in vulnerable situations identified in both sdg1 and sdg 2 as a target
group to support and empower.
are likely to be most affected
However, interactions between the
means of implementing sdg 2 and sdg 1,
such as removal of trade restrictions in
KEY INTERACTIONS world agricultural markets (2.b) versus the
There are many pathways through which creation of pro-poor policy frameworks
increases in agricultural productivity (1.b) can be constraining. There is a surpris-
can reduce poverty. Food and nutrition ing number of knowledge gaps about
security (2.1, 2.2) are inextricably linked to trade liberalisation and poverty, with
reducing and eradicating poverty (1.1, 1.2). disputed evidence on ‘automatic’ long-term
Without proper nutrition, humans cannot gains, which remain elusive even though
reach their full potential. Enhancing often asserted (Chabe-Ferret et al., 2007).
diets and improving nutritional outcomes In terms of developing countries, some
of a population is important to break research suggests that the consequences
the intergenerational cycle of poverty and of agricultural trade liberalisation are
at the same time generate accelerated very uneven. In middle-income developing
shared economic growth. Effects will have countries, liberalisation can be a source of
46 substantial growth, particularly in a high- safety nets are put in place and non-compet-
performing export sector. However, itive farmers are successfully integrated
in poorer countries such as Least Developing into other employment opportunities.
situations with sufficient, safe for children does not follow automatically
and nutritious food contributes to (Masset et al., 2011). Creating an enabling
reduced maternal mortality and environment for nutrition improvements
requires more holistic approaches, in-
preventable deaths of newborns cluding investment in social and human
and children under 5 years of age. capital programme development, nutri-
Food and nutrition security and tion education, enhanced childcare
practices, and empowerment of women
stable agricultural employment
in the household (Ruel et al., 2013).
can also help reduce epidemics of Food and nutrition security and stable
communicable diseases such as aids, agricultural employment strongly enable
malaria, and tuberculosis, among the reduction of epidemics such as
hiv (3.3) due to better nutrition and health
others status and better rural incomes helping
prevent the pursuit of unsafe practices
Depending on the agricultural leading to communicable diseases. For
practices used, doubling agricultural instance, a recent study in Africa showed
how local rainfall shocks can be a large
productivity may constrain the
source of income variation for rural
elimination of death and illness households and can increase infection
from water and soil pollution rates in hiv-endemic rural areas (Burke et
al., 2015). According to this study, income
and the ending epidemics of
shocks explain up to 20% of variation in
communicable diseases such as hiv prevalence across African countries,
malaria suggesting existing approaches to hiv
prevention could be bolstered by helping
households manage income risk better.
If nutrition security is not fully
There are negative interactions
embraced, a focus on low- between reducing premature mortality
nutrient and energy-rich foods from non-communicable diseases (3.4)
may counteract the reduction and diets dominated by low-cost, highly
processed food, which continue to
of premature mortality from non- increase worldwide. Over the past 50
communicable diseases years, consumption of sugar has tripled
worldwide. Like tobacco and alcohol,
KEY INTERACTIONS ‘added sugar’ has been identified in many
Good health is not possible without good studies as a driver for abuse that could
nutrition – the two are indivisible. lead to diseases such as liver toxicity and
Ending hunger, improving nutrition and other chronic diseases (Lustig et al., 2012).
achieving food security through sustain- Negative interactions are mitigated by tar-
able agriculture reinforces the reduction gets aimed at fighting malnutrition (2.1, 2.2).
of maternal mortality (3.1) and creates Depending on the agriculture practices
positive conditions for ending the used to double productivity, potential
preventable deaths of newborns and constraints can occur for reducing the
children under 5 years of age (3.2). In this number of deaths and illnesses from
sense, a major item of target 2.2 is to hazardous chemicals and air, water and
address the fundamental problem of mal- soil pollution (3.9). For example, forest
50 fires and soil cultivation in Amazonia are obesity. Prevention, including a healthy
responsible for a significant erosion of and well-balanced diet, is pivotal to
land surfaces. Erosion of oxisols was identi- avoiding disease, a worsening of health-
fied as one of the main mercury enrich- related conditions and hospitalisation.
ment processes in floodplains. Deforestation While emphasising productivity, the need
thus increases soil mercury mobilisation for diversification of food production
by runoff, which may explain the increase (not mentioned in target 2.3) may provide
in mercury burden in Amazonian aquatic broader options for healthy diets.
ecosystems in newly colonised watersheds Potential trade-offs could arise between
(Roulet and Maury-Brachet, 2001). the target to double agricultural produc-
Chemicals used in pesticides and fer- tivity (2.3), which may lead to practices
tilisers can adversely affect human health, and outcomes such as deforestation or
particularly for newborns, but can also irrigation that, in turn, lead to an increase
affect perinatal death and cancer outcomes in communicable diseases such as malaria
in the overall population – thus constrain- (3.3). Changes in biodiversity due to
ing the achievement of targets concerning deforestation have been reported to have
maternal mortality (3.1), mortality of adverse effects on the risk of malaria
newborns and children under the age of in the Brazilian and Peruvian regions
five years (3.2) and mortality from non- (Whitmee et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016).
communicable diseases (3.4) (Daniels Mosquitoes that transmit malaria can
et al., 1997; Vinson et al., 2011; Brainerd benefit from deforestation due to the
et al., 2014). In addition, conventional creation of new breeding sites, a reduction
agricultural practices leading to in biodiversity (including impacts on
pollinator loss may constrain production predators/prey relations), and the creation
of pollinated crops such as vegetables, of favourable microclimates for
fruits, nuts, seeds, and oils. Many of these mosquitoes to survive and reproduce
pollinator-dependent food products (e.g. by increasing humidity). Past studies
are important dietary sources of vitamins, have shown that increased numbers
micronutrients and minerals, without of vectors following irrigation can lead to
which the risks of malnutrition could increased malaria in areas of unstable
increase (ipbes, 2016). transmission, where people have little or
Doubling agricultural productivity (2.3) no immunity to malaria parasites, such
could constrain the reduction of prema- as in the African highlands and desert
ture mortality from non-communicable fringes (Ijumba and Lindsay, 2001). For
diseases (3.4) if this increase focuses on low- instance, in northern Ethiopia, the
nutrient and energy-rich foods, such as construction of micro-dams and irrigation
cereals, tubers, and fats. These agricultural systems to minimise dependence on
products are contributing to the triple rainfed agriculture and improve food
burden of undernutrition, micronutrient production systems led to an increase in
deficiency, and obesity with its associated the incidence of malaria among chil-
health issues, such as stunting, anaemia, dren under 10 years of age living near
and diabetes (Tappy et al., 2010). The poor dams (Ghebreyesus et al., 1999). Similarly,
are adversely affected in this respect failures in agriculture and vulnerability
because energy-rich, low-nutrient foods of the poorest to agricultural shocks
are becoming more affordable to them can increase hiv aids infection rates,
worldwide (Bernard, 2015). Target 2.1 with further increases driven by poor
aims to limit this negative interaction nutritional status.
by pointing to the need for safe and nutri-
tious food and target 2.2 focuses on
eliminating both under-nutrition and
51 KEY UNCERTAINTIES Directionality: Mostly unidirectional – sdg2
How consumer behaviour and preferences affects sdg 3, but poor health status can
might change over time is unclear, espe- also reduce the absorption of food; here
cially regarding the adoption of healthier health-based solutions can help improving
consumption patterns, and might affect sdg2 outcomes.
or be affected by trends and methods for
agricultural intensification and land use.
Time: Changes toward more sustainable
and nutrition-sensitive agriculture to
support healthy lives can be implemented
in a relatively short period – focusing
on agricultural products that enhance
nutrition, without adversely affecting
overall food availability. However, changing
dietary patterns to address obesity can
take much longer to achieve; similarly
adverse impacts from poor agricultural
practices can be quickly visible but might
be difficult to address.
2.1, 2.2
overall SDG 5
Ensuring food and nutrition secu-
rity reinforces women’s
empowerment. In turn, women’s
+2 Support policies that ensure
adequate and sufficient diets for
everyone; as well as policies that
empowerment is enabling nutrition strengthen women’s empowerment
security due partly to their role in agriculture. Promote equal
in food production and preparation access to productive resources,
and their greater inclination to rights and services in agriculture
spend resources they control on can reinforces the synergetic
family nutrition and health interactions between women’s
empowerment and food and
2.3 5.5, 5.a Promoting investment in rural
infrastructure, securing equal
access to productive resources
+2 nutrition security
use of agricultural waste can enable culture interacts at several levels with
an increase in renewable energy in ensuring access to affordable, reliable,
the global energy mix sustainable and modern energy for all.
With worldwide energy demand expected
to increase by 48% between 2012 and
Agriculture aiming at energy pro- 2040 (eia, 2016), agroforestry, biofuel crops,
duction can enable the increase and the use of agricultural wastes (animal
or plant), can support progress on sdg 7.
of small farmers’ revenues through
In this sense, sustainable agriculture,
more diversified production, mainly through doubling agricultural
and support universal access to productivity (2.3) and ensuring sustainable
food production systems (2.4) can help
affordable, reliable and modern
increase the share of renewable energy in
energy services the global mix (7.2). In addition, biofuels
as part of the production mix can lead
to the diversification of agriculture from
Affordable energy and better energy
which farmers can benefit and thus lead
efficiency can enable increased to positive synergies with target 2.3
agricultural productivity and focusing, among other things, on doubling
revenues and by doing so, provide revenues of small-scale food producers.
This can facilitate and enable universal
broader support for ending hunger access to affordable, reliable and modern
and malnutrition energy services (7.1).
Reciprocally, improving energy effi-
ciency (7.3) and better access to affordable,
Competition over the same resources
reliable and modern energy services
(land and water) may result in (7.1) can provide crucial leverage such as
negative interactions between sdg 2 better access to water-pumping and
and sdg 7. Increased agricultural irrigation systems, or other energy-inten-
sive agriculture technologies, such as
production and food and nutrition processing, storage and transportation
security may constrain the use systems for agricultural commodities.
of land and water for bioenergy, thus Such positive interactions should enable
the targets on productivity and enhanced
limiting the increase of renewable
incomes (2.3) and on ending hunger
energy and constraining universal and malnutrition (2.1, 2.2). Competition
access to energy. Similarly, bioenergy over the same resources may result in
development can constrain use negative interactions. Food and nutrition
security (2.1, 2.2) as well as the increase
of agricultural by-products for soil in agricultural productivity and income (2.3)
fertility enhancement and can may constrain the use of land and water
adversely affect food and nutrition at the expense of bioenergy production
and overall renewable energy deployment
security targets through competition
– that is, water is needed for all types
for land, water and biomass of energy production, but particularly for
bioenergy, hydropower, thermal power
production, coal, solar systems (7.1, 7.2).
61 In the case of hydropower production, KEY DIMENSIONS
large dam infrastructure can constrain Time: Interactions between sdg 2 and sdg 7
food systems, both for fisheries and (synergies and trade-offs), can have both
for food supply due to changes in the immediate and longer-term impacts. For
timing, quantity and quality of the example, lack of energy availability in
water released for irrigation. Moreover, rural areas prevents the extraction of
similar to other large-scale energy-dense deep groundwater resources for irrigation
agricultural commodities, large-scale until the area is electrified or diesel or
biofuel production systems can adversely solar pumps are accessible, a process that
impact water, soil and land quality and can take time. Application of energy in
would need to be implemented using the form of fertilisers can quickly boost
sustainable management practices. food production with results visible at
Furthermore, raising levels of irrigation the end of the growing season. Bioenergy-
to increase agricultural productivity, but sdg2 linkages have both shorter-term
also the higher energy requirements for and longer-term elements: production of
pumping water over long distances could energy sources can be achieved in a season
exacerbate this competition and further (or a few years depending on the plant)
deepen negative interactions between sdg 2 while longer-term soil, land and water
and sdg 7. quality and sustainability implications
Those interactions are highly context might take years to materialize.
dependent, and synergies or trade-offs
can emerge depending on the type of the Geography: Linkages are highly location-
biomass, the relative shares of food and specific, but changes in one country can
biofuel production (and subsidies), and the also have spill-over impacts on other
potential indirect spillover effects due to parts of the world given the nature of
international trade structures and patterns. international trade structures and patterns.
Good governance and coherence are key
to mitigate negative interactions and Governance: Good governance, careful
explore the synergies between sdg2 and planning designed via inclusive and
sdg 7. In this sense, farm activities could open policymaking are important. Such
be promoted toward maximising energy governance mechanisms need to study
production from agricultural wastes, and potential positive and negative linkages
reinforced synergies between targets 2.3 between sdg 2 and sdg 7 investments.
and 2.4 and targets 7.1 and 7.2. For instance, integrative participation
of local small food producers in renew-
KEY UNCERTAINTIES able infrastructure construction
Key uncertainties remain regarding (e.g. hydropower) or large-scale biofuel
future bioenergy production levels, production is key to ensure coherence
which are currently largely driven by among the goals and identify a wider range
subsidies and climate policies. The role of of impacts.
bioenergy production can both support
and constrain the achievement of sdg 2, Technology: Technological change has a sig-
and can constrain sdg 2 more so than nificant impact on the interactions between
other renewable energy sources. Other sdg 7 and sdg 2. For example, continued
critical uncertainties concern competition energy-based innovation is helping to in-
over natural resources between sdg2 and crease water, land and energy efficiency in
sdg 7, many of which are driven by rapid agriculture. Climate smart agricultural prac-
changes in innovation, and changes in cost tices can enhance the use of agricultural
structures and subsidies for alternative wastes (animal or plant) in support of local
technologies. and sustainable energy production.
62 Directionality: The linkage can be bi-direc-
tional. For example, solar-powered
pumps can deplete groundwater resources
2.4, 2.5 13.1 Resilient agricultural practices
and maintaining and giving
access to seeds/plant/animal
+2 Design policies and mechanisms
to foster and support agricultural
action plans with triple wins
genetic diversity should reinforce for food security, adaptation
adaptation to climate change and mitigation. Promote resilient
strategies and practices, including
13.2, 13.3, Enhancing international coop-
eration in agriculture research,
science, and services should
+2 market- and regulatory-based
today’s agriculture directly accounts other land uses are included (ipcc, 2014), a
for about 14% of greenhouse gas close second in global ghg emissions after
emissions. Similarly, sdg 13 directly electricity and heat production. Defor-
estation, livestock emissions, and soil and
affects sdg 2 nutrient management, are some of the
key drivers. At the same time, the challenge
sdg 2 targets on resilient, sustainable is to meet the needs of a growing world
food production and genetic population and rising average incomes per
person which implies an increase in
diversity reinforce resilience and
demand for all agricultural commodities
adaptive capacity to climate change especially livestock products. sdg13 focuses
and risks. Under some conditions, mainly on climate adaptation issues, but
in acknowledging the role of the United
they can also support climate
Nations Framework Convention on
mitigation Climate Change, the goal also indirectly
addresses climate mitigation and the
main aim of the Paris Agreement signed in
By enhancing international coop-
December 2015 to keep global tempera-
eration and building joint initiatives, ture rise this century well below 2°c above
sdg 2 enables the integration of pre-industrial levels (un, 2015a). The
climate change measures into Paris Agreement does not set specific
parameters on climate mitigation targets
national policies, strategies and for the agriculture sector which is very
planning and awareness raising on briefly mentioned within the Agreement
climate mitigation and adaptation preamble, but many of the country-
level strategies (94%) presented through
Nationally Determined Contributions
Boosting agriculture productivity (ndcs) do include mitigation action in the
relying solely on ‘business-as- agricultural sector; albeit without clear
benchmarks. Through the ndcs, the inte-
usual’ agricultural practices may
gration of climate change measures
counteract resilience and adaptive into national planning (13.2) is already
capacity to climate change. Instead, underway but close follow-up work
on the integration of strategies to mitigate
sustainability and productivity
climate change in agriculture are still
improvement within sdg 2 need needed. Overall, sdg 2 targets converge
to be realised in tandem to ensure with the Paris Agreement.
synergies with sdg 13 targets Beyond climate mitigation, sustainable
food productions systems (2.4) that
strengthen capacity for adaptation, and
that progressively improve soil and
land quality will reinforce the pursuit
of resilience and adaptive capacity to
climate change and risks (13.1). Improving
soil properties such as Carbon Stock
will contribute to adaption to climate
variability, that is, higher Soil Carbon stock
65 will improve water availability for crops, synergies with sdg 13 targets. Solutions do
and crops will adapt to adverse and erratic exist to enable a shift from a negative
weather. In addition, by maintaining to more positive interactions. For instance,
2.4 15.1, 15.2,
15.3, 15.4
Agriculture impacts on the well-
being of terrestrial ecosystems
(sustainable food production
+2 Maintain and provide access
to seeds/plant/animal genetic
system and agriculture practices)
should reinforce the maintenance Set up appropriate monitoring
of terrestrial ecosystems and systems at the correct scales
the prevention of land as well as to understand how agriculture
biodiversity erosion impacts on land degradation
and biodiversity loss. Developed
2.3, 2.4
15.3, 15.5, Combatting desertification,
restoring degraded land, and
reducing the impact of invasive
+1 landscape-scale management
approaches to address some of
the trade-offs between biodiversity
species as well as fair and better conservation and agriculture
access to genetic resource enable development
sustainable agriculture
Support multi-stakeholder platforms
2.a 15.a, 15.b Enhancing investment in
international agriculture
cooperation can participate
+1 and science / society / policy
interfaces: including scientists,
civil society organizations, farmers,
in resource mobilisation for policy decision-makers. Giving
sustainable management of space to traditional knowledge is
ecosystems key in this regard
2.1, 2.2 1.1, 1.2
2.3 overall SDG 1
+2 +2
2.3 1.4.
2.3 1.5
2.4 1.5
2.b 1.b
/ /
+2 +2
+1 +1
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 3.3
2.3 3.9, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4
2.3 3.4
2.3 3.3
2.a 5.b
2.4 6.3
2.4 6.6
+2 +2
2.2, 2.1 6.1, 6.2
2.3 6.1, 6.2, 6.4
/ /
-2 -2
-1 -1
2.3 6.3, 6.6
2.3, 2.4 7.1, 7.2
2.3, 2.1 7.3, 7.1
2.3 7.1, 7.2
+2 +2 +2
2.3, 2.4, 2.5 13.b
2.3 13.1
2.4 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4
2.3, 2.4 15.3, 15.5, 15.6
+1 +1
2.a 15.a, 15.b
2.3 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5
+ SDG 13 + SDG 15
Knowledge gaps and their order of magni- agricultural technologies and practices, are
tude differ for various reasons, and can most detrimental to water availability
vary from one geographical area to anoth- and water quality for downstream urban
er. In this context, science empower- and industrial developments and coastal
ment and capacity building on research, ecosystems. Access to existing data may
data collection, analysis and assessments also be an issue. Some government
on sdg 2 and its linkages are essential agencies are reluctant to share data with
to identify pathways toward meeting mul- other agencies; this could be due to poor
tiple sdgs. Investments and advances in data quality, because the data show poor
agricultural research and development will performance by the agency concerned,
be important for reducing negative linkages or because sharing the data might be
among sdg2 targets and between sdg 2 perceived as losing power. These challenges
targets and other sdg goals and targets. are heightened in interdisciplinary and
For example, global scientific cooperation multi-agency settings.
(south-north, south-south, triangular) is neces- The broad scope of the sdgs challenges
sary for universal science to make progress research, policymakers and the devel-
on issues such as the impact of climate opment community to work across disci-
change on agricultural production and plines and silos – something that is easily
nutritious quality of food produced, or the proclaimed but remains difficult to achieve.
spread of pathogens and invasive species. The section provides a non-exclusive list
Building and strengthening long-term of knowledge gaps that have been identified
observation and information systems in relation to the goal and target interaction
for sustainable development is key. To date, analysis in the previous sections.
sdg 2-related observation systems and
systems that might help identify risks for
related sdg goals and targets receive 2 + 1
insufficient financial support, and are The extent to which progress in sdg2
therefore subject to uneven quality and supports achievements in sdg1 is not
poor coverage. For example, adequate data a priority knowledge gap because
systems are not yet in place to predict achievements are largely synergetic.
food crises with sufficient accuracy, because However, a better understanding is
data are not collected at a high enough needed of how trade openness may impact
frequency or to a sufficient level of detail. smallholder farmers and how adverse
Lack of standardisation of data is a further impacts can be prevented.
challenge. Similarly, data are not yet
available to identify when and where uses 2 + 2
of agricultural land for biofuels (to support There is a need to develop new science,
energy and climate goals) may harm the technology and innovation and associated
environment or reduce food security institutions to reconcile targets 2.3 and
and increase stunting. Information is 2.4; these will be location-specific and will
insufficient concerning which agricultural change dynamically over time. There is
lands in a watershed, as well as which also a need for better understanding of
74 which interventions work best to achieve on how sdg 2 and sdg 6 targets can be
zero malnutrition, particularly in the short achieved in tandem. In particular, more
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PEER-REVIEWERS Martin Obermaier (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Anik Bhaduri (Griffith University, Australia) Brazil)
Kathryn Bowen (Australian National University) Marlon Pareja (De La Salle University Dasmarinas,
Clainos Chidoko (Great Zimbabwe University) Philippines)
Amy Choong (National University of Singapore) Farhan Rauf (Our Own Public Health Institute, Pakistan)
Marius Christen (University of Basel, Switzerland) Thomas Reuter (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Guéladio Cissé (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Adam Samms (Royal Roads University, Canada)
Institute, Switzerland) Lidion Sibanda (South Africa)
Charles Ebikeme (ICSU) R.B. Singh (University of Delhi, India)
Uwe Fritsche (International Institute for Sustainability Patricia Solis (Texas Tech University, United States)
Analysis and Strategy, Germany) Bill Sonntag (Environmental Protection Agency,
Franz Gatzweiler (Urban Health and Well-being United States)
programme, China) Kalum Udagepola (Scientific Research Development
Thomas Skou Grindsted (Roskilde University, Denmark) Institute of Technology, Australia)
Yabi Ibouraïma (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin) Ashish Upadhyay (Center for Environmental Planning
Nafiseh Jafarzadeh (Massachusetts Institute and Technology, India)
of Technology, United States) Ed Urban (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research,
Johnson Jament (University of Northampton, United States)
United Kingdom) Claude Villeneuve (Université du Québec, Canada)
Saroj Jayasinghe (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) Gabriela Wülser (Swiss Academies of Arts and
Kristina Jönsson (Lund University, Sweden) Sciences, Switzerland)
Daniel Kachelriess (CITES, Switzerland) Nima Yazdan Panah (Massachusetts Institute of
Shelton Kagande (University of Zimbabwe) Technology, United States)
Richard Kenchington (University of Wollongong,
Ushehwedu Kufakurinani (University of Zimbabwe)
Sigrid Kusch (Independent, Germany)
David Leblanc (UNDESA)
Martin Le Tissier (University College Cork/Future Earth
Coasts, Ireland)
Yong Liu (Tianjin University, China)
Stewart Lockie (James Cook University, Australia)
Dand Ly Quoc (Chiang Mai University, Vietnam)
Julius Madzore (Zimbabwe)
Kudzai Makoni (Africa Community Development and
Research Center, Zimbabwe)
Itai Offat Manyanhaire (Zimbabwe Open University)
Michelle Merrill (National Ecology and Environment
Foundation, United States)
Peter Messerli (Centre for Development and
Environment, Switzerland)
Tawanda Mushiri (University of Zimbabwe)
Godfrey Ndlovu (National University of science and
Technology, Zimbabwe)
Gilchriste Ndongwe (Zimbabwe Evidence Informed
Policy Network)
Aidin Niamir (Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate
Research Institute, Germany)
Ana Raquel Nunes (Warwick Medical School,
United Kingdom)