Review, Evolution, and Optimization of The Treatment of Kansanshi Mixed Copper Ore
Review, Evolution, and Optimization of The Treatment of Kansanshi Mixed Copper Ore
Review, Evolution, and Optimization of The Treatment of Kansanshi Mixed Copper Ore
VOLUME 116 561
Review, evolution, and optimization of the treatment of Kansanshi mixed copper ore
#3%*/454'-210132.52'5103-,531$50.)531$2*15/40%4.150))3132. ,2-*!-45+2&&4/5(3.4/0-,
VOLUME 116 563
Review, evolution, and optimization of the treatment of Kansanshi mixed copper ore
Notably, during the same period in 2011, due to a total Cu/acid-soluble Cu ratio. The period 2011 and 2012 also
shortfall of sulphide ore from the pit, it was decided that more coincided with the shift from treating predominantly
of the mixed ores would be treated, utilizing the larger stockpiled transitional ores to predominantly freshly mined
sulphide mills. This resulted in an 80% increase in daily ore from the pit. This ore was better grade-controlled for
throughput, effectively reducing the residence time through quality (acid-soluble Cu grade which was found to be the best
the mixed float circuit from 45 minutes to about 30 minutes. approximation of the weathering profile). Initially, classifi-
Figure 4 depict the flow sheets before and after the cation of mixed ores was based purely on the amount of acid-
expansion. Figure 5 shows the effect of the additional float soluble Cu and GAC minerals in the material. Freshly mined
cells on the recovery from mixed ore. material also showed less tarnishing. Figure 7 shows the
progressive drop in sulphidizer consumption, especially
during this same period of the circuit expansion.
From the results obtained after the mixed circuit expansions, Clearly, a rigorous statistical approach was required to
it could at first glance (Figure 5) be deduced that there was prove the benefits of the expanded circuit and the increased
an immediate improvement, especially if the two periods of number of sulphidization stages.
running the same mills on mixed ore (before June 2011 and
after June 2012) are considered. However, as can be seen
from Figure 6, recovery from the mixed ore through the As shown in Table III, two sets of recovery data were
Kansanshi circuit also has a very strong correlation with the subjected to F-tests. The first set of data was for 192 days
Table III
0/0(414/ #14,15/4,*-1, #14,1512,0(&-45'2/50/30.+4
5(3. 3%$5/4,3)4.+4513(455 5(3. 25/4,3)4.+4513(455
5(3. 3%$5/4,3)4.+4513(455 5(3.
(192 data points) taken from on either side of the mill swap,
which resulted in major changes in residence time. The new
The increase in rougher and CPS stages on the mixed circuit
residence time was around 45 minutes on average, compared
was therefore successful in reducing copper losses. However,
with 20 minutes before the extension. A recovery difference
the resulting multiple sub-concentrate discharge points
of 7.45% (higher at a residence time of 45 minutes) was
caused a drop in final product (final concentrate) quality. The
noted with 100% confidence limit. Similarly, 204 data points higher mass pulls, and consequently increased volume
were picked for before and after the mill swap in 2011/2012. reporting to the limited cleaner/recleaner flotation bank of
This data-set showed a 10% recovery drop at a residence only 288 m3 total volume, subdivided into nine float cells of
time of 30 minures, again with 100% confidence limit. 32 m3 each, led to higher insoluble components (silicates,
VOLUME 116 565
Review, evolution, and optimization of the treatment of Kansanshi mixed copper ore
aluminates, etc.) in the final combined concentrates. This The main parameter affecting the total Cu recovery or the
resulted in significant smelter penalties. Figure 8 shows the total Cu of the tails is the acid-soluble Cu feed grade.
trend of insolubles in the mixed ore final product, the Because the oxide minerals are more difficult to recover than
recleaner concentrate. In August 2014, the cleaner/recleaner the sulphides, a lower recovery (higher tails grade) can be
capacity was increased to ameliorate this problem, to great expected when the acid-soluble Cu feed grade increases. It is
effect (Figure 8). Volumetrically, the capacity increased from thus not possible to set a fixed recovery target for the mixed
a restricted 288 m3 to a substantial 1220 m3, consisting of ore flotation. However it is possible to set a tails grade target
three banks: 6 × 150 m3 cleaners, 8 × 30 m3 recleaners, and a depending on the acid-soluble Cu feed grade. As a general
further 5 ×16 m3 re-recleaners. rule, if the total Cu tails grade is lower than the acid-soluble
feed grade, an average plant performance is achieved. The
NaHS consumption depends mainly on the acid-soluble Cu
The variation in mineralogy and TCu/AsCu contents in the feed grade. The fit for the model of the NaHS consumption is
feed causes significant fluctuations in recovery (Table IV). poor because it is calculated based on the variations in stock
Flotation recovery from mixed ore generally varies between inventory levels. The model of the total Cu tails grade is not
50–90%. The NaHS consumption varies between 300 g/t and much different from the one obtained with the daily results,
3000 g/t. Robust multilinear regressions using iteratively but the model of the NaHS consumption is very different, and
reweighted least squares was used for modelling the plant the fit is much better; however, the application range has
flotation final tails and NaHS consumption. Performance of been reduced. Because the NaHS consumption is very
the plant is compared with the model on a daily basis. This variable, the stocks must be controlled carefully to avoid
also serves to highlight the variability in the results and running out of reagents and to avoid holding excessive stock
reagent consumption. The correlation coefficients between the that would degrade. The model of the NaHS consumption can
total Cu tails grade or NaHS dosage and the total Cu feed be used for monitoring the NaHS stocks, depending on the
grade and acid-soluble Cu feed grade are given in Table V. forecast for feed grades coming from the mine.
The equations are of the form:
[1] "2.+-*,32.,
The envisaged recovery improvements from plant extensions
and increasing the stagewise addition of sulphidizer were
[2] achieved. The increased residence time increased the recovery
of slow-floating (tarnished) chalcopyrite. The probability of
Figure 9 shows the models obtained for the total Cu grade recovery of previously fully liberated but unrecovered
of the tails, the corresponding recovery, and the model malachite was increased by the addition of a further two
obtained for the NaHS consumption. Table VI gives the stages of sulphidization at the tailings end of the old circuit.
correlation coefficients between the models and the actual The mineralogical results showed that most chalcopyrite was
plant daily results. recoverable only after being activated by sulphidizer in the
Table IV Table V
0.%452'5)0105*,4)5'2/51$45(2)4- "2//4-0132.5+24''3+34.1,
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NaHS consumption 0.64 JONES, M.H. and WOODCOCK, J.T. 1978. Optimization and control of laboratory
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