The Role of Pulp Potential and The Sulphidization Technique in The Recovery of Sulphide and Oxide Copper Minerals From A Complex Ore
The Role of Pulp Potential and The Sulphidization Technique in The Recovery of Sulphide and Oxide Copper Minerals From A Complex Ore
The Role of Pulp Potential and The Sulphidization Technique in The Recovery of Sulphide and Oxide Copper Minerals From A Complex Ore
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
Coe, 1998; Lee et al., 2009; Hope, Woods, and Parker, 2010; 1973), where Eh is the oxidation-reduction potential as
Hope et al., 2012). This is not the case with chrysocolla, measured by a platinum electrode, while ES is the potential
however, because of its amorphous nature (McKeown, 1994; value of an ion-selective electrode such as Ag/AgCl. The
Hope et al., 2012). potential has also been shown to be dependent on the
Sulphidization as a method of promoting the recovery of concentration of the sulphidizer (Soto and Laskowski, 1973),
oxidized ores was patented in 1905 (Schwarz, 1905) and has the nature of the sulphidizing agent used (Quast et al.,
since been developed and adapted as the preferred 2005), and the overall pulp chemical conditions (Feron and
pretreatment method prior to the flotation of oxide and mixed Manu, 1994).
copper ores containing both oxides and sulphides. The The objective of this study was to investigate the
reagents used in this technique of activating base metal floatability of a complex Kansanshi mixed copper ore
oxides are alkali sulphides (Soto and Laskowski, 1973) such comprising sulphide and oxide minerals with a view to
as sodium sulphide (Na2S) and sodium hydrosulphide achieving an optimal flotation performance in the treatment
(NaHS). Slug sulphidization, in which the sulphidizing agent of the Kansanshi orebody. This required an in-depth analysis
is added to the pulp in a single slug dose, has been of the mineralogy of the feed, as well as tailings samples after
investigated (Jones and Woodcock, 1979; Quast et al., 2005) different flotation processes using a range of reagent types
but is generally not preferred because of the difficulty in and dosage procedures. The focus on the mineralogical study
controlling the pulp potential, thus leading to poor mineral of tailings rather than concentrate was to identify those
recoveries due either to under-sulphidizing or depression of minerals that did not respond favourably to the various
minerals due to over-sulphidizing. Controlled potential
flotation procedures used. This also addressed the question
sulphidiation (CPS) has been applied in numerous operations
regarding the relative roles of the sulphidizer in contributing
around the world, including Zambia (Chabuka and Witika,
either to the flotation of possibly tarnished chalcopyrite
2001; Wills and Napier-Munn, 2006), the Democratic
particles or to the flotation of oxides such as chrysocolla
Republic of Congo (Ferron and Manu, 1994) and China
which are associated with chalcopyrite.
(Wenbin, 1993).
Generally, CPS gives better results than slug
sulphidization in laboratory studies. These results are, :(624)617308)67'5/+
however, difficult to reproduce at plant scale. ‘…The main A high-grade sample of mixed ore was obtained by belt-cut
drawback of CPS is that the optimum dose of the sulphidising at Kansanshi. The sample assayed 1.17% Cu. Mineralogical
agent is highly dependent on the time of conditioning, analysis was performed using a LEO SEM-based QEMSCAN
procedures of mixing and other variables, leading usually to QS18 platform equipped with two Bruker 4010 SDD detectors
poor reproducibility in a plant situation.’ (Lee et al., 2009). for all analyses.
The change in the nature of the feed also has an effect on A 1% (w/v) sodium isobutyl xanthate, SIBX, collector
CPS (Jones and Woodcock, 1979). Nagaraj and Gorken stock solution was made up to be dosed as required for each
(1991) suggested that the use of an on-stream analyser test. The frother, DOW200, was used as provided. A 10%
could eliminate the uncertainty in dosing NaHS and possibly (w/v) stock solution of sulphidizing agent, NaHS, was made
minimize the necessity of changing the collector dosage. A up to be dosed as required for each test.
wide range of potentials have been proposed as ‘optimum’ in An Eriez Magnetics® MASCLAB belt-driven stainless steel
the CPS of malachite-rich ores, viz. –300 to –380 (ES) mV laboratory-scale rod mill was used for all milling in the test
(Feron and Manu, 1994), –500 (ES) mV (Quast et al., 2005), work. The mill had an internal diameter of 200 mm and a
and +50 (Eh) mV or +250 (Eh) mV, depending on the length of 297 mm, and was charged with 20 mild steel rods
concentration of the sulphidizing agent (Soto and Laskowski, of three diameters, viz. six 16 mm, eight 20 mm, and six
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
25 mm rods. All flotation tests were carried out in triplicate in and time required for optimum sulphide mineral recovery,
a 3 L Barker flotation cell. The cell is made of clear Perspex to two different sulphidization techniques were investigated.
enable visual control of froth depth and is fitted with a top- The first set of sulphidization tests used slug sulphidization.
driven variable speed impeller. Flotation was carried out at an In the case of CPS, the same initial procedure was followed.
impeller speed of 1500 r/min and air flow rate of 7 L/s. However, at the point of NaHS addition, three sulphidization
Various electrode systems were used to monitor the pulp stages were added to the flotation procedure and two
chemistry during sulphidization. A YSI 556 MPS multi-probe potential ranges were investigated. The NaHS dosage was
system was used to measure and log the temperature, pH, determined by the potential range that was targeted namely –
dissolved oxygen (DO), and redox potential (vs SHE) (Eh) of 300 to –400 mV or –400 to –500 mV. The total NaHS dosages
the system, and the sulphidization potential, ES, was required throughout the tests were 219 g/t and 397 g/t
measured using a HANNA silver/silver-chloride ion-selective respectively. The conditioning time for each NaHS addition
electrode (ISE) and HANNA HI 8424 meter. The main was 3 minutes. Three NaHS:SIBX ratios were investigated
difference between the two meters is that the YSI (Pt) is within each sulphidization stage, viz. 20:1, 10:1, and 7:1.
capable of data logging, whereas the HANNA (Ag/AgCl) The conditioning time after each SIBX addition was 2
system is not. The use of the two pulp potential probes was minutes. The third, fourth, and fifth concentrates were
aimed at determining the relationship, if any, between Eh and collected for 3 minutes each, during which time the potential
ES. Eh and ES potentials of continuously stirred LQ ore were may have increased, requiring further NaHS addition in the
monitored after slug addition of 250 g/t and 500 g/t of NaHS. second and third sulphidization stages.
Figure 1 shows the linear relationship between the two
expressions within defined potential ranges; –300 to –400 6+,07+
mV and –400 to –500 mV. Since the YSI (Pt) electrode
showed more consistent readings as well as the ability to
measure more than one parameter, this electrode was used The bulk mineralogy of the ore as determined by QEMSCAN
throughout the test work. is given in Table I. The ore contained both sulphide and oxide
A grind size of 80% passing 150 μm was chosen to copper minerals. The two most abundant copper minerals
replicate site conditions. Bearing in mind that this ore were chrysocolla (3.8 wt%) and chalcopyrite (1.0 wt%). The
contained both sulphide and oxide copper minerals, the major gangue minerals in the ore were calcite (29.1 wt%),
flotation procedures developed focused on optimizing firstly plagioclase feldspar (23.8 wt%), and quartz (16.4 wt%).
the sulphide mineral recovery and then the oxide mineral Table II shows the copper deportment in the ore. 63.1% of
recovery by investigating CPS. A schematic of the flotation the copper reported as chrysocolla, 22.2% as chalcopyrite,
procedures is given in Figure 2. Sulphide mineral recovery 1.5% as cuprite, and 2.9 % as malachite/azurite. The focus of
tests were conducted over 10 minutes, during which four the study was therefore on chalcopyrite and chrysocolla
concentrates were collected. After determining the dosage because they were the two most abundant copper minerals.
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
,08)4162305-!85*87'68)46/8526 462374518&24762438,+6/8418)4162305-4&3083130!+4+
416230 623-68&5176178#7
Criterion Area percentage mineral exposed
Liberated ≥ 90%
Pyrite 1.0 Middlings 90–30%
Pyrrhotite 0.7 Locked ≤ 30%
Chalcopyrite 1.0
Bornite >0.1
Covellite >0.1 The liberations of chalcopyrite and chrysocolla were
Other sulphides 0.1 determined using QEMSCAN. Table III shows the definitions
Cuprite >0.1 of liberation used.
Malachite/azurite 0.1 Figure 3 shows the extent of liberation of chalcopyrite
Chrysocolla 3.8
and chrysocolla. About 29.8% of the chrysocolla (1.1% of the
Amphibole 3.8
Mica 9.2
3.8% in the ore) and 51.5% of the chalcopyrite (0.5% out of
Kaolinite 1.7 the 1.0% in the ore) were fully liberated. Association data
Plagioclase feldspar 23.8 indicated that the chalcopyrite was mostly associated with
Quartz 16.4 chrysocolla, viz. 42.9% of the chalcopyrite was associated
Calcite 29.1 with chrysocolla and 3.9% with malachite. Most of the
Fe-Ti minerals 1.1
chrysocolla was associated with limonite, viz. 39.4%. 1.26%
Limonite 6.7
Others 1.7
of the chrysocolla was associated with malachite and 4.0%
with chalcopyrite.
Table II
$5((628/6(527)617 Initial tests were conducted to optimize chalcopyrite and
secondary copper sulphide mineral recovery using SIBX.
416230 $,8/6(527)6178
Collector dosages of 20 g/t, 30 g/t, and 50 g/t were
investigated. Figure 4 shows the grade-recovery results for
Chalcopyrite 22.2 these tests. Both Cu recovery and grade increased with an
Bornite 0.6
Chalcocite/digenite 0.2
increase in collector dosage from 20 g/t to 30 g/t, but
Covellite 0.4 decreased when the dosage was increased to 50 g/t. 30 g/t
Cuprite 1.5 SIBX gave the highest Cu recovery (24.7%) at a grade of
Malachite/azurite 2.9 14.5% and was thus selected as the best dosage from the
Chrysocolla 63.1 three values tested for sulphide mineral recovery. The tailings
Mica 0.1
from the 30 g/t SIBX test were subjected to mineralogical
Kaolinite 5.6
Plagioclase feldspar 0.1
analysis using QEMSCAN. Table IV shows that 5.8% of the
Quartz 0.4 copper that was not recovered was chalcopyrite and 1.2% was
Limonite 3.2 malachite, but the bulk of the copper in the tailings was
hosted in chrysocolla, viz. 78.8%.
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
the case of slug addition. It is important to note that in the water recovery is typical of a greater degree of entrainment of
case of CPS when adding NaHS to control the potential in the non-floatable minerals. Clearly, the CPS method results in
range of –300 to –400mV, the total NaHS addition was 219 greater true flotation of oxide minerals, but there is also an
g/t, but in the case of the higher potential range of –400 to – increased recovery of gangue minerals due to the higher
500mV it was 397 g/t. It should be noted that a fifth water recovery, which is indicative of a greater froth stability.
concentrate was included in these tests, which may induce The tailings after slug sulphidization treatment with 500
higher solids and water recoveries. g/t NaHS were subjected to mineralogical analysis, and the
The increase in solids recovery after the introduction of copper deportment is illustrated in Table V. Two important
NaHS, whether by slug addition or CPS, can be attributed observations arise. Firstly, comparison of the above results to
partly to the recovery of oxide minerals that were not those shown in Table V indicates that all of the chalcopyrite
recovered during flotation with SIBX only. It is noteworthy that had not been recovered in the pre-sulphidization stage
that the increase was greater in the case of CPS than for slug was recovered after sulphidization. This is consistent with
addition. The grade-recovery trends are summarized in the recoveries of 22.9% without sulphidization (loss of 5.8%
Figure 6. In the case of slug addition, Cu recovery increased to the tailings) and 30% recovery after sulphidization with
with increasing NaHS addition. The same observation has
essentially no chalcopyrite reporting to the tailings. Since the
been made in the case of slug sulphidization of oxidized
chalcopyrite in the feed to sulphidiation had been shown to
lead-zinc-silver material with Na2S (Jones and Woodcock,
be mostly liberated, it is possible that some of it had become
1979) and malachite with calcium polysulphide (Quast et al.,
tarnished due to in situ weathering or during storage and
2005). CPS addition of NaHS also increased Cu recovery
when compared to the base case (30 g/t SIBX), although the
grades were lower, thus illustrating that NaHS addition using
the CPS method increased the mass pull. Clearly, NaHS plays Table V
a role in enhancing the recovery of the oxides of copper. In
fact, the average Cu recovery when NaHS was added did not
vary significantly when comparing slug and CPS addition +,0('4/4
374518#47'8 ..8-"783%
procedures. In both cases the average recovery was in the
416230 $,8/6(527)6178
region of 30%.
In the case of CPS, the highest solids recoveries were Chalcopyrite 0.80
paired with the highest water recoveries for both potential Bornite 0.06
ranges. CPS addition of NaHS also resulted in a significant Chalcocite/digenite >0.1
increase in Cu recovery from the 22.9% observed for the base Covellite 0.10
Cuprite 0.09
case (30 g/t SIBX) to an average of about 30%. However, Malachite/dzurite 0.63
CPS treatment resulted in a general decrease in grade, from Chrysocolla 84.79
approximately 15% to 10%, compared to slug sulphidization. Mica 0.14
This indicates a greater but unselective mass pull of solids Kaolinite 9.15
Plagioclase feldspar >0.1
into the concentrate, thus reducing the copper grade. This is
Quartz >0.1
an interesting result, since the highest water recoveries were Limonite 4.18
also observed in CPS. This relationship between solids and
The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique
therefore required sulphidization. Sulphidization followed by obtained after sulphidization showed no residual
xanthate flotation has been shown to recover tarnished chalcopyrite, and that a significant amount of oxide minerals
chalcopyrite (Clark et al., 2000) and other sulphide minerals had been collected. Microflotation studies showed that
such as pentlandite (Newell and Bradshaw, 2007). Secondly, sulphidization favoured the recovery of malachite but not of
all the other oxide copper minerals except chrysocolla chrysocolla. This suggests that the increase in copper
responded positively to the NaHS/xanthate flotation recovery after sulphidization was a result of the flotation of
treatment. These findings are consistent with observations chalcopyrite that had not responded to xanthate treatment,
made by Kottgen and Bastin (2009). In this context, the due possibly to some degree of tarnishing.
floatability of a relatively pure sample of a typical copper
oxide mineral before and after sulphidization is clearly of
interest. Microflotation tests with NaHS and SIBX (Figure 7)
showed clearly that malachite, which is a typical example of The assistance of the Julian Baring Scholarship Fund (JBSF)
such a mineral, was recovered after NaHS/xanthate and First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (FQML) is acknowledged
(sulphidized) treatment but that chrysocolla did not respond with thanks.
positively to such treatment. Unsulphidized refers to tests
done with only xanthate addition. Clearly, any chrysocolla 6*6261&6+
that reported to the concentrate after sulphidization would do
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