Review of Copper Pyrometallurgical Practice: Today and Tomorrow
Review of Copper Pyrometallurgical Practice: Today and Tomorrow
Review of Copper Pyrometallurgical Practice: Today and Tomorrow
The pyrometallurgical processing of copper varies worldwide with respect to the charge materials, process, operating parameters,
and the physical shape, size, and orientation of the vessel. Plant operations may be either batch, semi-continuous, or fully con-
tinuous to produce blister copper or other end product. The paper provides a compendium of hot metal practice for the multi-billion
dollar global copper industry. The specialized sector, involving smelting and converting of copper-bearing materials, addresses
commercially proven systems and alternative technologies. Five producers, namely, Chile 21.7%, China 11.4%, USA 10.7%, Japan
10.2%, and Russia 6.1%, accounted for the majority of primary refined copper in 2002. The writers reviewed the operations of 220
copper smelters worldwide which is in sharp contrast to nickel smelters which presently number about 50. A comparison of flash
converting practices for Ausmelt, Inco, Kennecott, and Mitsubishi is included after summarizing known hot metal systems. For
completeness, a section outlines the principles of copper electrorefining which go hand in glove with the front end pyrometallurgical
treatment. The comprehensive paper, which may serve as a reference source, is analogous to a treatise since the broad and extensive
coverage has international dimensions. Issues such as primary and secondary smelting, process variations due to either sulphidic or
other copper-containing feedstock, marketing of the product mix, fugitive fixation such as production of sulphuric acid, and re-
covery of by-products such as precious metals, selenium, and tellurium are not addressed herein. Selected references illustrate
smelting principles, competing technologies, and future trends in this vital segment of the economy.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-604-822-8745; fax: +1-604-822-3619.
E-mail addresses: (R.R. Moskalyk), (A.M. Alfantazi).
Fax: +1-705-522-3698.
0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
894 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915
products annually represents around 19.5-million tonnes produced about 35%. Imports of copper concentrates
of which about 15.3-million tonnes (75–80%) originates and blister to China have gradually been declining. The
from refined copper while about 4.2-million tonnes (20– overall world production of refined copper in 2002
25%) is derived from direct-melt scrap. Products are amounted to 15,245,000 tonnes which represented
divided into two categories: (i) wire and cable and (ii) all 77.9% of total refinery capacity and reflected a 1.6%
other copper and alloy products. Wire and cable decrease from 2001 (CRU, 2003). The US refined output
production consumes roughly two-thirds of worldwide (primary and secondary) in 2002 was 1,545,000 tonnes
refined copper production (Bloomsbury Minerals Eco- while mine output of 1,130,000 tonnes was supple-
nomics, 2003). The latest trend in the industry usually mented by scrap recycling and imports. The 2002 con-
involves ownership change to vertically integrate chains sumption was comprised of 16.5% for each of USA and
of formerly independent mines, smelters, refineries, and China while Japan and Germany each consumed about
fabricating operations. 7.3% of available copper (Bloomsbury Minerals Eco-
Worldwide land-based copper reserves report in both nomics, 2003). World consumption is expected to rise by
sulphide-bearing ore bodies and in oxide form where five percentage points during 2003. Although 2003 be-
mining occurs within either underground or open pits gan with a surplus of copper, conditions may reverse
(World Copper Databook, 1996). Copper sulphides to a deficit in the second quarter. The modest demand
consist of minerals such as chalcopyrite, chalcocite, recovery in refined copper, compared to aluminum and
bornite, cubanite, and enargite. Laterite ores such as nickel, such as in China has pumped up prices of the red
occurring in the southern hemisphere contain copper metal. While economies suffer from the excesses of the
oxides such as cuprite and hydrous compounds (e.g., late 1990s and the year 2000, copper demand has
malachite, azurite). Copper is associated with base weakened due to the war in Iraq and seasonal buying.
metals such as nickel and cobalt (JOM, 1998). Pyro- The tightness of the scrap market has forced firms to
metallurgical technologies have been commercialized for consume more copper cathode. Copper availability has
the processing of either sulphides or laterites containing been plagued during the past year by strikes, planned
copper metal values plus other non-ferrous metals such shutdowns, and maintenance repairs. It is rumoured
as nickel and cobalt (Moskalyk and Alfantazi, 2000, that the 220,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) Pasar operation
2002a,b). The paper outlines the global concepts for the in the Philippines may encounter a work stoppage
hot metal processing of copper-bearing materials fol- (CRU, 2003).
lowed by traditional electrorefining to obtain saleable Chile and China are the world’s biggest copper pro-
products. The copper industry is unlike the nickel or ducers which combined annually account for about 4.5
cobalt industries that are dominated by a few large million metric tonnes of refined copper output. Chile as
producers (Mineral Commodities Summaries, 2003; the world’s largest copper producer is expected to ac-
Stirton and Brown, 1998). Nickel supply from the count for 19.3% of the global market (primary and
western world and Norilsk in Russia during 2002 secondary) during 2003. Corporacion Nacional del
amounted to 474 and 118 kilometric tonnes, respec- Cobre de Chile (Codelco), plans to increase copper out-
tively. The production of copper was greater than nickel put from its mines by 55%. The expansion follows the
by a factor of about 22:1 for the same period. The roster merger of the company’s Chuquicamata and Radomiro
of commercial smelting systems ranges from low to high Tomic mines, which produced 902,267 tonnes of copper
capacity. During 2003, copper accounts for a US$24- in 2001, and the development of smaller deposits in
billion investment in mine projects (E&Mj, 2003). northern Chile. Part of the expansion plan included the
Copper ranked in first place (31.6%) for capital expen- expansion of Chuquicamata’s copper refinery from
ditures of major metals followed by gold (21%) and 800,000 to 900,000 tpa of copper cathode (Mining
nickel (15.8%). A projection for the next generation of Journal, 2002). BHP Billiton Ltd. owns 57.5% of the
smelting system in the year 2010 was made by Demetrio Escondida mine in Chile which is the world’s largest. It
et al., (1999). Although Outokumpu technology pres- is capable of producing 1.25 million tonnes of copper
ently appears to be in vogue, innovative efficient designs annually after completing an expansion during late
such as Vanyukov may challenge its position in the next 2002. Apart from impacting on price via the formation
decade. of strategic stockpiles, grade flexing (low-grading) is
World copper mine output in 2002 was 13.3-million another technique. Ore grade flexing by means of se-
metric tonnes and is anticipated to reach 14 million by lective mining at major low-cost mines in Chile such as
the beginning of 2004. Present global land-based re- Escondida and Chuquicamata in effect deferred copper
sources are projected at 1.6-billion tonnes of copper contained in concentrates production. The flexing ap-
while deep-sea nodules are estimated to contain 700- proach in late 2002 rebalanced production and con-
million tonnes. The total world smelter production of sumption of refined copper. Chile experienced a negative
blister grade copper in 2002 amounted to 12,072,000 impact on its competitive position in recent years at-
metric tonnes of which Japan, Chile and China tributed to its inflation rate and adverse movements in
896 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
its exchange rate coupled with huge inflows of foreign ginning in 2006. The overall copper balance depends
capital. In 2003, Codelco obtained approval for the upon equilibrium of its components such as concen-
US$1.2-billion Mejillones smelter–refinery project trates, blister, and refined material. Subsequently, the
(Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, 2003). Codelco is internal balance of key components of concentrates and
seeking partners for this project which is part of its plan blister are affected by factors such as (i) output at the
to double its value by 2005 (CRU, 2003). Grupo Minero mines and smelters (ii) domestic and international
Mexico operates 10 mining units, 11 smelters and re- transit and (iii) the effects of imports and exports
fineries. Canada is the third largest copper producer in (Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, 2002). The individ-
the Western World after Chile and the United States. uals engaged in marketing and analysis of supply and
Vietnam started construction of its first copper mine and demand deserve recognition since their expertise com-
smelter (US$65.3-million) during late 2002. The Sin plements the hot metal phase which is but one segment
Quyen complex is located in the northern province of of the long and complicated process from mine face
Lao Cai about 360 km NE of Hanoi. The smelter is through to finished product. An understanding of ter-
expected to produce 10,500 tonnes per year of refined minology such as contangos, futures contracts, premia,
copper for domestic consumption in the first stage. tranches, and warrants is required in this aspect of the
Local copper reserves predict a mine life of 50 years. The global copper industry. With the exclusion of copper, it
People’s Republic of China (PRC) operates 50 smelters has been said that some metals lack producer discipline.
of which only four have the capacity to produce in ex- The market price for the ‘‘red metal’’ has fluctuated
cess of 100,000 tpa. The average smelter capacity in considerably during the past years (Silva, 1999; Silva,
China is 20,000 tpa while plants in the Western World 1998). Isabel Marshall of Anaconda Chile (Luksic
nominally produce 80,000 tpa (Humphreys, 2002). Group) predicted US$0.75 copper in 2000 until the
MMC Norilsk Nickel accounts for 3.5% of global cop- oversupply ended in 2001. She estimated copper prices
per output and half of Russia’s output. Norilsk’s unions averaging one American dollar per pound during the
are demanding a 17% wage increase and longer paid next 8–10 years. August 2003 LME prices for Grade
vacations in 2003 thereby creating a problematic situa- ‘‘A’’ copper were within a narrow band of 80–81 US
tion (Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, 2002).The In- cents per pound and likely were affected by the war in
ternational Copper Study Group (ICSG) evaluates Iraq and other geopolitical tensions such as North
copper performance in geographic sectors such as the Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
Western World comprised of Europe, Africa, Asia, An example of a company with production costs
NAFTA, South America, and Oceania in comparison to firmly under control is Freeport-McMoRan Copper &
the Eastern Bloc. Gold Inc. (FCX), which engages in the smelting and
Copper in the prescient copper market is traded at refining of copper concentrate in Spain and Indonesia
major exchanges such as the London Metal Exchange (Barrios et al., 1998a,b; Barrios et al., 1997). PT Free-
(LME), Comex and SHME (Shanghai). Copper prices port Indonesia (PT-FI) produced the red metal for an
are said to have a PhD in economic forecasting due to average net cash production cost of eight cents per
the ubiquitous metal’s widespread use. The LME and pound during 2002 including by-product gold and silver
Comex finished copper inventories at the end of 2002 credits (News Release, 2003). FCX is the world’s largest
were reported at 856,000 and 362,000 tonnes, respec- single producer of custom concentrate of which about
tively. The LME consists of storage facilities in Europe, one-half is sold to its affiliated smelters Atlantic Copper
Asia, the USA, and other bonded warehouses (CRU, and PT Smelting. PT-FI remains the world’s lowest cost
2003). LME/Comex prices during 2003 are expected to copper producer while the 225,000 tpa Caraıba Metais
remain slightly over the US80 cent level. Codelco ac- SA smelter at Camacßari near Dias D’Avila in Brazil
cumulated 40,100 tonnes of Grade ‘‘A’’ cathode in its is essentially at par. PT Smelting in Indonesia is con-
strategic stockpile which it is withholding from the sidering an increase of smelter capacity from 200 to
market. Codelco continues to remove 15 kt monthly 240k tpa by early 2004 (Bloomsbury Minerals Econom-
from the market while LME stocks drop monthly by 20 ics, 2003). A bar chart for 2001 indicated that copper
kt. Apart from other government stockpiles, it is esti- smelter and refinery cash costs ranged from about 12 to
mated that Chile will stock 200 kt over the course of the 24 !/lb. (Hunt, 2001). The 2002 average production costs
year while the Chinese Central Bank will buy 270 kt. of major Western World copper producers consisted of
The buffer stock build-up is starving both the merchant US57 cents per pound for USA, 48!/lb. in Chile, and
market and China. A pricing model suggests that a cash 29!/lb. in Indonesia. Smelting and refining charges for
price of US$1985/tonne represents a ceiling without an average feed mix in 2003 are expected to cost 15 !/lb.
prompting reactivation of huge amounts of idled ca- The custom smelting charges for concentrates are
pacity (Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, 2002). Ana- expected to increase from US$60/dmt to US$92/dmt
lysts are predicting a gradual withdrawal of the stockpile during the period 2003–2010 (Bloomsbury Minerals
and a copper price of US$2100 per tonne (95 !/lb.) be- Economics, 2003). Smelting charges may rise dramati-
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 897
cally in 2004 as the Chilean producers again process some traditional units such as reverberatory furnaces
average ore grades or high-grade ore and some US require prior roasting of the concentrate feed by means
mines may reopen. Some companies (e.g., BHP Billiton of fluid bed roasters or multiple hearth Herreshoff
Marketing AG) may elect to toll their materials through roasters. The two basic and widely applied smelting
smelters and/or refineries. processes include flash smelting and bath smelting.
The utilization rate for mines, smelters, and refineries Flash smelting employs oxygenated air to promote
during 2003 is anticipated to reach 87.3%, 80.5%, and autogenous conditions while bath smelting is dependent
83%, respectively. Secondary output is expected to rep- upon the roasting and smelting steps occurring within a
resent about 12% of total world refined copper pro- molten pool containing both matte and slag phases. The
duction during 2003. Although a trough occurred in smelting furnace produces a high grade matte with Cu/
2002, both the smelter and refinery capacity utilization Fe sulphides for further treatment plus a high iron slag
rate demonstrate an upward trend towards the year formed with silica addition. Waste slags can be cleaned
2010. In the year 2010, the utilization rate for mines, in electric furnaces to recover entrained metal values
smelters, and refineries is predicted to reach 93.2%, before being discarded. It is noteworthy that Outok-
87.4%, and 88.4% respectively. Bloomsbury Minerals umpu Oyj sold its first flash-smelting licence to the
Economics, 2003, 2002 provides bar charts and graphs Furukawa Co. Ltd. at Ashio, Japan in 1956 after in-
to illustrate trends in the copper market and associated stalling two units at its Harjavalta smelter in Finland
price. The administrative agencies in the copper domain during 1949 for the copper and nickel smelting circuits.
provide very detailed analyses of copper performance The technology is employed at its Kokkola sulphur
plus highlights of producers’ current and future activi- plant for smelting of pyrites. A progress review during
ties. Considerable copper smelter improvements have the past 50 years was provided by Koho et al. (2000).
been accomplished in many countries such as Japan Outokumpu conquered the smelting furnace market on
(Maeda et al., 1998; Maruyama et al., 1998; Oshima several continents and thereby demonstrated the benefits
et al., 1997, 1998; Moriyama et al., 1995), the Philip- of its proprietary technology for sustainable develop-
pines (San Miguel et al., 1995), Sweden (Lehner and ment in areas of economics and ecology. The well
Vikdahl, 1995), and the United States of America known process utilizes dry concentrates which are in-
(Voermann et al., 1998; King and Phipps, 1998; Jones, troduced by means of a burner into the top of a vertical
1997; Gonz ales and Jones, 1995). By the end of the 20th reaction shaft in conjunction with appropriate fluxes
century, over 25 firms closed some copper production and heated air. The heavy molten particles fall into the
capacity due to a surplus of copper (Directory of molten bath at the furnace bottom while the hot gases
Copper Mines and Plants, 1998). The appended refer- rise. The matte phase separates from the slag within the
ences provide a representative cross section of current molten pool and is then transferred to a converter. The
hot metal practice with respect to competitive smelting resulting high matte grade allows less blowing time in
and converting technologies. The 126 references include the downstream converters. The molten slag is treated
technical papers regarding vessel integrity (Mounsey, by means of one of several proven decopperising tech-
1995), treatment and fixation of furnace off-gases (Bur- niques as adopted in each facility. Although the
master et al., 1997; Tarasov and Erokhin, 1997), met- Outokumpu process is essentially autogenous, supple-
allurgical theory (Yazawa and Nakazawa, 1998; mentary heating is required in the settler. The well es-
Riihilahti et al., 1998), trends in the global copper in- tablished process features advantages such as a high
dustry (Stephens, 1998; Dıaz et al., 1995), and impurity throughput rate and energy efficiency. Low energy re-
removal (Zeping, 1998). In order to reduce the quirements provide benefits of deceased fuel consump-
paper’s length, it was not practical to outline various tion in context with utilization of tonnage oxygen. An
emission abatement techniques and associated costs Outokumpu system requires about two thirds of the
arising from stack emissions, fumes, gases, and airborne energy for smelting green batches as compared to tra-
dusts which typically are collected from furnace systems. ditional reverberatory furnaces and generates up to 30%
The smelting units are either sealed or partially enclosed SO2 in furnace exhaust gases which are suitable for acid
by means of hoods which collect primary and secondary manufacture. The overall energy consumption of pri-
fume. mary production processes such as Outokumpu, Inco,
and Mitsubishi ranges from 23 to 25 GJ/tonne of copper
for the process consisting of concentrate drying, smelt-
2. Smelting processes ing and converting, fire refining, electrolytic refining and
capture of SO2 as sulphuric acid (Rentz et al., 1999).
2.1. Outokumpu flash smelting A review of the patents indicates that Outokumpu
has installed 40 furnace systems. Outokumpu’s appli-
In most cases, smelting furnaces accommodate both cations at Kennecott Utah, WMC’s Olympic Dam and
roasting and smelting operations in one unit although the DON Process (Direct Outokumpu Nickel) were
898 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
outlined by Hanniala et al. (1999) in conjunction with centrate containing about 50% copper. The direct-
future scenarios. Kennecott is the only company that to-blister process incorporates a flash smelting furnace,
has purchased two Outokumpu flash furnace units for an electric smelting furnace and two anode furnaces. A
copper smelting and converting (Hanniala et al., 1998; description of the first 10 years of flash furnace opera-
George et al., 1995; George, 1994). Gas flow and waste tion and initial impressions of the replacement unit were
heat boilers design were addressed for the Outokumpu outlined by Hunt et al. (1999). WMC’s copper produc-
flash smelting process (Yang et al., 1998, 1999). Boliden’s tion commenced in 1988 and amounted to 200,523
R€onnsk€ ar smelter in Sweden, expanded its capacity tonnes in 2001 mainly comprised of electrorefined cop-
from 130 to 230k tpa of copper cathodes. The $245M per based on MIM technology and electrowon copper
facilities were commissioned in September 1999. The which represents about 10% of the production. The
R€onnsk€ ar smelter in Skelleftehamn included an Ou- company produced 113,412 oz. gold, 912,859 oz. silver,
tokumpu flash furnace for its Cu/Pb operations (Phelps, and about 4500 metric tonnes of uranium during the
2001; Isaksson and Lehner, 2000). MMC Norilsk Nickel same period. Although the optimization project to in-
employs Outokumpu flash furnaces at its Nadezhda crease capacity was completed in 2002, copper produc-
smelter in Siberia, the Russian Federation. The People’s tion was affected by the rebuild of the solvent extraction
Republic of China (PRC) has flash furnace units in plant. Copper output in 2003 is estimated to be 185,000
service which are not of Finnish design. The only two tonnes due to a major furnace rebuild during the latter
Outokumpu flash furnaces located in China (Zeping, half of the year. Production is targeted to reach WMC’s
1998), were installed by the Jiangxi Copper Corporation full capacity of 235,000 tpa of copper cathode in 2004.
and Jinlong Copper Co. Ltd. during 1985 and 1997 re- WMC’s 2002 annual report indicated that its Kwinana
spectively (Kang and Park, 1997). Umicore acquired the nickel refinery produced a record 65,065 tonnes of nickel
State owned MDK copper smelter, which has a 1987 (WMC, 2003).
vintage Outokumpu flash furnace, in Pirdop, Bulgaria,
in September 1997. The Bulgarian plant was ramped up 2.2. Noranda reactor system
to 210,000 tpa of anode copper by mid 2002 while ad-
dressing environmental concerns. The Głog ow II plant The Noranda bath smelting process is energy efficient
in Poland (KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.) installed an and employs a refractory-lined cylindrical vessel to smelt
Outokumpu flash furnace during 1978 for direct con- a broad range of copper-bearing materials such as sul-
version to blister but does not include matte granulation phide concentrates, inerts, scrap, and recycled sub-
or a two stage smelting system as at Kennecott. Ou- stances. The flexible smelting process is suited to
tokumpu is involved in the expansion of the Sar- processing a wide range of recycled materials, complex
cheshmeh smelter in Iran. The project involves a concentrates, and secondary feed such as industrial
Khatoon-Abad flash smelting plant to increase output waste, electronic scrap, and metal-bearing residues.
from 120 to 280k tpa within two years. Today, it is Suitable fluxes, fossil fuel, and feedstock are injected
perceived that Outokumpu installations account for 35– into one end of the reactor via a high-speed belt (slinger)
50% of installed smelting capacity worldwide. while oxygen-enriched air is forced into the liquid melt
The Olympic Dam copper deposit in South Australia by means of submerged tuyeres (NORSMELT, 2003).
was discovered by Western Mining Corporation in 1975. Additional process heat may be provided by supple-
The metallurgical plant produces refined copper, ura- mentary fuel consisting of oil, natural gas, coal, or coke.
nium, gold and silver. Olympic Dam (WMC Ltd.) in Wet coal may be added with the solid charge without the
Australia installed an Outokumpu flash furnace called necessity of pulverising or sizing the carbonaceous ma-
#1 Smelter during 1988 for direct production of blister terial. Despite variations in feed composition and sup-
but also initially employed an Ausmelt system for this ply, the controlled conditions enable collection of a high
purpose (E&Mj, 1999). The Ausmelt furnace consisted SO2 concentration in furnace off-gases which are suit-
of a 1 tph pilot unit which was first used to evaluate able for the manufacture of metallurgical grade sul-
slags produced from treating copper concentrates to phuric acid. Advantages of the Noranda process are (i) a
facilitate leaching of the contained uranium. The unit no frills feed system without expensive blending and/or
was used to produce copper matte and convert within drying equipment (ii) usage of common siliceous fluxes
the same furnace in early development preceding in- (iii) elimination of expensive water-cooling which lowers
stallation of the Outokumpu unit. The Ausmelt unit was running and capital costs (iv) improved campaign
decommissioned (Matusewicz, 2003). The Olympic Dam lengths between relines thereby permitting lower re-
operations located at Roxby Downs mothballed the fractory consumption than some competing smelting
original furnace. On January 20, 1999 it commissioned methods. The process features a higher recovery of
another Outokumpu flash furnace (#2 Smelter) which copper and associated precious metals than competitive
consists of a direct-to-blister system (97–98% Cu) with- systems which is enhanced by the stirred slag and ca-
out any matte production to smelt 380,000 tpa of con- pability of maintaining a low silica slag and avoidance
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 899
of magnetite build-up. The similarity in shape and Noranda reactor system during the year 2001. The
construction to a Peirce–Smith (P–S) converter results in smelter, rated at 130,000 tpa and located near the port
improved fabrication and repair techniques. The pro- city of Antofagasta, is 100% wholly owned by Noranda
ductive units range in capacity from 1000 to 3500 tonnes Inc. The giant vessel shell weighing about 500 tonnes
per day of concentrate. A comparison was made be- was 27.4 m long by 5.5 m in diameter was unloaded in
tween the Noranda reactor (NR) and Teniente Con- one piece at the harbour. Noranda permanently closed
verter (CT) (Harris, 1999). Although the NR and CT are its 40 year old Gaspe copper smelter at Murdochville,
competing technologies, it appears that the Noranda Quebec (JOM, 2002). It is the labour union’s contention
system has a slight edge over the Chilean approach. It is that Noranda is considering permanent closure of its
recognized that the CT continues to evolve as im- strike-affected Horne smelter since within three years the
provements are added over the long-term. Similarly, the majority of mines in the area will become depleted.
NR augments its performance upon introduction of Workers have been without a contract since February
techniques with each successive installation. Figs. 1 and 2002. Possible synergy of the copper assets between
2 depict an isometric view of a NORSMELT system and Noranda and Falconbridge within Ontario and Quebec
a cross section of the cylindrical vessel respectively. The is regarded as a factor (Bloomsbury Minerals Econ-
Altonorte copper smelter in Chile was retrofitted with a omics, 2003). It is worth noting that Noranda Inc. owns
Bustle Pipe
58.4% of the common shares of Falconbridge Limited ously considered the Noranda reactor system which al-
which is a worldwide producer of copper, nickel, cobalt, ready has penetrated the Asian technological market for
and precious metals. Falconbridge’s refined copper modernization of some plants in situ (Levac et al., 1995).
output increased by 22% to 263,140 tonnes in 2002 A Noranda reactor system was commissioned in Octo-
partly due to diversion of raw material from the Horne ber 1997 at the Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Co. smelter
smelter affected by a long strike. located in the province of Hubei near the Yangtze River
Noranda Inc. invested over $16-million on environ- in China. The 1500 tpd unit was described in a paper by
mental improvements completed in late 2002 to reduce Ye Weidan which was presented at a conference in
sulphur dioxide (SO2 ) by 90% from the current level of China. Additional company details are available in
80% and particulate emissions at its Horne copper several publications which address the copper commu-
smelter in RouynNoranda, Quebec. Initial NR opera- nity in China and the entire mineral industry within the
tion was described by Prevost et al. (1999). The Horne PRC (Pui-Kwan, 2003; CCDC, 2003). The Daye smelter
smelter was the site of the original Noranda reactor commenced operations in 1960. The Noranda process
commissioned during March 1973 which was upgraded replaced a traditional reverberatory furnace and im-
during the late 1990s. The original furnace design ca- proved environmental conditions in the surrounding
pacity of 1200 tonnes per day has increased significantly countryside to meet government regulations. The mod-
to an average of 2800 tpd. at the present day. Avail- ifications doubled annual copper production and tripled
ability of tonnage oxygen for enrichment has facilitated the amount of sulphuric acid recovered by fixation of
a peak daily throughput of 3600 tonnes of concentrate waste gases. In the past only converter gas was treated
which represents a factor of three times the initial design and large amounts of SO2 escaped to atmosphere and
criteria. During June 1999 a Noranda reactor system contributed to crop damage. The 4.7 m by 18 m reactor
was commissioned at Southern Copper Ltd. (formerly was designed by HGE in Canada. The plant uses its four
ER&S), NSW, Australia, to process 413,000 tpa of wet existing P–S converters. The gas treatment system
concentrate at the former Port Kembla Copper facility. adopted for the Chinese smelter differs from the Horne,
The SCL system was designed to treat concentrates, PQ, smelter in areas such as inclusion of a gas sealing
scrap, residues, and reverts. The custom design involved hood, a waste heat boiler, and high efficiency ESP unit.
fitting the rotary vessel within an existing plant and It was rumoured that the 140,000 tpa Daye operation
scaling down capacity to about half the normal capacity. may close indefinitely until it can secure adequate feed
Consequently, some novel solutions were required to (CRU, 2003). Although the Southern Per u Copper
refurbish an existing smelter. The furnace unit interfaced Company (SPCC) initially considered a Kennecott sys-
with an electric furnace for slag cleaning and an acid tem for its Ilo smelter, industry obervers indicate that a
plant for sulphur dioxide fixation (Innis et al., 1992). strong likelihood exists that SPCC will adopt Noranda
The oxygenated air injected through 27 tuyeres main- technology. At present, the Peruvian copper operations
tains turbulent bath conditions. Slag is skimmed at the run their existing Teniente converter in a Noranda
opposite end to feed entry while molten matte is tapped mode. It is worth noting that Grupo Mexico owns
in the reactor’s side. After smelting, the 70% copper 54.2% of SPCC through its Asarco subsidiary. It was
matte phase and low-silica slag separate by gravity in the reported that ZCCM in Zambia will switch their Te-
quiesent zone of the continuous reactor. A water-cooled niente vessel in the state-owned Nkana smelter to a
hood directs furnace off-gases to an evaporative cooling Noranda mode later in 2003 (Harris, 2003). Zambia
tower followed by an electrostatic precipitator (ESP). Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd. (ZCCM) also operates
Collected dust is recycled to the reactor while the a copper smelter at Mulfulira.
cleaned off-gases are treated in a contact acid plant.
H.G. Engineering (HGE), based in Canada, provided 2.3. Mitsubishi continuous smelting and converting
the technical design input to faciliate implementation.
Southern Copper (parent company CRA Ltd.) was The Mitsubishi system is deemed a bath smelting
provided with the reactor design, training, and technical process which combines roasting, smelting and con-
assistance by means of the engineering and licensing verting in a continuous operation enabled by three fur-
agreements. Furukawa Co. Ltd (Japan) is planning to nace units interconnected via heated and covered
boost the capacity of its 52.5% owned Southern Copper launders. The first commercial facility was commis-
Ltd. smelter to increase copper cathode production to sioned in 1974 at Naoshima, Japan, with an annual
140,000 tpa by 2003 or 2004. capacity of 70,000 tonnes (Iida et al., 1997). The Mits-
Although the identification of leading edge techno- ubishi process includes a smelting furnace (S-furnace)
logies for copper continuous smelting and converting is consisting of: (i) the charging of dried concentrates and
a difficult choice, the leading universal contender appears fluxes (ii) air and oxygen lances plus and (iii) burners.
to be the Noranda reactor system (Mackey et al., 1995). This is followed by the slag cleaning furnace (CL-fur-
The expansion plans of Chinese copper smelters seri- nace) which features a slag overflow and matte syphon
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 901
directing the molten impure copper to the converting Ajima et al. (1999). At Gresik, the circular and refrac-
furnace (C-furnace). The concentrates mixed with fluxes tory lined S-furnace is about 10 m inside diameter. The
and other raw materials are rapidly melted as they are circular C-furnace is 9 m in diameter and fitted with 10
injected through the top blowing lances with oxygen lances which direct a limestone coolant via oxygenated
enriched air into the S-furnace. The 65% Cu matte grade air into the molten bath. Blister copper is continuously
is next treated in the C-furnace to produce blister copper siphoned out of the converting furnace and directed to
while the slag fraction is directed to the CL-furnace. An either of two circular anode furnaces to facilitate refin-
electric furnace is normally employed for slag cleaning ing and casting operations. The off-gases from the
by the addition of coke and pyrite to decopperize the smelting and converting stages are passed through a
waste slag. The continuous converting furnace produces waste heat boiler for initial cooling to about 700 °C in
blister copper by oxidising the matte and uses limestone the radiation section then cooled to 350 °C in a con-
to create a slag phase which is recycled for cleaning. The vection section. Process steam is produced in the waste
off-gases contain about 15–20% SO2 which is used for heat boilers. The cooled gas is next directed to electro-
the production of sulphuric acid (Newmand et al., static precipitators for removal of entrained dust then
1992). Falconbridge Ltd. installed a Mitsubishi system ducted to an acid recovery plant of 592,000 tpa capacity.
at its Kidd Creek facility, Canada, in 1981 to increase As a point of information the world’s most modern zinc
plant capacity. Although the energy consumption is smelter and refinery (2001) is the Asturiana de Zinc
similar to Outokumpu’s process, the initial capital in- operation located at San Juan de Nieva in Spain with a
vestment and manpower costs are apparently lower. A nameplate capacity of 460k metric tpa of zinc. The fa-
description of control methodology was provided by cilities at the Xstrata AG subsidiary include roasting,
Goto et al. (1998). An interesting situation exists at LG sulphuric acid leaching, a tankhouse, melting and cast-
Metals Corporation’s (LGMC) copper operations. The ing units.
Onsan smelter was brought online in 1979 with an Ou-
tokumpu flash smelting furnace and three P–S convert- 2.4. El Teniente converter
ers (Lee et al., 1999). Capital expansion at the Onsan
works reached full production in November 1998 after The Caletones or El Teniente (CT) modified con-
implementation of a Mitsubishi continuous process verter, which primarily is used for autogenous bath
(Japan) coupled with construction of a new refinery smelting, is longer than the P–S converter and includes
based on the KIDD Process (Canada). LGMC’s ca- two separated mouths for charging and off-gas evacua-
pacity was increased from 200,0000–360,000 tonnes per tion, lateral tap holes for molten slag and white metal
year expressed as full plate cathode. (Torres, 1998; Alvarado et al., 1995, 1998). The con-
The world’s most modern copper smelter employs the tinuous smelting and converting process involves pneu-
Mitsubishi Continuous Process (60.5% owned by Mits- matic injection of the concentrate through tuyeres into
ubishi Materials). P.T. Smelting’s plant at Gresik, In- the reactor’s molten bath (Gonzalez and Vargas, 1995).
donesia, which was built on a greenfield site began Copper concentrate is dried to a 0.2% moisture level
commercial production in May 1999 (Phelps, 2000). The prior to tuyere injection into the molten bath of the
small and compact facility employs a Hazelett twin belt Teniente reactor. The exothermic reaction caused by
continuous slab caster to produce copper anodes. The oxygenated air with iron sulphides in the green charge
45 mm anode thickness is achieved by continuously allows smelting without external heat application.
casting a copper strip with integral lug at 100 tph. A Availability of technical oxygen has enhanced CT op-
hydraulic shear cuts the strip into individual anodes erations. An important feature of the Teniente unit is its
which are then water cooled and stacked into 15 batch ability to process both wet and dried concentrates.
lots for the refinery. The continuously cast anodes are Concentrates with residual H2 O content require the co-
superior to static cast anodes (e.g., wheel systems) due to addition of seed matte as produced in a standard reverb
their flatness and uniformity of weight and dimensions. furnace (Rentz et al., 1999). The resultant high-grade
The refinery has a design capacity of 200,000 metric matte typically contains 74–76% Cu, plus a slag con-
tonnes of LME Grade ‘‘A’’ cathodes per year via the taining 4–6% Cu and 16–18% magnetite (Fe3 O4 ). The
ISA Process (i.e. permanent stainless steel cathode white metal is converted to blister in a traditional P–S
blanks) at a current density of 280 A/m2 . The continu- converter. CT off-gases contain an average of 25–35%
ous operation enabled state-of-the-art environmental SO2 at the reactor mouth while air inleakage creates
control, worker health and safety, plus high energy and dilution in the flue exhaust system. The dirty slags
metallurgical efficiency. The plant feedstock consists of containing 6–8% copper require additional treatment in
copper concentrates from the Grasberg mine while a a batch slag cleaning furnace to recover metal values
fertilizer plant is situated adjacent to the smelter to before discarding the material to a dump site. Final
consume the sulphuric acid by-product. A description of discard slags contain less than 0.85% copper. On a
the smelter and refinery operations was provided by global basis, slag is either discarded in its molten state at
902 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
dumps or water granulated then pumped to an im- 2.5. Inco’s bulk concentrate flash furnace
poundment area. The CT exhaust gases are cooled,
treated in conventional dust cleaning equipment then Two flash furnace units of Inco in-house design were
directed to an acid plant. Advantages of CT units are implemented in 1993 as part of the $625-million (Cdn.)
low capital investment, low operating costs, and low smelter modernization program. The mandate of the
energy consumption (Morales and Mac-Kay, 1999). SO2 Abatement Program (acronym of SOAP) was to
Apart from South American applications, the Teniente reduce sulphur dioxide stack emissions from 685 to 265
unit is employed at the Rayong smelter in Thailand. kilotonnes per annum at the Copper Cliff smelter com-
The units are mainly employed within the Chilean plex in Ontario, Canada. Inco was the first company in
copper smelters (Campos et al., 1998). It is noteworthy the non-ferrous industry to utilize technical oxygen in its
that Chile’s 11 smelters include seven major copper earlier flash furnace unit which treated copper and high
smelters (three owned by Codelco, one by Disputada, nickel pyrrhotite concentrates as feed material. Since
two by Enami, one by Noranda) and each smelter em- inception in 1952, Inco has acquired 40 years of expe-
ploys a different strategy for slag cleaning (Demetrio rience in the operation of flash furnaces. Apart from the
et al., 2000). The current operating capacity of the Ontario application and a few in North America (e.g.,
Caletones smelter owned by Codelo-Chile approaches Hayden, AZ and Chino, NM) this design apparently has
1,250,000 tonnes per year of copper concentrate (mainly not found any application in Europe. Salient design
chalcopyrite) which translates into a daily throughput of features include a symmetrical furnace with a pair of
3650 tpd. The Caletones smelter consists of one reverb, concentrate burners at each end plus a central uptake.
two CT units, three slag cleaning furnaces, two anode One large advantage of the Inco design is an off-gas
furnaces and three refining furnaces. The smelter up- composition containing 75–80% SO2 by volume. The
grading in 2002 facilitated a CT processing rate of 2400 Inco design for handling off-gases includes a water
tpd (Alvarado and Godoy, 1999). Disputada (Compa~ nia quench and cleaning stage. Treated rich SO2 furnace
Disputada de las Condes) owns two mines and the gases are directed to an acid plant with a daily capacity
Chagres copper smelter 95 km north of Santiago, Chile. of 2900 tons of sulphuric acid, oleum, and liquid sulphur
The US-based oil producer Exxon Mobil Corporation is dioxide products. The significant tonnage of by-prod-
considering the sale of its wholly owned Chilean sub- ucts from SO2 fixation are handled by the Marsulex
sidiary Disputada. One variation of the Caletones type organization. Inco’s flash furnace employs extensive
is the Inspiration converter which also has two mouths, usage of water cooling. The earlier experience with water
the larger opening for off-gas venting and the smaller cooled jackets was employed to maximize water cooling
mouth for charging purposes. This design, that is em- thereby extending refractory life and hence the cam-
ployed in Arizona, features excellent hooding in all paign period between major repairs and furnace relines.
operating positions. Oxygen is employed in the Teniente A water cooled transition piece (1 m) was installed be-
converters in Chile (Schwarze et al., 1995). A Teniente tween the furnace uptake and the quench chamber. The
unit was commissioned in 1994 at ZCCM’s Nkana 1931 furnace uses water cooled copper plates, copper fingers
vintage smelter in Zambia to supplement oxy–fuel re- and ports. The copper plate coolers were installed in the
verb operation (Beene et al., 1999). The present annual sidewall end panels to reduce potential damage from the
smelting rate of 740,000 tonnes of concentrate generates natural gas burners. Copper finger cooler tips were in-
240,000 tpa anode copper. The CT unit reduced oper- stalled in the sidewalls by means of interlocking a novel
ating and energy costs whilst providing a steady stream tongue and grove arrangement with the basic refractory.
of concentrated SO2 suitable for acid manufacture. Al- Additional details regarding water cooling and other
though the CT units were first developed in the 1970s, an relevant design features are found in papers by Carr
improvement in their performance has been an ongoing et al. (1997) and Queneau and Marcuson (1996). The
activity. A paper by Morales and Mac-Kay (1999) data included in the Inco installation was provided as an
provided an insight into present practice and proposals example in order for the reader to place details in con-
for future upgrading. In October 2000, Outokumpu and text. Although the Vanyukov process (Russian equities,
Codelco agreed to collaborate in implementing Outok- mining, and metals report, 1997) is similar to Inco in
umpu technology for the direct production of blister design the differences are described below (Bystrov and
copper from a mixture of concentrate and white metal Komkov, 1995; Strishkov, 1984).
(high-grade copper matte) in its El Teniente converters.
The existing Outokumpu flash furnace at Chuquicamata 2.6. Vanyukov smelting system
will be modified to produce blister copper thereby re-
placing the present P–S converters. Start-up is scheduled The Vanyukov bath smelting furnaces for annually
for 2004 at an annual rate of 750k metric tpa copper processing over two million tonnes of copper, Cu/Ni,
metal which will be the largest production worldwide Cu/Zn, and antimony sulphide have been in use for
from a single vessel (E&Mj, 2002). many years in a large number of enterprises within the
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 903
Russian Federation and Kazakhstan. The process was cylindrical and stationary furnace to which agglomer-
commercialized in 1977 and used at five locations within ated feedstock is added. Coal, fluxes, and pelletized
the CIS in the 1990s (Rentz et al., 1999). The unique moist feed material are continuously charged into the
system is used at facilities such as Norilsk Nickel’s furnace. Water-cooled tap holes are used to withdraw
plants located at the JSC Norilsk Kombinat in northern molten metal-bearing material into a settling furnace to
Siberia and AO ‘‘GMK Pechenganikel’’ in the Kola allow separation of the matte and slag phases. The
peninsula near Finland. The Nadezhda Cu/Ni smelter in height of the lance is adjustable in the molten bath
Siberia employs a Vanyukov unit in its operations. thereby ensuring that off-gas contains entrained dust less
Tarasov will present a paper at the Copper 2003–Cobre than 1% of the feed rate. Furnace off-gases are directed
2003 conference which outlines the characteristics of through a waste heat boiler followed by an electrostatic
copper losses in slag with a Vanyukov unit at the Nor- precipitator which provides a clean gas to an acid plant
ilsk Nickel Combine operations. The furnace consists of for SO2 fixation. The main features of the Isasmelt
a two step process involving two furnace baths to ac- process are the high sulphur dioxide concentration in
commodate the smelting. Several papers regarding the furnace off-gases, high smelting rates, and decreased fuel
Vanyukov process are published in Russian by Tsvetnye consumption (Rentz et al., 1999). The furnace principles
Metally (Non-ferrous Metals Journal) and Academia are similar to Ausmelt since the slag coating frozen on
(e.g., Izvestia Vuzov). Feed material is injected by means the top entry lance protects it from chemical and phys-
of tuyeres into the molten upper slag layer which is ical abrasion. MIM employs a 250 kg/h. Isasmelt pilot
about 1.5 m thick. The difference in this operation is that plant at Northfleet, UK, for potential clients (ISA-
the gaseous oxidising medium is injected directly into SMELT, 2002). Isasmelt is being commissioned in 2003
the foaming upper slag layer rather than into the matte at the Yunnan Copper Corporation (YCC) smelter at
layer as employed within other systems. The turbulent Kunming which will treat 600,000 tpa of copper con-
agitation caused by the continuous addition of feedstock centrate to produce 125,000 tonnes of copper annually
mixed with oxygen and carbonaceous fuel creates rapid (MIM Process Technologies, 2003). The process has
interaction and exothermic conditions. The heavier replaced several small and environmentally less efficient
matte phase settles into the lower molten layer. Both plants in China. There are eight large-scale ISASMELT
molten matte and slag are continuously removed from smelters presently operating worldwide and a further
the furnace (Bystrov, 2003). To date, technology trans- two under construction. MIM Process Technologies in
fer to western countries has been very sparse. It was Brisbane has signed a contract to supply an ISASMELT
predicted that the Vanyukov’s attributes of high pro- furnace to Sterlite Industries for a copper smelter in
ductivity coupled with efficiency and flexibility eventu- Tuticorin, India, which represents the largest capacity of
ally may compete with the Outokumpu system in the any ISASMELT plant built to date.
next decade to process in excess of 5000 tonnes daily
(Demetrio et al., 1999). The Gintsvetmet Institute de- 2.8. Reverberatory furnace smelting
veloped technology for processing solid municipal and
industrial waste based on the Vanyukov principles. This traditional means of smelting sulphide concen-
‘‘Romet’’ is the ferrous off-shoot of the Vanyukov pro- trates in a molten bath is still employed worldwide.
cess for smelting of base metals (Dry et al., 2002). Daily throughput in these units, which may include
hearth areas up to 380 m2 , approaches 1000 tonnes per
2.7. Isasmelt system day (Ullmann, 1995). Fluid bed or multi-hearth roasters
(e.g., bank of Herreshoff units) are used to produce a
The Isasmelt system marketed by MIM Process low sulphur calcine for injection into the hearth area in
Technologies was developed in collaboration with the lieu of green charging. Flux material is added with the
Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial red hot calcine by means of fettling pipes which dis-
Research Organization (CSIRO). Initial development tribute the charge material along the inside long walls of
was carried out at the copper and lead smelters in the rectangular furnace lined with basic and insulating
Mount Isa. MIM is an Australian based mining and refractories. In the past, air inspirator burners had used
mineral processing company that produces copper, lead, pulverized coal as the heating medium. Reverb efficiency
zinc, gold, silver and coal within Argentina, Australia, has been improved by means of oxy-fuel (e.g., natural
Germany and the UK. The furnace is applicable to both gas) smelting. Enhanced burner design became the pre-
primary and secondary copper smelting and converting, cursor of several innovative smelting methods. Bath and
nickel smelting, and lead smelting. The bath smelting flash smelting evolved from the reverb system which is
process employs the patented Sirosmelt submerged still in existence in some parts of the world (Cocquerel,
combustion lance which injects a mixture of oxygen 1995). A reverberatory system operating on green
enriched air and fuel (e.g., natural gas, oil) to form charge material consumes about 60% more energy than
a highly turbulent bath within a refractory lined present flash (e.g., Outokumpu) and bath smelting
904 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
(e.g., Mitsubishi) processes (Rentz et al., 1999). The re- Kreymann, 1999). One variation of blast furnace design
verberatory furnace is considered labour intensive with is the Baiyin process applied to a daily copper output of
the constant fettling of hot calcine, intermittent slag 400 tonnes at Lanzhou, China. A refractory wall sepa-
skimming and matte tapping operations. Frequent re- rates the melting bath into smelting and settling zones.
placement of hanging roof tiles while in service creates The Baiyin type of furnace combines roasting and
yet another labour activity. The percentage of silica in smelting stages in a fixed rectangular furnace. Blast
the slag affects the slag’s viscosity and entrainment of tuyeres faciliate injection of oxidising gas (Rentz et al.,
matte particles during skimming. Other dissolved refrac- 1999). Baiyin Non-ferrous Metals Co. operates several
tory compounds, such as alumina and magnesia origi- small smelters in the Gansu province of China primarily
nating from the furnace lining and calcine, impact on for lead and zinc. In contrast, the western world features
the slag viscosity and hence the settling rate of matte economies of scale via large throughput furnaces. State-
within the well area. Bath capacity may be reduced by a of-the-art NORSMELT, Outokumpu, and Mitsubishi
build-up on the furnace bottom consisting of magnetite are the preferred choice by discerning giant copper
and refractory compounds (e.g., spinels). Operators producers.
dump scrap iron into the furnace to eliminate bridging
or alternatively add coal and coke for slag reduction. At 2.10. KIVCET cyclone smelting
present, the writers are aware of about 45 smelters in the
world that employ one or more conventional reverber- ‘‘KIVCET’’ represents the Russian terms for oxygen,
atory smelting unit. Individuals assume that reverbs are vortex, cyclone and electrothermic for technology orig-
non existent in Chile which is the world’s largest copper inating in Kazakhstan during 1963. The design is suited
producing country. In fact, research revealed that six to copper sulphide concentrates containing large
out of the 11 copper smelters in Chile today still main- amounts of other metal values. The concentrates are
tain reverbs with oxy-fuel fired burners apart from their charged vertically in the smelting cyclone while technical
Teniente and larger more modern units. Examples in grade oxygen is blown in horizontally to result in a rapid
Chile include Codelco’s smelters at Salvador (1976 vin- reaction rate above 1500 °C. The design is similar to a
tage) and Caletones (1976 vintage). The reverb was fi- reverberatory furnace since the construction allows
nally shut down in 1998 after upgrading the 1951 separating and settling of the reaction products within
vintage Hern an Videla Lira Smelter (Paipote) owned by different compartments. A reducing atmosphere is
ENAMI (National Mining Enterprise). maintained in the settler portion of the divided furnace
to avoid additional slag treatment. The concentration of
2.9. Blast furnace smelting SO2 in the low volume of waste gases may reach 80%
while metal values are recovered from the flue dust ob-
The early means of smelting, modelled after the iron tained from the settler and separating chamber. The
blast furnace, features a smaller and lower design for a Kivcet process is used for lead/zinc concentrates whereas
rectangular cross section for treatment of coarse high- the Outokumpu system is employed for copper and
grade copper ores. The matte furnaces include three nickel concentrates. The Kivcet process operated by
zones: (i) a heating zone (ii) a reduction zone and (iii) the Nuova Samin Co. is in service at the Portovesme KSS
smelting zone. Smelting of sulphide ores result in a 40– lead smelter in Sardinia, Italy (Perillo et al., 1989). The
50% copper matte grade plus a discard slag while the JOM provided an analysis of the combustion in various
smelting of oxide ores yields impure black copper (about types of flash smelting furnaces (Jorgensen and Koh,
95% Cu) and slag. It is interesting that the furnace may 2001).
be used to treat both ores types together (Ullmann,
1995). Blast furnaces which date as early to mid-20th 2.11. KHD Contop process
century technology are of less importance in modern
day copper processing and only about 30 units are still The process, which is applicable to the direct pro-
operational today worldwide, (Non-Ferrous Metal duction of either copper or lead, was developed by KHD
Works of the World, 1998; World Copper Databook, Humboldt Wedag AG in Cologne, Germany (Brueg-
1996). The hot metal units typically are used by smaller german and Caba, 1998). The Contop cyclone flash
producers in countries such as Albania, Austria and smelting reactor was developed during the 1970’s to
China to process various charge material thereby pro- accommodate continuous treatment of sulphide con-
ducing copper cathode equivalent of 7000–85,000 tpa. centrates. It was developed on a commercial scale at
After an intensive research program Huttenwerke Chuquicamata, Chile, in the 1980’s then applied at the
Kayser AG (HK) in Germany upgraded three blast El Paso Smelter, Texas, in 1993. The system includes
furnaces for a secondary copper smelter. The staged two stationary furnace units that are internally arranged
procedure for the retrofit in situ allows a current output to conduct different operations. The two main equip-
of over 180,000 tpa electrorefined copper (Nolte and ment components consist of a flash cyclone smelter and
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 905
a second vessel comprised of a continuous converter and Once the converter batch is completed, cooling follows
refining furnace for producing anode copper quality thereby forming blister copper since the metallic copper
(Rentz et al., 1999). The concentrate and suitable flux becomes less soluble for reaction gases. Copper con-
are continuously charged into a KIVCET type reactor tained in the fayalitic converter slag is recycled to the
to react with top injection pure oxygen at a furnace smelting furnace for cleaning. Process gases rich in SO2
temperature of 1500–1700 °C. The feed material is in- are evacuated to merge with other gaseous streams and
jected tangentially into the cyclone then the reacted used for sulphur recovery in an acid plant. The most
mixture falls into a settling chamber below the cyclone common device is the P–S converter which is aptly
where the different molten phases separate. This is fol- dubbed the work horse of copper smelters since its
lowed by a slag cleaning reactor which typically employs widespread usage in many countries attests to its excel-
oxygen in conjunction with methane or propane as re- lent performance in the global copper industry. Today,
ductants. The converting and refining vessel is divided about a thousand of these horizontal cylinders, lined
into three compartments to facilitate continuous con- with basic refractory such as either chrome-magnesite or
verting, oxidation, and reduction. The 75–80 wt% cop- magnesite, are in active service worldwide (Hern andez,
per matte is fire-refined for anode casting operations. A 1996). The low pressure blast air is blown into the ves-
1998 feasibility study recommended its use at the 1931 sel’s charge by means of a horizontal row of tuyeres.
vintage Luanshya smelter (former Roan Antelope) in Manual or mechanical punching of tuyeres is required to
Zambia to increase capacity from 42,000 to 62,000 tpa. maintain the flow of air. The largest vessels range in
The Zambian case would necessitate two-1.8 m diameter length from 9 to 11 m while the diameter varies from 4
by 2.9 m high cyclones mounted above an oxygen- to 4.5 m. Some plant facilities employ oxygen-enriched
enriched reverberatory smelter fitted with four reduction air to improve throughput. The entire vessel rotates on
lances which acts as a settler. A study paper describing its long axis by means of a ring gear arrangement and
the selection of processes for future smelter moderiza- trunnions to permit charging of molten green matte and
tion was provided by Mukherjee et al. (1999). It was cold charge. Finely crushed flux consisting of siliceous
reported that the Contop process is suited to the treat- (e.g., quartz) and/or low-grade ore is injected through
ment of concentrates with impurities which are volatile one end wall via a Garr gun arrangement. Low strength
such as As, Sb, Bi or containing by-products such as Zn, SO2 off-gases due to ingress of air are drawn upwards
Pb, and Mo (Demetrio et al., 1999). through the movable hood into the converter stack then
are normally directed by flues to dry electrostatic pre-
2.12. Flame cyclone smelting cipitators before being stack discharged to atmosphere.
Some plants employ a water cooled hood system
This variation from the KIVCET process differs since (Drummond and Deakin, 1999). Lime fluxing has been
the reaction occurs in a special chamber ahead of the used to convert high-grade matte (Acu~ na and Z ~iga,
cyclone where the molten droplets are separated by 1995). The Bulgarian ‘‘Elvas Process’’ was developed to
centrifugal force. The flame cyclone reactor (FCR) was remove impurities from the matte phase. Others have
first proven in a 10 tonnes/hr pilot plant by Norddeut- investigated losses during smelting and converting stages
sche Affinerie in Hamburg, Germany. Volatile com- (Vartiainen, 1998; Matousek, 1997). Researchers have
pounds such as arsenic, antimony, bismuth, lead, tin and examined various means of off-gas collection and cool-
other elements are removed as oxides and salts in the ing thereby ensuring fixation of sulphur dioxide as sul-
flue dust collected from the system. Reaction tempera- phuric acid and removal of particulates prior to release
tures exceed 1500 °C in the autogeneous system designed to atmosphere (Stephens, 1999; Kumar and Mansour,
to smelt copper sulphide concentrates within a high 1998; Lawler et al., 1998; Safe and Jones, 1998; Eryomin
oxygen atmosphere. The high-grade matte contains et al., 1997; Holopainen et al., 1995).
about 80% copper and is separated from the discard slag
in a settler. The off-gas contains an SO2 concentration in 3.2. Hoboken converter
excess of 50%.
This is another variation of the P–S type which was
developed by the original MHO in Belgium which later
3. Converting practice operated under the former Union Miniere organization.
UMICORE now represents all plant operations world-
3.1. Peirce–Smith converter wide for base and precious metals. Only a small number
of smelters located in Europe and the Americas use this
Converters process the matte obtained from the form of vessel (Bustos et al., 1995). Larger units are in
smelting unit by blowing in air, which may be oxygen- operation at the Głogow smelter in Poland, Inspiration’s
enriched, through submerged tuyeres to oxidize the iron smelter in Arizona, and the Paipote copper smelter
sulphide and convert copper sulphide to metallic copper. (Hernan Videla Lira) in Chile. The advantage of this
906 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
design is the minimal air inleakage which assists in at- same vessel. Companies have discontinued any further
taining off-gas concentrations of about 12% sulphur pursuit of the system.
dioxide which is amenable to fixation in an acid recovery
plant. Additional features include a small converter
mouth and the siphon arrangement that directs the flow 4. Continuous converting systems
of off-gases and flue dust.
4.1. Kennecott oxygen flash converting
3.3. Top blown rotary converter (TBRC)
The Kennecott–Outokumpu flash converting process
The steel industry refers to this furnace type as the was commissioned during late 1995 at the Utah copper
Kaldo unit while the non-ferrous industry adopted the smelter. The original Solid Matte Oxygen Converting
TBRC terminology. Inco was the first to utilize this (SMOC) smelting process was renamed Kennecott–
method in 1973 at its nickel refinery in Copper Cliff, Outokumpu Flash Converting (KOFC) which is mar-
Ontario, to melt high-grade nickel concentrates and keted globally by the Outokumpu Oyj organization. The
metallics containing copper, nickel and precious metals Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation (KUCC) uncou-
then granulate the molten charge prior to the pressure pled the smelting and converting steps in traditional
carbonyl process (similar to Clydach, Wales) to produce smelting practice with the added capital cost and oper-
nickel pellets, powders, and foam. Commercial grade ating expense of introducing several additional unit
oxygen is blown through a suspended water cooled lance operations such as matte granulation, matte storage,
onto the mixed charge of copper bearing materials grinding, drying, material handling, and other ancillary
during a batch operation. The rotary and tilting high equipment (Newman et al., 1999; Newmand et al.,
temperature furnace was manufactured by Davy-Ash- 1992). Matte is granulated with high pressure water then
more International (UK). Inco closed its Walden, On- conveyed to storage. After granulation the solidified
tario, foam plant November 1, 2002 since it could not matte has the appearance of sand particles ranging in
compete with larger capacity and lower cost foam fa- size from 0.2 to 2 mm in size and with 4–8% moisture
cilities in Japan and China. The nickel foam plant in (George et al., 1995). The ground matte is pneumatically
Wales remains in service. conveyed to the flash converting furnace which is fitted
with more extensive water and air cooling than the first
stage of flash smelting. The customized unit continu-
3.4. Worcra process ously converts the matte into a low sulphur blister
copper upon employing a lime based flux to form slag.
The concept was invented by Worner and tested by The molten blister is next directed to either of two rotary
Cozinc Rio Tinto in Australia at Port Kembla in New anode furnaces followed by casting of 318 kg anodes by
South Wales (now Southern Copper). Although a means of a 1994 vintage Sumitomo casting wheel
demonstration test occurred in 1968 the process unfor- equipped with double spoon pouring. Southern Peru
tunately was not technically successful. The stationary Copper Corp. (SPCC) had proposed a similar KOFC
furnace is U-shaped unlike the Noranda process while installation for 2001 at its 1960 vintage Ilo copper
the molten slag and matte flow is countercurrent. The smelter (Press Release, 1999). SPCC is now in its third
equipment occupied more space than other smelting phase of major capital refurbishing and plans to capture
systems and required a higher energy consumption. The 92% of the sulphur emissions from the Ilo smelter by
short life of the lances immersed in the slag layer re- 2007 (CRU, 2003).
sulted in a major operating problem. The process has The HM Głog ow II (Huta Miedzi Głog ow) flash
been abandoned from further development to the pre- smelting plant in Poland, which is based on a modified
sent day. licence with Outokumpu, was started in 1987 for the
single stage direct-to-blister smelting of concentrates
3.5. Q–S process since the Rudna concentrate contains 28% copper
mainly as chalcocite and bornite. After drying to 0.2%
The Q–S reactor was invented in 1981 by Queneau moisture the concentrate is flash smelted using oxygen-
and Schuhmann, Jr. Development for extraction of lead enriched air (60–70%) and recovers 70% of the copper as
from sulphide concentrates occurred at a pilot plant in blister. The slag is cleaned in an electric furnace to re-
Duisburg, Federal Republic of Germany. The process cover the remaining copper as a Cu/Pb/Fe alloy while
featured a rotating almost cylindrical vessel that re- the off-gases are cleaned to produce sulphuric acid.
sembled the Noranda reactor. A countercurrent flow of Hoboken converters are used at both the Legnica and
matte and low-grade slag occurred within the reactor Głog ow plants. A precious metals plant was built in
thereby resulting in a low grade slag which is further 1993 to treat anodic slimes from the three refineries by
decreased by reduction with carbon monoxide in the means of Boliden technology. The state-owned, joint
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 907
stock company ‘‘KGHM Polish Copper’’ consists of 1997; Humphris et al., 1997). The reactor vessel consists
three mines, three smelting and refining plants, a rolling of a cylindrical shell 18 m long by 4.5 m in diameter with
mill, and accounts for about four percent of the world’s oxygen lances mounted on each end wall. Chalcocite is
copper and seven percent of global silver output. The injected at a nominal rate of 25 tph by means of the
Combine was restructured in 1991 as ‘‘KGHM Polska single tuyere connected to a blow tank; this is duplicated
Miedz S.A.’’. It has operated shaft furnaces for copper at each end wall. Oxygen efficiency is reported in the
concentrates in the Legnica smelting plant since 1959 90% range while dusting is about 1%. The low dust load
and electrolytically refines copper. The Legnica facility assists the gas cleaning system which feeds the dedicated
treats blister from abroad and refines blister from the sulphuric acid plant. Nitrogen is introduced into the
ZHPMN Hutmen S.A. smelting plant in Wroclaw molten bath through porous plugs. The addition of
(Habashi, 2002). Shaft furnace feed consists of low high-grade copper concentrate (called MK) is accom-
moisture mixtures of concentrate and recycled dust plished through a water-cooled pipe positioned onto the
which are briquetted using waste sulphur liquor as the ‘‘eye’’ created by the nitrogen stream. The concept
binder. Głog ow I was commissioned in 1971 based upon represents a singular process that handles a very minor
the shaft furnace technology employed in Legnica. proportion (0.7%) of the world’s copper. The 2002 Inco
Overall KGHM annual copper capacity presently ex- annual report listed 111,787 tonnes copper produced.
ceeds 450,000 tonnes (Czernecki et al., 1999). The paper The decline was attributed to mechanical and produc-
outlined production operations in the Głog ow I and II tion difficulties in its Ontario division.
smelters with attention to control parameters and envi-
ronmental improvements. 4.3. Ausmelt direct converting
4.2. Inco’s flash-converting process for chalcocite concen- Ausmelt Limited was founded in 1981 to commer-
trates cialize the Sirosmelt Technology invented during the
early 1970’s which is still in operation at MetalEurop in
During 1965–1985 Inco’s copper cliff smelter pro- Germany (Jahanshahi et al., 1995; Binegar, 1995). The
cessed its minus 325 Tyler mesh (45 l) chalcocite (Cu2 S) MetalEurop plant is one of many still operational; it was
flotation concentrate, which nominally contained about designed for lead and is not the first such facility con-
5% Ni, from its matte separation process by Garr gun structed. Ausmelt technology for Top Submerged
addition in conventional P–S converters. The practice Lancing (TSL) had its origins with J.M. Floyd and his
created long converting cycles and generated large dust team at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
emissions into the flue system and work room environ- Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia. The first
ment. Inco modified a surplus P–S converter shell to application called ‘‘Sirosmelt’’ involved the treatment of
install an in-house feed system and unique oxygen flash tin slags. The original TSL concept consisted of a simple
gun that simultaneously could inject natural gas and steel lance that was cooled by the process gas flow
filter cake. The process operated from 1985 for a period through it. The gas flow was slightly disrupted by the
of eight years while treating 8% moisture filter cake at inclusion of swirlers to ensure sufficient cooling thereby
production rates of 250–300 short tonnes per day to forming a protective slag layer frozen on the lance.
enable production of blister copper assaying 2–3% sul- Water cooling of the lance is used for processes requir-
phur (Queneau and Marcuson, 1996). Inco Limited ing high levels of oxygen enrichment since adequate
commercialized some novel techniques for oxygen con- cooling can not be achieved by the injected process ga-
verting to blister copper since 1993 which all include the ses. The outer slag layer allows submergence of the lance
concept of top blowing with oxygen while accompanied into a molten bath. Lance design has progressed with
by gentle bottom stirring with gaseous nitrogen which is modifications consisting of an added shroud for com-
a by-product of Inco’s oxygen plants. Research showed plete post combustion and energy transfer to the molten
that flash conversion of chalcocite resulted in an unac- charge. Combustion of the fuel at the lance tip heats the
ceptable 10–20% dusting rate which was due to particle furnace contents while the injected gases create vigorous
fragmentation during ignition. Laboratory tests showed agitation and rapid process reactions. Oxygen enrich-
that extremely high oxygen efficiencies could be attained ment is employed to increase the furnace smelting and
during blister finishing by blowing oxygen down into the conversion capacity. The Ausmelt system was proven
melt while sparging with nitrogen. The mixing action successful for the smelting of copper concentrates and
promotes desulphurization of the molten blister. Full conversion to blister within the same vessel. The Au-
scale tests began during 1989 to prove out the concept smelt furnace consists of a totally enclosed refractory
on a production scale. Plant tests demonstrated that lined vessel which employs a lance to inject fuel and air
tuyere injection of chalcocite in conjunction with oxygen into the molten bath. The furnace shape resembles a
top blowing and nitrogen stirring was effective and the refractory lined cylinder that has a high aspect ratio
commercial operation commenced in 1993 (Carr et al., (height to diameter). The bath volume occupies the
908 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
bottom 1–2 m to ensure intense mixing at the bath level 125,000 tpa to produce blister copper. Birla plans to
and allow splash to be contained within the vessel. expand its Gujarat smelter to 250,000 tpa in the period
Current interest involves the usage of copper panels for 2003–2004 (Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, 2002).
forced cooling designs. The feed and appropriate fluxes Indo Gulf Corp. and Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. are
normally involve some degree of agglomeration and are the country’s biggest copper producers. Korea Zinc is
dropped into the top of the furnace roof through a feed scheduled to install an Ausmelt furnace at Onsan during
port while off-gases are exhausted through duct work. 2003 to treat copper secondary materials contained in
The system achieves a carry-over of about one percent drosses. Korea Zinc already operates six Ausmelt fur-
of the feed material. The TSL units require the off-gases naces to treat zinc slags and residues, and secondary
to be cooled, filtered, cleaned and exhausted as with any lead materials. The company plans to install a similar
typical furnace system in environmental compliance. unit at its Sun Metals plant in Townsville, Australia, for
Larger scale systems may employ waste heat boilers for treatment of zinc residues. At Onsan, Korea Zinc in
heat recovery followed by electrostatic precipitators 2003 will commission a 90,000 tpa Ausmelt unit to treat
(ESP’s) for gas cleaning. In copper operations, the copper residue for the production of copper matte.
treated gases are normally directed to an acid plant for Although the Tsumeb Corporation smelter (Gold
recovery of sulphur. Fields) in Namibia initially installed an Ausmelt furnace
It is noteworthy that today, 28 Ausmelt units are ei- in 1997 for lead smelting, the unit was reassigned to
ther operational and/or pending installation worldwide process between 100,000–120,000 tpa of a lead–rich
while over a third of these are dedicated to copper re- copper concentrate (20% Cu and 12% Pb) to produce a
lated service in capacities of smelting and converting. clean copper matte (55–65% Cu, 7% Fe and 20% S). A
Ausmelt Technology is recognized worldwide as a pro- larger scale plant currently in operation is located at the
ven means of processing metallurgical ores and con- Zhong Tiao Shan (ZTS) smelter in China. The Chinese
centrates. The unique furnace system has been facility, located in Houma City, is rated at 67,000 tpa
successfully applied for applications involving copper, blister copper. The three furnace system employs two
nickel, lead, zinc, tin, and precious metals. The process Ausmelt units, one for smelting and one for converting
has been applied in the treatment of anode slimes, leach to blister copper while a settling furnace links the two
residues, blast furnace slags, ashes and steel production TSL furnaces. A 20% copper concentrate is smelted in
dusts. An Ausmelt unit is able to accept either molten or the first unit to produce a 60% copper matte grade which
granulated matte as feed material. A short residence is directed to the intermediate settling furnace to ac-
time is required to process materials which allows commodate separation of the matte and slag phases.
smaller furnaces than conventional designs thereby The waste slag containing about 0.6% copper is skim-
providing capital and operating cost advantages. Fur- med then granulated for usage in road beds and as a
nace conditions are precisely controlled upon adjusting pozzolan in cement manufacture. The recovered matte is
parameters such as feed, fuel, and air flow rates. A single converted in batch mode to blister copper containing
Ausmelt unit will replace six P–S converters. In 1992 an less than 0.3% sulphur in the second Ausmelt unit. Ini-
Ausmelt furnace system replaced an electric furnace tial design considerations for the Ausmelt unit at ZTS
operation at the Empress Nickel Refinery at Eiffel Flats, were presented by Mounsey et al. (1999) prior to com-
Zimbabwe, to smelt 10,000 tpa of Cu/Ni leach residue missioning during late 1999. Similar technology was
for Rio Tinto Zimbabwe (RTZim). The low sulphur included in 2003 at the smelter operated by Anhui
matte (6% S) is granulated then treated in the 1968 Tongdu Copper in China. The Tongling copper smelter
vintage refinery which has processed matte from BCL in implemented an Ausmelt system during 2002 to process
Botswana. Ausmelt technology was put in service during 330,000 tpa copper concentrates and replace two exist-
1995 at the Bindura Nickel Corp. in Zimbabwe (owned ing blast furnaces. The plant commissioned during 2002
by Anglo American) to process 10,000 tpa of copper for AngloPlats Rustenburg’s operation (formerly Am-
sulphide leach residue. The novel installation featured plat) in South Africa uses feed injection down the lance
smelting, converting, and slag reduction within the same to process 213,000 tpa of a granulated Cu/Ni/PGM
vessel. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) employs an matte and reduce sulphur emission levels. A second
Ausmelt system at the Ghatsila smelter for the pro- similar unit is scheduled for 2004 to increase plant
cessing of copper anode slimes. Indo Gulf Corporation’s productivity (Matusewicz, 2003).
Birla Copper division announced late 2001 that the Although both the Ausmelt and Mitsubishi systems
contract with Ausmelt Ltd. included copper cooling use top blowing lances in the continuous operation,
panel technology for the two submerged lance vessels to significant differences exist between the two processes
be constructed at the Dahej site. The Birla plant was originating in the Asian Pacific sector. Consumable
commissioned early in 2003. The first unit processes Mitsubishi lances must be continuously lowered to
330,000 tpa of copper concentrate to produce copper maintain the tip near the slag surface. Mitsubishi lances
matte whilst the nameplate capacity of the second unit is are designed to blow air, oxygen, and fine concentrate
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 909
onto the surface of the slag bath thereby promoting control and pre-mix combustion sytems. Charge mate-
reactions partly in the gas phase while the bath serves as rials include full plate cathode, wirebar, scrap billets and
a quiescent medium to separate the matte, slag, and saw chips, cakes, and blister copper. A considerable
furnace process gases. The consumable converting lan- number of Southwire shaft furnaces are utilized world-
ces in the Mitsubishi process are top-jetting and require wide in the continuous casting of copper wirerod for the
the thin slag layer over the matte to ensure reaction of wire and cable industry while other similar melting units
iron and copper sulphides with oxygen in the injected are used in the global aluminum industry. The section
gases. The slag requires a low iron content with high regarding melting units was included for completeness
lime composition to avoid precipitation of magnetite and complements the context of pyrometallurgy.
and also limit the amount of copper oxide skimmed off
with the discarded slag volume. Ausmelt lances employ 5.2. Anode furnaces
a protective outer layer of slag during furnace operation
and require a stoppage in operations after a few days to Many copper producers employ either reverberatory
change the lance. The lances inject oxygen enriched air or rotary furnaces for the processing of blister copper to
into a deep bath of iron silicate slag to facilitate the produce copper quality suitable for casting into anodes
converting reactions. A small addition of coal avoids containing low oxygen levels. The fuel-fired units (some
magnetite precipitation from the slag and minimizes use O2 -enriched burners) melt the spent anodes from the
copper oxide formation and dissolution in the slag. tankhouse as a supplementary charge to the blister
Ausmelt technology provides a low cost, high intensity copper which may be received in the form of cold blister
system for smelting base metal ores and concentrates in ingots or as molten hot metal from the smelter area. Fire
addition to treating metallurgical wastes to recover refining is carried out in either rotary or hearth furnaces.
metal values such as noble metals and other non-ferrous Fire refining consists of a two stage process to purify the
metals. A variation to produce pig iron involves Aus- molten metal prior to casting into anode shapes. Selec-
Ironâ technology which is under development. tive oxidation by means of injecting air through the
molten metal is used in the first stage to lower the level of
residual sulphur and other impurities. A slag containing
5. Copper melting units copper oxide forms which also contains oxidized impu-
rities. Precious metals are not oxidized and remain in the
5.1. Shaft furnaces host metal until later recovered during electrolytic op-
erations. Deoxidation is the second stage which requires
A common type of shaft furnace is manufactured by reductants (e.g., propane) to be blown into the copper.
the Southwire Company, GA, although Asarco had Lances control the final sulphur and oxygen content of
supplied some units. The latter normally provided the the copper before casting while traditional fire-refining
technology to a copper producer under license and col- employs wooden poles (i.e., hardwood) in smaller oper-
lected a royalty based on the output of finished product. ations. Several means of reducing the oxygen were em-
The Asarco design featured a circular furnace with an ployed such as reformed gas and ammonia. Others have
interior carbofrax refractory lining and multiple rows of injected natural gas and air through tuyeres to produce a
natural gas burners injected with preheated air to create a high ratio of reductants such as carbon monoxide and
reducing atmosphere. Although Asarco owns the tech- hydrogen. Blister refining involves desulphurization
nology, it is understood that other firms may manufac- employing air, oxygen enriched air, or oxygen depleted
ture the equipment. Asarco was acquired by Grupo air which is diluted with nitrogen depending upon the
Mexico in November 1999. Units may be used to melt plant’s requirements. At Kennecott, Utah, four tuyeres
copper cathodes and selected high quality bare wire inject vaporized ammonia diluted with nitrogen to
scrap for the horizontal casting of wirebar or other deoxidize the copper. Once the desired oxygen end point
shapes. A holding furnace typically precedes the casting is approached, the ammonia injection rate is lowered to
step in order to permit fire-refining by gaseous injection minimize hydrogen burning in the off-gas hoods. Casting
and pouring the molten copper via a tundish covered of soluble anodes is accomplished by means of either
with charcoal thereby controlling the final oxygen con- traditional static casting systems (e.g., Sumitomo’s Toyo
tent. Very few large operations employ traditional wood copper smelter) or the Hazelett continuous cast system
poles to deoxidize the copper. Other smaller units were (Contilanod) as practised by Falconbridge at its Kidd
employed in the semi-continuous casting of large cakes Creek, Canada, operations, UMICORE (former Union
(e.g., 8 in. by 24 in. by 26 ft. long) and continuous casting Miniere) at Olen, Belgium, and the Onsan smelter
of phosphor deoxidized copper billets (e.g., 4 in. by 48 (LGMC) in Korea. Outokumpu casting wheel systems
in.) for the copper sheet and tube industry, respectively. which feature twin pouring ladles for casting of even
The Southwire furnace capacities range from 5 to 60 weight anodes followed by automatic take-off systems
tonnes per hour and feature automatic air/fuel ratio are quite common throughout the world.
910 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
anode furnace for fire refining, a holding furnace and a were in active service worldwide. The number of TSL
conventional wheel casting system. units approaches 28 by the year 2004.
2. A short residence time coupled with smaller furnaces
5.5. Maertz furnaces improves throughput while decreasing capital costs
per tonne processed.
Warwick Furnace Co. signed an agreement with 3. Apart from the smelting of copper concentrates and
Maertz Ofenbau A.G. of Zurich, Switzerland to provide base metal ores, the compact Ausmelt system was ap-
pyrometallurgical equipment for the worldwide copper plied in many applications such as the processing of
industry. The copper reverb furnace includes a hydraulic copper anode slimes and smelting of Cu/Ni leach res-
tilting mechanism to facilitate pouring into the furnace idues.
as well as reverse tilting for slag removal. The melting
furnace provides special door openings for blowing and 6.1.2. Disadvantages
green log poling. Gaseous poling can also be provided 1. Mitsui installed a second Ausmelt vessel (first in-
while tuyere or lance openings are located along the stalled 1996) during the 2001 modernization of its
pouring wall for compressed air blowing. A typical 350- Hachinoche smelter complex to obtain the desired
ton capacity unit has a melting rate of about 40 tonnes/h. nameplate capacity. The Ausmelt units operating in
parallel are used for slag cleaning operations follow-
5.6. Rotary furnaces ing its Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) and recover a
high quality lead/zinc fume from the ISF slags. Twin-
This type of melting unit (e.g., Tolltrek) as manu- ning of production units or arranging in tandem may
factured in Colorado, USA, is suited for pilot plant scale present some logistical problems as opposed to imple-
operations or laboratory test work. The tilting rotary menting one larger furnace unit.
unit is ideal for processing of precious metals residues to
produce a crude Dore for refining at some other loca- 6.2. Inco’s flash converting process
tion. Refractory ores, which typically contain noble
metals such as gold, may be processed in this compact 6.2.1. Advantages
unit. 1. Inco absorbed the development costs and tailored the
unit developed in-house to suit its requirements.
2. Process utilizes by-product nitrogen from the firms’s
6. Comparison of continuous converting technologies two oxygen plants for bottom stirring.
3. Process enjoys 90% oxygen efficiency while dust load-
It is important to provide a critical analysis of how ing has been decreased to one percent.
the various technologies compare to each other. Since 4. Blister quality suits the static casting of copper an-
leading edge technology appears to be direct conversion odes via a refurbished wheel system at the smelter
of copper concentrates to blister copper, this area was for delivery of anodes to its nearby electrolytic copper
selected to compare advantages and disadvantages of refinery.
major processes. Four processes, as listed alphabetically,
were evaluated as being representative of this category 6.2.2. Disadvantages
since a critical review of every distinct process cited 1. A one-of-a-kind unit specific to its Copper Cliff smel-
within the paper would not be practical. A description ter to treat fine particles of high-grade chalcocite con-
of the Noranda reactor (NORSMELT) was provided in centrate (i.e., 72% Cu) from its bulk matte separation
preceding sections. It is recognized that other estab- department.
lished systems such as the El Teniente reactor deserve 2. The unit was constructed from a stretched P–S con-
honorable mention but further elaboration was limited verter shell and gradually evolved into a production
in the interest of brevity. The items highlighted in ran- unit after considerable field modifications. The single
dom order are not intended to be all inclusive but reflect operational unit is a critical link in the overall process
the salient differences of the state-of-the-art amongst since failure due to refractory relines and other me-
worldwide hot metal systems. chanical problems requires stockpiling of concentrate
called ‘‘MK’’. The terminology evolved during the
6.1. Ausmelt direct converting late forties to identify the origin/process/destination
of intermediate and final products for further treat-
6.1.1. Advantages ment or shipment.
1. The system was successful since the early 1990s for the 3. The specialized unit has not been commercially ap-
smelting of copper concentrates and conversion to plied at any other copper producer and it has not
blister within the same vessel. At the beginning of been modified to treat lower grade concentrates typi-
the 21st century, 11 non-ferrous Ausmelt applications cally fed to flash furnaces.
912 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
than 0.5% copper (Bloomsbury Minerals Economics, lead sulphate, stannic oxide, plus complex compounds of
2003). The electrolytic recovery in E/W operations is arsenic, antimony and bismuth which affect the quality
typically conducted using a sulphate medium containing of the cathode. Recovery methods include leaching,
the copper in solution as a component of the acidic electrolytic, and smelting processes (e.g., Dore bullion).
electrolyte then applying appropriate current and voltage The grain morphology and orientation, plus the rate
to the permanent lead or lead alloy anodes and stainless of growth of copper on the cathodic surface are im-
steel blanks thereby facilitating full deposit stripping of portant in relation to the current efficiency of the pro-
product cathodes (The Electrorefining and Winning of cess and subsequent cathode purity. Undesirable
Copper, 1997). Electrowon cathodes now achieve Grade impurities are entrained within protrusions and exfoli-
‘‘A’’ copper quality and thus can be consumed in the ations. High pressure washing of the pulled cathodes to
production of continuous cast rod. The wirerod is an- remove salts is inadequate to remove deleterious sub-
nealed and cold drawn to various gauges for commercial stances trapped within nodulations. Other insolubles
applications in the wire and cable sector. A future tech- include silica, gypsum, alumina and barite originating
nological challenge involves creation of a process to from plant practice for mould dressing and skimming of
electrowin copper directly from the white metal phase slag from the tundish into each mould. During elec-
rather than proceeding to blister followed by anode trolysis the concentration of cupric ions increases and
production and subsequent electrorefining (Demetrio the excess copper is removed from the electrolyte solu-
et al., 1999). In hydrometallurgy, the dissolution kinetics tion by means of hooded liberator cells containing in-
for SX-EW operations are hindered by the concentrate soluble anodes. Cell evacuation is essential in the event
mineralogy such as the presence of chalcopyrite. Suc- that arsine gas is generated in the liberator section of the
cessful leaching of white metal may eliminate solvent cell house. Cell houses feature an electrolyte purification
extraction operations. Electrodeposition of copper in section which is associated with the distribution system
electrowinning operations (Valic et al., 1999) differs from to disperse heated solution to each cell via either top or
the traditional electrorefining process via usage of insol- bottom flow patterns. The electrolyte is usually passed
uble anodes which consequently require a higher power through polishing filters to remove suspended solids
consumption (Ullmann, 1995). The cathodic half-reac- which would impair the quality of the cathodes if oc-
tion is identical in both types of electrolysis. cluded on to the adjacent surface. Tankhouse electrolyte
purification, pulling and charging practice, automation,
Cu2þ þ 2e ! Cu ðpure cathodesÞ
cell mudding procedures, reagents, building ventilation,
Cell voltage, which ranges from 0.25 to 0.3 V, and crane automation, anode and cathode cycles etc. vary
current density are the two important parameters in within the refineries ranging from small to large capacity
traditional copper electrolysis. Cell voltage is determined which are located in each hemisphere. In many coun-
by factors such as (i) Ohmic resistance of the electrolyte; tries, cathodes are normally shipped full size in weighed
(ii) overpotential due to organic additives such as glue; and strapped bundles although a minor percentage is
(iii) polarization; (iv) voltage loss and (v) anode passivity sheared for specialized customers. Most producers
which is associated with high current density (Ullmann, generate full plate cathodes as the final product of the
1995). The current density in electrorefining ranges from smelter and refinery complex for either domestic con-
180 to 280 A/m2 in conventional practice. A few refin- sumption or export. Full plate cathodes are normally
eries employ periodic reverse current (PRC) ranging marketed via the LME and Comex if the cathode
from 290 to 380 A/m2 . As a rule of thumb, copper output product meets the chemical and physical standards for
increases with higher current density while the current registration. Some producers ship their output as wire-
efficiency decreases. It is noteworthy that the voltage for bar (250–300 lbs.) to hot rolling mills. A few specialized
electrowinning is approximately two volts and typically producers provide copper powders plus bronze and
requires about 2000 kW h/tonnes of power for copper brass alloys. Many plants implement ‘‘ISO’’ certification
while electrorefining power consumption is much lower to provide customer assurance.
at about 350 kW h/tonnes. Copper electrolyte contains Copper anodes may be static cast on a wheel ar-
35–45 g/l of copper, and 150–220 g/l sulphuric acid. The rangement such as an automatic Outokumpu system
solution temperature is maintained within 55–65 °C by with twin pouring ladles to produce even weight anodes.
means of heat exchangers or steam sparging. The insol- The oxygen content of the cast anode affects the elec-
uble materials contained within the cast copper anode trolytic operation while a flat set on the surface improves
represent less than one percent of the anode weight and current efficiency. A few producers worldwide employ
this undissolved material reports as anode slimes. The continuous casting systems featuring the Hazelett system
slimes are collected from the bottom of each plating cell (i.e., Contilanodâ process) which provides superior
then treated by proven extractive processes to recover the quality and a dimensionally consistent shape. Tradi-
metal values such as precious metals (gold, silver, and tional static cast anodes may require pressing, manual
platinum group metals), copper tellurides and selenides, chipping of fins and protrusions, lug straightening
914 R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919
and milling for improved contact and other preparation charge of anodes. Tank room data for 21 refineries was
prior to insertion within the cell. Plumbness of anodes, first compiled in 1985 by J.H. Schloen then expanded by
free of surface irregularities, which are adjacent to flat Davenport et al. (1999). For example, Inco’s copper
copper starter sheets ensures improved current efficiency. refinery in Copper Cliff has a nameplate capacity of
Tight spacing of the electrodes such as at 89 mm (3.5 in.) 170,000 tpa. It maintains an anode cycle (each 272 kg) of
between centres requires symmetrical hanger bars and 28 days and produces the first batch of cathodes (122 kg)
profiled capping boards with an accurate electrical con- after 14 days and the second batch after another 14
tact system. The busbar system may be constructed of days. The cells contain 38 anodes and 39 cathodes and
either copper or aluminum. Copper electrorefining and operate at a current density of 177 A/m2 . The spent
electrowinning facilities (e.g., China and Japan) favour anodes are collected, washed, then recycled back to the
the patented MIM stainless steel blank technology rather smelting process to produce additional units. In the past,
than using prepared starter sheets with the inherent the refinery allowed heavy anode scrap to remain in the
mechanical handling problems (e.g., cross rods). The li- cells thereby facilitating a third crop of thinner cathodes
censed ISA Process currently accounts for over 35% of which normally are inferior in quality to the first cycle
global copper refining capacity. The innovative tech- designated as ‘‘turnover’’. The Inco copper refinery in-
nology is marketed by Copper Refineries Pty. Ltd. stalled an automated anode scrap washing system
(Australia) in conjunction with Outokumpu Wenmec supplied by Outokumpu Wenmec. Inco invested $33-
Inc. (Finland) and MESCO, Inc. (Japan). A contract for million to commission refurbished anode casting facili-
the supply of 40,000 mother plates was signed in 2002 for ties at its nearby bulk copper/nickel smelter thereby
the Jianxi Copper Company’s refinery located at Guixi severing the umbilical cord that has tied the two plants
near Ying Tan city. Falconbridge Ltd. patented the for many decades. Producing anodes in the smelter
KIDD PROCESSâ which similarly employs stainless eliminated the transfer of molten blister copper by rail in
steel blanks on which the copper is plated then me- special hot metal cars and phased out two outdated
chanically stripped after several days (Moskalyk et al., anode furnaces and associated Walker casting wheels.
1999). Inco purchased a 26 mould Treadwell casting wheel that
The anode cycle varies at each tankhouse and most was retrofitted with an Outokumpu single pouring ladle
refineries produce two crops of cathodes from one initial to produce constant weight anodes followed by an au-
Table 1
Worldwide summary of copper smelters
Country No. of units Country No. of units
Albania 3 Armenia 1
Australia 7 Austria 2
Belgium 2 Botswana 1
Brazil 2 Bulgaria 3
Canada 8 Chile 11
China 41 Cuba 1
Czech Republic 1 D.R. of Congo 3
Denmark 1 Egypt 1
Finland 1 France 2
Germany 5 Hungary 1
India 7 Indonesia 1
Iran 2 Italy 1
Japan 10 Kazakhstan 5
North Korea 3 South Korea 3
Mexico 7 Namibia 1
Norway 1 Oman 1
Pakistan 1 Peru 2
Philippines 1 Poland 4
Portugal 1 Romania 2
Russia 14 Slovakia 1
R.S. Africa 6 Spain 6
Sweden 1 Taiwan 2
Thailand 2 Turkey 3
Ukraine 1 United Kingdom 3
Uganda 1 U.S.A. 2
Uzbekistan 1 Yugoslavia 1
Zambia 4 Zimbabwe 6
Source: Non-ferrous metal works of the world, World Copper Databook.
R.R. Moskalyk, A.M. Alfantazi / Minerals Engineering 16 (2003) 893–919 915
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operates at 45 tph. Barite is used as a mould dressing Barrios, P., Contreras, J., Palacios, M., 1998a. Recent operations at
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