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SICAM 230 Manual: History of Changes

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SICAM 230 manual

History of changes

©2015 Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

All rights reserved.

Distribution and/or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely
with the written permission of the company SIEMENS. Technical data is only used for product
description and are not guaranteed qualities in the legal sense. Subject to change, technical or


1. Welcome to SIEMENS help ........................................................................................................... 4

2. History of changes ....................................................................................................................... 4

3. Engineering in the Editor.............................................................................................................. 5

3.1 Change history detail view of toolbar and context menu ........................................................................... 6

4. Logged data ................................................................................................................................. 7

4.1 Filter data .................................................................................................................................................... 8

5. Logged actions........................................................................................................................... 10

6. Export data................................................................................................................................ 14

SICAM 230 Welcome to SIEMENS help

1. Welcome to SIEMENS help


If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that you
would like added, please send an email to sicam230.energy@siemens.com


You can receive support for any real project you may have from our Support Team, who you can contact
via email at support.energy@siemens.com (mailto:support.energy@siemens.com).


If you find that you need other modules or licenses, our staff will be happy to help you. Email
sicam230.energy@siemens.com (mailto:sicam230.energy@siemens.com).

2. History of changes
The history of changes serves for complete documentation of the phase of engineering. All changes to a
project such as change, delete, create, etc. can be protocoled. Per default the history of changes turned
off and must be activated (on page 5) in the Editor.

License information

SICAM 230 Engineering in the Editor

Part of the standard license of the Editor and Runtime.


Menu item Action

Export XML all... Exports all entries as an XML file.

Export CSV all... Exports all entries as an CSV file.

Activate extended filter Opens the dialog for Engineering enhanced filter settings (on
page 8).

Deactivate extended filter Deletes the settings for the extended filters and deactivates the
property for the engineering of the extended filter settings.

Editor profile Opens the drop-down list with predefined editor profiles.

Help Opens online help.

3. Engineering in the Editor

The history of changes must be activated in the Editor. To do this:

1. navigate to Group History of changes in project properties

2. Activate the propertyHistory of changes active

3. select via property Detailling level which details should be recorded:

 Object: Only the object names of the changed objects are logged.
 Properties: Additionally to the object names the changed properties and the new
values are displayed in the history of changes.
 Value changes: Not only the new value of a property is displayed but also the old
one. This makes complete traceability of the changes of values possible. This setting
causes the most detail level of logging.

4. For multi-user projects, the ability to enter a comment can be automatically unlocked for write
access via the Automatically allow changes property;

SICAM 230 Engineering in the Editor

this setting is deactivated by default, because it can impair performance significantly


The activating/deactivating of the history of changes can be protected from unauthorized user access.
To do this:

1. navigate to Group User administration in project properties

2. click in the field of property Function authorizations

3. the dialog for changing the function authorization is opened

4. select for Turn on/off history of changes the desired authorization level

3.1 Change history detail view of toolbar and context menu


Menu item Action

Filter Module Sets the filter to the module of the selected entry.

Filter object Sets the filter to the object of the selected entry.

Activate extended filters Activates the property for engineering extended filter settings.

Deactivate extended Deletes the settings for the extended filters and deactivates the
filters property for the engineering of the extended filter settings.

Remove all filters Removes all filter settings.

Copy Copies the selected entries to the clipboard.

Delete Deletes selected entries after a confirmation from list.

Export selected XML Exports all selected entries as an XML file.

Export selected CSV Exports all selected entries as an CSV file.

SICAM 230 Logged data

Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header
shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Only cells that
can be edited can be selected.

Properties Opens the Properties window for the selected entry.

Help Opens online help.

4. Logged data
If the history of changes is activated, the changes are displayed in the detail view of the project manager
according to the selected settings. The first entry documents the activation of the History of changes. At
deactivation the last entry is the deactivating of the history of changes.

Entry Description
State State of the object for multi-user projects.

Green: Object has the state Enable changes

Empty: Object has the state Apply changes

time stamp Date and time.

Action Type of interference. Possible values:

 New

 Changed

 Deleted

 New - VBA

 Changed - VBA

 Deleted - VBA

Module The module (e.g. PFS, archive, report) where the changes have been made.

Object Object which was changed.

Element Element which was changed. Recorded is the name as defined in property
Element name.

SICAM 230 Logged data

Property The property of the objects/elements which were changed.

Old value The value of the property before changes were done.

Only available if you selected Value change in project property

Detailling level.

New value Value of the property after the change.

Only available if in project settings under Detailling level

Properties or Value changes was selected.

User The user who carried out the changes. If the user administration is not activated
or no user is logged in, the Windows user is read out and entered.

Computer The name of the computer where the changes have been made.

Comment Freely usable text.

You can sort the columns as you wish by dragging&dropping. Each column can be filtered (on page
8)for certain content.

Note: If you can certain properties which open a dialog for additional settings, not all changes are
For example: In module Batch Control you change a parameter which is linked to a phase via a formula.
This change is not recorded. If you change the formula, the change is recorded.

4.1 Filter data

There are two possibilities to filter displayed list of the history of changes:

1. Enhanced filter of the history of changes

2. Filter of the list view

SICAM 230 Logged data


You can reach the enhanced filter via the context menu in the project manager or in the detail view.


Parameters Description
Maximum number of Defines the maximum number of data sets which are displayed in
entries the list.

0: Unlimited number

Default: 1000


Parameters Description
Time period Enables filtering on a specified time period or to or from a certain
point in time.

Active: Only entries from the given time period are displayed.
Default: deactivated

From Date and time after which changes should be displayed.

To Date and time up to which changes should be displayed.

SICAM 230 Logged actions

5. Logged actions
In the history of changes the following is protocoled:

Object Changes
SICAM 230 Logic  SICAM 230 Logic New project

 SICAM 230 Logic Delete project

 SICAM 230 Logic Change project

Archives  New archive

 Delete archive

 Change archive

 Add variable

 Delete variable

User  New user

 Delete user

 Change user

Screens  New screen

 Delete screen

 Change screen

Files  Add file

 Delete file

 Change file

Data types  Datatype new

 Delete data type

 Change data type

SICAM 230 Logged actions

Dynamic elements/ Vector  Element new

 Delete element

 Change element

Functions  Function new

 Delete function

 Change function

Menus  Main menu new

 Delete main menu

 Change main menu

 Context menu new

 Delete context menu

 Change context menu

Message Control  At saving changes

Process Control Engine (PCE)  At saving changes

Project  Move project within project tree

Project backup  Creating a project backup with version number.

Reaction matrices  Rema new

 Delete Rema

 Change Rema

Report  New report

 Delete report

 Change report- when saved

SICAM 230 Logged actions

Recipe  Recipe new

 Delete recipe

 Change Recipe

 Add variable

 Delete variable

 Change value

Recipegroups  Recipe group new

 Recipe group delete

 Change Recipe group

 Recipe new

 Change Recipe

 Delete recipe

 Add variable

 Delete variable

 Change value

 Change source

 Change source type

Frames  Frame new

 Delete frame

 Change frame

Scheduler  At saving changes

Fonts  Font new

 Delete font

 Change font

SICAM 230 Logged actions

Scripts  Script new

 Delete script

 Change script

Language table  New entry

 Delete entry

 Change entry

Drivers  Driver new

 Delete Driver

 Change Driver

VBA  When saved the changes in the VBA-Editor an entry is


Variables  Variable new

 Delete variable

 Change data point

Interlockings  New interlocking

 Change interlocking

 Delete interlocking

 Variable new

 Delete variable

Time control  Time function new

 Delete time function

 Change time function

SICAM 230 Export data

6. Export data
The data of the history of changes can be exported as XML or CSV file.

To export data:

1. Highlight the desired entries

(multiple selection is possible using the key combinations Ctrl+left mouse button,
Shift+left mouse button and Ctrl+a)

2. select the desired export form (XML or CSV) in the context menu

3. the dialog for selecting where to save the file is opened

4. enter a name and confirm by clicking Save

Note: The headings of the entries in the exported data are in English.


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