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TechRef OverheadLineConstants

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PowerFactory 2018

Technical Reference Documentation

Overhead Line Constants
TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon

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Copyright © 2018 DIgSILENT GmbH

All rights reserved. No part of this
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distributed in any form without written
permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.

February 7, 2018
PowerFactory 2018
Revision 2


1 Introduction 1

2 Definition in Terms of Geometrical Data 1

3 Conductor Type 2

3.1 Geometrical Mean Radius (GMR) of a Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.1.1 GMR of solid conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1.2 GMR of tubular conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.1.3 Numerical example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.2 Bundle Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants 6

4.1 Series Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1.1 Internal impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1.2 Geometrical impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.1.3 Earth correction term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.1.4 Series impedance matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4.2 Shunt Capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4.3 Transposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.3.1 None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.3.2 Circuit-wise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.3.3 Symmetrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.3.4 Perfect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.4 Output Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5 Definition in Terms of Electrical Data 15

A Parameter Definitions 16

B References 19

List of Figures 20

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference i

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)

List of Tables 21

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference ii

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
2 Definition in Terms of Geometrical Data

1 Introduction

This document describes the calculation of the electrical parameters of an overhead line system
from its configuration characteristics like tower geometry, conductor types, number, phasing and
grounding condition of its circuits, etc. The calculation function is available for lines having a
tower type (TypTow) or a tower geometry type (TypGeo).

The line parameters calculation function, or so-called line constants, supports overhead lines
systems with any number of parallel circuits of the same or different nominal voltage, 3-ph,
2-ph and single phase, with or without earth wires and neutral conductors and different types
of transpositions. The calculation accounts for the skin effect in the conductors and for the
frequency dependency of the earth return path.

The calculation function can be used in a stand-alone mode, in which case PowerFactory prints
the calculation results (impedance and admittance matrices) to the output window, or it can be
automatically called by the line (ElmLne) or line coupling (ElmTow) elements when associated
to a tower type (TypTow) or a tower geometry type (TypGeo). In the last case, the parameters
calculation function will automatically return the resulting impedance and admittance matrices
of the overhead line system to the simulation model.

Finally, the tower type (TypTow) does also support the definition of the transmission system in
terms of its electrical parameters, so that the user has the option to enter the impedance and
admittance matrices either in natural or in sequence components. This is especially useful when
the user has to define an unbalanced system (eg. untransposed line) with multiple circuits not
supported by the line type (TypLne).

2 Definition in Terms of Geometrical Data

The overhead line system is defined in terms of geometrical data, i.e. the physical dimensions
of the towers (geometrical data) and the conductor data. The model consists in the conductor
types (TypCon) and the tower geometries (TypTow or TypGeo).

The input parameters of the conductor type are listed in Table A.1 and discussed in 3.

The geometry of the tower is entered in either a tower type (TypTow) or a tower geometry type
(TypGeo). In the tower type (TypTow) the user associates to the geometry of the tower the
corresponding conductor types of each circuit and therefore the tower type (TypTower ) contains
all data of the overhead line transmission system as required for the calculation of the electrical
parameters. The tower geometry type (TypGeo) instead, does not contain a reference to the
conductor type, so that the definition is not complete. The conductor types are added later on
in the line (ElmLne) or coupling (ElmTow) elements. For that reason the tower geometry type
(TypGeo) is more flexible, and should be therefore the preferred option, when combining the
same tower geometry with different conductor types. This is quite often the case in distribution

The input parameters of the tower type (TypTow) are shown in Table A.3 and those of the tower
geometry type (TypGeo) in Table A.2. The calculation of the electrical parameters is discussed
in 4.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 1

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
he input parametes of the tower type (TypTow) are shown in Table 4 and those of the tower geometry type
TypGeo) in Table 3. The calculation of the electrical parameters is discussed in 4.
3 Conductor Type

3 Conductor type
3 Conductor Type

he geometrical andTheelectrical
geometricalcharacteristics of the conductor
and electrical characteristics are defined
of the conductor in a conductor
are defined typetype
in a conductor (TypCon). The
ser has the option(TypCon).
betweenThe user and
solide has the optionconductors,
tubular between solid andand tubular
between conductors, and betweenand
single conductors single
a bundle of sub-
conductors and a bundle of sub-conductors (number of Sub-conductors >1) in which case he
onductors (number of Sub-condcutors
further >1) in which case he further specifies bundle spacing.
specifies bundle spacing.

Figure 3.1: Conductor type dialog

Figure 1: Conductor type dialog.

The parameters of the sub-conductors are used to calculate the internal impedance. These
parameters are the DC resistance, the diameter (or radius) and the internal inductance. The
he parameters ofinternal
the sub-conductors arealso
impedance can be used to calculate
defined the
in terms of internal
relative impedance.
permeability These parameters
or geometrical mean are the
DC resistance, the radius
GMR(or radius) and
as explained the internal inductance. The internal impedance can be also defined
in 3.1.
n terms of relativeIfpermeability
the ”Skin effect”orflag
is asserted, mean radius of
the calculation GMR as explained
the internal in 3.1.
impedance will account for the
skin effect (Bessel functions) as described in section 4.

v e r h e a d L i n e S3.1
y s t eGeometrical
ms Mean Radius (GMR) of a Conductor Page 5 of 22

Geometrical Mean Radius (GMR) is usually provided in manufactures data sheets. This is the
data the user is encouraged to give as input for the conductor type definition.

If not available, Power Factory can also calculate the GMR at power frequency starting from the
conductor diameter (or radius) or the relative permeability; however, under the assumption of an
uniform current distribution over its cross section. In other words, the influence of elementary
wires is not taken into account [1, 2, 3].

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 2

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
Geometrical Mean Radius (GMR) is usually provided in manufactures´ datasheets. This is the data the user is
encouraged to give as input for the conductor type definition.

If not available, Power Factory can also calculate the GMR at power frequency starting from the conductor
3 Conductor Type
diameter (or radius) or the relative permeability; however, under the assumption of an uniform current
distribution over its cross section. In other words, the influence of elementary wires is not taken into account.
3.1.1 GMR of solid conductors
3.1.1 GMR of solid conductors
Consider a solid conductor of nonmagnetic material and radius r as depicted in Figure 3.2.
Consider a solid conductor of nonmagnetic material and radius r as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 3.2: Solid conductor

Figure 2: Solid conductor

From theFrom
magnetic field theory,
the magnetic fieldthe autothe
theory, inductance of the conductor
auto inductance can be can
of the conductor calculated as in (1),
be calculated as in (1),

µ00 µm

æ1 1 ö

self = 8π + 2π × ln ç
L = + · ln
· r× r ÷
(1) (1)
8p 2p è2 2 ø
where the first term of the sum is the internal inductance associated with the magnetic flux
where theinside
first term of the sum
the conductor (2)isand
the the
internal inductance
second associated
one represents the with the magnetic
external flux
inductance inside thetoconductor
(2) and the
(3). the external inductance associated to the external flux (3).

Linternal = (2)
Lint ernal = 8π0 (2)
µ0 1
Lexternal = m0 · ln
2π æ2 ·1r
ö (3)
Lexternal = × ln ç ÷ (3)
2p è 2×r ø
In means of the Geometrical Mean Radius (GMR) of the conductor, (1) can be rewritten as (4)

In means of the Geometrical Mean Radius (GMR) of the conductor,

 can be rewritten as (4)
µ0 1
Lself = · ln (4)
2π 2 · GM R
m0 æ 1 ö
Lself =× ln ç ÷ deduced for the GMRof a solid (4)
Therefore, between (1) and (4) the following è 2 × GMR ø
can be
conductor under the above mentioned assumptions:

Therefore, between (1) and (4) the following expression can be1 deduced for the GMR of a solid conductor under
the above mentioned assumptions: GM R = r · e− 4 (5)

3.1.2 GMR of tubular conductors
GMR = r × e 4

A similar procedure can be used to calculate the GMR of a tubular conductor. A uniform mag-
O v e r h e anetic
d L i ndistribution
e S y s t e m of
s the current over the conductor section is here to be assumed as inP the
age 6 of 22
preceding case as well.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 3

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
3.1.2 GMR of tubular conductors
A similar 3procedure
be used to calculate the GMR of a tubular conductor. A uniform magnetic distribution of
the current over the conductor section is here to be assumed as in the preceding case as well.

Figure 3.3: Tubular conductor

Figure 3: Tubular conductor.

For the tubular conductor depicted in Figure 3.3, the auto inductance is calculated as in (6):
For the tubular conductor depicted in Figure 3, the auto inductance is calculated as in (6):
" #
q4 3q 2 − r2
µ0 r µ0 1
Lself = · · ln − + · ln (6)
2π é (r2 −4 q 2 )2 q 4 · (r2 2− q 2 )2 ù 2π 2·r
m q r 3q - r ú m0 æ 1 ö
Lself = 0 × ê × ln - + × ln ç ÷ (6)
2p ê ( r 2the
Again, the first term represents - qinternal
2 q 4 × ( r and
) inductance,
2 2
) ú for2the
- qthus
p tubular
è 2 ×conductor:

ë û
" #
µ0 q4 r 3q 2 − r2
Again, the first term represents the internal
Lint = inductance,
· and thus for the tubular conductor:
2 · ln q − 4 · (r 2 − q 2 ) (7)
2π (r2 − q 2 )

Between (4) and (6) results (8)mfor

é 4
3q - r
q of a tubularr conductor:
0 the GMR
2 ù
Lint = ×ê × ln - ú
2p êë r"2 - q 2 )2
q (
4 × r 2 - q#2 úû ) (7)

3q 2 − r2 q4 r
GM R = r · exp 2 2
− 2 · ln (8)
4 (r − q ) (r2 − q 2 ) q
Between (4) and (6) results (8) for the GMR of a tubular conductor:

It should be emphasized here again that (5) and (8) assume a uniform distribution of the current
é and
over the cross section of the conductor - r 2 the elementary
3q 2therefore q4 r ù are not taken into
GMR = r × exp ê 2 - × ln ú
êë 4 r - q
) (r 2 2
- q2 ) q úû

3.1.3 Numerical example

It should be emphasized here again that (5) and (8) assume a uniform distribution of the current over the cross
section of the conductor and therefore the elementary wires are not taken into account.
For an Al/St Conductor, 120/20 mm2 , Radius 7,75 mm and q/r= 0,226, the following values can
be verified in PowerFactory :
3.1.3 Numerical example
• From Eq. (7), Linternal2 =0,045479 mH/km
For an Al/St Conductor, 120/20 mm , Radius 7,75 mm and q/r= 0,226, the following values can be verified in
Power factory:
• From Eq. (6), Lself = 0,878862 mH/km
• From Eq. (8), GMR = 6,17369 mm
- From (7), Linternal=0,045479 mH/km

- From
3.2 Bundle Conductor
Eq. (6), Lself= 0,878862 mH/km

- From
Bundle Eq. (8), are
conductors GMRfrequently
= 6,17369used
mm in high voltage transmission lines to reduce corona
losses and fulfill electromagnetic radiation requirements. Two or more subconductors per phase
are held together by spacers conforming a symmetrical bundle conductor.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 4

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
Overhead Line Systems Page 7 of 22
3 Conductor Type
3.2 Bundle conductor
Bundle conductors are frequently used in high voltage transmission lines to reduce corona losses and fulfill
For electromagnetic
the calculation of electrical
radiation parameters,
requirements. PowerFactory
Two or more subconductors replaces
per phase the
are held bundle
together subconductors
by spacers
a conductor of equivalent radius.
a symmetrical bundle conductor. Subsequent calculations of line parameters (internal
impedance and geometrical impedance due to external flux) are then carried out considering
equivalent single
the calculation conductor
of electrical as if Power
parameters, it were located
Factory in the
replaces middle
the bundle of the bundle.
subconductors with a conductor of
equivalent radius. Subsequent calculations of line parameters (internal impedance and geometrical impedance
to external is based
flux) oncarried
are then the following two this
out considering assumptions:
equivalent single conductor as if it were located in the
middle of the bundle.

• The
This bundle
approach is symmetrical
is based on the following two assumptions:

• The
current distribution among the subconductors within a bundle is uniform
The bundle is symmetrical

§ The current distribution among the subconductors within a bundle is uniform

Under these assumptions, the radius of the equivalent conductor will be:
Under these assumptions, the radius of the equivalent conductor will be:
rB = n · r · Rn−1 (9)
rB = n × r × R n-1

where r is the radius of an individual subconductor, n the number of subconductors and R the
where r is the radius of an individual subconductor, n the number of subconductors and R the radius of the
radius of the bundle (calculated from the bundle spacing a as depicted in Figure 3.4).
bundle (calculated from the bundle spacing a as depicted in Figure 4 ).

Figure 3.4: Symmetrical bundle of radius R with n subconductors. Bundle spacing a

Figure 4: Symmetrical bundle of radius R with n subconductors. Bundle spacing a

The relationship between the bundle spacing a and angle a is given by:
The relationship between the bundle spacing a and angle α is given by:
æp ö
a = 2 R × sinç  ÷ 
a = 2R · sinè n ø
The equivalent GMR results:
The equivalent GMR results:
GMRB = n n × GMR × R n-1 (10)
GM RB = n · GM R · Rn−1 (10)
where GMR is the geometrical mean radius of individual sub-conductor in bundle.

where GMR is the geometrical mean radius of individual sub-conductor in bundle.

A different method for calculating line parameters of bundle conductors consists in computing
Overhead Line Systems Page 8 of 22
the parameters for each sub-conductor as if it were represented as an individual conductor.
Since all sub-conductors within a bundle have the same voltage, the order of the geometri-
cal matrices is then reduce to matrices of equivalent phase conductors. Even though non-
symmetrical bundle conductor can also be considered in this case, a uniform current distribu-
tion among sub-conductors within the bundle is still to be assumed. Differences between both
methods seem however not to be relevant. PowerFactory supports the first approach described

For calculating the internal impedance of the bundle, the internal impedance of one sub-conductor
must be divided by the number of sub-conductors n.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 5

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

4.1 Series Impedance

The line impedance consists of three components:

0 0
1. The internal impedance ZInt = RInt (ω)+jω·L0 Int (ω), which accounts for the voltage drop
due to conductor resistance and the magnetic field inside the conductor itself. Because of
skin effect, both the internal reactance and resistance are frequency dependent.
2. Geometrical impedance ZG , being the impedance of an ideal conductor without any mag-
netic field inside and an ideally conducting ground. The geometrical inductance is not
frequency dependent.
3. Earth correction term ZE = Rt0 (ω) + jω · L0 t (ω), a frequency dependent term considering
finite earth conductivity and proximity effects. It depends on the earth resistivity and the
line geometry (different coefficients for self and mutual impedances).

4.1.1 Internal impedance

Without considering skin effect

If skin effect is not considered (skin effect flag on the conductor type) following formulae are
used for the calculation of the internal impedance:

0 0
ZInt = RInt + jωL0Int (11)

RInt = RDC (12)


 8π solide conductor
L0Int = h i (13)
µ0 q4 3q 2 −r 2
· · ln rq − tubular conductor

2π (r 2 −q 2 )2 4·(r 2 −q 2 )

where RDC is the DC resistance of the conductor in Ω/km and r and q the outside and inside
radius of the tubular conductor respectively.

Considering skin effect

If skin effect is considered, the internal impedance of the conductor becomes a function of the
frequency and it is calculated using the complex Bessel functions:

1  p  J ς · √−j 
ZInt = · RDC · ς · −j · √  (14)
2 J1 ς · −j


DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 6

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

ω · µr · µ0
ς =r· =r·m (15)

∞ k  x n+2k
X (−1)
Jn (x) = · (16)
k! · (n + k)! 2

The parameter
ω · µr · µ0
in (15) is the reciprocal (absolute value) of the complex depth of penetration p. Eq. (15) can
also be expressed in terms of the DC resistance of the conductor as follows:

ω · µr · µ0
ς= (17)
RDC · π

The relative permeability µr accounts for the conductor geometry (µr = 1 for solid conductor
and µr ≤ 1 for tubular conductors), with µr 6= 1 if the conductor material is magnetic.

Temperature coefficient

If the temperature dependency of line/cables option is enabled in the load flow calculation, the
resistivity of the conducting layers is adjusted by the following equation

ρT = ρ20◦ C · [1 + α (20 − T )]

where α is the temperature coefficient of resistance. The resistivities and temperature coeffi-
cient of common metals are given in Table 4.1 for reference.

Table 4.1: Resistivities and temperature coefficient of resistance

Material Resistivity at 20 Temperature coefficient

C [µΩ.cm] at 20◦ C [1/◦ C]
Aluminum 2.83 0.0039
Copper, hard drawn 1.77 0.00382
Copper, annealed 1.72 0.00393
Brass 6.4-8.4 0.0020
Iron 10 0.0050
Silver 1.59 0.0038
Steel 12-88 0.001-0.005

4.1.2 Geometrical impedance

0 µ0
ZGii = jω Nii (18)

0 µ0
ZGik = jω Nik (19)

The frequency independent coefficients N can be calculated as follows:

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 7

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
Z 'Gik = jw N ik (19)

4 The
frequencyof Overheadcoefficients
independent Line Constants
N can be calculated as follows:

N ii = ln (20)
2hi ri
Nii = ln (20)
d ik
N ik d=ikln (21)
Nik = ln d 'ik (21)

with h,d and r as defined in Figure 5.

ij r asi defined in Figure 4.1.
with hi , diij and i

i rk

d ik


Figure 4.1: Calculation of the geometrical coefficients. Conductor profiles between towers.
Figure 5: Calculation of the geometrical coefficients. Conductor profiles between towers.

In case of bundle conductors, the radius ri in (15) is to be replaced by the equivalent radius as
In case ofinbundle
(9). conductors, the radius ri in (15) is to be replaced by the equivalent radius as calculated in (9).

hi is the average height above ground of conductor i. If the conductor profile can be described
as ahi parabola
is the average height
(which aboveaccurate
is quite ground of for spans i.below
conductor If the conductor profilethen
500 meters), can be
a parabola
above ground is:
(which is quite accurate for spans below 500 meters), then the average height above ground is:
2 1
hi = haverage = · hmidspan + · htower
3 3
2 1
where hmidspan is the conductor height hi =athaverage
midspan × hmidspan
= and htower as shown in (6).
htower+ at ×tower
3 3

4.1.3 Earth correction term

Overhead Line Systems Page 12 of 22

The earth correction term and hence the impedance of the earth return path is calculated in
PowerFactory according to the Carson’ series given by:

0 µ0
ZE =ω (P + jQ) (22)

The coefficients P and Q are highly frequency dependent and are calculated as follows:

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 8

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

P = −
− b1 x cos ϑ + b2 (c2 − ln x) x2 cos 2ϑ + x2 ϑ sin 2ϑ + b3 x3 cos 3ϑ − d4 x4 cos 4ϑ

− b5 x5 cos 5ϑ + b6 (c6 − ln x) x6 cos 6ϑ + x6 ϑ sin 6ϑ + b7 x7 cos 7ϑ − d8 x8 cos 8ϑ . . .


Q = (k − ln x) x6 +
+ b1 x cos ϑ − d2 x2 cos 2ϑ + b3 x3 cos 3ϑ − b4 (c4 − ln x) x4 cos 4ϑ + x4 ϑ sin 4ϑ

+ b5 x5 cos 5ϑ − d6 x6 cos 6ϑ + b7 x7 cos 7ϑ − b8 (c8 − ln x) x8 cos 8ϑ + x8 ϑ sin 8ϑ . . .



x = 2hi µ · κ · ω and ϑ = 0 for the self impedance

x = dij µ · κ · ω for the mutual impedance

bi = |bi−2 |
i · (i + 2)

sign = +1 for I = 1,2,3,4. . . .

sign = +1 for I = 5,6,7,8 . . . and alternating after 4 terms

1 1
ci = ci−2 + +
i i+2
di = · bi
k= + ln 2 − C = 0,61593
X 1
C = lim − ln n = 0,577215

Following initial values are being used:

2 1
b1 = b2 =
6 16
c2 = − C + ln 2 = 1,3659315

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 9

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
2 1
b1 = b2 =
6 16

5 4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

c2 = - C + ln 2 = 1,3659315
4.1.4 Series impedance matrix
4.1.4 Series impedance matrix

Figure 6: Definition ofFigure

the self
4.2:(left) and of
Definition mutual
the self(right) impedance
(left) and of a
mutual (right) line.
impedance of a line.

According to Figure 6 the self and mutual impedances can hence be expressed as follows:
According to Figure 4.2 the self and mutual impedances can hence be expressed as follows:

Z 'ii = Z 'Gii + Z ' Eii + Z ' Lii (25)

Zii0 = ZGii
0 0
+ ZEii 0
+ ZLii (25)

Z 'ij = Z 'Gij + Z ' Eij (26)

0 0 0
Zij = ZGij + ZEij (26)

It should be noticed thatbe

It should even though
noticed evenZthough
thatwhen 'ij defines
whena Z
0 impedance, it still has a real component due to
ij defines a mutual impedance, it still has a real
the resistance of the earth due to the
return resistance of the earth return path.
For an overhead line with multiple conductors the voltage drop along the line can be written
For an overhead
in line with
terms of multiple conductors
an impedance thewhich
matrix, voltage dropthe
relates along the line
voltage can
drop be written
along in terms oftoan
every conductor the
currents across them:
impedance matrix, which relates the voltage drop along every conductor to the currents across them:
∆U = Z × I

DU = ZThe
´ I dimension of the matrix depends on the total number of conductors in the line and therefore
corresponds to the number of phase conductors plus the number of earth wires. Such a matrix
is called the ”natural” impedance matrix of the line.
The dimension of the matrix depends on the total number of conductors in the line and therefore corresponds to
the number of phase conductors plus the number  ofearth
 wires. Such
 a matrix
  is called the “natural” impedance
matrix of the line. = × E
Overhead Line Systems Page 14 of 22
For using the impedance matrix in a three phase model, it must be reduced to the number of
phase conductors. Therefore, an ideal grounding is considered leading to the assumption that
there is no voltage drop across the earth conductors. The reduced matrix is hence:
∆UP = ZP P − ZP E ZEE ZEP IP = Zred IP

If a detailed modelling of earth wires is required, earth wires must be entered as phase conduc-

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 10

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

The symmetrical impedance matrix is calculated as follows:

Z012 = S · Zred · T
 
1 1 1

where T =  1 a2 a , S = T −1 and a = ej120
1 a a

Only for perfectly transposed lines the resulting symmetrical matrix is diagonal, with all elements
outside the main diagonal equal to zero, and hence there is no coupling between sequence
modes. In this case, the resulting matrix looks like:
 
Zs + 2Zm 0 0
Z012 =  0 Zs − Zm 0 
0 0 Zs − Zm
where Zs is the self impedance and Zm the mutual impedance of the perfectly transposed line.

4.2 Shunt Capacitance

The natural potential coefficient matrix P relates the voltage to the charge of each conductor.
The dimension of this ”natural” matrix corresponds to the number of phase conductors + the
number of earth wires.
U =P ×Q

Analogous to the impedance matrix, also the matrix of potential coefficients is reduced to the
number of phase conductors, under the assumption that the voltage at the earth wires is zero.
It follows:      
= ×
UE = 0
and hence the reduced coefficient matrix is
Pred = PP P − PP E PEE PEP

The matrix of capacitance coefficients can be obtained now by inverting the potential coefficient
Cred = Pred

Using the same transformation matrix T and S as for the impedance, we can now calculate the
symmetrical admittance matrix as follows:
C012 = S · CRST · T

As in the impedance case, the resulting symmetrical matrix Z012 is diagonal only for perfectly
transposed lines, with all elements outside the main diagonal equal to zero. Hence there is no
coupling between sequence modes. In this case, the resulting admittance matrix looks like:

 
Cs − 2 · Cm 0 0
C012 = 0 Cs + Cm 0 
0 0 Cs + Cm

where Cs is the self capacitance and Cm the coupling capacitance of the perfectly transposed

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 11

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

4.3 Transposition

PowerFactory supports various transposition options for line and line coupling elements (ElmLne
and ElmTow, respectively). The transposition can be selected either by a Transpose flag in the
tower type (TypTow) and a selection of the type of Transposition; or by a Transpose flag in
the line coupling element (ElmTow) (if a tower geometry type (TypGeo) instead of a tower type
(TypTow) has been chosen) and a selection of the type of Transposition. The options available
are described below.

4.3.1 None

The line is not transposed and each wire in the line maintains its position for the entire length
of the line. There will be mutual coupling between the phases of each circuit and between the
phases of one circuit and the phases of the other circuits.

4.3.2 Circuit-wise

Each 3-phase circuit can be separately transposed, depending on the user selection in the
Transposition column of the table in the tower type. The phases of each individual circuit are
therefore transposed. Circuit-wise transposition eliminates the positive and zero sequence off-
diagonal elements of the mutual sub-matrices between transposed circuits. These mutual sub-
matrices may differ from one another. The equivalent sequence impedance matrix is as follows
(where X indicates a non-zero value):

 
X 0 0 X 0 0
0 X 0 0 X 0
 
0 0 X 0 0 X
Z012 = 

 0 0 X 0 0
0 X 0 0 X 0
0 0 X 0 0 X

4.3.3 Symmetrical

Each 3-phase circuit is transposed, followed by the transposition of the circuits at the same
tower. Zero and positive sequence couplings between the two circuits exist but are equal. The
equivalent sequence impedance matrix is as follows (where X indicates a non-zero value, and
like colours indicate identical values):

 
X 0 0 X 0 0
0 X 0 0 X 0
 
0 0 X 0 0 X
Z012 = 

 0 0 X 0 0
0 X 0 0 X 0
0 0 X 0 0 X

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 12

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
4 Calculation of Overhead Line Constants

4.3.4 Perfect

All phases of each circuit occupy all conductor positions, yielding perfectly symmetrical, bal-
anced impedance and admittance matrices. All positive sequence couplings are eliminated. In
practice, the perfectly-transposed impedance (or admittance) matrix can be calculated as the
average of the main- and the off-diagonal element of the reduced impedance (or admittance)
matrix. The equivalent sequence impedance matrix is as follows (where X indicates a non-zero

 
X 0 0 0 0 0
0 X 0 0 0 0
 
0 0 X 0 0 0
Z012 = 

 0 0 X 0 0
0 0 0 0 X 0
0 0 0 0 0 X

4.4 Output Results

The line constants calculation function in stand-alone mode can be started from the Calculate
button on the edit dialog of the tower type TypTow. Then PowerFactory prints the resulting
impedance and admittance matrices to the output windows.

The natural impedance matrix corresponds to the system of physical conductors including the
earth wires. The size of the natural impedance matrix results:
Size (Zn) = NEW + (Nph )j

where NEW is the total number of earth wires, Nc the line circuits and Nph the number of phases
of the corresponding line circuit. Rows and columns of the natural impedance matrix proceed in
the sequence ground wire 1, 2, . . . NEW followed by phases A, B C for line circuits 1, 2 . . . .Nc .

The reduced impedance matrix represents the system of equivalent phase conductors after
reduction of the earth wires. Rows and columns proceed in the same sequence as before but
without the earth wires. The symmetrical components matrix proceed in the sequence 0, 1, 2
for line circuits 1, 2, . . . Nc . The size of the reduced impedance matrix ZABC is equal to the size
of the symmetrical components matrix Z012 :
Size (ZABC ) = Size (Z012 ) = (Nph )j

It follows for reference an extract of the output window for a 132 kV, 2 x 3-phase circuits, 1 x
earth wire, circuit-wise transposed. First matrix corresponds to the natural impedance matrix
(7 x 7), the second and third one to the reduced impedance matrix in natural components and
symmetrical components respectively.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 13

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
Size ( Z ABC ) = Size ( Z 012 ) = å( N )
j =1
ph j

4 It follows for
Calculation ofreference
Overhead an extract of the output window for a 132 kV, 2 x 3-phase circuits, 1 x earth wire, circuit-
Line Constants
wise transposed. First matrix corresponds to the natural impedance matrix (7 x 7), the second and third one to
the reduced impedance matrix in natural components and symmetrical components respectively.

DIgSI/info - Natural Impedance Matrix (R+jX) [ohm/km]

DIgSI/info - Earth conductors first, followed by phase conductors in same order as the input.
DIgSI/info - Rows follow R,X, R,X... in [ohm/km]
Phase conductors, in same order as the input

1.93180e-001 4.48600e-002 4.52553e-002 4.55627e-002 4.48600e-002 4.52553e-002 4.55627e-002

6.87017e-001 2.64516e-001 2.32909e-001 2.19884e-001 2.64516e-001 2.32909e-001 2.19884e-001

4.48600e-002 1.13864e-001 4.58758e-002 4.61923e-002 4.54536e-002 4.58589e-002 4.61788e-002

2.64516e-001 6.63646e-001 2.91102e-001 2.60068e-001 2.70790e-001 2.47761e-001 2.40699e-001

4.52553e-002 4.58758e-002 1.14699e-001 4.66221e-002 4.58589e-002 4.62714e-002 4.66000e-002

2.32909e-001 2.91102e-001 6.62649e-001 3.08999e-001 2.47761e-001 2.42940e-001 2.46523e-001

4.55627e-002 4.61923e-002 4.66221e-002 1.15352e-001 4.61788e-002 4.66000e-002 4.69345e-002

2.19884e-001 2.60068e-001 3.08999e-001 6.61891e-001 2.40699e-001 2.46523e-001 2.59351e-001

4.48600e-002 4.54536e-002 4.58589e-002 4.61788e-002 1.13864e-001 4.58758e-002 4.61923e-002

2.64516e-001 2.70790e-001 2.47761e-001 2.40699e-001 6.63646e-001 2.91102e-001 2.60068e-001

4.52553e-002 4.58589e-002 4.62714e-002 4.66000e-002 4.58758e-002 1.14699e-001 4.66221e-002

2.32909e-001 2.47761e-001 2.42940e-001 2.46523e-001 2.91102e-001 6.62649e-001 3.08999e-001

4.55627e-002 4.61788e-002 4.66000e-002 4.69345e-002 4.61923e-002 4.66221e-002 1.15352e-001

2.19884e-001 2.40699e-001 2.46523e-001 2.59351e-001 2.60068e-001 3.08999e-001 6.61891e-001

Earth wire Circuit 1 Circuit 2

DIgSI/info - Reduced Impedance Matrix (R+jX) [ohm/km]

DIgSI/info - Circuits (phases A,B,C...) follow in same order as the input.
DIgSI/info - Rows follow R,X, R,X... in [ohm/km]

1.06521e-001 3.78915e-002 3.78915e-002 3.81026e-002 3.78741e-002 3.78741e-002

5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001 1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001

3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001 3.78915e-002 3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002 3.78741e-002

2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001 1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001

3.78915e-002 3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001 3.78741e-002 3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002

2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001 1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001
Overhead Line Systems Page 17 of 22

3.81026e-002 3.78741e-002 3.78741e-002 1.06521e-001 3.78915e-002 3.78915e-002

1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001 5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001

3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002 3.78741e-002 3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001 3.78915e-002

1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001 2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001

3.78741e-002 3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002 3.78915e-002 3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001

1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001 2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001

DIgSI/info - Symmetrical Impedance Matrix (R+jX) [ohm/km]

DIgSI/info - Circuits (seq. 0,1,2...) follow in same order as the input.
DIgSI/info - Rows follow R,X, R,X... in [ohm/km]
DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 14
Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
1.82304e-001 1.38778e-017 2.77556e-017 1.13851e-001 1.86483e-017 0.00000e+000
9.88490e-001 0.00000e+000 0.00000e+000 4.99996e-001 4.33681e-018 9.54098e-018
1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001 5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001

3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002 3.78741e-002 3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001 3.78915e-002

1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001 1.62667e-001 2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001 2.04396e-001

5 3.78741e-002
Definition in Terms3.78741e-002 3.81026e-002
of Electrical Data 3.78915e-002 3.78915e-002 1.06521e-001
1.62667e-001 1.62667e-001 1.74662e-001 2.04396e-001 2.04396e-001 5.79697e-001

DIgSI/info - Symmetrical Impedance Matrix (R+jX) [ohm/km]

DIgSI/info - Circuits (seq. 0,1,2...) follow in same order as the input.
DIgSI/info - Rows follow R,X, R,X... in [ohm/km]

1.82304e-001 1.38778e-017 2.77556e-017 1.13851e-001 1.86483e-017 0.00000e+000

9.88490e-001 0.00000e+000 0.00000e+000 4.99996e-001 4.33681e-018 9.54098e-018

5.55112e-017 6.86296e-002 0.00000e+000 0.00000e+000 2.28545e-004 -1.82146e-017

0.00000e+000 3.75301e-001 5.55112e-017 0.00000e+000 1.19951e-002 5.63785e-018

5.55112e-017 0.00000e+000 6.86296e-002 0.00000e+000 1.60462e-017 2.28545e-004

0.00000e+000 2.77556e-017 3.75301e-001 0.00000e+000 4.33681e-019 1.19951e-002

1.13851e-001 1.86483e-017 0.00000e+000 1.82304e-001 1.38778e-017 2.77556e-017

4.99996e-001 4.33681e-018 9.54098e-018 9.88490e-001 0.00000e+000 0.00000e+000

0.00000e+000 2.28545e-004 -1.82146e-017 5.55112e-017 6.86296e-002 0.00000e+000

0.00000e+000 1.19951e-002 5.63785e-018 0.00000e+000 3.75301e-001 5.55112e-017

0.00000e+000 1.60462e-017 2.28545e-004 5.55112e-017 0.00000e+000 6.86296e-002

0.00000e+000 4.33681e-019 1.19951e-002 0.00000e+000 2.77556e-017 3.75301e-001

The output admittance matrices follow the same structure.

The output admittance matrices follow the same structure.

5 Definition in Terms of Electrical Data

The overhead line system can be alternatively defined in terms of electrical data. In that case,
only the tower type (TypTow) can be used.

In the tower type set the input parameter i mode to 1 (electrical parameters, see Table A.3). On
the load flow page you are able now to enter the impedance and admittance matrices in ohm/km.
Note that you can choose between phase/symmetrical components, reactance/inductance and
O v e r h e a d L i n e S y s tby
susceptance/capacitance e mclicking
s . Use the arrows swap between the impedance P a g e 1 8 o f 2 2
and admittance matrices.

On the basic data page, note that you still need to specify the number of circuits and the number
of phases per circuit as they define the size of the Z/Y matrix. Besides you will be prompted
to select a conductor type for each circuit as it defines the nominal voltage of the circuit (see
parameter uline in TypCon, Table A.1).

It should also be noted that in case of electrical parameters the user just enters the reduced
matrices, i.e. after elimination of the earth wires. In case that only the non-reduced natural
matrices were available, the user shall define single-phase circuits for the earth wires and then
ground these circuits externally in the network model.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 15

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
A Parameter Definitions

A Parameter Definitions

Table A.1: Input parameters of the conductor type (TypCon)

Name Description Unit Range Default Symbol

loc name Name
uline Nominal Voltage kV x>0 6
sline Nominal Current kA x>0 1
ncsub Number of Subconductors x>0 1
dsubc Bundle Spacing m 0.1
iModel Conductor model: x=0 or 0
iModel = 0 : solide conductor x=1
iModel = 1 : tubular conductor; in
this case inner diameter is com-
rpha (Sub-)Conductor: DC- Ohm/km x>0 0.05
Resistance (20◦ C)
erpha (Sub-)Conductor: GMR (Equiva- mm x>0 11.682
lent Radius)
Lint (Sub-)Conductor: Internal Induc- mH/km x>0 0.05
my r (Sub-)Conductor: Relative Per- x>0 1
diaco (Sub-)Conductor: Outer Diame- mm x>0 30
radco (Sub-)Conductor: Outer Radius mm x>0 15
diatub (Sub-)Conductor: Inner Diame- mm x>0 16
radtub (Sub-)Conductor: Inner Radius mm x>0 8
iskin Consider skin effect (iskin=1) x=0 or 1
Neglect skin effect (iskin=0) x=1

tmax (Sub-)Conductor: Max. opera- C x>=0 80
tional temperature
rpha tmax (Sub-)Conductor: DC- Ohm/km x>=0 0.05
Resistance at max. operational
alpha (Sub-)Conductor: Temperature 1/K x>=0 0
mlei (Sub-)Conductor: Conductor Al

rtemp (Sub-)Conductor: Max. End C x>0 80
Ithr (Sub-)Conductor: Rated Short- kA x>=0 0
Time (1s) Current

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 16

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
A Parameter Definitions

Table A.2: Input parameters of the tower geometry type (TypGeo)

Name Description Unit Range Default Symbol

loc name Name
nlear Number of Earth Wires x>=0 1
nlcir Number of Line Circuits x>0 1
xy e Coordinates Earth Wires m 0
xy c Coordinates Phase Circuits m 3

Table A.3: Input parameters of the tower type (TypTow)

Name Description Unit Range Default Symbol

loc name Name
frnom Nominal Frequency Hz 50
nlear Number of Earth Wires x>=0 1
nlcir Number of Line Circuits x>=1 1
iTransMode Transposition None none
i mode Input Mode: x=0 or x=1 0
=0 : geometrical parameters.
Coordinates of earth and
phase conductors required
(parameters “xy e” and
“xy c”)
= 1 : electrical parameters:
R, X, G and B matrices re-
quired (parameters R c, X c,
G c and B c or their equiv-
alent matrices in sequence
gearth Earth Conductivity uS/cm x>0 100
rearth Earth Resistivity Ohmm x>0 100
pcond e Conductor types of earth TypCon
pcond c Conductor types of line cir- TypCon
nphas Num. of Phases per line cir- 3
cktrto Assert this flag to enable 0
transposition of the corre-
sponding circuit in case if
iTransMode=circuit-wise. For
iTransMode other than circuit-
wise this option is read only.
xy e Coordinate of Earth Conduc- m 0
xy c Coordinate of Line Circuits m 0
Rc : Matrix of Resistances R ij Ohm/km 0
(natural components)
Xc : Matrix of Reactances X ij Ohm/km 0
(natural components)
Lc : Matrix of Inductances L ij H/km 0
(natural components)

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 17

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
A Parameter Definitions

R c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- Ohm/km 0

Resistances R ij 0
R c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- Ohm/km 0
Resistances R ij 1
X c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- Ohm/km 0
Reactances X ij 0
X c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- Ohm/km 0
Reactances X ij 1
L c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- H/km 0
Inductances L ij 0
L c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- H/km 0
Inductances L ij 1
Gc : Matrix of Conductances G ij uS/km 0
(natural components)
Bc : Matrix of Susceptances B ij uS/km 0
(natural components)
Cc : Matrix of Capacitances C ij uF/km 0
(natural components)
G c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- uS/km 0
Conductances G ij 0
G c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- uS/km 0
Conductances G ij 1
B c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- uS/km 0
Susceptances B ij 0
B c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- uS/km 0
Susceptances B ij 1
C c0 : Matrix of 0-Sequence- uF/km 0
Capacitances C ij 0
C c1 : Matrix of 1-Sequence- uF/km 0
Capacitances C ij 1
pStoch Stochastic model (StoTyplne)

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 18

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
B References

B References
[1] B. Oswald D. Oeding. Elektrische Kraftwerke und Netze. Springer Verlag, 6 edition, 2004.
[2] H. Dommel. EMTP Theory Book. Microtran Power System Analysis Corporation, 1 edition,
[3] B. Oswald. Netzberechnung 2: Berechnung transienter Vorgänge in Elektroenergiever-
sorgungsnetzen. VDE-Verlag, 1 edition, 1996.

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 19

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
List of Figures

List of Figures

3.1 Conductor type dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.2 Solid conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3.3 Tubular conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.4 Symmetrical bundle of radius R with n subconductors. Bundle spacing a . . . . . 5

4.1 Calculation of the geometrical coefficients. Conductor profiles between towers. . 8

4.2 Definition of the self (left) and mutual (right) impedance of a line. . . . . . . . . . 10

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 20

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)
List of Tables

List of Tables

4.1 Resistivities and temperature coefficient of resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

A.1 Input parameters of the conductor type (TypCon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

A.2 Input parameters of the tower geometry type (TypGeo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

A.3 Input parameters of the tower type (TypTow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 21

Overhead Line Constants (TypGeo, TypTow, TypCon)

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