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Design and Development of A Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine For Small Scale Soap Manufacturing

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Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike


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Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH)
Vol. 31, No. 2, July, 2012, pp. 199–205.
Copyright 2012
c Faculty of Engineering,
University of Nigeria. ISSN 1115-8443



B.N. Nwankwojike
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
Email: jikeobodo@yahoo.com

A soap stamping and tableting machine comprising a printing die/pattern inscriptioner, cutting
blade, conveyor belt, and two electric motors was developed and tested. Performance test analysis
conducted showed that the machine operated with an optimal stamping/tableting capacity of 10205
soap tablets per hour with an efficiency of 98.8% when its conveying and stamping/tableting units
were powered with 2HP and 4HP electric motors respectively. All materials used in the fabrication
of this machine were sourced locally, and the estimated cost for producing one unit of the machine
is ninety five thousand six hundred and fifty naira (N95,650). The machine reduced drudgery and
tedium in small scale soap making and also enhanced mass production and profit.
Keywords: small scale soap making, portable, stamping, tableting, machine

1. Introduction operation. Soap making falls into two distinct scales;-

small and industrial production [6]. The industrial
Soap is a salt of a fatty acid used in textile spinning, production of soap involves a continuous process that
lubricants production and mainly as surfactant in con- requires constant addition of fat and removal of prod-
junction with water for washing, bathing and cleaning ucts. Smaller scale production involves the traditional
[1, 2, 3]. Thus, it is a vital product for good hygiene of batch processes with three major variations: the cold-
man and his environment. Soaps for cleansing are usu- process, wherein the reaction takes place substantially
ally obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and at room temperature, the semi-boiled or hot-process,
fats such as palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil and laurel wherein the reaction takes place at near-boiling point,
oil with strong alkaline solution [4, 5]. Wikepedia [6], and the fully boiled process, wherein the reactants are
attributed the cleaning action of soap/water mixture boiled at least once and the glycerol recovered [2]. The
to the action of micelles, tiny spheres coated on the cold and hot processes (semi-boiled bath process) are
outside with polar hydrophilic (water loving) groups, the simplest and typically used by small scale soap
encasing a lipophilic (fat loving) pocket that can sur- producers, artisans and hobbyists [6]. The sequen-
round the grease particles, causing them to disperse in tial steps involved in use of these two processes for
water. In other words, whereas normally oil and water soap production by these categories of producers as
do not mix, the addition of soap allows oils to disperse described in [2], [6] and [7] are shown in Figure 1.
in water and be rinsed away [6]. According to refs [7],
[8], [9] and [10], soap production is a lucrative business Soaps are produced in different shapes, sizes,
which every business-minded person can invest on be- colours and qualities/grades depending on their spe-
cause the raw materials for the production are readily cific uses and manufacturer. However, soaps produced
available in all part of Nigeria. Zillion [7], further said by different manufacturers may have identical shapes
that the amount of soap consumed daily in Nigeria is and sizes especially when the shape is not part of the
staggering and the huge market presents a golden op- manufacturers trade mark. Hence, it is always diffi-
portunity for investors and opportunity seekers who cult to differentiate soaps of the same features pro-
may decide to go into soap making. LEAP [11], also duced by different manufacturers. Oluka et al [12],
indicated that the simplicity of soap making process said that trademark is made on products by man-
has led to its worldwide practice as a small business ufacturers to distinguish the products from that of

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.

In addition, the tedium and drudgery associated
with the use of manual devices for soap tableting and
stamping by small scale producers make production
of soap at this level uneconomical and unattractive to
youths, despite the huge market prospect of this sector
in Nigeria. Tableting of soap into different sizes is very
important in small scale production since it is these
producers that make most of the laundry soaps used
by rural dwellers whose bulk purchasing power are
very small. For these reasons it makes economic sense
to ensure consistency in the size, shape and identifica-
tion marks on soaps produced by our small scale pro-
ducers to enhance customers’ confidence in their prod-
ucts by introducing a labour saving machine which
will tablet and stamp soaps simultaneously. As a re-
sult of this desire for soap tableting and stamping ma-
chines by small scale soap producers, Eze [13] devel-
oped a manually operated soap tableting and stamp-
ing machine for these categories of soap producers.
However, the manually operated machine still retain
some tedious nature of the mould and hand stamp due
 to the manual effort required to operate it, thus, the
need for a motorized model of this machine to reduce
 human intervention in this process. Ajoa et al [14] an-
swered this call by developing a set of shop floor size
pedal-powered soap mixer, mould, cutting and stamp-
Figure 1: Flow diagram of soap production by bath process. ing machines for making homemade laundry soap.

Although, the soap cutting and stamping machine

others and that it is useful to companies producing in the set of equipment developed by [14] makes the
high quality goods since consumers usually patronize act of cutting and stamping easy, faster and neater
their products even without testing. Registration of than using ordinary knife and manual stamping ma-
trademark prevents another manufacturer from using chine, the cutting and stamping operations were done
it. As a result of the problem of product identifi- at different regions, thus a soap tablet is cut and
cation, large scale soap manufacturers registers some stamped at different times and regions in the same
unique shape of their products as trademark and also machine unlike the manual tableting and stamping
print their logo in the body of the products to en- machine produced by [13] that cuts and stamps a soap
able its identification even when it is not packaged or tablet at the same time/region. The later process of
covered with the companys label. Stamping (printing simultaneous soap cutting and stamping process (at
of identification marks) and tableting (shaping and the same time and region) reduces inconsistence in the
sizing) of manufactured soaps are done in industrial output and also enhanced the portability of the ma-
scale using automated manufacturing systems while chine. Furthermore, the set of equipment developed
most small and some medium scale soap producers by [14] is of shop size even though there were made
use hand stamps and mould/cutting devices (Knifes) for local soap production and therefore not portable
for these two operations. The manual cutting of man- for use by all categories of small scale soap producer
ufactured soap into bars after insulation and printing such as the artisans that may not afford the space re-
of identification marks on the bars using these manual quired. Thus, the need for a more portable electric
devices is prone to accident and also tedious, energy motor driven soap tableting and stamping machine
sapping, time consuming, resulting to inconsistency in that can cut and stamp soap tablet simultaneously.
the shape and identification (marks) printed on soaps This will enable the products of small scale soap man-
produced by small scale manufacturers due to human ufacturers compete favourably with those of the major
error. Thus, consumers find it difficult to differentiate soap producers as well as enhance efficiency, reduce
the original products of this group of soap makers from cost of production and increase profit of small scale
the fake ones. Hence, consumers view the products producer. Hence, the objectives of this present work
of small scale soap producers as inferior even though are to design, develop and test the performance of a
some of their products are of higher quality than some portable soap stamping and tableting machine for all
industrially produced ones. categories of small scale soap producers.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.

Design & Devt of Soap Stamping & Tableting Machine 201
2. Materials/Methods of Study 2.2. Design analysis of the machine

2.1. Description of the developed soap stamp- 2.2.1. Design considerations

ing and tableting machine In accordance with Cornish [15] guides for design
and selection of component of engineering systems,
The major components of the developed soap
the design, material selection and fabrication of the
stamping and tableting machine shown in Figure 2
soap stamping and tableting machine was based on
are frame, conveying unit, stamping/tableting unit,
the following considerations:
crank assembly, bearing housings, 2HP and 4HP elec-
tric motors. 1. The availability of materials locally to reduce cost
The frame is the main supporting structure of production and maintenance.
upon which other components of this machine were
mounted. The frame is a welded section fabricated 2. The criteria for selecting materials for the vari-
from 2.5mm thick angle iron and 1.5mm thick mild ous components of this machine were based on
steel plate. The conveying unit of this machine com- the type of force that will be acting on them, the
prised of a 2HP single phase electric motor, conveyor work they are expected to perform and the envi-
shaft and rollers, conveyor belt, a V-belt and two pul- ronmental condition in which they will function.
leys. The electric motor installed on a base made from
2.5mm thick angle iron drives the conveyor shaft via 3. It is desired that there should be consistence in
a v-belt/pulley mechanism. The conveyor shaft is a the size, shape, and inscription on the soap tablet
25mm diameter mild steel rod with a length of 465mm produced by the machine; therefore pulleys were
and is supported at both ends using ball bearings. The carefully designed/selected to meet the required
soap conveying belt was installed on the surface of the synchronized speeds of the feeding conveyor and
machine using two rollers with one mounted on the stamping/tableting units.
conveyor shaft and the other at a distance of 80mm
in the opposite end of the machine surface. 2.2.2. Selection of pulleys, belts and determination of
The stamping and tableting unit comprised a 4HP their speeds
single phase electric motor, a crank shaft, crank link The machine requires four pulleys with one each
mechanism with slider, printing die and tableting mounted on both the conveyor shaft and the crank
blade. The motor installed on the same base with shaft. The remaining two pulleys were keyed to each
that of the conveying unit, operates the crank assem- of the electric motor shafts. Due to its availabil-
bly which converts the rotary motion of the motor to ity, cost and performance, mild steel pulleys with
reciprocating motion of the slider and piston. The groove angle of 380 each were selected. The speed
crank shaft and piston were made from 20mm diame- ratios of the driver to the driven pulleys for the mo-
ter mild steel rods each while the link is a 5mm thick tor/conveyor shaft and motor/crank shaft drives were
mild steel flat bar with a length of 670mm. The length approximately 2.68:1 and 41:1 respectively. The rated
of the shaft and piston are 350mm and 555mm respec- speeds of the primary drivers (motor) for both the
tively. The bearing housings were fabricated using conveyor and crank shaft are 2400rpm and 1600rpm
mild steel pipe of 3mm thickness. The printing die respectively. Thus, the speeds of the driven con-
and cutting blade are detachable so that they can be veyor shaft and crank shaft pulleys were determined
changed easily when different shapes and inscriptions as 896rpm and 38.96rpm (' 39rpm) respectively using
are desired. the following relation [16] ;
The developed soap stamping and tableting ma-
chine requires the service of one operator. When N1 D1
= (1)
the electric motors are powered, the conveyor belt N2 D2
which carries the soap placed on it to the tableting
Where: N1 is driving pulleys speed, rpm ; N2 is driven
and stamping section where it will be stamped and
pulleys speed, rpm; D1 is diameter of driving pulley
tableted simultaneously as the piston of the tablet-
= 56mm for the motor/conveyor drive and 61mm for
ing and stamping unit reciprocates with the tableting
the motor/crank shaft drive; D2 is diameter of driven
blade and printing die attached to it. The motion of
pulley = 150mm for motor/conveyor drive and 305mm
the soap conveyor and piston was synchronized by an
for motor/crank shaft drive.
automatic relay timer such that as the soap gets to the
The centre distances, C between the adjacent pul-
tableting and stamping section of the machine, the
leys for both drives were determined as 159mm and
conveyor motor automatically switches off to enable
244mm for the motor/conveyor and motor/crank shaft
proper stamping and cutting of the soap. The mo-
drives respectively using Equation (2) [17];
tor switches on again automatically after the stamp-
ing and cutting to convey the stamped soap out of the 1.5D2
section and feed another to the section simultaneously. C= (2)
V R1/3

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.


Figure 2: Diagram of the developed soap stamping and tableting machine.

Where V R is velocity ratio. 2.2.3. Determination of belts tensions and shaft di-
Thus, lengths l of the belt required were computed ameters
as 655.31mm and 1123.62mm for the motor/conveyor The mass per unit length, of the selected belts
shaft and motor/crank shaft drives respectively from were obtained from standard table as 0.173kg/m and
Equation (3) [16, 17]: 0.237kg/m for the A-696mm and A-1128mm belts re-
spectively [16, 17]. The coefficient of friction, µ be-
D2 − D1 tween the pulleys and the belts, maximum safe stress,
l = 2C + 1.57(D1 + D2 ) + (3) δ and cross sectional area, a of the belts were also
obtained from standard tables as 0.3, 2.1N/mm2 and
Since each of the drives transmits less than 3.75kW 81mm2 respectively [17]. The tensions on the tight
each, type “A” V-belt was selected for each of the side, Ti of the belts for each drive is given as [16];
drives. Therefore, based on IS: 2494-1974 [18], belts
of standard pitch lengths of 696mm and 1128mm Ti = Tmax − Tc (6)
were selected for the motor/conveyor shaft and mo-
tor/crank shaft drives respectively. Consequently, the Where:
exact centre distances between the adjacent pulleys Tmax = δa (7)
used in the fabrication of the machine were also de- Tc = mv 2 (8)
termined using Equation (3) as 202mm and 325mm
for the motor/conveyor shaft and motor/crank shaft Tmax = Maximum tension of the belts Tc = Centrifu-
drives respectively. Thus, the angles of lap, θ of the gal tension Thus, Ti was computed as 194.14N and
drives’ small pulleys were respectively computed as 241.67N for the motor/conveyor shaft and the mo-
164.790 (2.877 rad.) and 165.950 (2.896 rad.) for tor/crank shaft drives respectively. Consequently, the
the motor/conveyor shaft and the motor/crank shaft slack side belt tensions Tj were determined as 131.66N
drives using the following relationship [16]; and 162.71N for the motor/conveyor shaft and mo-
tor/crank shaft drives respectively using Equation (9).
D2 − D1
θ = 180 − arcsin (4) Ti
2C 2.3 log = µθ csc β (9)
The belt speed for the drives were determined as The diameters, d of the conveyor and crank shafts of
18.85m/s and 25.55 m/s for the motor/conveyor shaft the soap stamping and tableting machine were deter-
and the motor/crank shaft drives respectively using mined using maximum stress relations given by [16,
the following relation given as. 17] as;

πN2 D2  1/3
v= (5) 16 p
60 d= (kb Mb )2 + (kt Mt )2 (10)

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.

Design & Devt of Soap Stamping & Tableting Machine 203
where; τ = Allowable shear stress for steel shaft with Crank shaft:
provision for key ways = 42N/mm2 ; Mt = Maximum The crank shaft and the forces acting on it are as
twisting moment on the shafts, N-mm; Mb = Maxi- shown in Figure 3.
mum bending moment on the shaft, N-mm; kb = Com- where; WL = weight of the link mechanism =
bined shock and fatigue for bending; kt = Combined 10.30N, WCP = weight of the crank shaft pulley =
shock and fatigue factor for twisting. 13.734N, Ti = Tension on the tight side of the crank
The maximum twisting moments on conveyor shaft shaft drive belt = 241.67N, Tj = Tension on the slack
and crank shaft were determined as 13536N-mm and side of the crank shaft drive belt = 162.71N, WCS =
34306.4N-mm respectively using Equation (11) by [16, weight of the crank shaft = 6.867N. Thus, total force
17]. at points C and A are 17.167N and 272.114N respec-
D2 tively.
Mt = (Ti − Tj ) (11)
2 The reactions of the bearings, RB and RD were
Bending moments occur on the shafts as a result of ap- determined by taking moment about D;
plied loads and belt tension, thus the maximum bend- X
ing moment on the shafts were determined as follows; MD = 0; RB (200) = 17.167(95) + 272.114(360)

RB = 497.96N. Also
Conveyor shaft: X
The applied loads and belt tensions on the conveyor FY = 0; RA + 497.96 = 17.167 + 272.114
shaft are shown in Figure 2.
Where; WC = weight of the conveyor shaft = RA = 208.68N.
15.70N, WCP = weight of the conveyor shaft pulley Taking downward forces to be negative (-) and up-
= 11N, Ti = Tension on the tight side of conveyor ward forces positive (+), the shear forces acting on
shaft drive belt = 194.14N, Tj = Tension on the slack the crank shaft were computed as follows. FA−B =
side of the conveyor shaft drive belt = 131.66N. -272.114N; FB−C = -272.114 + 497.96 = 225.85N;
Thus; Total force at point FC−D = 208.68N; FD = 0N.
Following the same sign convention, the bending
A = WCP + Ti + Tj = 218.8N moments on this cake breaker shaft were computed
as follows. MA = 0N-mm; MB = -43538.24N-mm;
The reactions of bearings, RB and RD were deter- MC = 23658.32N-mm; MD = 0N-mm.
mined by taking moment about B Thus, the maximum bending moment on the crank
X shaft is 23658.32N-mm. The crank shaft is subjected
MA = 0; RD (360) = 218.8(75) + 15.70(180) to fairly sudden impact, hence, Kb = 1.5 and Kt =
1.5 [16]. The diameter of this shaft was determined as
RD = 53.43N. Also
19.27mm using Equation 10; thus, a standard 20mm
diameter solid mild steel shaft was selected for crank
FY = 0; 15.70 + 218.8 = 53.43 + RB
RB = 181.07
Taking downward forces to be negative (-) and up- 2.2.4. Selection of electric motors
ward forces positive (+), the shear forces acting on The power, P required for driving the conveying
this shaft were computed as follows; and stamping/tableting units of this machine were de-
termined as 1.1589kW and 2.226kW respectively using
FA−B = −218.8N Equation (12) given by [16, 17].

FB−C = −218.8 + 181.07 = −37.73 P = (Ti − Tj )v (12)

FC−D = −218.8 + 181.0715.70 = −53.43 Taking care of 10% possible power loss due to drives
friction, the power required to drive the convey-
FD−E = −218.8 + 181.0715.70 + 53.43 = 0N
ing and stamping/tableting units were computed as
Thus, the bending moments on this shaft are as fol- 1.27479kW (1.71HP) and 2.448kW (3.28HP). There-
lows; MA = 0N-mm; MB = -16410N-mm; MC = fore, a standard 2HP and 4HP electric motors were
23201.4N-mm; MD = 21992.8N-mm; ME = 0. There- selected to drive the conveyor and stamping/tableting
fore, the maximum bending moment on the conveyor units of this machine respectively.
shaft is 23201.4N-mm. The conveying of the soap by
the conveyor is gradual and steady, hence, kb = 1.5 2.3. Performance testing procedure
and kt = 1.0 [16]. The diameter of this conveyor The stamping/ tableting capacity, C and efficiency
shaft was determined as 23.7mm using Equation (10). of this soap stamping and tableting were evaluated us-
Thus, a standard 25mm diameter solid mild steel shaft ing ten (10) experimental runs. Each test involved op-
was selected for conveyor shaft. erating the machine at a constant tableting/stamping

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.


 Figure 3: The conveyor shaft showing forces acting on it.

Figure 4: The crank shaft showing forces acting on it.

design speed of 39rpm for five (5) minutes while the  to a peak or optimal of 98.80% at 320rpm and then
conveyor speed was varied among the experimental decreased (efficiency) progressively as the speed in-
runs in ascending order of 50rpm step. The number  creased after 320 rpm. Thus, the machines perfor-
of soaps tableted and stamped during each test was mance is optimal at the conveying speed of 320 rpm
recorded. The numbers of well stamped and tableted with a capacity and efficiency of 10205 soaps tablets
soap, and scraps were also recorded. Soaps with im- per hour and 98.80% respectively. The machine is
print depth of 3mm and well cut to dimension were affordable because all the materials used for its con-
taken as well stamped and tableted (good ones) while struction were sourced in the local market and its low
the scraps includes soaps with improper cuts or with price of ninety-five thousand, six hundred and fifty
more or less than 3mm imprint depth. The imprint naira (N95, 650.00).
depth was measured with depth gauge. Thereafter,
the capacity and efficiency of the machine were com-
puted in each case using the following relations: 4. Conclusions and Recommendations
Ng 100
η(%) = × (13) A portable soap stamping and tableting machine
NT 1
was designed, fabricated and tested at Michael Okpara
Ng University of Agriculture, Umudike for all categories
C(Tablets/h) = (14)
t of small scale soap producers. This machine which
Where t = Time of the operation = 5 minutes, Ng cuts and stamps soap tablets simultaneously, reduced
= Number of well stamped and tableted soaps, NT = drudgery and risks involved in small scale soap pro-
Total number of soaps stamped and tableted. duction and also affordable due to its low cost of pro-
duction because it was fabricated with locally sourced
3. Results and Discussion materials. The performance of this machine was quite
appreciable at a conveying speed of 320rpm during
The result of the performance testing of the devel- which it performed with maximum throughput and
oped soap stamping and tableting machine is shown efficiency of 10205 soaps tablets per hour and 98.80%
in Table 1. It is clear from this table that the capac- respectively. It is therefore, recommended that man-
ity of this machine increased proportionally with the ufacturers should mass produce this machine in order
conveying speed, however, its efficiency increases pro- to further reduce its cost through bulk purchase of
gressively from 61.4% at a conveying speed of 50rpm raw materials. Also, government and other agencies

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.

Design & Devt of Soap Stamping & Tableting Machine 205
Table 1: Result of the Performance Evaluation of the soap stamping and tableting machine.
S/No. Conveying Total number Total number of Total number of Efficiency Capacity
Speed (rpm) of Soap tablets well tableted and soaps not tableted (%) (Tablets/h)
produced stamped soaps or stamped well
1. 50.00 26 16 10 61.54 3120.00
2. 100.00 34 22 12 64.70 4082.00
3. 150.00 39 27 12 69.23 4688.00
4. 200.00 53 38 15 71.70 6365.00
5. 250.00 65 47 18 72.30 7807.00
6. 300.00 73 66 7 90.41 8760.00
7. 320.00 85 84 1 98.80 10205.00
8. 340.00 97 65 32 67.01 11641.00
9. 360.00 101 63 38 62.38 12123.00
10. 380.00 108 63 45 58.33 12961.00

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Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 31, No. 2, July 2012.

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