Design and Development of A Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine For Small Scale Soap Manufacturing
Design and Development of A Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine For Small Scale Soap Manufacturing
Design and Development of A Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine For Small Scale Soap Manufacturing
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B.N. Nwankwojike
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
A soap stamping and tableting machine comprising a printing die/pattern inscriptioner, cutting
blade, conveyor belt, and two electric motors was developed and tested. Performance test analysis
conducted showed that the machine operated with an optimal stamping/tableting capacity of 10205
soap tablets per hour with an efficiency of 98.8% when its conveying and stamping/tableting units
were powered with 2HP and 4HP electric motors respectively. All materials used in the fabrication
of this machine were sourced locally, and the estimated cost for producing one unit of the machine
is ninety five thousand six hundred and fifty naira (N95,650). The machine reduced drudgery and
tedium in small scale soap making and also enhanced mass production and profit.
Keywords: small scale soap making, portable, stamping, tableting, machine
Where V R is velocity ratio. 2.2.3. Determination of belts tensions and shaft di-
Thus, lengths l of the belt required were computed ameters
as 655.31mm and 1123.62mm for the motor/conveyor The mass per unit length, of the selected belts
shaft and motor/crank shaft drives respectively from were obtained from standard table as 0.173kg/m and
Equation (3) [16, 17]: 0.237kg/m for the A-696mm and A-1128mm belts re-
spectively [16, 17]. The coefficient of friction, µ be-
D2 − D1 tween the pulleys and the belts, maximum safe stress,
l = 2C + 1.57(D1 + D2 ) + (3) δ and cross sectional area, a of the belts were also
obtained from standard tables as 0.3, 2.1N/mm2 and
Since each of the drives transmits less than 3.75kW 81mm2 respectively [17]. The tensions on the tight
each, type “A” V-belt was selected for each of the side, Ti of the belts for each drive is given as [16];
drives. Therefore, based on IS: 2494-1974 [18], belts
of standard pitch lengths of 696mm and 1128mm Ti = Tmax − Tc (6)
were selected for the motor/conveyor shaft and mo-
tor/crank shaft drives respectively. Consequently, the Where:
exact centre distances between the adjacent pulleys Tmax = δa (7)
used in the fabrication of the machine were also de- Tc = mv 2 (8)
termined using Equation (3) as 202mm and 325mm
for the motor/conveyor shaft and motor/crank shaft Tmax = Maximum tension of the belts Tc = Centrifu-
drives respectively. Thus, the angles of lap, θ of the gal tension Thus, Ti was computed as 194.14N and
drives’ small pulleys were respectively computed as 241.67N for the motor/conveyor shaft and the mo-
164.790 (2.877 rad.) and 165.950 (2.896 rad.) for tor/crank shaft drives respectively. Consequently, the
the motor/conveyor shaft and the motor/crank shaft slack side belt tensions Tj were determined as 131.66N
drives using the following relationship [16]; and 162.71N for the motor/conveyor shaft and mo-
tor/crank shaft drives respectively using Equation (9).
D2 − D1
θ = 180 − arcsin (4) Ti
2C 2.3 log = µθ csc β (9)
The belt speed for the drives were determined as The diameters, d of the conveyor and crank shafts of
18.85m/s and 25.55 m/s for the motor/conveyor shaft the soap stamping and tableting machine were deter-
and the motor/crank shaft drives respectively using mined using maximum stress relations given by [16,
the following relation given as. 17] as;
πN2 D2 1/3
v= (5) 16 p
60 d= (kb Mb )2 + (kt Mt )2 (10)
RB = 497.96N. Also
Conveyor shaft: X
The applied loads and belt tensions on the conveyor FY = 0; RA + 497.96 = 17.167 + 272.114
shaft are shown in Figure 2.
Where; WC = weight of the conveyor shaft = RA = 208.68N.
15.70N, WCP = weight of the conveyor shaft pulley Taking downward forces to be negative (-) and up-
= 11N, Ti = Tension on the tight side of conveyor ward forces positive (+), the shear forces acting on
shaft drive belt = 194.14N, Tj = Tension on the slack the crank shaft were computed as follows. FA−B =
side of the conveyor shaft drive belt = 131.66N. -272.114N; FB−C = -272.114 + 497.96 = 225.85N;
Thus; Total force at point FC−D = 208.68N; FD = 0N.
Following the same sign convention, the bending
A = WCP + Ti + Tj = 218.8N moments on this cake breaker shaft were computed
as follows. MA = 0N-mm; MB = -43538.24N-mm;
The reactions of bearings, RB and RD were deter- MC = 23658.32N-mm; MD = 0N-mm.
mined by taking moment about B Thus, the maximum bending moment on the crank
X shaft is 23658.32N-mm. The crank shaft is subjected
MA = 0; RD (360) = 218.8(75) + 15.70(180) to fairly sudden impact, hence, Kb = 1.5 and Kt =
1.5 [16]. The diameter of this shaft was determined as
RD = 53.43N. Also
19.27mm using Equation 10; thus, a standard 20mm
diameter solid mild steel shaft was selected for crank
FY = 0; 15.70 + 218.8 = 53.43 + RB
RB = 181.07
Taking downward forces to be negative (-) and up- 2.2.4. Selection of electric motors
ward forces positive (+), the shear forces acting on The power, P required for driving the conveying
this shaft were computed as follows; and stamping/tableting units of this machine were de-
termined as 1.1589kW and 2.226kW respectively using
FA−B = −218.8N Equation (12) given by [16, 17].
Figure 3: The conveyor shaft showing forces acting on it.
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