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Examiners' Report Principal Examiner Feedback January 2018

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Examiners’ Report

Principal Examiner Feedback

January 2018

Pearson Edexcel International Advanced

Subsidiary In Arabic Paper WAA01/01
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January 2018
Publications Code WAA01_01_1801_ER
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018
Paper Introduction

This is the second examination of this paper of this specification.

This paper was set to cover all areas of the specification. It consists
of 3 sections testing reading, grammar and writing.

Generally, most candidates coped well. Passages were set to be

current and of interest to candidates. All passages were from
authentic Arabic sources and were chosen to suit candidates of all
levels of language.

Question 1

The topic is current. It is about hybrid cars and candidates are

required to match two parts of a sentence. They should choose the
correct parts to complete five sentences summarising what is an
original text. Each completed sentence is worth 1 mark. Students did
well in this question and an average student’s score was 3/5, but
some seemed unfamiliar with this type of question or did it without
looking at the meaning and ended up giving a response which did not
make sense.

Question 2

This is a reading multiple-choice question where students should

choose the correct answer for each statement. It consists of 5
questions with one mark each. The topic is food and drink (benefits of
drinking tea & coffee).

Question 3

This question relates to passage 3, (my language). The topic is

education. It is a reading comprehension question. Candidates are
given 20 words in the box to choose 10 to fill the gaps correctly. This
requires understanding of the meaning of the words given, as well as
the general meaning of the text. This question carries 10 marks.

Passage 4, (Djerba the dream island). The topic is (the world around
us); tourism. This passage is more complex, and is a good question
to differentiate. It is used for question 4 - reading comprehension
and question 5 - grammar.
Question 4

This is a short answers question, where candidates are required to

respond to 5 short questions (a-e) using their own words each part
worth 2 marks. It required knowledge, deep understanding of the
text and good language

Question 5

This is connected to the previous passage used for reading

comprehension. In this question candidates need to demonstrate
their ability to manipulate grammatical structures in Arabic by
changing the structure of sentences that appear in a previous
exercise and reforming the sentence around a given word without
changing the meaning. This question carries 10 marks, one for each

Question 6

This question is linked to Passage 5. The text is from the topic of

youth culture and concern (generations). This passage was used for
vocalization. The purpose was to use enough language structures to
test candidates’ knowledge of grammar as well as pronunciation.
Students will be assessed on their ability to apply Arabic vowels
correctly on the underlined words only. The question carries 5 marks.

Question 7

This is a multiple-choice grammar question. This is linked to passage

6, (kindergarten), which is also current, with familiar vocabulary used
in daily life. The topic is education. Candidates need to apply their
knowledge of grammatical structures in Arabic by selecting the most
appropriate word form to fit the gaps.

Question 8

This is a continuous writing question. Candidates are given a stimulus

and 4 bullet points to help them answer the question. The question
was about a festival for Arabic culture in a foreign country.
Candidates are required to write (240- 280) words about the topic.
They must choose a country where they hold the festival, giving the
reason for choosing the country, give details of the events and how to
advertise for them. They should also say what problems they might
face and how they could solve them. This question is marked for
contents and quality of language, where there are 15 marks for each.
Question Performance

Question 3

Most candidates managed to answer this question correctly. This type

of question seems to be familiar to the students, hence majority of
candidates responded well to this question with only very few
mistakes. All parts were mostly quite well done. Except a few
candidates used the word ‫ م نظمات‬instead of the word ‫جم ع يات‬

Examiner Comment

This is a good example. Students managed to get all the gaps filled
with the correct words, scored full mark.

Examiner Tip

Read all the words in the box and read the text before you start to
answer in order to get the correct meaning. You also need to take in
consideration the grammar.
Question 4

In general a lot of the candidates answered correctly. Most of the

candidates demonstrate a good understanding.

Most candidates responded correctly to the question. However in

responding to Q4(b) Some candidates copied the whole paragraph
which includes the right answer; such behaviour suggests that the
concerned candidate was not sure about the right answer and would
not want to take the risk.
Examiner Comment

An excellent answer. Student scored full mark. Answers are very

clear and precise.

Examiner Tip

It is important to note that all answers to the questions come in order

unless it is a deduction question. No answer will be used twice. Lifting
from the text will not be rewarded if it is too long or does not make
Question 5

This is the most challenging question where only few candidates got a
full mark. Many candidates responded correctly to Q5a; However,
they did struggle with 5g and 5j. Weaker candidates also struggled
with 5c, 5f, 5h. The reason behind that could be their weakness in
grammar, or they have not familiarised themselves with the new

In this question students need to use the word between

brackets. Candidates should know that in Q5h they have to add ‫ ب‬to
‫َّ نأ‬
Examiner Comment

This candidate demonstrated a good knowledge of grammar and

managed to manipulate the sentences using the words correctly.
Other aspects of the language are also correct.

Examiner Tip

Make sure that the meaning stays the same. You might need to add
words for the sentence to be correct when using the new word. The
structure will also change.

Question 6

Most of the students managed to put the right vocalisation. It was

understood by most of them; however, very few managed to get the
full mark. In some cases, candidates used more than one sign.
Majority were able to score 50% or more of the available marks. Few
candidates tended to vocalise the last letter in the word and get it
right which suggests that they are capable to vocalise positively the
other letters, but they didn’t, so lost marks unnecessarily.
Question 8

The question 8, was clearly interesting for the students, you can tell
from the way they responded that this is a topic that they are
passionate about. Most of the students presented bright ideas and
they reflected their knowledge about the subject and covered all
points in the question however, a few of them did not answer in detail
or not cover all the points and therefore they were unable to gain
higher marks.

Many candidates scored high marks for Communication but lost

marks on Quality of Language, through poor spelling, misuse of
pronouns, and repetition of vocabulary. Very strangely, some
candidates were very good in communicating their ideas and got a
high mark on quality of language, however they did not expand on
the subject content i.e. activities and therefore they missed marks on
content part.

Many candidates wrote a long introduction compared to the other

points. A few did not understand the question and therefore did not
mention how they will participate in the event or suggest holding it in
an Arabic country. On average, many candidates answer Q8

In general candidates this year in comparison to last session, appear

to be weak in developing ideas and seem to have a lot of difficulties
in communicating their ideas and made mistakes both in grammar
and sentence structure.
Examiner Comment

This is an excellent essay. The candidate covered all the bullet points.
Candidates showed ability to express ideas in logical sequence. They
used a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structure.
Language is mostly correct and appropriate for the task

Examiner Tip

Read the stimulus, read the question carefully and understand what is
required. Read the bullet points and make sure you covered them all.
Paper Summary

Based on their performance on this paper, candidates are offered the

following advice, which is consistent with advice in previous sessions.

 For question 1, matching question, read all 8 phrases given for

matching before you start. You need to take both meaning and
grammar into consideration.
 For all reading comprehension questions, read the text
carefully, then read all the questions. For question 4, note that
all answers to the questions come in order unless it is a
deduction question. No answer will be used twice. Lifting from
the text will not be rewarded if it is too long or does not make
 Multiple-choice questions needs good attention, whether they
are reading or grammar. Eliminate the wrong ones first then
think of reasons for your choice.
 Practice exercises similar to Q5, as many candidates did not
know how to restructure the sentences using the given word.
 If you change your mind about any answer cross it neatly and
choose the correct one or write your answer.
 Allow checking time within the 2 hours 30 minutes, especially
for the written (Q8), continuous writing.
 Candidates need to pay attention to spelling and grammar,
especially in the essay question.
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