Examiners' Report Principal Examiner Feedback January 2018
Examiners' Report Principal Examiner Feedback January 2018
Examiners' Report Principal Examiner Feedback January 2018
January 2018
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January 2018
Publications Code WAA01_01_1801_ER
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018
Paper Introduction
This paper was set to cover all areas of the specification. It consists
of 3 sections testing reading, grammar and writing.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Passage 4, (Djerba the dream island). The topic is (the world around
us); tourism. This passage is more complex, and is a good question
to differentiate. It is used for question 4 - reading comprehension
and question 5 - grammar.
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 3
Examiner Comment
This is a good example. Students managed to get all the gaps filled
with the correct words, scored full mark.
Examiner Tip
Read all the words in the box and read the text before you start to
answer in order to get the correct meaning. You also need to take in
consideration the grammar.
Question 4
Examiner Tip
This is the most challenging question where only few candidates got a
full mark. Many candidates responded correctly to Q5a; However,
they did struggle with 5g and 5j. Weaker candidates also struggled
with 5c, 5f, 5h. The reason behind that could be their weakness in
grammar, or they have not familiarised themselves with the new
Examiner Tip
Make sure that the meaning stays the same. You might need to add
words for the sentence to be correct when using the new word. The
structure will also change.
Question 6
The question 8, was clearly interesting for the students, you can tell
from the way they responded that this is a topic that they are
passionate about. Most of the students presented bright ideas and
they reflected their knowledge about the subject and covered all
points in the question however, a few of them did not answer in detail
or not cover all the points and therefore they were unable to gain
higher marks.
This is an excellent essay. The candidate covered all the bullet points.
Candidates showed ability to express ideas in logical sequence. They
used a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structure.
Language is mostly correct and appropriate for the task
Examiner Tip
Read the stimulus, read the question carefully and understand what is
required. Read the bullet points and make sure you covered them all.
Paper Summary