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Power Quality Improvement Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner

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Power Quality Improvement Using

Unified Power Quality Conditioner


Master of Technology


Shrutisnata Mishra
Roll no: 214EE4248
Power Electronics and Drives


MAY 2016.
Power Quality Improvement Using
Unified Power Quality Conditioner

Master of Technology


Shrutisnata Mishra
Roll no: 214EE4248
Power Electronics and Drives

Under the Supervision of

Prof. (Dr.) A.K.PANDA


MAY 2016.

This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT USING
UNIFIED POWER QUALITY CONDITIONER” submitted by Shrutisnata Mishra for
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Technology Degree in
Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power Electronics and Drives during 2015
- 2016 at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela is an authentic work carried out
by him under my supervision and guidance.
To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to
any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Place: NIT Rourkela Prof. A.K. Panda

Date: May, 2016 Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela – 769008
Email: akpanda@nitrkl.ac.in

As I stand at the end of my two year endeavour at this esteemed college for my
Master degree, I have lot many to thank for this accomplishment. First and Foremost, I would
like to express my sincere gratitude towards my supervisor Prof. A. K. Panda, for his advice
during my project work. He has constantly encouraged me to remain focused on achieving
my goal. His observations and comments helped me to establish the overall direction of the
research and to move forward with investigation in depth. He has helped me greatly and been
a source of knowledge.
I express my gratitude to all the professors who has given me academic support
during my coursework which helped me a lot in doing my project work. Also all the lab
assistants who helped me in my practical work during the first year had added greatly to my
I express my sincere gratitude to the Head of the Departments during the last two
years for all the facilities that I could enjoy last two years. I am also grateful for the
department of Electrical engineering of NIT Rourkela which has been my platform for me to
garner knowledge and experience in the past two years.
I am also very much grateful to my PhD students who has guided whenever their help
was sought also many elders who motivated and gave suggestions for the work.
Last but not the least I am thankful to my friends who were supporting and inspiring
me throughout the time in this college and my family members who were always there behind
me for all my needs, inspiring and encouraging me throughout my life.

May 31, 2016 Shrutisnata Mishra

Rourkela 214EE4248
Power quality can be defined as any power problem faced in the frequency, current or
voltage deviation which leads to mal-operation of the customer’s equipment. It has been
always difficult to maintain the quality of electric power so as to keep it within the
acceptable limits. Mainly the use of power electronics devices that acts as the nonlinear
load is responsible for the degradation in the poor power quality. Poor power quality
results in various problems in the distribution systems like higher power losses,
harmonics, sag and swells in the voltage, poor distortion and displacement factor. The
recent developments in communications, digital electronics, and control system have
rapidly increased the number of sensitive loads that require ideal sinusoidal supply
voltage for their proper operation. So it became necessary to include some sort of
compensation in order to meet limits proposed by standards. Here Unified power quality
Conditioner (UPQC) has been used to overcome the power quality problem. UPQC which
is a combination of back to back connected series and shunt APFs through a common DC
link voltage, the two APFs function differently. The shunt active filter is mainly
advantageous in removing the current related problems and the improvement of power
factor and regulation of DC link voltage. Whereas the series APF helps in correction of
voltage related problems by acting as a controlled voltage source. The voltage that is
injected in series with the load by series Active Power filter is made to follow a control
law which results in a sinusoidal load voltage that is the sum of the voltage injected by the
series inverter and the input voltage. Whereas the shunt APF acts as a current source that
injects a compensating harmonic current in order to have sinusoidal, in-phase input
current. Several control strategies has been reported in literature that determines the
reference values of the voltage and the current. Two control strategies has been described
here i.e. the UVTG (unit vector template generation) and the synchronous reference
frame, P-Q technique. UVTG is used for the control of both series and shunt active power
filter whereas in the other method synchronous reference frame method is used for the
control of SAF and the P-Q method is used for the control of shunt APF. UPQC has the
capability of compensating the harmonic current, reactive power, voltage imbalance and
voltage sag and swell. It also helps in reducing the energy losses that happens in the
power systems element and also increases the operation safety.




List of Figures………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iv

List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..v


1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 Definition of power Quality………………………………………………………………………………………………3
1.3 Need of Better power quality…………………………………………………………………………………………….4
1.4 Common disturbances in power system……………………………………………………………………………5
1.5 Literature survey………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………..9
1.6 Motivation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11
1.7 Objectives……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………11
1.8 Organization of the thesis…………………………………..……………………………………………………………11

2 Various Methods to mitigate power quality problems…………………………………………….13

2.1 Static VAR compensator……………………………….…………………………………………………………………13
2.2 STATCOM…………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………..13
2.3 Dynamic voltage restorer……………………………..………………………………………………………………….14
2.4 Active power filter……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………….14
2.5 UPQC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
2.5.1 UPQC configuration……………………………………………….………………………………………………….15
2.5.2 UPQC Classification…………………………………………………..……………………………………………..17

3 Control Technique for UPQC…………………………………….………………………………………………..24

3.1 Unit Vector template generation………………………………………………….………………………………….24
3.2 Synchronous reference frame and P-Q control of UPQC…………………………………………….26

4 Simulation results and discussion………………………………………………………………………………..29
4.1 Unit vector template generation technique…………………………………………………………………….29
4.2 Synchronous reference frame and P-Q control Technique…………………………………..……….31

5 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………….35

5.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………..35

References ----


Fig. Figure Name Page No.

Fig. 1.1 Voltage Fluctuations 6

Fig. 1.2 Impulsive Transient 7

Fig. 1.3 Oscillatory transient 7

Fig. 2.1 Basic block diagram of UPQC 16

Fig. 2.2 CSI based UPQC 17

Fig. 2.3 Three phased UPQC 18

Fig. 2.4 Three phase four wire UPQC 19

Fig. 2.5 UPQC-L 20

Fig. 2.6 Interline UPQC 20

Fig. 2.7 Modular UPQC 21

Fig. 2.8 Multilevel UPQC 22

Fig. 2.9 Multi-converter UPQC 22

Generation of Unit Vector Templates and reference Load

Fig 3.1 24

Fig 3.2 Overall Control Circuit Configuration of UPQC 25

Fig 3.3 Control algorithm of SAF 26

Fig 3.4 Control algorithm of PAF 28

Fig 4.1 Simulation results for UVTG 29

Simulation results for Synchronous Reference Frame

Fig 4.2 32
and p-q control technique


MOSFET Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

BJT Bipolar junction transistor

SCR Silicon controlled rectifier

IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor

UPQC Unified Power Quality Conditioner

APF Active Power Filter

THD Total harmonic voltage distortion

TDD Total demand distortion

PCC Point of common coupling

MPC Model predictive controller

PI Proportional integral

UVTG unit vector template generation

PAC power angle control

FACTS Flexible AC transmission systems

TSC Thyristor switched capacitor

TSR Thyristor switched reactor

SVC Static VAR compensators

D-STATCOM Distribution Static Compensator

DVR Dynamic voltage restorer

VSI Voltage-source inverter

CSI Current-source inverter

PWM Pulse width modulation

LPF Low-pass filter

MLI Multilevel inverter

SAF Series Active Filter

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

Power quality mainly deals with the interaction among the customers and the
utility or it can be also said that it provides an interaction between the power system and
the respective load. The ultimate goal of power system is the supply of electric energy to
its customers. In the last 50 years or so, because of the extensive growth of industries
electricity demand has tremendously increased which has led to establishment of many
power generation and distribution grid. The demand for large amount of power for
industrial and domestic use increased the burden on the generation. Electrical utilities
working today are working as a subsystem of a large utility network that are tied together
in order to form a complex grid. All these factors have put the power system under the
requirement of a power quality. A high power quality is the main aim of the commercial
facility design, along with "wellbeing," "trustable service" and "low beginning and
working expenses". Problem in power quality is usually referred to any electrical problem
faced in the frequency, voltage or current deviation which leads to mal-operation of the
customer’s equipment. Often when we talk of quality of power we actually mean the
quality of voltage because it is the voltage which is controlled most of the times. The term
power quality can be related with reliability of the system by the electrical utilities. The
most difficult thing is maintenance of the electrical power quality so that it will lie within
the acceptable limits. There are many disadvantages of poor and low power quality. It
may lead to higher power losses, abnormal and unusual behaviour of electrical
equipment, and interference with the nearby communication lines, poor voltage profile,
harmonics, sag and swells in the voltage, poor and low distortion and displacement factor.

In the recent era power electronic and electronic equipment are becoming more
and more sensitive as compared to their counterparts few years back. The equipment
which is very much susceptible to this variation or degradation of power quality is the
sensitive loads. Pure sinusoidal voltage is required for its proper operation. Along with
the increased sensitiveness of the equipment, the growing sensitiveness of companies
towards the production loss on account of reduction in the margin of profit has also added

to the burden on the quality of power. From ages electricity has been considered as a
basic right in the domestic life and it will always be there. Due to this very reason even a
small interruption in the supply leads to heavy complaints, even if no damages are related
to it.

Tripping of the electrical equipment because of aggravations in the supply voltage

is frequently portrayed by clients as "awful power quality". On the other hand utilities
frequently see unsettling influences because of the end client equipment as the principle
power quality issue. The trouble in evaluating power quality concerns is clarified by the
way of interaction among the quality of power and the equipment. What is "great" power
quality for one equipment could be "awful" power for another. Two indistinguishable
equipment may respond diversely to the same power quality parameters because of
contrasts in their assembling. Modern electronic equipment is not only responsible for
voltage unsettling influences; it additionally causes aggravations for different consumers.
The main culprit behind this poor power quality is the use of power electronic devices
that are mainly the equipment driven by converters and rectifiers like computer, speed
drives etc. that acts as non-linear load. The increased use of power electronic devices has
increased the tension on power system as it leads to generation of voltage and current
harmonics and it also increases the reactive current. Nowadays, power electronic devices
are used by the industries for many reasons like variable voltage, variable frequency and
current control in order to get accurate controllability, better and higher efficiency, faster
response and most importantly to make the devices compact in size. They have prompted
an expansive development of voltage unsettling influences, albeit luckily not yet to a level
where equipment gets to be sensitive. The fundamental problem here is the non-sinusoidal
current of rectifiers and inverters that not only contain the fundamental component but
also the harmonic components. The main problem arises because of the switching actions
which these power electronics devices exhibit such as MOSFET, BJT, SCR, IGBT etc.
Because of this switching action these devices acts as non-linear loads. The displacement
and distortion factors also become poor as these devices draw leading/lagging and non-
sinusoidal current from the supply, thereby resulting in injection of harmonics in the
distribution systems. The harmonic current then starts flowing across the line and source
impedance and this causes distortion of voltages, excessive power loss and voltage drop.

As the supply voltage gets distorted it leads to mal-operation of protection, control, and
the metering equipment. So the necessity for maintenance of the power quality standards
arises and to achieve a voltage that will be purely sinusoidal, the use of compensation
technique is very much important. Many consumers are also there whose need of power
quality is high than what provided by the electrical networks. So it’s very much essential
to obtain a higher quality of electrical power.

Custom power devices and FACTS devices are used widely in order to overcome
these problems and in order to assure a high and better power quality. Custom power
devices refer to the power electronic controllers used in the distribution systems to get a
higher level of power quality. They act as power conditioning equipment that helps in
mitigating the distorted voltage and current. DVR, DSTATCOM, active filters etc. are
utilized as a part of request to enhance the quality of voltage and current to a better

Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) is a very effective step in improving

these power quality problems. It is a combination of parallel-Active Power Filter and
Series-Active power Filter. Both of these filters are associated through the same dc link.
Parallel active filter is connected parallel with the load. It helps in compensating the
harmonic current flowing through the load, compensates reactive power demand of the
load and helps in maintenance of a constant dc link voltage. On the other hand, series
active power filter is connected in series with the utility voltage by the help of series
transformer and helps in maintenance of a sinusoidal the load voltage. So as a whole it
helps in a simultaneous compensation of the delivered load voltage and source side


A consistent amplitude and one constant frequency sinusoidal signal is considered

as an ideal current or voltage signal. Quality of voltage taken from the utility or that
delivered to the consumer is referred as voltage or current quality. The fluctuation of
voltage, current or frequency from its optimal worth that may prompt mal-operation of

the equipment can be considered as issue in the power quality. The term electromagnetic
compatibility is also used in place of power quality, they are strongly related but not the
exactly same.

As indicated by the IEEE principles, Power quality can be characterized as the

technique for grounding and supplying sensitive equipment with power so as to get a
reasonable and agreeable performance of the equipment .Overall power quality represents
a blend of quality of the current and voltage. Voltage quality at the point of connection is
governed by the network operator whereas the quality of current at the connection point is
governed by the client's load.

Taking into account the prerequisites power quality can have various different
meanings and significances. In the view of manufacturer, the term power quality can be
characterized as the way in which there ought to be no voltage variety and no noise
generation in the system of grounding. In context of utility designer, it can be considered
as voltage availability. Whereas for the end users power quality can be considered as the
feasibility of utilising the accessible power for operation of various kinds of loads.
Distribution system is worst affected because of the power quality problems. Power
quality becomes poor at the points where loads are connected with the distribution
system. So here we’ll try to upgrade the quality of power of the distribution system.


Power quality is becoming an important concern because of many reasons. Some major
reasons are-
 To increase the efficiency of power system many new devices such as shunt
capacitors and adjustable-speed motor drives are gaining popularity. These
devices increase the harmonic level of the power system which increases the

 Power electronic devices and loads that make use of control based on
microprocessor and microcontroller based are more affected by power quality

 The interconnected networks that are used nowadays are badly affected by the
power system disturbances because if any component is failed the entire system
is affected.

 The awareness of problems in the quality of power and difficulties faced like
under voltage, overvoltage, flickers etc. is among the utility customers or end
users is tremendously increasing which arises the demand of a high and better
quality of power.


1.4.1-Short Duration Voltage Variation

The duration of Short Duration Voltage Variation is very less i.e. less than
1min.The main reason for this are-large load energisation, fault conditions etc. Short
duration voltage variation includes Voltage sag, voltage swell and interruption. Swell:
It’s the increase in the line-voltage (rms) to 1.1-1.8% of the nominal line-voltage
for a small period of half cycle to 1 min. Main cause for this is Swells can be switching
off of a large load. Sag:
It’s a decrease in the line voltage (rms) to 10 to 90 % of the standard line-voltage
for a period of half cycle to a min. It is also referred as “dip”. The main cause for this
voltage sag is starting of large induction motors.
It’s the reduction in current or line-voltage to a value which is less than 0.1 pu for
a duration not more than 1 min. Main causes for this are failure of equipment, faults etc.

A reduction in the root mean square ac voltage to a value less than even 90 %. Its
span is little more than a min. The main reason for this overvoltage is switching off of the
capacitor bank.
It’s a rise in the root mean square ac voltage to a value more than 110 %. Its san is
also greater than a min. Main cause for this overvoltage are load switching. Interruptions:
It is the situation when supply voltage is zero for a timeframe surpassing a


It’s a comparatively very small variation in the line voltage (rms).The variation is
even less than 5%.The main culprits for this are arc furnaces, Cycloconverters etc. This is
also referred as “flicker”.

Figure 1.1 Voltage fluctuation

It’s the amplitude variation of the phase voltages, regarding each other. This
voltage unbalance is essentially because of various loads on the phases.

1.4.5-TRANSIENTS Transient:
It’s the unidirectional change in current or voltage on a power line. The main
reasons for this are inductive load switching and lightning strikes.

Figure 1.2 Impulsive transient Oscillatory Transient:

It’s a bidirectional change in current, voltage on a power line. The main reason
for this is the switching of capacitors for power factor corrections.

Figure 1.3 Oscillatory transient

It’s mainly the variation from the sine wave of power frequency. It can be of various
types as mentioned below-
While supplying of a nonlinear load from a supply voltage at the power frequency,
thee nonlinear load draws currents at more than a particular frequency that finally leads to
a distorted current waveform. These are current or voltage signals having frequencies in
terms of integral multiples of fundamental frequency. Total harmonic voltage distortion
(THD) is utilized for measurement of the level of harmonic present in any waveform.
THD measures magnitude as well as phase of each individual harmonic component. The
THD information may sometimes be misleading, so in order to overcome that another
terminology has been introduced by the IEEE standards. It is known as the total demand
distortion (TDD). TDD is similar to THD with the difference that the harmonics here are
expressed as a percentage of some rated load current rather than a percentage of
fundamental current.
These are current or voltages waveforms whose frequency components are not the
integer multiple of the normal frequency (i.e.50 or 60 Hz).The sources for this inter-
harmonics are arcing devices, cycloconverters etc. The impact of interharmonics is not
that clear but it has been seen that they affect power line carrier signalling.

1.4.7-DC OFFSET:
DC offset is present in a system when a dc current or voltage is present in
alternating current network. Asymmetry of power converters results in DC offset. DC
offset has many ill effects e.g. they cause saturation of transformer which on the other
hand increase the transformer losses and reduces the life of the transformer. Dc offset also
affects the grounding electrode by causing its electrolytic erosion.

It mainly refers to the undesirable electrical signals those results in unwanted
impacts in the control system circuit in which they happen. They are mainly the outcome

of arcing devices, power electronic and control devices. The problem of noise can be
overcome by the use of isolation transformer, filters etc.

It is a periodic voltage disturbance that is caused due to momentary short circuit
between two phases in a three phase converter circuit.


Today power quality is the most essential variable in both levels of transmission and
distribution. It’s very much essential to take care of the acceptable limits of power
quality. N.G hingorani [1], 1995, has given the basic concept of custom power. It gives
the reliability of power flow. Solid state circuit breakers, static compensators, static
condensers provide the basis of the custom power.

Chellali Benachaiba et al. [2], 2008, describes DVR, a compelling custom power gadget
for moderating voltage swell and sag. Also gave the method of voltage restoration at the
PCC i.e. the point of common coupling, DVR principles and also described about the
different methods of voltage injection. DVR can handle both unbalanced and balanced
situations effectively.

Mehmet Ucar et al. [3], 2008, proposed the p-q theory which is also called instantaneous
reactive power theory, another control calculation has been suggested for three-phase
four-wire and four-leg parallel active power filter (APF), based on this proposal, for
remuneration of reactive power, harmonic currents suppressions, and balancing of the
load currents under non-perfect mains voltage conditions and unbalanced non-linear

Kamran and Habetler [4],1998,has proposed a new method taking into account the
deadbeat control, that treats UPQC inverter association as a solitary unit. The whole
concept has been exhibited utilizing a 3-phase series-shunt active filter. It also uses a full-
order predictive state observer. Modelling the system as a solitary multi-input, multi-
output framework has many advantages. It showed faster dynamic response and steady

state precision and thereby giving enhanced control execution over the independently
controlled converters.

K.H Kwan et al. [5], 2007, propose a model predictive control design for the UPQC. Use
of kalman filters makes it easy for the extraction of principal and harmonic parts of the
given load current and the supplied voltage. The model predictive controller had been
designed based on the state space model of the UPQC. The MPC controller proved
beneficial in regulating the error in supplied voltage and the load current thereby
regulating both supply voltage and load current. It is helpful in mitigating load variation,
sag and swell.

Bhim Singh et al. [6], 2011, proposed a control method for the DVR i.e. dynamic voltage
restorer in order to overcome the problems in the quality of power and regulate the
terminal voltage. For regulation of dc bus voltage of the DVR and the terminal voltage
proportional integral (PI) controllers are used. Synchronous reference frame hypothesis is
likewise utilized for the extraction of fundamental component of the terminal voltage.

V.Khadkikar et al. [7], 2004, introduced a control procedure for UPQC. The control
methodology depends on UVTG (unit vector template generation). Voltage harmonics
present in the utility voltage. Steady state analysis and mathematical analysis of UPQC is
given. Parallel APF maintains the overall power balance in the entire network. The
current harmonics and input voltage harmonics can be repaid proficiently by the proposed
control system.

Yash Pal et al. [8], 2011, present a control methodology for a 3-phase 4-wire UPQC. A
3-phase, 4 leg Voltage source inverter is used for parallel APF and a 3-phase, 3 legs
Voltage source inverter for realisation of the series active power filter. Unit vector
template control system is utilized for controlling the series APF, while Icosɸ control is
utilized for controlling the parallel active power filter. These technique guarantees,
alleviation of voltage and current harmonics, load balancing, voltage swell and droop and
voltage plunges. This method helps effectively in reduction of computational time and
number of sensors.

S.P Das et al. [9], 2007, proposed two control scheme models for UPQC. These two
control schemes are based on the type of voltage compensation strategy; they are UPQC-
Q and UPQC-P. The adequacy of the two control plans is tested. UPQC-Q can effectively
share the VAR between the two compensators but not effective in controlling the
unbalanced voltage sag. UPQC-P can relieve the supply voltage-unbalancing issue
likewise next to controlling the voltage droop and swell.

Ambrish Chandra and Vinod Khadkikar[10],2008, suggested a method as power angle

control (PAC) of UPQC so that series inverter of UPQC is used to it most extreme limit.
By this PAC concept by controlling the power angle between the source and load voltages
properly, both parallel and series inverters can properly share the load reactive power.
This proved helpful for reduction of the parallel inverter rating of the UPQC.

Various control algorithms has been developed for controlling the voltage and
current harmonics developing in the power system which has proved to be very much
essential. Several methods are there which are little complicated but the methods
described here requires less number of measurements and hence it’s little simple which
has become the motivation for the project.
 Study of the UPQC model.
 Improvement of the current and voltage remuneration abilities of the 3-Phase 3
Wire system using UPQC.
 Analysis and study of UVTG and synchronous reference frame and PQ theory.


The whole thesis is sorted out in five chapters. The description in each part will be as for
the following:
Chapter 1 gives an overview of power quality including the definition of power quality,
the need for a better quality of power, Common disturbances in power system, literature

survey, motivation of the project and objective of the project. It also includes the
organisation of the thesis.
Chapter 2 describes the various methods to mitigate the problem in power quality, a brief
description of unified power quality conditioner and the classification of UPQC into
various groups.
Chapter 3 clarifies about the control algorithm used for the UPQC that includes both
UVTG and synchronous reference frame control. The generation of reference signals for
both series and shunt inverter has been explained here.
Chapter 4 is furnished with the MATLAB simulation results and description of both the
methods and demonstrates the adequacy of proposed method to alleviate the force quality
Chapter 5 presents the conclusion took after by the references.




In today’s distribution system power electronics based gadgets have gotten to be

the most essential part. They have a numerous advantages but on the other hand they also
show many lacunas. They draw harmonic current along with the fundamental power
frequency which contaminates the distribution system. Keeping in mind the end goal to
give specialized answers for the new difficulties forced on distribution system, the idea
flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) has been incorporated. These FACTS devices
use to upgrade the controllability and to build power exchange ability of the transmission
framework. Two methodologies are there for the control of reactive and active power one
utilizes traditional thyristor switched capacitors (TSC) and thyristor switched reactors
(TSR), and alternate uses self-commutated Switching converters. Both the plans help to
productively regulate the real and reactive power, yet as it were the second one can be
utilized to remunerate current and voltage harmonics. In addition, self-commutated
switching converters introduce a superior response time and more remuneration


Various types of compensators are used that includes SVC, TSC, TCR,
STATCOM etc. Static VAR compensators (SVC) control the AC voltage by creation and
absorption of reactive power by the passive elements like resistor and capacitor. SVC
mainly contains anti parallel thyristors along with the passive elements. If its thyristor
switched capacitor then the passive element is capacitor and reactor in case of thyristor
controlled reactor. The main problem with the utilization of SVC is that the reactive
power took care of by the SVC is restricted by the passive element size.


STATCOM is one of the standout FACT devices amongst all the FACTS devices.
It may contain a voltage source converter or a current source converter and provides a

better response. It helps in maintaining a good voltage profile and improves the stability.
If we are using this in the distribution system then it can be referred as D-STATCOM i.e.
the distribution STATCOM. It mainly consists of an inverter circuit, inductor, a capacitor
acting as DC source, control circuit for reference current generation. D-STATCOM helps
in compensation of the load harmonic as it acts as a current source. In addition to this it as
many more advantages like source current balancing, suppression of DC offset in the load
and it helps the load to work at power factor of unity.


Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) provides series compensation. It consists of a

voltage source inverter in series with the supply line that helps in achievement of a
particular load voltage. At the point when an outside DC voltage source is used for VSI,
the DVR can be utilized for compensation of voltage harmonics, management of load
voltage, and to remunerate voltage imbalance.


Active power filters are also widely used is they provide a great answer for
tackling the power quality issues in the distribution system. These AF includes parallel
active power filter, series active power filter and also the combination of the above two
i.e. termed as the hybrid active power filter. Series active power filter mainly helps for
mitigation of harmonics in the voltage whereas shunt active power filter mainly deals
with the compensation of harmonics in the load current.

2.5 UPQC

In the context of up gradation of quality of power UPQC plays a very vital role. It
provides blessings of parallel and series active power filter both. Being a multitasking
power conditioner UPQC can be utilised for compensation of numerous voltage
disturbances, voltage flicker and it also provides prevention to the harmonics in the load
current and doesn’t allow them to enter into the power system and contaminate the quality
of power. This custom power equipment has the ability of mitigation of the problems
affecting the working of sensitive equipment or loads. UPQC provides compensation to

harmonics in current (shunt part) as well as that to the voltage (series part), controls the
flow of power and also overcomes the disturbances in voltage like voltage swell, sag etc.
The essential parts of unified power quality conditioner are shunt inverter, series inverter,
Dc link capacitor, Shunt coupling inductor and series transformer.


UPQC mainly consists of following parts-
Shunt inverter: A shunt connected voltage source inverter acts as shunt inverter. It is
helpful in cancellation of current distortions i.e. compensates the harmonic current of the
load. It also provides assistance in keeping up a steady value for the DC link capacitor
voltage and also helps in improvement of system power factor. Furthermore it is also
helpful in compensation of load reactive current. Usually hysteresis band controller is
employed for controlling of the shunt inverter output current. By adjusting the
semiconductor switches reference current can be made to follow the output current and
stays within the particular hysteresis band.

Series inverter: It is a series connected VSI (voltage-source inverter) acting as a source

of voltage. Its connection is in series with the line by using a series transformer. It helps
in overcoming the voltage based distortions. It helps in maintaining a sinusoidal load
voltage by eliminating the load voltage imbalances and the flickers in the terminal
voltage. PWM techniques are used for controlling the series inverter. Mostly hysteresis
band technique of pulse width modulation is used. There are many advantages of using
this PWM technique. It provides a better and faster response speed, easy to implement
and it can work properly even without having the knowledge about the parameters of the

DC link capacitor: It is used for back to back connection of the series and shunt VSIs.
The DC voltage developed across the capacitor acts as a constant voltage and helps in
proper operation of both shunt and series inverters. If regulated properly the voltage
provided by this capacitor can be used a source for both active and reactive power and the
use of any outer DC source e.g. battery etc. can be eliminated.


series transformer
Is Iload
non linear

input Ish


series inverter shunt inverter

Figure 2.1 Basic block diagram of UPQC

Shunt coupling inductor: It is helpful in interfacing of the shunt inverter to the network.
The main benefit of this is to smoothen the wave shape of the current by elimination of
the ripples produced in the current.

LC filter: It is present near the series inerter output of UPQC. Acting as a low-pass filter
(LPF), it is helpful in attenuation of high-frequency voltage components of the output
voltage of the series inverter.

Series transformer: The series inverter generates a voltage for maintenance of load
voltage sinusoidal at a particular required value. Series inverter helps in injection of this
voltage through the series transformer. It is required to maintain a particular turn’s ratio in
order to maintain a low current flow through the series inverter.


There are many criteria for classifying the UPQC. The main criteria of
classification can be divided broadly into two groups. The first one is classifying them on
the basis of their structure which is seen physically and the other based on the method in
which they compensate the sag in the load voltage. These two methods can further be
subdivided into various groups. The one that depends on the physical structure can be
again divided based on the type of converter used, type of supply whether three phase or
single phase and the last one is in the basis of UPQC configuration. The various classes of
UPQC have been described below. ON THE BASIS OF PHYSICAL STRUCTURE
On the basis of physical structure it can be further subdivided into three groups as
given below
Converter used can be either-
 VSI-Shares a common DC link capacitor. This is used commonly as losses are
low losses, low price and it can be utilized in case of multi-level inverter also.
 CSI-Uses an inductor to form the DC link. This is not used commonly as it results
in high losses, high price and it’s not possible to incorporate them as we go for
multi-level inverter.

Figure 2.2 CSI based UPQC

It can either use a single phase supply or a three phase supply.


 2H bridge- It has a total of eight switches and it’s the most familiar configuration.
 3leg topology- It has 6 switches in total. It can be used for the operations
demanding less cost and power.
 Half bridge- It uses the minimum number of switches i.e. 4 switches. The
reduction in the number of switches also has an impact on the level of


 Three wire - it is the one that is most commonly used. It can be used in arc
welding, frequency converter etc.

Figure 2.3 Three phase UPQC

 3 phase 4 wire - It is widely used in the industrial applications. Because of the
extra neutral wire present it needs a higher and better degree of compensation. It
can be of various types like two capacitor, three half bridge inverter and four
inductor configuration. In two capacitor configuration two split capacitor acts as
DC link and in four inductor configuration additional 4th leg of shunt inverter
helps in load neutral current compensation.

Figure 2.4 Three phase four wire UPQC


On the basis of UPQC configuration mainly there are five types of UPQC as
described below-
 Right and Left Shunt UPQC: It is based on the position of parallel converter as
compared to the series converter. If the shunt converter is laced on the right hand
side of the series converter then it is termed as UPQC-R and if it is laced on the
left hand side then it is termed as UPQC-L. UPQC-R is the one that is most
commonly used. It shows improved performance in comparison to that of the
UPQC-L. UPQC-L can be utilized for some articular cases.

Figure 2.5 UPQC-L
 Interline UPQC: Here both the inverters of UPQC i.e. series and shunt inverters
are used in between two distribution feeders. The connection of one UPQC is in
series with the first feeder and the second is in parallel with the second feeder. In
this way both the feeders gets the advantage of effective control of the voltage.
But it also shows some problems and hence used only for certain particular cases.








Figure 2.6 Interline UPQC

 Modular UPQC: It is the connection of several H-bridge inverter modules. The
shunt part has series connected H-bridge inverter modules with that of the
transformer and series part connection is in directly in series and doesn’t need a
series transformer for connection with the distribution transformer.

Figure 2.7 Modular UPQC

 Multilevel UPQC: Used for getting higher power level. It can be of various levels
as per the requirement. Various levels of MLI that are usually realised are three,
five, seven etc. As the number of level increases the power level increases but it
has a disadvantage too. With the increase in the number of levels the harmonic
content also increases.

Voltage Lsh


Each inverter
consists of
Vdc three phase



Figure 2.8 Multilevel UPQC

 Multi-converter UPQC: Here three inverters are used. Third inverter is used in
order to assist the dc capacitor voltage. There are various ways for the connection
of the third inverter.

Voltage Lsh





Figure 2.9 Multi-converter UPQC

 UPQC-P: It is an active power control UPQC where use of active power is done
for mitigation of voltage sag. Here injection of a voltage component is done in
series with the ac line. The voltage component that is injected into the system is
equal to the difference between the load and the existing voltage.
 UPQC-Q: It is a reactive power control UPQC, where the use of reactive power is
done for mitigation of voltage sag. The main principle here is the injection of a
quadrature voltage. But the disadvantage of UPQC-Q is that it increases the rating
of series inverter.
 UPQC-VAminm: It is minimum volt ampere loading UPQC. It is used to
minimize the volt ampere loading during the compensation. In this case the
injection of voltage is done in a certain angle in regards to the current.
 UPQC-S: It gives simultaneous active and reactive power control. In this system
series inverter can be effectively utilized. Its control is little difficult and hence it
is used widely if the control is digital.



Various control techniques have been used for the control of harmonics in voltage
and current by using UPQC. Here mainly two methodology has been described i.e. the
unit vector template generation technique and the Synchronous reference frame and PQ
The control technique used here is Unit vector template generation technique In
this case supply voltage is made distorted and Unit Vector Templates are extracted from
it. The distorted input source voltage contains harmonic components in addition to the
fundamental component. For extraction of these unit vectors, the supply voltage is first
measured and the product of this and gain (1/ Vm) is done, Vm being the peak
fundamental supply voltage. After this unit vector templates are generated by using a
phase locked loop.
Va = Sinωt
Vb = Sin (ωt-120)
Vc= Sin (ωt+120)

Figure 3.1 Generation of Unit Vector Templates and reference Load


Supply voltage is then multiplied with the unit vector templates and reference load
voltage is generated. The reference load voltage generated is given by V*abc.
V*abc= Vm*Uabc
Then the comparison of actual load voltage and reference load voltage is done.
Error is calculated and send into a hysteresis band for generating the gate pulse for the
series inverter. Shunt Active Power Filter is used for current harmonics compensation.
Generation of pulses for the shunt inverter DC link voltage is then measured an it its
comparison is done with the reference dc link voltage. After that error is processed by
utilizing a PI controller, and to produce the reference current these results are multiplied
by unit vector templates. Comparison of reference and actual source current is done and a
hysteresis band controller is used for processing the error and production of gate pulses
for parallel inerter circuit is completed.

Figure 3.2 Overall Control Circuit Configuration of UPQC



3.2.1-Control Method for Series Active Filter

For controlling the source side voltage aggravation SAF is utilized. In this
method, the reference voltage that needs to be infused by the series transformers is
ascertained by comparison of the positive – sequence component of the source voltage
with that of the source voltage. The reference generation calculation for SAF is
demonstrated as follows-

Vs abc to Vd low
dqo pass
transform- filter

dqo to Vref
abc -
ation Vse Pulse


Figure 3.3 Control algorithm of SAF

Equation depicting transformation of supply voltage and load current into d-q-o
coordinate are given below -

[ ]= [ ][ ] …… (1)

[ ]=[ ][ ] ……. (2)

Along with the fundamental component harmonics are also present in the d-axes voltage.
A second order LPF is used for filtering out the harmonic components. Then the reference
voltage Vref is then estimated by utilizing d-q-o to a-b-c transformation. Then the output
of series active filter and the reference voltage generated is fed to a hysteresis band
controller to generate the gate pulses.

3.2.2-Control Method Employed for Shunt Active Filter-

For calculating the reference current in this method P-Q methodology has been
utilized. Clarke’s transformation given in equation (1),(2),(3) and (4) are used for
transformation of reference voltages generated at SAF and load current in to α-β-0
coordinates –

[ ]= [ ][ ] ……. (3)

[ ]=[ ][ ] ……. (4)

Equation (5) is used for the calculation of real power and imaginary power in the
Source side. These are instantaneous power-

[ ]=[ ][ ] ……. (5)

For compensating reactive power and the harmonic component, real power is
taken as the reference and the source current reference can be calculated by Eq.(6).

[ ]= [ ][ ] ……. (6)


Vs* Isalpha* Isabc*
Vbeta alpha
abc to P-Q P referance beta PWM
alpha calcul- current to gener-
Iload beta ation Q genera- ation
transfor- tion Isbeta* Pulse
Ibeta transfor-
mation Ploss mation Isabc



Figure 3.4 Control algorithm of PAF

Due to the absence of unbalance the power Po is zero. Comparison of measured

and reference DC-link voltage is done and a Proportional integral controller is used for
processing the error produced. The main reason behind using this controller is that it helps
in reducing the steady state error to a zero value. PI controller’s yield is termed as Ploss.
Then the reference source current is converted to a-b-c frame of reference using the

[ ]= [ ] …… (7)
[ ]

Finally the comparison of these current and actual source current is done by the
help of a hysteresis band controller and gate pulses for the shunt Active power filter are



Simulation results for both the methods i.e. unit vector template generation

technique and synchronous reference frame and PQ method has been given here.


Ratings of various parameters of UPQC:

Source side: Supply Voltage = 100V

Frequency = 50 Hz

Load side: Diode bridge rectifier with R-L load that acts as a

Non-linear load

R Load=10𝛺 and L Load=5mH.

Series active power filter: RS=0.1 𝛺; LS=3 mH; CS= 30μF

Shunt active power filter: LSh = 20 mH; and RSh = 0.3𝛺;

DC Link Capacitor C=600μF

PI Controller: Kp= 0.05; and KI= 35;


Here harmonics have been injected to the system at 0.05sec.










0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(a)- Source voltage







0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(b) Load current










0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(c) Source current after compensation

(d)FFT analysis of Load current

(e)FFT analysis of Source current

Figure 4.1 Simulation results for UVTG

From the results it can be inferred that

 The harmonics in the current can be reduced by using this method and the
harmonics in Source current is low than that of the Load current.
 After compensation, THD in source current is low i.e. 12.95% as compared to that
of the load current i.e.20.61%.


Ratings of various parameters of UPQC:

Source side: Supply Voltage = 326V

Frequency = 50 Hz

Load side: Diode bridge rectifier with R-L load that acts as a

Non-linear load

R Load=30𝛺 and L Load=11mH.

Series active power filter: RS=0.65 𝛺; LS=4 mH; CS= 60μF

Shunt active power filter: LSh = 2.5 mH; and RSh = 10𝛺;

DC Link Capacitor C=2200μF

PI Controller: Kp= 0.05; and KI= 20;






0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(a)- Source voltage





0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(b) Load current






0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(c) Source current after compensation

(d)FFT analysis of Load current

(e)FFT analysis of Source current

(f)FFT analysis of Source Voltage










0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

(g)Load Voltage

(h)FFT analysis of Load voltage

Figure 4.2-Simulation results for Synchronous Reference Frame and p-q control

From the results it can be inferred that

 Harmonics in voltage and current can be efficiently reduced by this method.

 After compensation, THD in source current is low i.e. 2.55% as compared to that
of the load current i.e.21.63%.
 THD of load voltage also reduces to 2.23% as compare to that of source voltage
i.e. 6.63%.
 The magnitude of load voltage is lower than that of the source voltage because of
the drop during the process of transmission.




A simplified control of UPQC that is relies on generation of unit vector templates

and another method based on synchronous reference frame, P-Q control technique has
been given for UPQC. Both of these methodologies provides effective solution for the
improvement of power quality, solving the problems related with the power quality and
helps in mitigation of voltage and current harmonics. Simulation of a Simulink based
model has been done. From the simulation results it can be inferred that the current
harmonics that are caused by non-linear load can be compensated very effectively by
using proposed synchronous reference frame control method as compared to that of the
UVTG method. But on the other hand UVTG method provides a relatively simple
solution towards the power quality improvement.


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