Meaning and Definition of Educational Technology PDF
Meaning and Definition of Educational Technology PDF
Meaning and Definition of Educational Technology PDF
Meaning and Definition of Educational Technology
Educational Technology
Eric Ashby (1967) has identified four revolutions in
*The first revolution occurred when the task of
educating the young was shifted, in part, from parents
to teachers and from the home to the school.
*The second came with the adoption of the ‘written
word as a tool of education’.
*The third came with the invention of the printing
press and books.
*The fourth revolution, with the advent of electronics,
and development in communication.
Educational Technology
According to Ashby
“Any technology, which increases the rate of learning,
would enable the teacher to teach less and the learner
to learn more.”
Educational Technology
Eric Ashby (1967) has identified four revolutions in
*The first revolution occurred when the task of
educating the young was shifted, in part, from parents
to teachers and from the home to the school.
*The second came with the adoption of the ‘written
word as a tool of education’.
*The third came with the invention of the printing
press and books.
*The fourth revolution, with the advent of electronics,
and development in communication.
Educational Technology
Meaning of educational technology:
1) First meaning of educational technology
Educational technology is science on the basis of
which various strategies and tactics could be designed
for the realization of specified goals.
Educational Technology
Educational technology involves four steps;
➢Functional analysis of the teaching learning process
to identify the various components which operate at
the stage of input to that of the output.
➢To explore the various functions of these
➢To observe the effect of manipulating the various
components and their functions in the field
➢To translate all these research findings into some
kind of guidelines for a practitioner
Educational Technology
Educational technology involves four steps;
➢Functional analysis of the teaching learning process
to identify the various components which operate at
the stage of input to that of the output.
➢To explore the various functions of these
➢To observe the effect of manipulating the various
components and their functions in the field
➢To translate all these research findings into some
kind of guidelines for a practitioner
Educational Technology
Second meaning of education technology:
The second meaning of educational technology is the
mechanization of educational process. The
mechanization is done in all the three process of
human knowledge;
Preservation of knowledge: -
First knowledge was orally transmitted by teachers to
their students.
But with the advent of printing machine knowledge is
preserved in books.
Educational Technology
Transmission of knowledge: -
A large numbers of students sitting at far distant places
can be taught with the help of radio and television.
The Open University, corresponding education are the
major contributions of this innovation.
Advancement of human knowledge: -
The function of research process is to advance new
knowledge. The scientific researches are encouraged
in the present time because their findings are based on
the collection of data.
Educational Technology
Third meaning of educational technology:
Educational technology is the mediator, necessary for
blending the science of learning with the art of
B.F.Skinner states that “no teacher can provide the
frequency of reinforces or the necessary contingencies
for optimal learning and that a teacher needs machine
aid for this job.”
Educational Technology
If technology is to serve a blending function for a
science of learning and for art of teaching, it may also
be seen as an attempt to apply the science of
Silverman called this view-point ‘constructive
Educational technology’. It is the basic educational
application dealing with:
➢The analysis of the instructional problems
➢The selection or construction of measuring
➢The selection of appropriate techniques to produce
the desired outcome.
Educational Technology
Another view point of Silverman is no Educational
technology is called “Relative technology’ it is a
burrowing and applying technology that merely deals
with procedures and devices which gathers material.
Educational Technology
Definition of educational technology:
Definition of education: education is the development
of the power of adaptation to an ever changing social
Definition of education: It is a science of doing/getting
things done, related to any art or science.
Definition of educational technology
“Educational technology is concerned with the
development, application, and evaluation of systems,
techniques and aids to improve the process of human
Educational Technology
According to G.M.Leith,
“Educational technology is a systematic application of
scientific knowledge about teaching learning
conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of
teaching and training. In the absence of scientifically
established principles, educational technology
implements techniques of empirical testing to improve
learning situations.”
Educational Technology
According to B.C.Mathis:
“educational technology refers to the development of
a set of systematic methods, practical knowledge for
designing, operating and testing schools.”
B.C.Mathis has emphasized the development of
teaching methods and skills for testing the
Educational Technology
Robert Cox
has defined the term educational technology in the
following manner, “educational technology is an
application of scientific process to man’s learning
conditions to what has come recently to be called
educational or instructional technology.”
Educational Technology
E.E.Haddan defined educational technology as
“Educational technology is that branch of educational
theory and practice which is concerned primarily with
the design and use of message which control the
learning process.”
Educational Technology
S.S.Kulkarni has defined the term educational
technology in the following manner, “educational
technology may be defined as the application of the
laws as well as recent discoveries of science and
technology to the process of education.’
K.Mitra, “Educational technology can be conceived
as a science of techniques and methods by which
educational goal can be realized.”
Educational Technology
Concept of Educational technology:
The concept of Educational technology is used in two
ways; Educational technology means the use of mass
media and audio-visual aids in education or
technology in education.
Educational technology means utilization of all
available resources in a system in order to optimize
teaching learning process or technology of education.
Educational Technology
Scope of Educational technology:
Learning, in a non-technical sense, can be thought of a
pursuit which is some how related to the following
Informative function.
Calculative function.
Concept development.
Performance improvement.
Development of interests, attitudes.
Educational Technology
Characteristics of Educational technology
It involves input, output and process aspects of education.
It stresses upon developing methods and techniques for
effective learning.
It is an application of scientific knowledge to education
and training.
It includes the organization of learning conditions for
realization goals of education.
It emphasizes designing and measuring instrument for
testing learning outcome.
It facilitates learning by control of environment, media
and methods.
Educational Technology
Objective of Educational technology:To determine
the goals and formulate the objectives in behavioral
To analyze the characteristics of the learner.
To organize the content in psychological sequence.
To mediate between content and resources of
To evaluate the learners performance in terms of
achieving educational objectives.
To provide feedback among other components for the
modification of learner.
Educational Technology
Aspects of Educational technology: -
Educational technology has three major aspects:
Educational Technology
Major approaches of Educational technology or
types of Educational technology:
Lumsdaine (1964) has suggested following
Educational technology;
Hardware approach or first Educational technology
Software approach or second Educational technology
Systems approach
Educational Technology
Educational technology in India:
1) Educational technology programme or project:
2) NCERT and Educational technology programmes:
Following programmes has been planned and
implemented by the centre;
Multi-media package:
Data bank and software bank
National seminar on Educational technology
Educational Technology
2) NCERT and Educational technology programmes:
Evolution of television programmes
Open school: Delhi in 1983.
Programmes of Educational technology cells / state
institute of technology
Satellite instructional television experiment (SITE)
programme August 1975 six states namely Andhra Pradesh,
Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Rajasthan.
Educational Technology
2) NCERT and Educational technology programmes:
Workshop on Educational broadcasting:
New Delhi during December 1980 as part of UNESCOs
Indian National satellite: INSAT in 1983
Open Universities: Indira Gandhi National Open
Universities IGNOU in Delhi in 1985
Central Institute for Educational technology
(CIET): Established in 1984
Educational Technology
Uses of Educational technology:
Preparation of teachers:
Distance education:
Telecast lesson:
Correspondence courses:
Audio-visual materials:
Radio and television educational programmes:
Language laboratories:
Educational Technology
is concerned with development of educational
technology, especially mass communication media, to
extend educational opportunities and improve the
quality of educational processes, practices and
Educational Technology
Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) is
a constituent unit of the National Council of
Educational Research and Training (NCERT), under
the Ministry of Human Resources Development.
Established in 1984 with the merger of the Centre of
Educational Technology and Department of Teaching
Educational Technology
Functions of the CIET are
•Design, develop, try out and disseminate alternative
learning systems to achieve the national goal of
universalisation of primary education and
•To address various educational problems at micro,
meso and macro levels.
The broad areas of activities:
a) To design and produce media software
• To create competencies
Educational Technology
Functions of the CIET are
The broad areas of activities:
c)To train the faculty
d)To create competencies
e)To undertake research evaluation and monitoring of
the systems
f)To document and disseminate information, materials
•To advise and coordinate the academic and technical
Educational Technology
•The CIET is responsible along with the SIETs of UP
and Bihar to feed a daily telecast of 30 minutes, 5 days
a week, on the National Network.
•A series of tutorial programmes in mathematics for
students of Class X and XII
•Educational Television programme Billi Ke Panje
•Research and Evaluation
Educational Technology
a.Research and Evaluation
b.Monitoring and evaluation of Tarang
c.Analysis of viewer’s mail
d.Field-testing of media programmes
e.Review of research with implications for media
f.A need assessment for media programmes for the
middle schools