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LPG Gas Measurement & Detection Using GPS: July 2019

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LPG Gas Measurement & Detection using GPS

Article · July 2019


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Somashekhar Malipatil


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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-9, July 2019

LPG Gas Measurement & Detection using GPS

Somashekhar Malipatil, B. Shilpa, R. Jayasudha

Abstract: The objective of this work is to monitor the gas
cylinder continuously and display the weight of gas present inside MQ6 LCD
the cylinder and send an alert to the user when the gas weight Sensor
comes below the threshold level of 2kgs it sends a message to the Display
user and it also detects any leakage occurring and if any leakage
occurs it displays the level of leakage occurring and sends an
SMS to the user and alerts.
Load Cell
Index Terms: Arduino, LPG, GPS, MQ6 sensor, Load cell,
Signal amplifier.

GSM based LPG weight and LPG leakage detection System Signal Module
has application in Home, Hotels, restaurants & Industries. Amplifier
This work is used to monitor the weight of LPG gas cylinder.
Whenever LPG Gas cylinder is empty, we give request for
new cylinder at the office of Gas cylinder provider. several
Power Supply
times it happens that because of the Rush or due to the
shortage of cylinder, there is a delay in providing the gas
cylinder. Main reason is, we inform the gas provider at the last Fig.1 Block diagram of LPG weight and leakage detection
moment when the gas is empty. To avoid all such situations, using GSM
we have implemented a project called SMS based LPG gas
weight detection using GSM technology. In this project we Power Supply: A power supply circuit provides power to all
have used a load cell as weight sensor. This sensor will be the components to activate it consists of a transformer, bridge
placed below the LPG gas cylinder. Output of weight sensor is rectifier, capacitor (acts as filter) and two regulators 7812 and
given to microcontroller. Microcontroller will continuously 7805.The DC supply obtained from the capacitor is regulated
monitor the weight of LPG gas. When this LPG gas becomes to 12 volts by using 7812, which is used by GSM module and
20% of weight, this system sends low warning message to the this 12 volts is again regulated to 5 volts using 7805.5 volts is
owner and owner will get SMS. The SMS will be “Weight of supplied to our Arduino and other devices.
LPG gas is below 20%”. GSM Modem: Here we are using GSM MODEM to
communicate with the mobile phone to which we are going to
II. PROPOSED WORK send the message. If leakage is detected and weight of the
object/cylinder is below particular threshold level then it
This work proposes an advance and innovative approach for
sends to the SMS to the user.
LPG leakage detection, prevention and automatically sends
LCD: LCD is used to display the information about the
the alert to the user for refill. In advance, the system provides
current process. We are using 16*2 LCD i.e., Liquid Crystal
the automatically monitors LPG regulator also if leakage is
Display. It has two rows and can display 16 characters in each
detected the system will automatically sends the SMS alert to
the user. Hence it helps to avoid the explosion and blast. The
MQ6 Sensor: This sensor will detect the gases (Iso propane,
proposed work consists of a Arduino, Power supply, LCD
Butane) at a concentration of 300-10000ppm.When a gas is
Display, GSM modem, MQ6 sensor, Load cell and Signal
detected by the sensor then it compares with the comparator
amplifier as shown in fig1.
present in the sensor for producing digital logic data output to
Arduino: In this project Arduino plays important role in
the Arduino.
interfacing the components to it. Input is given to the Arduino
Loadcell: When pressure is applied on load cell. Then strain
and output is taken from Arduino by using digital pins for
gauge generates electrical signal on deformation as its
displaying the output. effective resistance changes on deformation and wheat stone
bridge becomes unbalanced. Then produces output electrical
signal in few milli volts.
Signal Amplifier: The output of the load cell is weak signal
Revised Manuscript Received on July 06, 2019. is given to signal amplifier to increase the signal strength and
Somashekhar Malipatil, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, AVNIET,
Hyderabad, India.
it converts analog to digital
B. Shilpa, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, AVNIET, Hyderabad, data by using ADC. The
India. output of the signal amplifier
R. Jayasudha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, AVNIET, Hyderabad, is given to Arduino.

Retrieval Number: I8202078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijitee.I8202.078919 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1990 & Sciences Publication
LPG Gas Measurement & Detection using GPS

Load cell and MQ6 sensor are the two inputs which are weight measurement. Whenever cylinder weight goes below
interfaced with Arduino .The output of the Arduino will be some threshold value. The SMS alert is given to the user for
based on applied inputs. In these we use MQ6 sensor to detect the registration of new cylinder and displays the weight of the
some of the combustible gases like iso propane and butane, cylinder in LCD.
therefore those gases will be detected by MQ6 sensor, In
which due to leakage detection we have to protect ourself we V. ARDUINO HARDWARES
use alert system as GSM and also for status purpose we use
display called LCD display. Similarly one more application Arduino:
like LOADCELL such that when it is below threshold level In this project Arduino plays important role in interfacing the
than reference level then that user will get SMS through GSM components to it. Input is given to the Arduino and output is
and status will show on display. taken from Arduino by using digital pins for displaying the
Firstly the required operating voltage for the Arduino is
5V.Hence the 5V D.C. power supply is needed by the same.
The regulated 5V is generated by first stepping down the
230V to 12V by the step down transformer and then regulated
to 5V by 7805 and is connected to the microcontroller.
The LCD display 4 data lines (d4,d5,d6,d7) are connected to
Arduino digital pins2,3,4,5.and the status of the process and
results are displayed on the LCD display. Fig.3 Arduino Board

Power Supply:
A power supply circuit provides power to all the components
to activate it consists of a transformer, bridge rectifier,
capacitor (acts as filter) and two regulators 7812 and
7805.The DC supply obtained from the capacitor is
regulated to 12 volts by using 7812, which is used by GSM
module and this 12 volts is again regulated to 5 volts using
7805.5 volts is supplied to our Arduino and other devices.
Here we are using GSM MODEM to communicate with the
mobile phone to which we are going to send the message. If
leakage is detected and weight of the object/cylinder is
below particular threshold level then it sends to the SMS to
the user.
Fig.2 Proteus Schematic Diagram
The GSM module RX pin is connected to Arduino TX pin
(d1) for receiving of the messages to the mobile from the
module. The load cell four wires are interfaced to signal
amplifier. From the signal amplifier DT, SCK Pins are
connected to the Arduino analog pins A0 and A1.A0 is a
clock, A1 is a data.


The power supply 5V is given to the Arduino through an
Fig.4 GSM Modem
adapter. When MQ6 sensor detects the gases and compare
with the comparator and which gives digital logic data to LCD:
Arduino. If the logic is’0’ then the gas leakage is detected LCD is used to display the information about the current
similarly when the logic is ‘1’ then the gas leakage is not process. We are using 16*2 LCD i.e., Liquid Crystal Display.
detected therefore the Arduino takes proper action, and SMS It has two rows and can display 16 characters in each row.
alert is sent to user phone in case of gas leakage occurs. The
output of the MQ6 sensor is given Arduino to the digital pin
(D10) and the output of the Arduino is given to input as LCD
to display the status of the leakage. Whenever a force/pressure
is applied on the load cell it will converts force in to electrical
signal, the output of the load cell is few milli volts. To
increase the strength of the signal we are using HX711 signal
amplifier. In HX711 it consisting of ADC which is used to
convert from analog to digital data given to Arduino for

Retrieval Number: I8202078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijitee.I8202.078919 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1991 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-9, July 2019

Fig.5 LCD

MQ6 Sensor:
This sensor will detect the gases (Iso propane, Butane) at a
concentration of 300-10000ppm.When a gas is detected by
Fig.8 Signal Amplifier
the sensor then it compares with the comparator present in the
sensor for producing digital logic data output to the Arduino.
When the object is placed on the load cell and weight
displayed on LCD.

This work offers a design of fully automated home security
system. Thus from this results conclude that this is one of the
best option for the security purpose. Since all the component
or device which are used in this work is very easily available
Fig.6 MQ6 Sensor
and affordable to common people. We can also add few more
LOADCELL: sensors such as flame sensor etc. There is further
When pressure is applied on load cell. Then strain gauge enhancement possible with the help of advance technology
generates electrical signal on deformation as its effective such as WiFi, web server etc.
resistance changes on deformation and wheat stone bridge
becomes unbalanced. Then produces output electrical signal
in few milli volts.
1. Banik, A., Aich, B. Ghosh, S. (2018). Microcontroller based low cost
gas leakage detector with SMS alert. Emerging Trends in Electronic
Devices and
ComputationalTechniques.doi:10.1109/edct.2018.840509.IEEE 2018.
2. Luay Friwan et al, “A Wireless Home Safety Gas Leakage Detection
System”, IEEE 2011.
3. Arpitha, T., Kiran, D., Gupta, V. S. N. S., & Duraiswamy, P.
(2016). FPGA-GSM based gas leakage
4. L. Fraiwan et al, "A wireless home safety gas leakage detection system,"
1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2011, pp.

Fig.7 Load Cell

The output of the load cell is weak signal is given to signal
amplifier to increase the signal strength and it converts analog
to digital data by using ADC. The output of the signal
amplifier is given to Arduino.

Retrieval Number: I8202078919/19©BEIESP Published By:

DOI:10.35940/ijitee.I8202.078919 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1992 & Sciences Publication
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