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United States Patent: Yorifuji Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,202,463 B1

Yorifuji et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 20, 2001

60-137511 7/1985 (JP).
(75) Inventors: Akira Yorifuji, Takaaki Toyooka; 60-159156 8/1985 (JP).
Taro Kanayama, all of Handa (JP) 60-30964 9/1985 (JP).
60-208458 10/1985 (JP).
(73) Assignee: Kawasaki Steel Corporation, Kobe 62-170479 7/1987 (JP).
(JP) 62-238011 10/1987 (JP).
62-244505 10/1987 (JP).
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 63-203205 8/1988 (JP).
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 1-180712 7/1989 (JP).
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2-156037 6/1990 (JP).
2-268.909 11/1990 (JP).
(21) Appl. No.: 09/214,935 3-165904 7/1991 (JP).
(22) PCT Filed: Dec. 22, 1997 5-138213 6/1993 (JP).
5-85242 12/1993 (JP).
(86) PCT No.: PCT/JP97/04741
S371 Date: Jan. 15, 1999 * cited by examiner
S 102(e) Date: Jan. 15, 1999
Primary Examiner Rodney A. Butler
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO98/29204 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Oliff & Berridge, PLC
PCT Pub. Date:Jul. 9, 1998 (57) ABSTRACT
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
This invention provide a plug and a mandrel bar for use in
Dec. 27, 1996 (JP) ................................................... 8-349228 rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe of which life can be Substan
(51) Int. Cl. ............................. B21B 17/10; B21B 19/04 tially improved more than that of the prior art under a Severe
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................................... 72/209; 72/97 condition of use always exposed to a high temperature and
(58) Field of Search .................................. 72/209, 97, 96, high load. The entire plug or the mandrel bar or at least the
72/95, 208 Surface layer of the extremity end and the work Section of it
is made of ceramics. In addition, this invention provides a
(56) References Cited method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe using Such
a plug or mandrel bar as described above.
5,031,434 7/1991 Takase et al. .......................... 72/209 7 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet 1 of 6 US 6,202,463 B1

F. G. 1
2 3

F. G. 3
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet 2 of 6 US 6,202,463 B1

F. G. 4

F. G. 5
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet 3 of 6 US 6,202,463 B1
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet 4 of 6 US 6,202,463 B1
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet S of 6 US 6,202,463 B1


O 25 50 75 100
Extension of life; lite
Life of Ceramics
of prior PU9.
art plug

Strength ot Roy
O 25 5O 75 1 OO
Extension of Life: Life Of Ceramics plug
Life Of prior Ort plug
U.S. Patent Mar. 20, 2001 Sheet 6 of 6 US 6,202,463 B1

F. G. 1 O

<s 800

s sey,
t -1 Strength at OOOC
0. 25 50 75 1 OO
Life Of Ceramics plug
Extension Off i life: Life of prior art plug

20 O
2 \
151 to
25 50 75 1 OO
Extension of Life; Life of prior
Life of Ceramics plug
Ort plug
US 6,202,463 B1
1 2
PLUG AND MANDREL BAR FOR SEAMLESS machine only through a utilization of Such a material quality
STEEL PIPE ROLLING OPERATION FOR of steel system. For example, even if a billet with a diameter
MANUFACTURING SEAMLESS STEEL PIPE of 110 mm and a length of 2.5 m of SUS304 of austenite
Stainless Steel is punched and rolled with a plug of the
TECHNICAL FIELD aforesaid raw material, a life of the plug is merely 3
This invention relates to a plug and a mandrel bar for a
pieces/unit (the number of billets which can be punched and
SeamleSS Steel pipe rolling operation and a method for rolled with one plug is three).
manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe, and more particularly In addition, either an official gazette of Japanese Patent
a method for manufacturing a plug having as its outer shape Laid-Open No. Sho 63-203205 or an official gazette of
Japanese Patent Publication No. Hei 5-85242 has a proposal
a bullet-like shape, a rod-like member used for punching a that a Mo group alloy is connected to the extremity end of
hole at a Steel piece, expanding a diameter of a pipe or the plug to increase a heat-resistant characteristic and an
extending a raw pipe which are installed as a tool of a pipe anti-wear characteristic. In addition, the official gazette of
rolling machine Such as a piercing machine, an elongating Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho 62-244505 has a pro
machine, a plug mill, a reel machine and a mandrel mill or 15 posal of the same gist Saying that a Super-hard material is
the like and for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe using connected to the extremity end of the plug and ceramics is
these materials. molten injected against the Surface of the plug. In addition,
In the Specification of the present invention, the plug used the official gazette of Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho
in each of the aforesaid pipe rolling machines is properly 62-238.011 has a proposal that a core material of the plug is
called as a piercing plug, an elongating plug or the like by made of ceramics and a metallic powder layer is hot pressed
applying a name of the pipe rolling machine. In addition, in in isotropic pressure (normally called as an HIP processing).
the case of the mandrel mill, the aforesaid rod-like member However, the plug having Such a structure as above shows
corresponds to a plug for another rolling machine and this is a disadvantage that a coupling of the raw materials is not
called as a mandrel bar. kept during rolling operation and its life becomes shorter
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 25 than that of the prior art.
In addition, the official gazette of Japanese Patent Laid
In order to manufacture a SeamleSS Steel pipe by applying Open No. Hei 2-156037 has a proposal that there is provided
a Mannesman Pipe Manufacturing Method, for example, at a plug having a Superior heat-resistant characteristic com
first a round Steel piece heated up to a predetermined posed of a sintered member having a hard phase (a borite
temperature (hereinafter called as a billet) is punched with thermet) and a coupling phase having mainly Ni, Mo. When
the aforesaid plug by applying a Slant type drilling machine a billet composed of 13 wt.% Cr steel, for example, was
called as a piercing machine and rolled to make a hollow raw punched under application of this plug, twelve billets could
pipe (hereinafter called as a hollow member). Then, the be punched with one plug. However, this degree of improve
hollow member is rolled under application of a plug or a ment is not Sufficient for the operation.
mandrel bar (hereinafter merely called as a bar) by the 35 In addition, the official gazette of Japanese Patent Laid
extending and rolling machine Such as an elongating Open No. Sho 60-137511 has a proposal about a plug for
machine, a plug mill, a reel machine or a mandrel mill or the manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which the extremity
like in the same manner as that described above So as to end of ceramics is fixed to the Steel Substrate of the plug.
reduce its wall thickness. Further, as required, after the Usually, the plug shows a different action against a pressed
rolled pipe is heated again, its outer diameter is reduced 40 member in response to the Specified location Such as the
without using any plug in a Squeezing rolling machine or a extremity end, the work Section and the reeling Section or the
non-proportional rolling machine Such as a reducing like to be illustrated later. For example, the punching and
machine and a sizing machine. In this case, the hollow raw rolling operation at the piercing machine is carried out Such
pipe rolled by a plug mill, a reel machine and a mandrel mill that the billet is punched at the extremity end, the produced
or the like is called as a shell. 45 raw pipe is rapidly decreased in its wall thickness at the
However, the plug is always exposed under a high tem work Section and then the wall thickness of the raw pipe is
perature and a high load through a continuous contact with adjusted at the reeling Section. However, as described in the
the heated billet or hollow member at the Stage of punching official gazette of Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho
and rolling operation performed by the aforesaid piercing 60-137511, even if only the extremity end is made of
machine, resulting in that the plug is quite easily worn out 50 ceramics, it is frequently found that the work Section or the
and melt lost. In the prior art, Since the plug was made of reeling Section is damaged, and in particular, the work
steel, the plug was heat treated at about 900 to 1000 C. as Section is remarkably damaged. That is, even if Such a plug
a countermeasure against a worn-out loSS and a Scale film of as above is employed for a punching and rolling operation,
several 10 to several 100 um was formed. However, when its life is not So extended as expected and a shape of the inner
Such a plug as above is used in making a pipe of high alloy 55 surface of the hollow member attained by the damage of the
steel containing Cr of 5 wt.% of which demand is increased work Section is not improved.
in particular in recent years, the plug is merely endurable In turn, as a countermeasure for extending the life of the
against Several number of billets and its life is remarkably plug, there is provided a usage of plug in addition to a
short. modification of the aforesaid material quality of the plug.
Then, Several number of technologies improving the life 60 Either the official gazette of Japanese Patent Laid-Open No.
of the plug have been proposed by changing material quality Sho 51-133.167 or the official gazette of Japanese Patent
of the plug. For example, either an official gazette of Laid-Open No. Hei 1-180712, for example, has a proposal
Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho 60-159156 or an official about a technology that the punching and rolling can be
gazette of Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. Sho 60-208458 carried out while lubricant is being injected from the extrem
proposes the plug raw material having Mo or Wadded to 3 65 ity end of the plug and in turn the official gazette of Japanese
wt.% Cr-1 wt.% Ni Steel. However, there was a certain Patent Laid-Open No. Hei 5-138213 has a proposal about a
limitation in improvement of a life of the plug of piercing technology that the punching and rolling can be performed
US 6,202,463 B1
3 4
after lubricant is coated in advance at the Surface of the plug, part characterized in that at least a Surface layer of the
respectively. However, the technology for injecting the aforesaid extremity end and a Surface layer of the work part
lubricant from the extremity end of the plug shows a is made of ceramics.
problem that the injection hole at the extremity end is The Second one of the present invention relates to a plug
clogged and in turn the technology for coating lubricant for rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which the first one of the
before punching and rolling operation shows a problem that present invention is added with the fact that at least the
only a required amount of lubricant can be uniformly coated Surface layer of the aforesaid reeling part is made of ceram
at the Surface of the plug. In addition, these both technolo CS.
gies have a common economical problem of increasing cost The third one of the present invention relates to a plug for
in manufacturing a pipe under the application of lubricant rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe which is used for punching a
and So they may not employed in View of their industrial hole in a Steel piece or adjusting an inner diameter or an
application. outer diameter of a punched raw pipe, of which outer
The prior art described above related to the plug of the appearance shape is of a bullet-shape characterized in that an
piercing machine in which the billet was punched and rolled. entire assembly of the aforesaid plug is made of ceramics.
To the contrary, as for the plugs used in the Slant type rolling 15
The fourth one of the present invention relates to a
machines Such as an elongating machine and a reeling mandrel bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which
machine, various kinds of improvement technologies con it is used for adjusting an inner diameter or an Outer diameter
cerning the raw material and the method of use of the plug of a raw pipe, its shape is of a rod-like member and it is
have been proposed in the same manner as that of the plug comprised of an extremity end part and a work part char
in the piercing machine. However, these proposed technolo acterized in that at least the Surface layer of the aforesaid
gies (their description will be eliminated) do not accomplish extremity end part and the Surface layer of the work part is
the life of Such a plug as one in which a pipe manufacturing made of ceramics.
company may not satisfy. In addition, as for the plug of the
plug milling machine and the mandrel bar or the like to be The fifth one of the present invention relates to a mandrel
used in the rolling of the inner Surface of the hollow 25 bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which it is used
member, a life of the plug or the bar in a punching type for adjusting an inner diameter or an Outer diameter of a raw
rolling machine (Such as a plug mill, a mandrel mill or the pipe and its shape is of a rod-like member characterized in
like) which may be Sufficiently adapted can not be attained that an entire assembly of the aforesaid mandrel bar is made
in the same manner as that described above. of ceramics.
The Sixth one of the present invention relates to a mandrel
DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which it is
In view of the circumstances described above, the present installed in a piercing machine and the aforesaid ceramics
inventors have vigorously studied about an extension of life used in the first to the third ones of the present invention has
of the plugs and bars for use in manufacturing a SeamleSS a bending strength of more than 200 MPa at a temperature
35 of 1200° C.
Steel pipe. The Study was carried out Such that as the rolled
material, the billet of high alloy steel was selected in the The Seventh one of the present invention relates to a
model mill of which size was reduced to about/3 of that of mandrel bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which
the actual machine, various kinds of experiments of punch the aforesaid ceramics related to the Sixth one of the present
ing and rolling as well as extending and rolling were invention further has a bending strength of more than 200
performed and then the attained results were confirmed 40 MPa at a temperature of 1200° C.
afterwards by the actual machine. The eighth one of the present invention relates to a
AS a result, the countermeasure based on the method of mandrel bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which
using the plug together with lubricant shows a problem of the aforesaid ceramics related to the Seventh one of the
which resolution is quite difficult Such as a clogging at the 45
present invention further has a bending Strength of more
injection hole caused by lubricant or its increased cost. To than 200 MPa at a temperature of 1300° C.
the contrary, it has been concluded that the improvement The ninth one of the present invention relates to a mandrel
caused by modification of material quality of the plug needs bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which it is
a certain amount of improvement under utilization of a installed at an elongating machine or a plug mill and the
recent development or an improved raw material. 50
aforesaid ceramics related to the first to third ones of the
In other words, it is an object of the present invention to present invention further has a bending Strength of more
provide a new plug and a new bar for use in rolling a than 200 MPa at a temperature of 800° C.
SeamleSS Steel pipe capable of more remarkably improving The tenth one of the present invention relates to a mandrel
a life than that of the prior art even under a Severe condition bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which it is
of application always exposed to a high temperature and a 55 installed at an elongating machine or a plug mill and the
high load. Then, the present invention provides a method for aforesaid ceramics related to the ninth one of the present
attaining a SeamleSS Steel pipe having a more Superior invention further has a bending strength of more than 200
quality than that of the prior art under application of these MPa at a temperature of 1000 to 1200° C.
members. The eleventh one of the present invention relates to a
The present invention accomplishing these objects is 60 mandrel bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which
constructed as follows. it is installed at a reel machine and the aforesaid ceramics
The first one of the present invention relates to a plug for related to the first to the third ones of the present invention
rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe which is used for punching a further has a bending strength of more than 200 MPa at a
hole in a Steel piece or adjusting an inner diameter or an temperature of 800° C.
outer diameter of a punched raw pipe, of which outer 65 The twelfth one of the present invention relates to a
appearance shape is of a bullet-shape and comprised of an mandrel bar for use in rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe in which
extremity end part, a work part, a reeling part and a parallel it is installed at a reel machine and the aforesaid ceramics
US 6,202,463 B1
S 6
related to the eleventh one of the present invention further FIG. 11 is a view for showing a relation between a plug
has a bending strength of more than 200 MPa at a tempera life of a plug of a reel machine (as compared with that of the
ture of 800 to 1200° C. prior art) and a bending strength of ceramics.
The thirteenth one of the present invention relates to a PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS OF THE
method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe character INVENTION
ized in that a piercing machine is provided with a plug
related to any one of the first to third ones and the sixth to At first, before describing the preferred embodiments of
eighth ones of the present invention and a Steel piece is the present invention, a shape of each of the plug and the bar
punched and rolled with the aforesaid plug. applied for the aforesaid experiments as well as their meth
The fourteenth one of the present invention relates to a ods of experiment will be described.
method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe character AS shown in FIG. 1, a plug 1 of a piercing machine is
ized in that a piercing machine is provided with a plug constructed Such that each of Segments of the plug is defined
related to any one of the first to third ones and the sixth to as an extremity end section 10 (a length: 3 mm, R 10 mm),
eighth ones of the present invention and a Steel piece is a work Section 11 (a length: 40 mm), a reeling Section 12 (a
punched and rolled with the aforesaid plug. 15 length: 50 mm, a slant angle 3.25) and a parallel section 13
The fifteenth one of the present invention relates to a (a length: 15 mm, p42 mm) and each of these Sections is
method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe character discriminated by its action. That is, the extremity end Section
ized in that a reel machine is provided with a plug related to 10 is a part where a hole is punched at the central part of the
any one of the first to third and eleventh to twelfth ones of billet, the work Section 11 is a part where a pipe wall
the present invention and the aforesaid raw pipe is rolled by thickness is reduced with a clearance being left against the
the aforesaid plug. roll, the reeling Section 12 is a part where a pipe wall
The Sixteenth one of the present invention relates to a thickness is finished with a clearance being against the roll,
method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe character and the parallel Section 13 is a part where a removal of the
ized in that a plug mill is provided with a plug related to any hollow member from the plug is made Smooth. In addition,
one of the first to third ones of the present invention and the 25 these positions are made different in reference to a shape of
aforesaid raw pipe is rolled by the aforesaid plug. the plug. The States would become apparent in reference to
The Seventeenth one of the present invention relates to a a plug 2 of an elongating machine in FIG. 2 of which outer
method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe character shape appearance is different from that of the plug 1 of the
ized in that a mandrel mill is provided with a mandrel bar piercing machine (a length of the extremity Section 5 mm, R
related to any one of the fourth or fifth one of the present 10 mm, a length of the work section 30 mm, a length of the
invention and the aforesaid raw pipe is rolled by the afore reeling Section 45 mm, a Slant angle 3.75, a length of
Said mandrel bar. parallel section 15 mm, (p48 mm), the plug. 3 of a plug mill
Accordingly, the present invention is constructed Such in FIG. 3 (a forward or rearward symmetrical shape, the
that as raw material for the plug and the bar for a SeamleSS extremity end Section 2 mm, R 5 mm, a length of the work
Steel pipe, ceramicS is employed, resulting in that a life of 35 Section 5 mm, a length of the reeling Section 10 mm, a Slant
these members is Substantially improved. In addition, as a angle 10, a length of parallel section 20 mm, (p49 mm), and
result of the arrangement in which either the aforesaid plug a plug 4 of a reeling machine in FIG. 4 (an extremity end
or the aforesaid bar is applied for manufacturing the Seam section 3 mm, R10 mm, a length of the work section 20 mm,
leSS Steel pipe, time required for performing a replacing a length of the reeling Section 60 mm, a Slant angle 11.5, a
work for these members is shortened and its productivity is 40 length of parallel section 15 mm, p53 mm). The number with
remarkably improved more than that of the prior art. (p in a parenthesis indicates an outer diameter of the maxi
mum section. As described above, the mandrel bar 5 in FIG.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 5 forms a rod-like member in which the plug and the plug
FIG. 1 is a view for showing an Outer appearance shape bar Supporting the plug are integrally assembled (a length of
of a plug of a piercing machine. 45 the extremity end section 3 mm, R 26.5 mm, a length of the
FIG. 2 is a view for showing an Outer appearance shape work section 3000 mm, (p53 mm). As shown in FIG. 5, a pipe
of a plug of an elongating machine. wall thickness at a part of the mandrel bar of which outer
FIG. 3 is a view for showing an Outer appearance shape appearance Shape is approximately parallel is reduced, So
of a plug of a plug mill machine. that the parallel part of its outer appearance of the mandrel
FIG. 4 is a view for showing an Outer appearance shape 50 bar of the present invention is called as a work Section.
of a plug of a reel machine. In the experiment of the plug corresponding to the present
FIG. 5 is a view for showing an Outer appearance shape invention, four kinds of ceramics powder of SiC., ZnO,
of a mandrel bar. Al-O, SiN were used as the aforesaid ceramics. Then, the
FIGS. 6(a)-6(b) are views for showing an outer appear plug was manufactured in Such a way that each of these
ance shape of a plug of the present first invention.
55 ceramics powder was molded individually, baked, and then
finished into the shapes shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 to 5 by a
FIGS. 7(a)-7(b) are views for showing an outer appear grinding operation. During this operation, the molding was
ance shape of a plug of the present Second invention. performed Such that the ceramics powder was mixed with
FIG. 8 is a view for showing a relation between a plug life Sintered member Such as glass, finished into the shape of
of a plug of a piercing machine (as compared with that of the 60 plug (rough shape in View of Shrinkage caused by baking),
prior art) and a bending strength of ceramics. the baking was carried out in baking and Solidifying within
FIG. 9 is a view for showing a relation between a plug life a furnace (an atmospheric furnace or an atmospheric control
of a plug of an elongating machine (as compared with that or isohydraulic furnace or the like) and the grinding was
of the prior art) and a bending strength of ceramics. performed with a diamond grinding Stone to make a grinding
FIG. 10 is a view for showing a relation between a plug 65 finish. In addition, the plug of the present invention may be
life of a plug of a plug mill machine (as compared with that kept at a State in which it is not ground finished, but it is left
of the prior art) and a bending strength of ceramics. in its baked condition in View of rolling condition.
US 6,202,463 B1
7 8
Then, an experiment of rolling of these plug and bar was made of ceramics whatever type of rolling machines may be
carried out under application of the plugs or bars shown in applied show a longer life than that of the prior art product.
FIGS. 1 to 5 above and material quality of the entire plug or During this process, the pipe rolled by the plug and the bar
bar was changed as follows. of the present invention showed no baking stain (evaluating
method: visual discrimination at the Surface of the tool after
At first, the billet of SUS304 with p50 mm heated up to applying a rolling operation and water-cooling). Such a
1250 C. was rolled by a model piercing machine into a baking Stain was generated in the rolling operation for the
hollow member with an outer diameter of p55 mm. After this prior art product, for every 1 to 3 pipes in the piercing
operation, this hollow member was cooled with air and machine, every 3 to 6 pipes in the elongating machine and
passed in Sequence through the following two steps of CD the plug mill, every 10 to 15 pipes in the reel machine and
and (2) to make a shell member. Then, a life of the plug and every 50 to 70 pipes in the mandrel mill.
the bar used in each of the model mills was evaluated.
In View of the foregoing and in response to these results,
(DAfter it was heated again up to 1050 C., the material the present invention, as the present third and fifth
was rolled by the mandrel mill having 5 stands into a shell inventions, required at first that the entire plug and bar are
of p50 mm. 15 made of ceramics. Accordingly, it can be expected that, if the
(2) After it was heated again up to 1150 C., it was rolled actual plug and bar for use in rolling the SeamleSS Steel pipe
by the elongating machine into the hollow member having are manufactured in Such a way as described above, the life
(p60 mm, cooled with air, heated again up to 1050 C., of these members can be reached up to Such a level as one
thereafter it was rolled by the plug mill into the shell which could be attained.
member having (p57.5 mm, cooled with air, heated again up In addition, a similar effect can be expected even if the
to 1000 C., thereafter it was rolled by a reeling machine into entire plug or bar is not made of ceramics, but partially made
a shell having cp60 mm. of ceramics. In the case that the plug having the outer
In this case, the prior art of which life was compared with appearance shape shown in FIG. 1 is used as the plug of the
that of the plug and the bar of the present invention is the elongating machine and the plug of the reel machine, for
same as that of each of the plugs shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 and 25 example, it can be expected that, if each of the members
its material quality is as follows. corresponding to the outer appearance shape shown in FIGS.
The plug of the piercing machine and the plug of the 2 and 3 (the extremity end section 10 and the work section
elongating machine are made of casted Steel of 0.3 wt.% 11 or the reeling Section 12 is also added) is replaced with
C-0.3 wt. 76 Cr-1 wt. 76 Ni and oxidation Scale is ceramics, the plug has an approximate same life as that of
generated at the Surface by a heat treatment. The mandrel bar the plug of which entire material is made of ceramics. In
corresponds to the JIS standards (SKT6), this is also pro addition, Since the effect attained by ceramics is assumed to
cessed by a heat treatment to form an oxidation Scale at the be caused by the fact that deformation at the surface of the
Surface, thereafter lubricant of graphite System is coated on plug and melt loss under a high temperature are Scarcely
it. The plug of the plug mill is made of casted steel with 1.5 found as compared with that of the Scaled Steel, it may also
wt.% C-18 wt.% Cr-1.5 wt.% Ni, an oxidation Scale is 35 be applicable that only the Surface layer except the inner part
produced at the Surface by a heat treatment and lubricant of of the plug, i.e. the portion processed with ceramics is made
graphite System is coated on it. The plug of reeling machine of ceramics. In other words, the inner part of the plug is
is made of casted iron of 3 wt.% C-0.6 wt.% Cr-0.4 wt. made of raw material of Steel in the Same manner as that of
% Ni system and this is left without being heat treated while the prior art.
it is machined. 40 In View of the foregoing, in order to confirm this
Results of experiment under application of the plug and expectation, the present inventors applied to a rolling experi
bar of the present invention and the prior art members will ment a plug of a piercing machine in which the extremity
be described. end section 10 and the work section 11 shown in FIG. 6(a)
Table 1 indicates a life of each of the plug and the bar. In indicating a plug Section are made of ceramics (hatched
this case, the life is evaluated in reference to the number 45 line), the Surface layer Section of 6 mm at each of the
(called as a durable number) of rolled members (billet, extremity end section 10 and the work section 11 shown in
hollow member or shell) which are rolled until one plug or FIG. 6(b) is made of ceramics (hatched line) and the
bar is worn out under its continuous application in use and remaining Sections are made of material quality of the prior
the worn-out member is replaced with another member. art product. In addition, as the plug Section, the present
50 inventors applied to a rolling experiment a plug of a piercing
TABLE 1. machine in which the extremity end section 10 to the reel
section 12 shown in FIG. 7(a) is made of ceramics (hatched
Durable Durable Durable line) and only the surface layer of 5 mm at each of the
number of Durable number of Durable number of extremity end section 10 to the reel section 12 shown in FIG.
plug of number of plug of number of plug of 55 7(b) is made of ceramics (hatched line) and their inner
piercing mandrel elongating plug of reel Sections as well as other remaining Sections are made of
machine bar machine plug mill machine
material quality of the prior art product. They correspond to
Prior Art
2 55 4 5 13 the present first and Second inventions. Further, the size of
Invention the entire plug and the conditions of experiment are the same
60 as those of the aforesaid experiment.
SC 123 3,115 256 SO6 1,142 In addition, in the case that either the plug or the bar
Al2O 141 3,882 275 486 1,568 having Such a complex Structure as above, Silica alumina
ZrO. 181 4,416 326 651 1,922
SiN 156 4,006 301 466 1,631 heat-resistant adhesive agent (Silica: Silicon oxide, alumina:
aluminum oxide) was used for connecting the ceramics
65 (hatched line) with the prior art steel member (other than the
In reference to Table 1, it is apparent that the plugs and the hatched line) If Such a coupling as above is carried out, the
bars of the present invention of which entire products are different raw materials are hardly peeled off from each other
US 6,202,463 B1
9 10
during its use even though the plug or the bar having the glass type binder (alumina System, boric acid and others, or
complex Structure is applied. Further, the present invention their complex State) and as the baking conditions, there are
is not only limited to this coupling method, but also other provided a holding temperature (700 to 1600° C), a cooling
coupling methods Such as a sintering fit and a Screw cou Speed, atmosphere and pressurizing force or the like.
pling or the like may be applied. FIGS. 8, 9, 10 and 11 illustrate a relation between a life
The results of the experiment is indicated in Table 2 in of each of the plug of a piercing machine, the plug of an
reference to the number of durable pipes under a continuous elongating machine, the plug of a plug mill and the plug of
application of the plug. In reference to Table 2, it is apparent a reel machine (against the prior art) and a ceramics bending
that the plug of which partial portion is manufactured by Strength in this Sequence, respectively. In these figures, the
ceramics can attain a remarkable improvement in life. bending strength at 1000 C., for example, is expressed as “a
Accordingly, if the coupling Strength between the ceramics strength at 1000° C.”.
and other materials can be maintained more than an allow The present sixth to twelfth inventions have been accom
able value corresponding to the condition of application of plished on the basis of the result of a high temperature
the plug, the location where a Severe wearing loSS is natu bending test for Such ceramics, wherein the ceramics of the
rally expected is made of ceramics as required and other 15 plugs in each of the present first to third inventions are
portions can be replaced with other materials. Such as Steel, restricted under the preferable high temperature bending
carbon or the like. It is of course apparent that Such other Strength in response to an applied rolling machine, Such as
materials may be of a Single material or complex material. a piercing machine, an elongating machine and a reel

Durable Number

Present Present
invention 1 invention 2
Plug of a - work section - reel section
piercing Prior 1 Prior 2 Only the Only the
machine (Not (Extremity surface surface
(ceramics) used) end) Entire layer Entire layer
Casted steel 2
(Prior art)
SC 91 421 315 470 371
Al2O 1OO 505 402 538 42O
ZrO. 138 658 451 701 489
SiN 125 575 435 626 463

Since the present first to Second and fourth inventions are machine, for example. Each of the reasons of restriction will
made on the basis of this technical concept, if they are be described as follows.
applied to the manufacturing of the SeamleSS Steel pipe in 40
place of the aforesaid present third and fifth inventions as Present Sixth to Eighth Inventions (The Plug of
required, they may provide the Similar effects to that of the Piercing Machine)
present third and fifth inventions. That is, in order to attain As shown in FIG. 8, the life of the plug of the piercing
the plug and the bar having a Sufficient longer life than that machine is improved as a bending Strength of the applied
of the prior art, it is necessary that at least a part ranging ceramicS is increased. Then, the extension of life is increased
from the extremity end of the plug to the work Section is 45
formed by ceramics. In addition, although Same effect can be at a value more than 200 MPa of a strength at 1200° C. and
attained even if only the Surface layer ranging from the further the life of more than fifty times of that of the prior
extremity end of the plug to the work Section is made of art product under a condition of more than 400 MPa of a
ceramics, in this case, the thickness of the Surface layer strength at 1200° C. or more than 200 MPa of a strength at
Section is more than 3 mm at the extremity end to the work 50 1300 C. can be attained. In this case, the applied ceramics
Section and the reel Section shows more than 3 mm at its is SiN, for example.
interface with the work Section and more than 1 mm at its Thus, the present Sixth invention is the plug of the
interface with the parallel Section. If not, it is not preferable piercing machine in which a high temperature bending
due to the fact that it may not be durable against a tensile Strength of ceramics has a preferable range more than 200
force generated inside (at an interface side with the Steel 55 MPa at 1200° C., the present seventh invention is the plug
material) the ceramic Section under an application of an of the piercing machine having a Strength of more than 400
external load and it may be damaged. MPa at 1200° C., and the present eighth invention is the plug
In addition, the present inventors performed the high of the piercing machine having a Strength of more than 200
temperature bending test (JISR 1601 Three-Point Bending MPa at 1300° C.
Test) for the ceramics in concurrent with the aforesaid 60
Present Ninth to Tenth Inventions (The Plug of the
rolling experiment, arranged the results and attained a rela
tion between the ceramic bending Strength and the life of the Elongating Machine)
plug. In this case, each of the bending Strengths of the As shown in FIG. 9, the life of the plug of the elongating
ceramics is changed by attaining various States of forming machine is improved as a bending Strength of the applied
and baking conditions. AS the forming conditions, they are 65 ceramicS is increased. Then, the extension of life of it can be
a combination of ceramics crystalline particle shape (from increased at a strength of more than 200 MPa at 800° C., and
flake to particle, or spherical shape), a grain size and a mixed further the life of more than fifty times of that of the prior
US 6,202,463 B1
11 12
art product can be attained at a strength of more than 200 present Sixteenth invention is additionally operated Such that
MPa at 1000 C. In general, the rolling temperature during the plugs of any one of the present first to third and ninth to
rolling of the elongating machine does not exceed 1200° C. tenth inventions are installed at the plug mill So as to roll the
Further, in this case, the applied ceramicS is ZnO, for hollow member and the present Seventeenth invention is
example. operated such that the bar of the present fourth or fifth
invention is installed at the mandrel mill so as to roll the
Present Ninth to Tenth Inventions (The Plug of the hollow member. In this case, all the inventions do not restrict
Plug Mill) either the plug or the bar in particular to the product of the
As shown in FIG. 10, the life of the plug mill is improved present invention during the processing other than that of the
as the bending Strength of the applied ceramicS is increased. target rolling machine.
Then, the extension of life at a strength of more than 200 According to the present thirteenth to Seventeenth
MPa at 800° C. is increased and a life more than thirty times inventions, the SeamleSS Steel pipe is manufactured under
of that of the prior art product can be attained at a Strength application of either the plug or the bar of the present
of more than 200 MPa at 1000 C. In general, there occurs invention having a remarkable longer life than that of the
no possibility that the rolling temperature at the time of 15 prior art product, So that there may be generated various
rolling operation of the plug mill exceeds 1200° C. In useful effects in industry Such as a cost reduction caused by
addition, in this case, the applied ceramics is SiC., for a decreased unit of tool, and an improved productivity
example. caused by reduction of frequent replacement of the tool or
the like.
Thus, as a preferable range of the high temperature
bending Strength of the ceramics of the plug of the elongat EXAMPLES
ing machine or the plug of the plug mill, the present ninth
invention defined it more than 200 MPa at 800° C. and as a Each of ceramic powders of four kinds of ceramics Such
further preferable range, the present tenth invention defined as SiC., ZnO, Al-O, and SiNa was preSS formed individu
it more than 200 MPa at 1000 to 1200° C. 25 ally and baked to adjust a strength at 1000 C. to the
aforesaid values of 1000 Mpa, 1000 MPa, 450 MPa, and
Present Eleventh to Twelfth Inventions (The Plug 1000 MPa, respectively. Then, each of the raw materials was
of Reel Machine) finished into a product in which the material shows an outer
As shown in FIG. 11, the life of the reel machine is appearance shape of each of the entire ceramic plugs shown
improved as the bending Strength of the applied ceramics is in FIGS. 1 to 5 with an enlarged size of expanded rate,
increased. Then, the extension of life at a strength of more another product partially made of ceramics, a plug and a bar
than 200 MPa at 800° C. is increased and a life more than in which a part of the Surface layer except the inner Side is
hundred times of that of the prior art product can be attained made of ceramicS and then they were used in the following
at a strength of more than 200 MPa at 1000 C. In general, examples 1 and 2.
there occurs no possibility that the rolling temperature at the 35
Example 1
time of rolling operation of the reel machine exceeds 1000
C. In addition, in this case, the applied ceramics is Al-O, for Billet (p.175 mm) made of high alloy steel having a higher
example. deformation resistance than that of 9 wt.% Cr steel was
Thus, as a preferable range of the high temperature rolled in sequence by the plugs shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 in the
40 piercing machine and the mandrel mill with its expansion
bending Strength of the ceramics of the plug of the reel
machine, the present eleventh invention defined it more than rate being three times So as to manufacture the SeamleSS Steel
200 MPa at 800° C. and as a further range which is more pipe.
Suitable for actual case, the present twelfth invention defined At that time, the mandrel bars were used at both piercing
it more than 200 MPa at 800 to 1200° C. machine and mandrel mill in which a Surface layer depth of
Lastly, the method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel 35 mm down to the plug of the piercing machine and the
pipe of the present invention will be described as follows. work Section (the Outer appearance parallel Section) entirely
The present thirteenth invention relates to a method in made of ceramics up to the parallel Section of the present
which the plug of any of the present first to third, and Sixth invention was made of ceramics.
to eighth inventions is applied to the piercing machine So as 50 The results are indicated in Table 3 as compared with that
to make a hole at the billet and then the billet is rolled, the of the using the prior art product. In addition, evaluation of
processings at the Subsequent to the hollow member may be the plugs and the bars of the present invention was carried
carried out in any method of rolling operation. That is, it out in reference to the desired number of them when 40000
may also be applicable that all the plugs or bars in the pieces of the aforesaid billets were rolled.
present invention are used in the rolling machine Subsequent 55
to the elongating machine and the well-known prior art TABLE 3
product may be used. Desired Number?
In addition, the present fourteenth invention is operated 40000 billets
Such that the plugs of the present first to third and ninth to
tenth inventions are applied to the elongating machine So as 60 Plug of
to roll the hollow member, wherein the punching Stage at the Material Quality Piercing Mandrel Note
of Tool Machine Bar (Strength of Ceramics)
piercing machine in the prior Stage or the processing in
Subsequent Stages is not restricted in particular. Prior Art Product 3,334 170
Present Invention
In addition, the present fifteenth invention is operated
Such that the plugs of any ones of the present first to third 65 SC 16 3 600 MPa (800° C.)
and eleventh to twelfth inventions are applied to the reel Al2O 12 3 500 MPa (800° C.)
machine So as to roll the hollow member, wherein the
US 6,202,463 B1
13 14
the piercing machine, the elongating machine, the plug mill
TABLE 3-continued and the reel machine and further their lives can be remark
ably improved. It is quite natural to say that the frequent time
Desired Number? of replacement of these members was remarkably reduced
40000 billets
and a productivity of the SeamleSS Steel pipe was also
Plug of improved. In addition, Since the Surface of the plug was
Material Quality
of Tool
(Strength of Ceramics)
Smooth, the Surface roughness at the inner Surface of the
rolled pipe was improved from Rimax of 35 um to 5 um in
ZrO. 11 3 750 MPa (1000° C.) a mean value. Further, an amount of occurrence of the Scale
SiN 13 3 500 MPa (1300° C.) engaging Stain at the inner Surface of the pipe was reduced
by 75% and the number of steps of handling was also
In reference to Table 3, it becomes apparent that the reduced by the Same amount.
desired number of the plugs and bars of the present invention Applicability in Industry of the Invention
is remarkably reduced to less than /100 for the plug of the 15 Application of the present invention in an industry shows
piercing machine and less than /SO for the mandrel bar and that the wearing loSS of either the plug or the mandrel bar
further their lives can be remarkably improved. It is quite installed in each of the rolling machines during the manu
natural to say that the frequent time of replacement of these facturing of the SeamleSS Steel pipe is Substantially reduced
members was remarkably reduced and a productivity of the than that of using the prior art product. As a result, the Stock
SeamleSS Steel pipe was also improved. In addition, the of these members can be reduced and not only their manu
rolling time at the piercing machine was reduced by 20% facturing cost can be reduced, but also the frequent time of
due to the reduction in plug resistance during the rolling replacement can be reduced, So that the time required for
operation. The amount of use of the lubricant for the mandrel performing the replacement work is shortened and the
bar was reduced by 30%. productivity of the SeamleSS Steel pipe is also improved. In
Example 2 25 addition, Since the shape of the plug or the mandrel bar is
made stable, it is possible to attain the SeamleSS Steel pipe
Billet (p350 mm) made of high alloy steel having a higher having a Superior inner Surface quality as well as a Superior
deformation resistance than that of 16 wt.% Cr steel was Size accuracy. This effect is remarkable in particular in case
rolled in sequence by the plugs shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 in the of manufacturing the Steel pipe made of high alloy Steel of
piercing machine, an elongating machine, a plug mill and a which deformation resistance is high and rolling operation is
reel machine with its expansion rate being Set to 6.5 So as to hardly carried out.
manufacture the SeamleSS Steel pipe. At that time, the plugs What is claimed is:
of the present invention were used at all the aforesaid rolling 1. A bullet-shaped plug for rolling a seamless Steel pipe,
machines. In this case, the entire piercing machine used the the plug being used for punching a hole in a Steel piece or
plug in which the entire assembly up to the reel Section was 35 adjusting an inner diameter or an outer diameter of a
made of ceramics, the elongating machine used the plug in punched raw pipe, the plug comprising:
which the surface layer depth down to the work section of an extremity end part;
80 mm was made of ceramics, the plug mill used the plug a work part;
in which the entire surface layer depth of 70 mm was made a reeling part, and
of ceramicS and the reel machine used the plug in which the 40
a parallel part, wherein at least a Surface layer of the
surface layer depth of 25 mm down to the reel section was extremity end part and at least a Surface layer of the
made of ceramics. work part are made of ceramic material, the Surface
The results are indicated in Table 4 as compared with that layer of the extremity end part being at least 3 mm
of the using the prior art product in all the rolling machines. 45
thick, wherein the extremity end part, the work part and
In addition, evaluation of the plugs of the present invention the reeling part are integral, and wherein Said ceramic
was carried out in reference to the desired number of them material has a bending strength of 400 MPa or more at
when 5000 pieces of the aforesaid billets were rolled. a temperature of 1200° C.
Desired Number? 5,000 Billets
Plug of Plug of Plug of Plug of
Material Quality Piercing Elongating Plug Reel Note
of Tool Machine Machine MII Machine (Strength of Ceramics)
Prior Art Product 1,250 556 715 239
Product of the
Present Invention

SC 8 5 5 2 600 MPa (800 °C.)

Al2O 7 4 5 2 500 MPa (800 °C.)
ZrO. 6 3 4 2 750 MPa (1000 °C.)
SiN 7 4 5 2 500 MPa (1300 °C.)

In reference to Table 4, it becomes apparent that the 65 2. A plug for rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe according to
desired number of the plugs of the present invention is claim 1, wherein at least a Surface layer of the reeling part
remarkably reduced to less than /100 for each of the plugs of is made of ceramic material.
US 6,202,463 B1
15 16
3. A plug for rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe according to thick, wherein the extremity end part, the work part and
claim 1, wherein an entire assembly of Said plug is made of the reeling part are integral, and wherein Said ceramic
ceramic material. material has a bending strength of 200 MPa or more at
4. A bullet-shaped plug for rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe a temperature of 800 C.
the plug being used for punching a hole in a Steel piece or 5 6. A method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe,
adjusting an inner diameter or an outer diameter of a comprising:
punched raw pipe, the plug comprising: providing, in a piercing machine, a plug comprising an
an extremity end part; extremity end part, a work part, a reeling part and a
a work part; 1O parallel part, at least a Surface layer of the extremity
a reeling part; and end part and at least a Surface layer of the work part
a parallel part, wherein at least a Surface layer of the being made of ceramic material, the Surface layer of the
extremity end part and at least a Surface layer of the extremity end part being at least 3 mm thick and the
work part are made of ceramic material, the Surface extremity end part. the work part and the reeling part
layer of the extremity end part being at least 3 mm 15 being integral; and
thick, wherein the extremity end part, the work part and punching and rolling a Steel piece with Said plug.
the reeling part are integral, and wherein Said ceramic 7. A method for manufacturing a SeamleSS Steel pipe,
material has a bending strength of 200 MPa or more at comprising:
a temperature of 1000 to 1200° C. providing, in one of an elongating machine, a reel
5. A bullet-shaped plug for rolling a SeamleSS Steel pipe,
the plug being used for punching a hole in a Steel piece or machine and a plug mill, a plug comprising an extrem
adjusting an inner diameter or an outer diameter of a ity end part, a work part, a reeling part and a parallel
punched raw pipe, the plug comprising: part, at least a Surface layer of the extremity end part
an extremity end part; and at least a Surface layer of the work part being made
of ceramic material, the Surface layer of the extremity
a work part; 25
end part being at least 3 mm thick and the extremity end
a reeling part; and part, the work part and the reeling part being integral;
a parallel part, wherein at least a Surface layer of the and
extremity end part and at least a Surface layer of the rolling raw pipe by Said plug.
work part are made of ceramic material, the Surface
layer of the extremity end part being at least 3 mm k k k k k
PATENT NO. : 6,202,463 B1 Page 1 of 1
DATED : March 20, 2001
INVENTOR(S) : Akira Yorifuji, Takaaki Toyooka; Taro Kanayama

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is
hereby corrected as shown below:

Title page.
Change item (54) to read as follows:

Signed and Sealed this

Fourth Day of December, 2001

7c44 fabée
Attesting Officer Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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