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Radio Propagation Analysis of Industrial Scenarios within the Context of Ultra-

Reliable Communication

Conference Paper · June 2018

DOI: 10.1109/VTCSpring.2018.8417469


5 95

7 authors, including:

Dereje Assefa Wassie Ignacio Rodriguez Larrad

Aalborg University Aalborg University


Gilberto Berardinelli Fernando Menezes Leitão Tavares

Aalborg University Aalborg University


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Radio Propagation Analysis of Industrial Scenarios
within the Context of Ultra-Reliable Communication
Dereje Assefa Wassie (1) , Ignacio Rodriguez (1) , Gilberto Berardinelli (1) , Fernando M. L. Tavares (1) ,
Troels B. Sørensen (1) , Preben Mogensen (1),(2)

Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Nokia Bell Labs, Aalborg, Denmark
E-mail: {daw, irl, gb, ft, tbs, pm}@es.aau.dk

Abstract—One of the 5G use cases, known as ultra-reliable communication. However, there are many challenges to be
communication (URC), is expected to support very low packet addressed for verifying the potential of ultra-reliable com-
error rate on the order of 10−5 with a 1 ms latency. In an munication in an industrial environment, such as the radio
industrial scenario, this would make possible replacing wired
connections with wireless for controlling critical processes. Indus- propagation conditions. The radio propagation conditions in
trial environments with large metallic machinery and concrete large industrial buildings are expected to be severe due to
structures can lead to deep shadowing and severe fading in the concrete structure and presence of large metallic machinery.
radio propagation channel, and thus pose a challenge for achiev- This condition may affect the spatial availability of the wire-
ing the outage levels in connection with URC. In this paper, we less communication signal. In that respect, extensive radio
present and analyze the large-scale propagation characteristics
of two different industrial environments - open production space propagation measurements are crucial to understand the radio
and dense factory clutter - based on measurements conducted at channel characteristics in the context of ultra-reliable commu-
2.3 and 5.7 GHz nication in such environments. Particularly for this context,
By including a large number of spatially distributed samples, one needs to understand the occurrence and characteristics
as per our experimental approach, we show the importance of severe fading, which is commonly expressed in the tails
of properly characterizing the large-scale fading outage for
URC. For instance, we show that based on a simple one-slope of the shadow fading distributions. A considerable effort on
distance dependent path loss model, the conventional log-normal the measurement campaign is therefore needed to ensure a
model for large-scale shadow fading is by far too simple for large number of measurement samples over multiple locations,
this environment. Our results show that at the 10−4 percentile, containing representative information about the diverse radio
the tail of the shadow fading distribution can deviate by up propagation possibilities in the environment.
to 10-20 dB from the log-normal model with respect to the
average NLOS values (around 6 dB and 8 dB at 2.3 and 5.7 Limited works have been done on characterizing the radio
GHz, respectively). The simplicity of the one-slope path loss propagation aspects of the industrial environments. The work
model, and its ability as we show, to express the trends with in [2] investigated the large-scale radio propagation character-
respect to scenarios, frequencies, and antenna heights, makes istics at a frequency of 1.3 GHz in different factories like food
it an attractable option. However, there is a need for further processing, engine factory, and aluminum manufacturing. The
experimental insight, possibly in combination with deterministic
analysis, to get a better understanding of the large-scale fading measurements were performed at three measurement locations
for the study of URC in industrial environments. in each factory where the transmitter and receiver separation
Index Terms—Ultra-reliable communication, 5G, propagation, range was between 10 m and 80 m and the transmitter/receiver
industrial, path loss. antennas were 2 m above the ground. A similar narrow-band
study was also executed at a carrier frequency of 2.4 GHz in
I. I NTRODUCTION a chemical pulp factory, a cable production hall, and a nuclear
One of the key features of the 5G wireless communication power plant [3]. The measurements were executed along two
system is the support of new mission-critical applications measurement routes with a maximum distance of 95 m. The
which demand high reliability, known as ultra-reliable com- work in [4] also explored the propagation characteristics in
munication. Most of ultra-reliability communication services a nuclear power plant environment with the measurements
require 99.999% reliability and usually very low latency [1]. being executed at nine positions with a maximum transmitter
Furthermore, ultra-reliable communication opens a wide range and receiver separation distance of 13 m. In [5], propagation
of use cases, such as industry automation, vehicular commu- measurements were carried out at frequencies of 900 MHz,
nication for traffic safety/control, and energy management. 2.4 GHz, and 5.2 GHz in wood and metal processing factories.
With respect to industry automation, ultra-reliable com- The measurements were performed with a transmitter antenna
munication enables a significant benefit on monitoring and height of 6 m and receiver antenna height of 2 m with a
controlling the physical process of the industry, such as maximum distance of 140 m in between, and a different
assembly lines and logistics, by offering a more flexible com- number of path-loss samples were also collected for the three
munication infrastructure compared with the existing wired frequencies. The work in [6] investigated different empirical
path loss models for industrial environment radio coverage by hydraulic press, and material processing machines. Both labs
measuring the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the have a similar size of approximately 35 × 14 × 6 m. As it can
beacon frame transmitted by IEEE802.11a/b/g access points. be seen in Figures 1 and 2, which display an overview of both
The measurements were conducted along two measurement scenarios, the DFC represents a denser industrial clutter type
routes using two access points installed at 2 m and 4.85 m with than the OPS.
the receiver being at 1 m above the ground. Measurements
spanning over a large frequency band 200-2500 MHz were
also carried out in an industrial environment [7] where the
transmitter/receiver antennas were mounted 1 m above the
floor. The measurements included 1601 measurement points
with a maximum distance of 18 m between the transmitter and
receiver locations. In addition, large-scale radio propagation
in the civil engineering laboratory, which consists of soft and
hard structure besides machinery, was also investigated in [8]
at a frequency of 2.4 GHz with a 36 path loss samples, where
Fig. 1. View of Lab1, open production space (OPS).
the transmitter was mounted at three different heights like 1.5
m, 2 m, and 3 m and the receiver installed only at 1.71 m
above the floor.
In most of aforementioned works, the spatial measurement
coverage over a given industrial environment was restricted,
and had relatively low number of representative measurement
points (in the order of tenths to few thousands). In addition,
most of the measurements were carried out over specific
measurement routes on a limited set of locations; with the
objective to characterize the tails of the distribution, viz ultra-
reliable communication, this is likely insufficient.
This paper presents an empirical analysis of wideband large-
scale radio propagation in two industrial scenarios at 2.3
GHz and 5.7 GHz. Compared to previous studies, extensive Fig. 2. View of Lab2, dense factory clutter (DFC).
measurement campaigns are performed for obtaining a total of The measurements are performed at 24 locations which
8,832 wideband path loss measurement samples per frequency are approximately uniformly spatial-distributed over each lab
and scenario. The measurements are conducted at 24 uniformly facility with a minimum and maximum distance of 2 m and
spatial-distributed locations in each scenario for multiple an- 34 m respectively. The measurement locations are carefully
tenna configurations considering all possible link combina- selected based on visual inspection to investigate the radio
tions between two different heights: 0.25 and 1.75 m. Our propagation in LOS (Line-of-Sight) and NLOS (Non-Line-
measurement approach allows better spatial coverage of the of-Sight) conditions. In the OPS lab facility, 15% and 85%
environments, facilitating, at least, a partial characterization of the measurement points are classified to be in LOS and
of the tails of the shadowing distributions. NLOS conditions respectively, while the DCF lab facility has
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, slightly less measurement points in LOS condition (11%).
the measurement setup and industrial scenarios are introduced. During the static measurement campaign, the measurement
Section III discusses the wideband large-scale propagation acquisition nodes are deployed at 12 different locations and
measurement results and derived models, and presents the the path loss between each node antennas is estimated from
results in the perspective of ultra-reliable communication. measured channel transfer function. Multiple redeployments of
Finally, the conclusion of the study is drawn in Section IV. this setup are executed for each frequency to estimate the path
loss between all possible combinations of the measurement
locations; with this, a total of 24 × 23 spatial combinations
A. Industrial Scenarios considering all the different antenna configurations (higher
Two industrial production lab facilities were selected as link 1.75 m -1.75 m, lower link 0.25 m - 0.25 m, and the
scenarios for the measurements. These facilities are located at cross-link between the high and low antenna heights 1.75 m
the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineer- - 0.25 m) are estimated, resulting in 8,832 measurement
ing, Aalborg University. The first lab is an ”open production links. These antenna heights were both selected below average
space” (OPS) which consists of laboratory machinery, robots surrounding clutter height, in order to increase the shadowing
and a production line, surrounded by relatively large empty probabilities and levels in NLOS conditions as compared to
areas around the different production equipments. The second clear LOS (which would have been the case of having antennas
lab is a ”dense factory clutter” (DFC) facility where large above average clutter height). By doing this we have two
metallic machinery is present like metal welding machines, different references of, for example, two representative heights
at which sensors or controllers in future automation systems gain) and considering a 10 dB SNR level, the maximum
will be deployed. measurable path loss is about 126 dB at 2.3 GHz and 125 dB
at 5.7 GHz. The measurement setup has been calibrated in
B. Measurement setup an outdoor open space environment within LOS conditions,
where the measured path loss was verified to match with free-
space path loss with a maximum deviation of ±1.5 dB.
Large-scale propagation refers to the received signal power
attenuation (path loss) with distance where the relation can be
expressed by using statistical models which capture the loga-
rithmic distance-dependence [10]. The general formulation is
given as follows:
P L(d) = P L(d0 ) + 10γlog10 + Xσ (1)
Where P L(d) is the path loss at distance d (in m) be-
tween the transmitter and receiver in dB, P L(d0 ) is the
intercept/reference point which is known as the mean path
loss in dB at reference distance d0 in m, γ is the path loss
exponent and Xσ is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable
with standard deviation σ in dB. The parameters P L(d0 ),
γ and σ are commonly estimated by least-square fitting of
measurement data using different models, such as the alpha-
beta (AB) model and the close-in (CI) free-space reference
distance model [10]. The main difference between the models
Fig. 3. Measurement acquisition node.
The measurement setup is based on a software-defined relies on the statistical linear regression intercept; in the AB
radio (SDR) platform. Our platform is based on USRP- model, the intercept (known as β) is determined by the least-
2953R [9] which supports synchronized transmission and re- square fit of measurement data while in CI model the intercept
ception of wireless radio signal over two radio frequency (RF) is equal to the free-space path loss at a reference distance d0 =
chains within the frequency range 1.2-6 GHz. A measurement 1 m. In this work, the path loss exponent γ of AB and CI
acquisition node is built from two USRP boards which allow models is expressed as α and n respectively. In addition, Xσ is
a synchronized transmission or reception of RF signal over usually modeled as log-normal distribution, with a variability
four RF chains. Figure 3 depicts the measurement acquisition equal to the standard deviation of the residuals. The residuals
node with a support of two selected antenna heights (1.75 are calculated from the deviations of the measurement data
m and 0.25 m) and two dipole antennas mounted at each from the model least-square fitting; these provide an indication
specific height. The overall testbed measurement setup consists on the shadow fading level. We use both the AB and CI models
of 12 acquisition nodes, where coordinated transmission and for highlighting the large-scale propagation differences among
measurement acquisition are based on time-division multi- the considered industrial scenarios, frequencies, and antenna
plexing (TDM); while only one node is transmitting a ref- heights.
erence signal with a 24 MHz bandwidth over four transmitter A. Large-scale propagation measurement results and derived
antennas in a time-interleaved fashion, the other nodes are models
simultaneously receiving and recording the signal over the four In this subsection, large-scale propagation measurement
antennas. The wideband received power 1 on each antenna port results and parameterization of the AB and CI path loss models
is calculated for estimating the path loss between all possible are presented. These models are well known and widely used
16 combinations of transmitter and receiver antennas among statistical large-scale propagation models [10]. They are also
the nodes. considered as a baseline for comparison of the propagation in
Each antenna port transmits a calibrated power of about different conditions, frequencies, and scenarios.
6 dBm and 5 dBm for 2.3 GHz and 5.7 GHz, respectively. Figure 4 shows the measured path loss results and the least-
Each of the receivers has a sensitivity level of -100 dBm. square fitted AB model for the OPS facility at 2.3 GHz. In
The antennas at both sides were similar with a peak gain of the figure, path loss results are categorized in LOS conditions
approximately 2 dBi at both frequencies. By exploiting noise and NLOS conditions for the different antenna configura-
averaging techniques (which provides a 29.5 dB processing tions (higher, cross and lower links). The derived AB model
1 Complex channel transfer function measurements were performed so it
for each of the cases is represented with a dashed line of a
will also possible to estimate other channel parameters such as power delay different color. As a reference, the figure also depicts the free-
profile, however, the focus of this paper is only on large-scale propagation. space path loss (FSPL) at 2.3 GHz. As it can be seen, the LOS

Lab1, open production space (OPS)

AB Model CI Model
Transmitter - Receiver
Frequency Conditions β [dB] α σ [dB] n σ [dB]
Antenna Height Configurations
LOS 43.1 1.6 5.1 2.0 5.2
1.75 m-1.75 m (higher) 46.2 1.7 6.0 2.3 6.1
2.3 GHz
NLOS 1.75 m-0.25 m (cross) 44.7 2.2 6.0 2.6 6.1
0.25 m-0.25 m (lower) 45.0 2.4 6.2 2.9 6.3
LOS 46.2 2.0 5.6 1.9 5.6
1.75 m-1.75 m (higher) 48.6 2.2 7.0 2.3 7.0
5.7 GHz
NLOS 1.75 m-0.25 m (cross) 48.8 2.5 7.6 2.7 7.6
0.25 m-0.25 m (lower) 42.5 3.4 9.1 3.0 9.2
Lab2, dense factory clutter (DFC)
LOS 47.8 1.0 5.1 2.0 5.4
1.75 m-1.75 m (higher) 42.7 2.0 5.6 2.3 5.6
2.3 GHz
NLOS 1.75 m-0.25 m (cross) 42.0 2.5 6.5 2.7 6.5
0.25 m-0.25 m (lower) 42.6 2.8 7.6 3.1 7.7
LOS 52.9 1.3 5.5 1.9 5.6
1.75 m-1.75 m (higher) 46.5 2.5 7.2 2.4 7.2
5.7 GHz
NLOS 1.75 m-0.25 m (cross) 47.2 2.8 8.3 2.8 8.3
0.25 m-0.25 m (lower) 42.9 3.5 9.1 3.1 9.1

CI model is close to the free-space path loss exponent (n =

NLOS, 0.25 m - 0.25 m 1.9 − 2.0) for both frequencies and industrial environments.
NLOS, 1.75 m - 0.25 m
130 NLOS, 1.75 m - 1.75 m However, in the AB model prediction, which is the direct fit
120 FSPL
of the measurement data, the path loss exponent is lower than
free space (α = 1.0 − 2.0). This indicates that waveguiding
effects are introduced by the confined environment and the
presence of many large metallic machines. Some evidence to
PL [dB]

90 this can be seen in the fact that the DFC environment, having
80 more metallic machines, exhibits lower path loss exponents
compared with the OPS scenario. Similar findings were also
reported in [3], [5] and [8]. In NLOS condition most of the
propagation paths are obstructed by the presence of factory
50 machinery, which leads to extra losses, resulting in higher
path loss exponents for both of the AB and CI modeling
100 101 approaches.
Distance [m]

The path loss exponents in NLOS conditions are clearly

Fig. 4. Measured path loss and AB model for OPS industrial lab facility
at 2.3 GHz frequency, LOS condition and NLOS condition with different dependent on the antenna height; the path loss exponents are
antenna heights. increaseing for configurations with lower transmitter/receiver
antenna height. For instance, with focus on 2.3 GHz and the
propagation follows the free-space path loss. In addition, the OPS scenario, it can be seen that the path loss exponent
figure shows that the path loss versus distance slope becomes of the AB model (α) increases from 1.7 to 2.4 when we
steeper for configurations with low antenna height. This is look at the higher and the lower link, respectively. A similar
caused by obstacles in the propagation paths since the lower conclusion can be reached by looking at the CI model fit in the
transmitter/receiver antennas are mounted 0.25 m above the same scenario, where in this case the path loss exponent (n)
floor and located clearly below the average factory equipment increases from 2.3 to 2.9. As it was explained in connection to
height as compared to the highest antenna location. Similar Figure 4, the configurations with lower antenna heights have
trends, with different numerology are observed at 5.7 GHz as a higher probability of propagation paths blockage and lead
compared to 2.3 GHz at both lab facilities, but we have decided to larger path loss exponents as compared to the configura-
not to show them explicitly as they will result in a very similar tions with higher antenna heights, which are closer to LOS
plot to Figure 4. A summary of the parametrization of all conditions. This fact also explains the larger shadow fading
derived path loss models, considering all cases, can be found standard deviation (σ) for configurations with lower antenna
in Table I. height. For instance, and with focus on the same scenario, OPS
As it can be seen in the table, both the AB and CI models at 2.3 GHz, the standard deviation considering the AB model
exhibit similar trends. The LOS path loss exponent of the increases from 6.0 dB in the higher link to 6.2 dB in the lower
link. Very similar standard deviation values are observed with
both the AB and CI modeling approaches. This indicates a REF, 2.3 GHz, = 6.3 dB
REF, 5.7 GHz, = 8.1 dB
very similar fit in both cases. OPS, 2.3 GHz
DFC, 2.3 GHz
The DFC scenario presents larger shadow fading levels OPS, 5.7 GHz
DFC, 5.7 GHz
as a consequence of the higher NLOS probability due to 10-1

the presence of more metallic machinery as compared to

the OPS scenario. This results into a higher NLOS path

loss exponent and standard deviation. For 2.3 GHz, the path 10-2
loss exponents (α) in the DFC scenario are in the range 2-
2.8 (as compared to the 1.7-2.4 in the OPS), and the standard
deviation is up to 1.4 dB larger than in the OPS scenario.
By looking at the frequency dependency, the path loss
exponents and shadow fading standard deviation increase when
the frequency increases from 2.3 GHz to 5.7 GHz for both
LOS and NLOS conditions. On the other hand, the work -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Shadow fading level [dB]
in [5] reported that the path loss exponent and shadow fading
standard deviation decrease with increasing frequency. These
Fig. 5. Complementary cumulative distribution function of the measured
can be explained by the antenna height difference; in [5] shadow fading level in both the OPS and DFC facilities for both frequencies.
the transmitter and receiver antenna height were mounted in
6 m and 2 m above the floor respectively, this transmitter
antenna height is far above the height of the large metallic regime, by analyzing the shadow fading distributions extrapo-
machinery, whereas in our setup the transmitter and receiver lated from our measurements. Figure 5 depicts the complemen-
are mounted 1.75 m or 0.25 m above the ground whose heights tary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the empirical
are comparable with the height of the large machines or below. shadow fading distributions, considering all the LOS and
Because of this height difference, our NLOS scenario seems to NLOS samples and all the different antenna configurations,
be driven by diffraction and blockage, while the scenario in [5] computed over the AB model for both the OPS and DFC
seems to driven by reflection due to the elevated transmitter scenarios at 2.3 and 5.7 GHz. As a reference for the analysis,
height clearly above the average machinery clutter height. the figure also displays a theoretical reference based on the
In perspective of exploring the challenge related to achiev- model in (1), in which the common assumption of log-normal
ing higher levels of reliability, it is worth to be mentioned shadow fading has been applied with average NLOS standard
that the worst propagation conditions are observed in the DFC deviation (6.1 dB at 2.3 GHz and 8.3 dB at 5.7 GHz). As it
with a maximum mean path loss exponent of up to 2.8 and 3.5 can be seen, the different empirical OPS and DFC distributions
for 2.3 and 5.7 GHz, respectively. In terms of shadow fading follow closely the log-normal reference distribution, with
standard deviation, the maximum observed values are 7.6 dB deviations smaller than 1 dB up to levels of approximately
at 2.3 GHz and 9.1 dB at 5.7 GHz. 10−1 (90% of availability). Below that probability, large-
scale fading levels deviate considerably from the assumed
B. Measurement results in perspective of ultra-reliable com- model, despite being parametrized with the same standard
munication deviation. This deviation is as large as 20 dB at the 10−3
In order to remove cable connections in industrial scenar- percentile (observed at 2.3 GHz in the DFC scenario) and
ios and replace them with 5G wireless units, very stringent larger for lower percentiles (24 dB close to the 10−4 percentile
requirements in terms of maximum packet error rate (10−5 ) 99.99% of availability).
and latency (1 ms) should be met [1]. Regarding that matter, Further, the empirical shadow fading distributions show that
the work in [11] indicated that to provide such ultra-reliable the scenario (clutter type) has a larger impact at 2.3 GHz than
communication, the focus should be on the behavior of the at 5.7 GHz. In the DFC the shadowing can be as severe as
channel at probabilities of 10−5 or less in the signal reception. 46 dB close to the 10−4 level while the OPS is approximately
These probabilities reflect the occurrence of rare events which 8 dB better. For the same probability level, at 5.7 GHz,
may have significant impact on the radio signal availability, both the OPS and DFC exhibit a similar shadowing level of
and thus in the reliability in a given scenario. Based on that approximately 40 dB. The same conclusion can be reached by
argumentation, any channel model used in the design and looking at the overall distribution trends, where it is clearly
evaluation of 5G ultra-reliable systems should be derived or visible that both the OPS and DFC distributions are very
validated based on well planned and extensive measurement similar at 5.7 GHz. On the other hand, at 2.3 GHz, the DFC
data sets, containing enough representative information of the distribution presents larger shadowing levels than the OPS
propagation in the scenario to capture the occurrence of those distribution. A possible explanation for the observed trends can
rare events. be that, in the industrial scenarios, at 2.3 GHz, diffraction is
Following the previous premises, we try to illustrate and dominant over other propagation mechanisms, which translates
highlight the impact of such rare events in the ultra-reliability into larger losses for larger NLOS probabilities, and thus a
larger loss in the DFC as compared to the OPS. Differently, at values at 2.3 GHz and 5.7 GHz are, respectively, 6.2 and
5.7 GHz, other propagation mechanisms may have relatively 9.1 dB and in the open production space and 7.6 and 9.1 dB
larger impact, e.g. reflection (and scattering) losses, to reduce in the dense factory clutter. From the analysis of the lower
the difference between the two clutter types. percentiles of the shadow fading distributions, it is possible to
One can speculate that the deviations from the log-normal see that the shadow fading levels can be as severe as 38-46 dB
reference will continue to increase for even lower outage at 2.3 GHz, and approximately 40 dB at 5.7 GHz, close to the
probabilities like the targeted 10−5 which should set the 10−4 level (99.99% of spatial availability). It is also possible to
margin for the planning of ultra-reliable systems. Experi- see that the commonly applied log-normal distributions fail to
mentally verifying this is proven to be difficult. Despite our predict for probabilities lower than 10−1 , finding deviations of
measurement effort to collect a large number of spatially up to 20 dB for that low percentiles. It is expected that further
distributed samples, further work is needed to make accurate insight on lower percentiles will be achieved by exploiting
predictions on the lower tail of the distribution. the ability of running much more extensive virtual measure-
ment campaigns by means of advanced calibrated simulation
C. Point-cloud simulations as a complement to the measure- methods.
In order to extend further the statistics from measurements
and to characterize the environment with higher resolution, we The authors would like to thank the Robotic and Automa-
are exploring the feasibility of basing the analysis on determin- tion research group at at the Department of Mechanical and
istic field predictions built on point-cloud methods [12]. These Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University, for providing
ray-tracing techniques use as an input detailed maps of the the access to the industrial lab facilities. The authors would
environment rather than simplified geometrical descriptions of also like to express their gratitude to Tomasz Izydorczyk from
it. These maps are based on the laser scan of the physical the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University,
environment, and take the shape of a cloud of points repre- for his collaboration during the execution of the measurement
senting the different interaction points of the laser ray with campaign.
the obstacles present in the environment. Based on this cloud R EFERENCES
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