Danger: 50 Things You Should Not Do With A Narcissist BY H G Tudor
Danger: 50 Things You Should Not Do With A Narcissist BY H G Tudor
Danger: 50 Things You Should Not Do With A Narcissist BY H G Tudor
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2015
50 Things You Should Not Do With A
H G Tudor
Hello and welcome to my observations about the fifty things that you
should not do with a narcissist. As usual, I am providing you with the
benefit of the perspective from a narcissist. This gives you a rare and
advantageous view to enable you to understand how my kind and me
think and behave. This will enable you to be better warned and in turn
advise others that may be engaged in doing the dance with the narcissist
what to be aware of. Furthermore, you may be fortunate enough to
provide this information to those who have not yet had the misfortune to
be ensnared by a narcissist so they can guard themselves against the
inevitable pain and misery that arises from being drawn into our twisted
1. Fast food;
2. 24 hour supermarkets
3. On-line shopping
4. 24 hour helplines
5. On demand television programmes and films
6. Downloaded music
7. Email, text, skype, messenger.
8. Win the lottery
9. Win a talent show
10. Be famous for being famous
11. Be on a reality television show and wealth and fame will follow
12. Sue somebody for compensationǢ it has to be someone else’s fault
surely? They owe me.
13. Processed food and ready meals.
14. 24-hour banking
15. 24 hour bars and restaurants
Chances are you know will several people who do one of more of these
things. Now, I am not suggesting that he or she amounts to being a
narcissist. Not at all, that falls to a more clinical analysis, but what it does
show is that narcissistic tendencies prevail all around and they are
increasing because of the way society is. This means that those of us who
are narcissists become even harder to spot. Not only are we masters of
disguise that trap you in an instant, our surroundings are being altered so
that they provide us with even more concealment and cover. It has never
been a better time to be a narcissist.
Against this chilling development you need as much information as
you can muster to protect yourself against our devilish ways. You need to
know what you should not do with us. Here are fifty instances of what you
should not do with a narcissist. Read, digest and disseminate.
HG Tudor
November 2015
1. Become Ensnared
This does seem rather obvious but it happens time and time again. To be
captured by a narcissist begins as a glorious coupling between two people
who seem utterly made for one another. You did not expect this to
happen. You might have known about us for some time, we may be a
childhood friend or someone you knew at college. We might have been
colleagues or even just began as friends on social media, bumping into
one another in a chat room or a speculative friend request based on an
inviting photograph. The world of Internet dating, where the narcissists of
this world cast their lines, may have been proven to be the place where
our paths crossed. The dangling hooks, the nets, the cages and the traps
that my kind and me place all around are numerous and always
You drift along unaware that a red dot has just landed on your back
from the laser sighting of my rifle. A target has appeared on your chest
ready for my arrows of desire to be fired towards you. Your GPS co-
ordinates have been entered into my computer ready to rain down those
love missiles on you. You are walking through a minefield and in all
likelihood you will tread on one of those mines.
I have explained in my introduction how society has changed to
allow the creation of more narcissists, that the way the world is framed
means that there is an explosion of narcissistic tendencies. This not only
enables our kind but it also makes us harder to spot. The risk of you
becoming ensnared becomes higher. It is hard enough to identify us when
we come for you, when you do not have the benefit of any prior
knowledge or understanding, but now the world has handed us
camouflage paint and cloaking devices. You are in danger.
You are sucked into our world and made to feel wonderful. It will not
last. You may be among the fortunate and manage a few years before our
behaviour changes. You will be in the minority. With most it is
months. We begin to devalue you and everything you once loved and
relished about us is cast aside. It is painful, it is confusing and it is
incomprehensible unless you have some form of guide as to what is going
on. Everyone recognises what has happened when they look at it with the
benefit of hindsight but when you have been sucked in and spun around
so that you no longer know left from right, the very last thought that will
cross your mind is that a narcissist has ensnared you. That amazing
golden period was an illusion. It will be ripped away from you almost
overnight in some cases. Yes, you may be given false hope by us giving you
glimpses of it as we make you dance for us, but it can never be recovered
because it never existed. It was never real.
Instead you will be subjected to a campaign of abuse. There is no
need to call it anything else. Our behaviour towards you will be abhorrent
and will encompass a vast array of manipulative techniques that we
deploy in order to control and abuse you. Emotional, physical, sexual and
financial atrocities will be meted out against you. You will not recognise
much of it at first, as it will be delivered to you with a smile and the
pouring of sugar in your ear. You will be left confused, bereft and broken.
You will lose your friendships and your family. You work will suffer. Your
health will deteriorate. Your finances will be wrecked and your sanity left
hanging by a shred.
You will have no comprehension as to why this has happened to you
and why you have been chosen because we are such skilled abusers that
we make you think it is your fault. We have you believing our lies, we
have you thinking that it is night when it is day and that everything you
knew was wrong. We do this because with our charm and allure we coax
you into a malign and warped world that we have created. It is a fantasy
where we rule as king and all we care about it extracting fuel from you.
We will cheat on you, lie to you, make you weep, have you scream in
frustration and still you will not go. We chain, shackle, bind and tie you to
us in so many ways in order to ensure that you dance to our tune and you
will not go away. We will leave you spent and broken and then return once
more to pick over what is left of you in the hope of finding another droplet
of fuel.
To be ensnared by a narcissist is a bewildering and terrifying ordeal.
Many never fully recover. As with most things in the world, prevention is
better than cure. Accordingly, never become ensnared by a narcissist. Read
on and you will learn how you can avoid that happening and what you
should do if we have begun to sink our claws into you.
2. Accept our Flattery
Our skill in this is heightened because we have made a study of you before
we made our move to ensnare you. We have monitored you from afar,
spoken to your friends and combed through your social media in order to
determine what you like and what you dislike. Thus, if we have learned
that you are a voracious reader of books, and then we will compliment
you on how well read you are and flatter you by speaking highly of the
books that we know you enjoy. Your professed interest in George Orwell
means we will quote from Animal Farm and 1984. We will suggest other
similar works, perhaps arriving on a date with a copy of Aldous Huxley’s
Brave New World for you to read. We will speak in glowing terms about
how we admire those who read extensively and take an interest in
literature. This, of course, will only be one of many tendrils that we
extend in order to coil around you and draw you in. Absolutely anything
and everything about you becomes fair game for our effusive praise.
remarked on, every time we see you. This will happen several times a day.
“I love how fresh-faced you are when you first wake up.”
“You don’t need a lot of make-up but the little you do use really
accentuates your features well.”
“I had a feeling you would have a Prada handbag; you suit that style.”
All of that has been said before you have even left the house. We will find
praise in anything. The car you drive, the way you write the letter ‘T’, the
meals you make, the friends you keep and your beautiful singing voice.
Each and every day we fire our flattering missiles towards you and you
willingly allow them to explode over you, revelling in the pleasure you feel
from our false words. These missiles will come in several forms. We will
look you in the eye and whisper our compliments to you, we will pen
beautiful letters and notes, leaving them under your windscreen wiper or
placing them through your letterbox. Most of all however we shall use
technology by sending you texts, emails and messages on social media.
This near constant avalanche of flattery will become addictive to you. You
will find that you are waiting for the next message to arrive. You will see
your phone light up and our name appear on the front screen and feel
that surge of excitement as you anticipate another slice of delight. You
begin to crave our compliments. All of this is part of our careful design.
We know you want to be loved and swept off your feet. We know you will
respond to those overtures. We know that it will become something you
come to need and expect. We know you will want us and want to be with
us so that we become your sun around which you will orbit. It is a
carefully orchestrated assault of false flattery and unless you are
forewarned to recognise it, it works every single time.
At this early stage in our relationship you will be blown away by the
incessant bombardment of praise we subject you to. How delightful to be
treated this way, especially after the horrible behaviour you had to endure
in your previous relationship. This feels like nirvana. Yes, it may seem a
little over the top at times, after all, you know you have never won awards
for the way you look and your cookery skills are proficient but hardly
Michelin star quality. Yet, we are just being polite and taking an interest
aren’t we?
2. Praising some trait or interest you have (when we should only know
very little about you at the outset) is a matter for concern;
4. Being praised for something when you know that it is not truly
merited is a danger sign.
No matter how sincere we appear to be, no matter how earnest our words
and how they will ring with some truth, you must not believe what we are
saying to you. It is all empty flattery.
3. Rush into Commitment
Our purpose in life is to extract fuel from you. In order to achieve this sole
aim, we need you around us and committed to us so that our source of
fuel is almost always present. We do not need to be physically with you to
achieve this. The readiness of technology to enable us to remain in
contact with you through a plethora of methods satisfies this desire for
often and repeated contact. What we need to achieve is that you feel
compelled to interact with us. You must feel obliged to spend time with
us, answer our telephone calls and/or respond to our text messages. Part
of this is achieved by flattery as described in the previous chapter. When
we send you a compliment in a text, you, being a decent and well-
mannered person will answer it. Often you will write back conveying your
thanks and also sending a compliment to us as well. This provides us with
what we want. Your attention and admiration.
By achieving one or all of these situations we are able to bind you to us.
You will think that this is wonderful. We are evidently so in love with you
that we want to take such a major step with you. It has nothing to do with
love, it is all about ensuring that you are committed to us and thus in the
best possible position to provide us with fuel. By bringing about these
scenarios you are less likely to leave and more likely to want to keep
trying to please us, even when we are subjecting you to awful devaluation.
You do not want to give up since you are, for example, a firm believer in
the institution of marriage. You try to keep us together because your
parents have always been together and you always swore you would do
the same. You want to overcome the problems (always caused by us, not
you, despite what we keep telling you) because we have children together
and you do not want them to come from a broken home. All your
ingrained values are the methods by which we know that you will not
shirk your responsibilities and by which you will remain committed to us.
It also provides the means by which we can seek to hoover you back
in at a later stage after we have discarded you but decide we want to, we
have to, extract some further fuel from you. Consider these statements: -
“I decided to give her a further chanceǢ she is still my wife after all.”
“I know what he did was wrong but he said he is sorry and he wants to be
there for our children. I cannot deny them that can I?”
“He cannot go back to that dingy apartment and be on his own. I don’t
like to think of him sat alone, not when it is clear there is something
wrong. This is our home and he should be here.”
campaign of love bombing so that you will seize this chance to bond with
us in the ultimate fashion, in an instant. You will not want to lose
somebody as marvellous as us, someone who has treated you better and
more wonderfully than anyone else. You will do anything to keep us and
the fact that we have suggested that we move in together has made your
dreams come true. He must feel the way I do if he is proposing so soon,
mustn’t he?
Once the commitment has been achieved you will see our behaviour
towards you alter. Sometimes it is almost over night, sometimes it is
months, or maybe if you are really lucky (or is that unlucky?) it will be a few
years, but that change will come. The fact we have secured your
commitment provides us with carte blanche to do as we please and you will
put up with it. In fact, the existence of this commitment means that you will
allow yourself to be subjected to the very worst of our behaviour and you
will work harder to try and make things right.
4 Financial Commitments
Do not enter into any financial commitments with my kind and me. It will
only ever lead to financial devastation. No matter how hard that we
persuade you to enter into joint financial commitments, lend us money or
support us, resist it. It will only end in considerable stress and concern for
you. We are notorious disaster areas in matters of money. This is because
we either have plenty of money but have no concept of using our
resources for your benefit. It belongs to us and therefore should be used
for us only. Alternatively, we have no money (although we will of course
pretend to the contrary in order to seduce you) and we are entitled to be
supported by you. Not only will we drain you of your financial resources
we will also leave you with further financial woes owing to our behaviour.
“I cannot believe you are asking me to contribute to the bills after all the
things I have bought for you.”
“I do need you to lend me that money, after all, I have spent plenty on you
haven’t I?”
“I was hungry and you hadn’t left me anything else to eat. What was I
expected to do? Starve?”
“You really wouldn’t get so worked up about some cookies if you really
“I cannot believe you are making such a fuss about a few cookies, not after
everything I have done for you.”
We are justified in our action. This justification permeates from the minor
to the major in terms of our stampeding all over your financial position.
The type of financial misconduct that we will engage in may include: -
2. Using your credit card to take other women/men out and/or buy
them gifts;
3. Taking out loans in your name;
10. Failing to pay bills and then expecting you to bail out the position
We always walk away from any carnage that we create. That is one
of our key attributes. You will be the one left with the debts and a
shattered credit rating. You will lose the house and your possessions as
you realise I have defaulted on the loans that I secured against your
property and possessions. You will find that I will not repay the money
that you lent me and in some cases of my kind, there is little point in
taking legal action to recover it. I probably had little money to begin with
and what I did have has been spent on the various addictions that my
kind often have. If I am a viable financial target I will try and grind you
down through a war of attrition by making you spend more than you
might reasonably recover, by hiding my assets and not declaring them.
Remember, I am a pathological liar so it will not trouble me in any way to
engage in deceitful conduct in order to prevent you from recovering
money from me or getting me to pay in order to fulfil my obligations to
you and our children. It will be an exhausting excursion trying to obtain
money from me and of course I will revel in making you dance for me
with my false promises of repayment as I continue my manipulation of
you to obtain even more fuel from you.
5 Integrate with Your Networks
Continuing the theme of creating the ties that bind, I will look to
integrate into your various networks. We want to know who your friends
are, we need to meet your family and ascertain who your colleagues are.
As usual, we will do all of this under the auspices of wanting to get to
know everything about you because we love you so much. We do of
course want to know everything about you, but we only want to do that in
order to enable us to use that information for our purposes and against
you. Our key aims in placing ourselves within your social and familial
networks are as follows: -
you. They will offer this information up without hesitation. They will have
no reason to think that it is being harvested for an ulterior motive.
Indeed, it is unlikely that they have even recognised what I am. Your well-
meaning friends will furnish me with knowledge about past relationships
thinking they are laying down a marker to me as to how I should ensure I
treat you correctly. In reality, I want this information to know which
barbed remarks I can throw your way in due course. Your family will
gently tease you about some childhood indiscretion, which I will
recognise as actually being a catalyst for something deeper. I will sniff
around this off the cuff anecdote as I garner more about what really
happened and how it has affected you. Knowing about your childhood
enables me to deploy some powerful denigrating techniques. Anything I
can say or do which propels you back to feeling like a helpless and
pathetic child is weapons grade material in my armoury. So often your
parents or siblings, or a great auntie will recount that tale about how you
soiled yourself in school. What they have not realised is that you did that
because you were terrified of the large spider in the school toilets and that
was why you did not relieve yourself in time. A former school friend has
filled in the gaps in this supposedly amusing event. My occasional
rendition of “incy wincy spider” has its desired effect in making you feel
small and embarrassed again.
have been doing recently, they are brainwashed to support my stance and
reject yours. The way in which I always know where you have been is
something I will use to cross-examine about you and accuse you of lying,
to cover up my own behaviours. I absolutely adore the way that a
converted Lieutenant leaves you crestfallen as you try to convince them
that I have been the one who has behaved horrendously. The Lieutenant
will have been primed to side with me and pour scorn on your
protestations. This leaves you confused and doubting yourself.
“Oh yes, please bring HG he is the life and soul of the party.”
“You and HG must come for dinner. All the family will be there. We are
delighted you have met someone who looks after you so well.”
Not only does this mean I have a coterie of admirers providing with
the attentive fuel that I crave, they are also unlikely to accept your tales of
woe when I start my devaluation of you.
“Are you sure? I have always found him to be so pleasant and charming.”
“No, I don’t think that can be right. He only ever speaks highly of you.
Perhaps you misheard what he said?”
invitations from those who wish to see you so that eventually they give up
asking. We will persuade you that your family do not care and that your so-
called friends have been saying things about you, so that you prefer to
spend time with me and do not bother with them. All of this is carefully
orchestrated so that your position is weakened and that you become fully
immersed in the false reality that I have created for you.
Finally, this step is designed (as with many of the things I do) to
bind you closer to me. This works in two ways. Initially, by seeing me
getting on so well with the people that you care about, you will admire me
all the more and be delighted that I have become friends with your friends
so easily and that I have been welcomed into your family with open arms.
Your love and admiration will increase because I have eased into these
networks with such readiness. This draws you closer to me. Over time, as
I seek to isolate you, this causes you to cling more tightly to me as I am
your only outlet, all others having been denied to you or withdrawn by
irritated friends who are tired of calling you and never getting an answer
or a call back.
6 Share Your Weaknesses
From the very outset we will be mining you for information. Yes, we will
have undertaken a considerable amount of research before we met you,
either from those around you or from your large footprint on social
media. That only provides us with enough to put a foot in the door to
begin our seduction of you. We need more information and the way to do
this is to spend as much time as we possibly can with you, through our
love bombing of you. The gold dust of this information however is getting
to know what your weaknesses are.
This sham façade of caring about you again draws you to us. We
appear caring and thoughtful. We may even pretend that we have been
treated in a similar fashion in order to create a bonding between us forged
from an apparent mutual mistreatment. Such is our chameleon-like
character that we are easily able to project an image of being hurt. After
all, we do like to play the victim card too. We appear sensitive, insightful
and understanding. It feels so good to be able to speak to somebody who
understands. We talk of our connection and bonds, trotting out the old
favourites of: -
“We understand one another. Nobody has been able to do that before.” “It
is like God has seen we have both been hurt and put us together as we
deserve happiness.”
Spurred on and encouraged by such platitudes you soon trust us. This is
also done in conjunction with our other manipulative wiles to generate an
image of longevity and deep-seated love for you. I am the one. At long
last, after all that hurt, you have found me. It means you will pour out
your soul to me. Each and every fear you have you want to share with me.
You want me to know everything that troubles you, the bad things that
have happened in the past, the matters that make you feel vulnerable, and
the past events which have scarred you and the myriad of foibles and
flaws which make up who you are. Like a prisoner being forced to confess,
it all spills from your lips and I lap it up with huge enthusiasm. Being able
to unload to me in this fashion makes you feel safe and loved and
accordingly binds you closer to me. What you have also done is replenish
my arsenal in readiness for me unleashing it against you.
Now I know your weaknesses. Nothing has been spared. The totality
of this confession will now come back to haunt you. I will exhibit
astonishing powers of recall as I use this information against you. I know
you dread the dark so I will remove the light bulb and replace it with a
dud one when you stay at my house. In the night I will steal out of the
bedroom and then make a noise awakening you. You call out for me but
there is no reply. You fumble for the light switch and to no avail. It does
not take long before you are sobbing with fear and I return the champion
come to save you. You told me about how you were bullied at school and
that has made you shy in certain social situations. I will harness that
knowledge to bully you once again, demanding that you speak up at
functions and that you contribute to discussions when you would much
rather sit and listen when you are with people you have first met.
Naturally, the conniving nature of my control will mean that I use the
weaknesses to hurt you whilst pretending I have your best interests at
heart. I left you in the dark as I was preparing a surprise for you in the
morning (the surprise does not appear because of course I had to come
and comfort you because you were upset). I encourage you to speak up at
parties so you feel involved and you get to know my friends so you build
confidence. My persuasive nature has you believing these lies when the
reality is that I have been plotting against you.
Those character flaws that you have divulged to me, which I assured
you, were purely endearing quirks; I will now fling at you as insults. Not
only will my words be hurtful and wounding it will lead to confusion, as
you cannot now understand how I find those admissions annoying. I will
leak your weaknesses to others in order for you to be subjected to gossip
and ridicule.
We are the masters at denigrating people and you have just handed
to us a fully stocked armoury which we can unleash against you whenever
it suits us. This betrayal of trust is wounding yet we know, as the
empathic individual that you are, you will only blame yourself. Firstly, you
will scold yourself for having that weakness in the first place and then
secondly you will chastise yourself for having revealed it. Rarely will you
direct your anger at us. We will use this vast library of information to
manipulate you, applying this knowledge to the array of techniques we
use to control you.
You ought to keep your own counsel about those matters, which
reveal your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Do not release them within a
moment of engaging with someone new, chances are, he or she is one of
our kind and is ready to use it all against you.
7 Ignore Yours Instincts
I have heard it many times that the victims of our machinations have
often commented,
“I thought something was not quite right in the way he kept calling me,
but I ignored my instinct.”
“She did seem to fall in love with me really quickly at the time and I had a
feeling in my gut that this seemed a bit strange, but I just thought that that
was her being passionate about me.”
As the type of person that is ideal prey to my kind and me, you actually
exhibit a peculiar dichotomy. You are particularly attuned to the feelings of
others and also your own. Accordingly, you are better placed than most to
pick up on something not feeling right. I have little doubt that if you
asked every victim of a narcissist they would admit that they had a gut
instinct that something was not quite right but they ignored it. Those who
do not fall victim to the machinations of my kind and me are rarely those
that are forewarned (since few people know about a narcissist and his or her
behaviour without having been exposed to it first) but those who
listened to their instinct and walked away or of course there are those
who are not attracted to our kind to begin with.
That is the peculiarity with how people become ensnared by my
kind and me. We act in a very similar fashion. This is because we are
forged in circumstances, which wire us in a particular way, and
consequently this causes us to act in a similar way. We engage with a
victim using barely distinguishable methods of seduction. The way we
then devalue you is frighteningly similar. Yes, there are variations on a
theme and there are differences in the degree of nastiness that we deploy
to achieve this devaluation, but the techniques are recognisable time and
time again. Ultimately, we will, as predictable in our actions as the way we
have seduced and devalued, discard you; only to then try and suck you
back in again at a later stage. What will cause the difference is not we, but
you. It is the people we engage with that make the difference.
Essentially these people fall into four groups. The first and the rarest
are those who have been burned by a narcissist before AND know they
have been burned. Accordingly, they are fully aware of what we are. Some
fall prey again but there are those who conform to the old adage of once
bitten twice shy.
The second group are those who are not attractive to us and
therefore we do not go near them. This will include other narcissists and
most likely people who may not be full-blown narcissists but those who
exhibit a degree of narcissistic behaviour. They are too inward looking and
accordingly will not give us the fuel we crave. We are experts at
spotting what people are. Accordingly, we recognise this group and do not
bother making any attempt to ensnare them, as it will fail.
The third group are those that are attractive to us and thus we begin
our seduction. This group however usually manages a lucky break. They
may just listen to their gut instinct and walk away (although this is rare)
or they may prove to be the beneficiary of some timely advice from a
friend or family member who has identified what we are. The intended
victim actually listens and thus has a near miss, being steered away from
us before we can cast our net over them. Alternatively, circumstance
conspires against us so that the intended victim moves away or becomes
involved with someone else and thus our love bombs miss their target.
The final group contains the empaths. Those who have no idea what
we are. Those who have no idea that they have been targeted and have no
appreciation of the hell that is about to be unleashed against them. It is of
course from this group that we draw our fuel and exact our damaging
Those who listen to their instincts are unlikely to have known that
they have just had a brush with a narcissist. Instead they will just chalk it
down to something being unusual, odd or just plain weird and they did
not want anything to do with that person. You will also detect that
something is not right but you invariably ignore it and make an excuse in
order to diminish your concern. This is a classic reaction of the empathic
individual. You like to find good in everybody and would rather think well
of somebody even when it may lead to you suffering in some way. As a
consequence, you will look to all the good things that we have said and
done and decide that this outweighs your concern. You will persuade
yourself that your instinct is really only of a minor concern when
compared with everything else. Such a response is a measured one and
the mark of a reasonable person but when dealing with us it is a
dangerous conclusion to reach.
What you would do well to keep in mind is that we are the masters
of messing with the mind. We capture your heart but we ensure that it is
your reason that we keep a hold of as well. We need to do that so you will
listen to what appears to be logic and reason rather than what you
actually feel. We cannot master feelings. The few feelings that we do have
are all based on negativity - anger, envy, hatred and jealousy. You are the
ones who are in tune with your feelings and whilst we can ensnare your
heart, we are not able to manipulate your inner sense as we can with your
thoughts. Accordingly, although your head may be rubbishing the
sensation that you feel and our words have gotten a grip on your
thoughts, do not ignore your instinct. It is the one truth that you can
grasp in this whirlwind of fallacy.
8 Ignore the Views of Others
We don’t like you to listen to other people. Part of that is because we want
your attention focussed on us and not someone else. Your spotlight needs
to be shining on us all the time. In addition, we fear that others may work
us out and brief against us in order to free you from our grasp. As I often
mention, we are creatures that prefer to conserve our energy and ensure
that is can be directed for the most part, if not solely, to the acquisition of
fuel. If we are forced to use this energy to deal with those interfering in
our carefully constructed campaigns this drains us and becomes a matter
of irritation.
2. They may not be aware that a narcissist is in full effect but they
recognise unusual (during the seduction phase) or abusive (during
the devaluation phase) behaviour.
Experience also tells me that in this battle, my kind always wins. The
friend or family member lacks the indefatigable spirit that is needed to
defeat our machinations. They give up too quickly, shrugging their
shoulders as they walk away saying,
How many times in relationships do people choose their other half over
friends and family? Nine times out of ten I will wager. This is driven by a
fear of loss, the fear of being alone and also of having let something
crumble to dust. You would rather sacrifice the friendship than lose that
special person. That happens in normal circumstances. When we have
coiled our tendrils around a victim, they always choose us over the well-
intentioned friend. We make sure of it.
However, if you did actually listen to that third party you would
realise (as you will eventually but when it is far too late) that he or she
was right. They can see clearly what is happening. You cannot. They may
have been on the receiving end of a narcissist’s behaviour in the past and
thus are in an excellent position to advise you. Ironically, they will show
you the evidence of the malicious and abhorrent behaviour and you will
deny it. You will make excuses for it and try and push it to one side. You
will find that when you do wake up and realise you are being abused and
you try to show us the error of our ways, you will find us making the
excuses you made and being similarly in denial.
the scene over a longstanding friend? Why are you paying heed to Johnny
come lately when your parents have looked out for you from the moment
you were born? Why is it in sports matches that the coach or manager is
positioned on the edge of the field of play at the centre point, rather than
being in the middle of all the action? The reason of course is that they
obtain a far better view of what is going on from being on the touchline.
Their sense of perspective is improved. Artists stand back to admire their
work, so they can appreciate the big picture.
When that concerned individual takes you to one side and raises
certain things with you about the way you are being treated, listen to
them. They know what they are talking about.
9 Ignore Red Flags
In the initial stages of your encounter with my kind and me there will be
the repeated fluttering of the red flags that are being hoisted. These
scarlet warning signs are often lost on you. You cannot hear them, as your
ears are full of the poisonous sugar that I have poured into them. You
cannot see the flags because the disorientating fog that has spouted from
my mouth obscures them from your view. People will talk at length about
these red flags and the many forms in which they come. With much of our
behaviours, you do not realise what it is until after the event and most of
the time after you have received the wisdom of someone who has done
the dance with a narcissist or a professional who treats those who have
been victims. With the red flags however you actually do see them and
you also know what has caused them. Unfortunately for you, you are
either persuaded by me not to pay them any attention or you amazingly
dissuade yourself that it is not worth bothering about
Whilst this “Must not” is akin to ignoring your instinct, this is more
specific. With your instinct it is invariably a general, amorphous sensation
that all is not right. You have a strange feeling that there is something
untoward but you are unable to articulate precisely what it is. With red
flags, the situation is different. In this instance, you know what it is that is
wrong. You know what has been said does not ring true or you see certain
behaviour and know what it is wrong. What are those red flags?
Interestingly, they are numerous and as with many things about your
dance with my kind and me, when you look back with the benefit of
hindsight you will see more red flags than those that fly outside the
United Nations building in New York. These red flags appear throughout
the whole relationship with me, but those, which you need to pay
greatest, heed to are the ones, which appear at the outset so that you may
have a chance of escaping our clutches. They are too numerous to detail in
this publication, but you can learn far more about the words and
behaviour that my kind and me use which amount to red flags in my book
Evil. Some of the early red flags however include: -
5. Outlandish boasts;
Of course there are many more but these are some of the most frequent
and most obvious at the outset of your interaction with one of my kind.
You will easily identify them, as most of them are hardly subtle in nature.
We do our best to obscure these red flags but we are never able to
avoid them being hoisted in the first place. As I have written above, we
desire getting you to commit to us as soon as is possible and consequently
at a far earlier stage than is natural or appropriate. We have to do this to
bind you to us and this is a definite red flag. It is unavoidable that it will
be raised. We hope that you will not notice it, as you will be blinded by
your love for us and by our love bombing. If you happen to notice it from
the corner of your eye, you may question the step with us and we will
then lay on our charm in order to persuade you that it is the right thing to
do and that your fears are unfounded. We are brilliant at removing your
concerns. Again, we know that being the person that you are, you are
likely to give us the benefit of the doubt and we play on that fact.
The red flags will always crop up. They are a necessary consequence
of our unusual behaviour. You need to know what those red flags are and
most important of all pay attention to them when they have been hoisted.
You do not have the excuse of it being a vague feeling, instead it will be
staring you in the face. You will have to deal with our silver tongue as we
try to persuade you to ignore this warning, but that red flag is flying for a
very good reason. Take heed of it.
10 Reason with Us
In order to prevent any reminder of the existence of this awful
beast and also to obtain the fuel that we have to have, we cannot allow
reason to prevail. It is anathema to us and if you try to draw us into a
world that is predicated on logic and sense, we will resist you with a
significant fury. We will fight to avoid heading down that path and
instead we will aim to ensure we remain in the realm of emotion,
argument and discord.
You may believe that you are not apportioning any blame when you
are having this discussion with us. You adopt neutral language in order to
discuss the situation rather than pointing the finger at us. That may well be
the way you regard the conversation but we never do. If you are not doing
what we want, you are challenging us. If you are not with us, you are
therefore against us. Everything is black and white with us. We do not
recognise grey and we do not recognise any attempt, which tries to show us
a different outcome or course to the one that we want.
When you try and reason with us, you are on a hiding to nothing.
Since we must keep the argument going, reason is cast asunder. You keep
fetching it and bringing it back and we will keep throwing it away. We
follow a predictable pattern in trying to defeat your attempt to rely on
reason. This methodology will always be applied in our quest to maintain
the upper hand.
1. Denial;
2. Projection; and
3. Rage
Accordingly, it is impossible to reason with us. We know you love to
do this because you are programmed to be truthful and you also want
everyone else to be in agreement based on the facts that have been placed
before everyone. You find it astonishing that someone as intelligent as us
cannot grasp the point you are making. We cannot grasp it because we do
not want to. We are incapable of doing so because engaging in reason
does not give us what we want. It does not provide us with the fuel that
we need.
If you try and reason with us you will find it frustrating, pointless
and ultimately it may even prove to be dangerous for you. I often mention
that you would find it more productive to bang your head against a brick
wall than try and reason with my kind and me. It is true. You will have an
overwhelming desire to try and reason with us. You must resist this. We are
not creatures of reason and nor will we ever be.
11 Show Sympathy
We remember each and every sleight, all the injustice and unfair
behaviours that have been directed at us. We are victims of the dismissive
and haughty attitudes of others and rightly feel aggrieved. We do not
however like to show this, because to do so is to exhibit weakness and we
are not weak. No, we are far from weak. Instead, we use our status as the
ultimate victims selectively. We will draw on that sense of injustice when
it suits us and that is often when we find ourselves in a position of last
. I watched my sister do this when she was a child. If she was upset,
she would always run to my father, not our mother and he would distract
her, provide her with a treat or allow her to do the thing she had been
forbidden from doing in order to stop her crying. I once asked her why
she cried. She explained that it was because she was sad and frightened. I
asked her to expand on what she meant by sad and she said that this was
when she felt lonely and that nothing was going her way. I understood
what she meant by that but I never felt compelled to cry. I realised
however that turning on the waterworks was an effective learned
behaviour to get people to do what I wanted. I kept that lesson in my
array of talents. Whilst I poured scorn on others for crying (although I
delighted in seeing people do it when I was the source of their upset) I
knew that it was the best way of generating sympathy when all else
seemed lost.
I will garner sympathy any way I can. I will triangulate and complain
to others about your behaviour to me and make repeated mention of
everything that I have done for you. I will remind you of all the support
and generosity I have shown towards you (which of course was purely for
the purposes of seducing you whilst conveniently ignoring the horrible
treatment that I have meted out towards you). I will embark on a smear
campaign explaining how hard done to I have been. I look for sympathy
from any quarter as this attention provides me with fuel. The most potent
sympathy however must come from you. If you show me sympathy you
are confirming to me that my manipulation of you has been successful,
you are giving in to what I want and you are also providing me with
When you show us sympathy, although we may want it, you are
showing us something we cannot do and that in turns annoys us and will
make us subsequently lash out at you even when you are showing us a
caring and tending nature. That is how perverse our behaviour is. We
know you regard it as such as you tell us this. We disagree. We think it is
entirely an appropriate way to respond. Remember, we are always right.
alien concept to us. Our tears are very much from the crocodile and by
showing us sympathy you have allowed us to succeed again.
12 Neglect Your Needs
How does this neglect manifest? Initially, it will be in the form of
you reducing and then extinguishing your interests and life outside of you
and me. You will spend less time with your family and friends. You stop
attending the amateur dramatics club that you once enjoyed. You decide
against attending the theatre or a sporting event as you once normally
did. Your attendance at the gym or evening class becomes intermittent
before petering out altogether. You do not mind as you tell yourself that
you are changing the interest.
I suggest to you what you should wear for work and fly into a rage if
you try to resist my control of you. You have no interest in a battle each
time you want to wear a particular outfit so you accede to my demands.
Knowing that I now have you bound to me, with next to nothing
amounting to an interest or a form of stimulation away from me, I am able
to pursue my campaign of eradication further.
I increase my demands on you. I want the house looking
immaculate all the time. I call from my work place and insist on elaborate
dinners that I know will take you a long time to prepare. I suggest DIY
tasks that you should undertake on the basis that the money we saved
could be spent on something to treat us later in the year. Of course this
will not manifest. My aim is to occupy you. You become so busy looking
out for me, from the moment that you wake, you barely have time to wash
and eat in the morning.
The bags around your eyes are testament to your exhaustion and
the pallid complexion you exhibit demonstrates your failure to eat
properly. You will not notice this gradual decline because it is achieved
over time and is subtle. Little by little you lose a part of yourself. Your
interests wither away, your independence evaporates, your self-esteem
lies battered and you find even the most basic of needs (shelter, warmth
and food) are being rationed or denied by my treatment of you. On
numerous occasions I have kicked you out of the house and you have
slept in the car, fearful of approaching those now estranged friends and
family members.
It is only the chance meeting with a friend when I have set you on
an errand that they express shock at your appearance. You mutter
excuses, brainwashed by my behaviour, unable to think straight through
the fog of confusion I have developed you in. The dull ache in your
forehead, which has been there for weeks (as a result of exhaustion and
under eating) means you cannot muster the energy or coherence to fight
back. The friend tries to intervene but I am able to persuade you, since
you are in such a weakened state, that they are to be ignored and I am
able to keep them at arms’ length through a dose of nastiness towards
13 Challenge Us
There are two distinct reasons why you should not challenge us. The first,
akin to trying to reason with us, is that it is futile. The second reason is
that when you challenge us you fall into our trap of providing us with fuel.
When you try and reason with us that is an act that is taken by you
in a reasonable, generally neutral manner. You advance a point in a calm
and measured fashion (at least at first until we start to manipulate your
emotional responses) and try to have us understand the logic of the
situation in the hope that we will agree with the stance you have adopted.
It is low down on the scale of argumentative behaviour. You have seen
above how we respond to this reasonable manner of yours. Accordingly,
should you challenge us our response is hardly going to improve is it?
“Not many of your friends attended the party last night, why do you think
that was?”
We will see that as you challenging the strength of our friendships. Your
question is directed at the behaviour of our friends, not us, but we will still
regard it as you issuing a challenge to our ability to command friends, our
charisma and our appeal. In many instances, the level of offence is such
that we will not even bother to deny what you are challenging us about. In
one situation you may comment,
“You came in rather late last night, where did you get to?”
You may have intended this sentence as a fair comment. We did arrive
late last night it was nearly 1am. The question may also be framed politely
as you have asked where we went. You may be interested in what was
entertaining us until that time, was it a particularly good bar or club? We
do not like to be questioned. In our minds, your comment was,
“What the hell do you think you were doing coming in at that ungodly
hour? That is a ridiculous time? I suppose you were out drinking and
whoring as usual weren’t you?”
We miss entirely the content of what you have asked. All we hear is a
challenge and thus we react with offence. Our rising anger means that we
are not interested in issuing a denial (futile as it maybe although that
never concerns us) and instead we will immediately move to project onto
you and shift the blame.
“I seem to remember you crawling in after 2am a few weeks ago (it was
actually a year last month) and throwing up everywhere (you didn’t). Who
do you think you are to question me about where I have been?”
We deliberately go on the attack. We do not regard you as having any
legitimate standing by which you can challenge us. We also know that you
being the type of person that you are you will react in a certain way. Rather
than brushing our remark aside and pointing out that your
question was just asking what we had been doing without any insinuation
of wrongdoing or blame you will defend yourself.
“What are you talking about? I haven’t been out in months and I wasn’t
throwing up. Mind you, I seem to recall you doing that last week or have
you conveniently forgotten about that?”
Another challenge is issued. The point about our late arrival the previous
night has been forgotten about. Logic and reason has been dispensed
with. Instead, the discussion has been plunged firmly into the arena of
emotion. Exactly what we like. Accordingly, it is futile to challenge us
since we will not allow you to debate the real issue. Instead we will deflect
from you questioning us, by going on the attack and the point of the
discussion becomes lost.
questioning us, you have enabled us to move the conversation into
emotional territory. We want to see your face scrunched up in rage, we
desire those tears to trickle down your cheeks and for you to shout and
wave your arms about. We have caused this. See how powerful and
mighty we are? This makes us feel fantastic, empowered and supplied
with fuel. We will aim to perpetuate the argument, goading you into keep
challenging us. Each time we are mortally offended that we do so and thus
in our minds our response is entirely appropriate. How dare you question
us? You have now brought our barbed attack on yourself and happily this
makes you react in an emotional sense and you give us fuel. You keep
trying to win the argument, but as I have pointed out above, this is
impossible. You are wasting your time but we want you to keep trying.
We may even offer you some chink of hope by saying,
We make you think you are getting somewhere but we end the sentence
with another attack against you. You decide to press on thinking you have
made a gain, when really you have just consented to providing us with
more fuel.
You must not challenge us. You will get nowhere in doing so. All
you will do is make yourself frustrated, upset and angry. We will just sit
back and drink in the fuel you are giving us. We win yet again.
14 Try to Understand Us
This is one of the major faults you have. It is understandable that you do
this. You are an empathic individual and you take pride in helping others.
In order to do this, you like to understand how people behave. What
makes them tick? Why do they act as they do? You firmly believe that
there is a reason behind why people take certain courses of action. Whilst
it is true that there are reasons behind the way we act (indeed my
publications are aimed at spreading information about that) you should
not waste your time in thinking that our behaviours are linked to the
reason and logic that operates in your world. We do not reside there. We
live in our own created fantasy world where different rules entirely apply.
The person you see most of does not really exist and therefore it is
pointless trying to understand something from your point of view that
does not exist. We are created from pieces of other people. We see what
we like in others and appropriate that for ourselves. Our sense of business
success is lifted from our CEO. Our cousin who is an outstanding
sportsman provides another part. The comedic friend gives us another
shard to use in our creation. On it goes as we collect piece after fragment
from all of those around us.
When you look at us as a whole what you are seeing is not one
person but rather a myriad of individuals pieced together in a haphazard
and often contradictory fashion. How can that fragment detailing what a
brilliant animal hunter I am sit with that other shard proclaiming my
work with conservationist charities? It makes no sense. It cannot do so
because all you are seeing are the reflections of many people. You are
viewing other people and not me.
find that fuel or risk exposing what lurks beneath. We have no time for
anything else. Fuel is everything.
From time to time the fuel is not there in the desired quantities.
You may not be providing the levels we need or perhaps other sources of
supply have suddenly dried up for us before we have been able to replace
them. This spells disaster for us. The edifice that we have created starts to
crumble and crack. This means the fragments start to fall away. They
crack or drop and thus what is underneath becomes visible for the first
time. The creature that lurks in the darkness is a bundle of hatred,
malevolence, envy and pain. It does not want your prying eyes to look
upon it and thus it will lash out at you hoping that your response
generates the fuel so the fallen piece can be shoved back into place and
the gap filled. You will not understand where this creature comes from.
You will not comprehend what it is, why it exists and what it does. You
will be focussed instead on wondering why we behaved in that way which
is at such odds with the way you have been treated before.
So far all that you have seen is the brilliant us, the wonderful us and
the loving us that is reflected from the mirror pieces that we have
assembled. The provision of fuel is high and the fragments remain in
place. You believe you are seeing us; you have not yet realised that this is
just a myriad of stolen identities. When the lurking creature is exposed,
you do not realise that it is the creature, you are not aware that this is the
real us. You are too caught up in wondering how this contrarian has
appeared and why its behaviour is at odds with everything that you have
witnessed so far. Indeed, you will consider (because this is the type of
person that you are) are you to blame in some way? Did you cause this to
happen? Have you knocked the piece away through something you said or
did? That is what will be occupying your mind and as ever you will be
focussed on making matters right again.
You are better served understanding how our behaviours arise, what
you need to do to cope with them or escape from them and resign gaining
a true understanding of what we are to the rubbish bin. You need your
energy for more important things. I know this will fly in the face of your
desire to understand and help but you cannot truly ever understand what
we are. We do not know ourselves so how could you possibly understand?
15 Accept the Blame
Do not accept the blame for the way that we are or the way that we
behave. It is common for you to do this. This again is a situation that we
have engineered. The way in which we subject you to the golden period
when we seduce you is so utterly magnificent that the fall when we
commence our devaluation of you is long and hard. At the time virtually
nobody subjected to this volte-face in our behaviour has any idea what is
happening to him or her. It makes no sense at all. How can someone be so
wonderful and loving and then change like the flicking of a switch? It is
not normal. Indeed, you have hit the nail on the head. It is not normal
and neither are we. Unfortunately for you, you will not have worked out
that this is our standard modus operandi. Instead, you will reach the
conclusion that must have done something wrong.
that is just the way it is. You need to find a reason for it. You will always
find that the reason is you.
“I do so much for you and you still annoy me. What is wrong with you?”
By maintaining this tirade of blame (in conjunction with all our other
manipulative methods that are designed to wear you down and control
you) you will eventually always blame yourself. It will get to the point
whereby the first word out of your mouth will be sorry. Not only that, you
will find yourself apologising many times a day. You will be stunned at the
level to which you will descend as you are on the receiving end of the
blame game. The trivial items you not only accept responsibility for but also
apologise for will leave you both astounded and perturbed. Such
examples of this diminution in self-esteem are: -
“Sorry your coffee was cold, I should have realised you would have been
longer on the telephone and made you a fresh one.”
How on earth could you ascertain how long I would be on the telephone?
Of course, you have got your apology in first because you know that if you
did not, then more insults and blame labelling would follow. Potentially
with even worse consequences.
“Sorry I didn’t wake you in time for the match, I somehow fell asleep.”
You fell asleep because you were up all night caring for our baby, single
would I do that when I can find another task for you to do that gives me
You forgot because last week I wanted garlic and the week before that I
did not. The reality is that if you had added it I would have criticised you
and blamed you for ruining the meal. If you forgot the garlic, I would
criticise you and blame you for ruining the meal. When it has got to the
stage whereby you are apologising for the most minor of transgressions
(most of which are not your fault or even worthy of apportioning blame)
you have no fight left in you and you just accept that it must be your fault.
Combine this with the gas lighting that we will be subjecting you to and
we will have you apologising for claiming black is black when we say that
it is white. You may read this with astonishment if this has not happened
to you, but those of you who have been entwined by my kind will know
full well how it is always your fault. Each and every time. This matrix of
blame is created from the following: -
3. You need to find a cause for behaviour. You cannot logically
attribute it to what we do so you conclude it must be you;
4. You are told so often that you are at fault you eventually accept this
must be so; and
None of this is your fault. You might have seen the red flags but not paid
attention to them. That is not your fault, we sought to obscure them and
persuade you to ignore them. You failed to listen to the warnings your
family gave about me. That is not your fault. We whispered in your ear
that they were jealous and causing trouble. You had a feeling something
was not right but you did not pay attention to your gut instinct. That is
common and unsurprising in view of our onslaught of affection when we
love bomb you.
You are made to think that if you try that bit harder, consider the
consequences of your conduct at every stage, second guess how we might
react and look at the world through our eyes you will do enough to return
to the golden period. The fact this has not happened yet must be down to
you, surely? It is not the case.
keeps you subjugated and downtrodden. It reinforces our sense of
Always remind yourself that nothing you have done has been your
fault. You are far too hard on yourself. It is our fault. Who hurls the
insults? Who shouts? Who slaps you? It is we. Nobody deserves to be
subjected to such treatment and especially not from someone who is
meant to love you. The first time you apologise when you have done
nothing wrong is the time we scent blood. We have landed the blow and
we will do it over and over again. We know, because of the type of person
that you are, that you will ultimately accept that you are at fault. It is just
a question of time before we have you saying sorry. We will chip away at
you repeatedly until you apologise and then we turn away from you and
smile. Mission accomplished. It really is the thin end of the wedge and
once you have said sorry once you will say it so many times and in so
many situations.
You must never apologise to us. As with most of our behaviours, it has
at least two effects. It gives us fuel and it has you subjected to our
control. You have to maintain an implacable position whereby you are not
to blame. No matter how much pressure we subject you to, you cannot
concede. The instant you do; it is like a leak springing in a dam. The
trickle becomes a stream, which becomes a torrent and then a flood. Once
you give an inch we will, as the saying suggests, take a mile.
Do not blame yourselves for what we are or what we do. The fault
always lies with us.
16 Try to Change Us
Of the myriad of things, you must not do with our kind, this perhaps
ranks as one of the greatest mistakes you can make and thus one, which
has to be avoided. I may as well tell you straight away. We cannot change.
We do not want to change and we cannot change.
That creature which you have created can be kept locked away
anyway. Its appearance is down to you. Provide us with fuel and it will not
appear. Deny us that fuel and it tries to appear. See how it is your fault
once again? We do need to change because there is nothing wrong with
us. This supposed flaw is not we, it is you. We know we are the best, the
champion, the master.
Turning our attention to the malign variety of our kind, not only do
we enjoy what we are as I have explained above, we enjoy what we do. We
absolutely relish the power we wield over you. We find pleasure in seeing
you angry, upset and hurt. It causes a surge of power and strength
through us. We revel in constructing the games that we subject you to.
Treating people like chess pieces amuses us, all of you pawns to our
solitary king. Hither and zither we move you, our puppets at our control,
as we smile malevolently whilst we destroy lives. We have no desire at all
to relinquish this power and satisfaction. The lesser narcissist does not
want to change because it requires too much effort and is a waste of
energy. The malign narcissist does not want to change because this is our
calling. We enjoy our position, our power and our machinations.
One of the most difficult things for you to ever grasp is that this was
not real. Surely nobody could fabricate that intensity of love and affection
could they? Yes, they can and yes we did. We have duped you into
thinking this person was real and you think that if this person loved you
once in such a magnificent fashion they can do so again. You think we can
be fixed and return to that person. This will not happen. You cannot
change us into something that never existed in the first place.
Our behaviours are hard-wired into us. Not only can you not change
us back to that person you thought existed; you cannot change what we
are in any event. You are attempting to halt an unstoppable force. The
way we are is not capable of being altered, changed or varied. Our
conduct is ingrained and threaded through our DNA. There is no hope to
effect a change. Few will listen to that of course, but this is your chance to
pay attention. If you try to change what we are you will only be
submitting yourself to a sustained period of agony, hurt and exhaustion.
You know we like to play games and we know that you are trying to
make us something else. We will play along with this as part of our aim to
get you to remain with us. We will say such things as,
“Please will you save me; you are the only person who can.”
“I know what I do, I cannot help it, but with your help I can improve.”
These and the other similar statements of intent are all empty. Do not
make the mistake of thinking that we really do want to change. As I have
explained above, we do not want to. All we do is say these things because
we know you want to hear us say it. It appeals to your good-hearted
nature. You must understand that: -
2. We have conned you though the golden period into thinking that
we can be changed;
Do not make the mistake and be misled by those who claim they have
changed our type. They have not. What may have happened has been a
natural waning of the behaviours with the advancement of age. It does not
happen with all narcissists, but with some, there is a softening of
behaviours, but there is never a complete eradication of the narcissistic
behaviour. In others, the narcissist may just be duping them further in
order to fulfil an ulterior motive. Finally, those who claim they have
changed the narcissist may have actually altered their own behaviour,
which has lessened the impact of the narcissist’s conduct, and thus they
think it is the narcissist has changed. They have not.
The only thing that you can change is you. You can change the way
you behave to escape us or at the very least ameliorate the impact of our
behaviour on you. Do not make the mistake of thinking that we will
change. We will not and we cannot.
17 Pander to Us
We expect you to pander to our every whim. We are important. You are
not. We see you as an appliance that churns out fuel for us and since you
are nowhere near as important as we are; your role is to run around after
us. Our energies have to be channelled towards gaining fuel. This means
we do not have the time, energy or inclination to do much else.
Accordingly, you must wait on us. Not only that, we expect you to always
do what we want.
Of all our behaviours and expectations, the need for you to pander to us is
the one which is most aligned to our infantile outlook. Children begin
their lives exhibiting narcissistic traits because everything has to revolve
around them. They must be fed, cleaned, kept warm, entertained, taught
to walk and talk. It is all about them. A child is unable to survive
otherwise. These shackles are eventually thrown off as the child grows
and matures, a healthy outlook in life causing it to realise that one must
give as well as take. We see this in others but it is not applicable to our
kind. We continue to make those infantile demands. We want you to cook
for us, carry out attending to our laundry, bring us drinks, clean our home,
run our errands and give us the fuel.
have repeatedly mentioned that we are special and have huge sense of
Once again we know that your kind loves to help people. You obtain
satisfaction from doing things for other people and you do not mind
doing so without reward. The pleasure you obtain from such selfless acts is
the reward in itself. It is natural for you to want to reach out and help
somebody, to ease his or her pain and assist that person. As with
everything we do with you, we take advantage of this trait.
The need for you to pander us is also necessary to address our sensation of
being a child. By this I do not mean the temper tantrums that we exhibit,
although they are of a childish nature. There are occasions where we feel
helpless and pathetic, like a young child. It is an awful sensation and one
that we hate. It reminds us of weakness, which is something that we
When it does manifest we are taken back to feeling small, lost and
helpless. Not only is that sensation unpleasant in itself it also offends the
fact that we are powerful and superior. Being made to feel like that is
unfair and wrong. We find it repugnant. It is therefore necessary to expel
that sensation as quickly as possible. The most effective way to achieve
this is to obtain fuel from you, but it is extremely preferable if this fuel
arises from you pandering to our needs. We feel parented, soothed and
protected. Our special status is reinstated and the horrible sensation ebbs
away. Some of our kind will expect their own children to parent them
when this sensation arises. It does not matter where the pandering
originates from, so long as someone is making us feel that we are being
looked after.
Do not pander to us. We will expect it all the more and you will find
yourself running around in circles after us as your sense of self vanishes.
18 Show Upset
We are predators. Predators normally seek out prey that is weaker than
them in order to ensure that they succeed in catching that prey. We are
different. We prefer you to be strong to begin with. This means that you
have far more fuel to give, that you will try harder to please us, that you
will go the extra mile to appease us and pull up trees in order to try and
fix us. This strength and depth of character (not something we are blessed
with) means that you are a deep and delicious reservoir of fuel. Your
strength does not however translate into being able to resist us. Your
fortitude does not manifest in insurmountable defences. You do not see us
coming; indeed, it is very difficult to identify us amidst the love
bombing, certainly without any prior knowledge of our kind. Accordingly,
no matter how strong a person you are, no matter how independent of
spirit you might be and someone who knows their own mind, this will not
protect you when we come sniffing around you. Instead, it means we have
more to draw out of you and that pleases us.
You will observe a strange reaction from us when you cry. For an
instant we are paralysed with indecision as we are caught up in
considering the appropriate response.
Trapped between the reaction we feel and the reaction that we should
be providing as an apparently caring person we are left uncertain. This
state of uncertainty erodes our sense of superiority and makes us begin to
feel weaker. This cannot be allowed to happen. We will stand watching, an
impassive expression on our face, bemused onlookers waiting for our
response as we shift through this conflict inside ourselves.
The situation is different if we are alone and we have caused you to cry
through our treatment of you or our particular behaviour that has hurt
you. By being upset you are reinforcing your weakness. Yet again, we
operate a dual policy. We want you to cry because it shows we have
caused a reaction in you. It underlines how powerful we are. We know we
have got to you. Conversely the fact you are crying reminds us how weak
you are and in turn we become angry that we are with somebody who is
this weak. It acts as a painful reminder that the lurking weakness we
despise may just loom at any moment. We crave your upset to give us fuel
yet at the same time we despise it since it reminds us of weakness.
Do not be upset when you are with us. We will not comfort or
support you. All we will do is cause you more pain and hurt you with our
vicious tongue and flailing fists.
19 Show Intimacy
Do not show intimacy towards us. Our response will only wound you
and do so severely. We do not do intimacy. Yes, we show it during our
seduction of you. The heightened level of fuel we obtain from you
during this initial stage overrides our general distaste for intimacy. We
will touch you, kiss you, hold you and regularly make love to you. All of
this is part of our ruse. By doing these things you will respond by
providing us with affection, admiration and fuel. You will bond to us
more quickly and more deeply, consequently becoming ensnared in
our web. Once that has been achieved we will not continue with this
affection and intimacy. We do not like to do it and now there is no
longer any need to do so. We have achieved our aim.
Not only do we not feel what you feel when there is intimacy, we
experience negative feelings which cause us to be repulsed by lying
close to someone, holding hands or engaging in a sensual embrace. We
feel envy and irritation. This arises because you talk freely about how
wonderful you feel, using the various adjectives to convey your sense of
elation as we hold one another in bed on a rainy Sunday morning. We
do not feel that and since we are unable to feel something that you do
it suggests to us that there is something missing from us. We are
incomplete. This then grows into wondering if this means that you are
better in some way that we are. We equate having something to being
better than somebody else. If you have emotions that we do not, then
this is suggesting to us that you may be better than us in some way and
we cannot countenance that. It is contrary to our innate superiority.
Accordingly, we despise demonstrations of intimacy.
Our withdrawal does mean that you crave the intimacy all the more.
It was so delicious, intense and wonderful during our seduction of you;
you want to recover it again, as you always want to recover anything to
do with the golden period. We understand that as normal individual,
you want to be held, caressed and kissed. That is something most
people want. We gave it to you in spades and took it to another level.
You want that back. In order to try and recover the position you
invariably decide that if you show us more affection and intimacy then
this will trigger a return to what we used to do. Wrong. We do not
want your affection any more.
“I loved the way you used to me hold me tight at night, I felt so safe.”
“The way you used to kiss me made me feel so special, like I was the
“When your hand took mine I knew that everything was going to be
alright. I had you to shield and protect me.”
You keep saying these things alongside pushing intimacy towards us.
We do not feel what you are describing and by keep doing it and
telling us how you feel when it did happen you are repeatedly
reminding us of a deficiency. We hate you for it.
We want to hurt you. You are hurting us and thus we want to lash
out. Of course, by shrugging your arm away from us, by pushing you
back or making a scathing remark you are left puzzled. Why do we
keep doing this when you are being so pleasant and affectionate? You
become upset and that makes us feel powerful. We lash out some more
to punish you for making us feel uncomfortable, for flaunting your
positive emotions in front of us and to make you more upset.
being romantic and loving. Do not show any intimacy to us as you will
only be hurt and come to regret it.
20 Compromise Your Boundaries
This is difficult for you to do. We do not immediately park our tanks
on your lawn so that you have to react in the strongest method available
to you. We are nowhere near as obvious as that. This is a further occasion
when our well-honed salami slicing tactics are deployed. There is an
excellent radio and television series in the United Kingdom. It began as
Yes, Minister and became Yes, Prime Minister. For those of you unfamiliar
with it, it revolved around a government minister, Jim Hacker and his
daily skirmishes with a senior civil servant, Sir Humphrey Appleby. Nigel
Hawthorne and Paul Eddington played the parts brilliantly. Hacker would
devise some new scheme or initiative (invariably geared around winning
votes) and Sir Humphrey would do his level best to delay, Frustrate,
obfuscate, slow down and ultimately stop the scheme.
The scenario revolves around when the Cold War between East and
West was flourishing and Germany was a divided country. Berlin although
in East Germany, was split between West Berlin (the democratic and
capitalist side) and East Berlin (governed by dictatorship and
communism). The exchange between Hacker and the professor went
something like this. The Professor poses the hypothesis.
“Let us suppose there is a large fire in West Berlin, the fire brigade is
struggling to contain it and therefore the East Berlin fire brigade offers
assistance. Would you press the button?”
“The East German fire brigade crosses over to West Berlin to help outǢ do
you press the button now?”
“The East German police come across too to assist. Do you press the
“The East German police start putting up some road blocks around the
area affected by the fire and restrict movement through this area. Do you
press the button?”
“The East German police organise for East German troops to cross into
West Berlin to assist their crowd control and policing of the area, do you
press the button?”
This anecdote reinforces exactly what we do. Like cutting fine slices
of salami we will cut away at your boundaries pushing forward little by
little on each occasion. You will not see the solitary act as one, which
merits you resisting or applying your own “nuclear option”, and instead
you accept the incursion, then another and another.
With us it will manifest at first by using your items. We will take the
last bottle of water from the fridge and not replace it. We use up your
cotton buds. We move on to using your car and using up your petrol
without filling it up again. Then we always insist on watching what we
want on the television. After that, we want complete silence whilst we are
watching our programmes. We demand to know where you are going, we
disturb you at work with a minor query when you made it clear to us that
morning you should not be interrupted as you had an important meeting
to attend to. We go through your handbag or pockets to see what we can
find. We answer for you in a group situation when somebody invites your
opinion on a matter. We decide what you will have to eat when we order a
take-away or at a restaurant. We deem that you have had enough to
We dissuade you from having friends come round because “we want
to watch the big ball game” and you compromise on this occasion,
thinking that there is no harm in doing so. The problem is that it is not
just this occasion. Each time we press forward and you are left having to
back down, compromise and retreat as boundary after boundary is
stripped away. We are entitled to do all of this and we know you will not
protest because you fail to see the larger picture and you do not want to
cause an unnecessary fuss since the matter in question where we are
removing the boundary is not such a big deal, is it? The subtlety by which
we do this means that you fail to see what is happening to you until it is
far too late. How many times does that happen with the way we behave?
We stop you going out, we pick up your phone and start looking
through it, and we demand your passwords so we can see what you have
been doing on social media. Bit by bit we will breach your boundaries and
invade every aspect of your life. We want complete hegemonic control
over you. We do this as we do not recognise you as a separate person and
we love to be in control. This means we are powerful and reinforces our
superiority over you. There is nothing we cannot do when it comes to you.
21 Expect Support
Being a caregiver yourself, you would like to think that the person
who you share your life with, or who you work closely with, would be
amenable to providing you with support. That may mean giving you
emotional support when you are experiencing a difficult time or taking
the strain allowing you to lessen the burden on yourself. You give and
you are happy to do so, therefore why should they not do so as well?
That is the outlook of someone normal operating by the norms and
rules of your world. Those do not apply to us. We cannot provide you
with support since we have nothing available to do so.
Furthermore, when you need support and expect it from us, you are
showing to us how you are weak. We despise weakness. You will find
that our kind is rarely found near children, the infirm and ill and the
elderly. This is because they are all weak and want support regularly.
We do not want to be reminded of that fact. We cannot be bothered
with you cluttering up our route to fuel. An exhibition of weakness
infuriates us. A normal person would see someone in a position of
weakness and deign to help and assist. We have seen how this is a
natural reaction in normal people. It will not happen with us.
If you are fortunate, we will absent ourselves from the situation in
an instant. We will generate some urgent reason; find a pressing
engagement we had forgotten about in order to ensure we can get
away from you and your ailment, woe or injury. You probably will
never see us move as quick when it comes to getting away from
somebody who needs help. If we are unable to exit the situation, then
we may just stand and look at you. You could be reaching out to us,
eyes filled with tears of pain, asking for help and we will just give you a
blank stare. We know we ought to be helping you, convention and
observation has told us this, but we cannot do so. We are unable to
leave but we are also unable to help you. This requires compassion and
we do not have any. It requires us to us our energies to help you out
and we are forbidden from doing so.
“What are you crying for? I have had worse happen to me.”
“It’s only a dog, you can get another one. Seriously, what a display over a
dumb animal.”
We will lash out at you with these words in order to make you feel
worse and ourselves feel better because that is all we care about. We
fooled you into thinking that we care about you. That is a fallacy. Do
not expect us to support you.
22 Don’t Believe Our Insults
I have explained that above that you should not believe what we say in the
context of our seduction of you. Similarly, you should not believe what we
say to you when we move on to devalue you. In order to alter the method of
the fuel we obtain from you, our once considerate and caring behaviour
must give way to nastiness, inattention and insults.
You might ordinarily turn to one of your friends and ask whether
they think you are selfish in the way you behave, because we spent the
entire previous evening telling you that you were self-centred because you
wanted to watch a particular programme. We dredged up as many
instances as we could muster of this fictitious selfish behaviour and
directed them at you in a savage manner, coupled with unpleasant
remarks about your character and looks. Once upon a time you would
have brushed such comments aside in an instant. You know who you are
and you know that you are a selfless, giving person. You could list a host
of things that you do that reinforces your sharing nature but you do not
even have to go there. You already know that you are not selfish. Whoever
that person was, they no longer exist. We have you doubting who you are.
You turn to a third party to obtain some validation and reassurance but
this will not be forthcoming Most likely we have isolated you from these
people so you have nobody to obtain the relatively impartial advice and
response from. In a nightmare scenario you end up consulting with one of
the many Lieutenants that we have placed so they reinforce our opinion
and disagree with you.
This state of doubt and confusion stems from how we insult and
demean you. You may not think it now but if you are subjected to this on
a daily basis you will begin to believe the source of our viciousness
towards you must be correct. If we are right about that then we must be
right about other things also. This form of bullying you is insidious. It is
predicated on our total conviction that we are right and we are superb at
maintaining that veneer of accuracy. No wonder so many our kind
become politicians. We subscribe to the view that if we tell a big enough
lie about you, not only will you believe it but so will everybody else. I
seem to remember an historical figure saying something similar. I wonder
if he was one of us?
Do not accept what we are saying when we are raining the insults
down on you as being the truth of the matter. We adopt the stance that
we are always right in order to bring you under and keep you under out
control. You must not accept that state of affairs.
23 Expect to Enjoy Birthdays
They happen every year and you have come to dread the appearance of
both your own birthdays and mine. You would much rather neither take
place if you are entirely honest. The day is spent treading on eggshells as
you await the inevitable argument and dressing down that you will
receive. The annual sense of disappointment will happen again and again
and you hope somehow it will change, but it never does.
On the face of it, one would imagine that just for once we would get
throughout the day without causing some kind of drama. After all, the day
is all about us. Exactly what we like and what we want. People wish us
happy birthday, they send us cards, they give us presents and you run
around lifting and carrying for us (even more than usual). The spotlight is
firmly on us. We drink up all this fuel but still we want more. Every single
second has to be about us. Do not expect us to thank you or anyone else
who provides us with a gift. Remember, we are entitled to receive them.
We may have received gifts off twenty people but you know that all we
will harp on about is the person we did not get a gift from whom we
expected to. That becomes the focus of our irritation. The brilliant and
thoughtful gifts are left to one side as we rail against this one person who
has not bought us something. It does not matter that they send a card, it
does not matter that we did not send them a gift on their birthday (and
never have done), and it does not matter that nobody else would expect
this distant relative to send such a gift. We will raise it and repeat it and
rant about it.
Woe betides you if you do not give to us the exact gift we expected.
If you fail to do this, we will comment and lash out at you. You cannot
possibly love us since you did not give us the right gift. We conveniently
ignore the fact that what you have brought us is still a wonderful gift and
we actually do like it. That is not the point. It is not the gift we wanted
and you will be subjected to our scathing remarks. If by sheer dint of
exhaustive effort, you manage, against all the odds, to work out what we
want (don’t expect us to help you by explaining what we want, we expect
you to know this through telepathy) and give us the right gift, do not
expect smiles and thanks. We need to make a scene. Instead, we will
“I see you finally got it right. It does not really make up for all the years
you got it wrong does it?”
You can never win when it comes to providing us with gifts. We will
always want to put you down no matter what you have done and
irrespective of the effort and expense that you have gone to. We will
always be unsatisfied and this will manifest in us giving you a dressing
down in front of everyone at the party, or storming out of the venue at
some sleight. Every year you will hear the same stinging accusation
ringing in your ears,
are not particularly bothered about doing anything special, perhaps a
meal out somewhere and the gift need not be expensive, just so long as it
exhibits that some kind of thought has gone into it. Your thoughts are
based on hope as opposed to expectation. It will not be different because
we need to spoil it; we need to make you feel upset and demeaned. To
achieve this there are various things that we will do on your birthday.
3. We buy some token gesture and point out that your 43rd birthday is
not really something to celebrate is it? It is hardly a milestone. We then
use this to remark on your advancing years and point out your various
4. We organise a lovely birthday for you but spoil it by turning the
spotlight back onto ourselves. We turn up late, we flirt with a guest or we
manufacture some drama so that everyone is looking at us and not you.
We complain at waiters when there is a family meal out, when there is not
actual need to do so. We want to make a scene and wrench the spotlight
back over to us.
5. We remember your birthday and spend it doing what you want and
we are pleasant to you until early evening when we deliberately pick a
fight with you over absolutely nothing. The fuel we gain from this
behaviour is all the sweeter as we have built you up, your guarded
behaviour has melted away as we appear to have done everything that
pleases you. We are waiting. We are waiting for you to feel good and
happy and then we will cast you down so your emotional reaction is all
the more heightened.
We know that you would rather your birthday be erased from the
calendar. It is always a horrible day in one form or another and you would
rather it not take place. We put a big red ring around it in the calendar in
our mind and scribble next to the day the words, “Special Fuel Day.”
24 Expect Remorse
us. The reason for this is that to show remorse we understand that one
has to understand how the other person has been hurt or affected in some
way. As I have already explained and doubtless will need to explain again
later, we have no time available to be thinking about how others may be
affected by what we do. Even if we did, we lack the capacity to understand
the feelings of others, as we have not been designed in such a way. This
empathic approach has been denied to us. We give thanks that that is the
case because we see exactly what happens to such people. They get
dragged into a life of servitude to our need to acquire fuel. We shudder to
think that that could actually happen to us.
above) in order to then reach a state of remorse. All you are doing is
giving yourself a mountain to climb and then when you think you have
reached the peak; another mountain is revealed beyond the first. Oh and
we are pulling on your rope trying to wrench you from the mountainside
as you try to climb.
You would never contemplate saying sorry for having spent eight
hours asleep would you? That is why we do not consider there is any need
for us to apologise for this basic requirement to securing our existence.
You point out however that your need for sleep does not harm someone
else. You must sleep otherwise your will become fatigued, exhausted and
ultimately ill. Going to sleep is not an act, which causes a consequence to
somebody else whereas our bullying behaviour affects others. Your
analysis appears correct except that we do not recognise you as someone
else, someone separate and distinct from us. You are an extension and the
harm that you may suffer from our necessary behaviour is just part of the
equation. It is a by-product of a process, like exhaust fumes from an
engine. Those fumes pollute and poison, much in the way that our
behaviour is described but the engine must still run in the same way that
our behaviours must take place if we are to survive. The necessity of this
and our failure to regard you as a separate entity means that we cannot
see any valid reason (even if we were capable of expressing it) for being
remorseful about our conduct.
The only occasion when you will find us expressing some kind of
remorse is when it suits our purposes. You must be aware that this
expression is false. It is yet again a learned behaviour. We even hate to
pretend to be remorseful because it smacks so much of weakness and that
is something that we abhor. We will use it however when we sense that it
is needed to avoid something worse from happening to us. This is usually
the threat that we are about to lose a supply of fuel. If we recognise that
you are going to leave us, we will put on our most contrite of appearances
(whilst stifling our sniggers) and issue a mealy-mouthed apology for our
behaviour. We will not actually be considering what that behaviour is
because we are too focussed on ensuring that this ruse works and we
prevent you from leaving us. We do not give any consideration to the
supposed error of our ways. We do not listen to the lecture that you are
giving us, your emphasis on changing and improving or whatever other
sanctimonious drivel you are spouting, we just want you to accept our
apology and remain as a source of fuel. Notice how we never appear sorry
or apologetic when we do not stand to lose something. Pay attention to
how suddenly we can deploy our expression of contrition. Only yesterday
we had been subjecting you to silent treatment and displaying our
customary haughtiness towards you. Today you pack a suitcase and
appear to be leaving us so we immediately realise we are in the Last
Chance Saloon and decide that a display of false remorse is what is
required. Our ability to switch from such unpleasant treatment to issuing
a supposed apology is a clear indicator of the falsity of our sorrow. If we
truly meant that we are sorry, we would not have been behaving in the
way we did in the first place.
You will however fall for our empty apology. Once we see you nod
and accept what we have said we feel the relief and then a surge of power.
Our manipulation of you has worked again. There is every chance that
what we have just falsely apologised for, we will go and do again within 24
hours. That is our way of maintaining power and also our method of
sticking two fingers up at you.
25 Expect to Enjoy Holidays
For those of you entangled with our kind a holiday perhaps holds
the promise of some respite from the draining behaviour that you have
been subjected to. It may be the case that you have booked a return to a
sun-kissed beach, which we frolicked on during the seduction phase, and
you (wrongly) think that by returning some of the magic of that golden
period can be re-captured. It is not going to happen. You will not be living
any stresses at the airport gate. You will not find a new lease life staring
into the clear blue sea. Inspiration and invigoration will not rise from the
Roman ruins you stroll around. Our behaviour will continue and will
actually be worse.
There are several reasons for this. First of all, your heightened sense
of expectation on knowing you are going on holiday, which is ordinarily
such an enjoyable experience, means that when it crashes (and it will) the
fall will be hard. You should be recognising by now that we like to throw
you into the abyss but we prefer to do so from the mountaintop. Your
gloom and dejection is magnified if we do it amidst the supposed
enjoyment of a holiday.
admirers has been taken away from us for a fortnight. Our simpering
secretary is not able to fuel our ego every week day morning as he or she
once did. The cessation of so many providers of fuel causes anxiety and
concern to us. Add to this the risk that we may find ourselves
technologically impaired or, heaven forbid, even without the use of the
Internet or a mobile phone and we will feel cut adrift. The contemplation of
such a horrific state of affairs will often cause us to argue against going
anywhere. If you have managed to book somewhere there is little doubt
that we will have protested about it and we will continue to berate you for
doing something that we did not want to. Of course, we have no
consideration for you wanting and needing a break.
You will be left behind in our wake. We will often disappear and
when we saunter back after a day flirting with half a dozen people to be
asked where have we been, we will launch an attack against you. We will
explain we were letting you relax and it is our holiday too.
“It is not all about you, “we will declare without any sense of irony.
As you try and let the stress of the preparation for the holiday leave
your body, we will rekindle it by spoiling those moments we spend
together. We will brag in front of you and you dare not contradict what
we say for fear of our reaction. We will incessantly talk about the
marvellous new people we have met and how they admire and adore us.
Without any concern we will flirt with people in front of you.
All you can expect of a holiday with us is that you will be demeaned
and then left alone. As you lie on your sun lounge looking around the
pools at the happy families and devoted couples you will feel lonely and
unhappy. The only solace you might find is hoping that the shark fishing
trip we decided to go on without you results in us falling into the sea and
being eaten alive.
26 Ask Us What We Are Thinking
It is both a blessing and a curse for you to have to know what people are
thinking and feeling. The uncharitable might label you as nosey. You do it
because you like to be able to know this to enable you to respond in the
most constructive and pleasant fashion. If someone is having a difficult
day and is plagued with unpleasant thoughts, you want to know about it.
You can then offer words of encouragement and support. Should someone
be in a good mood you are pleased for him or her and want to be able to
share in that positive experience.
“How can I help you if you do not tell me what it is that is wrong?”
“If you do not talk to me, I cannot help you and I want to help you.”
“Why won’t you tell me what the problem is? If you do, I am sure we can
work it out.”
We won’t tell you what we are thinking. First of all, we want you to
guess. We love to play games and having you try to work out what is
going on in our minds is a game we do like to indulge in. Keeping you
guessing means you keep paying us attention and that means fuel.
Secondly, this will ensure you remain in a state of confusion. We do not
want you to work our why we behave as we do and we do not want you to
know what is going on in our heads. You remain confused and bewildered
and that means we are able to exert our control over you for longer. By
keeping you confused, we heighten your anxiety, which in turn will tire
you out. This will result in your coping mechanisms becoming depleted
and as a consequence you will become more malleable to our
manipulative conduct.
Thirdly, we are of the firm opinion that you should already know
what we are thinking. Yes, I realise this is contradictory to our desire to
have you know what is going in our minds, but we are a myriad of
contradictions because we are entitled to be this way. You should know
what we want before we even want it. You should be anticipating our
needs and requirements. If you fail to do so, then you must not love us.
That is the conclusion that we reach. We think that you cannot be
bothered to consider our needs and we regard your behaviour as being
contrary to our well being. It is of no consequence to us that you do not
have telepathic powers, that we do not tell you what we are thinking
about or what we want, you are expected to know. This is because as an
innately superior person our needs should be anticipated and met. Since
you are beneath us, this is the role to which you have been assigned and
you should deliver. Do not bleat to us about the impossibility of your task
and how we do not help you fathom out what we want, we have much
more important matters to attend to. You are becoming a distraction and
you risk incurring our wrath.
“If only I could equal what is going on in the great mind right now.”
This is what we tell ourselves that you are thinking as you look at us. Yes,
we are great, yes we are masters of deep contemplation and such is the
weight of our thoughts that you will not be able to carry them. Do not
even try to do that. Do not ask what we are thinking about, you cannot
possibly understand. We do not want you to shatter the illusion that we
are creating that we are people of substance and engaged in wrestling
with thoughts beyond your comprehension.
course through our consciousness. That would give the game away. We do
not want you to realise that our thoughts actually operate on a fairly
limited level. Yes, we are articulate, knowledgeable and well read but all
we do then is regurgitate what we have learned. I have told you about our
formidable powers of recall. We are experts at copying and absorbing as
we take on the personas and personalities as others. We hijack ideas and
pass them off as our own, we can repeat that wonderful part of Hamlet’s
soliloquy and we will sing all the verses of a particularly beautiful song but
we are but a magpie. We dart in and steal from others and pretend that
the pilfered item is ours.
27 Expect Us to Buy You Gifts
We do not buy you gifts. Hold on, we hear you say, what about all those
presents that came our way at the beginning of our relationship? We were
showered with tokens of affection ranging from the small and thoughtful
to the extravagant. Barely a day went by without some kind of present
being delivered by a courier or produced from behind our back to give to
you with a smile and a flourish. From the flowers to the jewellery, from
the copious bottles of fine wine and champagne to the multitude of shoes
and accessories, we festooned you with our largesse. Every conceivable
material formed part of our avalanche of generosity. Leather, slate, cotton,
gold, diamond, plastic, aluminium, wax, wood, paper, glass and sapphire
were those items amongst the many that we sourced and sent to you.
Artisans, manufacturers and creators shaped and moulded beautiful items
by which you dazzled you, pulling you closer so our hooks could ensnare
you. At times you barely hard time to open them all before the next set of
gifts arrived. What about all of that?
Those were not gifts bought by us. They were bribes and we did not
buy them. Someone else paid for them. In some instances, we used the
financial resources of others to enable us to obtain all of these material
items. We are not going to use our own money for that purpose, not when
there are others who can so easily be relied on to do this for us. From time
to time we would borrow money from others and used it to impress you,
spending beyond our means although you had no idea of this.
On other occasions the credit of an outgoing interest would be
utilised to provide an investment in the twisted opportunity that you
presented to me. Those who parted with their own financial resources will
have been duped into doing so. Coerced by false promises of repayment or
in the vain hope that by appeasing me using cold, hard currency it might
halt my cold, hard treatment of them. Where sometimes we may have
appropriated the resources of others to support our extravaganza in other
instances the payment would come from you in due course. We never do
something for nothing. Everything has its price and you end up paying
dearly for what really are little more than trinkets.
Ask those who received the dizzying array of flattering gifts whether
they were worth the twenty years of abuse they have suffered? The answer
will be a resounding no. The gifts you received during the seduction phase
were bribes. Inducements for you to leave your reason behind as you
became entranced by the sparkling of gems, the gleam of precious metals,
the cool and smooth allure of electronic gadgets, the scent of the interior of
a new vehicle, the crisp sensation of a beautiful dress as you held it
against you. Those bribes were financed by others and by your own
emotional costs, which had yet to be extracted.
“After all the things you have had from me and you begrudge me buying
this one thing?”
“You really are selfish. When I think about everything I have bought for
“You don’t need anything else, I have given you everything you could
possibly ever need.”
Should you persist in wanting tokens of material affection then this will
mean we have to use our own resources. We will not do this. We will
argue against any such expenditure even though we will continue to make
lavish purchases for ourselves. We will look to get you to foot the bill (and
quite probably you are now doing so for our campaign of bribery to our
next victim) but we are loath to ever make payment ourselves. We feel no
affection for you so why would we want to display this by buying you
gifts? Why would we want to use up our financial resources on someone
we now detest and whose continuing process annoys and offends us?
People will still fall for this and loan us money towards such a purchase.
No car will ever be bought. We will pocket the donation (for that is how
we see it) and use it for our own use, most typically to fund one or more
of our addictions.
With many things that we do, we like to expose you to it first so you
become reliant and addicted to the pleasure associated with it. We then
remove it brutally and swiftly so that the pain and confusion caused to
you is at a maximum. This provides us with a tremendous sense of
satisfaction. You do not deserve any gifts. You are not worthy of them in
our view. It just reinforces our sense that you are an inferior parasite,
leeching off our previous generosity both materially and emotionally. All
of this is designed to keep you under our control, confused and
bewildered as we look to make you count the cost of becoming entangled
with us.
28 Criticise Us
4. You are in no position to judge us since you are beneath us; and
You are familiar now with our superiority and the maintenance of our
immunity to any form of criticism, sleight or slur. You have endured our
daily reinforcement of your position of inferiority and you are not
surprised by our haughty rejection of your adverse comments about us.
likely to enter into a defensive mode in order to protect themselves. We
have noticed that you and others tend to deny the criticism and try and
remove yourselves from the comments that are being made. You do not
like it. Now imagine how it feels when we are being criticised. I can wager
you will do your best to envisage that visceral sense of injury because you
are very good at putting yourself in the place of others.
Yet for all its magnificence the tiniest remark that questions
our brilliance sends a crack from the base of our tower. It runs upwards,
the fracture increasing in length and width as it becomes a fissure and the
first shards shear away to plummet to the ground. The earth begins to
shake, threatening to demolish this house of cards. The metal begins to
buckle, the rivets popping out with each syllable of criticism that is sent
our way. When you criticise us, our world begins to crumble. We cannot
stand to watch this happen as it pains us. The sensation is agonising. You
may regard your comment as minor in nature and couched in the least
offensive manner you could think of, but it not that way to us. You might
as well have taken a wrecking ball to what we have made as your words
feel vicious and harsh to us.
I detail below two situations that have generated this outcome. One
is based on our tower never having been subjected to any kind of testing
environment before and as a consequence it is ill equipped to deal with the
reality of the world. This tower although glorious and beautiful was built in
a cocoon and once it became exposed to reality, it is found to be wanting.
The second type of tower is built on imaginary foundations in order to
impress those who have always doubter the builder’s capabilities. Those
foundations cannot sustain the edifice.
You are demolishing our world but you are also taking us back to
our childhoods. We know better than most how effective a sharp jolt back
to childhood can be in evoking powerful emotions, usually of a negative
nature. We use this technique regularly ourselves by learning about some
childhood vulnerability or trauma of yours and thereafter exploiting it. By
causing you to return to that terrible moment in an instant we wield
tremendous power over you. With much that we do, we like to dole it out
but we are ill equipped in terms of coping with it ourselves.
the answer to all the demands made of it. This construction cannot
withstand criticism. At best, it tries to shield by illusion but when those
casting the criticism operate in reality and they are of substance, their
weighty words shatter this idea in an instant and cause it to come
crashing down.
When you criticise the golden child you are offending our
childhood right to be superior and impregnable. When you criticise the
illusion creators you remind them of those crushing words that they
heard in their formative years. In each instance the pain is horrendous.
There is only one way we know to remove that pain. Create more pain;
yours. Your criticism of us will unleash our narcissistic rage and we will
become abusive. The extent of this abuse need not be commensurate with
the level of sleight that has been sent out way. We are flailing our fists,
either literally or figuratively, in a desperate and sudden bid to hurt you
and thus make our own pain stop. We need to bludgeon you; we need to
gut you and make you bleed in order for us to regain our sense of power
and superiority. This rage rebuilds our respective tower. We believe in the
illusion again or we create the illusion again. Either way our tower
becomes restored as we land blow after blow on you. You only have
yourself to blame for this. You really ought to know better than to criticise
us. By attacking you we are invalidating you. You do not matter, you are
inconsequential and beneath us. What you have said by way of criticism
cannot matter for you have no bearing any more. Your disapproval of us
by reason of this criticism stings so deeply that we must attack you and
often in the most brutal fashion.
We are allowed to flirt. You are not. Such a contradiction should come as
no surprise to you by now. We use flirtation to draw our victims into our
web and thereafter as a mild form of triangulation to provoke an
emotional reaction from those we are meant to be to commit to. It is
entirely permissible for us to be flirtatious, although I do not actually
regard it as such conduct. I see it as being friendly, taking an interest in
people and fulfilling my role as someone that people are naturally drawn
to. As I have had to tell jealous partners in the past, I cannot help being
popular and if you want to be remain with me, you will need to get used
to it. Naturally, I know what I am doing with the choice words, carefully
gauged tactile gestures and suggestive comments. I am gathering fuel
from the individual who is now caught in the glare of my sizzling laser
beams, pinned to the spot by my flattering comments and witty badinage.
All the while we can sense you glowering nearby, not daring to say
anything or do anything to interrupt our display and more importantly
our feeding on this fuel, but sufficiently irritated to provide us with
another fuel line. It is marvellous.
I have seen some of you decide that the best way to deal with us is
to use our own behaviour against us. Admittedly, that can work with
some of our manipulative ways. It usually results in us shutting off that
particular technique and opening up a different front. Do not make the
mistake of flirting in front of us however. You are giving us the green light
to go on the attack. Should you do this, you have cut off a supply of fuel to
us. You are not reacting to our treatment of you, as we desire, by you
becoming jealous and silently raging in a corner. Instead you are being
assertive and you are challenging our superiority. This is not permitted.
Furthermore, you are making us look foolish in front of other people.
Worst of all, you are telling the recipient of your flirtation that you are a
free agent. You are not. You belong to us. You are our property. You are
our appliance. You do not work for anyone other than us. You are telling
us that we are not good enough and that you have found somebody better
than us. We cannot comprehend that being the case. Nobody is better
than us. Have you forgotten all the wonderful things that we did for you
when we were seducing you? Have you cast to one side all the magnificent
gestures and words that we used? How dare you throw all of that back in
our faces? You are selfish, slutty and you disgust us.
None of this can be deemed as acceptable. You should have grasped that
we regularly adopt double standards. What we do is fine but you must not
do it and we will stand and berate you about your conduct having
behaved exactly the same way only moments earlier and not bat an eyelid
at our outrageous hypocrisy. We do not like it when people use our tools
against us. We fashioned those tool, you did not.
If you are fortunate, we will log your transgression and then subject
you to retribution once we are home. It is likely we will take steps to
record your behaviour. You may notice this but emboldened by your
assertive behaviour and also we can see you are enjoying the reaction you
are getting from us (who is displaying the narcissistic tendencies now eh?)
you continue with the behaviour and increase it. We will make a note of
what you are doing in accurate detail in our minds and ally it with some
footage. Notwithstanding the times you have replayed our own conduct
back to us, which we have denied and avoided, we will do the same to
you. We will also make a great show of exhibiting it to other people to
underline what a horrible person you are and your treatment of us is
despicable. We will then exact our revenge against you behind closed
doors and let you know just how mightily you have offended us.
Your attempts to deflect blame back onto us will not work. Even
though we routinely flirt with people that of course if our birthright. We
are masters at it and it is a tool of our trade. You are not permitted to
copy us. You must know your place. Trying to use one of our methods
against us is not wise move and will have very definitely unpleasant
consequences for you.
30 Expect Us to Pull Our Weight
The world owes us a living and yet the world is not enough for us. We are
creatures of economy. We hate to use our own resources at all and
certainly not for others. When we seduce you none of the effort we apply
is for your benefit. It is not undertaken to provide you with any comfort or
pleasure. The fact that this happens is utterly incidental to our stated aim
of bringing you under our spell. If there was another way this could be
achieved, one where you did not feel loved, happy and elated we would
take it. Especially if that alternative method proved to be even more
The resources we dedicate are to further our own aims. Every step
we take is designed to bring about fuel for us and the easier this can be
achieved, so much the better. This approach to behaving in a tight and
mean fisted way, combined with the fact we have no time or energy to
dedicate to anybody else because we are fixated with getting our fix
means that you cannot expect us to pull our weight.
A number of our brethren do not work. Why bother with that when
you can be relied on to bring home the money. Our time is much better
applied to chasing the neighbour, playing video games, lying in bed
sleeping and lying to our tangled web of social media playthings. Do not
expect those stay at home narcissists to apply themselves to ensuring a
smooth running household. How can they possibly do that when there are
six fake internet dating profiles to attend to, facebook stalking to address
and the coercing of nude selfies from naïve hangers on? No, you can do
the laundry, clean the house and prepare the food when you return from
work. Any attempt to berate us about our lack of contribution will result
in the deployment of all our standard evasive behaviours before going on
the attack. Have you still not learned to get on with it, keep your head
down and keep quiet?
The other week I sat in my corner office admiring the view across
the city and marvelling at how I spend more time avoiding doing any
work than actually doing work. My time is spent ensuring others deliver
whilst at the same time maintaining my sources of work-based fuel. I
achieve all of this whilst extracting a significant profit share from the
business. I think you will agree that that is rather impressive. I never pull
my weight at work. I do not have to. I have positioned myself to ensure
that there is always somebody else who can be asked (or made if really
necessary) to do what needs to be done. I don’t get my hands dirty. As I
advanced I always ensured I dodged the difficult assignments, dragging a
competitor into the line of fire. My natural charm ensured that I had the
higher-ups on my side from early on. Plus, my natural ability to extract
information and gather intelligence ensured I had some insurance when it
came to three of my bosses. They have gone now, shuffled sideways or out
of the business once their use had expired or rather when their lack of
usefulness had been pointed out to those even higher. Efficiency savings
mean more profit and I am the king of efficiency.
Whether you are involved with a superstar like me, a middle ranker
salary man or the devious stay at home member of our club, it matters
little. The outcome will always be the same. You do the lion’s share of the
legwork. You clean, launder, shop, childcare, entertain and of course run
around after us. Do not expect in particular for us to play a meaningful
role in the raising of children. They absorb too much attention away from
us and are best avoided unless there is scope for some vicarious fuel to be
gained from them. Claiming the credit for their achievements can be a
lucrative little sideline from time to time, but more on that later on. We
will always be able to find a reason why you should do this and not us. We
will remind you of our contributions, find some other pressing matter we
must attend to (which is another way of us saying we have to attend to
securing some fuel) or just launch into an unnecessary attack to keep you
in your place.
31 Compare Us to Others
“Nobody does it better, makes me feel sad for the rest.” So sang Carly
Simon in the theme to The Spy Who Loved Me. That could have been
written about us. We are the best and the sooner you recognise and
accept that so much the better. By acknowledging that you are fortunate
enough to be involved with a high power such as us you will not only feel
blessed but you will also save yourself much aggravation. You can take
some pride in the fact that someone as brilliant chose somebody like you.
Not everyone fits the bill in respect of our requirements and in doing so
you are admitted to an exclusive membership. There is a heavy price to
pay for being a member of this club (it is not our club, you are not good
enough for that, but it is affiliated) and for many of you the price is too
great. You ought to reflect though and consider that if you do, as we
require, comply with our wishes and supply us with fuel then you can
consider that you have done your job well and into the bargain you have
been able to stand slightly behind (never alongside) some people as
remarkable as us.
“Take a leaf out of Jane’s book and think before you speak. She is always
“Have you noticed how calm Eric always is? You might find it useful to do
“Why don’t you do like Paula and think about someone else for a change
other than yourself?”
You dress this up as meaning well but you come to us cloaking your
intent. You want to sink a dagger between our shoulder blades and drain
us of our strength by having us engage in behaviour, which can only bring
about weakness and vulnerability. Patience? When did waiting around for
something ever get anything done? Consideration? That means getting
trampled in the rush as you let everyone else go first. Calm? Being
soporific is hardly going to set the world alight is it? Think about others? I
do that all the time. How much fuel can I get from him and her and them.
We have a slight sneaking admiration for your ingenuity. As ever, you
dress everything up in the best of intentions, but we have the measure of
you. We are the masters, not you. We are the verb not the object. We do,
we are not done to. So, nice try Captain Empathy but this General is not
going to be deposed.
Should you persist in this course of action we will have to take steps
to remind you who is in charge and that means subjecting you to our
methods of control It will not be pleasant, but conditioning a transgressor
never is. The short, sharp shock is what is necessary to get you back in
line and returning to your place in the scheme of things. Know your place.
Recognise your superiors and all will be well. Save the comparisons to
insurance websites.
32 Expect to Enjoy Christmas
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” so sang somebody who I do not
recall about Christmas. No it is not. There is little doubt that the Grinch
belonged to our club. We hate Christmas and that means that it is going
to be awful for you as well. In fact, any kind of celebration will result in
you dreading the day as it appears and you are walking on eggshells
throughout the entirety of the day. What should be enjoyable for
everyone becomes a nightmare and it is one of our deliberate creations.
You might think that given some of the chapters above that I might
see Christmas as an opportunity to identify and extract new forms of
supply. This can occasionally happen but it is not the promise of potent
fuel that you might expect. First and foremost, Christmas is for children
and they are the black holes of fuel. I might attend somebody’s party on
Boxing Day and be engaged in amazing them with some of my standard
tales as I aim to seduce them when some rug rat will appear and tug at my
target’s skirt. Her attention will switch to little Johnny and my efforts have
dissipated as she goes off to find him a slice of cake or take him to the
toilet. Some of the games where I hold centre stage at an adults’ gathering
become ineffectual as I am annoyingly upstaged by a precocious brat with
their rendition of Silent Night causing cooing from those assembled.
Alternatively, one of the youngsters attending decides to start crying and
thus attention turns to him or her to try and placate and soothe the
bawling child. That attention should be focussed on me, not him or her. I
find it galling to say the least.
I used to get a kick out of telling my younger siblings that Father
Christmas did not exist causing them to cry. I still remember that warm
feeling that would flow over me as I watched the tears flow from them. The
red faces, scrunched up as I pointed out with hard fact after hard fact as to
how he could not exist. I was always punished for this but it was worth it.
People need to know the truth about certain things.
I react the only way I know. With disdain, criticism and nastiness. I
refuse to participate in activities, I will not help with the preparation, and
I do my utmost to avoid having people visit unless I can be sure they will
give me the fuel I demand. I am content to attend parties, especially if
children are unlikely to be there, this provides me with some hope as I
stalk the room sucking up fuel from every available source of admiration. I
break gifts; I hide them and turn my nose up at them in order to prompt a
reaction. I mess with the controls on the cooker in the hope of spoiling
Christmas lunch so a scene develops. I do love the drama of an
undercooked turkey. I will try and embrace your sister inappropriately
under the mistletoe and then blame her for being drunk. I must admit
that despite all my endeavours it is a difficult period to get through. You
remain frighteningly cheerful at times and there is too much going on
which detracts from the attention I want.
33 Ditch Our Technology
time to open the gates to heaven again for a few moments so we send you
that loving text and you cling on again.
is what we want you to be. A pre-programmed appliance that churns out
fuel when we press your buttons. Walking through the electronic section
of a department store is heaven for us. All these beautiful designs, so
elegant and clean. Row upon row of appliances that have been designed to
deliver over and over again. Televisions, monitors, washing machines,
coffee machines, tumble dryers, music systems, Ipods, Xboxes,
Playstations, Pcs, tablets, smartphones even the humble toaster. Press a
button and it does what it is designed to do. This represents to us the
ultimate ideal. We want you to be that appliance. We want you to sit
quietly and perform for us. We press the buttons and you deliver to us the
fuel with the minimum of effort and exertion from us.
This is slanderous in the extreme and will only cause our anger to increase
as you belittle the item that we covet and rely on. Technology helps us
survive. It performs, as we want it to. We regard this as utopia. Whole
rooms of technology quietly executing their tasks with maximum
efficiency, controlled by us and delivering to us our fuel. You should copy
this example and plug yourself in and continue to deliver the fuel that we
demand. You annoy us by not doing so, by trying to reinforce to us that
you are a person and not an appliance. Should you take it a step further
and then attack the very pieces of technology that we love and rely on you
can expect a horrendous response from us.
34 Expect Us to View the World the Way You Do
We do not see the world in the same way as you and neither can we
ever do so. The world to us is black and white. You are either with us or
against. Everyone is to be used for the furtherance of our need to acquire
our fuel. You will either do what we want, submit to our control and
provide fuel or you resist doing so and you have to be persuaded or
discarded. We see threat everywhere we go. People are trying to dislodge
us from our special perch because they are jealous of our successes. They
want what we have and since there is not enough of it to go around they
will try and steal it from us. We must remain on guard for those who seek
to undermine and depose us. We remain wary of the enemy that wishes to
destroy our carefully constructed myriad of appearances. They plot to free
what lurks underneath and we must not allow that. We do not want to
even contemplate that which waits to be unleashed and therefore those
that stand in our way must be move aside or be crushed. It is nothing
personal because we do not consider individuality when we deal with
people. You are either going to provide us with fuel, not provide us with
fuel or try and steal our fuel. That is how we look at the world.
It is usually the case that those who become our enemies were once
those who supplied us. They have learned what we are. There are those
who gain knowledge who seek refuge as they recover and have nothing
more to do with us as they apply the principles of no contact. These
people pose a challenge and we may pursue them for a time in the hope of
extracting some further fuel from them, this fuel being all the sweeter for
having been denied to us. Others decide that they will fight back and turn
others away from us, warn people about our behaviours and try and bring
our edifice crashing down. We must destroy those people.
We cannot look at the world in the way you do because that means
we become distracted from gathering fuel. Any distraction means we have
less time and energy available to harvest fuel. A reduction in fuel risks
that the tower we have constructed and that we must maintain, our
myriad of reflecting shards may begin to fall about and thus that which
waits beneath will be freed. That must not happen. We cannot be like you
and we cannot look at the world in the same way. Do not expect us to do
so, it will only end in disappointment, frustration and hurt for you.
35 Second Guess
We want and demand that you spend your time trying to second-guess
what we will say and do. This makes us feel powerful and omniscient and
at the same time it will exhaust you and leave you unable to cope. This
lessens the risk that you will find the strength to try to leave us and
remove that supply which we hold so dear.
Someone who is subjected to his for long periods will be made ill.
The hyper vigilance combined with the erratic behaviour and repeated
chastisement will take its toll on you. Trying to second-guess us is
exhausting and ultimately futile. Yes, we want it but the cost to you of
doing this will be substantial. You lose your identity and your sense of
self. You are exhausted and anxious from being a state of high alertness
nearly all the time. You feel unsettled and jumpy. You forget who you are
and the concept of relaxation has become alien to you. You are treated
horrendously being insulted and shouted at when all you have tried to do
is the right thing. Subjected to this for any length of time will result in a
major breakdown for you.
Do not fall into the trap of trying to second-guess us. You may like to
please, it is in your nature, but this is trying to please someone who can
never be pleased. You are condemning yourself to a form of slavery and
ultimately illness.
36 Share Passwords
We will always seek to acquire this information during the golden period.
Your defences have been lowered as you bask in the radiant sunshine that
pours from our every smile and gesture.
We will ask you to provide us with your passwords and pass codes on
the basis of being caring. What if for example you fell unconscious and we
needed to call one of your friends or a family member, how could we if are
unable to access your contacts? We may need to attend to your
finances if you happened to be hospitalised so it would be advisable to let
us know what the password is and the other information that is required to
gain access. Similarly, what if I need to use the computer when you are out
and mine is not working, or I need to access an e-mail for you? I only need
the password for emergency purposes, honest.
You may be amazed at how often people will freely provide this
information to us. They are bedazzled and feel they can completely trust us
and thus they hand this information over. If we meet with any
resistance, we will talk about how it will bring us closer together and show
just how much you really do love and trust us by letting us have this
information. We usually get the passwords.
Obtaining your phone pass code is easy as we just watch what you
tap into it when you are sat next to us. Alternatively, we will look at where
the fingerprints are and then try the various combinations of where the
marks are until it works. Our brilliant memory will store that information
for when we use it. We will then use it to our advantage by not just having
a look through your contacts, your emails and text messages that are
stored on your ‘phone. We will sift through your photographs and videos
along with your calendar. It is highly likely that the number you use for
your pass code for your phone will be the same for your tablet so we are in
there as well. This trawl through your personal information is purely done
because we have to know. It is what we do next that is the real purpose of
having accessed your phone.
Best of all however is the fact that we will choose a moment when
you are in the shower or asleep to access your phone and download
software onto it so that we are then able to access your ‘phone remotely.
Having to sneak repeatedly to check through your ‘phone is the mark of
the amateur. We will download this software, which will then enable us to
monitor everything you do. This will give us access to most, if not all of
your information and thus we can keep an eye on what you are up to
without you knowing. We will of course use the information gleaned to
bolster our abuse of you.
If we find that access to your phone is not providing us with all the
information we need, then we need to obtain some leverage to gain the
other passwords. To do this, we will use the software we have applied to
your phone to send a message on your behalf to other people. Imagine the
carnage that this will cause? We will later challenge you about this
behaviour and you will naturally deny what you have done. We ask to see
the evidence and you unlock your phone and go to your sent messages
only to find the offending text sat there.
On so many occasions you have attacked us and brandished
electronic proof about our misdemeanours. Now the tables have been
turned and we are relentless in demanding that you provide us with other
passwords so we can check that nothing untoward is going on. We will rant
and rage at you until you provide them to us. You will do it so that we then
have access to everything. If you try and change the passwords we will
accuse you of deceit and demand their provision.
With total access we may have lost the element of observing you
whilst you were oblivious but now we have you on edge because you know
you are being watched. Moreover, we will still find something innocent that
you have sent in a message of posted on a social media site and twist it so
that it can be used against you.
When we are about to discard you we will use our access to turn
friends against you, engage in smear campaigns and character
assassinations and wreak havoc. Nude photographs that we begged you to
submit to will be posted and all from your accounts and nothing to do
with us.
not give us any clues or divulge this information to us. You will come to
regret doing so if you do.
37 Expect Credit
If you find that you are working with one of my kind, any kind of
novel proposal, good idea or money-saving scheme that you may think of
will be appropriated by me. You work for me and therefore I regard it as
your obligation to do things, which make me look good. Moreover, if it
were not for the marvellous way that I have trained you, you would not
have the skill set or ability to think of this point. In reality, I created it and
allowed you to nurture it before returning it to me. You are not really
equipped to have the big ideas, I have furnished you with the ability to
generate something, which needs to be relayed to me so that I can finesse
it and then present it as mine. I gain the credit and you gain the reward of
not being subjected to one of my withering tirades against your
competence and commitment.
“She did so well because I taught her the value of hard work.”
“It was my revision techniques that helped him secure those grades.”
Taking the credit for your ideas works best for us in the world of
work and business because there are more people who will then praise us
for our false achievement. This greater number of admirers gives us more
fuel and makes us feel more powerful. It also helps to support our
carefully constructed persona of successful businessman, talented
musician or outstanding artist. This need for repeated admiration will
bleed into our home lives as well. Should you select a gift for a family
member, by way of example, which exhibits that some care and thought
has gone into it, when that person opens it and declares their surprise and
thanks we will step in and tell them how hard we look for it so that their
thanks and admiration shines on to us. If you dare to contradict us by
pointing out that it was you who selected, the gift (and since when did we
ever bother to think about buying anybody else something?) then expect
to be attacked. Our behaviour in this regard can be regarded as petty. We
return home to see that you have spent the entire day painting the living
“It was a good colour I picked, wasn’t it?” I will remark without any hint of
shame as we ignore your hard work and seek to steal the credit for a job
well done. If one of our children has done a good job cleaning the car and
you make mention of this, I will dive in by stating,
Not only must I claim credit for anything and everything, nobody
else is allowed a look in. The spotlight of congratulation cannot ever shine
on anyone but me. Do not expect to be thanked or given praise for what
you do for us or around our home. I expect you to do this and after all, I
earn the money that pays the mortgage so the least you can do is run a
decent home in return. This repeated need to seize the glory and deny
you even a modicum of thanks and credit becomes infuriating and
underlines our child-like need for repeated praise and admiration.
38 Expect Originality
You may have worked out by now that we lack originality. We like to
think that we are different but our kind is all much of a muchness. We
view the world in the same way, we interact with it in the same way and
we do and say the same things, over and over again. Wake. Fuel. Sleep.
Repeat. Was it not for the fact that when you cut us we bleed you would
mistake us for being a machine.
Except for last week. Oh and the week before that. And the week before
that. You will be fooled by it every time. There is a reason you fall for it.
We know that it works so brilliantly because we have used it so many
times in the past. We will keep on using it too because there are so many
people who have no idea about us and the methods that we use.
Remember, you are not special. We are the special ones. We do not
see you as an individual. You are an appliance to provide us with fuel and
all appliances will be treated in the same way because that is how the fuel
is given to us.
We behave in the same way as one another because you are all the
same to us. Your name is meaningless to us, the nature of your childhood
only relevant in so far as it provides us with material by which we can
attack you later and your interests and hobbies only matter when we are
finding things to talk about with you when we are seducing you. After
that we strip away what makes you the person you are, because those
features are extraneous to us. They serve no purpose after the initial
seduction and as a consequence they can be disposed of. Every time we
want you as the same malleable appliance so that our actions can be
deployed in the same way. This minimises effort and ensures that we get
our fuel. Our lack of originality stems from our love of efficiency.
39 Deny What Is in Front of You
This section links with listening to your gut instinct, which was
mentioned much earlier on. When we are subjecting you to our
manipulation and our horrible treatment of you during the devaluation
you will regularly say to yourself,
“I cannot stand how she treats me. What have I done wrong?”
You recognise that you are being ill-treated. You are alive to the fact that
you are suffering abuse yet you will still deny the reality of it. You do this
for two reasons. The first goes back to the type of person that you are. As
an empathic individual you will always reflect and consider whether you
have any part to blame in bringing about this situation. That is not to
suggest that you are actually to blame for the way you are being treated.
Not at all. That is entirely our doing. The point I am making is that you
are prone to consider if you have any culpability. You will also try and see
the good in people, as you do believe that all people have goodness inside
them and it just needs to be found. People do bad things because bad
things happened to them and they do not know any different. That is the
view that you take. This may work with other people but not with us.
The second reason you accept this behaviour is because we have
been successful in drawing you into our fantasy land. Here you know that
you feel unhappy (heaven knows we have heard you say it often enough)
and that the feeling of anxiety is ever present. You may wonder what it is
you have done to be treated in this manner because of your penchant for
introspection. You are also made to wonder in this manner because we
repeatedly reinforce to you that it is your fault. We twist and alter the
reality to make you the blame for everything. By telling you this over and
over again you start to believe. You are weakened and exhausted so your
ability to cope has been eroded. Our savage words fall against you like
hammer blows, driving the concept into you that our rage, our anger and
our fury has once more been caused by you.
“If you really loved me then you would not make me angry.”
The cruel remarks are calculated to make you believe that it is your fault.
The intermittent glimpses of heaven that we provide to you also serve
to cause you to deny what is really happening to you. The occasional days
where everything feels wonderful again is our device to keep you hanging in
there. It also enables us to make you think that we are a good and loving
person really and that it is something else that causes to be cruel and
caustic towards you. You try to fathom out what that
indefinable nothing actually is in your fruitless quest to try and fix us. You
are made to think that once again it must be you that is causing it. We
show you how fantastic we can be and this makes you want it all the
more. That is the whole purpose of that behaviour. It makes you deny
reality in your pursuit of the unobtainable. We dangle the reward in front
of you and this is stunning in its ability to make you endure all manner of
awful treatment and deny that it is us that it is behind it.
“He isn’t that bad all the time, sometimes he is really sweet.”
“There are times when she sweeps me off my feet. It makes all of the
Our behaviour hides in plain sight. We are abusing you yet you will
continue to deny that we are the architects of this because of: -
You must see beyond these devices. You recognise that you are being hurt
and abused. You must not deny what you see. What you see is we doling
out this horrible behaviour to you. Admit it.
40 Expect Us to Accept Responsibility
We want and wield great power but the last thing that we ever want
is responsibility. Responsibility denotes accountability, which means
accepting blame, and we never do that. Our huge sense of entitlement
means that we must be free to come and go as we please and be able to
act free from any constraint. The shackles that are associated with being
responsible will interfere in our search for fuel. The energy that is taken
up in dealing with a situation that we have created means we have less
energy to use to obtain that fuel. Those are not situations that we can
If our behaviour has hurt and offended others, you will feel a sense of
responsibility arising from your connection with us to remedy the
problem. We are also fully aware that if our conduct has caused you hurt
and you wish to blame us, we know that you will try and lecture us on our
responsibilities in another fruitless attempt to make us see the error of
ways. I am sure you can work out by now what this lecturing amounts to?
Yes, another dollop of fuel for us to savour.
When you point out what we have done wrong we will not accept it.
Instead we will go on the attack and identify an area where you have
failed to take responsibility in some way. If this has happened, we will
remember and use it and if somehow it has not we will invent some
supposed lapse on your part. This accusation will offend you as you pride
yourself on your integrity. You hold dear your acceptance of responsibility
and for anyone else to suggest to the contrary mortally offends you. We
know this and we know that you will react to this criticism with protest
and emotion. Not only will you fall for our ruse of shifting topic so that
your original complaint about us is lost, you will also react in a way that
gives us even more fuel. This sets in train a fantastic way for us to get
additional fuel in the following way: -
On and on this goes and all the while we are drinking deep as you supply
us. We have no concept of responsibility and we will do out utmost to
evade being held to account. You will only become frustrated in your
attempts to persuade us to be responsible as once more you pick up the
pieces on our behalf and continue to give us the fuel we crave.
41 Get Angry
This is a straightforward thing you should not do with our kind. You know
we treasure emotional reactions as they provide us with fuel. Anger is one
of our favourite reactions to obtain from you. We will push you and push
you in the hope that you will snap and erupt into a fury. Unlike anybody
normal, we do not mind being shouted at. We do not have a problem with
someone engaging in a lengthy and heated diatribe against us. We want
it. It is attention. Many people can understand how we love to be admired
and adored since people do like to be seen in a favourable light and they
accept some people may want more of it than others. What a lot of people
do not grasp is how our kind revels in a negative emotion being displayed
towards us. The shouting and the harsh words do not hurt us because we
know we are superior to you and the fact that you are providing us with
fuel means that our superiority is reinforced. You think that you are
giving us a dressing down when all you are doing is giving us the very
thing that we need. Who is the fool now eh?
1. Fuel;
3. It reinforces our superiority;
6. We know you will feel guilty for having lost your temper. You do
not usually regard shouting as an effective way of communicating with
someone or resolving a dispute. You have said that to us so many times
previously when we have unleashed our anger against you. You feel that
you have let yourself down and you will feel obliged to apologise to us.
That makes us feel powerful.
7. You will blame yourself for the poor outcome. “I should have kept
my temper”, “I cannot believe I went off it in the way I did.” What you fail
to realise that it was not your fault. It has been out systematic abuse of
you over time that has caused you to explode in this fashion. Yet again,
being overly critical of yourself, you will chalk the loss of control down to
you and not to us.
apologise for such conduct we will attribute it to you and your temper. In
line with your own personal traits and our conditioning of you, you will
accept the blame for this.
42 Think We Know Everything
We like to maintain that we are the font of all knowledge. This chimes
with our innate sense of superiority and our god-like qualities. We know
more than anybody else on a particular subject and we have no hesitation
in letting everyone know that. If we go to a party and engage in a
conversation with a doctor, we will demonstrate we know more than her
about medicine. Usually the recipient of this treatment is too polite to do
anything about it and lets us have our moment. This suits us just fine. We
have an audience as we show off. If we retain a lawyer, we start to tell him
about the legal system and how the court case should be presented. After
all, we have watched some legal dramas and we once escaped a parking
ticket so we are regular Atticus Finches when it comes to matters of a
legal nature. You are an art critic, now listen to me regale you with tales of
the marvellous pictures I have seen. You play football? How about I tell
you about how good I was and here are some of my suggestions for
improving the game.
Behind this front of being all knowing lays very little substance. It is
similar to the way that when we seduced you, you found out what you
liked and pretended to like the same and be an expert in the field. If you
pressed us about how often we, for example rode horses and had we done
so competitively, where and what did we win, what events did we
compete in and such like you would have found us changing subjects or
taking refuge in the vague. Question us closely on something and you will
find us wanting. Of course, we will not take this lying down and we will
use our skill at manipulation with a healthy layer of charm to try and
rescue the situation since we cannot be seen to lose face. A continued
close examination of our credentials in this field or some choice questions
about esoteric matters will soon have us slinking away or looking to talk
about something else. It takes some time, as we will not relinquish the
limelight easily. This will enable you to show that we do not know
everything and as a consequence you should not think that we do. We like
to portray this since not only does it make us look good and it reinforces
our superiority it has you placed on the back foot. We place great stock in
the adage that every battle was won before it was ever fought and by
engaging in a display of massive intelligence and knowledge we hope to
have you thinking that you will pale in comparison to us. You will give up
before even making an effort to try and argue against us or prove us
wrong. Look how massive our intellect is. We have a brain the size of a
Canada. By reminding yourself that we do not know everything you will
not be adopting a supine position from the beginning and you will feel
stronger. Our brain may indeed by like Canada; frozen and to a large
extent mainly empty.
43 Expect Us to Listen
Our kind is the worst at listening. There are several reasons why this is
the case.
5. We do not often actually hear what you are saying because we have a
pre-conceived notion of what your words mean to us. This notion will be
different to the one you attach to what you are saying;
6. We are too busy thinking about what we are going to say next that
makes us look good;
7. We are too busy thinking about what we are going to say next to
make you look bad;
8. We are plotting our schemes for finding more fuel and this occupies
us to the exclusion of everything else.
Next time you are talking to one of our kind pay close attention to our
expression. You will see that we have glazed over. We have tuned out
what you are saying because we have absolutely no interest in what you
have to say unless you are talking about us, praising us or admiring us.
We dismiss all of the other topics, which form the oil that eases the
wheels of social interaction. Why would we want to know how your day at
work has been? It does nothing for us. We are not interested in your
opinion on a political matter, what do you know about it? We are the
authority on that particular issue. So what if your mother has had a fall,
what do you want me to do about it? It has happened, you deal with it.
As usual this is driven by our hunger for fuel. When we are forced
into silence and have to listen to someone else then we are begin deprived
of fuel. How long will this state go on for? Will it last long? I can feel the
tremble of the edifice beginning to shake as this loss of power starts to
threaten my creation. I am sure I can feel a shard peeling away. This is
weakening me, I feel threatened and uncertain. I must do something.
When forced to listen for a period of time and we feel under threat we will
either interrupt and start speaking again so that the spotlight returns to us
and provides us with our much needed fuel or alternatively we will
create some form of drama which will disappoint you as all eyes turn our
way and we bask in that fuelling light once again.
You may notice us fidget and twitch when we are forced into a
situation of listening. This is because our need to speak, to bring the
spotlight back to us is so great that it generates in us the same behaviour
as a child who knows the answer at school. We cannot sit back and know
ourselves we know the answer and inwardly congratulate ourselves. That
is of no use. We need the external validation and everyone must hear that
we got the answer correct. We are straining, ready to commandeer
control of the conversation again. It is also because we are experiencing
discomfort at being made to listen to others. Our fuel is dwindling and
someone else is stealing our position. We do not like it and this
discomfort manifests in physical discomfort and movement.
If you expect us to listen you will once again find that you are
frustrated and disappointed. IN the same way that you should not expect
any support from us, you will not gain anything by thinking we are
listening to what you are saying. If you ask us what we think about what
you have said, we will dismiss it with a limp comment of
“Very interesting.”
44 Expect Us to Seek Treatment, Stay in Treatment or for That
Treatment to Work
This is not going to happen with most of our kind. Remember that we are
superior and there is nothing wrong with us, so why would we submit to
some kind of treatment when there is nothing to treat? You would not go
and see a dermatologist if there was no skin complaint, so why would we
go and see a psychiatrist or a therapist when we do not have a disorder of
the mind. Should you suggest that there is a body of people who all agree
that our behaviours are beyond the normative type that society expects
and that is a good reason in itself that we should seek treatment, we will
not accept that. You and the lackeys whom you have recruited to try and
do us down cannot possibly be in a position to judge us. We are better
than you. Remember we are special. You do not know us and therefore
you cannot understand us. You cannot stand in judgement. In fact, the
very bias and malice that you exhibit towards us precludes you from any
ability to be impartial. This is just part of your design to hurt us and deny
us our fuel and we will not be subjected to your machinations. As I have
written before, I am the verb, not the noun. I do, I am not done to.
Save your money and lessen, no, extinguish your expectations. The
treatment always fails.
45 Settle for This Treatment
I have little doubt as an avid reader that you have also read about the
experiences of other people who have become tangled in the net of the
narcissist. It is not uncommon to read about those who have endured
twenty years or more being abused, pushed and pulled and spun around
and around. Those people who have been subjected to such a prolonged
period of abuse are well known for becoming co-dependent on their
abuser, developing Stockholm Syndrome and amazingly deciding that
even though they know that they are being abused and they know why
and that it will not change, they may as well carry on enduring it.
1. Financial concerns;
2. Housing concerns;
3. Children;
4. Other dependants;
5. Being alone;
6. History together
8. Family pressure
9. Shame
10. Hope - you are addicted to the potential that things might get
11. Conditioning
15. Pride
18. You don’t mind the relationship being so lopsided because you are a
I have written in Escape: How to Beat the Narcissist about the mindset you
adopt and how each of these reasons is surmountable. Hopefully by
reading the above you will also have realised how some of these reasons
are just not credible or realistic ones for remaining in our grip.
You do not have to settle for remaining with us. Some of our
brethren do become less abrasive as they age. There is a waning of energy
which means that rather than be chasing after new sources of supply they
become content to extract it from their nearest and dearest and possibly
in lesser quantities than before. This does not ring true for all of our kind
though. There are many of us who react with horror to the prospect of
aging as it reminds us that we are perhaps not as potent nor as powerful
as we believe. The reducing physical strength, the eroding of looks by the
passage of time and the dimming of the senses can all result in a feeling of
abject horror which causes us to need even more fuel in an attempt to
stave off this decline. We fight hard to prevent the encroachment of age
and in the same way that fuel keeps those towers climbing into the sky, it
is fuel which reasserts our standing and dominance so we are able to
forget about what it really before us focus on what we want to be instead.
In these cases, do not expect our kind to be graceful and less fractious.
Bitterness and nastiness will rise to the fore. With the advancing of age,
the sources of fuel lessen and in turn the aged narcissist must lash out in
an increasing fashion at those few family members and friends that
remain out of some sense of misguided loyalty. Do you want to be
attached to this as you enter your twilight years? The beatings may have
ended but the acidic tongue, lack of support and brooding nastiness will
remain intact. Is that what you want to remember as you exhale for the
last time?
Those of you who are younger have the opportunity to do what you
are made for and to try and help and heal the world. There are others who
would benefit from your laudable traits. Are you going to remain linked to
the creature, which makes your life a living hell when you still have youth
and energy on your side to make good your escape? Or will you seek
refuge in the familiar albeit savage and shrug and decide that this is your
There are ways to free yourself from this imprisonment and even if
you cannot bring yourself to take this step, there are things that you can
do to ameliorate the effect of your resident narcissist. I expand on much
of this in my book Escape and you would do well to consider its content
before resigning yourself to the rest of your time on this mortal coil
chained to a monster which does not care about you and will never
change. You should consider the other people that might benefit from you
deciding not to settle for this way of life. They might be your children,
your parents, your friends and your colleagues. Do they deserve to be
subjected to the whipping and stinging tendrils of our kind? Should they
have to stand and watch as you slowly vanish further and further into our
nightmare fallacy, the only prospect of emerging from this hell being
carted out to a waiting hospital or even worse, a hearse?
There is no need for you to settle for this treatment. You have the
means to do something about it. Seize those means and apply them. Don’t
worry about me, I will always find someone else to provide me with the
46 Forget that Knowledge Really is Power
The fact that you are reading this book means that you at least have an
awareness of the value of knowledge. We do not like you to be
knowledgeable or equipped. This suggests you might just be better than us
and by now you will be fully aware that this is not something our kind likes
at all. By acquiring knowledge, we fear that you might use it in some way.
As Alexander Pope wrote in his An Essay on Criticism,
You should exploit this fear of ours. Do not lose sight of the fact the
obtaining knowledge gives you real power. Power to make decisions,
power to take hold of your own destiny, the power to feel strong again
and the power to break free from our cloying grip. Keep reading. Hunt out
the many sources of information that are available to you. There are
scores of books that have been written to help you identify what we are
and to deal with our behaviour. Make us of these resources; read more of
my writings, you are getting it from the main man in doing so. Use the
Internet, blogs and forums to increase your knowledge. The more you
read the more empowered you will become. It will assist you in turning
the tide and causing your flickering, guttering light to grow brighter and
burn fiercer. By fighting back through the use of knowledge you will strike a
blow against us and in turn become stronger.
Find all the knowledge you can and absorb it. Never stop reading.
47 Drop Your Guard
Should you have paid heed to the last two sections and decided that you
will not settle for being treated in this manner any longer and you have
acquired the knowledge by which you can escape our awful clutches then
should you achieve this you must not lower your guard.
It is a fact that although you may have escaped us for now we will be
looking for ways to hoover you back in. This is important to us. We feel a
sense of devastation once you have slipped from our grasp. We will of
course pull out all our manipulative tricks by claiming we miss you, that
we cannot live without you, that we are sorry and we will change. Often
these work. You have dented our ego by pulling away from us. We make
the decisions about when you can come and go, not you. With our pride
wounded we need to teach you a lesson and obtain some compensatory
fuel. The best way of achieving both of these things is to hoover you back
in. If we can do this then the fuel tastes very sweet indeed and then after
an initial short golden period, which we use to draw, you back and keep
you we will subject you to the full horror again with something added to
punish you for having the audacity to escape us in the first place. Getting
you to come back to us becomes our number one aim. We want the fuel
that comes with it and we want to teach you a lesson.
In view of this you must never let your guard down. It is a draining
consequence of the efforts we will go to to get you back, but you must
apply your energies in this way. You will have recovered some strength by
having broken free from our abusive stranglehold. Use this rekindled
strength to fortify yourself and maintain your vigilance. We are sly and
underhand and you can never switch off or we will be in there, quick as a
flash, and a hook has been sunk into you or a slippery tendril has coiled
about you. Use the knowledge you have acquired to maintain your
defences. Utilise those that you trust to help you maintain the barriers
that you must impose. Draw strength from those people. Channel
everything into maintaining your guard. At first it will take considerable
effort, energy and willpower but as those of our brethren realise you are
not to be recaptured and will look elsewhere, you can ease up somewhat.
With the more determined of my malign brothers and sisters we will test
you harder and for longer to see if what you are made of. You will feel that
it is never ending but there is always an end.
You must keep in mind that it would be a tragedy for you if, after all
this concerted effort, you made one slip up that allowed us to gain a
foothold once again and then begin our efforts from a growing position of
strength to pull you back into our nightmare world. The level of effort
that you will need to apply to keeping your guard up will vary over time
and should ultimately diminish. The one thing you will not however be
able to do is to lower it entirely. Those walls that you have built can never
be knocked down. Our kind will periodically try to hoover you back in
and this can take place many years after you thought the nightmare had
ended. The truth of the matter, the nightmare will never end, you may be
able to move yourself away from its effects but it is always there, waiting
and whirling ready to suck you back in for another horrendous journey.
Once you have been subjected to the narcissist your life cannot ever
be the same again. You must always remain vigilant but doing this is
clearly preferable than returning to what we did to you.
48 Reminisce
This is a classic error, which so many people make when they have
encountered our kind. You allow yourself to think back to us and when we
made you feel special. This is like pressing the button to open the
door, which has kept us sealed, and away from you. Once you do this you
have allowed the beast back into your life. This is all it takes. You allow
yourself to linger on what was once was rather than maintaining the
guard, which I have explained you must keep up at all, times. Why do you
reminisce and allow us back into your mind?
2. You feel lonely and you know that by reflecting on the good times
you will feel a curious mixture of longing but also pleasure at the happy
memories that return.
3. You were curious and you wanted to find out what we were doing so
you have checked on our Face book page or driven past where we live.
Once you allow that connection to be re-established you have just lit a
flame next to a highly flammable material. It will ignite. You may kid
yourself that a slight peek at our Facebook or Twitter profile cannot do
any harm, but that is naïve. The way in which we have imprinted
ourselves on your psyche through our love bombing and abuse means that
you have created certain neural pathways. You have worn these grooves
into your mind which means that each time you think about us the
journey along this groove becomes easier and faster. The connection will
always be there and even if you push the plug in, even if for the briefest of
moments, you will awaken the connection. The trigger will cause a surge
inside you as the memory fight to the surface once again. You may have
buried it deep down in a hermetically sealed box, tripled lead-lined and
seamless but you have just dug it up and flung it wide open by allowing
yourself to be exposed to the thought once again. If the trigger is
involuntarily, you should be of sufficient discipline to move on and away
from the thought and not allow it to manifest, but the temptation to do so
I strong. The memory of us wants to be cradled by you once again. If you
have decided to think about us by way of points two and three above, you
have breathed life into the memory again. It rises from the depths and as
it does it deliberately brings with it a sense of wellness, which will grow
into euphoria. This euphoric recall is dangerous because it is addictive.
You know you should not be thinking about us, but it feels good to
do so. It is just a memory, yes? You can surely shut it away again? It is not
as easy as this. You have opened up the neural pathway and allowed the
memory to travel along it once again. The combination of the euphoric
recall makes you want to think about it some more, so you. The pathway
is used once again and becomes more polished, more accessible and
faster. The euphoria feels so good as well and now that you have allowed
that memory to reach the surface it brings with it others. You find
yourself looking again at our profile; another little look is okay, surely?
You locate some pictures of us together (you managed to delete the ones
you had) but now you decide to copy those pictures and open a folder.
The next day you have another look at them as the pathway becomes
wider and deeper and there is more recall. You fondly recall our time
together, reliving the golden period and the sensation of warmth grows as
you keep allowing that pathway to be used. The addiction is taking hold of
you and you hunt around on the Internet for more information about us.
You find our work website and there is a recent picture of us in our suit.
You admire how we look and remember how smart we looked when we
attended that wedding with you.
All of the work that you have invested in by removing us from your
life is becoming undone. It is like a breach in a dam. There is at first a
slight leak, then a trickle, then a stream, then a jet and a torrent until the
dam collapses. We know this is likely to happen and that is why we never
believe you truly escape us. We have left enough triggers lying around in
the hope that you nudge against one and this process starts.
You wonder what we are doing. You think you are over what
happened to you and sufficiently strong to resist our charm a second time.
Somehow the abuse does not seem as bad now and you prefer not to think
about it, as you are preoccupied with savouring the wonderful feelings
once again. As I have written above about salami slicing tactics, they
appear here as well. Little by little you are allowing yourself to move
closer and closer to us again until like a Venus flytrap we have captured
you again. At first it is all of your doing. We know it will happen but we
do not know that it is happening as you are the one that is opening all
those boxes again allowing the trapped memories to fly high and free once
more. It is addictive as you open more and more, allowing yourself to be
subjected to the power of euphoric recall until you make that mistake of
establishing contact with us or enabling us (often through a third party)
to know you have been thinking about us. This is all we need. Once we
know that we have been in your thoughts we come after you once again
and deploy our seductive wiles to ensnare you. We show you we have
changed and point to all the improvements we have made. It is all part of
the illusion and you end up falling for it yet again. The empathy in you
thinks that we deserve another chance and you convince yourself that the
supposed improvements we have made are indicative of the correctness of
your decision in allowing us back into your life. You have resurrected the
nightmare. We do not change. Ever.
49 Go Back
No matter how wonderful it feels to be in contact with us and you feel the
warmth of the golden period across your face.
We punished you, wounded you, baited and batted you, maimed you,
scarred you, terrified you and drove you to the edge of your sanity with
out disgusting behaviour. We have not a shred of remorse for what we did
to you. We will do it all again in our quest to secure fuel from you.
If we poured poison into a glass of water and labelled it as ‘Water from the
Fountain of Eternal Youth’, would you drink it? Now you would not. You
know that it is poison and that it will kill you despite the fancy label and
appealing words.
We are no different.
We are evil.
50 Give Up Hope
We are at our journey’s end. You should never give up hope when you are
entangled with the narcissist. I thought I would allow some others to
share their thoughts on the topic of hope.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness
Desmond Tutu
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
Robert H Schuller
Joseph Addison
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult
to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship
It is a good place when all you have is hope and not expectations.
Danny Boyle
Hopeful thinking can get you out of your fear zone and into your
appreciation zone
Martha Beck
You should hold onto hope. We prefer to rely on Dante Alighieri when it
comes to hope.
Also by HG Tudor
Narcissist: Seduction
Narcissist: Ensnared
Confessions of a Narcissist
Follow @narcissist_me