The most abundant tissue element forming the media of the aorta is:
a. cardiac muscle.
b. smooth muscle.
c. collagen.
d. elastin.
e. cartilage.
7. Mesothelium is:
a. simple squamous epithelial tissue.
b. stratified squamous epithelial tissue.
c. simple cuboidal epithelial tissue.
d. stratified cuboidal epithelial tissue.
e. simple columnar epithelial tissue
8. Endothelium is:
a. simple squamous epithelial tissue.
b. stratified squamous epithelial tissue.
c. simple cuboidal epithelial tissue.
d. stratified cuboidal epithelial tissue.
e. simple columnar epithelial tissue
13. Lymphoid tissue in the intestinal mucosa takes the form of:
a. tonsils.
b. lymph nodes.
c. crypts.
d. lymph nodules.
e. splenic cords.
17. The sino-atrial (SA) node, the atrio-ventricular (AV) node, and the
Purkinje fibers of the myocardium all consist of specialized:
a. endothelial cells.
b. fibroblasts.
c. nerve cells.
d. smooth muscle cells.
e. cardiac muscle cells.
19. Thick, collagenous rings located at the sites of origin of large vessels
and valves of the heart are referred to as:
a. the fibrous skeleton of the heart.
b. the sino-atrial nodes.
c. intercalated discs.
d. cusps of the valves.
e. none of the above
25. The junctions that are the basis for electrical conduction from one
cardiac muscle cell to another are:
a. desmosomes.
b. occluding junctions.
c. gap junctions.
d. adhering junctions.
35. Cells which mature in the thymus and then enter circulation are:
a. thymic corpuscles.
b. thymic nurse cells.
c. plasma cells.
d. T-lymphocytes.
e. epitheliocytes.