Seismic Parameters 01-JED-GEO-PR-16-039-02 Rev.1
Seismic Parameters 01-JED-GEO-PR-16-039-02 Rev.1
Seismic Parameters 01-JED-GEO-PR-16-039-02 Rev.1
occur inland at the foot of mountains, and gravel terraces are present in
most major wadis.
The coral matrix soils have been formed in the young geological past and
no noteworthy geological diagenesis surcharge or other densification or
solidification effect have taken place. The layers were formed by coralline
fragments deposits. In accordance to the ASTM classification, these
materials can be described as silty/clayey SAND/GRAVEL or poorly to well
graded SAND/GRAVEL with gravels, gravely SAND with silts and clayey
SAND and GRAVEL. Wadi SAND or GRAVEL beds are a common feature
encountered in all the area occurring as an overburden layer to the coral
deposits. Some of these soils were found mixed with coral debris. The
depth and extent of these layers varies widely both in vertical and horizontal
The seismic data for various locations in KSA as adopted by Saudi Aramco
vide their SAES-A-112, issue date July 22, 2013 indicate the following
provisional earthquake data as assigned to Thuwal Area.
Based upon the results of standard penetration test (SPT), the sub-soil at
site can be classified as Site Class “C”.