Troubleshooting of Eqa Outlier in Vitros
Troubleshooting of Eqa Outlier in Vitros
Troubleshooting of Eqa Outlier in Vitros
Interpretation of External Quality Assurance: How to and How Not to
Original Article
We followed a structured approach to the investiga- of 20 data points. The lab mean was 687 mg/dL and
tion based on the “Flow Chart for handling deviating the lab SD was 37 mg/dL, while the manufacturer’s
EQA results” developed by External quality Control for mean and SD limits were 620 and 55 mg/dL. It was
Assays and Tests (ECAT) Foundation in the Netherlands7 ensured that this positive deviation of the laboratory
(Table 1). Six important aspects of investigation included mean from the manufacturer’s mean was not contrib-
evaluation of transcriptional error, presurvey issues, uted by an imprecise calibration of IgG.
sample receipt/handling errors, test performance errors, • With respect to measurand calibration, the laboratory
data handling (by the EQA provider) errors, and errors had performed calibration 10 days prior EQA sample
in interpretation of EQA result. At the end of the inves- processing as per manufacturer’s recommendations.5
tigation, we ruled out all possible causes of an “outlier” According to the manufacturer, the calibration showed
except the “test performance error.” The following were a “Passed” status and was deemed to be successful.
the observations made with respect to “test performance”: • Taking into consideration the previous EQA results
• Internal quality control during the period of EQA for IgG, no statistically significant “outliers” were
sample processing was within the control limits reported except for the current one. Careful observa-
established by the laboratory, though the Level 1 IQC, tion of the EQA results showed that an acceptable
which was in measurement range of EQA result (Bio- performance was displayed with previous EQA
Rad Immunology plus IQC), was constantly reported samples with values falling on the lower and middle
on higher side of the laboratory mean but within 2 range of the analytical measurement range (AMR),
standard deviation (SD) limits. The laboratory mean while the present “outlier” fell on the higher side of
and SD limits were established as per the policy AMR for serum IgG. Hence, a high index of diagnos-
adopted by the division, which included minimum tic suspicion of a “proportionate systematic error”
was considered.8 One of the recommended quality Y-intercept should be 0. Y-intercept is considered as
practices to diagnose this error included calibration an indicator of constant systematic error that affects
verification.9 But till then, our laboratory had not the comparability of results constantly across the
adopted a practice of verification of calibration expect measuring interval.
for IQC check after measurand calibration. The observed slope was 1.109. The observed slope
• Calibration verification was performed using IgG was compared against the ideal slope (1.0). The criteria
calibrators as testing materials obtained from Ortho for acceptable performance were established as:
Clinical Diagnostics.9 These were a new set of similar Ideal slope ± TEa/100
calibrators that had been used for IgG calibration. Five Acceptable performance = 1.0 ± (8/100) = 0.92
calibrators of concentrations spanning the AMR were to 1.08.
selected as testing materials. The samples were run in • The observed slope showed a statistically significant
duplicates and the average of the observed values was positive deviation from the ideal slope suggesting a
compared against the assigned values (AVs) provided proportionate systematic error.8 Hence, we performed
by the manufacturer by using: a fresh calibration followed by calibration verification
• Difference plot to ensure that this error was eliminated.
A visual assessment of the data was done by using This case showed how an EQA can guide us toward
a difference plot which was created by comparing the continual improvement of quality practice in the form
observed difference (difference between the AV and of calibration verification.
the observed value) against the AV. The observed
difference (%bias) seemed to be significantly high. Case 2
This was followed by a statistical assessment of the It was March 20, 2017, when EQA picked up a statistically
difference plot which was done by comparing the significant “outlier” of serum CK-MB activity. External
observed bias against the allowable bias as per desir- quality assurance (Bio-Rad Cardiac markers) reported
able biological variation (BV) specifications.9,10 The CK-MB activity “outlier” in two equipments (Vitros
observed %bias (8.79%) was greater than the allowable 5600-1 and Vitros 5600-2) by CK-MB immunoinhibition
bias (4.3%) (Graph 1A). method11 with a Z-score of –3.85 and –3.92 in both the
• Linear regression plot equipments.
A linear regression graph was plotted to find out Our laboratory did a structured root cause analysis
the slope (Graph 1B), wherein slope describes the for these outliers (Table 1). Based on the findings of
angle of the line that provides the best fit to the test the investigation, we zeroed in the possibility of a data
and the comparative results, the ideal slope being 1.0. handling error by the EQA provider.7 The laboratory
Slope is considered as an indicator for proportionate advocated possibilities of three types of errors with
systematic error, wherein the magnitude of error respect to handling of data by the EQA provider, which
increases as the concentrations get higher. included:
Y-intercept describes the point where the line • Inappropriate statistical procedure used by EQA
of best fit intersects with the Y-axis. Ideally, the provider for evaluation of dataset.
Graphs 1A and B: (A) Difference plot—IgG; (B) linear regression plot—IgG
Graphs 2A and B: (A) Difference plot—CKMB; (B) linear regression plot—CKMB
were not satisfied with the comparison, since we observed in comparison not against a reference method but with
a gross deviation of our value (95 µg/dL) from the AV of other participating laboratories. Hence, it is the need of
EQA (63.9 µg/dL) (Table 2). the hour for the laboratory medicine specialists to under-
The observed %bias between our value and AV of stand the pros and cons of EQA and learn to interpret and
EQA (48.7%) was significantly greater than the allowable troubleshoot EQA.
%bias (3.6%) as per desirable BV specifications.10 But in
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