Self-Regulation and Motivation
Self-Regulation and Motivation
Self-Regulation and Motivation
Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education, Okene, Kogi State. Mobile:
+2348032613746. E-mail:
Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education, Okene, Kogi State. Mobile:
+2349066188082 or +2348064944429. E-mail:
The purpose of this study was to determine whether self-regulatory strategies and extrinsic motivation can
predict effective learning of statistics among undergraduate students. The study adopted descriptive
correlational design. The study population consisted of all the second year undergraduate students in five
departments of FCE, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria: an affiliate of University of Ibadan, offering Statistics in
Education. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the sample size of 200 across the five
departments. One research instrument consisted of students’ self-regulatory strategies (SSRS) and
students’ extrinsic motivation (SEM); and one constructed academic performance proforma were used for
the study. The reliability was obtained through crombach alpha coefficients of 0.85 and 0.78 respectively.
Data collected was analyzed using Pearson Correlation analysis. The study’s results showed that self-
regulatory strategies and extrinsic motivation have the ability to improve students’ academic performance
and predicted more to academic performance of student in statistics.
Education is seen by the Federal Republic of Nigeria in her Education Policy as an instrument par
excellence in affecting national development of the country. According to Lawer, Isaac, Seth and Nashiru
(2016), education is the second item on the Millennium Development Goals and a key priority of every
government, and the most important investment a country can make in its people for better development.
Through education activities offered in schools, the students are expected to acquire technical and
vocational skills that are necessary for economic development. Also, the school, through its teachers is
required to develop and promote a desire in the students for self-improvement, self-reliance, self-esteem
e.t.c. These could be achieved by the teachers by exposing the students to self-regulation and
metacognitive process of learning.
Self-regulation is refers to one’s ability to understand and control one’s learning environment. Self-
regulation abilities include goal setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, and self-reinforcement (Dignath
and Buttner, 2018). Self-regulation should not be confused with a mental ability or an academic
performance skill. Instead, self-regulation is a self-directive process and set of behaviors whereby learners
transform their mental abilities into skills and habits through a developmental process that emerges from
guided practice and feedback (Msayar and Akhmal, 2016).
It is the feelings, thoughts and behaviors that an individual develops on his or her own so as to achieve the
objective set by him or her. Dignath and Buttner (2018) opined it as the processes by which people regulate
their thoughts, emotions, attention, behaviour and impulses. People generate thoughts, feelings and actions
and adapt those to the attainment of personal goals. Therefore, it is a process managed by the individual in
transforming his or her mental abilities into academic skills. According to Pajares (2008), self- regulation is
a metacognitive process where students understand and evaluate how they behave as well as plan
alternative routes to success; and Dignath and Buttner (2018), stressed that, self-regulation is to produce
thoughts and emotions which are necessary for learning and motivation of an individual, to plan his or her
behaviors based on these thoughts and emotions and to achieve them gradually. It can be stated that the
individuals with self-regulation skills are aware of their responsibilities, active and constructive in the
learning process and can regulate their objectives, easily get their act together, rivet their attention and
maintain their attention span.
Self-regulatory is significant because the purpose of education is to enhance lifelong learning skills. After
graduating from high school or university, young adults can learn very important abilities through
unofficial ways (Zimmerman, 2008). Self-regulatory includes strategic performance adjusting processes
and self-monitoring (Zimmerman, 2010).
Behavioural self-regulation involves self-observing and strategically adjusting performance processes, such
as one’s method of learning (Msayar and Akhmal, 2016). Individuals regulate their own functioning in
order to achieve goals or change how they are thinking. The self-regulation of cognition and behaviour are
important aspects of learning and the extent to which school students become self-regulators of their own
learning influences their academic success (Zimmerman, 2008; Zimmerman and Schunk, 2011).
Furthermore, Msayar and Akhmal, (2016) have suggested a four stage process. In the first stage, learners
acquire self-regulatory skills and strategies most rapidly from social sources such as observing the
processes being modelled, verbal descriptions and social guidance, and feedback. An imitative level of self-
regulatory competence is reached when the learner’s performance emulates that of the observed model. The
internalization of the strategy is the next stage and is apparent through the ability of the learner to use the
strategy independently. Someone’s actions and mental processes depend on one’s beliefs and motives.
According to Soleymani and Rekabdar (2016), life in today’s modern and complicated world requires
creative thoughts and dynamic ideas. They further observed that learning Mathematics effectively can help
it to form and grow well and that studying the effective parameters in learning Mathematics has been
attractive to many scientists in the field of education during recent decades. Several researches have been
carried out (Bartels and Magun-Jackson, 2009) and the results pointed to the fact that understanding
Mathematics, statistics and other related calculative subjects not only depends on cognitive structures, but
also on motivational and emotional factors such as belief, attitudes and anxiety. Self-regulation is related to
intrinsic motivation in many ways as it concerns with its strategies and outcomes such as self-concept, self-
reliance, self-esteem etc
Self-regulatory strategies consist of a combination of different methods, aimed at letting the students take
control of their own learning process by thinking about what, and how to learn, for example, by self-
assessing, becoming aware of intended learning outcomes, conducting metacognitive reflections, and
monitoring the learning process (Sautelle, Bowles, Hattie, and Arifin, 2015).
Ramdass and Zimmerman (2011) identified specifically, three components of self-regulation: cognition,
metacognition, and motivation. The cognition component includes the skills and habits that are necessary
to encode, memorize, and recall information as well as think critically. Within the metacognition
component are skills that enable learners to understand and monitor their cognitive processes. The
motivation component surfaces the beliefs and attitudes that affect the use and development of both the
cognitive and metacognitive skills. They added that metacognition is sub-divided into three components as
metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive experience, and metacognitive strategies.
Dignath and Buttner (2018) explicitly points out the role of motivation as essential factor in self-regulation
strategies, claiming that without motivation to achieve a valuable outcome, self-regulation is impossible,
and according to Rieser, Naumann, Decristan, Fauth, Klieme, and Buttner, (2016), more motivated students
tend to use self-regulation strategies to greater extents than less motivated students. Effectively, self-
regulation strategy is based on a number of different strategies, such as metacognitive thinking, self-
assessing, self-monitoring the learning process, and the understanding of intended learning outcomes, to
make the learner steer emotionally, cognitively and motivationally towards achieving a goal (Sautelle et al.,
2015). Msayar and Akhmal, (2016) connect motivation, self-regulation and emotions as codependent and
equally cognitively necessary, in learning of statistics.
Motivation is a dynamic and temporary situation which should be separated from personality or emotion.
Motivation is desire and interest to do something. According to Kulwinder (2011):
One of the most important factors that lead one to their goals is the drive. This drive is known as
motivation. It is a zest and determination with a kind of excitement that leads one to persevere to
reach greater heights, in no matter what avenue of their life; be it – personal or professional. The
drive may come from an internal or external source. The individual determines this. The factors
that motivate an individual keep changing as one climbs the ladder of age and maturity. And also,
achievement of one goal sets the ball rolling for another one to be achieved. Thus, to be motivated
is a constant need. There are times when one faces a period of de-motivation and everything seems
bleak. It is then that they need to find what would motivate them back into action.
Intrinsic Motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and
exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. Intrinsic motivation has been
studied by social and educational psychologists since the early 1970s. Research has found that it is usually
associated with high educational achievement and an out-put of effective self-regulatory strategies of the
students. That is why Kulwinder, (2011) referred self-regulation strategies as an intrinsic motivation.
According to Noels (2001), there are three subcategories of intrinsic motivation: Firstly, intrinsic
knowledge, or feeling of satisfaction of gaining knowledge. Secondly, intrinsic accomplishment, or feeling
of fulfillment by achieving something. And third, intrinsic stimulation, or doing something because it is
enjoyable. Msayar and Akhmal, (2016) have found that students’ intrinsic motivation for doing school
work is derived from a mix of reasons, such as interest, level of fun, and enjoyment. Finally, according to
Ortega (2009), due to the inherent and subconscious nature of intrinsic motivation, high levels of learner
autonomy are a prerequisite for achieving high levels of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a
source that is central to the nature of the organism. Intrinsic motivation depends on the innate need for
competence and self-determination. It provides the fuel for various behaviors and psychological processes.
Intrinsic needs are different from primary drives because they are not based in tissue deficits and they do
not function cyclically. However, both of them are innate and provide an energy source for behavior.
In addition, intrinsic motivation can increase or decrease the intensity of drives and also influence the way
one satisfies his/her drives (Kulwinder, 2011).
Introjected regulation refers to an internalized external regulation but which is not truly accepted as
one’s own. It is some form of partially internalized extrinsic motivation. It is a type of internalized
regulation that is very controlling. Introjection-based behaviors are performed in order to avoid
guilt or to produce ego enhancements and feelings of worthiness. This type of regulation depends on
contingent self-esteem.
During the third step, identified regulation, a person might be motivated to do something not for the value
in itself, but for another purpose, such as learning to drive better in order to help someone else. In the last
step, the extrinsic motivational factors become completely embraced by the self, and a person does
something, neither for the rewards nor enjoyment, but rather, for the inherent and acknowledged value of
doing it, and although not intrinsic motivation in itself, it resembles it.
There is a significant relationship between motivation and self-regulation and academic achievement
(Mahmoodi, Kalantarib and Ghaslanic, 2014). Past literatures have reviewed on it as thus: that motivational
control and the process of regulation lead to positive conditioned results on academic performance
(Schunk, 2005). Self-regulation learning is related to motivation (Schunk and Ertmer, 2010; Pintrich, 2010;
Zimmerman, 2010). Self-regulation increases learning and maintains motivation (Schunk and Ertmer,
2010). Ekhlas and Shangarffam (2013) found correlations between academic self-regulated strategies and
reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language experience. Though, Heikkilä and Lonka (2006)
detected a low positive relationship between academic average and self-regulated learning. Msayar and
Akhmal, (2016) determined that self- regulated learning and motivation had positive effects on academic
Academic achievement or performance is the extent at which a student, teacher or institution has achieved
their long-term educational goals. Cumulative GP and completion of educational benchmarks such as
secondary schools, diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement. It is commonly
measured through examinations or continuous assessments.
Academic achievement of students is attained in higher education through effective learning, and learning
is the process of acquiring new knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, attitudes and preferences. It is
obtainable in statistics.
Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and
presentation of data. It deals with every aspect of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of
the design of surveys and experimental. For example, when census data cannot be collected, statisticians
collect data by developing specific designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that
inferences and conclusions can reasonably extend from sample to the population as a whole. It is a crucial
process behind how we make discoveries in science, make decisions based on data, as well as predictions.
It is also a field of study that paves way for the comprehension of other subjects or courses much more
deeply. It keeps us informed about, what is happening in the world around us especially these days the
world cannot live without information and much of these information are determined mathematically by
statistical help. Therefore, it means that to be informed, corrected data and statistical concept are necessary.
Despite all the emphasis laid on Statistics, performances in the subject have remained consistently low
among undergraduate students of Nigeria higher institutions. Its teaching and learning has become illusive,
where majority of the students have been entertaining fear over the learning of the subject as it might be
associated with lack of motivation and self-regulatory strategies. This causes tremendous consequences on
the students’ understanding, learning and performance.
This therefore, instigated the researchers to investigate on self-regulatory strategies and extrinsic
motivation as factors that can predict learning of statistics among undergraduate students of Federal
College of Education, Okene, Kogi state, an affiliate of University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
However, several studies have been carried out on the relationships or effects of various psychological and
social variables such as emotional intelligence, self-esteem, learner autonomy, achievement motivation,
among others on students’ academic performance. The results of these studies varies from one person to the
other, yet some gaps still exist in the area of the possible strategies of self-regulation on learning of
Statistics among undergraduate students in Nigeria.
The main purpose of the study is to investigate on if self-regulatory strategies and extrinsic motivations are
predicting variables to learning of statistics among undergraduate students of Federal College of Education,
Okene, Kogi state, an affiliate of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. It will also investigate on the extent and
direction of the relationship as well as the combined and relative predictive impact of self-regulation and
motivation on students’ academic performance in statistics?
Research Questions
1. To what extent do the following four self-regulatory strategies correlate with learning of statistics, (self-
assessment, knowledge of intended learning outcomes, setting and achieving goals, and self-monitoring)?
2. To what extent does the level of extrinsic motivation correlate with learning of statistics?
3. What is the combined and relative predictive impact of self-regulation and motivation on students’
academic performance in statistics?
This study adopted Descriptive Correlational research design with the aim of investigating on if self-
regulatory strategies and extrinsic motivation are predicting variables to effective learning of statistics
among undergraduate students. The populations of the study consisted of all the second year undergraduate
students of Federal College of Education, Okene, Kogi state in five departments, an affiliate of University
of Ibadan, Nigeria, who took statistics course in education. Simple random sampling technique was
adopted to select participants for the study. Out of 5 departments, 40 students were selected from each of
the department, making the total participants to be 200 students. One research instrument and one
constructed academic performance proforma was use for the study. The research instrument used consisted
of two sections: the first section consist of student self-regulatory strategies (SSRS) which is made up of
four other sub-sections that measured student’s self-assessment, knowledge of intended learning outcomes,
setting and achieving goals, and self-monitoring; the second section includes indicators of student’s
extrinsic motivation(SEM) as it relates to learning of statistics. The first section of the instrument is made
up of 20 items scale, while the second section is 10 items scale. The validity of the instruments was
obtained through experts in test and measurements and the reliability using Crombach alpha with
coefficients of 0.85 and 0.78 respectively. The academic performance proforma was use to collect the
result of student in their last semester examination 2018/2019 academic session in statistic. Data collected
was analyzed using Pearson Correlation analysis. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
software (version 23.0, Inc., Chicago, Illiois). statistical significance was determined as p<0.5.
Table 1: The extent the following four self-regulation strategies do correlate with learning of
statistics, (self-assessment, knowledge of intended learning outcomes, setting and achieving goals,
and self-monitoring).
Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviation of students responds to the four self-regulatory strategies.
Self-monitoring has the highest mean value of 15.20 with SD value of 5.00, setting and achieving goals has
the mean value of 14.75 and SD value of 5.00, while knowledge of intended learning outcomes and self-
assessment has the means values of 13.82 and 10.70, and SD values of 6.66 and 5.32 respectively.
Table 2: Correlation matrix of the four Self-Regulatory Strategies and Academic Performance of
student in Statistics
In order to find the extent which, the four self-regulation strategies correlate with learning of statistics,
Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated. The results gained via this analysis are shown in Table 2.
These results show that there is a positive and significant Correlation between all research variables, at 0.01
level, and indicate that the group is coherent. Academic performance and Knowledge of Intended Learning
Outcomes are related the most (r = .698, p < 0.01), while Self-Monitoring and Setting and Achieving Goals
collate with Academic Performance in Statistics at (r = .660, p < 0.01) and (r = .524, p < 0.01) respectively.
Out of the four self-regulation strategies, self-assessment is the least connected to academic performance (r
= .425, p < 0.01). Based on the results of this analysis, the four self-regulation strategies collocate positive
and significant with the academic performance of student in statistic. This implies that as the four self-
regulation strategies increases the academic performance of student in statistic also increases.
Table 3: Extent of the level of extrinsic motivation does correlate with learning of statistics.
Pearson Correlation showing the Relationship between extrinsic motivation and Academic
Performance of Students in statistics
In order to test for the relationship among the two variables, correlation analysis was carried out to
determine such relationship using Pearson Correlation presented in table 3 and showed that
there was a strong positive relationship between extrinsic motivation and Academic Performance of
Students in statistics (r=0.833, p< 0.5). This showed that both Extrinsic motivation and Academic
performance of students in statistics were tending towards the same direction. As extrinsic motivation was
increasing positively, also academic performance of the student follows the same pattern of increase.
Table 4: The combined and relative predictive impact of self-regulation and motivation on students’
academic performance in statistics?
Regression analysis
Model β t-value Significance Model R square
self-regulation .708 .540 .000 .56
Extrinsic Motivation .322 .496 .000
In order to test for combined and relative predictive impact of self-regulation and motivation on students’
academic performance in statistics, Multiple Regression analysis was carried out to determine such
relationship as presented in table 4 which indicated that the independent variables when combined together
had significant effect on the academic performance of the respondents. The value of R 2 is 0.56. The
implication of this finding was that the combined influence of the two independent variables accounted for
56% of the total variance in academic performance. This percentage also implied that there were other
factors not included in this study that can also influence academic performance.
However, each of the independent variables made a significant contribution to the prediction of academic
performance. Considering the extent of their contribution, self-regulation made the most significant
contribution (Beta=0.708, t= 5.40, p<0.05) to the prediction. Extrinsic Motivation made positive significant
contribution (Beta =0.322, t = 4.96, p<0.05) to the prediction.
This research investigated the Self-regulatory strategies and extrinsic motivation as predictors of effective
learning of statistics among undergraduate students. According to result from this study the four self-
regulation strategies; self-assessment, knowledge of intended learning outcomes, setting and achieving
goals, and self-monitoring correlates highly and positively with the academic performance of students in
statistics. This shows that self-regulation strategies are important aspects of learning statistics among
students and that the extent to which school students become self-regulators of their own learning
influences their academic success and increases learning. This agrees with the findings of Mahmoodi,
Kalantarib and Ghaslanic, 2014 in their study found out that there is a significant relationship between self-
regulation and academic achievement. Though, Heikkilä and Lonka (2006) detected a low positive
relationship between academic average and self-regulated learning.
The correlation coefficient (r=0.833, p< 0.5) as presented in table 3 showed that there was a strong positive
relationship between extrinsic motivation and Academic Performance of Students in statistics. This shows
that the more students are motivated the more they perform better in their academic work. That is the
higher their motivation the higher their academic performance. This finding agreed with that of Msayar and
Akhmal, (2016) determined that self- regulated learning and motivation had positive effects on academic
The regression analysis indicated that the independent variables when combined together had significant
effect on the academic performance of the respondents. The value of R square is 0.56. The implication of
this finding was that the combined influence of the two independent variables accounted for 56% of the
total variance in academic performance. Each of the independent variables made a significant contribution
to the prediction of academic performance. Considering the extent of their contribution, self-regulation
made the most significant contribution (Beta=0.708, t=5.40, p<0.05) to the prediction. Extrinsic Motivation
made positive significant contribution (Beta=0.322, t=4.96, p<0.05) to the prediction. This shows that self-
regulation and extrinsic motivation had the capacity of predicting academic performance. This finding was
in line with (Schunk and Ertmer, 2010), who determined that self- regulation and motivation had positive
effects on academic achievement. Ekhlas and Shangarffam (2013) also found correlations between
academic self-regulated strategies and reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language experience.
Base on the finding of this study, the following conclusions were arrived at; self-regulatory strategies (self-
assessment, knowledge of intended learning outcomes, setting and achieving goals, and self-monitoring)
has the ability to improve students’ academic performance and predicted more to academic performance of
student in statistics.
Extrinsic motivation has a positive contribution to the improvement of academic performance of students
in statistics. That is, students when motivated can perform better in their academic pursuit.
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