BBIA Landside Infrastructure Final Design Report
BBIA Landside Infrastructure Final Design Report
BBIA Landside Infrastructure Final Design Report
August, 2012
2.1 General 7
2.2 Source 7
2.5.1 General 9
2.6.1 General 16
3.1 General 18
5.1 General 23
6.1 General 27
6.2.4 Intersections 32
6. 3 Leveling / Grading 33
6. 4 Pavement Design 34
The New Benazir Bhutto International Airport, Islamabad (NBBIA), being built
by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Pakistan, is a green-field airport located
at Pind Ranjha near Fateh Jang. A Master Plan for NBBIA was prepared by
the Louis Berger Group (LBG) for CAA in 2006. The Master Plan Report forms
the basis for further detailed studies by ADPI-NESPAK for the landside and
airside infrastructure development of NBBIA (for the extent of Landside and
Airside areas, refer Appendix 1). Utility requirements of the Passenger
Terminal Building have been provided by CPG Corporation, the design
consultants for the Terminal Building.
This document presents the final design for Landside Infrastructure and covers
the following components:
The interfacing between the Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) and the Road
Network as well as the Car Park has been revised as per design of the PTB
being undertaken by CPG and Departure Level Bridge.
2.1 General
The water supply system comprises Water Works and Potable Water
Distribution System. Raw water from Shahpur Dam shall be stored and treated
at the Water Works. The treated (potable) water shall then be supplied to:
(1) M&E Out-House and Passenger Terminal Building (PTB) through two
separate pipelines;
(2) Airport’s allied facilities, residential and commercial areas through water
tower and/or direct pumping.
In the initial development phase when the water demand shall be low, water
shall be supplied to airport allied facilities, residential & commercial areas
through water tower. Later on when the water demand shall rise, the water
shall be made through direct pumping as well. At that stage, the water tower
shall act as balancing tank.
2.2 Source
The supply of raw water from Shahpur Dam up to the Airport site is not in the
scope of NESPAK’s design assignment and is being carried out for CAA by
The direct water supply (untreated) from Shahpur dam shall be treated at the
Water Works before it is supplied to the NBBIA water distribution network, PTB
and Outhouse. Data regarding the quality of raw water, provided by CAA,
shows that all water quality parameters fall within the acceptable World Health
Organization (WHO) water quality standards, except for the turbidity &
suspended solids. The turbidity and suspended solid contents are slightly
higher which may be due to the presence of organic matter in the raw water. To
meet the WHO water quality standards, it is necessary to treat the water before
supplying to consumers through primary settlement in raw water reservoirs and
rapid sand filtration with post chlorination.
The water requirement estimated for the PTB for various planning horizons is
as follows:
Source: CPG – Ref. CPG airport /D543.23/LBG/029, dated June 17, 2008.
The water requirements for the PTB were estimated by M/s. CPG on the basis
of the passenger through put advised to CPG by CAA. The above estimate was
confirmed by CPG vide their letter no. CPG airport/D543.23/LBG/029 dated
June 17, 2008 (Copy attached in Appendix-2).
The water requirement estimated for airport’s allied facilities, residential &
commercial areas for various planning horizons as indicated in the NBBIA
Master Plan Report is as follows:
Anticipated Average Daily
Planning Average Demand Water
Development Water Requirement
Horizon Requirement
(Hectares) (Cu.m/hectare/day) (Cu.m) (Cu.m/day) (MGD)
2020-21 263.8 35 3,370,338 9,233 2.03
2030-31 396.6 35 5,067,528 13,884 3.05
2035-36 486.0 35 6,208,650 17,010 3.74
Table 2-2: Water Requirement (Airport Allied Facilities, Residential& Commercial Areas)
Source: Section ‘Requirement of Potable Water for Non Fire Fighting Purposes’, Master Plan
Report - by LBG.
The total water requirement for Passenger Terminal Building and airport’s allied
facilities, residential & commercial areas is as under:
2. 5. 1 Ge ne ra l
An area of about 4 hectares has been allocated for the NBBIA Water Works.
The Water Works include water storage, treatment and pumping facilities.
In order to oxidize the organic matter, the Raw Water shall initially be treated
with high dose of chlorine solution. For this purpose, a Chlorination Room with
necessary equipment has been designed. Chlorination solution shall be
prepared and injected in the Raw Water Main. The chlorinated water shall then
be supplied to the Raw Water Storage Tanks. The raw water from these
storage tanks shall be treated in Rapid Sand Filter units for removal of organic/
suspended particles present in the water. The filtered water shall be collected
and stored in the Potable/ Treated Water Tanks. These tanks have been inter-
connected with the sump of Potable Water Pump House. Potable water shall
be pumped through one set of treated water tanks/ pump house to distribution
network and through separate set of treated water tanks/ pump house to
Outhouse and PTB.
Chlorination Room
Raw Water Storage Tanks
Rapid Sand Filter Units
Treated/ Potable Water Storage Tanks
Potable Water Pump Houses
Water Tower
Fire Water Storage Tank And Pumps
Ancillary Facilities:
- Guard Room
- Office Building
- Operation Room
- Generator Rooms
The general arrangement and piping layout of the water works is shown in
Dwg. No. WSC-01 and WSC-02, respectively (attached in Appendix-2)..
2. 5. 2 Wa te r Wo rk s Co mp on en ts
The raw water after chlorination shall be stored in the raw water storage tanks.
The raw water storage tanks shall also act as sedimentation tanks for
settleable solids only (Suspended solids shall be removed in the rapid sand
filter units). The raw water from these storage/ sedimentation tanks shall be
supplied to filter units by gravity.
The tanks have total capacity of one day water requirement. Therefore, four
tanks (each of 1.5 MG) shall provide 6.0 MG total storage capacity. Each tank
has three compartments of 0.5 MG capacity. Out of the four tanks, two tanks of
1.5 MG are proposed to be constructed in the initial stage. The other two will be
constructed in the future.
The raw water storage tanks configuration and details are shown in Drawing
No. WSC-04, WSC-05 and WSC-06 (attached in Appendix-2)..
The raw tanks are covered RCC structures, constructed one meter below the
ground surface. The level of these tanks has been fixed in such a manner that
filter units will be operated by differential head between maximum/ minimum
water levels in the raw water storage tanks and the filter units.
The raw water from the storage tanks shall be supplied to the filter units to
remove turbidity/ suspended solids. Two batteries of filter units (one for initial
and second for future) each of 3 MGD capacity have been designed. Each
battery has 7 filter beds of 0.55 MGD capacity. Out of 7 filter beds one shall act
as standby during the backwashing process of any of the other filter beds in
The filter units shall be operated by head available in the raw water storage/
sedimentation tanks. The treated water from the filter plant shall be stored in
the potable water storage tanks. The water level in the potable water storage
tanks has been designed to be such that the water from the filter beds will
reach by gravity and no pumping will be required.
Back wash system has also been provided which is based on constant head
regulation. Water for back washing shall be supplied from water tower. Air
scouring system has also been provided to improve the efficiency of back
washing system.
The configuration and details of Rapid Sand Filter units is shown in Drawing
No. WSC-07 and WSC-08, respectively (attached in Appendix-2).
Treated water from the filter units shall be stored in the potable water storage
tanks. Same configuration as raw water storage tanks is proposed. Similarly,
two tanks of 1.5 MG capacity are planned initially and two of same 1.5 MG
capacities are proposed to be constructed in future. In the present development
one potable water tank will be used for PTB and Outhouse and the other will be
used for supplying potable water to external development network. The tanks
configuration and details are shown in Drawing. No. WSC-09, WSC-10 and
WSC-11, respectively (attached in Appendix-2).
The bottom level of the potable water tank is designed in such a way that the
water from these tanks to potable water pumps station reaches by gravity.
The design of hydraulic grade line passing across the raw water storage tanks,
filter units and potable water storage tanks is so adjusted that the whole
process will operate on gravity and therefore, no pumping is required. The
hydraulic grade line is shown in Fig. No. 1.
Potable water from the Pump House shall be supplied to the PTB & Outhouse
and to Water Tower/ water distribution network. Two separate Pump Houses
have been designed, one for PTB and Outhouse and the other for Water
Tower/ distribution network. The pumping capacity has been based on daily
water requirement. The supply duration shall be about 12 hours and 16 hours a
day for Outhouse and Water Tower/ distribution network respectively.
The pumping capacity and sequence of pumping has been based on daily
water requirements for both the areas. For distribution network, 6 pumps each
of 1000 gpm, four on duty and two standby, have been designed.
Water to PTB will be supplied through dedicated pumps. Also water (HVAC,
fire, irrigation) to Outhouse will be supplied through separate set of pumps
installed inside the same pump room but through separate and dedicated
pipelines. The pumping capacity for PTB and Outhouse have been designed by
CPG and communicated to NESPAK through e-mail dated March 24, 2009
(Copy attached in Appendix-2). Therefore, 3 pumps each of 42.5 lit/sec, two on
duty and one standby have been provided for PTB; and 3 pumps each of 17.5
lit/sec, two on duty and one standby, have been provided for Outhouse.
The water will be chlorinated before pumping to the distribution network, PTB
and Outhouse through cylinder mounted gas chlorinators provided in the
Chlorination Rooms of Pump Houses. The chlorine dose shall be determined at
the time of operation, depending upon the pollution load in the raw water and
the quality of water obtained after rapid sand filtration. However, keeping in
view the quality of water from the source, dosing of chlorine is expected to be
around 1–2 ppm so that the residual chlorine does not exceed the permissible
limit as specified by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Generally the
dosage is adjusted to keep the level of chlorine at the consumer end to be
around 0.2 ppm
The layout of pump room, location of gas chlorinators, and pumps arrangement
for residential and commercial areas is shown in Drawing No. WSC-12 (Res. &
Comm.), WSC-13 (Res. & Comm.) and WSC-14 (Res. & Comm.) whereas, for
PTB and Outhouse in Drawing No. WSC-12 (PTB & OH), WSC-13 (PTB & OH)
and WSC-14 (PTB & OH) (attached in Appendix-2).
Initially, when water demand shall be low, water to distribution network shall be
supplied through water tower, however, later on when water demand increases
with the development of airport, water shall be supplied by direct pumping,
though, the water tower is also connected with the distribution network. At that
stage, the water tower shall act as balancing Tank, which means that in case of
low water demand, water shall be supplied from the water tower, and however,
when the water level in the water tower reaches to its designated level, the
pumps shall start and will supply water to distribution network and to water
tower as well. When the water demand will be reduced or at no demand, water
will go to its maximum water level in the water tower, as a consequence the
pumps shall stop operating. The capacity of the water tower is 125,000 gallons,
which is equal to about one hour of average water daily demand.
The layout and piping details of water tower are illustrated in Drawing No.
WSC-15 and WSC-16 (attached in Appendix-2).
A pressurized fire water distribution network has been designed keeping the
operating pressure requirement as per NFPA into consideration. The system
shall operate through fire water pumps. The pumps will come into operation
with a drop-in pressure in the header upon opening of fire hydrant valve at any
location in the distribution network. Jockey pump will come into operation prior
to main pumps upon sight pressure drop in the network due to minor leakages
in the system.
The fire water storage tank will be filled directly from the raw water storage
tanks through gravity main. The fire water storage tank capacity is about
240,000 US gallons based on four hours fire fighting at the rate of 1000 US
The layout of fire water pump room and storage tank is shown in Drawing No.
FWC-01 and FWC-02 (attached in Appendix-3).
2. 6. 1 Ge ne ra l
Potable water to all the airport facilities shall be supplied from water works.
However, potable water from water works shall be supplied to outhouse and
PTB by two separate pipelines.
2. 6. 2 Po ta ble Wa te r Di st ri bu ti on Ne tw or k
A net work of pipelines will be laid in the right of way of roads as shown on the
water supply layout plan in Drawing. No. WSC-17 (attached in Appendix-2).
The material of potable water supply pipes is GRP ranging from 75 mm to 600
mm diameter depending on the flow requirement.
The sizes of service connections have been based on type of building and
number of consumers. The pipe for services connection shall be high density
The layout of water supply network and miscellaneous details are shown in
Drawing No. WSC-17 to WSC-22 (attached in Appendix-2).
3.1 General
Fire fighting system for PTB and Airport landside facilities has been provided
separately. Fire fighting system and arrangement for PTB shall be operated
from outhouse and designed by CPG, the Consultant of PTB. However, the
external fire fighting system of landside and airside has been designed by
The landside fire fighting system shall be operated from the water works
whereas the airside emergency including emergency landing, air crash and
rescue operation shall be dealt from FCR.
The fire fighting system comprises of underground/ stand post fire hydrants
located in the roads right of way all around the airport area and inside specific
areas such as water works, sewage treatment plant, power plant etc.
Considering the importance of the fire fighting system the hydrants have been
located at a maximum distance of 90 m and at closer distance wherever
The hydrants have been connected to a network of fire fighting pipelines laid in
the service corridor and shall supply water under high pressure through fire
fighting pumps receiving water from underground fire water storage tank
located inside the water works area (Refer Drawing No. FWC-03 to FWC-08;
attached in Appendix-3.).
The fire fighting pipe diameters range from 200 mm to 300 mm depending on
the flow in pipe within the looped system.
Gate valves have been installed on the fire water pipe lines for assuring a
minimum closure of the network during repair and also at intersections between
pipes in the network to facilitate operation and maintenance.
Fire water system will remain under constant static pressure of 11 bars through
booster (jockey) pump installed on line. Two fire pumps shall be duty and one
shall be standby each of 500 US gpm capacity and 10 bars head. Jockey pump
shall start at a drop in pressure to 10 bars and stop at 11 bars in case of minor
leakage only and the hydro pneumatic tank will maintain pressure between 11
bars for sufficiently longer time in order to avoid frequent start/ stop of the
jockey pump/ main pumps. In case of operation of a fire hydrant the first fire
water duty pump shall start automatically at a drop in pressure to 9 bars. In
case of further drop in pressure due to operation of another fire hydrant the
second duty pump will start automatically at 8 bars. If both or one of the duty
pumps fail to start, the standby pump shall automatically come into operation at
7.5 bars. If the standby pump also fails to start an audio alarm shall be
sounded. Fire pumps shall stop manually after suppression of fire or by dry
running protection in fire water underground tank through a level switch.
The fire water network layout is shown in Drawing No. FWC-03 to FWC-08
(attached in Appendix-3).
The wastewater (Sewage) generated from the PTB and other airport areas
shall be collected through a pipe network laid in the road’s service corridor and
other designated location.
Wastewater from the North West area of airport site will be collected separately
into the sewage lift station. The effluent from this lift station will be discharged
into a manhole in the wastewater network through pumping. The sewage from
this manhole will be discharged by gravity to the sewage lift station No. 2 and
finally be transported to sewage treatment plant for necessary treatment.
The sewage from the southern land side area shall also be collected by gravity
and transported up to the sewage treatment plant. The treated sewage shall be
pumped upto the treated water storage tank located in the northern land side
area. The treated sewage shall than be supplied through pumping and other
means into the irrigation network.
Aircraft liquid waste (blue water) shall be disposed off into two equalization
tanks, located near the northwest and southeast aprons. The location of these
tanks near the apron instead of being adjacent to the sewage treatment plant is
proposed in order to avoid transport of the aircraft liquid waste containers to the
sewage treatment plant which is located on the extreme southeast corner of
the site and across the runway system. From the equalization tanks the waste
shall be disposed off into the sanitary sewerage of the airport which further
flows to the sewage treatment plant.
The water requirement for various use has been explained in water supply
system. The wastewater quality will depend on the consumption and type of
use. Normally the wastewater quantity ranges from 75 to 90% of the water
demand. Based on this criterion about 85% of the water supply will be
generated into wastewater as follows:
Table 4-2: Wastewater (Sewage) Airport allied Facilities, Residential and Commercial Areas
Excluding PTB
Following design parameters shall be adopted for the design of pipe network.
Wastewater (sewage) network shall be designed based on peak flow. The peak
flow shall be three times the daily average wastewater generated.
5.1 General
The quantity of wastewater expected to be generated from the PTB and airport
facility will be about 1.5 MGD initially and 4.5 MGD ultimately.
The line diagram and tentative layout plan of wastewater (sewage) treatment
plant is shown in Drawing No. STP-01 and STP-02 (attached in Appendix-5)
The quality of the wastewater generated from the PTB and airport facilities will
be sanitary sewage in nature. The expected characteristic of this wastewater
for Medium to High Strength Waste Water (according to Classification of
Effluent in ‘Waste Water Engineering, Treatment and Re-use’ by Metcalf and
Eddy, 4 th Edition) will be as follows:
SS 400 to 800 mg / l
pH 5–8
BOD 5 80 mg / l
SS 150 mg / l
pH 6 to 9
BOD 5 < 10 mg / l
SS < 10 mg / l
pH 6 to 9
The wastewater treatment process shall be such that it will meet the EPA’s /
NEQS quality standards for disposal or re-use.
The wastewater generated within the project shall be treated in the following
four stages:
5. 4. 1 St ag e -I: Pr e-Tr ea tm en t:
Pre-treatment consists of settling of heavier, mostly solids and gritty matters
such as sand, silt etc.
5. 4. 2 St ag e -II : Pr im ar y-Tr ea tm en t:
Primary treatment consists of settling of relatively lighter, mostly solids and
coarse suspended solids in the primary clarifier. The settled solids (sludge) are
sent to primary sludge pit from where the sludge is intermittently pumped to
primary sludge digester. The floating matter lighter than water, such as oil,
grease etc. is skimmed off to scum pit for final disposal.
The sludge from the primary sludge digester is transported to sludge drying
beds for drying and ultimate disposal. Supernatant is returned to the primary
5. 4. 3 St ag e -II I: Se co nd ar y Tr ea tm en t:
Secondary treatment shall be performed by biological process. The proposed
process for the industrial wastewater shall be Activated Sludge process. It
consists of aeration of relatively lighter, mostly organic suspended solids
including biological matters such as bacteria in aeration tank. During aeration,
aerated (activated) sludge is partly re-circulated from secondary clarifier to the
aeration tank for seeding of the mixed liquor in the aeration tank. During
aeration the suspended organic solids are stabilized by aerobic process. The
stabilized suspended solids are then settled in Secondary Clarifier. The settled
solids (sludge) are removed to Secondary Sludge Pit from where the sludge is
intermittently pumped to Secondary Sludge Thickener Tank. The floating
matter lighter than water, such as oil, grease, etc. is skimmed off to Scum Pit
for final disposal.
5. 4. 4 St ag e -IV : Te rt ia ry Tr ea tm en t:
If it is required to re-use the treated wastewater, disinfection of the treated
sewage effluent using chlorine solution as disinfectant shall be carried out
followed by filtration.
6.1 General
The link road network for NBBIA is proposed to provide efficient access of the
passenger and cargo to the new airport facility. The onsite landside road
networks as well as the parking facilities are designed keeping in view the
projected traffic volumes for next thirty years. The following objectives have
been adopted in order to develop the best possible landside road network.
Simplicity of use
Segregate public and commercial transportation
Flexibility for future expansion
Provide efficient circulation
Provide visually pleasant entrance and exit
6. 1. 1 Ro ad wa y Fa ci li ti es :
The main transportation system roadway facilities are identified as follows:
Roadway/ Parking
Access roads for Passenger Divided roadway connecting the external road
Terminal and Cargo Terminal network to airport site providing Passenger
and Cargo direct link to respective terminals
6. 1. 2 Pa rk in g Are as
As provided in the Master Plan Report, the car parking is planned to cater for the
parking requirement in the year 2020-21. The parking area requirement, as per
the Section 9.1: Parking Facilities, Master Plan Report September, 2006 is as
Parking facility has been divided in to two separate Parking Areas as follows:
Parking Area
S. No. Areas Purpose Provided
1. Car Park for Reserved for passengers, visitor s 22.73
PTB and rental car storages
2. Car Park Reserved for employees, 4.79
(Eastern) motorbikes/ buses/ taxi and large
Table 6-2 : Parking Facility
The configuration of car parking area has been modified from the Master Plan
layout . The area of main car park in front of Terminal Building has been
increased by realigning the access and exit roads.
The space for future expansion of car park has been provided within the main
car park close to the passenger terminal. The Future car park reservation on
The car parks will be equip ped with secur ity featu res as per requirement
conveyed by CAA. These include the following:
Each entry point leading to departure / arrival levels, car parks and airside
be equipped with Under Vehicle Inspection System (UVIS).
Adeq uate hold ing area to aver t cong estion for ensu ring effe ctiv e
inspection and supervision of vehicles.
All weather security check posts with facilities at vehicle check points /
entrance gates. UVIS shall be installed at all vehicle entry points.
CCTV System to cover the entire car park and areas around entrance to
car park.
6. 2. 1 Ri gh t of Wa y
Right of ways of various roads have been fixed to accommo date requisite
number of lanes, median width, walkways, green strips, drains and service
corridor as required for each type of roads and shown in the Figures 6-4 to 6-8
(attached in Appendix 6) . The space between service roads, parallel to main
Passenger Terminal access roads and Cargo Terminal access road will be
developed as green strip. The geometric design characteristics of each of these
roads are given below.
Considering the peak hour passenger traffic of 3576 as provided in the Master
Plan report for the year 2020-21, the passenger access road has been
proposed with the following geometric parameters. The wide landscape area
has been provided along the ramp of underpass:
Median 30 meters
Footpath 2 meters
Median 13 meters
Number of 2 lanes
Footpath 2 meters
6. 2. 2 De si gn Ve hi cl e
Single Unit SU
6. 2. 3 De si gn Sp ee d
Main Access 60 Kmph
6. 2. 4 In te rs ec ti on s
The turning radius of 10 m minimum will be provided at intersections of internal
service roads. Minimum diameters of roundabouts at intersection shall be 30
Values for
Design Speed
Sr. No. Description (m)
60 30
1. Stopping sight distance (m) 92 35
2. Passing sight distance (m) ---- N.A. ----
3. Minimum Curve Radius (m) 125 25
4. Absolute Minimum curve radius at Turnings / N.A. 10
5. Maximum super-elevation rate 6% Nil
6. Longitudinal gradient, max. 6% 6%
7. Minimum K (at Crest) 16 3
The above values are taken from “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways
and Streets, 2001” for selected design speeds.
6. 2. 5 Mi sc el la ne ou s El em en ts
Median Width Varies
ROWs of roads
Areas east of Terminal Building up to the eastern boundary including
area between Main Passenger Access Road and Cargo Road, Cargo
Terminal Area and area reserved for TGS/ GSE.
Water Works area
Earth works of the landside on the south of airside as well as to the
western portion (where grid station and M&E out house etc. are located)
have been included in the airside package. Leveling / grading limits
between airside package and landside package are adjusted to allow
useful utilization of surplus excavation on landside to fill areas in airside
The extent s of leveli ng / gradi ng works and Levels are shown in Drawing
No. L&G-01 to L&G-06 (attached in Appendix-6).
6. 4. 1 St ud y of So il
According to the ‘’Geotechnical investigations report, February 1990’’
performed by National Engineering Services Pakistan (PVT) Limited, the
surface of the site is covered with fine loess deposit (alluvial overburden)
composed of silt and clay with minor sand content of 4m up to 10m thickness.
The document concludes by recommending for pavement design a soaked
CBR value of 4.
95% 7
90% 4
Table 6-4: Required Degree of Compaction of A-4 soil at Maximum Dry Density
6. 4. 2 Se le ct io n of Pa ve me nt Ty pe :
The roads and parking areas are chosen to be designed as flexible pavement
considering the following factors.
6. 4. 3 De si gn Pa ra me te rs
Foll owing design param eters are considered for deter mining the pavem ent
structure requ irement:
Sub Grade Strength
Environmental Consideration
For the purpose of pavement design, the land side roads have been categorized
as main access roads and services road in view of traffic loads.
The traffic forecast, as provided in the Master Plan, is focused on light traffic
i.e. passenger cars, buses, taxis and motorbikes only. Even the cargo traffic
cannot be considered as heavy traffic in terms of ESALs during the design life
for the pavement design.
6.4.4 De si gn Me th od
Using the design parameters as described above, the pavements structure have
been designed using AASHTO pavement design method for flexible pavement.
For calculations refer Appendix 6. Pavement sections of variou s roads are
based on desig ned SN (Stru ctural Number) of the respective roads which are
as follows:
Note: For Road cross section refer Figures 6-4 to 6-8 of Appendix 6.
This section of the report focuses on the landside storm water drainage which
has been integrated into the overall drainage scheme for NBBIA. The storm
water drainage of the airport landside areas have been planned keeping in
view the topography of the project site, master planning of the entire area and
the proposed leveling / grading. Topography of the area is undulating and
there are deep cuts at various locations.
The existing natural storm water drains or "nallahs" have been diverted, re-
routed and planned in the light of proposed master planning at various
The topography of the landside area is such that the major portion of storm
water, about 80-90 percent, is disposed off in the south-east area, whereas
about 10-20 percent is disposed off in the north-east area of the landside.
Open and covered drains have been provided in the medians and along the
roads to collect the storm water runoff which is connected to main remodeled
Box and pipe culverts have been provided at roads and streets for cross-
drainage. Due consideration is given to the drainage scheme for Car Parking
Area and the Passenger Terminal building & its surrounding areas. Catch
basins with grating are provided in the paved area to collect the storm water
which is directed to be disposed off through piping system. The storm water
from these areas is connected with the airside storm water drainage system for
final disposal.
7. 1. 1 De te rm in at io n of Ac tu al Fl ow (Q f )
The following rational formula shall be used for the computation of design flow.
Q f = 0.28 x C x i x A
7. 1. 2 Ru n -of f Co ef fi ci en t (C )
The run-off coefficient depends on many factors such as antecedent storm
conditions, nature, slope & size of the contributing area and return period.
Based on judgment & experience the following run-off coefficients are
considered appropriate for the area, taken into consideration that for larger
storms higher run-off coefficients are appropriate than the typical run-off
coefficients for storms of 2-10 years return period.
7. 1. 3 Ra in fa ll In te ns it y (i )
The design rainfall intensity is an average of a storm whose duration is equal to
the time of concentration. The time of concentration is the time it takes for the
water to flow from the most remote point of the contributing area to the point
under consideration. The most remote point refers to the point from where the
time of flow is the longest.
The time of flow in the drainage system (Td) is estimated based on hydraulic
calculations of velocity of flow.
For calculation of storm water run-off, intensity duration frequency curves (IDF
curves) for Islamabad shown in Figure No. 7-1, will be used.
7. 1. 4 Ca tc hm en t Are a (A )
The catchment areas are estimated according to the existing topography,
proposed leveling / grading, master plan layout.
7. 2. 1 Pe ri ph er al Dr ai na ge
Box culverts under the main access road to passenger terminal and the access
roads to other ancillary buildings will be designed to pass the runoff from a
design storm of 25 years return period (frequency 1 in 25 years). No
submergence of culverts is allowed.
7. 2. 2 Dr ai na ge of ma in ac ce ss ro ad s an d ot he r se rv ic e ro ad s
7. 3. 1 Op en Ch an ne l De si gn Cr it er ia
Flow in open channels and closed conduits are computed using the Manning
Q = A R 2/3S 1/2 /n
R = Hydraulic Radius
The surface roughness is representing the conditions prevailing for the useful
lifeline of the drainage system. Table 7-2 shows the manning’s roughness
values according to the type of surface of the drainage system.
Manning Roughness
Type of Conduit Surfaces
7. 3. 2 Ch an ne l, Di tc h & Co nd ui t Ro ug hn es s
Table 7-3 below presents the conduit roughness coefficients which are used for
various types of pipes and conduits.
Manning roughness
Type of conduit surface
coefficient 'n'
Concrete lined channels 0.016
Grouted riprap lined channels and 0.020
Earth channels and ditches 0.025
Box drains and box culverts 0.013
Plastic pipes and pipe culverts 0.011
Concrete pipes and pipe culverts 0.013
Gabions 0.025
Table 7-3: Roughness of conduits, Manning roughness coefficients
7. 3. 3 Se lf Cl ea ni ng Ve lo ci ty
The minimum flow velocity required for self-cleansing is 0.7 m/s according to
Advisory Circular No. 150/5320-5C on ‘Surface Drainage Design’.
Detail calculations for the proposed drains and culvert sizes are provided in
Appendix-7 finally adjusted considering the finished grade level of earth work,
road and other pavement levels.
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
• List of Abbreviation
• Benazir Bhutto
International Airport –
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
mm : Millimeter
SS : Suspended Solids
• Water Demand
• Water Supply Network
• Network Table-Nodes
• Network Table-Links
• Drawings
• References
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
1 A120 Entry/ Exit Booths/ Security Towers 5 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 180 250 45.0 0.010
5 B115 Reserved for Transit Hotel 500 Persons 500 550 275.0 0.061
6 B130 Building for Services-CAA 150 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 450 250 112.5 0.025
7 B135 CAA Staff Offices and Residential Facility 1000 Persons 1000 250 250.0 0.055
8 B140 Building for Services- Airlines 150 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 450 250 112.5 0.025
9 B145 Reserved for Offices 200 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 600 250 150.0 0.033
10 B150 Building for Services-Ground Handling Companies 200 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 600 250 150.0 0.033
11 B155 Building for Services- Courier Companies 100 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 300 250 75.0 0.017
14 B163 Medical Centre (Including OPD) 200 Persons 2 Shifts 200 550 110.0 0.024
15 B171 Police Station 100 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 300 250 75.0 0.017
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
17 B180 CAA Engineering Workshops/ Facilities Maintenance 50 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 150 1000 150.0 0.033
18 B190 Airlines/ Ground Handlers GSE/ TGS 200 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 600 250 150.0 0.033
19 B200 CAA Motor Transport/ Vehicle Maintenance 25 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 75 1000 75.0 0.017
No. of
20 B210 Airline Catering No. of Meals 56,916 30 1707.5 0.376
21 C150 AFL Vault Station (West) 10 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 30 250 7.5 0.002
22 C151 AFL Vault Station (East) 10 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 30 250 7.5 0.002
25 E100 International Cargo Terminal 250 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 750 250 187.5 0.041
26 E101 Domestic Cargo Terminal 250 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 750 250 187.5 0.041
28 E120 FCR Facilities 100 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 300 600 180.0 0.040
29 E130 Radar & Radio Building 25 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 75 250 18.8 0.004
30 E200 Aircraft Line Maintenance 50 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 150 350 52.5 0.012
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
32 F131 Sewage Lift Station No. 1 5 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 15 250 3.8 0.001
33 F134 Sewage Lift Station No. 2 5 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 15 250 3.8 0.001
34 F140 Treated Water Dispensing Facility 10 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 30 250 7.5 0.002
35 F150 Solid Waste Transfer Station 15 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 45 250 11.3 0.002
36 F160 Solid Waste Collection Depot 15 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 45 250 11.3 0.002
37 F170 Blue Water Collection Chamber 5 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 15 250 3.8 0.001
38 F180 Telecommunication Access Provider Facilities 25 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 75 250 18.8 0.004
41 F200 Reserved for IESCO Grid Station 7 Per/Shift 3 Shifts 21 250 5.3 0.001
TOTAL = 16980 3.74
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Elevation Demand Head Pressure
Node ID
(m) (gpm) (gpm) (m) (m)
Resvr 1 531.40 N/A -5189.40 531.40 0.00
Junc 2 530.89 1.10 2.20 564.09 33.20
Junc 3 535.94 27.50 55.00 572.91 36.97
Junc 4 0.00 0.30 0.60 576.84 576.84
Junc 5 532.77 1.90 3.80 577.02 44.25
Junc 6 533.82 0.90 1.80 576.96 43.15
Junc 7 534.43 1.00 2.00 576.90 42.47
Junc 8 538.42 1.40 2.80 576.64 38.22
Junc 9 541.79 0.00 0.00 576.19 34.40
Junc 10 542.83 0.00 0.00 576.14 33.32
Junc 11 546.04 0.00 0.00 575.99 29.95
Junc 12 542.00 7.75 15.50 575.44 33.44
Junc 13 550.00 7.75 15.50 573.40 23.40
Junc 14 550.00 7.75 15.50 572.99 22.99
Junc 15 550.00 8.45 16.90 572.66 22.66
Junc 16 554.00 14.75 29.50 570.96 16.96
Junc 17 551.50 14.75 29.50 570.77 19.27
Junc 18 552.00 7.75 15.50 573.99 21.99
Junc 19 552.00 0.00 0.00 574.72 22.72
Junc 20 552.00 7.75 15.50 574.81 22.81
Junc 21 551.50 1.00 2.00 570.67 19.17
Junc 22 551.50 20.70 41.40 568.87 17.37
Junc 23 552.50 17.00 34.00 569.94 17.44
Junc 24 552.50 0.00 0.00 570.16 17.66
Junc 25 552.50 7.00 14.00 570.34 17.85
Junc 26 554.00 7.00 14.00 570.66 16.67
Junc 27 554.00 0.00 0.00 570.86 16.86
Junc 28 552.50 10.00 20.00 569.25 16.75
Junc 29 552.50 13.30 26.60 569.09 16.59
Junc 30 552.00 10.00 20.00 568.10 16.10
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Elevation Demand Head Pressure
Node ID
(m) (gpm) (gpm) (m) (m)
Junc 31 548.81 8.40 16.80 567.80 18.99
Junc 32 552.00 17.95 35.90 568.03 16.03
Junc 33 552.50 9.55 19.10 569.06 16.56
Junc 34 552.50 0.00 0.00 569.17 16.67
Junc 35 552.50 0.00 0.00 568.96 16.46
Junc 36 551.00 4.20 8.40 568.06 17.06
Junc 37 551.00 169.55 339.10 568.00 17.00
Junc 38 550.00 169.55 339.10 567.57 17.57
Junc 39 548.31 240.00 480.00 567.50 19.19
Junc 40 547.14 293.75 587.50 567.10 19.96
Junc 41 552.01 53.75 107.50 567.06 15.05
Junc 42 552.01 64.27 128.54 567.21 15.20
Junc 43 552.00 1.00 2.00 567.30 15.30
Junc 44 550.00 10.52 21.04 568.06 18.06
Junc 45 550.00 0.00 0.00 568.05 18.05
Junc 46 546.00 1.00 2.00 567.83 21.83
Junc 47 552.00 10.52 21.04 567.51 15.51
Junc 48 552.00 1.00 2.00 567.47 15.47
Junc 49 541.00 0.00 0.00 566.89 25.89
Junc 50 541.00 10.52 21.04 566.57 25.57
Junc 51 541.00 0.00 0.00 566.55 25.55
Junc 52 541.00 64.27 128.54 566.59 25.59
Junc 53 541.00 53.75 107.50 566.44 25.44
Junc 54 550.38 53.75 107.50 566.21 15.83
Junc 55 549.15 162.58 325.16 565.75 16.59
Junc 56 549.15 4.58 9.16 565.74 16.58
Junc 57 545.01 10.38 20.76 565.44 20.43
Junc 58 538.80 5.80 11.60 565.37 26.57
Junc 59 542.78 12.95 25.90 564.26 21.48
Junc 60 541.52 10.38 20.76 564.17 22.65
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Elevation Demand Head Pressure
Node ID
(m) (gpm) (gpm) (m) (m)
Junc 61 541.27 11.45 22.90 564.05 22.77
Junc 62 542.39 166.88 333.76 563.79 21.41
Junc 64 540.54 320.00 640.00 561.92 21.38
Junc 66 538.29 212.30 424.60 561.99 23.70
Junc 67 536.32 9.45 18.90 562.68 26.36
Junc 68 538.46 16.60 33.20 563.43 24.96
Junc 69 534.18 7.15 14.30 563.58 29.40
Junc 70 535.75 7.15 14.30 563.77 28.02
Junc 71 533.79 9.15 18.30 562.84 29.05
Junc 72 536.41 2.00 4.00 562.69 26.27
Junc 73 532.67 2.00 4.00 562.60 29.94
Junc 74 529.56 91.00 182.00 561.98 32.43
Junc 75 523.78 56.30 112.60 562.03 38.25
Junc 76 532.58 0.00 0.00 562.31 29.72
Junc 77 535.92 2.00 4.00 562.55 26.63
Junc 78 525.00 0.00 0.00 565.05 40.05
Junc 79 525.00 0.00 0.00 565.83 40.83
Junc 80 552.00 13.30 26.60 568.23 16.23
Junc 81 530.84 3.40 6.80 562.23 31.40
Junc 82 527.53 1.10 2.20 562.08 34.55
Junc 96 515.00 0.00 0.00 565.82 50.81
Junc 97 515.00 0.00 0.00 565.80 50.80
Junc 98 515.00 3.50 7.00 565.79 50.79
Junc 99 530.00 0.00 0.00 569.43 39.43
Junc 100 530.00 0.00 0.00 569.41 39.41
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Elevation Demand Head Pressure
Node ID
(m) (gpm) (gpm) (m) (m)
Junc 101 530.00 2.90 5.80 569.40 39.40
Junc 102 533.50 0.00 0.00 571.50 38.00
Junc 103 533.50 3.50 7.00 571.49 37.99
Junc 104 533.50 0.00 0.00 571.51 38.02
Junc 105 533.50 0.00 0.00 571.63 38.13
Junc 106 535.94 6.90 13.80 575.89 39.95
Junc 107 533.00 0.00 0.00 576.59 43.59
Junc 108 534.00 0.00 0.00 576.59 42.59
Junc 109 533.42 0.00 0.00 576.59 43.17
Junc 110 533.42 0.00 0.00 576.59 43.17
Junc 111 533.42 0.00 0.00 576.59 43.17
Junc 112 533.42 1.10 2.20 576.59 43.17
Junc 113 535.70 0.00 0.00 576.81 41.11
Junc 114 546.00 0.00 0.00 573.93 27.92
Junc 115 546.00 0.00 0.00 573.34 27.34
Junc 116 546.00 0.00 0.00 572.96 26.96
Junc 117 546.50 0.90 1.80 571.31 24.81
Junc 118 551.50 0.00 0.00 571.31 19.81
Junc 119 546.50 0.00 0.00 570.67 24.17
Junc 120 551.50 0.00 0.00 570.67 19.17
Junc 121 546.00 0.00 0.00 569.12 23.12
Junc 122 546.00 0.00 0.00 568.77 22.77
Junc 123 552.00 2.00 4.00 568.19 16.19
Junc 124 552.00 0.00 0.00 567.98 15.98
Junc 125 552.00 0.00 0.00 567.80 15.80
Junc 126 532.77 1.90 3.80 577.77 45.00
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Unit Friction
Length Diameter Roughness Flow Velocity
Headloss Factor
Link ID
(m) (mm) 'C' (gpm) (m/s) (m/Km)
Pipe 1 274.92 250 140 -440.39 0.55 1.18 0.019
Pipe 2 807.99 250 140 -442.59 0.55 1.19 0.019
Pipe 3 334.96 200 140 -462.39 0.90 3.82 0.019
Pipe 4 634.87 200 140 -517.39 1.01 4.70 0.018
Pipe 5 34.75 600 140 5181.80 1.12 1.59 0.015
Pipe 6 39.93 600 140 5180.00 1.12 1.59 0.015
Pipe 7 204.82 600 140 4644.01 1.00 1.30 0.015
Pipe 8 344.71 600 140 4641.21 1.00 1.30 0.015
Pipe 9 34.14 600 140 4641.21 1.00 1.30 0.015
Pipe 10 116.12 600 140 4641.21 1.00 1.30 0.015
Pipe 11 430.05 600 140 4641.21 1.00 1.30 0.015
Pipe 12 239.87 300 140 2065.03 1.79 8.46 0.016
Pipe 13 49.98 300 140 2049.53 1.77 8.35 0.016
Pipe 14 39.93 300 140 2034.03 1.76 8.23 0.016
Pipe 15 210.00 300 140 2017.13 1.74 8.10 0.016
Pipe 16 229.81 200 140 201.15 0.39 0.82 0.021
Pipe 17 39.93 200 140 -2399.81 4.67 80.56 0.015
Pipe 18 260.90 400 140 -2415.31 1.17 2.79 0.016
Pipe 19 29.87 400 140 -2545.18 1.24 3.07 0.016
Pipe 20 49.98 300 140 -2560.68 2.21 12.61 0.015
Pipe 21 15.24 300 140 1786.48 1.55 6.47 0.016
Pipe 22 30.17 300 140 1786.48 1.55 6.47 0.016
Pipe 23 49.98 300 140 1772.48 1.53 6.38 0.016
Pipe 24 30.17 300 140 1758.48 1.52 6.28 0.016
Pipe 25 34.75 300 140 1758.48 1.52 6.28 0.016
Pipe 26 229.81 200 140 515.36 1.00 4.67 0.019
Pipe 27 149.95 300 140 -2571.46 2.22 12.70 0.015
Pipe 28 220.05 300 140 1209.12 1.05 3.14 0.017
Pipe 29 20.12 100 140 111.33 0.87 7.99 0.021
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Unit Friction
Length Diameter Roughness Flow Velocity
Headloss Factor
Link ID
(m) (mm) 'C' (gpm) (m/s) (m/Km)
Pipe 31 210.00 300 140 -1307.24 1.13 3.63 0.017
Pipe 32 130.14 300 140 1738.19 1.50 6.15 0.016
Pipe 33 30.17 300 140 1077.79 0.93 2.54 0.017
Pipe 34 45.11 300 140 1077.79 0.93 2.54 0.017
Pipe 35 145.08 200 140 644.79 1.26 7.06 0.018
Pipe 36 110.03 200 140 336.19 0.66 2.11 0.020
Pipe 37 79.85 300 140 -1345.37 1.16 3.83 0.017
Pipe 38 30.17 200 140 413.90 0.80 3.11 0.019
Pipe 39 289.85 200 140 413.90 0.80 3.11 0.019
Pipe 40 20.12 200 140 405.50 0.79 2.99 0.019
Pipe 41 139.90 100 140 66.40 0.52 3.07 0.023
Pipe 42 320.02 200 140 -272.70 0.53 1.44 0.020
Pipe 43 53.03 300 140 1664.76 1.44 5.68 0.016
Pipe 44 130.14 300 140 1184.76 1.02 3.02 0.017
Pipe 45 53.03 300 140 597.26 0.52 0.85 0.019
Pipe 46 82.29 300 140 -894.17 0.77 1.80 0.018
Pipe 47 210.91 300 140 -1391.49 1.20 4.07 0.017
Pipe 48 46.02 300 140 325.65 0.28 0.28 0.021
Pipe 49 113.08 200 140 325.65 0.63 1.99 0.020
Pipe 50 163.06 200 140 323.66 0.63 1.97 0.020
Pipe 51 10.97 200 140 424.68 0.83 3.26 0.019
Pipe 53 99.97 200 140 420.68 0.82 3.20 0.019
Pipe 54 7.92 200 140 399.64 0.78 2.92 0.019
Pipe 55 16.15 200 140 639.88 1.24 6.96 0.018
Pipe 56 45.72 200 140 532.38 1.04 4.95 0.018
Pipe 57 36.88 200 140 -240.24 0.47 1.13 0.021
Pipe 58 245.05 200 140 -368.78 0.72 2.51 0.019
Pipe 59 74.06 100 140 129.87 1.01 10.63 0.021
Pipe 60 54.86 100 140 129.87 1.01 10.63 0.021
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Unit Friction
Length Diameter Roughness Flow Velocity
Headloss Factor
Link ID
(m) (mm) 'C' (gpm) (m/s) (m/Km)
Pipe 61 35.96 100 140 129.87 1.01 10.63 0.021
Pipe 62 155.14 100 140 129.87 1.01 10.63 0.021
Pipe 63 274.92 75 140 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000
Pipe 64 61.87 100 140 128.07 1.00 10.36 0.021
Pipe 66 153.92 100 140 126.06 0.98 10.06 0.021
Pipe 67 35.05 100 140 126.06 0.98 10.06 0.021
Pipe 68 57.91 100 140 126.06 0.98 10.06 0.021
Pipe 69 21.94 100 140 122.06 0.95 9.48 0.021
Pipe 70 18.90 100 140 122.06 0.95 9.48 0.021
Pipe 71 31.09 100 140 122.06 0.95 9.48 0.021
Pipe 72 210.30 300 140 1383.93 1.20 4.03 0.017
Pipe 73 70.10 300 140 1808.81 1.56 6.62 0.016
Pipe 74 4.88 300 140 911.45 0.79 1.86 0.018
Pipe 75 160.01 300 140 902.29 0.78 1.83 0.018
Pipe 76 160.01 300 140 430.69 0.37 0.46 0.020
Pipe 77 349.89 200 140 419.09 0.81 3.18 0.019
Pipe 78 160.01 200 140 161.38 0.31 0.54 0.022
Pipe 79 20.12 200 140 591.46 1.15 6.02 0.018
Pipe 80 139.90 200 140 311.62 0.61 1.84 0.020
Pipe 81 345.02 200 140 -572.20 1.11 5.66 0.018
Pipe 82 349.89 200 140 -450.84 0.88 3.64 0.019
Pipe 87 139.90 200 140 -531.89 1.03 4.95 0.018
Pipe 88 220.05 200 140 -433.85 0.84 3.39 0.019
Pipe 89 484.91 200 140 -256.94 0.50 1.29 0.021
Pipe 90 180.13 200 140 -210.11 0.41 0.89 0.021
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Unit Friction
Length Diameter Roughness Flow Velocity
Headloss Factor
Link ID
(m) (mm) 'C' (gpm) (m/s) (m/Km)
Pipe 91 24.99 200 140 -657.90 1.28 7.33 0.018
Pipe 92 459.92 200 140 -231.81 0.45 1.06 0.021
Pipe 93 220.05 200 140 433.49 0.84 3.39 0.019
Pipe 94 160.01 200 140 220.27 0.43 0.97 0.021
Pipe 95 20.12 200 140 116.94 0.23 0.30 0.023
Pipe 96 380.07 200 140 17.35 0.03 0.01 0.031
Pipe 97 160.01 100 140 -75.12 0.59 3.86 0.023
Pipe 98 380.07 200 140 -99.33 0.19 0.22 0.024
Pipe 99 160.01 100 140 20.20 0.16 0.34 0.027
Pipe 100 380.07 200 140 -194.92 0.38 0.77 0.021
Pipe 101 270.04 200 140 -89.53 0.17 0.18 0.024
Pipe 103 270.04 200 140 -211.13 0.41 0.89 0.021
Pipe 105 220.97 200 140 -442.59 0.86 3.52 0.019
Pipe 106 295.03 100 140 7.00 0.05 0.05 0.032
Pipe 107 380.07 100 140 7.00 0.05 0.05 0.032
Pipe 108 21.94 100 140 7.00 0.05 0.05 0.032
Pipe 109 995.12 200 140 -449.59 0.87 3.62 0.019
Pipe 110 163.97 75 140 5.80 0.08 0.14 0.032
Pipe 111 76.20 75 140 5.80 0.08 0.14 0.032
Pipe 112 557.15 200 140 -455.39 0.89 3.71 0.019
Pipe 113 64.92 75 140 7.00 0.10 0.19 0.031
Pipe 114 3.96 200 140 -462.39 0.90 3.82 0.019
Pipe 115 29.87 200 140 -462.39 0.90 3.82 0.019
Pipe 117 1020.12 300 140 -531.19 0.46 0.68 0.019
Pipe 118 280.10 200 140 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.058
Pipe 119 89.91 200 140 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.000
Pipe 120 110.03 200 140 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.074
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
Unit Friction
Length Diameter Roughness Flow Velocity
Headloss Factor
Link ID
(m) (mm) 'C' (gpm) (m/s) (m/Km)
Pipe 121 15.24 200 140 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.000
Pipe 122 18.29 200 140 2.20 0.00 0.00 0.000
Pipe 123 320.02 300 140 -533.39 0.46 0.69 0.019
Pipe 126 116.12 450 140 5185.60 1.99 6.46 0.015
Pipe 104 376.10 400 140 533.99 0.26 0.17 0.020
Pipe 116 153.92 400 140 533.39 0.26 0.17 0.020
Pipe 124 244.13 75 140 2.00 0.03 0.02 0.037
Pipe 127 25.91 75 140 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000
Pipe 128 125.88 200 140 -420.68 0.82 3.20 0.019
Pipe 129 53.95 200 140 -422.68 0.82 3.23 0.019
Pipe 130 177.99 100 140 84.73 0.66 4.82 0.022
Pipe 131 51.81 100 140 58.13 0.45 2.40 0.023
Pipe 132 53.03 200 140 -202.13 0.39 0.82 0.021
Pipe 133 185.92 200 140 -204.33 0.40 0.84 0.021
Pipe 134 81.07 200 140 -211.13 0.41 0.89 0.021
Pipe 135 355.07 200 140 -550.06 1.07 5.26 0.018
Pipe 136 349.89 200 140 -89.94 0.17 0.18 0.024
Pump 30 N/A N/A N/A 5189.40 0.00 -152.14 0.000
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
• Drawings
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
• Design Calculations
• Drawings
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 57 to 58 50.0 200 0.0043 0.687 1.00 0.97 535.33 535.08 534.13 533.91
MH # 58 to 59 50.0 200 0.0043 0.687 0.97 1.88 535.08 535.78 533.91 533.70
MH # 59 to 60 50.0 200 0.0043 0.687 1.88 2.32 535.78 536.00 533.70 533.48
MH # 60 to 61 50.0 200 0.0043 0.687 2.32 2.76 536.00 536.23 533.48 533.27
MH # 61 to 41 41.0 200 0.0043 0.687 2.76 3.21 536.23 536.50 533.27 533.09
MH # 41 to 42 67.0 300 0.0025 0.687 3.21 3.38 536.50 536.50 532.99 532.82
MH # 42 to 43 60.0 300 0.0025 0.687 3.38 3.53 536.50 536.50 532.82 532.67
MH # 43 to 44 64.0 300 0.0025 0.687 3.53 2.19 536.50 535.00 532.67 532.51
MH # 44 to 45 50.0 300 0.0025 0.687 2.19 1.82 535.00 534.50 532.51 532.38
MH # 45 to 46 50.0 300 0.0025 0.687 1.82 1.95 534.50 534.50 532.38 532.25
MH # 46 to 47 50.0 300 0.0025 0.687 1.95 2.07 534.50 534.50 532.25 532.13
MH # 47 to 48 50.0 300 0.0025 0.687 2.07 2.20 534.50 534.50 532.13 532.00
MH # 48 to 49 50.0 300 0.0025 0.687 2.20 1.32 534.50 533.50 532.00 531.88
MH # 49 to 50 60.9 300 0.0025 0.687 2.32 2.23 533.50 533.25 530.88 530.72
MH # 50 to 51 50.3 300 0.0025 0.687 3.08 2.95 533.25 533.00 529.87 529.75
MH # 51 to 52 44.1 300 0.0025 0.687 2.95 3.06 533.00 533.00 529.75 529.64
MH # 52 to 53 14.5 300 0.0025 0.687 3.06 2.60 533.00 532.50 529.64 529.60
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 79 to 78 37 300 0.0031 0.762 1.85 2.46 549.50 550.00 547.35 547.24
MH # 78 to 80 51 300 0.0031 0.762 2.46 2.62 550.00 550.00 547.24 547.08
MH # 80 to 81 50 300 0.0031 0.762 2.62 3.03 550.00 550.25 547.08 546.92
MH # 81 to 82 50 300 0.0031 0.762 3.03 3.43 550.25 550.50 546.92 546.77
MH # 82 to 83 50 300 0.0031 0.762 3.43 3.59 550.50 550.50 546.77 546.61
MH # 83 to 84 50 300 0.0031 0.762 3.59 3.99 550.50 550.75 546.61 546.46
MH # 84 to 85 46 300 0.0031 0.762 3.99 5.19 550.75 551.80 546.46 546.31
MH # 85 to 88A 41.7 300 0.0031 0.762 5.19 5.32 551.80 551.80 546.31 546.18
MH # 88A to 89 29 300 0.0031 0.762 5.32 4.61 551.80 551.00 546.18 546.09
MH # 89 to 90 50 300 0.0031 0.762 4.61 5.51 551.00 551.75 546.09 545.94
MH # 90 to 94 69.62 300 0.0031 0.762 5.51 6.48 551.75 552.50 545.94 545.72
MH # 94 to 96 42 400 0.0021 0.762 6.48 6.07 552.50 552.00 545.62 545.53
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 239 to 240 50 800 0.0012 0.914 2.61 2.08 535.59 535.00 532.18 532.12
MH # 240 to 241 64 800 0.0012 0.914 2.08 1.89 535.00 534.74 532.12 532.05
MH # 241 to 242 50 800 0.0012 0.914 1.89 1.71 534.74 534.50 532.05 531.99
MH # 242 to 243 50 800 0.0012 0.914 1.71 1.53 534.50 534.26 531.99 531.93
MH # 243 to 244 50 800 0.0012 0.914 1.53 1.35 534.26 534.02 531.93 531.87
MH # 244 to 245 50 800 0.0012 0.914 2.35 2.17 534.02 533.78 530.87 530.81
MH # 245 to 234 46.2 800 0.0012 0.914 3.17 2.85 533.78 533.40 529.81 529.75
MH # 234 to 267 65.4 900 0.0010 0.914 4.05 2.64 533.40 531.92 528.45 528.38
MH # 267 to 268 50 900 0.0010 0.914 2.64 2.16 531.92 531.39 528.38 528.33
MH # 268 to 269 50 900 0.0010 0.914 3.16 2.65 531.39 530.83 527.33 527.28
MH # 269 to 270 50 900 0.0010 0.914 3.95 3.47 530.83 530.30 525.98 525.93
MH # 270 to 277 50 900 0.0010 0.914 3.47 3.07 530.30 529.85 525.93 525.88
MH # 277 to 278 100 900 0.0010 0.914 3.07 2.72 529.85 529.39 525.88 525.77
MH # 278 to 279 100 900 0.0010 0.914 3.72 5.19 529.39 530.76 524.77 524.67
MH # 279 to 280 100 900 0.0010 0.914 5.94 2.02 530.76 526.74 523.92 523.82
MH # 280 to 281 100 900 0.0010 0.914 2.82 4.51 526.74 528.32 523.02 522.91
MH # 281 to 282 100 900 0.0010 0.914 5.07 4.77 528.32 527.92 522.35 522.25
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 86 to 87 60.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.85 1.92 552.00 551.75 549.95 549.63
MH # 87 to 88 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.92 1.79 551.75 551.35 549.63 549.36
MH # 88 to 88A 47.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.79 1.69 551.35 551.00 549.36 549.11
MH # 91 to 92 60.0 200 0.0062 0.823 1.00 1.37 552.20 552.20 551.00 550.63
MH # 92 to 93 50.0 200 0.0062 0.823 1.37 1.30 552.20 551.81 550.63 550.32
MH # 93 to 94 50.0 200 0.0062 0.823 2.30 3.29 551.81 552.50 549.32 549.01
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 111A to
111B 38.5 200 0.0019 0.451 0.90 1.17 549.65 549.85 548.55 548.48
MH # 111B to
11C 31.5 200 0.0019 0.451 1.17 1.33 549.85 549.95 548.48 548.42
MH # 111C to
111 65.6 200 0.0019 0.451 1.33 1.50 549.95 550.00 548.42 548.30
MH # 111 to 112 38.0 200 0.0063 0.826 1.50 1.21 550.00 549.47 548.30 548.06
MH # 112 to 113 50.0 200 0.0063 0.826 1.21 1.13 549.47 549.08 548.06 547.75
MH # 113 to 114 50.0 200 0.0063 0.826 2.13 1.86 549.08 548.49 546.75 546.43
MH # 114 to 110 50.0 200 0.0063 0.826 1.86 1.68 548.49 548.00 546.43 546.12
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 122 to 123 52.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.50 1.15 552.00 551.38 550.30 550.02
MH # 123 to 124 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.75 1.39 551.38 550.75 549.42 549.16
MH # 124 to 125 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.39 1.03 550.75 550.13 549.16 548.89
MH # 125 to 126 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.53 1.18 550.13 549.50 548.39 548.12
MH # 126 to 127 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.18 1.22 549.50 549.28 548.12 547.86
MH # 127 to 128 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.22 0.99 549.28 548.83 547.76 547.53
MH # 128 to 129 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 0.99 0.99 548.83 548.60 547.53 547.31
MH # 129 to 130 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.29 1.56 548.60 547.65 546.01 545.79
MH # 130 to 131 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.91 1.24 547.65 545.75 544.44 544.21
MH # 131 to 132 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.54 1.57 545.75 544.56 542.91 542.69
MH # 132 to 133 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 3.07 0.92 544.56 542.19 541.19 540.97
MH # 133 to 120 61.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.92 1.00 542.19 541.00 539.97 539.70
MH # 357 to 358 37.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.10 1.19 552.23 552.12 550.93 550.73
MH # 358 to 359 43.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.19 1.09 552.12 551.79 550.73 550.50
MH # 359 to 360 39.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.09 0.90 551.79 551.40 550.50 550.30
MH # 360 to 361 53.0 200 0.0053 0.762 0.90 0.95 551.40 551.16 550.30 550.01
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 363 to 364 37.0 200 0.0053 0.762 2.50 1.90 551.00 550.20 548.30 548.10
MH # 364 to 365 43.0 200 0.0053 0.762 2.90 2.33 550.20 549.40 547.10 546.87
MH # 365 to 366 39.0 200 0.0053 0.762 2.33 1.93 549.40 548.80 546.87 546.67
MH # 366 to 367 25.0 200 0.0053 0.762 2.29 2.43 548.80 548.80 546.31 546.17
MH # 367 to 368 41.0 200 0.0053 0.762 3.25 3.37 548.80 548.70 545.35 545.13
MH # 148 to 149 48.0 200 0.0074 0.899 1.00 1.00 540.50 540.14 539.30 538.94
MH # 149 to 150 50.0 200 0.0074 0.899 1.00 1.00 540.14 539.77 538.94 538.57
MH # 150 to 151 50.0 200 0.0074 0.899 1.00 1.00 539.77 539.40 538.57 538.20
MH # 151 to 152 50.0 200 0.0074 0.899 1.00 1.00 539.40 539.03 538.20 537.83
MH # 152 to 147 58.0 200 0.0074 0.899 1.00 1.00 539.03 538.60 537.83 537.40
MH # 255 to 256 28.0 600 0.0008 0.610 1.97 2.15 532.30 532.46 529.73 529.71
MH # 256 to 257 50.0 600 0.0008 0.610 2.15 2.49 532.46 532.75 529.71 529.67
MH # 257 to 258 50.0 600 0.0008 0.610 2.49 2.82 532.75 533.04 529.67 529.63
MH # 258 to 259 50.0 600 0.0008 0.610 2.82 3.15 533.04 533.34 529.63 529.59
MH # 259 to 260 58.0 600 0.0008 0.610 3.15 3.53 533.34 533.67 529.59 529.54
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 272 to 273 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.00 1.01 531.00 530.74 529.80 529.53
MH # 273 to 274 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.01 1.02 530.74 530.48 529.53 529.27
MH # 274 to 275 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.72 1.51 530.48 530.01 528.57 528.30
MH # 275 to 276 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.51 1.00 530.01 529.23 528.30 528.03
MH # 276 to 277 63.3 200 0.0053 0.762 1.50 1.02 529.23 528.42 527.53 527.20
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 174 to 175 27.0 200 0.0047 0.714 1.85 1.93 540.65 540.60 538.60 538.47
MH # 175 to 176 28.0 200 0.0047 0.714 1.93 1.96 540.60 540.50 538.47 538.34
MH # 176 to 177 36.0 200 0.0047 0.714 1.96 2.13 540.50 540.50 538.34 538.17
MH # 177 to 178 46.2 200 0.0047 0.714 2.13 1.59 540.50 539.75 538.17 537.96
MH # 178 to 179 34.0 200 0.0047 0.714 1.59 1.75 539.75 539.75 537.96 537.80
MH # 179 to 180 31.0 200 0.0047 0.714 1.75 2.14 539.75 540.00 537.80 537.66
MH # 180 to 181 53.0 200 0.0047 0.714 2.14 2.49 540.00 540.10 537.66 537.41
MH # 181 to 182 50.0 200 0.0047 0.714 2.49 2.83 540.10 540.20 537.41 537.17
MH # 182 to 13 38.1 200 0.0087 0.975 2.83 3.29 540.20 540.33 537.17 536.84
MH # 13 to 14 61.0 300 0.0033 0.784 3.29 3.49 540.33 540.33 536.74 536.54
MH # 14 to 15 52.2 300 0.0033 0.784 3.49 3.66 540.33 540.33 536.54 536.37
MH # 15 to 16 52.8 300 0.0033 0.784 3.66 3.83 540.33 540.33 536.37 536.20
MH # 16 to 17 56.5 300 0.0033 0.784 3.83 4.02 540.33 540.33 536.20 536.01
MH # 17 to 18 33.5 300 0.0033 0.784 4.02 4.13 540.33 540.33 536.01 535.90
MH # 18 to 19 34.5 300 0.0033 0.784 4.13 4.24 540.33 540.33 535.90 535.79
MH # 19 to 20 53.5 300 0.0033 0.784 4.24 4.42 540.33 540.33 535.79 535.61
MH # 20 to 21 15.3 300 0.0033 0.784 4.42 4.52 540.33 540.38 535.61 535.56
MH # 21 to 195 51.4 300 0.0025 0.686 1.00 4.68 540.38 540.41 535.56 535.43
MH # 195 to 196 48.5 400 0.0021 0.762 4.68 4.70 540.41 540.33 535.33 535.23
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 26 to 25 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.14 2.56 539.03 539.29 536.59 536.43
MH # 25 to 24 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.56 3.03 539.29 539.61 536.43 536.28
MH # 24 to 23 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.03 3.51 539.61 539.93 536.28 536.12
MH # 23 to 22 45.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.51 3.91 539.93 540.19 536.12 535.98
MH # 22 to 21 40.4 300 0.0031 0.762 3.91 4.22 540.19 540.38 535.98 535.86
MH # 6 to 5 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.28 2.69 538.97 539.22 536.39 536.23
MH # 5 to 4 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.69 3.16 539.22 539.54 536.23 536.08
MH # 4 to 3 42.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.16 3.54 539.54 539.79 536.08 535.95
MH # 3 to 2 41.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.54 3.91 539.79 540.03 535.95 535.82
MH # 2 to 1 34.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.91 4.28 540.03 540.30 535.82 535.72
MH # 1 to 195 29.5 300 0.0031 0.762 4.28 4.48 540.30 540.41 535.72 535.63
MH # 192C to
192B 6.4 200 0.0053 0.762 2.00 2.03 541.50 541.50 539.30 539.27
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 161 to 162 53.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.00 1.08 540.80 540.60 539.60 539.32
MH # 162 to 163 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.08 1.25 540.60 540.50 539.32 539.05
MH # 163 to 164 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.25 1.41 540.50 540.40 539.05 538.79
MH # 164 to 165 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.41 1.58 540.40 540.30 538.79 538.52
MH # 165 to 166 50.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.58 1.70 540.30 540.15 538.52 538.25
MH # 166 to 167 58.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.70 1.86 540.15 540.00 538.25 537.94
MH # 167 to 168 63.9 300 0.0045 0.914 1.86 1.14 540.00 539.00 537.84 537.56
MH # 168 to 169 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.66 1.01 539.00 538.12 537.04 536.81
MH # 169 to 170 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.66 1.02 538.12 537.26 536.16 535.94
MH # 170 to 171 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.02 1.01 537.26 536.03 534.94 534.72
MH # 171 to 172 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.01 0.21 536.03 535.00 534.72 534.49
MH # 172 to 173 38.1 300 0.0054 1.006 2.24 1.01 536.03 534.60 533.49 533.29
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 313 to 314 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.55 1.00 538.00 537.23 536.15 535.93
MH # 314 to 315 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.00 1.46 537.23 536.46 534.93 534.70
MH # 315 to 316 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.46 1.91 536.46 535.69 533.70 533.48
MH # 316 to 317 50.0 300 0.0045 0.914 1.91 1.35 535.69 534.91 533.48 533.26
MH # 317 to
317A 24.0 300 0.0045 0.914 2.35 1.55 534.91 534.00 532.26 532.15
MH # 317A to
318 22.5 300 0.0031 0.762 2.70 2.77 534.00 534.00 531.00 530.93
MH # 318 to 319 50.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.77 1.93 534.00 533.00 530.93 530.77
MH # 319 to 320 53.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.23 1.39 533.00 532.00 530.47 530.31
MH # 320 to 321 90.7 300 0.0031 0.762 1.39 1.18 532.00 531.51 530.31 530.03
MH # 321 to 322 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 1.18 1.16 531.51 531.18 530.03 529.72
MH # 322 to 323 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.56 0.99 531.18 529.30 528.32 528.01
MH # 323 to 324 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 1.59 1.01 529.30 528.41 527.41 527.10
MH # 324 to 325 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.11 1.54 528.41 527.53 526.00 525.69
MH # 325 to 326 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 1.54 0.96 527.53 526.64 525.69 525.38
MH # 326 to 327 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 1.61 1.28 526.64 526.00 524.73 524.42
MH # 327 to 328 84.7 300 0.0031 0.762 1.28 3.08 526.00 527.53 524.42 524.15
MH # 328 to 329 60.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.08 2.81 527.53 527.08 524.15 523.97
MH # 329 to 330 90.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.81 3.66 527.08 527.65 523.97 523.69
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 298 to 299 36.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.50 2.36 535.00 534.75 532.20 532.09
MH # 299 to 300 57.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.61 2.54 535.00 534.75 532.09 531.91
MH # 300 to 357 69.5 300 0.0031 0.762 2.54 2.63 534.75 534.63 531.91 531.70
MH # 357 to 358 69.5 300 0.0031 0.762 2.63 2.72 534.63 534.50 531.70 531.48
MH # 358 to
358A 18.5 300 0.0031 0.762 2.72 1.28 534.50 533.00 531.48 531.42
MH # 358A to
359 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.52 3.83 533.00 534.00 530.18 529.87
MH # 359 to 360 67.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.83 2.24 534.00 532.20 529.87 529.66
MH # 360 to 361 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.24 1.75 532.20 531.40 529.66 529.35
MH # 361 to 362 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 1.75 2.16 531.40 531.50 529.35 529.04
MH # 362 to 363 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.16 2.17 531.50 531.20 529.04 528.73
MH # 363 to 364 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.17 2.41 531.20 531.13 528.73 528.42
MH # 364 to 365 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.41 2.69 531.13 531.10 528.42 528.11
MH # 365 to
365A 54.1 300 0.0031 0.762 2.69 2.91 531.10 531.15 528.11 527.94
MH # 365A to
366 54.1 300 0.0031 0.762 4.31 4.52 531.15 531.20 526.54 526.38
MH # 366 to 367 100.1 300 0.0031 0.762 4.52 3.58 531.20 529.95 526.38 526.07
MH # 367 to 368 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.58 2.37 529.95 528.43 526.07 525.76
MH # 368 to 369 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 3.12 2.17 528.43 527.17 525.01 524.70
MH # 369 to 370 100.0 300 0.0031 0.762 2.17 3.36 527.17 528.05 524.70 524.39
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 308C to
308D 80.2 200 0.0034 0.610 2.00 2.27 533.00 533.00 530.80 530.53
MH # 308D to
359 80.2 200 0.0034 0.610 2.27 2.55 533.00 533.00 530.53 530.25
MH # 311 to
311A 102.3 200 0.0034 0.610 1.10 2.53 529.00 530.08 527.70 527.35
MH # 311A to
365A 102.7 200 0.0034 0.610 2.53 3.95 530.08 531.15 527.35 527.00
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 118E to
118D 6.0 200 0.0053 0.762 1.00 1.03 545.15 545.15 543.95 543.92
MH # 118D to
118C 19.1 200 0.0053 0.762 2.03 1.88 545.15 544.90 542.92 542.82
MH # 118C to
118B 57.2 200 0.0053 0.762 2.63 2.04 544.90 544.00 542.07 541.76
MH # 118B to
118A 57.2 200 0.0053 0.762 2.54 2.34 544.00 543.50 541.26 540.96
MH # 118A to
118 33.0 200 0.0053 0.762 2.34 2.22 543.50 543.20 540.96 540.78
MH # 38 to 39
MH # 39 to 40
MH # 40 to 41
MH # 249 to 250
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
MH # 247 to 248
MH # 248 to 260
MH # 182 to 183
MH # 183 to 184
MH # 184 to 185
MH # 185 to 186
MH # 186 to 187
MH # 187 to 188
MH # 190 to 191
MH # 191 to 192
MH # 345 to 346
MH # 346 to 347
MH # 347 to 348
MH # 348 to 349
MH # 349 to 350
MH # 350 to 287
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
• Drawings
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
• Design Calculations
• Drawings
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report
ESALs: 3 x 106
Reliability: 99%
Layer Coefficients:
Drainage Coefficients
Structural Number SN = a1 D 1 + a2 m2 D 2 + a3 m3 D 3
ESALs: 1 x 106
Reliability: 99%
Layer Coefficients:
Drainage Coefficients
Structural Number SN = a1 D 1 + a2 m2 D 2 + a3 m3 D 3
ESALs: 1 x 105
Reliability: 99%
Layer Coefficients:
Drainage Coefficients
Structural Number SN = a1 D 1 + a2 m2 D 2 + a3 m3 D 3
Figure 6- 1: Calculation of Structural Number for Main Passenger Access / Cargo Access / External Roads
Design Chart for Flexible Pavements (from the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1986)
Design Chart for Flexible Pavements (from the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1986)
Design Chart for Flexible Pavements (from the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1986)
• Design Calculations
• Drawings
Package 8A: Landside Infrastructure- Final Design Report