Pre Midterm 1
Pre Midterm 1
Pre Midterm 1
1. An antenna with a length of 6 cm radiates a 12 cm wavelength signal. Calculate the far field distance. (3 pts)
2. An earth satellite station needed an antenna that can amplify 2500 times bigger than the input signal. If the
engineers assigned agreed to build an antenna with parabolic reflector, and operates at 3.4 GHz, what is its
diameter? (4 pts)
3. At a certain time, the maximum usable frequency for transmission at an angle of incidence of 75° is 18 MHz.
What is the critical frequency? (2 pts)
4. A 400 feet antenna is to be operated at 6200 kHz. What is the wavelength at this frequency? (3 pts)
5. Determine the radio horizon for a transmit antenna that is 100 ft high and a receiving antenna that is 50 ft high. (3
6. What is the electric field strength 10 km away in the direction of maximum radiation from a half-wave dipole that
is fed, by means of lossless, matched line, by a 15 W transmitter? (3 pts)
7. A radio signal travels at how many yards per microseconds? (2 pts)
8. Calculate the operating frequency of a half wave dipole if the actual length is 3.5 meter. (3 pts)
9. A mobile radio system base station is installed 50 meters above the ground and transmits 150 W at 54 MHz. If the
transmitting antenna gain is 5.17, how far will the receiving antenna be, if the antenna height is 30 m and the
received field strength is 22µV/m. (5 pts)
10. A dish designed for operation at 150 MHz is operated at twice that frequency. By what factors do gain and
beamwidth change? (2pts each)
11. Two half-wave dipoles are separated by 50 km. They are aligned for optimum reception. The transmitter feeds its
antenna with 10 W at 144 MHz. Calculate the received power. (4 pts)
12. What is the critical angle of the signal when it passes from glass, with relative permittivity of 7.8, into air? (3 pts)
13. An unknown medium was used in communication system. If the characteristic impedance of that medium is 150
ohms, what is the relative permittivity? (3 pts)
14. Find the approximate width of a pyramidal horn antenna that will operate at 10000 MHz intended to have a
beamwidth of 10°. (3pts)
15. A boat is equipped with a VHF marine radio which it uses to communicate with other nearby boats and shore
stations. If the antenna on the boat 2.3m above the water, calculate the maximum distance for communication
with another similar boat, using the shore station with an antenna on a tower 22m above water level as a repeater.
16. A transmitter has an output power of 50W. It is connected to its antenna by a feed line that is 25 meters long and
properly matched. The loss in the feed line is 5dB/100m. The antenna has a gain of 8.5 dBi. How much power
reaches the antenna? (3 pts)
17. An indoor television “rabbit ears” antenna is basically a dipole. To what length should each “ear” be adjusted for
channel 2 (54 – 60 MHz)? (5 pts)
18. What power density is required to produce electric field strength of 100 V/m in air? (3 pts)
19. If the power of a 500 kHz transmitter is increased from 150W to 450W, what would be the percentage change in
field intensity at a given distance from the transmitter? (3 pts)
20. For an antenna with an input power of 100W, a rms current of 2A and effective resistance of 2 ohms, determine
the antenna’s efficiency. (3 pts)
21. A half-wave dipole is driven with a 10-W signal at 300MHz. A receiving dipole 200km away is aligned such that
its gain is cut in half. Calculate the voltage into a 150-ohm receiver. (5pts)
22. Calculate the EIRP in dBW for a 25 W transmitter into a dipole with 90% efficiency. (3pts)
23. What would be the physical size of a Hertz antenna, in inches, operating at 74.784 MHz? (3pts)
24. A paraboloid is to have a power gain of 41.55 dB. If the frequency of operation is 8GHz, what is the diameter, in
feet, of the parabolic reflector? Efficiency between 50 % and 70% (5pts)
25. How much does the radiated power of an antenna increase if its current increases 3.3 times? (2pts)
26. The velocity of the signal in air is 140 and becomes 100 as it passes through another medium. What is the index
of refraction of the second medium? (2pts)
27. A 125-m antenna, transmitting at 1.5MHz has an antenna current of 8A. What field strength and voltage are
received by a receiving antenna 40 km away, with a height of 2m. (3pts each)
28. If the OWF for a communication link is 4250 kHz, what is the approximate maximum usable frequency? (2pts)
29. Determine the electric field strength 10km away from a half-wave dipole transmitter with an input of 100W?
30. Determine the gain of certain antenna that will produce an effective area 199m 2 at 30MHz. (2pts)
31. Determine the dB gain of a receiving antenna which delivers a microvolt signal to a transmission line over that of
an antenna that delivers a 2micrivolt signal under identical circumstances. (3pts)
32. Find the power received by a Hertz antenna if the 150 MHz if the 150 MHz transmitter output power is 50kW.
The transmitter is 100km distant and also uses a Hertz antenna. (5pts)
33. The dielectric strength of air is about 3MV/m. What is the maximum power density of an electromagnetic wave in
air? (2pts)
34. What is the distance to the radio horizon for an antenna that is 40ft above the top of a 400ft mountain peak? (1pt)
35. What is the effective area of Hertzian dipole operating at 30MHz? (2pts)
36. A parabolic dish has a diameter of 10 λ. What is the gain, in dB? What is the beamwidth? If the dish is built for
operation at 200MHz, what would be the actual diameter? (2pts each)
37. To minimize interference, a 500-MHz dish needs to have a 1° beamwidth. What diameter dish is required, in
wavelength and in meters? (3 pts)
38. The dielectric strength of air is about 3 MV/m. What is the maximum power density of an electromagnetic wave
in air? (3 pts)
39. A certain antenna has a gain of 7 dB with respect to an isotropic radiator. What is the effective area if it operates
at 200 MHz? (3 pts)
40. How much power would an antenna, with a gain of 7 dB and frequency of 200 MHz, absorb from a signal with a
field strength of 50µV/m? (3 pts)