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Hydraulic Elevator Installation Checklist: Schindler 330A

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Schindler 330A ®

Hydraulic elevator installation checklist

Schindler Hydraulic Elevator System

Schindler 330A ®

Hydraulic elevator installation checklist

Delivery of equipment C3 Hoistway walls

Prior to elevator equipment delivery, an enclosed dry – Masonry: Provide opening of +8” (203 mm) on each
hoistway, a ready machine room, and temporary or side and +8” (203 mm) on top of clear opening for
permanent three-phase power must be available. installation of door frames and sills by Schindler.
– Dry wall: Walls at entrance to be built after door sills
General Contractor and frames are set in place.
– Provide adequate, rollable access for delivery and – Grout entrances and sills after installation by Schindler.
material unloading, and a dry place for storage of – No conduit, duct or piping allowed in the hoistway
equipment located near hoistway. that is not related to the elevator equipment.
– Refer to elevator layout. Please verify hoistway finished – Pit and hoistway must be dry at all times.
clear width and depth, pit depth, floor-to-floor heights, C4 – If job requires cutting and patching of walls, floors, etc.,
and clear overhead. and removal of such obstruction for proper installation
– Build a clear, plumb, legal hoistway in accordance with of the elevator as well as pockets or blockouts for
applicable code from top-to-bottom with variations not signal fixtures, it is to be done by General Contractor.
to exceed 1” (25.4 mm) per 100’ (2540 mm). Refer to elevator layout. Seal all wall penetrations with
– Provide attachment points for elevator rail brackets. material approved by code to maintain fire rating.
Locate per layout. C5 – OSHA-approved barricades must be installed with
P1 – If jackhole is required for borehole jack system, see kick board at each opening.
Detail A on reverse side. C6 – Attachment points for elevator rail bracket supports
C1 – Check local codes for ventilation requirements. Refer (inserts, steel or concrete) are needed at all floor levels
also to Ventilation Requirements on reverse side. and in overhead. Supports between floors may be
C2 – Supply hoist beam for elevator construction and necessary per code if span is excessive. Coordinate
service work. Beam to run across the width of the locations with Schindler.
elevator shaft. Loads and location per elevator layout. – Bevel all hoistway projections and recesses in accor-
Beam to be removed by General Contractor after dance with applicable codes.
elevator installation if minimum overhead cab C7 – Divider beams are required between adjacent elevators
clearances are not available. at all floor levels and at 10’ (254 mm) above top
landing. Locate per layout.
C8 – Provide drain or sump hole in pit as required by gov-
erning local code. Cover for sump shall be level with
pit floor. Drains connected directly to sewers shall
Clear not be installed in elevator pits. Location to be coor-
C2 Overhead dinated with Schindler. Pit must be dry at all times.
C9 – Provide pit ladder — location per layout.
C10 – Provide 8” x 8” (203 x 203 mm) blockout for oil line
and wire duct. To be sealed by General Contractor.
C3 Location to be coordinated with Schindler. For remote
machine rooms, provide clear access above ceiling or
C6 coordinate with Schindler field supervisor.
Landing Machine room
C8 C11 – Machine room temperature must be maintained
between 55°F (13°C) and 90°F (32°C) for proper
operation of equipment.
– No conduit, duct or piping allowed in the machine
E2 Bottom room that is not related to the elevator equipment.
C12 Landing C12 – Provide fire-rated, self-closing, self-locking machine
room door, fire extinguisher (type ABC), and live
analog phone line.
– All oil lines and duct runs for remote machine room
will be overhead.

Schindler 330A Checklist

Electrical Contractor Sound suppression
– If sprinklers are required, provide smoke sensing devices The following guidelines are to be followed to reduce
at elevator lobbies and/or at top of elevator shaft with noise to acceptable levels.
electrical conductors terminating at elevator controller 1. The surrounding walls, floor, and ceiling assembly
in machine room for automatic elevator recall system should have a substantial STC (Sound Transmission
in the event of a fire. Class) rating. The higher the STC rating, the better. If
E1 – Must immediately confirm the type of three-phase noise-sensitive areas are nearby, STC 50 or 55 should
power to the elevator equipment room (208 volt, be used as the design criteria for the surrounding
230 volt, 240 volt, 460 volt, 480 volt, 575 volt or structure. Concrete block walls will provide STC 42.
600 volt) and provide before work can begin. Refer Two layers of gypsum board on each side of 3 5/8”
to Schindler power data sheet for approval. steel studs at standard spacing (total of four layers,
– Provide a fused, heavy duty, three-phase, lockable two on each side) with fiberglass batt in the cavity
disconnect or shunt trip breaker and single-phase will provide STC 56. All cracks and gaps around the
lockable disconnect (for car lighting and fan) in perimeter must be copiously filled with the appropriate
machine room with feeder branch wiring to elevator acoustical caulking. Wood studs should be avoided,
controller. Disconnect size to suit elevator contractor’s but if they are used, attach drywall with resilient
equipment requirements. All work must be per channel or use a staggered stud arrangement.
National Electric Code and ASME A17.1 and any 2. In situations where noise-sensitive areas are not an
local codes. Locate per layout. issue, two layers of drywall (four total) are still rec-
– When the battery lowering/anti-entrapment device ommended and caulk sufficiently around the perimeter.
is required, provide a dedicated, labeled, 110V, Double-layer drywall with staggered seams works best.
15A circuit and conduit. When a heat exchanger is 3. The door must have a good STC rating. A rated door
required, provide a dedicated, labeled, 110V, 20A and frame assembly are needed if a noise-sensitive area
circuit with disconnect. Refer to the Schindler power is nearby, requiring low noise levels, such as NV 30 or
data information for additional information. 30 dBA which is not typical. Ideally an STC 55 door
– Shunt trip breaker required if sprinkler in pit, hoistway would be best to match the walls. Rated doors may
or machine room. have cam hinges that raise the door and then lower it
– Provide adequate lighting and receptacle in machine when it closes to eliminate the gap at the base and a
room. Locate per layout. tight seal around the perimeter along with sufficient
E2 – Per the latest National Electrical Code, all receptacles mass to give the door a good STC rating. Doors with a
installed in machine rooms, machinery and control lower rating (e.g., STC 40), may be adequate for non-
spaces, and pits must have Ground Fault Circuit noise-sensitive areas (e.g., NC 40-45 or 40-45 dBA),
Interrupter Protection (GFCI). at a substantially reduced cost.
– Provide a light and receptacle in elevator pit. Locate 4. If a standard door is used, good sealing hardware is
per layout. needed to seal around the perimeter of the door.
5. Penetrations through the equipment room wall must
Schindler Elevator Corporation be kept to a minimum. When pipes and conduit pass
– Supplies telephone in car and travel cable to car. through the walls, they must be sealed with mortar or
the appropriate acoustical sealant to prevent noise
Machine room design considerations
leaks. A heavy, solid material must be used. Do not
A properly designed machine room will provide additional
use fiberglass.
noise suppression for the power unit using standard
6. If the walls are concrete block, do not paint them.
construction material. When possible, locate the power
Unpainted block has about 33% absorption, which
unit away from noise-sensitive areas.
is lost with a coat of paint. Fiberglass panels on the
ceiling or walls covering 25% of the area are benefi-
cial, but not mandatory.
All wiring (including analog phone line) to machine room supplied
by owner.
Local codes may vary. Consult with your architect/ engineer and
local Schindler representative.

Schindler 330A Checklist

Schindler 330A ®

Hydraulic elevator installation checklist

7. Vibration isolation of the unit normally will not be Borehole applications only
needed when the unit is attached to a concrete Jack hole drilling — Schindler must have clear access
foundation. If used on an upper floor, 2” deflection for truck-mounted drill rig (unless inside drilling is
springs properly sized and installed are suggested. If required in an existing building). Contractor to locate
used on wooden floors, springs are mandatory. the jack hole for the driller and remove jack hole spoils
8. The pipe from the power unit to the hoistway after drilling is complete. (See Detail A below.)
should be “vibrationally” isolated from the wall and
Detail A
the perimeter of the pipe sealed with the appropri- Jack Hole
ate acoustical sealant to prevent acoustical leaks or
flanking paths for vibration noise. ”A”

Jack Hole
Ventilation requirements
The following guidelines are to be followed to maintain
acceptable elevator equipment room temperatures:
1. Machine room temperature must be maintained
between 55° and 90° F. ”A”
Hoistyway Plan
2. A vented door should be avoided. Air removal
should be done by ducting the air from the room to
the outside if possible. A forced removal of the air to Bottom Car
Landing Travel
another part of the building or building exterior is Jack Hole
”A” Pit Depth

needed to keep an air exchange through the equip-

ment room. Intake and exhaust vents should not be
located next to each other. This arrangement is high-
Pit Floor
ly advantageous since it also keeps the room cooler

(e.g., 70° F), which benefits the operation of the

”B” Hole Depth

power unit and reduces the likelihood of overheating.

3. Minimum machine room ventilation requirements for
hydraulic elevators:
Rated HP BTU/hr CFM* ”B” Hole Depth = Travel + 6’ 6” – Pit Depth
15 3740 190 Section Thru — ”A-A”

20 4740 240
25 5740 290
30 6740 350
40 8740 450
50 10740 550

* Minimum air at 70° F to be moved in and out of the machine room.

© Schindler Elevator Corporation 2007

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the Schindler office nearest you, please visit:


North American Headquarters


Morristown, New Jersey 07962-1935

Tel. 973.397.6500

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