NASA Facts B-52B Launch Aircraft
NASA Facts B-52B Launch Aircraft
NASA Facts B-52B Launch Aircraft
The Lifting Bodies The drag chutes permit the orbiters to land safely
in a shorter distance and also help reduce tire and
Between 1966 and 1975, B-52 008 was the launch brake wear. The test unit, consisting of the test drag
aircraft for 127 of the 144 flights of the wingless chute and its attachment and deployment systems,
lifting body aircraft that contributed to development was installed in the tail of NASA 008, along with
of the space shuttle. instrumentation to record loads and pressures on the
deployed parachute and also on the structure of the
Lifting bodies obtain aerodynamic lift from the aircraft.
shape of their bodies. The addition of fins and control
surfaces allowed research pilots to stabilize and The tests were carried out at landing speeds
control the vehicles and maintain a predetermined ranging from 160 to 230 mph on a lakebed runway
flight path. Research flights with the vehicles proved and also on the main concrete runway at Edwards.
that vehicles entering the atmosphere from space They demonstrated the initiation, deployment,
inflation, and overall operation of the orbiter drag
EC01 0126-03 NASA Photo by Carla Thomas
Dryden's B-52B takes an X-43 aloft.
chute system. Data from the tests were used to vali- flight of the X-38 in March 1998, and continued into
date predicted loads. 2001.
First operational use of the drag chute system was NASA 008 also is the launch aircraft for the X-43A
on Shuttle Endeavour, newest of the space shuttle Hyper-X program. The X-43A is a free-flight scramjet
fleet, during its first landing, May 16, 1992. powered research vehicle.
Aircraft Modifications
NASA 008 was used as the air launch platform for
the first six commercially developed Pegasus rocket After coming to NASA, a major structural modifi-
boosters. The three-stage Pegasus is designed to put a cation to the B-52B was the cutout of a large notch in
payload into Earth orbit after being launched horizon- the aircraft’s right inboard wing flap to accommodate
tally from a carrier aircraft’s wing. the vertical tail on the three X-15 aircraft. This notch
also served the Pegasus and Hyper-X projects.
Pegasus was developed by Orbital Sciences Corpo-
ration under sponsorship of the Defense Advanced Installation of various pylons used to carry research
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as part of the vehicles and test articles to be air dropped has oc-
agency’s Advanced Space Technology Program. curred over the years. The pylons have been attached
under the right wing between the inboard engine pod
The first Pegasus launch from NASA 008 was on and fuselage. Each pylon was subjected to extensive
April 5, 1990, over the Pacific Ocean, about 60 miles drag, airflow and loads testing before use. On a
southwest of Monterey, Calif. historical note, the Hyper-X Launch Vehicle pylon
used to attach it to the B-52B is the same pylon used
for the X-15 program.
Current Project Support
Special instrumentation has been installed aboard
NASA 008’s support of the X-38 crew return NASA 008 to record and transmit test and research
vehicle prototype spacecraft began with the maiden data and video to the Dryden Mission Control Room
or other receivers during research missions. A second maximum operating altitude of more than 50,000 feet.
Launch Panel Operator position was added to augment It is 156 feet long, and has a wingspan of 185 feet.
the existing one for the Hyper-X project.
The heaviest load Dryden’s B-52B has carried
since it become the NASA launch aircraft was 53,100
Aircraft Specifications pounds - the No. 2 X-15 with external fuel tanks used
during that aircraft’s fastest flights. The second heavi-
The NASA B-52B is powered by eight Pratt & est load, at 47,772 pounds, was the space shuttle solid
Whitney J-57-19 turbojet engines, each producing rocket booster recovery system tests, while the third
12,000 pounds of thrust with water injection. The heaviest load carried was the Pegasus rocket, weighing
aircraft has a top speed of 390 knots (448 mph) and a in at 41,152 pounds.