Acmv Calc
Acmv Calc
Acmv Calc
Size of room
UPS area = 4650 x 3200
= 14.88 m2
UPS room: (W x Dx H) mm x mm x mm
= 4650 x 3200 x 3225
= 47.988 m
Battery room: (W x Dx H) mm x mm x mm
= 2410 x 3200 x 3225
= 24.8712 m3
Hydrogen Evolution
per AH per Cell = 0.00042 m3
Total Volume of hydrogen evolved = 3.95395 m3 per hour
(vendor doc, charging current 32.5A)
Size of room
UPS area = 4650 x 3200
= 14.88 m
UPS room: (W x Dx H) mm x mm x mm
= 4650 x 3200 x 3225
= 47.988 m3
Battery room: (W x Dx H) mm x mm x mm
= 2410 x 3200 x 3225
= 24.8712 m
2 Room BTU