Watkins-Johnson Topology Integrated in A Full-Bridge Converter
Watkins-Johnson Topology Integrated in A Full-Bridge Converter
Watkins-Johnson Topology Integrated in A Full-Bridge Converter
1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
L1 S1
Electrical thrusters require high power and High L2
Voltage (HV) of 300V to 2000V depending on the C
thruster technology. A converter suitable for this S2 R
1. WATKINS-JOHNSON TOPOLOGY The isolated version of the topology under study can be
implemented as a push pull or full bridge that follows a
In figures 1 and 2 the W-J topology and a practical Watkins-Jonson stage, as depicted in figure 3 and 4.
realization of it is presented.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
Also the maximum voltage stress on the switching Even if the switches are different, phase 1 and 3 are
elements is the same as the basic topology, i.e. 2*Vin. essentially the same, so we can study the CVT
considering only phase 1 and 2.
Instead of simply cascading the Watkins-Johnson and a
full bridge stage, we can “integrate” the two topologies, The circuits in phase 1 are depicted in fig. 6 where only
as depicted in figure 5. It can be seen that, at the cost of the conducting switches have been included. To derive
one extra diode on the primary side, the maximum the conversion ratio we will apply the method of the
voltage stress on the Mosfets is reduced from 2*Vin to inductor volt seconds balance and the capacitor charge
Vin, making the converter suitable for systems based on balance under the small ripple approximation [1].
power busses of 100V or higher.
We will use the following convention to distinguish
M3 M4 D3 between instantaneous, DC and AC values:
C R x = x(t) = X + x(t)
L1 x = x(t) : instantaneous value
X : DC value
x(t) : AC value
M1 M2
In Phase 1 (see fig.6) the governing equations are:
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
vL12 2 vL
Where ion is the inductor current, Vds is the voltage drop
on the diode on the secondary side, RL the parasitic
Substituting (8) and (9) into (5) we have the following
resistance of one inductor winding.
governing equations for phase 2:
M3 D3 ion vin
C R vL RL Vdp
2 2 (10)
L vout
Vin ic
R (6)
We can now proceed with the Volt Second balance
using (3) and (10) and charge balance using (4) and (6)
only for the DC values of the concerned variables:
Figure 6. Phase 1 circuit § Ion Vin ·
0 G ª¬Vin RL Ion n Vout Vdsº¼ ( 1 G ) ¨ RL Vdp ¸
© 2 2 ¹ (11)
In Phase 2 (see fig.7) the governing equations are:
§ Vout · Vout
0 G ¨ n Ion ¸ (1 G )
vL12 2 RL ioff 2 Vdp vin © R ¹ R (12)
ic From (11) and (12) we can obtain the conversion ratio
R (6) of the full bridge with the Watkins-Johnson topology,
that, in the case the parasitic values RL, Vdp and Vds are
Where ioff is the inductor current, L12 is the inductance zero is:
of the two windings in series of the mutual inductances,
vL12 the voltage across L12,Vdp is the voltage drop on the Vout 3G 1
diode on the primary side. Vin n2G (13)
L12 4 L
(because doubling the number of turn on a core will CHARACTERISTICS IN CONTINUOUS
increase the inductance by a factor of 22), and that at the MODE
transition times between Phase 1 and 2:
In fig. 9 the major waveforms of the converter in CCM
ion are depicted with reference to the electrical scheme in
ioff figure 5.
2 (8)
(because the energy in the inductance can’t change The major characteristics of the converter in CCM are
instantaneously), we can write: reported here after.
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
on is the rise of current in the inductor during
phase 1 (t on). Using (13) in (17) and rearranging we
'I on Vin T
2L (18)
'I on
IL_avg_on ! G
2 (19)
'I on
IL_avg_on G
2 (20)
1 3 G 1 Vin 1 1G
! Vin T G
Figure 9. Major waveforms of the converter in the n 2 2G R 2 2L
switching period (ideal case)
Rearranging (21):
2 L (1 G ) G 2
We know that this converter transfer the current in the !
n2 R T 3G 1
inductor to the output only during phase 1, in phase 2 (22)
the inductor current goes back to the input source.
Hence the average current of the inductor during phase Defining:
1 must be the same as the average output current
corrected by the transformer ratio. We can then write: 2 L
n2 R T (23)
1 Vout
n R (14) (1 G ) G 2
Kcrt( G )
3G 1 (24)
Using (13) in (14) and rearranging we have:
We have that we are in CCM if:
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
K ! Kcrt( G ) (25)
current in the inductor at all since the load is zero Watts.
! crt equation (25) loses its meaning and the
converter will be always in DCM. Rearranging (22) we
can define Rcrt=Rcrt().
2 L 3G 1
n T (1 G ) G 2
2 L 3G 1
Rcrt( G )
n T (1 G ) G 2
Figure 8 shows measurements of Vout/Vin compared to
duty cycle, measured at Vin = 100V, n=3, Pout=50W. It
is observed that the measured results follow the derived
formula, allowing for a slight error due to voltage drop
in the output diodes.
The major characteristics of the converter (Voltage and Figure 12 shows some waveforms measured on the
Current stress levels) in DCM are essentially the same converter working at 113W. It is observed that the
as in CCM, as can be seen in figure 11. general shape of the measured waveforms corresponds
to those found in Figure 9. The discrepancies are due to
The converter gain in DCM is given by the following parasitic effects, in particular, the ~1.8MHz damped
formula in the ideal case: oscillations (seen on the inductor current and VDS(M3))
are due resonance of the transformer leakage inductance
Vout 2
G with the parasitic capacitance of the Mosfets. These
Vin n K G 2 oscillations can be reduced or removed using an RC
snubber across each Mosfet.
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
Rearranged and simplified they become
E3S Web of Conferences 16, 14004 (2017 ) DOI: 10.1051/ e3sconf/20171614004
ESPC 2016
1. Robert W. Erickson (1997), Fundamentals of
Power Electronics. International Thomson
2. F. Tonicello, O. Mourra, B2R (Buck & Boost
Figure 16. equivalent averaged circuit of the Full Regulator) Control Aspects and Small Signal
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Angeles, CA.
In the PSPICE model we see three areas: “input filter”,
3. V. Vorperian, Simplified Analysis of PWM
“averaged switching cell” and “output filter”. In the first
Converters Using the Model of the PWM switch:
and latter areas components can be added as wished
without considering “averaging” their value. Parts I and II. IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and
Electronic Systems. Vol. AES-26, pp 490-505,
When adding extra components in the averaged May 1990.
switching cell, we have to “average” them. For example
if we want to add the parasitic capacitance of the output 4. E. van Dijk, J.B. Klaassens, H.J.N. Spruijt, D.M.
diodes, then the actual value to be used in the circuit O’Sullivan, PWM Switch Modelling of DC-DC
will be n*D*Cds, where Cds is the capacitance of the Converter Topologies, Proceedings of the
secondary diodes. European Space Power Conference, Graz August
Using the circuit of figure 16 it is easy simulate a closed 1993, pp 301-306.098
loop converter and plot the transfer functions, enabling
the study the transient response while modelling the
input and output filters. It is worth noting that the circuit
in fig. 16 is a non-linear circuit, and it describes both
DC and AC behaviour.
x A Full Bridge DC/DC converter based on the
Watkins-Johnson topology has been presented and
its static characteristics and waveforms in CCM and
DCM have been analytically derived.