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Effect of Generator Parameters Inaccuracy On Transient Stability Performance

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Effect of Generator Parameters Inaccuracy on

Transient Stability Performance

M. R. Aghamohammadi, A. Beik Khormizi, M. Rezaee

that has attracted the attention of many researchers.

Abstract-- In this paper the effect of generator parameters Knowledge of the operational parameters of generators is
inaccuracy on the transient stability performance of generator necessary for performing stability studies and post mortem
and power system is investigated. Generator parameters are analysis of power systems. Traditionally, synchronous
identified either by calculation based on design specification or
machine parameters are evaluated by off-line tests as
by measurements. In both approaches, the parameters are
obtained with some degree of inaccuracy. Inaccuracy and described in IEEE Standards [7] and the traditional methods
uncertainty in the obtained parameters can affect the dynamic for modeling synchronous machines are well specified in
performance and transient behavior of synchronous generators IEEE Standard [8]. These methods assume a known structure
that may affect transient stability evaluation of power systems. for the synchronous machine, using well-established theories
In this paper, using the concept of sensitivity analysis of dynamic like Park’s transformation [1], [9]. They address the problem
performance of generators with respect to their parameters, the
of finding the parameters of a known structure. Usually the
effect of inaccuracy of each parameter on the transient stability
of power system is investigated and the acceptable and tolerable procedures involve difficult and time-consuming tests, such
inaccuracy in the identification of each parameter is evaluated. as; short-circuit, standstill frequency response (SSFR) [10],
The proposed concept and approach is demonstrated on the [11] and open circuit frequency response (OCFR) tests. These
IEEE 39-bus test system. tests can mainly be carried out when the machine is not in
service. The main problem with this approach, classified as
Index Terms--Synchronous generator, dynamic parameters, white-box modeling, is that the parameters are determined
transient stability, inaccuracy, sensitivity analysis
individually using off-line tests. There are errors when these
parameters are used collectively to simulate a synchronous
generator. To overcome the drawbacks of the white-box

S ynchronous machines play a very important role in the

dynamic security of power systems. A proper model for
synchronous machines is essential for a valid analysis of
modeling, identification methods based on on-line
measurements have gained attention during recent years. In
1981, [12] used on-line frequency response measurements
stability and dynamic performance. The main initial advance from two large turbo generators to identify machine
in synchronous machine analysis was the development of parameters; during the same period, [13] used the extended
Park’s model [1]. Park’s model was not the only synchronous Kalman filter to identify dynamic stability constants for small
machine model. [2] developed direct and quadrature axis disturbances under steady state operating conditions. In all
equivalent circuits for round rotor synchronous generators. methods of modeling and parameter identification of
During the same period, [3] focused on developing equivalent synchronous generator, inaccuracy and error in the parameters
circuits for field and damper windings to estimate generator identified for generators can affect generators dynamic
parameters. A significant contribution was made by [4] in performance that may affect system stability. In this paper, the
1971 who reported a systematic procedure that can be effect of the error and inaccuracy, which may exist for the
implemented to determine the parameters of the equivalent identified parameters of the generators, on the dynamic
circuits of synchronous generators. [5], [6] provide an performance and stability of generators and power system is
extensive and detailed analysis of synchronous machines, in investigated. Transient stability is adopted as criterion for
both theory and modeling. They cover the dq0 transformation, dynamic performance of synchronous machines and power
the per unit representation, equivalent circuits, and analysis in system. Moreover, in this paper, it is investigated that what
both steady state and transient operation. In modeling of amount of inaccuracy in generator parameters could
synchronous generator, parameter identification is a problem dominantly affect its dynamic performance and stability.
Dr. M. R. Aghamohammadi is with Electrical Department and Iran
Dynamic Research Center of Power & Water University of Technology, II. MACHINE MODEL DESCRIPTION
Tehran, Iran, (email: Ahamohammadi@pwut.ac.ir).
Mr. Akbar Beik Khormizi is with Electrical Department of Power & A. Park’s Model of Synchronous Machine
Water University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (email:
Fundamental equations of synchronous machine were
Mrs. Mina Rezaee is with Electrical Department of Power & Water derived by Park and others years ago. Park's equations have
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, (email: rezaii.mina@monenco.com).

978-1-4244-4813-5/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE

the simplest form and are most well known. In park’s model, of the first swing with respect to the parameters, the most
three armature phases winding a, b and c on the stator of the dominating and crucial parameters for generator stability
machine have been replaced by two equivalent armature phase performance could be recognized.
windings, d winding on the d-axis and q winding on the q-
axis. There are two damper windings on the rotor, D on the d- III. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF GENERATOR DYNAMIC
axis and Q on the q-axis, which are permanently short- BEHAVIOR
circuited. There is also a field winding F on the d-axis, which In this paper, sensitivity of the first swing of rotor angle
is dc-excited. During the development of synchronous oscillation with respect to parameters is taken as an index for
machine theory, many reactance and time constants have been evaluating the effect of parameter changes on the transient
defined. They include the synchronous reactance for steady- stability performance of generators. The first swing of rotor
state analysis, transient and subtransient reactance, which angle oscillation is a complex and nonlinear function of
include the effect of field winding and damper winding for generator parameters. In order to evaluate the sensitivity of
electric transient analysis and other dynamic studies; and the first swing, since there is no analytic functionality between
transient and subtransient time constants associated with first swing and parameters, therefore, its sensitivity with
reactance. All resistances are relatively small compared to the respect to generator parameters should be calculated
associated reactance. numerically by time domain simulation. The procedure
adopted in this paper for evaluating sensitivity is as follows.
B. Effect of Generator Modeling on System Stability The initial value of generator parameters that may be
Synchronous generators play a dominating role in the obtained either from manufacture or by identification are
dynamic performance of power systems. Load-angle stability considered as base values. First swing oscillation of each
of power systems is mainly affected by the performance of generator following a three-phase short circuit fault is also
synchronous generators. Proper modeling of synchronous considered as corresponding performance of generators. By
generators enables one to simulate dynamic performance of this way, for each generator an associated base first swing
synchronous generators and power systems in a realistic magnitude corresponding to the base parameters of the
environment. The accuracy of generator modeling mainly generators could be calculated. Then, each dynamic parameter
depends upon the accuracy of generators dynamic parameters. of a selected generator is changed individually from its base
Generator parameters are supplied either by the manufacturers value by the step size of 10% until ±30% change while other
or by the identification. For this purpose, many techniques and parameters are kept constant. Then by applying each
methodologies have been developed for identification of individual change to the selected generator and performing
generator parameters. Different identification approaches transient stability simulation by DIgSILENT software, first
could result in different degree of accuracy for parameters, swing oscillation of the selected generator and other
which could result in different dynamic behavior of generators generators are calculated. Using deviation of the first swing
and power system. Nevertheless, the question is that, how oscillation corresponding to ±30% changes of parameters, the
accurate the parameters of synchronous generators should be sensitivity of first swing with respect to each parameter of
estimated to be able to provide a relatively accurate model for generator are calculated by equation (1).
generators. In other words, in the process of parameters Δδ F .S (δ F .S (X ) − δ F . S ( X t − % 30 ) )
t + % 30

identification or calculation, how much deviation in the δ δ F .S ( n ) δF .S ( n )

S = = (1 )
obtained value for each parameter could be regarded as
Δ Xt ( Xt + % 30 − Xt − % 30 )
permissible accuracy? Xt ( n ) Xt ( n )

C. Criteria for Model Accuracy Where,

As mentioned, the dynamic performance of synchronous S: sensitivity of first swing to parameter Xt,
generators and consequently power system mostly depends δF.S: magnitude of the first swing of the rotor oscillation
upon the accuracy of generator modeling. In order to evaluate Xt: dynamic parameter of the generator.
the permissible inaccuracy for generator parameters, it is Xt (n): base value of Xt
necessary to propose indices. In this paper, the dynamic δF.S (n): base value of the first swing of rotor angle
performance of generators is taken as criteria for evaluating Xt-30%: 30% decreased in value of Xt
permissible deviation of each dynamic parameter. Following a Xt+30%: 30% increased in value of Xt
fault and during transient stability of power systems, the δF.S (Xt-30%): δF.S associated to 30% decreased in value of Xt
sensitivity of the first swing of each generator with respect to δF.S (Xt+30%): δF.S associated to 30% increased in value of Xt
each parameter is considered as an index for stability These sensitivities are considered as indices for finding the
performance of the generator. The smaller the magnitude of most dominating parameters affecting the stability
the first swing becomes, the more stable the generator performance of generators.
becomes and the greater the margin of generator stability. The
tolerable change caused in the magnitude of the first swing of IV. SIMULATION STUDIES
rotor angle due to the change in the parameters, determines the
permissible deviation in the parameter as the tolerable In order to demonstrate the proposed approach for finding
inaccuracy for that parameter. Also by ranking the sensitivity the most dominating generator parameters on the stability
performance of generators and power system, IEEE 39-bus angle with respect to a parameter is positive it means that
system consisting of 2 hydro, 6 steam and 2 combined cycle decrease of that parameter causes a decrease in the first swing,
generators, is adopted with the generator parameters taken which leads to more stability and when the associated
from [6]. In this paper, Generators no. 32, 34, 35 and 36 are sensitivity of a parameter is negative it means that increase of
selected for investigating the effect of their parameters on the that parameter leads to more stability. As it can be seen from
stability performance. For this purpose, two kinds of studies tables 1 and 2, for medium fault applied to generators no.32,
are conducted; 35, and 36 the sensitivity of the first swing rotor angle with
1. Effect of changing the parameters of a specific generator respect to machine inertia (H) is negative while for generator
on its own behavior no.34 this sensitivity is positive and in the case of severe fault
2. Effect of changing the parameters of other generators on for all generators this sensitivity is negative.
dynamic behavior of a specific generator TABLE I
Also for simulating transient stability behavior of generators RESPECT TO THEIR PARAMETERS WITHOUT CONSISTENCY WHEN MEDIUM
and power system, two types of faults are defined as follows. FAULT IS APPLIED
1. A three phase short circuit fault on the terminal of the Fault near to generator terminal

generator which is considered as severe fault Gen. No.

2. A three phase short circuit fault near to the terminal of MVA 231.6 233 384 192
the generator which is considered as medium fault Fault Location Line22-21 Line16-19 Line14-13 Line24-23
Moreover, for changing generator parameters, two situations Fault
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
are considered as follows.
Parameter Sensitivity
1. Changing parameters without regarding consistency
Xd 0.0205 -0.002 0.016 0.0152
2. Changing parameters with regarding consistency
X’d 0.3209 -0.020 0.172 0.0996
The most important consistency relations between generator
X”d -0.0793 -0.018 0.051 -0.0396
parameters that have been considered in this study are as
Xq 0.4231 -0.370 0.996 0.8417
X’q 0.159 -0.114 -0.1206
Xd> Xq> X'q> X'd> X''q> X''d
X”q 0.0233 -0.004 0.099 0.0698
T'd>T''d (2) T’d0 -0.0391 0.006 -0.064 -0.0530

A. Effect of Parameter Change of a Generator on its own T”d0 0.0074 0.005 -0.041 0.0146

Dynamic Behavior T’q0 -0.014 0.009 0.0178

1) Sensitivity Analysis without Parameters Consistency T”q0 -0.0374 -0.050 0.114 -0.0527

H -0.2967 0.786 -1.169 -0.5284

In this case, by changing each parameter of generators
individually without regarding consistency of parameters and TABLE II
performing transient stability simulation for the applied fault, SENSITIVITY OF THE FIRST SWING OF ROTOR ANGLE OF GENERATORS WITH
the normalized sensitivity of the first swing of rotor angle with RESPECT TO THEIR PARAMETERS WITHOUT CONSISTENCY WHEN SEVERE
respect to each parameter of the generators for medium and FAULT IS APPLIED
Fault on generator terminal
severe fault is evaluated as shown in the table 1 and 2 Hydro Steam Steam CC
Gen. No.
respectively. G35 G34 G32 G36

It is worthy to be noted that in order to emboss the effect of MVA 231.6 233 384 192
each parameter on the stability performance of the generator Location
Bus 25 Bus 34 Bus 32 Bus 36

and due to non-linear behavior of rotor angle, the generator Fault

0.22 0.24 0.186 0.25
under test is operated close to the boundary of its stability. For Parameter Sensitivity
this purpose, the fault clearing time for severe fault is adopted Xd 0.022 0.066 0.023 0.030
close to the CCT associated to the generator while the clearing X’d 0.508 0.433 0.227 0.331
time of medium fault is chosen as 0.1 second. Because the X”d -0.144 -0.391 -0.065 -0.051
hydro generator is a salient pole one hence, X’q=Xq, also Xq 0.278 0.338 0.399 0.342
T’qo is not definable so, in table 1 and 2 X’q and T’q0 have X’q -0.017 0.009 0.003
no values. As it can be seen from table 1 showing the result of X”q 0.008 0.009 0.0001 0.013
medium fault without consistency, for generators no.35, 32 T’d0 -0.044 -0.217 -0.094 -0.112
parameters Xq, X'd and H while for generators no.34, 36 T”d0 0.001 -0.058 -0.046 0.014
parameters Xq, X'q and H have the highest sensitivity, which
T’q0 -0.007 -0.002 -0.003
means these parameters have most dominating effect on the
T”q0 0.000 0.047 0.016 0.016
first swing and consequently on the transient stability
H -1.610 -1.427 -1.743 -1.484
performance of the generators. From table 2, it is clear that the
result of severe fault without consistency, for generators
no.32, 35, 36 the parameters Xq, X'd and H and for generator 2) Sensitivity Analysis with Parameters Consistency
no.34 the parameters Xq, X'd, H and X”d have the highest By changing each parameter of generators no.32, 34, 35,
sensitivity. In the cases that the sensitivity of first swing rotor and 36 individually with considering parameters consistency
and performing transient stability simulation for the medium summarized in table 6.
and severe faults, the sensitivity of first swing of the TABLE III
generators with respect to parameters are calculated. Table 3 PARAMETERS WITH CONSISTENCY WHEN MEDIUM FAULT IS APPLIED
and 4 show associated normalized sensitivities of the first Fault near to generator terminal
swing with respect to each parameter of generators. By taking Hydro Steam Steam CC
Gen. No.
into account the consistency of parameters, the preference of G35 G34 G32 G36
MVA 231.6 233 384 192
generator parameters ranked based on the sensitivity of first
Fault Location Line22-21 Line16-19 Line14-13 Line24-23
swing of rotor angle are shown in table 5.
For the generators under study there is a relation between Duration
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

their inertia as below. Parameter Sensitivity

Xd 0.1121 -0.206 0.601 0.4971

HG34 > HG36 = HG35 > HG32 (3) X’d 0.2763 -0.021 0.173 0.0432

X”d -0.0715 -0.022 0.180 0.0310

Consider the sensitivity of first swing rotor angle of ith
Xq 0.4231 -0.371 0.603 0.8047
machine with respect to its inertia as “SGi”. As it can be seen
from tables 1, 2, 3, 4 in both cases of consistency and not X’q 0.159 -0.114 -0.1206

consistency, for medium fault there is a relationship between X”q -0.0192 -0.022 0.150 0.031

the sensitivity of fist swings with respect to H as follows. T’d0 -0.0391 0.006 -0.064 -0.0530

T”d0 0.0074 0.005 -0.041 0.0146

SG32> SG34 > SG36 >SG35 (4) T’q0 -0.014 0.009 0.0178

T”q0 -0.0374 -0.050 0.114 -0.0527

While for the severe fault, it will be as follows: H -0.2967 0.786 -1.169 -0.5284

SG32> SG35 > SG36 >SG34 (5) TABLE IV

As it is clear from relations 4 and 5, for all cases, first
Fault on generator terminal
swing of generator no.32 with the smallest inertia has the
Hydro Steam Steam CC
highest sensitivity with respect to its inertia. It can be Gen. No.
G35 G34 G32 G36
concluded that inaccuracy in the inertia of the generator with MVA 231.6 233 384 192

the smallest inertia could cause high error on the dynamic Fault
Bus 25 Bus 34 Bus 32 Bus 36
behavior of generator and system. Simulation results for both Fault
0.22 0.24 0.186 0.25
cases of consistency and not consistency, show that, although _Duration
Parameter Sensitivity
the generator no.32 and 34 are steam units, but because of
having different MVA rating, they have different sensitivities Xd 0.069 0.248 0.254 0.978

with respect to their parameters and therefore they have X’d 0.433 1.911 0.183 0.247
different dynamic behavior after a disturbance. Therefore, it X”d -0.141 -0.380 -0.030 -0.038
can be concluded that in addition to the type of parameters by Xq 0.278 0.235 0.408 0.353
itself, generator rating and severity of disturbance could
X’q -0.017 0.009 0.003
change the effectiveness of parameter on the dynamic
behavior of generators. X”q -0.075 0.008 -0.037 -0.038

T’d0 -0.044 -0.217 -0.094 -0.112

B. Effect of the Parameters of a Generator on Dynamic T”d0 0.001 -0.058 -0.046 0.014
T’q0 -0.007 -0.002 -0.003
Behavior of other Generators
T”q0 0.000 0.047 0.016 0.016
In this case, effect of changing the parameters of generators H -1.610 -1.427 -1.743 -1.484
no.32, 34 and 36 on dynamic behavior of generator no.35 is
investigated. In this investigation, the following steps are TABLE V
1. Changing a parameter of generator no.32 Fault near to generator terminal Fault on generator terminal
2. Applying severe fault on generator no.35 Hydro Steam Steam CC Hydro Steam Steam CC
3. Calculating first swing rotor angle of generator no.35 G35
4. Calculating sensitivity of first swing of generator no.35 H Xq Xq H X'd H Xq Xd
X'd Xd Xd Xd Xq X"d Xd Xq
with respect to the changed parameter of generator Xd X’q X"d X'q X"d Xd X'd X'd
no.32 X"d T”qo X'd t'do X"q Xq t'do t'do
t'do X”d, X”q X"q t"qo Xd t'do t"do X"d
5. Repeat the process from step 2 for another parameter of t"qo X’d t"qo X'd t'do t"do X"q X"q
generator no.32 X"q T’qo X'q X"d t"do t"qo X"d t"qo
t"do T’do t'do X"q t"qo X'q t"qo t"do
6. Repeat process from step 1 for generators no.34 and 36 - T”do t"do t'qo - X"q X'q X'q
- - t'qo t"do - t'qo t'qo t'qo
Using the above steps, the results of sensitivities are
TABLE VI [4] Y. Yu, H. A. M. Moussa, “Experimental determination of exact
EFFECT OF CHANGING THE PARAMETERS OF OTHER GENERATORS ON equivalent circuit parameters of synchronous machines,’’ IEEE
DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF GENERATOR NO.35 Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-90, pp. 2555-
dδ F .S (35) dδ F .S (35) dδ F .S (35) dδ F .S (35) 2560, Dec. 1971.
Parameter [5] P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, New York: McGraw-
dXt (32) dXt (34) dXt (35) dXt (36)
Hill Inc., 1994.
Xd 0.00004 0.00002 0.022 0.011 [6] P. M. Anderson, A. A. Fouad, Power System Control and Stability,
X’d -0.0001 -0.0002 0.508 0.039 Ames: The Iowa State University Press, 1977.
X’’d -0.0070 -0.0049 -0.144 -0.015
Xq -0.0028 0.0005 0.278 0.028 [7] Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines, IEEE Standard 115, March
X’q -0.0051 -0.0077 0.012 1965.
X’’q -0.0049 -0.0050 0.008 -0.017 [8] IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines, Part I—
t’do -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.044 -0.006 Acceptance and Performance Testing, Part II—Test Procedures and
t’’do 0.0002 0.0002 0.008 0.007
t’qo 0.0004 0.0004 -0.013
Parameter Determination for Dynamic Analysis, IEEE Standard 115
t’’qo 0.0069 0.0067 -0.0004 0.022 1995.
[9] R. H. Park, “Two-reaction theory of synchronous machines, Part II,”
AIEE Transactions, vol. 52, pp. 352-355, June 1933.
As it can be seen from table 6, the sensitivity of generator [10] A. Keyhani, S. Hao, G. Dayal, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of
no. 35 with respect to its own parameters (Xd, X’d, X”d, Xq, Solid-Rotor Synchronous Machine Parameters from SSFR Test Data,”
X’q, T’do, T”do and T’qo) is higher than its sensitivity with IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 4, No. 3, September
1989, pp. 551-558.
respect to other generators parameters. Therefore, dynamic [11] A. Keyhani, S. Hao, G. Dayal, “The Effects of Noise on Frequency-
behavior of a generator is more affected by inaccuracy in its Domain Parameter Estimation of Synchronous Machine Models,” IEEE
own parameter in comparison with inaccuracy in the Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 1989, pp.
parameters of other generators. In addition, it can be seen that, [12] P. L. Dandeno, P. Kundur, A. T. Poray, H. M. Z. El-Din, “Adaptation
the parameter H of other generators has more effect in and validation of turbogenerator model parameters through on-line
comparison with other parameters of those generators, so, frequency response measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, No.4, pp. 1656-1664, Apr. 1981.
inaccuracy in identification of this parameter is more
[13] M. N. T. Nishiwaki, S. Yokokawa, and K. Ohtsuka, “Identification of
important rather than other parameters. parameters for power system stability analysis using a Kalman filter,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-100, no.
V. CONCLUSIONS 7, pp. 3304-3311, July 1981.

In this paper, the effect of the inaccuracy of generator VII. BIOGRAPHIES

parameters on the dynamic behavior of that generator, other
generators and power system has been considered. Transient
stability and first swing oscillation of rotor angle is the Mohammad Reza Aghamohammadi was born
dynamic behavior considered in this paper. The Sensitivity of in Iran on August 5, 1955. He received his BSc
degree from Sharif University of Technology
the amplitude of the first swing rotor oscillation with respect 1989, MSc degree from Manchester University
to the parameters is considered as an index for evaluating the (UMIST) in 1985 and his PhD from.Tohoku
University, Japan in 1994. He is head of Iran
effectiveness of the parameters on the transient stability Dynamic Research Center and his research
performance of generators and power system. This sensitivity interest includes application of Neural Network
for power system security assessment and
is then used as a criterion for preferring the parameters of operation.
generators in affecting dynamic behavior of generators. Two
Akbar Beik Khormizi was born in Iran on March
scenarios for changing the parameters including consistency 4, 1985. He received his BSc degree with the first
and not consistency are considered. In this study, two kinds of class honor from Yazd University Yazd, Iran,
faults including medium fault and severe fault are considered. 2007, and his MSc degree with the first class honor
from Power & Water University of Technology,
Simulation results show that parameters H, Xq, X’d, X’’d, Tehran, Iran, 2009. His research interest includes
power system security and stability assessment and
Xd have the most effect on the stability performance of application of FACTS devices in power systems.
generators, so, their inaccuracy could cause most error in the
evaluation of generator behavior. Therefore, in identification
of these parameters most care should be taken. However, for
all cases inaccuracy in identification of parameter H has the
most effect on dynamic behavior of generator and power

[1] R. H. Park, “Two-reaction theory of synchronous machines –
generalized methods of analysis – Part I,” AIEE Transactions, vol. 48,
pp. 716-727, July 1929.
[2] W. B. Jackson, R. L. Winchester, “Direct and quadrature axis equivalent
circuits for solid-rotor turbine generators,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-88, pp. 1121-1136, July 1969.
[3] I. M. Canay, “Causes of discrepancies on calculation of rotor quantities
and exact equivalent diagram of the synchronous machine,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-88, pp. 1114-
1120, July 1969.

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