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ISSN 2278-3091

Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced

Volume Trends in Computer
8, No.4, Science2019
July – August and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1416 - 1420
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse59842019.pdf

Time Response Analysis of Control Systems

Aaron Don M. Africa, Patrick Bernard T. Arevalo, Arsenic S. Publico, Mharela Angela A. Tan
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
De La Salle University, Manila
2401 Taft Ave., Malate, Manila 1004, Philippines

In time response analysis, there are many various sub-topics
that are included. Some of these topics which will be In one study, a method for modeling production systems is
discussed in this research paper are the different types of test proposed and presented. Fundamental principles of
signals, transient analysis and steady-state analysis concepts, production processes are suggested by PSM or Production
first-order transient response analysis, second-order transient System Modeling. Several research studies for PSM
response analysis, higher-order LTI system transient response concentrate on the most basic structure in production systems
analysis, and under high order LTI system transient response which are serial production lines. Frequently, decomposition
analysis are the effects of adding poles and zeros and methods are used in examining more complicated production
non-minimum phase for zeros, and lastly under systems is the lines. However, the said methods have only the capability of
effect of nonlinearities. managing steady-state situations. Existing closed-form
transient modeling are not directly applicable to those
Key words: Control Systems, Time Response, System production systems the contain rework loops. Alongside the
Analysis, LTI Systems. modeling method, a so-called “Self-View” method is
proposed for determining the transient and steady-state
results. PSM transient analysis is extended in this study to
more complex production lines. Furthermore, this study
Several industrial methods are composed of operations and
addresses the issues of limitations of machine performance
system components having different purposes and
connections with other components. Process control and buffer capacity rework loops. With these, the number of
applications including real-time optimizations utilize iterations, settling time, and other transient performance
nonlinear steady-state process modeling to calculate or parameters are evaluated. Several processes are also
estimate the optimal set point at steady-state operation [1]. conducted in this research such as studies insensitivity of
blockage, production rate, starvation, and work-in-process on
According to one study, the designs in the time domain can rework rate. As a conclusion, the presented “Self-View”
decrease the calculations compared to the designs in the method used in this research study demonstrates the potential
frequency domain. Time-domain designs are significant to for the modeling of other complex production systems [4].
applications which need short delays. Example of these is
real-audio communications. Time-domain processes bypass Electric vehicles are projected to become dominant modes of
the edge effects among consecutive snapshots of input signals transportation in the future. Moreover, these are assumed to
which are usually implemented in the frequency domain, The serve another part in power systems with respect to load
use of time-domain filters is mathematically more effective balancing and electrical storage. One paper considers this
than its corresponding frequency-domain filters in some additional role of electric vehicles and their effect on the
cases. This occurs when there is enough number of short power systems’ steady-state stability, specifically in terms of
delays [2]. large-scale electric vehicle integration. Furthermore, this
research builds a model framework that evaluates four
In the topic of control systems, predicting and controlling
essential aspects: electric vehicle capacity forecasting,
unmeasurable performance variables in huge, complex scale
optimization of an object function, electric vehicle station
systems is essential. One solution to this is having a low-order
standard plant model. In one study, an iterative method is used sitting and sizing, and steady-state stability. Included also in
to modify the Finite Element (FE) model using poles and this paper is a numerical study that utilizes projected United
zeros. This method corresponds to poles and zeros in Kingdom 2020 power system data wherein the results
sequence in an iterative way. Damping systems have an effect demonstrate that the electric vehicle capacity forecasting
on the imaginary parts of the poles and zeros [3]. model presented in the study performs effectively to present

Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1416 - 1420

electric vehicle charging and discharging profiles.

Determining the steady-state stability with an actual model of
a small-scale city power system and establishing criteria for
electric vehicle station sitting and sizing are the functions of
the proposed model in this research paper [5].

Among the different types of nonlinear system models, the

one that received the widest acknowledgment and recognition
are block-oriented models because of the system
identification and automatic control community. Generally,
these models are designed by combining linear dynamic parts
together with static nonlinear parts in a different configuration
Figure 1: Impulse Signal
of interconnections. The Hammerstein model and the Wiener
model are two fundamental nonlinear block-oriented models.
The second is step signal, it may be defined as the sudden
The Hammerstein model has a static nonlinear part with a
change in the properties of the actual signal. This signal is the
linear dynamic part. On the other hand, the Wiener model has
signal which is used to see the transient response for a given
the exact inverse process with that of the Hammerstein model.
system since it can give the how the system will be replying to
In one particular study, proposed is an identification technique
both the interruptions to the systems as well as the stability of
of Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear system combined with
the system.
special test signals. Those special test signals which consist of
distinct signals and uniformly random multi-step signals are
Third is the ramp signal (figure 2), it may be defined as the
used for the division of identification conflicts of the linear
signal with constant velocity attribute of the actual input
dynamic and output static parts, and eventually uses
signals. It is also used for the function of seeing the behavior
correlation analysis method for estimation of parameters.
of a given system with the velocity factor. Shown below is a
Also included is a fixed filter used to construct an extension of
sample of ramp signals.
the Hammerstein-Wiener model for noise correlation
computations through poles and zeros of the extension.
Hence, the model parameters estimated can be derived using
error compensation based recursive least square method.
Based on the evaluation of simulation results, the proposed
method can determine the parameters of
Hammerstein-Wiener nonlinear system effectively even with
the existence of process noise [6]. Figure 2: Ramp Signal

Lastly, there is the parabolic signal (figure 3), it may be

3. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATION defined as the signal which gives the constant acceleration
distinction of actual input signals. The main function of this
The first to be discussed is the different types of test signals, signal is to give the idea that the system can respond along
there are four types of signals, namely Impulse Signal, Step together with acceleration. Shown below is a sample of a
Signal, Ramp Signal, Parabolic Signal [7]. parabolic signal.

Impulse signal (figure 1) is considered as a signal which

imitates the sudden shock quality of the actual input signal. It
is also the obtained output of a given system for the times
when it is given a small input. Another thing to remember
about impulse signal is that it gives emphasis to the change in
the system when it reacts to a given external change, which is
also somewhat the reply of the said system to the direct delta
input. Shown below is a sample of an impulse signal [8]. Figure 3: Parabolic Signal

The next topic to be discussed is steady-state analysis and

transient state. When there is a disturbance of a given system
and the said disturbance happens in the input, in the output, or
in both input and output, then the changing of the state from
one state to another would take a longer time. This time that it
takes to change from one state to another is called transient
time and the value of the current as well as the voltage for this
said time is called transient response. Depending on the
Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1416 - 1420

parameters of the given system, the transient is allowed to The first step helps to understand the conditions of the storage
have oscillations that are either sustained in nature or elements. To show the process, an example (figure 4) is
decaying in nature, thus the control system is divided into shown below.
transient response analysis and steady-state analysis. The
main difference of the two is that transient state response deals
with the nature of the response itself for a given system for the
time when it is subjected to an input, on the other hand,
steady-state analysis is the one which deals with estimating
the magnitude for a steady-state error among the input and the
output [9].

The next topic is the first order of transient response. In this

part, it is important to go back to capacitors and inductors, it Figure 4: First Order RC Circuit
should be noted that when a circuit contains a capacitor or an
inductor, the circuit becomes dynamic meaning, the behavior From the circuit, we can deduce the initial conditions of the
is a function of time, the behavior is described with the use of circuit to be:
differential equations, and it has a transient response and a
steady-state. It should also be noted that resistive circuits have
no transient. For first-order, solving it also does not need any
equation, finding the starting point of capacitor voltage or This equation is obtained by applying Kirchhoff’s Law with
inductor current is needed as well as its ending point and the Vc being the initial voltage across the capacitor and Vs as the
time constant [10]. source. At t < 0 we know the value of Vs and Vc to be equal
and since Vc is a continuous function of time, the equation can
Next is the higher-order LTI systems, in the first-order LTI be expressed as:
systems that contains constant step or zero inputs, they have
simple exponential responses which are characterized by
using time constants, however for higher-order LTI systems,
these become more complicated, but are as equally important
as well as more interesting since, for these, there is no simpler
or easier way such as a shortcut to obtaining the desired For the second step, the circuit will be observed after
solutions. In higher-order LTI systems, Laplace transform is switching. Kirchhoff’s law is again applied and will yield the
usually what is used [11]. equation,

The next topic to be discussed is the effects of adding poles

and zeros. The general effect of this is the tendency of having
a shift of the locus towards the right side of the s-plane and
there is also a huge effect on the stability which makes it lower
[12]. Vr is the voltage across the resistor and Vc is the voltage
across the capacitor after switching. By applying Ohm’s law,
the equation can then be expressed as:

There are two kinds of circuits that can be observed using

transient analysis which is first-order and second-order
circuits. The order of the circuit is determined by the energy
By using the relationship of i(t) between the elements, the
storage elements present [13]. First-order circuits have only
equation can be expressed by the equation below.
one storage element and can be defined using by applying
Kirchhoff’s Laws which will then yield a first-order
differential equation. On the other hand, second other circuits
will have a second-order differential equations since it has
two storage elements present [14,15]. When programming the
system, the studies of [16,17,18] can be used.

Evaluating the circuit will require two steps, first is to analyze The second equation is expressed as
the circuit prior to switching and the second is to analyze after
switching. When placing the system in a database the studies
of [19,20] can be used as a pattern.

Aaron Don M. Africa et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8(4), July- August 2019, 1416 - 1420

chapter using first order differential equations. The storage

And then combined with the previous equation to arrive at the element charges and discharges as the switching occurs. The
equation analysis can be represented by a graph which helps the
researcher in understanding the circuit.

On the other hand, steady state analysis is involved in

observing the behavior of the circuit as t approaches infinity.
Unlike the transient analysis, which is responsible for the
initial to the final state. Both of these are imperative in
Which is also known as the characteristic equation. The designing a control system to know how it behaves and
general equation which is also the solution to the initial value responds.
problem will then appear as


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