How To Build and Upgrade Your PC (2012) PDF
How To Build and Upgrade Your PC (2012) PDF
How To Build and Upgrade Your PC (2012) PDF
upgrade your PC
If you can use a screwdriver, you can build and We’ll also offer advice to follow if the unlikely
upgrade your own PC. With just a single tool and a happens and things go wrong.
little know-how, you can create your own custom- Building a PC is only the beginning, though.
built machine. Do it right and it won’t just look and There’s so much more you can do with it than simply
feel unique, it’ll be more powerful than an off-the- play games or go online. We’ll let you in on some
shelf PC, you’ll save yourself some cash, and will overclocker secrets, so you can get more from your
gain the satisfaction and insight of a PC pro. system by tuning it for maximum efficiency.
To the untrained eye, PCs might look like After reading this guide, you’ll be able to select
a terrifying mess of circuit boards and tiny the very best parts for building the system you
components which only a well-trained engineer want, the way you want it. Or, if you’d like to
could possibly understand, but in reality most of learn how to make your current PC go even faster,
the complex stuff is done for you. The various parts we’ll show you how to upgrade and install new
of a modern PC plug together easily, and it’s very components.
hard to assemble them incorrectly. Whether it’s maximum performance or top value
All you need to do is to work slowly and for money, you’ll be able to put together your own
methodically, and follow a few simple instructions. tailor-made PC or upgrade your existing one exactly
Which is where this guide comes in. We’ll teach you as desired with no hassles!
exactly how to select each vital component of a PC,
and how they all fit together to make a complete
The PC ABC 04
Cables tidied 09
How to build a PC 10 3
The PC A.B.C...
Your PC is a highly modular machine made up of
several swappable parts. It’s really not all
that complex, though. Here’s a breakdown
of the components to help you make an
informed purchasing decision.
Consider what case you’re going to build your PC inside. The main
technical consideration is buying one suitable for your motherboard
(ATX/micro ATX), but there are a lot of other things to take into
account. A large, well-built case means you can use quieter fans in
and keep air flowing around hot components for improved cooling.
Also look for useful features like tool-less fittings, which make
assembling your new PC easier. Most cases are made from either
aluminum or steel, with steel cases usually being much cheaper than
aluminum equivalents. Aluminum is lighter than steel, but doesn’t
compromise on strength. Noise mitigation is also an issue. Cheaper
cases may make your PC noisy due to poor insulation. You may also
want to consider a case that comes ready for cable management,
because a tidy interior means a better performing PC in the long run.
Memory -
RAM, or random access memory,
comes in two different types, DDR2 and
DDR3. The acronym stands for double data
rate, and the number refers to the fact that these
chips transfer data twice as efficiently as earlier memory
chips. DDR3 is a newer and even faster type of memory, but
many DDR2 motherboards are still available.
Memory is critical to the operation of a PC. It’s where information is stored
for instant access, as opposed to storage, which keeps data long term. Memory
comes in modules that fit into slots on the motherboard. These modules are typically
2GB, 4GB, or 8GB in size. Most modern motherboards can take a maximum of 16GB RAM, though
motherboards like the Z77 Series from ASUS support up to 32GB - we recommend a minimum of 4GB,
with 8GB being an optimal amount of RAM; there’s no such thing as too much RAM in your PC. Memory also
has channels. The more channels, the more data can be read at once. Typically DDR3 uses dual or triple channels. In
addition, memory has its own clock speed, just like a CPU. You may see numbers like 1333MHz or 1666MHz next to the
module name – that’s the memory speed. Many motherboards allow for memory overclocking.
Think of your processor’s cores as arms: Two(Dual) Core Four(Quad) Core Six Core
with six arms it can handle six things at Normally a dual-core CPU Those who require quad- Six core processors
the same time, providing it is given six is suitable for those who core CPUs will be heavy provide a level of
tasks to do. only require a PC for email, multitaskers, enjoying computing power
internet, light office work, rich and intense gaming, only needed by those
Its frequency tells us how fast all
enjoying video, music and content creation and with the heaviest
the arms are working. Fast arms get photos, and even casual editing for video, music software demands,
any work-load done faster, but they gaming. or photos. and professional or
can still only handle one thing each at scientific applications.
a time. 5
Graphics card
The graphics card is the second most important processor
in your system. It’s also known as a GPU, or graphics
processing unit. If you don’t plan on playing games or
watching movies, you could get away with the integrated
graphics on AMD-based motherboards or the built-in GPU
of Intel chipsets such as the Z68 and the newer Z77. If you
do want to use your PC for entertainment, look for one of
the latest DirectX11 graphics processors, like the ASUS GTX
560 DirectCU II or ASUS HD 7950 DirectCU II TOP, which
are powerful enough to play the most demanding games
on a display with a 1920x1080 native resolution and are
great value for money. If you want the very best, take a ASUS ROG MATRIX GTX580 DirectCUII graphics card
look at the ASUS ROG MATRIX 580 graphics card, which is
not only one of the fastest available, but one of the most
flexible with unique tools for overclocking. 7
Around the back Networking
The back of your PC explained
The main connector here is the RJ-45 plug, or
Gigabit Ethernet. It connects to the onboard
network controller, which typically supports
USB 10/100/1000Mbps connectivity. ASUS workstation
For your keyboard, mouse,
and server motherboards come with dual
printers, external hard drives,
Intel Ethernet ports, which optimize network
and other peripherals. Look
performance by relieving the CPU of the need
out for the newer ASUS
to control online data while under load. Also,
motherboards supporting USB
ASUS ROG motherboards use technology called
3.0, which is up to ten times
GameFirst, which manages network traffic to
faster than USB 2.0. ASUS
prioritize bandwidth. That way you can keep
has also developed USB 3.0
gaming online even if heavy downloading occurs
Boost technology to further
in the background. Even newer features include
accelerate performance with
Network iControl for further fine-tuning of
new data protocols. USB 3.0
network parameters, found on high-end ASUS
ports are colored blue for easy HDMI Port Z77 motherboards. While most motherboards
identification, and the more The P8Z77 Series comes still lack wireless connectivity capabilities, Z77
the merrier: P8Z77 Series with integrated graphics, products from ASUS include extensive Wi-Fi
models come with at least supporting full HD via networking options. ASUS Wi-Fi GO! enables
four USB 3.0 ports. HDMI. The GPU also streaming of content from your PC to a TV
complies with DirectX in the living room, and even lets you control
11 specifications, so this your desktop from a remote device such as a
ASUS P8Z77-V Deluxe motherboard rear I/O
Input voltage
If you plan to use your PC in different
countries, make sure the power Modular power supplies arrive with
supply supports a wide voltage the cables “on the side”. They give you
range. Most models are now 100- the flexibility of only attaching cables
240V compatible, which makes for components you need, reducing
them safe for use with 110/120 case clutter and helping with cable
volt and 220 volt standards. Such management. But they also require
power supplies have automatic more room in the case, since much of
voltage switching mechanisms. the wiring occurs outside the power
Be advised that cheaper products supply proper. Non-modular supplies
may lack these. If you try to use have all the cables already connected,
a power supply with unsupported so you don’t get to choose which
voltage, chances are the PC simply won’t ones go in your case. These increase
turn on. However, in extreme cases you could face case clutter and call for more cable
catastrophic failure – not pleasant, so be careful! management, but also cost less and
take up less room. 9
How to build a PC
Putting together a PC really isn’t as hard as you Never force anything. If you feel a part isn’t going
might think. You don’t need any special tools, just in smoothly, take a close look at it and figure out
a steady hand, an hour or two to spare and some the right way – easy, as there’s only one. Don’t force
patience. It’s easy, and after you’ve done it once, the issue, as it may cause irreparable damage.
you’ll be able to do it much quicker and with greater Don’t overtighten screws, as that may stress
confidence in future. Just follow our simple guide to the board and other components. When you feel
get started. resistance, stop.
Try to avoid static electricity, as it may damage Have a standard-sized Philips screwdriver, as well
components. Before handling parts, touch your as a smaller Philips screwdriver ready. Flat-head
hands to a metallic surface. Refrain from wearing screwdrivers are useful, but not mandatory.
clothes that might generate more static, like
Be careful!
Never force a component into a slot or apply too much pressure
with a screwdriver. If you slip and damage the motherboard, it’s
an expensive mistake to make. 11
8 Inserting the RAM 11 The I/O shield
How to build a PC (...continued)
The lower edges of RAM sticks are covered in gold connectors Find the rectangular padded cover with holes cut to fit the rear
and have a small notch cut out. Line this up with a corresponding port that comes in the box with your motherboard. This is also
ledge inside the memory slot to make sure the RAM module is known as the RF shield, and its job is to protect components
the right way round. from electrical interference. In terms of placement, this shield
goes on the upper left side of the motherboard, when looking
at it from above.
12 Shields up
Make sure the RF shield is the right way up and carefully push it
into the matching rectangular hole in the back of your PC case.
It should click into position so that it’s held firmly in place.
9 Clipping it down
Now open up the clips on either end of the RAM slot. Gently
push each stick of memory down until these clips snap back
into an upright position and hold the module in place.
Keep it cool
The key to a stable PC is keeping components cool. Make sure
air can flow freely throughout your case and fans are the right
way round. They should draw air in at the front, and blow it out
the back or the top, depending on your case design. Remember,
hot air rises. Ideally, you should have three case fans as a
minimum: one front intake, one rear exhaust, and one side
intake or exhaust. Fans are available in various sizes – we
recommend 120mm or the biggest fan size that your case can
support. Install them correctly by observing the direction
of the arrow pointing on the fan. This indicates the direction of
air flow. 13
18 Opening up the slots 21 Screwing it down
How to build a PC (...continued)
Below the RF shield, you’ll see several metal plates which cover Make sure your graphics card is firmly bolted into place at the
expansion slots for PCI Express parts, like graphics cards. Some back of the case using the screws or clips you removed. If it
cases use screws, others use plastic tool-less fittings to hold comes loose, it will put pressure on the PCI Express port, and
components. You simply unscrew or unclip them from the inside may damage the motherboard.
to remove them. 15
30 Connect it all up 32 Plug in the peripherals
How to build a PC (...continued)
Attach SATA power cables to the disk drives, and six-pin plugs Once you’re sure everything is connected correctly, close the
to the graphics card. You’ll also need to connect any case fans to case and fasten the side panel with the same screws you took
the motherboard at this stage – including the heatsink fan for out earlier. Now attach the monitor, keyboard and mouse to the
the CPU. Some case fans may need to be plugged directly into a relevant ports around the rear of the PC. Finally, take the three-
four-pin Molex connectors from the PSU. pin power lead that came with you PSU and connect your new
PC to the mains.
34 Boot to BIOS
You’re almost ready to go! There’s no operating system on your
hard drive yet, though, so you’ll need to install Windows or
another operating system of your choice. On the first boot,
press F2 (or DEL, consult your motherboard manual) and enter
the BIOS setup screen. Find a field called “boot device priority”,
and set this to the name of your optical drive. Remember, ASUS
boards with the UEFI BIOS include mouse and icon controls
even before you install Windows. This makes creating boot
priorities very easy, as you have nice device icons instead of
random, hard to remember numerical names to guide you.
If your PC won’t boot, your motherboard will either emit a series of beeps or display a combination of
letters and numbers on an LCD panel. These should tell you at which point the boot has failed, for example
at the memory or processor test, and will give a clue as to which component might be faulty.
Before you do any troubleshooting, make sure all your cables are properly connected. If there’s still
a problem try unseating and reseating components like the graphics cards and memory. If the problem
seems very serious, unplug everything apart from the processor, memory and graphics card and see if you
can get to the first boot screen – if you can’t, it may be a fault with the motherboard. Try restoring the BIOS
from a backup if possible. 17
Get started with overclocking
The chances are that your CPU is capable of running at a
much higher clock speeds than the one advertised. ASUS
motherboards with DIGI+ power delivery make tuning
voltages easy, and higher voltages mean faster CPUs and
memory. Here’s a guide to get you started with overclocking:
1 The BIOS
The most basic way to overclock is from the BIOS setup screen.
You can get here by pressing the DEL key as soon as your PC starts
to boot. Remember, there is a small possibility that you can
damage components by changing BIOS settings. In general, be
mindful of component tolerances when overclocking. Recent ASUS
motherboards make all that much easier, shipping with UEFI BIOS,
which really changes things up. Instead of text-heavy and rather
clunky menus that are hard to get used to, it employs an intuitive
graphical user interface, much like a major operating system,
allowing smooth mouse input. As you can see in these screenshots,
the icons are clear and prominent for quick adjustments to timings,
frequencies, and boot priorities. All can be done with a few simple
clicks, as designers went to considerable lengths to ensure a BIOS
experience as approachable as possible.
2 Resetting to default
If at any point while you try to
3 Taking it further
You can set target speeds for the CPU
4 Getting hands on
There’s only so far a motherboard can go
overclock your PC doesn’t boot, ASUS and memory with ROG Connect features by itself, of course, as it always operates
motherboards can restart the system on ASUS ROG boards or the Turbo within a safe level. You may be able to
at a safe setting for recovery. If you run Processing Unit and Auto Tuning suites get more performance from your parts
into problems, clear the CMOS to default on other ASUS models. Of course, you by manually adjusting settings to even
using the jumper on your motherboard or can later begin experimenting with really higher levels. For an Intel Core i5 or i7
the special button on the board. deep modifications, such as installing board, the first settings you should
liquid cooling systems. For that, ASUS look for are CPU ratio setting and base
has the Subzero Sense feature on ASUS clock frequency. These are made more
ROG boards, which can detect literally flexible thanks to the inclusion of ASUS
cryogenic temperatures. DIGI+ and Extreme Engine Digi+ II power
delivery designs.
5 Balance
The trick to overclocking is to keep things balanced. A CPU takes its clock speed as
6 Increasing the charge
For extreme overclocking, you need
a multiple of the base motherboard speed – Base Clock frequency – which is usually a high spec CPU cooler. You may also
100MHz. Most CPUs have a locked upper limit to this mulipler but Intel’s Core i7 K need to increase the voltage supplied to
Series CPUs are unlocked and will deliver the best overclocking results. Changing the components like the CPU and memory
Base Clock also increases the CPU frequency, but increases the memory speed as well so they have enough power to run as
and could be a cause of system instability – we recommend using a K series chip and fast as you want. Read up on the art of
overclocking using the multiplier instead. overclocking at the Republic of Gamers
website,, before you try.
Overclocking graphics?
Got your CPU running at high speed? Why not try overclocking your graphics card for even more
performance? You can increase the clock speeds and voltages of your graphics card using the
NVIDIA or AMD control panels built into the drivers, but ASUS graphics cards often feature
GPU Tweak for complete and user-friendly graphics card tuning. More DIY-minded users
can also consider using the VGA Hotwire feature available on the ROG Rampage IV
Extreme, which allows for direct overvolting of the graphics card for more
hardware-level results. It does call for soldering work, so only more
seasoned users should attempt this. The Rampage IV Extreme also ships
with a bundled peripheral called the OC Key. It lets you tune your PC
by simply connecting it to the DVI port on your graphics card, which
then brings up an on-screen display where you can change performance
values, all in real time. Similar to CPUs, graphics cards can be overclocked ROG OC Key
and overvolted to increase their GPU core clocks and memory clocks.
Just like the keyboard, if you can try
a mouse before you buy it will save
VG278H LED Display
you pain later. Comfort is subjective
– one person might find a mouse very
Display comfortable, while for someone else it
Size isn’t everything. A high quality 22” can make their arms ache in minutes.
monitor, with high color rendition, sharp Keyboard Large, round mice tend to be better
text, bright backlighting and fast refresh There are lots of different keyboards for people who grip their controller
rate is far better than a 24” panel that available, some with unusual layouts, fully, while low, flat ones are better if
has a blue colorcast and blurs horribly ergonomic designs, extra keys for media you tend to just guide your controller
when something moves too quickly. Look playback, or gaming and USB extensions with your fingertips. Mice designed for
for extra features like ASUS Splendid built-in. The important thing is to notebook PCs are smaller and not really
that improve color balance for gaming, make sure that you have a comfortable well-suited to gaming or professional
movies, photography, or desktop work at keyboard. It might look nice, but if it graphics work. For those applications,
the press of a button. For the ultimate hurts your arms after half an hour, it’s no we recommend the ASUS ROG GX900
gaming experience, ASUS VG Series good. Look for keys which are firm and mouse, with its rather impressive
displays with NVIDIA® 3D Vision 2™ and responsive that will last a long time no 4000dpi resolution, ergonomic grip,
3D LightBoost™ technologies bring matter how much you type or smash at tangle-free wire management, and gold
games to life in clear and smooth 3D. them while playing games. plated connectors. 19