The Embodied Philosopher'S Library: How To Use This Resource
The Embodied Philosopher'S Library: How To Use This Resource
The Embodied Philosopher'S Library: How To Use This Resource
Please note that this is a living document. If there is a book that you think should
b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e b i b l i o g r a p h y, p l e a s e s h o o t m e a n e m a i l a t I envision future, longer editions based on
feedback like yours.
This is similar to an annotated bibliography, which means that along with each
title is a short description. Almost all descriptions are cited from In
some instances, the descriptions have been taken from the back of the book
I have created a key to help the curious ascertain which book is right for them,
based on the tradition of interest and level of writing. The level ranges from
accessible (P) to scholarly (S2), with an intermediate level that bridges these two
(S1). The styles of the books should be self explanatory. "Canonical" texts are
those that are either sacred or central to the related tradition or traditions.
Best wishes on your path. If you found this resource useful, be sure to also check
out my e-book, Embodied Philosophy 101: An Introductory Manifesto.
Jacob Kyle
Creator of Embodied Philosophy
Embodied Philosophy presents: The Embodied Philosopher’s Library
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
The Aphorisms of Siva: The Siva Mark S. Vasugupta Shaivism S1 C, CO The book "Aphorisms of Shiva" by Mark Dyczkowski is a translation of the Shiva Sutras with a
Sutra with Bhaskara's commentary from Bhaskara, an early sage of Kashmir Shaivism hailing from the lineage of Sage
Commentary, the Varttika Vasugupta himself. It also features another anonymous commentary. Many generations removed from
Vasugupta, a brilliant Master from this same lineage, named Abhinivagupta, wrote the master work of
Kashmir Shaivism, the Tantraloka. In a monumental feat of scholarship and penetrating insight,
Abhinavagupta rendered the works of these early proponents of Kashmir Shaivism into a cohesive whole
which included all the eminent Tantric traditions of the time and region. Abhinava's foremost disciple,
Kshemaraja went on to write a commentary on the Shiva Sutras, following the inclusive style of his Guru,
that has been widely translated in our own era. In his "Aphorisms of Shiva", Professor Dyczkowski
additionally compares the commentary representative of the early stream of Kashmiri Shaivite teaching to
that of the later "Trika" system first expounded by Abhinava and furthered by Kshemaraja.
A Brief History of Everything Ken Wilber New Age/ S1 CT A Brief History of Everything is an altogether friendly and accessible account of men and women's place in
Wisdom a universe of sex, soul, and spirit, written by an author of whom New York Times reporter Tony Schwartz
says: "No one has described the path to wisdom better than Ken Wilber."
Wilber examines the course of evolution as the unfolding manifestation of Spirit, from matter to life to
mind, including the higher stages of spiritual development where Spirit becomes conscious of itself. In
each of these domains, there are recurring patterns, and by looking closely at them, we can learn much
about the predicament of our world—and the direction we must take if "global transformation" is to
become a reality.
Wilber offers a series of striking and original views on many topics of current interest and controversy,
including the gender wars, modern liberation movements, multiculturalism, ecology and environmental
ethics, and the conflict between this-worldly and otherworldly approaches to spirituality. The result is an
extraordinary and exhilarating ride through the Kosmos in the company of one of the great thinkers of our
Autobiography of a Yogi Paramahansa Yoga, P SA Autobiography of a Yogi is at once a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a profound
Yogananda Vedanta introduction to the ancient science of Yoga and its time-honored tradition of meditation. Profoundly
inspiring, it is at the same time vastly entertaining, warmly humorous and filled with extraordinary
personages. With engaging candor, eloquence, and wit, Paramahansa Yogananda tells the inspiring
chronicle of his life: the experiences of his remarkable childhood, encounters with many saints and sages
during his youthful search throughout India for an illumined teacher, ten years of training in the hermitage
of a revered yoga master, and the thirty years that he lived and taught in America. Also recorded here are
his meetings with Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Luther Burbank, the Catholic stigmatist
Therese Neumann, and other celebrated spiritual personalities of East and West. The author clearly
explains the subtle but definite laws behind both the ordinary events of everyday life and the extraordinary
events commonly termed miracles. His absorbing life story becomes the background for a penetrating and
unforgettable look at the ultimate mysteries of human existence.
Awake in the World: Teachings Michael Stone Buddhism, P CT How can we live a balanced life in unbalanced times? How can the practices of meditation and yoga
from Yoga and Buddhism for Yoga support our relationships, our work lives, and the greater good? Author, teacher, and psychotherapist
Living an Engaged Life Michael Stone presents the essential insights of mindfulness and yoga, emphasizing the teachings of
simplicity and the interdependence of all life.
Stone explains that the practices of yoga and meditation are not about escaping reality but about living
fully in the here and now, opening to our experience, and gaining access to stillness within the flow of life.
The essence of yoga and Buddhist practice is opening the heart—our own and the heart of the world. With
that awareness, Stone encourages us to get involved in our communities, to speak out when we see
wrongdoing, and to find ways of helping others.
Be Here Now Ram Dass Yoga, P CT A Lama Foundation Book. Describes one man's transformation upon his acceptance of the principles of
Vedanta Yoga and gives a modern restatement of the importance of the spiritual side of man's nature. Illustrated.
Bhagavad Gita As It Is A. C. Yoga, S1 C, CO The Bhagavad-gita is the main source-book on yoga and a concise summary of India's Vedic wisdom. Yet
Bhaktivedanta Vedanta, remarkably, the setting for this best-known classic of spiritual literature is an ancient Indian battlefield.
Swami Prabhupada Bhakti, At the last moment before entering battle, the great warrior Arjuna begins to wonder about the real
Hinduism meaning of his life. Why should he fight against his friends and relatives? Why does he exist? Where is he
going after death? In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna, Arjuna's friend and spiritual master, brings His
disciple from perplexity to spiritual enlightenment. In the course of doing so, Krsna concisely but
definitively explains transcendental knowledge; karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, and bhakti-yoga;
knowledge of the Absolute; devotional service; the three modes of material nature; the divine and
demoniac natures; and much more.
The Bhagavad Gita Eknath Easwaran Bhakti, Yoga P C, CO In the Bhagavad Gita, Prince Arjuna asks direct, uncompromising questions of his spiritual guide on the
eve of a great battle. In this best-selling and expanded edition of the most famous - and popular - of
Indian scriptures, Eknath Easwaran contextualizes the book culturally and historically and explains the key
concepts of Hindu religious thought and the technical vocabulary of yoga. Chapter introductions, notes,
and a glossary help readers understand the book's message. Most importantly, this translation uses
simple, clear language to impart the poetry, universality, and timelessness of the Gita's teachings.
The Book: On the Taboo Against Alan Watts Buddhism, P CT At the root of human conflict is our fundamental misunderstanding of who we are. The illusion that we are
Knowing Who You Are Eastern isolated beings, unconnected to the rest of the universe, has led us to view the “outside” world with
hostility, and has fueled our misuse of technology and our violent and hostile subjugation of the natural
world. In The Book, philosopher Alan Watts provides us with a much-needed answer to the problem of
personal identity, distilling and adapting the ancient Hindu philosophy of Vedanta to help us understand
that the self is in fact the root and ground of the universe. In this mind-opening and revelatory work, Watts
has crafted a primer on what it means to be human—and a manual of initiation into the central mystery of
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for Krishna Das Bhakti, Yoga P SA Chants of a Lifetime offers an intimate collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who
a Heart of Gold has been called “the chant master of American yoga” by the New York Times. Since 1994, the sound of
his voice singing traditional Indian chants with a Western flavor has brought the spiritual experience of
chanting to audiences all over the world. He has previously shared some of his spiritual journey through
talks and workshops, but now he offers a unique book-and-CD combination that explores his fascinating
path and creates an opportunity for just about anyone to experience chanting in a unique and special way.
Chants of a Lifetime includes photos from Krishna Das’s years in India and also from his life as a kirtan
leader—and the CD that is offered exclusively in the book consists of a number of “private” chanting
sessions with the author. Instead of just being performances of chants for listening, the recordings make it
seem as if Krishna Das himself is present for a one-on-one chanting session. The idea is for the listener to
explore his or her own practice of chanting and develop a deepening connection with the entire chanting
CIT Consciousness (Foundations Bina Gupta Hinduism, S2 CM This volume, a part of the Foundations of Philosophy in India series, is an examination of the myriad
of Philosophy in India) Eastern conceptions of consciousness in classical Indian philosophy.
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Joseph Chilton New Age/ S1 CT The classic work that shaped the thought of a generation with its powerful insights into the true nature of
Constructs of Mind and Reality Pearce Wisdom mind and reality.
• Defines culture as a "cosmic egg" structured by the mind's drive for logical ordering of its universe.
• Provides techniques allowing individuals to break through the vicious circle of logic-based systems to
attain expanded ways of creative living and learning.
The sum total of our notions of what the world is--and what we perceive its full potential to be--form a shell
of rational thought in which we reside. This logical universe creates a vicious circle of reasoning that robs
our minds of power and prevents us from reaching our true potential. To step beyond that circle requires a
centering and focus that today's society assaults on every level. Through the insights of Teilhard, Tillich,
Jung, Jesus, Carlos Castaneda, and others, Joseph Chilton Pearce provides a mode of thinking through
which imagination can escape the mundane shell of current construct reality and leap into a new phase of
human evolution.
This enormously popular New Age classic is finally available again to challenge the assumptions of a new
generation of readers and help them develop their potential through new creative modes of thinking. With
a masterful synthesis of recent discoveries in physics, biology, and psychology, Pearce reveals the
extraordinary relationship of mind and reality and nature's blueprint for a self-transcending humanity.
Dancing with Siva: Hinduism’s Satguru Sivaya Hinduism P CO This remarkable 1,008-page sourcebook covers every subject, answers every question and quenches the
Contemporary Catechism Subramuniyaswami thirst of the soul for knowledge of God and the Self. Clearly written and lavishly illustrated, expertly woven
with 600 verses from the Vedas, Agamas and other holy texts, 165 South Indian paintings, 40 original
graphics, a 40-page timeline of India’s history and a 190-page lexicon of English, Sanskrit and Tamil. A
spiritual gem.
The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Georg Feuerstein Yoga S1 CO, CT Here is a comprehensive survey of the full breadth and depth of the 5,000-year-old Yoga tradition,
Theory and Practice emphasizing its potent philosophy and spiritual vision. Georg Feuerstein demonstrates that Yoga is much
more than a system of physical exercises—it is a profound path of self-transformation that encompasses a
range of teachings, practices, and sacred texts that can help us cultivate wisdom, balance, and inner
freedom, as well as physical health.
Feuerstein is one of the few Western scholar-teachers of Yoga whose writing and teaching penetrate the
full richness and depth of this ancient tradition. Here he offers a collection of essays touching on all facets
of the discipline.
Dharma Punx: A Memoir Noah Levine Buddhism P SA Fueled by the music of revolution, anger, fear, and despair, we dyed our hair or shaved our heads ...
Eating acid like it was candy and chasing speed with cheap vodka, smoking truckloads of weed, all in a
vain attempt to get numb and stay numb.
This is the story of a young man and a generation of angry youths who rebelled against their parents and
the unfulfilled promise of the sixties. As with many self-destructive kids, Noah Levine's search for meaning
led him first to punk rock, drugs, drinking, and dissatisfaction. But the search didn't end there. Having
clearly seen the uselessness of drugs and violence, Noah looked for positive ways to channel his rebellion
against what he saw as the lies of society. Fueled by his anger at so much injustice and suffering, Levine
now uses that energy and the practice of Buddhism to awaken his natural wisdom and compassion.
While Levine comes to embrace the same spiritual tradition as his father, bestselling author Stephen
Levine, he finds his most authentic expression in connecting the seemingly opposed worlds of punk and
Buddhism. As Noah Levine delved deeper into Buddhism, he chose not to reject the punk scene, instead
integrating the two worlds as a catalyst for transformation. Ultimately, this is an inspiring story about
maturing, and how a hostile and lost generation is finally finding its footing. This provocative report takes
us deep inside the punk scene and moves from anger, rebellion, and self-destruction, to health, service to
others, and genuine spiritual growth.
The Doctrine of Vibration Mark S.G. Shaivism S2 CO Cutting across distinctions of schools and types, the author explains the central feature of Kashmir
Dyczkowski Shaivism: the creative pulse of the all pervasive Consciousness called Siva. This is also the central theme
of the Hindu Tantras, and Dyczkowski provides new insight into the most literate and extensive
interpretations of the Tantras.
This book is significant from four points of view. First, it breaks new ground in Indian philosophy. According
to the Spanda Doctrine, the self is not simply witnessing consciousness as maintained by Sankya and
Vedanta, but is an active force. Second, the ultimate reality is not simply a logical system of abstract
categories, but is living, pulsating energy, the source of all manifestation. Third, the work elaborates the
dynamic aspect of consciousness. It supplies an excellent introduction to the texts and scriptures of
Kashmir Shaivism. Fourth, it suggests a Yoga for the realization of self.
Downward Dogs and Warriors: Zo Newell Hinduism, P M, PR Downward Dogs and Warriors de-mystifies traditional India stories of gods and goddesses by showing
Wisdom Tales for Modern Yogis Yoga their connection to universal human emotions. Connecting these stories to common yoga poses opens a
deeper dimension of practice.
The Duet of One: The Ashtavakra Ramesh S. Bhakti S1 C, CO A Duet of One is a translation and interpretation of the most touchingly beautiful of all the Advaitic texts. It
Gita Dialogue Balsekar provides us with an illuminating and in-depth look at the nature of duality and dualism. In this book
Ramesh reveals himself as a spiritual Master for the modern age. His insightful commentary unlocks the
beauty and the mystery in this ancient text. He points us to the Understanding that is the true nature of us
Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected Chogyal Namkhai Buddhism S1 CO Our natural condition is self-perfected from the very beginning. What is necessary is that we reawaken
State Norbu and remain in our true nature. Through understanding and practice, we can rediscover the effortless
knowledge of the self-perfected state that lies beyond our habitual anguish and confusion, and remain in
this uninterrupted flow of contemplation, completely relaxed but fully present through all activities.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Eastern Body, Western Mind: Anodea Judith Chakras P PSY In Eastern Body, Western Mind, chakra authority Anodea Judith brings a fresh approach to the yoga-
Psychology and the Chakra based Eastern chakra system, adapting it to the Western framework of Jungian psychology, somatic
System as a Path to the Self therapy, childhood developmental theory, and metaphysics. Arranged schematically, the book uses the
inherent structure of the chakra system as a map upon which to chart our Western understanding of
individual development. Each chapter focuses on a single chakra, starting with a description of its
characteristics, then exploring its particular childhood developmental patterns, traumas and abuses, and
how to heal and maintain balance. Illuminated with personal anecdotes and case studies, Eastern Body,
Western Mind seamlessly merges the East and West, science and philosophy, and psychology and
spirituality into a compelling interpretation of the chakra system and its relevance for Westerners today.
Emptiness Dancing Adyashanti Buddhism P CT There is something about you brighter than the sun and more mysterious than the night sky.
Who are you when you are not thinking yourself into existence? What is ultimately behind the set of eyes
reading these words? In Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti invites you to wake up to the essence of what
you are, through the natural and spontaneous opening of the mind, heart, and body that holds the secret
to happiness and liberation. From the first stages of realization to its evolutionary implications, Adyashanti
shares a treasure trove of insights into the challenges of the inner life, offering lucid, down-to-earth advice
on topics ranging from the ego, illusion, and spiritual addiction to compassion, letting go, the eternal now,
and more. Whether you read each chapter in succession or begin on any page you feel inspired to turn to,
you will find in Adyashanti's wisdom an understanding and ever-ready guide to the full wonder of your
infinite self-nature.
Everyday Osho: 365 Daily Osho Eastern P CT For more than thirty years, the insights of Osho have delighted and challenged spiritual seekers. Everyday
Meditations for the Here and Now Osho represents the essence of these insights an understanding that synthesizes a wide range of spiritual
and philosophical traditions -- with the contributions of modern science and psychology. This inspirational
volume offers readers daily choices by living fully in the here and now, challenging them to embrace a new
way of being that integrates body, mind, and spirit.
The Experience of God: Being, David Bentley Hart West/East S2 CO Despite recent ferocious public debate about the likelihood of the existence of God, the most central
Consciousness, Bliss concept in such arguments remains strangely obscure. What is God? Are those engaged in the debate all
talking about the same thing? In this beautifully written contribution to reasoned discussion, a revered
religious thinker clarifies how the word "God" functions in various religious traditions. Ranging broadly
across Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Vedantic and Bhaktic Hinduism, Sikhism, various paganisms,
Buddhism and Taoism, David Hart explores how the world's major theistic traditions treat divine mysteries.
One cannot fail to notice, he contends, that on a host of philosophical issues, and especially the issue of
divine transcendence, areas of accord among the great faiths are vast. Hart takes pointed issue with
those who refute ideas they have not even examined with care and with simplistic assertions designed to
mislead. He demolishes modern aetheist arguments, including the blatant misconception of God as
puppeteer, as well as the fundamentalist view of the Bible as an objective record of historical data.
Instead, the author plumbs the depths of humanity's experience of the world as powerful evidence for the
reality of God. Offering a bold corrective to careless or incoherent treatments of his subject, Hart captures
the beauty and poetry of traditional reflection upon the divine.
The Experience of Insight: A Joseph Goldstein Buddhism P CT Here is a modern classic of unusually clear, practical instruction for the practice of Buddhist meditation:
Simple and Direct Guide to sitting and walking meditation, how one relates with the breath, feelings, thought, sense perceptions,
Buddhist Meditation consciousness, and everyday activities. Basic Buddhist topics such as the nature of karma, the four noble
truths, the factors of enlightenment, dependent origination, and devotion are discussed.
Exquisite Love: Heart-Centered William K. Mahony Bhakti P C, CO The Bhakti Sutra attributed to Narada is a collection of 84 aphoristic statements in Sanskrit, dating to the
Reflections on the Narada Bhakti tenth to eleventh centuries in India, on the nature of love for Divinity, which the text describes as the
Sutras highest, most exquisite form of love. Translating, explaining and interpreting 21 of those statements,
William K. Mahony brings these teachings into our contemporary world through his thoughtful and
articulate extended reflections on the qualities of this love and on the contours of a life oriented toward
strengthening, refining and elevating it. The book also includes Mahony’s translation of Narada’s Bhakti
Sutra in its entirety. Basing his reflections on the understanding that God is absolute Love, Mahony
speaks of a divine Heart present in our own human sentiments and expressions of love in all its modes,
directions and degrees of intensity. He offers readers guidance into ways a Heart-centered spiritual life
can open them ever more fully to the reality of Love itself.
Freeing the Body, Freeing the Michael Stone (Ed.) Buddhism, P I, CT In this collection of provocative essays by prominent teachers of Yoga and Buddhism, the common ground
Mind: Writings on the Connections Yoga of these two ancient traditions becomes clear. Michael Stone has brought together a group of intriguing
between Yoga & Buddhism voices to show how Buddhism and Yoga share the same roots, the same values, and the same spiritual
goals. The themes addressed here are rich and varied, yet the essays all weave together the common
threads between the traditions that offer guidance toward spiritual freedom and genuine realization.
Contributors include Ajahn Amaro Bhikkhu, Shosan Victoria Austin, Frank Jude Boccio, Christopher Key
Chapple, Ari Goldfield and Rose Taylor, Chip Hartranft, Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, Sarah Powers, Eido
Shimano Roshi, Jill Satterfield, Mu Soeng, Michael Stone, and Robert Thurman.
The Future of the Body: Michael Murphy West/East S2 CT In the oral and written histories of every culture, there are countless records of men and women who have
Explorations Into the Further displayed extraordinary physical, mental, and spiritual capacities. In modern times, those records have
Evolution of Human Nature been supplemented by scientific studies of exceptional functioning. Are the limits of human growth fixed?
Are extraordinary abilities latent within everyone? Is there evidence that humanity has unrealized
capacities for self-transcendence? Are there specific practices through which ordinary people can develop
these abilities? Michael Murphy has studied these questions for over thirty years.
In The Future of the Body, he presents evidence for metanormal perception, cognition, movement, vitality,
and spiritual development from more than 3,000 sources. Surveying ancient and modern records in
medical science, sports, anthropology, the arts, psychical research, comparative religious studies, and
dozens of other disciplines, Murphy has created an encyclopedia of exceptional functioning of body, mind,
and spirit. He paints a broad and convincing picture of the possibilities of further evolutionary development
of human attributes.
By studying metanormal abilities under a wide range of conditions, Murphy suggests that we can identify
those activities that typically evoke these capacities and assemble them into a coherent program of
transformative practice.
The Golden Present: Daily Swami Yoga, P CO These daily inspirational readings contain Swami Satchidananda's teachings on the spiritual life—how to
Inspirational Readings by Sri Satchidananda Vedanta serve others and realize peace, truth, and union with the divine. Culled from twenty-five years of lectures
Swami Satchidananda to spiritual seekers in the West and the East, these readings are expressed with the simplicity and
authority of one who speaks from his own experience. What is purity of heart? It’s a heart full of tranquility
and peace. Having a steady mind, a balanced mind, is what you call purity of heart. You must be well
balanced between the dualities: the ups and downs, the pleasure and pain, the profit and loss. If the mind
is free from turbulence, then the seer can see its own nature. If your heart is pure and steady, you can see
God reflected in that steady heart.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language, Swami Sivananda Hatha Yoga P I, M, Long considered essential reading for Hatha Yoga students and teachers, the revised 20th anniversary
Symbols, Secrets & Metaphors Radha PR edition of Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language presents 22 classical Hatha asanas with in-depth
investigations into their symbolic natures. Swami Sivananda Radha explores the mythological meaning of
each posture as she encourages the hatha yogi to stretch beyond the physical. Building on the classical
foundations of an ancient tradition, Swami Radha brilliantly synthesizes the ancient wisdom of yoga with
an understanding of psychological and spiritual facets of contemporary life. With this approach, one can
penetrate the mystical messages of the asanas so that the body is truly understood as a spiritual tool. It
was twenty years ago when Swami Radha first introduced the transformational Hidden Language method
to students interested in going deeper with their practice. Now, with expanded instructions on how to
incorporate the Hidden Language method into a personal practice, beautiful photographs by Derek
Shapton and an introduction by ascent columnist, Swami Lalitananda, the 20th anniversary edition of
HLHY is essential reading for the serious student of yoga. “This book contains the insights of an
extraordinary woman who dared to look deeper into the practice of asana to experience wholeness, which
is the essence of yoga." – Sharon Gannon, co-founder of the Jivamukti Yoga method “Swami Radha's
book has been on my bookshelf since it was first published. The language of yoga, as spoken by Swami
Radha, speaks to my heart.” – Amy Weintraub author and yoga teacher
Hatha Yoga Pradipika Swami Hatha Yoga S1 C, CO Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Light on Hatha Yoga) includes the original Sanskrit text compiled by Maharshi
Muktibodhananda Swatmarama with a translation and thorough commentary in english by Swami Satyananda and Swami
Muktibodhananda. This text elucidates the entire science of hatha
yoga(asana,pranayama,shatkarma,mudra and bandha) as it was conceived and practised not only for
healthand fitness but for awakening the vital energies:pranas,chakras and kundalini shakti.It points out
that hatha yoga is not just a physical practice but a process of cellular transmutation from gross to subtle
to divine.Thus hatha yoga was considered to be the foundation of all higher yogas. Line drawings and
diagrams illustrate the text.
A Heart As Wide as the World: Sharon Salzberg Buddhism P CT The Buddhist teachings have the power to transform our lives for the better, says Sharon Salzberg, and all
Stories on the Path of we need to bring about this transformation can be found in the ordinary events of our everyday
Lovingkindness experiences. Salzberg distills more than twenty-five years of teaching and practicing meditation into a
series of short essays, rich with anecdotes and personal revelations, that offer genuine aid and comfort for
anyone on the spiritual path. Many chance moments, both small and profound, serve as the basis for
Salzberg's teachings: hearing a market stall hawker calling "I have what you need!"; noting hotel guests'
reactions to a midnight fire alarm; watching her teacher, Dipa Ma, bless a belligerent dog; seeing the Dalai
Lama laughing uproariously at his own mistake. Each passing moment, Salzberg shows, can help us
down the path toward "a seamlessness of connection and an unbounded heart."
The Heart of Awareness: A Thomas Byrom Bhakti P C, CO The Ashtavakra Gita conveys with beauty and simplicity the essential teachings of Advaita Vedanta, the
Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita most influential of the Hindu philosophical systems. Composed by an anonymous master of the school of
the great sage Shankara, it is a book of practical advice for seekers of wisdom as well as an ecstatic
expression of the experience of enlightenment. In this simple, aphoristic version, the translator conveys
the clarity and lyricism of the Sanskrit original with fluency and precision.
Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Benebell Wen Tarot P A In Holistic Tarot, author Benebell Wen provides a complete guide to using the tarot to foster personal
Approach to Using Tarot for development. Wen gives a comprehensive overview of the history of the tarot and a wide array of theories
Personal Growth on its use (including its relationship to Jungian archetypal psychology and traditional Chinese divination
practices) before digging deeply into one of the best-known tarot systems, the Rider-Waite-
Smith. Beginners will find a complete guide to working with the tarot, including choosing and caring for a
deck, how best to learn and remember the attributes of the major and minor arcana, the interpretation of
cards and spreads, the role of meditation in a tarot practice, and how to use the tarot for improving
relationships, professional development, and personal resilience. More advanced practitioners will
appreciate nuanced theoretical discussions of the tarot as well as practical advice about reading others'
tarot cards and setting up a practice. Containing over 500 illustrations and detailed information on each
card as well as numerous spreads, Holistic Tarot is a complete compendium of tarot study that every
practitioner should have in his or her library.
How Yoga Works Michael Roach Yoga, P I The secrets of how yoga works to make us truly whole are revealed here in a delightful story based on
Buddhism how these precious teachings reached Tibet form their home in India, over a thousand years ago.
I Am That Nisargadatta Vedanta P, S1 CT This collection of the timeless teachings of one of the greatest sages of India, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, is
Maharaj a testament to the uniqueness of the seer's life and work and is regarded by many as a modern spiritual
classic. I Am That (first published in 1973) continues to draw new audiences and to enlighten seekers
anxious for self-realization. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was a teacher who did not propound any ideology or
religion, but gently unwrapped the mystery of the self. His message was simple, direct, and sublime. I Am
That preserves his dialogs with the followers who came from around the world seeking guidance in
destroying false identities. The sage's sole concern was with the human suffering and the ending of
suffering. It was his mission to guide the individual to an understanding of his true nature and the
timelessness of being. He taught that the mind must recognize and penetrate its own state of being--not
"being this or that, here or there, then or now," but just timeless being. I Am That is a legacy from a unique
teacher who helps the reader to a clearer understanding of himself as he comes to Maharaj with the age-
old question, "Who am I?" Seekers were never turned away from the humble abode of Maharaj during his
life and can still find their answers to this timeless question in the pages of this book today.
Indian Philosophy: A Very Short Sue Hamilton Indian S1 I India has a long, rich, and diverse tradition of philosophical thought, spanning some two and a half
Introduction millennia and encompassing several major religious traditions.
In this intriguing introduction to Indian philosophy, the diversity of Indian thought is emphasized. It is
structured around six schools of thought that have received classic status. Sue Hamilton explores how the
traditions have attempted to understand the nature of reality in terms of inner or spiritual quest and
introduces distinctively Indian concepts, such as karma and rebirth. She also explains how Indian thinkers
have understood issues of reality and knowledge--issues that are also an important part of the Western
philosophical tradition.
The Inner Tradition of Yoga: A Michael Stone Buddhism, P I There is more to the tradition of yoga than toning and strengthening. At the root, there is a vast and
Guide to Yoga Philosophy for the Yoga intriguing philosophy that teaches the ethics of nonviolence, patience, honesty, and respect. Michael
Contemporary Practitioner Stone provides an in-depth explanation of ancient Indian yogic philosophy along with teachings on how to
bring our understanding of yoga theory to deeper levels through our practice on the mat—and through our
relationships with others.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
An Introduction to Indian Bina Gupta Hinduism S2 I An Introduction to Indian Philosophy offers a profound yet accessible survey of the development of India’s
Philosophy: Perspectives on philosophical tradition. Beginning with the formation of Brahmanical, Jaina, Materialist, and Buddhist
Reality, Knowledge, and Freedom traditions, Bina Gupta guides the reader through the classical schools of Indian thought, culminating in a
look at how these traditions inform Indian philosophy and society in modern times. Offering translations
from source texts and clear explanations of philosophical terms, this text provides a rigorous overview of
Indian philosophical contributions to epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, and ethics. This
is a must-read for anyone seeking a reliable and illuminating introduction to Indian philosophy.
Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Sharon Gannon, Yoga P I Creators of the extremely popular Jivamukti Yoga method and co-founders of the New York City studios
Liberating Body and Soul David Life where it is taught, Sharon Gannon and David Life present their unique style of yoga for the first time in
book form. As they explain their intensely physical and spiritual system of flowing postures, they provide
inspiring expert instruction to guide you in your practice.
Unlike many books about yoga, Jivamukti Yoga focuses not only on the physical postures but also on how
they evolved–the origins of the practices in yoga’s ancient sacred texts and five-thousand-year-old
traditions–the psychotherapeutic benefits that accrue with a steady practice, and the spiritual power that is
set free when energy flows throughout the mind and body. Jivamukti Yoga, which means “soul liberation,”
guides your body and soul into spiritual freedom, physical strength, peace of mind, better health, and Self-
realization–the ultimate goal of any practice. Whatever yoga you practice, Jivamukti Yoga will help you to
strengthen and deepen that practice and lead you onto a path of spiritual clarity and self-discovery.
Jnana Yoga: Method and Swami Yoga S1 I, CO The method of understanding the process of jnana yoga has to be understood properly. Is jnana only
Attainment Niranjanananda questioning? No. It is enlarging the scope of perception. It is not enquiry. It is like working with an
Saraswati adjustable torchlight. You can twist it's head to bring the light to a narrow point or enlarge its perimeter.
Providing a new perspective on the classical components of jnana yoga, Swamiji renders this complicated
subject accessible. He outlines the step-by-step training necessary to attain the aims of jnana yoga and
describes how the profound statements of the Vedas, the mahavakyas, unfold naturally in the process.
The discourses shine with spiritual inspiration and practical guidance in the method of applying
intelligence and developing true wisdom in life.
The Journey Home: Autobiography Radhanath Swami Bhakti P SA Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism,
of an American Swami and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he
transforms from young seeker to renowned spiritual guide. The Journey Home is an intimate account of
the steps to self awareness and a penetrating glimpse into the heart of mystic traditions and the
challenges that all souls must face on the road to inner harmony and a union with the Divine. Through
near-death encounters, apprenticeships with advanced yogis, and years of travel along the pilgrim’s path,
Radhanath Swami eventually reaches the inner sanctum of India’s mystic culture and finds the love he
has been seeking. It is a tale told with rare candor, immersing the reader in a journey that is at once
engaging, humorous, and heartwarming.
The Language of Yoga Nicolai Bachman Yoga P I Have you ever been bewildered in yoga class by the terms the teacher uses? What is the deeper meaning
of these terms? How can you benefit by knowing them? For passionate and curious yoga students, The
Language of Yoga offers the definitive A-Y of asana names and Sanskrit terms (there is no Z in Sanskrit!).
This interactive set includes more than 200 asanas with illustrated yoga postures and 300 Sanskrit
definitions. Sanskrit scholar Nicolai Bachman teaches you how to read and pronounce these sacred
sounds with precision, and guides you through seven yoga chants with exact rhythm, tone, and
pronunciation. An indispensable reference guide for any serious student of yoga.
Light on Yoga B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga P I The definitive guide to the philosophy and practice of Yoga--the ancient healing discipline for body and
mind--by its late teacher. Light on Yoga provides complete descriptions and illustrations of all the positions
and breathing exercises. Features a foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. Illustrations throughout.
The Living Gita: The Complete Swami Yoga, S1 C, CO The Bhagavad Gita tells the story of how Arjuna, the great warrior, is seated in his chariot about to engage
Bhagavad Gita - A Commentary for Satchidananda Vedanta, in battle, when he sees his own kinsmen and his revered teacher arrayed in battle against him, and feels
Modern Readers Bhakti, that he cannot fight. It is then that Krishna, the Cosmic Lord, comes to counsel him. Arjuna represents the
Hinduism human soul seated in the chariot of the body and Krishna is the inner Spirit, the God within, who is there
to consel him. Today we see humanity divided against itself and threatened with nuclear war and mutual
destruction. No political means are adequate to deal with this problem, and many are driven to despair. It
is then that the message of the Gita comes to teach us that it is only when we rise above human schemes
and calculations and awake to the presence of the indwelling Spirit that we can hope to find the answer to
our need.
Living Yoga: A Comprehensive Georg Feuerstein Yoga P I A masterful exploration of the major schools of yoga, published on the 100th anniversary of yoga in
Guide for Daily Life America. With this book, readers will discover the wisdom of the millenia--and learn to live yoga. Topics
include the yoga approach to diet and nutrition, meditation as an antidote to stress, the yoga of love and
devotion, and more. Photographs and illustrations.
Mantra: Sacred Words of Power Thomas Ashley- Yoga, P I, PR The power of mantras comes not from the meaning of the symbols, but from their direct vibrational effect
Farrand Hinduism, on our body's physiological and energetic systems. Ashley-Farrand also teaches that Sanskrit is an
Tantra energy-based language and mantras are spiritual formulas for working with this energy. They are
desgined to eliminate obstacles as we progress spiritually, and help us to make energetic progress toward
Meditations from the Tantras Swami Satyananda Tantra S1 PR Tantra is an ancient science dealing with many different systems for increasing the speed of human
Saraswati evolution. It predates all of the world's existing religions, and thus provides the esoteric basis on which
many of these religions were later based. Tantra provides practical techniques applicable by men and
women of every temperament and spiritual level, and aims at turning every action of life into an act of
sadhana, or spiritual practice. It is the aim of this book to provide a practical glimpse into the most
important meditation techniques which have their original basis in tantra, so that they may practiced in
their original and correct form.
Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands Gertrud Hirschi Yoga P I Mudras also playfully called the "finger power points" are yoga positions for your hands and fingers. They
can be practiced sitting, lying down, standing, or walking. They can be done at any time and place while
stuck in traffic, at the office, watching TV, or whenever you have to twiddle your thumbs waiting for
something. Hirschi shows you how these techniques can prevent illness, relieve stress, and heal
emotional problems. 82 illustrations.
Naked Song Lalla Mysticism P PT Lalla is a 14th century mystic, who was born in Kashmir. Her whole life is steeped in legend, along with
tales of an unhappy marriage, and cruel treatment by her in-laws, and those of her devotion to God. This
book presents her poems.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
The Nectar of Devotion: The A. C. Bhakti S2 C Srila Rupa Gosvami was the foremost disciple of Sri Krishna Caitanya, and the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is
Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga Bhaktivedanta his literary masterpiece, a classic of devotional literature composed in Sanskrit and describing the
Swami Prabhupada complete science of bhakti-yoga, or linking with the Supreme through transcendental loving devotion. In
this summary study, Srila Prabhupada gives a complete translation and provides occasional commentary.
Topics include the characteristics of pure devotional service, ecstatic love of God, the qualities of Sri
Krishna, and stimulation for ecstatic love.
Nothing Exists that is Not Siva Swami Muktananda Shaivism P C, CO Encouraging students to recognize their identity with Shiva (the all-pervasive Lord), these commentaries
on verses of Kashmir Shaivite philosophy illuminate the experience. Above All Else, the meditation master
Swami Muktananda loved inspiring spiritual seekers to make each moment of their lives a sacred
celebration. He wanted people everywhere to recognize their identity with Siva, the all-pervasive Lord.
Here, Swami Muktananda comments on his favorite scriptures from Kashmir Shaivism, a revolutionary
philosophy that venerates the divine principle in every aspect of life.
The Philosophy of Sadhana Deba Brata Shaivism S2 CO The Philosophy of Sadhana is a scholarly introduction to Trika, a Tantric school of Hinduism associated
SenSharma with the region of Kashmir in northern India. It's often referred to as Kashmir Shaivism. The author, Deba
Brata SenSharma, is an Indian scholar whose teacher was both a scholarly expert on Trika and a
practitioner of the same system. The book doesn't deal with the history of Kashmir Shaivism, but is rather
a study of the basics of Trika metaphysics. Sadhana could be translated "spiritual practice", but the book
doesn't contain detailed descriptions of the rituals of this particular school. Rather, the rituals, yogic
practices and mystical experiences are mentioned only when necessary to illustrate the philosophical
underpinnings of the system - hence, the title, "The Philosophy of Sadhana".
Prana and Pranayama Swami Yoga S1 CO, PR Prana and Pranayama is a comprehensive text on the classical philosophy of prana,life force,and
Niranjanananda pranayama,the expansion and control of the life force.It provides a complete description of the science of
Saraswati pranayama as prepared in the classical texts and as taught in the Satyananda Yoga tradition by Bihar
School Of Yoga. The first part of the book explores the theory of prana and it's related yogic
concepts,koshas,chakras,nadis and mantras.Secondly it expands upon respiratory physiology and current
research undertaken by science on pranayama.In the practical section,specific guidelines for practicing
pranayam are given,using detailed instructions and illustrations.Through out the text,scriptural sources
further enhance the reader's understanding bringing to light the original science and intent of these
classical teachings.
The Principle Teachings of Tsongkapa Buddhism P CO Tsongkapa's masterpiece appears here with a commentary by the illustrious Pabongka Rinpoche
Buddhism (1878-1941), generally regarded as the foremost Tibetan teacher of Buddhism during the last century. The
work has been translated by Geshe Lobsang Tharchin, one of the last Busshist masters of old Tibet.
Psychotherapy East and West Alan Watts West/East S1 CT What is the common ground between Western psychiatry and Eastern philosophy, and what has each to
learn from the other? Alan Watts found a common principle that, intentionally or otherwise, seems to be
used wherever therapy is trying to overcome man's false sense of himself as an isolated ego -- an ego
that traps him in a perpetual flight from death and loneliness. In varying ways and degrees, both Eastern
philosophy and Western psychotherapy engage the individual in experiments that vividly reveal the fallacy
of this conception and give him a new feeling of identity.
The Radiance Sutras: 112 Lorin Roche Shaivism P CT The gateways to wonder and delight are flung open wide for all to enter. At once a beautiful love song and
Gateways to the Yoga of Wonder an encyclopedia of yogic techniques, the coveted text known as the Bhairava Tantra shimmers with new
and Delight effulgence in Lorin Roche's The Radiance Sutras. Lorin brings us fresh commentaries on each of 112
Sanskrit teachings along with his one-of-a-kind guidance in how to meditate with, embody, and practice
them-what he calls "answering the call of the sutras you love."
Here is an invitation to experience directly the ecstatic depths of tantric yoga as revealed by the divine
partners Shiva and Shakti, through an intimate exploration of:
"Taken as a whole, this teaching is startling in its breadth, in the huge range of human experience that it
encompasses," writes Lorin. "This is a book to savor one phrase at a time, over a period of days or years
or a lifetime." With The Radiance Sutras, now yoga students everywhere can nurture their own
relationship with these living wisdom teachings.
Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and Ranchor Prime Hinduism P M From the kingdom of Ayodhya to the isle of Lanka, we are transported to a land that has inspired morality
Demons and spiritual tradition for thousands of years. On the eve if his enthronement, Rama, the beloved prince of
Ayodhya, is banished to the forest as a result of a sinister plot. Along with his wife Sita and brother
Lakshmana, Rama accepts his destiny and departs as the kingdom mourns his loss. His exile, however,
proves to have a deeper meaning as Rama becomes the protector of the forest sages and sparks the fury
of Ravana, the seemingly invincible demon who terrorizes both humans and gods alike. In a vengeful act,
Ravana kidnaps Sita, taking her across the ocean to Lanka. Now Rama, with the help of an army of
monkeys, must fight to reclaim his dear bride and his honor.
Real Happiness: The Power of Sharon Salzberg Buddhism P CT Thousands of years prove it, and Western science backs it: Meditation sharpens focus. Meditation lowers
Meditation blood pressure, relieves chronic pain, reduces stress. Meditation helps us experience greater calm.
Meditation connects us to our inner-most feelings and challenges our habits of self-judgment. Meditation
helps protect the brain against aging and improves our capacity for learning new things. Meditation opens
the door to real and accessible happiness.
There is no better person to show a beginner how to harness the power of meditation than Sharon
Salzberg, one of the world’s foremost meditation teachers and spiritual authors. Cofounder of the Insight
Meditation Society, author of Lovingkindness, Faith, and other books, Ms. Salzberg distills 30 years of
teaching meditation into a 28-day program that will change lives. It is not about Buddhism, it’s not
esoteric―it is closer to an exercise, like running or riding a bike. From the basics of posture, breathing,
and the daily schedule to the finer points of calming the mind, distraction, dealing with specific problem
areas (pain in the legs? falling asleep?) to the larger issues of compassion and awareness, Real
Happiness is a complete guide. It explains how meditation works; why a daily meditation practice results
in more resiliency, creativity, peace, clarity, and balance; and gives twelve meditation practices, including
mindfulness meditation and walking meditation. An extensive selection of her students’ FAQs cover the
most frequent concerns of beginners who meditate―“Is meditation selfish?” “How do I know if I’m doing it
right?” “Can I use meditation to manage weight?”
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Sacred Paths: Essays on Wisdom, Georg Feuerstein Yoga, P, S1 I, CT This excellent collection of essays by a well-known, highly respected Western scholar of Eastern
Love, and Mystical Realization Mysticism spirituality provides a broad overview of the Indian philosophical schools of Vedanta and Yoga. The
meaning of each of these and their historical context is followed by chapters on several different types of
Yoga. Several sections are devoted to the "eightfold path" of Patanjali, a teacher whose influence
continues to be felt. Other chapters deal with specific yogic methods and practices including the much-
misunderstood Tantra and the better-known Hatha. Five essays at the end relate these practices and
philosophies to modern life. While each essay stands on its own, read together they provide a useful,
readable introduction to Hindu spirituality for both novices and advanced students. Highly recommended
for all collections of spiritual literature.
Sanskrit Glossary of Yogic Terms Swami Yogakanti Yoga S1 G The Sanskrit glossary contains a wealth of definitions of yoga and it's related topics,philosophies,yogic
traditions and concepts.It is designed to aid yoga practitioners who seek the deeper meaning of yoga's
symbols and metaphoric language.It may be utilized as a guide for understanding the precision and subtle
association of Sanskrit words found in yoga publications. The Sanskrit glossary,with English
translation,reveals the deep significance of yogic terms through word structure,meaning,scriptural
references and original Devanagari script.Selected pictures illustrate the text.
Self Realization in Kashmir Swami Shaivism P CO This book is a breath of fresh air in today's world of yoga and spirituality. It is unusual to read from a
Shaivism Lakshmanjoo teacher who has not only gained intellectual understanding of a particular system, but has also
experienced the reality of its practices.
The first chapter 'Fifteen Verses of Wisdom' went straight over my head, which shows I still lack
understanding in this area. The chapter 'Talks on Practice' reveals the mechanics of meditation according
to the system of Kashmir Shaivism. I found it clear and insightful. This was balanced by the chapter 'Talks
on Discipline' which shows that Lakshmanjoo has the integrity to give clear guidelines to the spiritual
aspirant on how one should conduct oneself on the spiritual path.
Finally in his last chapter 'The Secret Knowledge of Kundalini' Swami Lakshmanjoo gives real insight into
the mechanics of the mysterious subject of kundalini. To date I have found other material on this subject to
be rather nebulous and mere fantasy, based in the vivid imaginations of so called gurus and well read
authors. Swami Lakshmanjoo takes this mysterious subject out of the category of fantasy and clearly
defines how kundalini functions. His intimate description of the various modes of rising of kundalini, based
on his own experience are truly fascinating.
Shaiva Devotional Songs of Constantina Shaivism P PT, CO Utpaladeva was considered a siddha, a "perfected being," one of the masters of the tantric tradition in
Kashmir Rhodes Bailly Kashmir, and he is best known for his philosophical treatises. The Shivastotravali reflects Utpaladeva's
philosophy, known as the Pratyabhijna school. And yet it is unique among the author's works in its not
being a straightforward philosophical treatise but instead, as Dr. Bailly points out in her introduction, more
of a spiritual diary of one who is actually treading the path of Shiva. The path that Utpaladeva has chosen
does not require leaving one's home and heading for a mountain cave; instead it calls for changing one's
view of the world, for leading a life of divine recognition while carrying on with ordinary life.
In clearly written, lucid prose Dr. Bailly illuminates the many facets of Utpaladeva's quest. At the core of
his spiritual journey is the enigmatic relationship between devotion and grace: how much does spiritual
attainment depend upon the individual's efforts, and how much is a divine gift? And how are these to be
realized while living in the midst of society, maintaining worldly obligations and lifestyle?
For over a thousand years the Shaiva community of Kashmir has used in its worship the hymns of
Utpaladeva's Shivastotravali.Here for the first time these hymns are presented in translation as English
verse along with the Sanskrit, a clear and lively introduction, two appendices on special aspects of
Kashmir Shaivism, and additional notes.
"Bhakti is always treated as a different approach from the 'yogic' one. This author's approach of relating
the path of bhakti to the upayas of the system is a very original angle which is absolutely accurate. It
shows the soul of the practices, that is, the feeling and emotional intensity with which they are done. Here
we have the rejoicing, the cajoling, the longing of a soul in love with God and in love with His creation. For
the devotee, the created is a reflection of the Creator. This book is an authentic delight.
Together with the merits of the research that has gone into it, other interesting aspects are Appendix A,
which gives a useful overview of the system, and the ample bibliography." -- Swami Gitananda, SYDA
Sinister Yogis David Gordon Yoga, S2 HI Since the 1960s, yoga has become a billion-dollar industry in the West, attracting housewives and
White Hinduism hipsters, New Agers and the old-aged. But our modern conception of yoga derives much from nineteenth-
century European spirituality, and the true story of yoga’s origins in South Asia is far richer, stranger, and
more entertaining than most of us realize.
To uncover this history, David Gordon White focuses on yoga’s practitioners. Combing through millennia
of South Asia’s vast and diverse literature, he discovers that yogis are usually portrayed as wonder-
workers or sorcerers who use their dangerous supernatural abilities; which can include raising the dead,
possession, and levitation; to acquire power, wealth, and sexual gratification. As White shows, even those
yogis who aren’t downright villainous bear little resemblance to Western assumptions about them. At turns
rollicking and sophisticated, Sinister Yogis tears down the image of yogis as detached, contemplative
teachers, finally placing them in their proper context.
The Splendor of Recognition: An Swami Shaivism S1 C, CO Swami Shantananda, a Siddha Yoga monk and teacher, comments on a key text of Kashmir Shaivism
Exploration of the Pratyabhijna- Shantananda called Pratyabhijna-hrdayam ("The Heart of Recognition"), written by the sage Kshemaraja in the eleventh
hrdayam, a Text on the Ancient century. The text, consisting of twenty sūtras (aphorisms), is directly relevant to Siddha Yoga students
Science of the Soul since Siddha Yoga philosophy is imbued with the fundamental nondual teachings of Kashmir Shaivism.
Swami Shantananda's commentaries, including personal observations and contemplation techniques,
help the reader assimilate and put into action the profound teachings imparted by this classic scripture.
A CD is included to help students pronounce the Sanskrit sūtras.
Sri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: The Swami Shaivism S1 C, CO The theme of Bhairava tantra is Dharana, or concentration. This translation and commentary of a classical
Ascent Satyasangananda Tantric text sheds light on the practice of Dharana.
The Stanzas on Vibration Mark S.G. Shaivism S2 C, CO In this book the author focuses on the school of Kashmir Shaivism that presents this doctrine as its
Dyczkowski (T) cardinal principle and whose literature consists essentially of the works translated here.
In his Introduction and in his exposition of the four commentaries, the author shows both how the Spanda
tradition contributes to the other schools of Kashmir Shaivism and how it is different from them. He
presents for the first time a detailed treatment of this tradition and an analysis of its development. The aim
is to offer a method that affords access by the general reader to the wonderful world of the Spanda Yogi
through which she travels to the liberating realization of her authentic identity vibrant with the vitality of the
universal pulse of Shiva.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Studying Ayurveda: A Manual in Matthew Remski Ayurveda S1 CT Studying Ayurveda: a Manual in Progress is a 12-module guide designed to support students in becoming
Progress proficient in Ayurvedic worldview and practice. It's a required text for all students of Matthew Remski's
Ayurveda courses consisting of more than one day, and a recommended supplement to shorter courses
as well. Those who are not enrolled in a course can also find these notes very helpful, but should be
aware that the manual's content is enriched by in-person or online lecture presentations and discussion,
slides and online quizzes. Notes are presented in bullet-point form. The modules are: 1. Ayurveda Basics
2. Elements, Gunas, Samkhya Correlations 3. The Dhatus/Doshas as Psychosomatic Forces 4. How the
Dhatus Influence Individual Identity 5. Agni, the Root of Digestion 6. Ayurvedic Diet 7. Tissues, Wastes,
and Essential Vitality 8. The Five Functions of Prana 9. Optimizing the Breath 10. Daily Routine 11.
Cleansing—Daily, Seasonal, Lifetime 12. The Life Cycle The manual includes the full bibliography of the
rich sources that have heavily influenced this material: works by Frawley, Johari, Kacera, Lad, Pole,
Tiwari, Ranade, Sharma, Svoboda, Verma, and dozens of other practitioners and scholars. Also included
are edited versions of three ground-breaking essays from 2013-2014: "Recovering the Era of Water
Medicine" "Ayurveda Is a Political Practice, Part one: Economic justice" "Ayurveda and the Accusation of
Pseudoscience" Past students of Matthew's trainings and seminars have said the following: Matthew
Remski’s approach to Ayurveda is simultaneously pragmatic, poetic, reverent, critical, and honestly quite
brave. He is willing to question dogma while cherishing the spirit of Ayurvedic inquiry, and his teaching
emboldens me to do the same. - Nick Beem E-RYT500, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist & Group
Facilitator From our first online course, I knew I had found a teacher worth “tuning in” to. Matthew
Remski’s online course is perfect if you’d like to move beyond the surface and eradicate confusion. While I
have studied with Ayurvedic physicians and consultants over the years, Matthew Remski expresses a
fresh voice on ancient wisdom. His teaching is clear, accessible, and approachable for modern day body/
minds. If you are considering an online course, I highly recommend that you block the time and participate
“live” rather than review the recording later. Be prepared to be challenged and fully dive into the homework
and quizzes. Your presence, focused attention, and skillfully applied effort will be rewarded with a fuller
appreciation and understanding of Ayurveda. The best outcome will be your ease of application of
Ayurveda’s wisdom in your daily life. - Lisa Long E-RYT 500 In a world that too often emphasizes busy
work schedules, imbalance and disconnection, I found that Everyday Nectar offered concrete and
practical ways to retune my awareness towards health and wholeness. I think it would be impossible to be
unchanged by the course learning. There are opportunities to make the simple adjustments in your day-to-
day experience that may have significant health benefits. Matthew is a caring, knowledgable teacher that
creates space for a warm, nourishing inquiry into how ayurveda can positively support our human
experience. - Kelly Anderson, MD Matthew brings a rare intelligence and poetic sensibility to his teaching
of Ayurveda. Always attentive to modern applications and contemporary context, his classes encompass a
riveting dialogue between different times, places and ways of knowing. He makes Ayurveda feel at once
intuitive and familiar, while at the same time, offering it as a way think about and experience the the world
in radical new ways. - Katherine Friesen
Tantra Illuminated: The Christopher D. Shaivism S1 I, CO Tantra Illuminated takes the reader on a fascinating journey to the very heart of Tantra: its key teachings,
Philosophy, History, and Practice Wallis foundational lineages, and transformative practices. Since the West’s discovery of Tantra 100 years ago,
of a Timeless Tradition there has been considerable fascination, speculation, and more than a little misinformation about this
spiritual movement. Now, for the first time in the English language, Tantra Illuminated presents an
accessible introduction to this sacred tradition that began 1,500 years ago in the far north of India. Using
translations from from primary Sanskrit sources and offering a profound look at spiritual practice, this book
reveals Tantra’s rich history and powerful teachings.
Tantra in Practice David Gordon Tantra S2 HI As David White explains in the Introduction to Tantra in Practice, Tantra is an Asian body of beliefs and
White (Ed.) practices that seeks to channel the divine energy that grounds the universe, in creative and liberating
ways. The subsequent chapters reflect the wide geographical and temporal scope of Tantra by examining
thirty-six texts from China, India, Japan, Nepal, and Tibet, ranging from the seventh century to the present
day, and representing the full range of Tantric experience--Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, and even Islamic. Each
text has been chosen and translated, often for the first time, by an international expert in the field who also
provides detailed background material. Students of Asian religions and general readers alike will find the
book rich and informative. The first book to bring together texts from the entire range of Tantric
phenomena, Tantra in Practice continues the Princeton Readings in Religions series. The breadth of work
included, geographic areas spanned, and expert scholarship highlighting each piece serve to expand our
understanding of what it means to practice Tantra.
The Tao of Physics Fritjof Capra Eastern S1 CT Here is the book that brought the mystical implications of subatomic physics to popular consciousness for
the very first time—way back in 1975. This special edition celebrates the thirty-fifth anniversary of this
early Shambhala best seller that has gone on to become a classic. It includes a new preface by the
author, in which he reflects on the further discoveries and developments that have occurred in the years
since the book’s original publication. “Physicists do not need mysticism,” Dr. Capra says, “and mystics do
not need physics, but humanity needs both.” It’s a message of timeless importance.
Teachings of the Buddha Jack Kornfield (Ed.) Buddhism P CO This treasury of essential Buddhist writings draws from the most popular Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and
Japanese sources. Among the selections are some of the earliest recorded sayings of the Buddha on the
practice of freedom, passages from later Indian scriptures on the perfection of wisdom, verses from
Tibetan masters on the enlightened mind, and songs in praise of meditation by Zen teachers. The book
also includes traditional instruction on how to practice sitting meditation, cultivate calm awareness, and
live with compassion. Jack Kornfield, one of the most respected American Buddhist teachers, has
compiled these teachings to impart the essence and inspiration of Buddhism to readers of all spiritual
The Textbook of Yoga Psychology Sri Brahmananda Yoga S1 PSY There is extensive discussion of various aspects of yoga psychology in the preliminary chapters, along
Sarasvati with outlining Samkhya philosophy, which is the original philosophical foundation of the Yoga Sutras,
(Ramamurti S. though the Sutras are widely incorporated in to many paths and points of view, such as Tantra and Advaita
Mishra) Vedanta. This version does include a strong 'nondual' flavor as well. I especially appreciated his personal
preference for including an emphasis on nada yoga (the practice of meditation on subtle, internal,
naturally arising sounds), as a main practice discussed in the book. Also this is clearly a translation and
discussion by an accomplished practitioner.
The Yoga Sutras are such an important book in Indian/Hindu spirituality that, for anyone interested in
meditation and spiritual practice, it is a must read. Pandit Arya, who did a profound translation of the first
of the four 'books' or sections that make up the Yoga Sutras, wrote in his introduction that if all of Indian
culture were to disappear except for the Yoga Sutras, then, through the of intuitive realization and
creativity the Yoga Sutras empowers, all of the greatness of their culture would re-emerge (and then
some!). Often even great masters continue to study the Yoga Sutras, as they are a profound owners
manual to practice and the vastness of spiritual development.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
Threads of Yoga Matthew Remski Yoga S1 CO, CT A "remix" of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for our present paradigm. Threads uses the lenses of
contemporary philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience to probe the original stillness and insight of the
old book with the best that our age has to offer. The author interweaves the refashioned verses with
critical commentary and personal reflections from a decade of practice. "I don't know of any reading of the
yoga sutras as wildly creative, as impassioned and as earnest as this. it engages Patanjali and the reader
in an urgent, electrified conversation that weaves philosophy, symbolist poetry, psychoanalysis and
cultural history. There's a kind of delight and freshness in this book that is very rare in writing on yoga, and
especially rare in writing on the yoga sutras. This is a Patanjali for postmoderns, less a translation than a
startlingly relevant report on our current condition, through the prism of this ancient text." -- Mark
Singleton, author of Yoga Body:The Origins of Modern Posture Practice "This is a massively important
work... finally a philosophical text rich in contemporary wisdom that can speak to the radical embodiment
and deepening intimacy with ecology and relationship that modern yoga practice inspires. Matthew is not
only the most stunning writer in prose working in the (underpaid) world of yoga discourse he's also one of
its most fluent cultural critics. More importantly, what he does here is pave a new road forward for the
future of Western spirituality: embodied, psychologically informed, with an aesthetic so potent it has the
power to heal." -- Shyam Dodge, author of Wet, Hot & Wild American Yogi
Total Freedom: The Essential J. Krishnamurti Eastern P CT Counted among his admirers are Jonas Salk, Aldous Huxley, David Hockney, and Van Morrison, along
Krishnamurti with countless other philosophers, artist, writers and students of the spiritual path. Now the trustees of
Krishnamurti’s work have gathered his very best and most illuminating writings and talks to present in one
volume the truly essential ideas of this great spiritual thinker.Total Freedom includes selections from
Krishnamurti’s early works, his ‘Commentaries on Living’, and his discourses on life, the self, meditation,
sex and love. These writings reveal Krishnamuri’s core teachings in their full eloquence and power: the
nature of personal freedom; the mysteries of life and death; and the ‘pathless land’, the personal search
for truth and peace. Warning readers away from blind obedience to creeds or teachers – including himself
– Krishnamurti celebrated the individual quest for truth, and thus became on of the most influential guides
for independent-minded seekers of the twentieth century – and beyond.
The Tree of Yoga: The Classic B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga P I Iyengar developed a form of yoga that focuses on developing strength, endurance, correct body
Guide to Integrating Yoga into your alignment, as well as flexibility and relaxation. The Iyengar method integrates philosophy, spirituality, and
Daily Life the practice of yoga into everyday living. In The Tree of Yoga, Iyengar offers his thoughts on many
practical and philosophical subjects including family life, love and sexuality, health and the healing arts,
meditation, death, and Patañjali's Yoga Sutras. This new edition features a foreword by Patricia Walden, a
leading American teacher of the Iyengar style.
The Triadic Heart of Siva: Kaula Paul Eduardo Shaivism S2 CO This book explores one of the most explicit and sophisticated theoretical formulations of tantric yoga. It
Tantricism in the Non-Dual Muller-Ortega explains Abhinavagupta's teaching about the nature of ultimate reality, about the methods for experiencing
Shaivism of Kashmir this ultimate reality, and about the nature of the state of realization, a condition of embodied
enlightenment. The author uncovers the conceptual matrix surrounding the practices of the Kaula lineage
of Kashmir Shaivism. The primary textual basis for the book is provided by Abhinavagupta's Paratrisika-
laghuvrtti, a short meditation manual that centers on the symbolism of the Heart-mantra, SAUH.
"Muller-Ortega's approach is good, clear, intelligent, and perceptive. The translation of the Paratrisika-
laghuvrtti given in the appendix, being the first English translation of this short but important text, is a very
useful contribution to the study of Kashmir Shaivism, and so are the long and numerous quotations in the
text of other works, as yet untranslated into English, of Abhinavagupta." -- Andre Padoux, Centre National
de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
The Unadorned Thread of Yoga: Salvatore Zambito Yoga S1 C, CO This book takes an unusual and informative approach to the yoga sutras, which can be a little difficult to
The Yoga-sutra of Patanjali in (Ed.) understand. Each sutra is presented in sanskrit, then with the sanskrit written in English letters (ex: atha
English yoganusasanam). Next, the sanskrit is broken down into words and translated, piece by piece. To make
sense of it all the interpretations of 12 scholars/swamis is presented. Some of the translators are Swami
Satchidananda, Feuerstein, Shearer, Prabhavananda, Jnaneshvra, and Houston. One of those
translations will make sense to you! And there is space often for you to write your own interpretation as
well. If you are a student of yoga this is an essential book.
The Upanishads Eknath Easwaran Vedanta P/S1 C Among the oldest of India's spiritual texts, the Upanishads are records of intensive question-and-answer
(T) sessions given by illumined sages to their students. Widely featured in philosophy courses, the
Upanishads have puzzled and inspired wisdom seekers from Yeats to Schopenhauer. Eknath Easwaran
makes this challenging text more accessible by selecting the passages most relevant to readers seeking
timeless truths today.
The Upanishads Juan Mascaro (T) Vedanta P/S1 C The Upanishads, the earliest of which were composed in Sanskrit between 800 and 400 bce by sages and
poets, form part of the Vedas - the sacred and ancient scriptures that are the basis of the Hindu religion.
Each Upanishad, or lesson, takes up a theme ranging from the attainment of spiritual bliss to karma and
rebirth, and collectively they are meditations on life, death and immortality. The essence of their teachings
is that truth can by reached by faith rather than by thought, and that the spirit of God is within each of us -
we need not fear death as we carry within us the promise of eternal life.
Vedanta: Heart of Hinduism Hans Torwesten Vedanta P I, CO Vedanta is the most encompassing and open of the six orthodox systems of Hinduism and is considered
the quintessence of Eastern thought and mysticism. An important part of modern intellectual Hinduism,
Vedanta is often regarded as a truly universal religion and had many adherents in the West.
At the center of Vedanta lie the texts of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Beginning with the
premise that man is a divine being whose greatest source of strength is his intuition, Vedanta seeks not
merely the accumulation of knowledge, but rather the annihilation of all knowledge. Its goal is an
unclouded inner world that will allow us to exist untroubled by the complexity of the outside world.
For those interested in the concise and intelligent overview, as well as those who seek a better
understanding of what is at the heart of Hinduism, Vedanta is a unique and thought-provoking guide.
Vijnana Bhairava: The Practice of Swami Lakshman Shaivism S1 C, CO It teaches 112 dharanas or ways of centring awareness and entering divine consciousness, which include
Centring Awareness Jon ordinary and extraordinary experiences, as well as tantric methods of spiritual practice such as kundalini,
mantra and mudra. This ancient text is of great relevance for a spirituality of our times which has to
integrate all aspects of life.
Waves of Devotion Dhanurdhara Bhakti S2 CO “This book really helped me to understand the science of devotional service to Krishna as taught by Srila
Swami Rupa Goswami. I read it alongside Nectar of Devotion by AC Bhaktivedanta Swami (also available on and finally I can say I've been able to grasp a little of the deep subject elaborated upon in
this book. Much gratitude to His Holiness Dhanurdhara Swami for this outstanding offering.” — E. Pattillo
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
When Things Fall Apart Pema Chodron Buddhism P CT The beautiful practicality of her teaching has made Pema Chödrön one of the most beloved of
contemporary American spiritual authors among Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. A collection of talks
she gave between 1987 and 1994, the book is a treasury of wisdom for going on living when we are
overcome by pain and difficulties. Chödrön discusses:
• Using painful emotions to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and courage
• Communicating so as to encourage others to open up rather than shut down
• Practices for reversing habitual patterns
• Methods for working with chaotic situations
• Ways for creating effective social action
The Wisdom of Vedanta: An Swami Vedanta P CO In this collection of thirty of the best of Swami Abhayananda's illuminating talks and inspirational
Introduction to the Philosophy of Abhayananda meditations on the spiritual life, the author explains the philosophy and tradition of God-knowledge which
Non-Dualism originated in the Upanishads of India and culminates in the universally recognized perennial philosophy of
modern mysticism.
Where Are You Going? A Guide to Swami Muktananda Shaivism P CO Essays and dialogues laced with wit and humor introduce seekers to Siddha Yoga meditation, the
the Spiritual Journey awakening of the kundalini energy, the recognition of the inner self, the function of the master, and the
practices of Mantra repetition and meditation.
Yantra: The Tantric Symbol of Madhu Khanna Shaivism S1 CO, I The first comprehensive study of the Indian power symbol that allows the individual to take a journey to
Cosmic Unity the primordial center of life
• Highly illustrated exploration of every aspect of the yantra, including its related rituals, sounds, and
meditation practices
• Investigates the continued use of the yantra in modern India as a magic talisman
The yantra is both a complex metaphysical symbol and a tool of ritual and meditation. In kundalini yoga,
the patterns contained in this metaphysical and geometrical construct correspond to the psychic centers of
the subtle body, therefore making the body itself a functioning yantra. In this book, which is the first
comprehensive study of the subject, the author provides a step-by-step explanation of the dynamic
process wherein the yantra aids the individual in the spiritual journey to return to original wholeness.
Every aspect of this important Indian symbol is explored, from its related sounds, rituals, and use in
meditation to its application in traditional temple architecture and sculpture. The author also looks at its
continued use in both the “black” and “white” magic traditions of the subcontinent, as well as its power as
a talisman.
Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and David Frawley Ayurveda P, S1 I, PSY Yoga and Ayurveda together form a complete approach for optimal health, vitality and higher awareness.
Self-Realization Yoga & Ayurveda reveals to us the secret powers of the body, breath, senses, mind and chakras. More
importantly, it unfolds transformational methods to work on them through diet, herbs asana, pranayama
and meditation. This is the first book published in the West on these two extraordinary subjects and their
interface. It has the power to change the lives of those who read and apply it.
Yoga and Beyond: Essays in George Feuerstein, Yoga, S1 CO “A clear exposition of the essence of Yoga, the terms, the stages in development of the Yogin to the
Indian Philosophy Jeanine Miller Hinduism ultimate state of dharma-mega, is only the beginning of this far-reaching interpretation of Eastern religious
theory and practice. A casual reader will be caught by the applicability of ideas he may have thought
impenetrable; a serious reader will experience excitement at seeing esoteric ideas come alive in
etymologies and contextual studies of the Vedas and the Yoga classics.” — Beyond Reality
Yoga Darshan: Vision of the Yoga Swami Yoga, S1 CO Yoga Darhan gives a contemporary vision of the Upanishads as expounded by the Author.Taking a
Upanishads Niranjanananda Vedanta holisitic and practical view of spiritual life,this text provides a picture of yoga that is both panoramic and
Saraswati precise.In the theoretical section the different traditions and philosophies of yoga are clearly identified and
explained along with clear expositions on hatha,raja,mantra,karma,jnana,laya and esoteric yogas.The
practical section highlights the classical practices from the Yoga Upanishads and the yogic perspective on
physiology and health.
Yoga: Discipline of Freedom (The Barbara Stoler Yoga P C, CO Dating from about the third century A.D., the Yoga Sutra distills the essence of the physical and spiritual
Yoga Sutra Attributed to Patanjali) Miller discipline of yoga into fewer than two hundred brief aphorisms. It is the core text for any study of
meditative practice, revered for centuries for its brilliant analysis of mental states and of the process by
which inner liberation is achieved. Yet its difficulties are legendary, and until now, no translation has made
it fully accessible.
This new translation, hailed by Yoga Journal for its "unsurpassed readability," is by one of the leading
Sanskrit scholars of our time, whose Bhagavad Gita has become a recognized classic. It includes an
introduction to the philosophy and psychology underlying the Yoga Sutra, the full text with explanatory
commentary, and a glossary of key terms in Sanskrit and English.
Yoga Nidra Swami Satyananda Yoga S1 PR Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the
Saraswati traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific
terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this
versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to
enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner
potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Edwin F. Bryant Yoga S1 C, CO A landmark new translation and edition. Written almost two millennia ago, Patañjali’s work focuses on how
to attain the direct experience and realization of the purusa: the innermost individual self, or soul. As the
classical treatise on the Hindu understanding of mind and consciousness and on the technique of
meditation, it has exerted immense influence over the religious practices of Hinduism in India and, more
recently, in the West. Edwin F. Bryant’s translation is clear, direct, and exact. Each sutra is presented as
Sanskrit text, transliteration, and precise English translation, and is followed by Bryant’s authoritative
commentary, which is grounded in the classical understanding of yoga and conveys the meaning and
depth of the su-tras in a user-friendly manner for a Western readership without compromising scholarly
rigor or traditional authenticity. In addition, Bryant presents insights drawn from the primary traditional
commentaries on the sutras written over the last millennium and a half.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Swami Yoga P C, CO This valuable book provides a complete manual for the study and practice of Raja Yoga, the path of
Satchidananda concentration and meditation. This new edition of these timeless teachings is a treasure to be read and
referred to again and again by seekers treading the spiritual path. The classic Sutras (thought-threads), at
least four thousand years old, cover the yogic teachings on ethics, meditation, and physical postures, and
provide directions for dealing with situations in daily life. The Sutras are presented here in the purest form,
with the original Sanskrit and with translation, transliteration, and commentary by Sri Swami
Satchidananda, one of the most respected and revered contemporary Yoga masters. In this classic
context, Sri Swami offers practical advice, based on his own experience, for mastering the mind and
achieving physical, mental, and emotional harmony.
An Annotated Bibliography of Every Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom Book you Deserve to Read
KEY: Levels: Popular (P), Scholarly but Accessible (S1), Styles: Archetypes (A), Glossary (G), Introductory (I), Spiritual Autobiography (SA), Canonical (C),
Scholarly and Rigorous (S2) Commentary (CO), Contemporary (CT), Historical (HI), Psychology (PSY), Mythology (M), Practices
(PR), Comparative Analysis (CM), Poetry (PT), Research (RE)
Title Author/Translator Tradition(s) Level Style Description
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A David Gordon Yoga S2 RE Consisting of fewer than two hundred verses written in an obscure if not impenetrable language and style,
Biography White Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is today extolled by the yoga establishment as a perennial classic and guide to
yoga practice. As David Gordon White demonstrates in this groundbreaking study, both of these
assumptions are incorrect. Virtually forgotten in India for hundreds of years and maligned when it was first
discovered in the West, the Yoga Sutra has been elevated to its present iconic status--and translated into
more than forty languages--only in the course of the past forty years.
The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Georg Feuerstein Yoga P I From the foremost living authority on Yoga comes the most comprehensive and reliable treatment of the
Literature, Philosophy and Practice subject available today. This is a work of impeccable scholarship by a person who has dedicated his life to
the understanding and practice of yoga. The book offers a complete overview of every Yogic tradition,
from the familiar to the lesser-known forms. It also covers all aspects of Hindu, Buddhist and Jaina Yoga,
including history, philosophy, literature, psychology and practice. In addition, included are * translations of
twenty Yoga treatises * the first translation of the Goraksha Paddhati