Our Lady of Pe Afrancia: Salamanca, Spain. It Is Currently Basilica Where Every September
Our Lady of Pe Afrancia: Salamanca, Spain. It Is Currently Basilica Where Every September
Our Lady of Pe Afrancia: Salamanca, Spain. It Is Currently Basilica Where Every September
Recovery Rev.
Yllana- the
image was
returned to
to the Our
Events are
open in public.
Fluvial Procession End of novena
Events of the image's Farewell
feast The image is
Novena to the Divino Brought in through the
Rostro procession to streets and in
old Penafrancia pagoda on its
Shrine journey return
Miss Bicolandia to Basilica.
September 8 Festival Sunday Festival masses
“Nativity of held on the 3rd
Mary –marked Sunday of
by masses in September at
the old shrine the Peñafrancia
Traslación Image of Our Minor Basilica
Lady of mark the
Penafrancia is official
transferred termination of
down to her old the festivities.
home in the Masses are
afternoon. held all day
After long to
procession, accommodate
community the millions of
thanksgiving people
mass is attending on
celebrated. such an
Novenario to the 9 day novenario important day
Our Lady of inside of celebration
Peñafrancia Metropolitan of Bicol
Cathedral Naga Catholics.
Lady of
might ensue from his possession of such
wealth, he sold his patrimony and donated
the proceeds to the Church, the poor and
Peñafrancia the destitute, as well as to charitable
institutions. He then applied for a position
as a chamber boy in the convent of a
Franciscan church in Paris.