Vanity Fair. Answer Key
Vanity Fair. Answer Key
Vanity Fair. Answer Key
(a) He does not take Amelia’s feelings Activities after reading the book
Answers to Book activities
seriously. Open answers
(b) He has a very high opinion of himself.
1 Open answers ■ Student's activities
(c) He may be lying, or he is very obedient
2 a baronet, captain, gentleman, hero(ine),
to his father. Activities before reading the book
governess, lieutenant; army, regiment
(d) He probably borrowed money all the Open answers
b shawl, carriage
time from his friends.
c revolution, debt
(e) Again, he is not too interested in how Activities while reading the book
d take it, this year’s
she feels about him, only how he feels. Chapters 1–5
3 Rebecca Sharp is a governess for Sir Pitt
2 Possible answers 1 (a) (vii) the kindest young lady in the
Crawley’s daughters.
Rawdon played cards and won – there is world
George Osborne is a lieutenant in the
even a suggestion that he did it by hustling (b) (iii) a young girl, employed to be a
British army.
i.e. he pretended to be a bad player and governess
Amelia Sedley is Rebecca Sharp’s friend
lost a lot then other people started to bet (c) (viii) the owner of a school
from school.
more and more and then he suddenly (d) (ii) a teacher of drawing, now dead
William Dobbin is an army friend of George
won. (e) (i) a dancer, French, now dead
They had debts. (f) (v) the employer of Rebecca
Joseph Sedley is Amelia’s brother. He
They tricked the hotel people into thinking (g) (vi) the kind sister of Miss Pinkerton
works for the East India Company as the
that they had got a lot of money from Miss (h) (iv) Amelia’s brother
Collector of Boggley Wollah in Bengal.
Crawley and then left the hotel without 2 (a) because ladies frightened him.
4–5 Open answers
paying the bill. (b) the same reason
6 a battle, colonel, general, major
They paid a small part of some of the bills (c) because he lived in India for so many
b Open answers
and then told people they could not expect years
7 a George Osborne is speaking to his
any more money. (d) perhaps because she knew he had a
b Sir Pitt Crawley is speaking to Rebecca Chapters 12–18 lot of money
Sharp, the governess. 1 The answer is: (e) because he became ill.
c Amelia Sedley is speaking to her new Borrow someone’s house, trick them into (f) perhaps because she liked him
husband, George Osborne. George cooking for you and even providing the (g) because he could not normally do this
Osborne is speaking to his new wife, food – don’t pay. (h) perhaps because he wanted her to
Amelia Sedley. 2 Possible plans think he was fearless
d Rebecca is speaking to George Get black clothes. 3
Osborne, her friend’s husband. Take a carriage with a driver . What who about
e Miss Crawley is speaking to Mr Pitt, Go to Queen’s Crawley.
(a) I’ve asked him Lieutenant Captain
her brother’s oldest son. Don’t look too rich!!
to come to Osborne Dobbin
f Old Mr Osborne is speaking to Major Make friends with Lady Jane.
Dobbin, the friend of his dead son. Make friends with Rawdon’s brother.
8 Open answers (b) But he is not Mrs Captain
Get Rawdon’s brother to give him a seat in
9 a True. b Untrue. He goes to India. an easy man. Sedley Dobbin
c True. d Untrue. He leaves one hundred Get Rawdon to help Lord Steyne. (c) He was the Amelia Lieutenant
pounds. Dobbin gives the rest of the Get Lord Steyne to give Rawdon a post as most beautiful Osborne
money. e Untrue. They go after he dies. Governor in the West Indies (or man in the
f True. somewhere!). British army.
10–15 Open answers 3 Possible answers (d) He isn’t Lieutenant Captain
(a) He has not got married since they last exactly good- Osborne Dobbin
met. looking.
(b) He wants her to fall in love with him. (e) I think that I Rebecca Lieutenant
Answers to Factsheet activities
(c) It was the piano that he bought for her understand Osborne
■ Communicative activities – but told her it was from George. you.
(d) Of course he knew that he had given it (f) Her sweet, Captain Amelia
Activities before reading the book
to her not George. He was poor fresh little Dobbin
Open answers Dobbin because he loved her so much. voice has
Activities after reading a section (e) She wanted to believe that her gone right into
husband had thought about her and my heart.
Chapters 1–5
given her the present. (g) Stop this and Lieutenant Joseph
1 Open answers She was sad when she realised that let’s go. Osborne Sedley
2 Possible answers wasn’t true.
(a) She hoped to marry Joseph for his (h) Stop my Joseph Lutenant
(f) He decided to help her – in fact he
money. dearest, dear- Sedley Osborne
gave her five hundred pounds a year in
(b) She is already thinking about the next dear-dear
his will.
rich man she can marry. (g) Amelia gave her son Georgy to Old Mr
(c) She was not generous to servants. Osborne. 4 (a) brother
(d) She was a snob – she looked down on (h) Although he gave her five hundred (b) year
people from a lower social class. pounds, perhaps he could not actually (c) son
(e) She made friends for what they could call her Mrs Osborne. (d) business
give her, not for friendship itself. 4 Possible answers (e) sister
(f) She knew exactly what she was doing (a) She looked after him and he finally left (f) days
with her friendships. her half his money. (g) university
(g) She lied or pretended things when it (b) Rebecca told her truth about George (h) officer
helped her. and persuaded her to write to him – (i) man
(h) She did not take her job as governess but she had already done so! (j) carriage
very seriously; it was more important (c) Amelia wrote to Dobbin – they married (k) ring
that useful people liked her. and presumably lived happily every (l) games
Chapters 6–11 after. (m)death
(d) Joseph left half of his money to Amelia. (n) voice
1 Possible answers
(e) The never spoke about her – or to her, (o) heart
probably. (p) someone