Freckles. Factsheets
Freckles. Factsheets
Freckles. Factsheets
T e a c h e r’s n o t e s 1
by Andrew Mathews
reckles is the story of a teenage girl,
F Susie, who lives in the shadow of her
more beautiful friend Donna. Susie hates her Freckles deals with two of the most common
freckles and is convinced that they make her difficulties and anxieties suffered by many
unattractive. teenagers, namely self-consciousness and
When a new boy, Jack, arrives at their low self-esteem. The main character in the
school, Donna decides to use Susie as a go- story, Susie, comes to terms with her own
between to help her win his affections. Susie appearance and becomes independent from
does not consider it possible that the shy her more confident and dominating friend. It
Jack could like her and not Donna. is a very topical story, and reflects the
anxieties felt by many teenagers, girls in
Things backfire for the plotting Donna, particular, who find it hard to cope with the
when she ends her relationship with her pressure from certain areas of the media,
current boyfriend to make way for Jack. which imply they should look and act in a
Meanwhile, Jack is falling for Susie, with certain way. The underlying moral messages
whom he has many things in common. Susie are, that what is on the inside is more
still believes that Jack will eventually important than what is on the outside, and
succumb to Donna’s charms, and is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This
shocked when he finally plucks up the is borne out when Jack chooses Susie on
courage to invite her, and not Donna, to the the basis of shared likes and interests, and
school dance. Susie opts to go with Jack, finds her freckles attractive.
even though it means jeopardising her
friendship with the jealous Donna.
Student’s activities 1
Freckles 3
Photocopiable 4
These activities can be done alone or in pairs. Pair/group-
only activities are marked. 5
(c) He has written more than 40 books. (d) ............................ like ............................ . ?
Yes, he thinks it is OK.
(d) He lives in Wales.
(e) He has a cat. Chapter 2
1 Put the following sentences in the order they happen
in Chapter 2.
Activities while reading the book (a) Susie found Jack near the tennis courts.
(b) Donna was angry on the way home.
Chapter 1
(c) Donna told Susie to follow Jack.
1 Who says the following things in Chapter 1?
(d) Susie asked Jack if he liked dancing.
(a) ‘I’ve got some water’
(e) Jack said he liked cats.
(b) ‘Great legs!’
(f) Susie told Donna about her conversation with
(c) ‘What boy?’ Jack.
(d) ‘He’s got a nice face’ (g) Donna and Susie were having lunch.
(e) ‘My school was in Basingstoke’ (h) Susie asked Jack if he liked sports.
(f) ‘Who’s he going out with?’ (i) Susie was nearly late for class.
2 Choose one of the words in the box to fill each gap 2 Only one of these sentences is right. If they are
in the summary below. wrong, make them right.
(a) Jack is good at tennis.
Dining looking lunch-time smiled water see
blushed went (b) Jack thinks cats are good for stress.
(c) Susie writes poems but Jack doesn’t.
At ............................ . Donna saw a new boy in the (d) Jack wanted to go to the disco with Donna.
............................ room, he was ............................ . (e) Jack wasn’t shy with Donna.
at her and Susie. Susie ............................ . to get (f) Donna asked Jack to go to the dance with her.
some ............................ . so that she could
.......................... . the new boy more clearly. Chapter 3
1 Answer these questions.
The boy ............................ . at Susie. When she
(a) Why did Jack call Susie?
smiled at him he ............................ .
(b) Why did Susie think he called?
Chapter 4
1 Look at the picture on page 17 and answer these
(a) What has just happened?
(b) What is Susie wearing?
(c) How does she feel?
(d) What things can you see in the picture?
2 Are these sentences true or false?
(a) Susie went for a walk and bought some
(b) Susie walked back to school slowly after eating
her lunch.
(c) Jack asked Donna to go to the disco with him.
(d) When Jack asked Susie to the disco she
thought about her answer for a long time.
(e) Donna was not happy when she heard that
Susie was going to the disco with Jack.
(f) Susie did not have a good time in the disco.