Polyphase Induction Motor: Synchronous speed & slip, construction, operation, phasor
diagram, effect of rotor resistance, torque equation, starting and speed control methods.
Single Phase Induction Motor: Double field revolving theory, equivalent circuit,
characteristics, various methods of starting, phase split, shaded pole motors.
A.C. Circuit: Various methods of three phase power measurement, power factor, reactive and
apparent power, concept and analysis of balanced poly-phase circuits, series and parallel
Magnetic Circuit: Electro motive force, reluctance, laws of magnetic circuits, analogy between
electric & magnetic circuits, determination of ampere-turns for series and parallel magnetic
circuits, B-H Curve, hysteresis and eddy current losses.
1. I. J. Nagarath, “Basic Electrical Engineering” Tata McGraw Hill.
2. D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nagrath, “Electric Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B. L. Thareja & A. K. Theraja “A text book of Electrical Technology” Vol. I
S. Chand & Company LTD., New Delhi.
4. B. L. Thareja & A. K. Theraja “A text book of Electrical Technology” Vol. II
S. Chand & Company LTD., New Delhi.
5. V. Del Toro, “Principles of Electrical Engineering” Prentice Hall International.
EEE-356 Electrical Machines and Power Utilization Lab L T P 2 (0-0-2)
1. To determine the transformation ratio, turns ratio and current ratio of a transformer &
prove that they are equal.
2. To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of a single phase transformer by load test.
5. To perform no-load & blocked-rotor tests on 3 ph. Induction motor to obtain equivalent
circuit parameters.
7. To perform load-test on single phase induction motor & plot torque–speed characteristics.
8. To control the speed of a D.C. shunt motor using (a) armature control method (b) field
control method.