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EEE306 Electrical Machines & Power Utilization L:T:P 3:1:0


Transformer: Principle of working, construction of single phase transformer, types of

transformers, ratio of transformation, EMF equation, phasor diagram on load, leakage reactance,
voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, open circuit and short circuit tests, Back to Back test,
method of cooling transformers.


Polyphase Induction Motor: Synchronous speed & slip, construction, operation, phasor
diagram, effect of rotor resistance, torque equation, starting and speed control methods.

Single Phase Induction Motor: Double field revolving theory, equivalent circuit,
characteristics, various methods of starting, phase split, shaded pole motors.


DC Machine: Principles, operation and performance of DC machine (generator and motor),

types of D.C. machine, EMF and torque equations, armature reaction, commutation, excitation of
DC generator and their characteristics, condition for self excitation, DC motor characteristics,
starting of shunt and series motor, starters, speed control methods-field and armature control.


A.C. Circuit: Various methods of three phase power measurement, power factor, reactive and
apparent power, concept and analysis of balanced poly-phase circuits, series and parallel


Magnetic Circuit: Electro motive force, reluctance, laws of magnetic circuits, analogy between
electric & magnetic circuits, determination of ampere-turns for series and parallel magnetic
circuits, B-H Curve, hysteresis and eddy current losses.

1. I. J. Nagarath, “Basic Electrical Engineering” Tata McGraw Hill.
2. D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nagrath, “Electric Machines”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. B. L. Thareja & A. K. Theraja “A text book of Electrical Technology” Vol. I
S. Chand & Company LTD., New Delhi.
4. B. L. Thareja & A. K. Theraja “A text book of Electrical Technology” Vol. II
S. Chand & Company LTD., New Delhi.
5. V. Del Toro, “Principles of Electrical Engineering” Prentice Hall International.
EEE-356 Electrical Machines and Power Utilization Lab L T P 2 (0-0-2)

Minimum 08 experiments out of the following:

1. To determine the transformation ratio, turns ratio and current ratio of a transformer &
prove that they are equal.

2. To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of a single phase transformer by load test.

3. To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of a single phase transformer by open

circuit and short circuit test.

4. To perform load-test on three phase induction motor & to plot torque-speed


5. To perform no-load & blocked-rotor tests on 3 ph. Induction motor to obtain equivalent
circuit parameters.

6. To start a 3-phase slip-ring induction motor by inserting different levels of resistance in

the rotor circuit and to plot torque-speed characteristics.

7. To perform load-test on single phase induction motor & plot torque–speed characteristics.

8. To control the speed of a D.C. shunt motor using (a) armature control method (b) field
control method.

9. To plot load characteristics of a D.C. shunt generator.

10. To plot load characteristics of a D.C. series generator.

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