Syllabus For Basic Electrical 2018-19
Syllabus For Basic Electrical 2018-19
Syllabus For Basic Electrical 2018-19
Course Objectives
1. To impart knowledge on fundamentals of 1-Φ A.C. circuits and its applications.
2. To inculcate knowledge on the basic operation and the performance of 1-Φ transformer.
3. To impart knowledge on fundamentals of 3-Φ A.C. circuits and its applications.
4. To provide knowledge on fundamentals of DC machines.
5. To provide knowledge on fundamentals of Induction motor
6. To provide knowledge on fundamentals of LT switchgear and power measurement
Course Outcomes : On completion of the course, student will be able to
1.To evaluate 1-Φ AC circuits.
2. To illustrate constructional features and operation of 1-Φ transformer.
3. To evaluate 3-Φ AC circuits.
4. To illustrate working principle of DC machines, Stepper motor and linear motors
5. To illustrate working principle of single phase and three phase induction motor
6. Classify and know about low tension switchgear
7.Measure power in single phase and three phase circuits
UNIT-1 AC Circuits 9 Hours
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and rms values, phasor representation, real
power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor,
Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of R, L, C, RL, RC, RLC combinations (series
and parallel), resonance.
UNIT-2 Balanced Three phase circuits and Transformers 9 Hours
Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta connections.
Magnetic materials, BH characteristics, ideal and practical transformer, equivalent circuit,
losses in transformers, regulation and efficiency.
Auto-transformer and introduction to three-phase transformer connections.
UNIT-3 D. C. Machines, Stepper motors and 9 Hours
introduction to linear motors
Construction, working principle of D.C. motor, types of D.C. motor, back emf, torque equation
for D.C. motor, characteristics of D.C. motor (series and shunt only), three-point starter for D.C
shunt motor, methods for speed control of D.C. shunt and series motors, industrial applications.
Construction, working principle, characteristic and applications of stepper motors.
Introduction of Linear motors
Constructional feature, working principle of three phase induction motors, types; torque
equation, torque slip characteristics; power stages; efficiency, starters (auto transformer starter,
star delta starter); methods of speed control and industrial applications. Single phase induction
motors,(types, construction, working principle of split phase and shaded pole type induction
UNIT-5 LT Switchgears and power measurement 9 Hours
Introduction to LT switchgear, NO and NC contacts, contactors, relays, timers, use in control
panel, application in interlocking and protection, symbols.
Measurement of electrical power using wattmeter, Three wattmeter method and Two
Text Books :
Reference Books:
1. Basic Electrical Engineering by S. K. Bhattacharya Pearson Education
2. Principles of Electrical Engineering by Del. Toro, PH
3. Introductory Electrical Engineering- G.K. Mithal, SSMB Publishing Division, 1997
4. A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Stephen D. Umans, “Electrical Machines”, Tata McGraw
Hill Publication Ltd. Fifth Edition.
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