ENDTC Second Year 3 Sem
ENDTC Second Year 3 Sem
ENDTC Second Year 3 Sem
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by MSBTE.
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and to be entered in
mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
The basic concepts of electrical engineering are covered in the subject Elements of
Electronics Engineering in the second semester. Electrical Engineering subject is designed for
second year diploma course in Electronics Engineering group. The subject covers analysis of ac
networks, working principles and characteristics of various drives. The subject includes various
safety rules, methods and equipments used for system and operation. The basic concepts studied
in this subject will be very useful for understanding of Power electronics and electronic drives of
electronics course.
The students will be able to
1. Understand single phase and three phase AC circuits.
2. Realize concept of electromagnetic induction and apply it to static and rotating machines.
3. Understand characteristics of rotating machines.
4. Know the importance of safety and various safety methods in electrical engineering.
Learning Structure:
Facts Various parameter of electrical network, ohms law, kirchoffs law, transformer, AC
Content Theory:
Topic Hours Marks
Topic 1 : AC Fundamentals
Specific Objectives :
Compare AC and DC system.
Meaning of various terms related to AC system.
Distinguish Various AC circuits and Understand rules and
procedure to draw vector diagrams for the same.
To realize concept of various resonance parameters and plot the
Contents :
Difference between A.C. and D.C. quantity
Advantages of A.C. over D.C.
waveform of sinusoidal A.C. cycle
Generation of single phase A.C. by elementary alternator
Definitions: instantaneous value, cycle, amplitude, time period,
frequency, angular frequency, R.M.S. value, Average value for
sinusoidal waveform, Form factor, Peak factor (no derivation , simple
numerical on it)
Phasor representation of sinusoidal A.C. quantity, review of phasor 14 30
algebra, representation of A.C. quantity in rectangular.
Phase angle, phase difference, concept of lagging and leading by
waveforms, mathematical equations and phasors.
Pure resistance, inductance and capacitance in A.C. circuit
waveforms, equations and phasor diagram (no derivation)
Concept of impedance and impedance triangle.
Power active, reactive and apparent, power triangle.
Power factor and its significance.
R-L, R-C and R-L-C series circuit phasor diagram, voltage and
current equations.
Simple numerical on R-L, R-C and R-L-C series circuit.
Resonance in R-L-C series circuit: Conditions for resonance, graphical
representation of resonance curve, resonant frequency, bandwidth and
Q factor of series resonant circuit.
Resonance in parallel circuit, resonant frequency and Q factor, nature
of resonance curve (No derivation &no numerical)
Topic 2: Polyphase Circuits
Specific Objectives :
Compare three phase and single phase system.
Define various terms related to three phase system.
Interpret relations between line & phase values of current, voltage,
power& power factor of star & delta connected systems.
Contents :
Advantages of 3 phase system over 1 phase system 06 12
Principle of 3-phase e.m.f. generation and its waveform
Concept of phase sequence
Balanced and unbalanced load
Relation between phase and line current, phase and line voltage in Star
connected and Delta connected balanced system. (no derivation)
Calculation of current, power, power factor in a 3 phase balanced
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:
1. Identify various types of Machines.
2. Select Instruments and their ranges.
Motor Skills:
1. Draw machine characteristics.
2. Make proper connection.
3. Accuracy in measurements.
List of Practicals:
1. Know your electrical laboratory.
2. Determine the resistance, inductance and impedance of choke coil by observing its
response to A. C. and D. C supply.
3. Draw the phasor diagram and determine the power factor of R-L-C series circuit.
4. Verify the relationship between line and phase values of voltages and currents in three
phase balanced star and delta connected load.
5. Identify the type of transformer based on the transformation ration of single phase
6. Determine Efficiency and single phase transformer at no load, half load and full load by
conducting load test.
7. Determination of slip of three phase induction Motor by tachometer method and
observation of variation in speed to change in supply voltage.
8. Reversal of direction of rotation of single phase induction motor.
9. Measurement of insulation resistance using megger.
10. Study of different types of Cables and switches.
11. Mini project which includes connection of switch, holder, plug socket, fuse and indicator.
Learning Resources:
Author Title Publisher
Electrical & Electronics
1 Hughes Pearson
Tata McGraw Hill, New
2 Mittle & Mittal Basic Electrical Engineering
Electrical Technology Vol- I & S.Chand Publications
3 B.L. Theraja
II Delhi
V. K. Mehta, Rohit S.Chand Publications
4 Basic Electrical Engineering
Mehta Delhi
Websites: www.housestuff.com