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3.1 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

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Periods/week 5 3

For a diploma holder in electrical engineering, it becomes imperative to know the fundamentals
of the subject in order to grasp the knowledge of the field. This subject will provide
acquaintance with various terms knowledge of fundamental concepts of electricity, magnetism
and various principles related to it.


1. (a) Application and Advantages of Electrical Energy (04 Periods)

 Different forms of energy

 Advantages of electrical energy
 Uses of electrical energy

(b) Basic Electrical Quantities

 Basic concept of charge, current, voltage, resistance, power, energy and their
 Conversion of units of work, power and energy from one form to another

2. DC Circuits (12 Periods)

2.1 Ohm’s law, resistances in series and parallel

2.2 Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications in solving electrical network problems
2.3 Network theorems such as Thevenin’s theorem, superposition theorem Maximum
power and transfer theorem and Norton’s theorem

3. Batteries (15 Periods)

3.1 Basic idea about primary and secondary cells

3.2 Working principle, construction and applications of Lead acid, Nickel Cadmium
and Silver Oxide Cells
3.3 Capacity and efficiency of lead acid battery
3.4 Charging methods used for lead acid accumulator
3.5 Care and maintenance of a lead acid battery
3.6 Grouping of cells in series and parallel (simple numerical problems)
3.7 Testing of lead Acid battery for fully charged conditions and their specifications
3.8 Application of lead acid battery
3.9 Idea about batteries used in UPS
4. Magnetism and Electromagnetism: (08 Periods)

4.1 Introduction to electromagnetism, Magnetic field around a straight current

carrying conductor and a solenoid and methods to find its direction, force between
two parallel current carrying conductors.

4.2 Force on a conductor placed in the magnetic field

4.3 Series magnetic circuits, simple problems

4.4 Concept of hyteresis, loop and hysteresis loss.

5. Electromagnetic Induction: (10 Periods)

5.1 Faraday's Laws of electromagnetic induction

5.2 Lenz's law
5.3 Fleming's Right and Left Hand Rule
5.4 Principle of self and mutual induction
5.5 Principle of self and mutually induced e.m.f. and simple problems
5.6 Inductances in series and parallel
5.7 Energy stored in a magnetic field
5.8 Concept of eddy currents, eddy current loss

6. AC Fundamentals (06 Periods)

6.1 Concept of a.c. generation (single phase and three phase)

6.2 Difference between a.c and d.c
6.3 Concept of alternating current and voltage, equation of instantaneous values,
average value, r.m.s value, form factor, power factor etc.
6.4 Concept of phasor and phase difference
6.5 Representation of alternating sinusoidal quantities by vectors
6.6 Phasor algebra (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex

7. AC Circuits (15 Periods)

7.1 AC through pure resistance, inductance and capacitance
7.2 Alternating voltage applied to RL,RC and RLC series and parallel circuits
(impedance triangle, phasor diagram and their solutions)
7.3 Concept of susceptance, conductance and admittance
7.4 J-notation and its application in solving problems in ac circuits
7.5 Power in pure resistance, inductance, capacitance and series RL, RC, RLC
7.6 Active and reactive components of current and their significance
7.7 Power factor and its practical significance

8. Poly-Phase Systems (10 Periods)

8.1 Advantages of 3 phase over single phase system

8.2 Star and delta connections ( derive relationship between phase and line voltages,
phase and line currents in star delta connections

8.3 Power in 3 phase circuits and measurement by two wattmeter method

8.4 Measurement of power and power factor of a 3-phase load by two wattmeter
method using balanced/unbalanced load.


1. (a) Determination of voltage-current relationship in a dc circuit under specific

physical conditions and to draw conclusions (to verify ohm’s law)

(b) Filament lamp

 Measure the resistance of a cold lamp filament with the help of calculations.
 Measure the current drawn by the lamp at different voltages from zero to 220
volts and the resistance of lamp at different voltages, plot a graph between
current and voltage

2. (a) To verify that Rt = R1+R2+…. where R1, R2 etc. are resistances connected in series

(b) To verify 1 1 1 1
-- = -- + -- + - - - - - - + --
Rt R1 R2 Rm
Where R1, R2 etc. are resistances connected in parallel

3. Verification of Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws applied to DC circuits

a) To construct a circuit arrangement consisting of resistances in series, parallel
b) Identification of node points in the circuit
c) To see that algebraic sum of currents at node point is zero
d) To see that algebraic sum of emfs and voltage drops in a closed loop is zero

4. To observe the a.c and d.c wave shapes on CRO.

5. To find ratio of inductance values of a coil having air /iron core respectively and to see
the effect of introduction of a magnetic core on coil inductance

6. To construct an RL and RC circuit and to measure

a) Impedance of the circuit
b) Phase angle between voltage and current
c) Construct impedance triangle

7. Measurement of power and power factor of a single phase RLC circuit. To calculate

8. Measurement of power and power factor of a 3-phase circuit by using 2- wattmeter

method using induction motor as a load and to calculate KVA and KVAR

9. Testing a battery for its charged condition i.e testing of gravity

Note: The results should be verified analytically also.


Basic electrical engineering being a fundamental subject need to be handled very carefully and
in a manner such that students develop clear understanding of principles and concepts and
develop skill in their application in solving related problems. Teacher may lay emphasis on
laboratory experiments and give lot of tutorial work to students in order to given them an
opportunity in mastering the basics in solving related problems.


1. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering by Sahdev, Uneek Publication, Jalandhar

2. Basic Electrical Engineering by PS Dhogal, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., New
3. Electrical Science by VK Mehta, S Chand and Co., New Delhi
4. Electrical Engineering by DR Arora, Ishan Publications, Ambala
5. Electrical Technology by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi
6. Electrical Technology by BL Theraja, S Chand & Co., New Delhi
7. Electrical Science by S. Chandhni, R Chakrabarti and PK Chattopadhyay. Narosa
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
8. Basic Electrical Engineering by Mool Singh, Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
9. Principles of Electrical Engineering by BR Gupta, S Chand & Co., New Delhi
10. Handbook of Electrical Engineering by SL Bhatia, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

(Periods) (%)
1 04 05
2 12 15
3 15 15
4 08 10
5 10 15
6 06 05
7 15 20
8 10 15
Total 80 100

Periods/week 4 2

A diploma holder in Electrical Engineering will be involved in maintenance, repair and

production of electrical equipment and systems. In addition, he may be required to procure,
inspect and test electrical and electronic engineering materials. Knowledge of various types of
materials will be needed in order to execute the above mentioned functions. He may also have to
decide for an alternative when a particular material is either not readily available in the market or
its cost becomes prohibitive.


1. Classification (03 Periods)

Classification of materials into conducting, semi conducting and insulating materials
through a brief reference to their atomic structure and energy bands
2. Conducting Materials (12Periods)

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Resistance and factors affecting it such as alloying and temperature etc
2.3 Classification of conducting material as low resistivity and high resistivity
Low resistance materials

a. Copper- General properties as conductor: Resistivity, temperature

coefficient, density, mechanical properties of hard-drawn and annealed
copper, corrosion, contact resistance. Application in the field of electrical

b. Aluminium - General properties as conductor: Resistivity, temperature

coefficient, density, mechanical properties of hard and annealed
aluminium, solderability, contact resistance. Applications of aluminium in
the field of electrical engineering

c. Steel - General properties as conductor: Resistivity, corrosion, temperature

coefficient, density, mechanical properties, solderability, Applications in
the field of electrical engineering
Introduction to bundle conductors and its applications

Low resistivity copper alloys: Brass, Bronze (cadmium and Beryllium), and their
practical applications with reasons for the same

2.4 Applications of special metals e.g. Silver, Gold, Platinum etc.

2.5 High resistivity materials and their applications e.g., manganin, constantin,
nichrome, mercury, platinum, carbon and tungsten, Tantalum
2.6 Superconductors and their applications
3. Review of Semi-conducting Materials (05 Periods)

Semi Conducting material such as Germanium, Silicon, Carbon-their atomic

structure/application/against , pure and impure semi conductors and their use for making
electronic devices. Material used for special purpose semiconductor, diode, contacts,
power transistor, substrate, integrated circuits and power handling devices.

4. Insulating materials; General Properties (12 Periods)

4.1 Electrical Properties

Volume resistivity, surface resistance, dielectric loss, dielectric strength
(breakdown voltage) dielectric constant

4.2 Physical Properties

Hygroscopicity, tensile and compressive strength, abrasive resistance, brittleness
4.3 Thermal Properties
Heat resistance, classification according to permissible temperature rise. Effect of
overloading on the life of an electrical appliance, increase in rating with the use of
insulating materials having higher thermal stability, Thermal conductivity,
Electro-thermal breakdown in solid dielectrics

4.4 Chemical Properties

Solubility, chemical resistance, weatherability
4.5 Mechanical properties, mechanical structure, tensile structure

5. Insulating Materials and their applications (13Periods)

5.1 Plastics

a. Definition and classification

b. Thermosetting materials:
Phenol-formaldehyde resins (i.e. Bakelite) amino resins (urea
formaldehyde and melamine - formaldehyde), epoxy resins - their
important properties and applications

c. Procedure of preparation of plastic (PVC)

d. Thermo-plastic materials:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethelene, silicons, their important
properties and applications

5.2 Natural insulating materials, properties and their applications

a. Mica and Mica products

b. Asbestos and asbestos products
c. Ceramic materials (porcelain and steatite)
d. Glass and glass products
e. Cotton
f. Silk
g. Paper (dry and impregnated)
h. Rubber, Bitumen
i. Mineral and insulating oil for transformers switchgear capacitors,
high voltage insulated cables, insulating varnishes for coating and
j. Enamels for winding wires
k. Glass fibre sleeves

5.3 Gaseous materials; Air, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, SF6 their properties and applications

6. Magnetic Materials (11 Periods)

6.1 Introduction - ferromagnetic materials, permeability, B-H curve, magnetic

saturation, hysteresis loop including coercive force and residual magnetism,
concept of eddy current and hysteresis loss, curie temperature, magnetostriction
effect, method of reduction of eddy current loss and hysteresis loss

6.2 Soft Magnetic Materials

a) Alloyed steels with silicon: High silicon, alloy steel for transformers, low
silicon alloy steel for electric rotating machines
b) Cold rolled grain oriented steels for transformer, Non-oriented steels for
rotating machine
c) Nickel-iron alloys
d) Soft Ferrites
6.3 Hard magnetic materials - Tungsten steel, chrome steel, hard ferrites and cobalt
steel, their applications

7. Special Materials (04 Periods)

Thermocouple, bimetals, leads soldering and fuses material, mention their applications

8. Introduction of various engineering materials necessary for fabrication of electrical

machines such as motors, generators, transformers etc (04 Periods)


1. A market survey of different Electrical and Electronics materials available in market will
be conducted by students. They will submit a report, which will include names, types,
specifications, identification, testing of components, manufacturing details and related
2. Case study/data manuals of different wires/cables/fuses/sockets etc.. A report will be
submitted by the students.

The teacher should bring different materials, electronic components and devices in the class
while taking lectures and explain and make students familiar with them. Also he may give
emphasis on practical applications of these devices and components in the field. In addition, the
students should be given exercises on identification of materials used in various electronic
gadgets etc .and be encouraged to do practical work independently and confidently.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering Materials by SK Bhattacharya, Khanna Publishers, New

Electronic Components and Materials by Grover and Jamwal, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi
Electrical Engineering Materials by Sahdev, Uneek International Publications
Electronic Components and Materials by SM Dhir, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi

Electrical Engineering Materials by PL Kapoor, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials BR Sharma and Others, Satya Parkashan, New

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials DR Arora, Ishan Publications, Ambala City

Electrical Engineering Materials by Rakesh Dogra, SK Kataria and Sons, NEW Delhi


Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

(Period) (%)
1 03 05
2 12 20
3 05 05
4 12 20
5 13 25
6 11 15
7 04 05
8 04 05
Total 64 100
Periods/week 5 3
At present, electronics gadgets are being extensively used in various manufacturing processes in
industries, power system operations, communication systems, computers etc. Even for an
electrical diploma holder, it is absolutely necessary to have a basic understanding of electronic
components, their function and applications. This understanding should facilitate in operation
and maintenance equipment, which are electronically controlled.

In this course, topics like semi-conductor theory, semi-conductor Diodes, Bipolar transistors,
rectifiers, single stage and multistage amplifiers and field effect transistors have been included.
1. Introduction (04 Periods)
1.1 Brief history of development of electronics
1.2 Active and passive components

2. Semi-conductor Theory (10 Periods)

2.1 Atomic structure, crystalline structure
2.2 Energy band theory of crystals, energy band structure of insulator, semiconductor
and conductor, generation and recombination of electron hole pairs. Energy band
structure of Silicon and Germanium
2.3 Concept of Doping, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors
2.4 Effect of temperature on intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors

3. Semiconductor Diodes (14 Periods)

3.1 PN Junction, mechanism of current flow in PN junction, drift and diffusion

currents, depletion layer, potential barrier, effect of forward and reverse biasing in
a PN junction. Concept of junction capacitance in forward and reverse biased
conditions. Breakdown mechanism
3.2 Ideal diode, Semiconductor diode characteristics, static and dynamic resistance
3.3 Use of diode as half wave and full wave rectifiers (centre tapped and bridge type),
ripple factor, rectifier efficiency
3.4 Operation of filter circuits
3.5 Diode ratings/specifications
3.6 Various types of diodes such as zener diode, varactor diode, Schottky diode, light
emitting diode, tunnel diode, photo diode; their working characteristics and
3.7 Use of zener diode for voltage stabilization

4. Bi-polar Transistors (10 Periods)

4.1 Concept of junction transistor, PNP and NPN transistors, their symbols and
mechanism of current flow
4.2 Transistor configurations: common base (CB), common emitter (CE) and
common collector (CC), current relation and their input/output characteristics;
comparison of the three configurations
5. Transistor Biasing and Stabilization (12 Periods)

5.1 Transistor biasing, its need, operating point, effect of temperature on the operating
point of a transistor and need of stabilization of operating point.
5.2 Different biasing circuits, limitations
5.3 Use of data book to know the parameters of a given transistor

6. Single-Stage Transistor Amplifiers (10 Periods)

6.1 Single stage transistor amplifier circuit in CE configuration, function of each

6.2 Working of single stage transistor amplifier, physical and graphical explanation,
phase reversal
6.3 Frequency response of a single stage transistor amplifier

7. Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifiers (08 Periods)

7.1 Need of multi-stage transistor amplifiers – different types of couplings, their

purpose and applications.
7.2 RC coupled two-stage amplifiers, circuit details, working, frequency response,
7.3 Loading effect in multistage amplifiers
7.4 Elementary idea about direct coupled amplifier, its limitations and applications
7.5 Transformer coupled amplifiers, its frequency response.

8. Field Effect Transistor (FET) (06 Periods)

8.1 Construction, operation, characteristics and applications of a N channel JFET and

P channel JFET
8.2 JFET as an amplifier
8.3 Types, construction, operation, characteristics and applications of a MOSFET
8.4 Comparison between BJT, JFET and MOSFET
9 Operational Amplifiers (08 period)
 Characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier and its block diagram
 Definition of differential voltage gain, CMRR, PSRR, slew rate and input offset
 Operational amplifier as an inverter, scale changer, adder, subtractor, differentiator,
and integrator


1. a) Identification and testing of electronic components such as resistor, inductor, capacitor,

diode, transistor and different types of switches used in Electronic circuits
b) Measurement of resistances using multimeter and their comparison with colour code
2. V-I characteristics of a Semiconductor diode and to calculate its static and dynamic
3. a) V-I characteristics of a zener diode and finding its reverse breakdown voltage
b) Fabrication of a zener diode voltage stabilizer circuit using PCB
4. Observation of input and output wave shapes of a half-wave rectifier
5. Observation of input and output wave shapes of a full wave rectifier
6. Plotting input and output characteristics of a transistor in CB configuration
7. Plotting input and output characteristics of a transistor in CE configuration
9. To study the effect of coupling capacitor on lower cut off frequency and upper cut off
frequency by plotting frequency response curve of a two stage RC coupled amplifier
10. To plot V-I characteristics of a FET
11. To use IC 741 (op-amplifier) as
i) Inverter, ii) Adder, iii) Subtractor iv) Integrator


This subject gives the knowledge of fundamental concepts of basic electronics. The teacher
should give emphasis on understanding of concepts and various term used in the subject. The
students be made familiar with diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, inductors etc. and
electrical measuring instruments etc. Practical exercises will reinforce various concepts.
Application of Semiconductor Diodes, Transistors, Field Effect Transistors etc must be told to


1. Basic Electronics and Linear Circuit by NN Bhargava, Kulshreshta and SC Gupta, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
2. Electronic Principles by SK Sahdev, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi
3. Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by VK Mehta; S Chand and Co.,
New Delhi
4. Electronic Components and Materials by SM Dhir, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
5. Principles of Electronics by SK Bhattacharya and Renu Vig, SK Kataria and Sons, Delhi
6. Electronics Devices and Circuits by Millman and Halkias; McGraw Hill
7. Principles of Electronics by Albert Paul Malvino; Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
8. Basic Electronics – Problems and Solutions by Albert Malvino and David J. Bates; Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
9. Basic Electronics by J.S. Katre, Sandeep Bajaj, Tech. Max. Publications, Pune
10. Analog Electronics by DR Arora, Ishan Publications, Ambala City
11. Analog Electronics by JC Karhara, King India Publication, New Delhi
12. Electrical Devices and Circuits by Rama Reddy, Narosa Pulishing House Pvt. Ltd., New
13. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Dharma Raj Cheruku and Battula Tirumala Krishna:
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt Ltd., Indian Branch, 482 F.I.E Patparganj, Delhi- 92
14. Basic Electronics by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi
15. Grob’s Basic Electronics- A text Lab Manual (Special Indian Edition) by Schultz, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi


Topic Time Allotted Marks Allocation

(Period) (%)
1 04 05
2 10 10
3 14 20
4 10 10
5 12 15
6 10 10
7 08 10
8 06 10
9 06 10
Total 80 100
Periods/week 5 - 3

A diploma holder has to assist in activities of installation, operation and maintenance etc of
different machines and equipment. These activities are not branch specific and instead require
him to know basics of civil and mechanical engineering. The subject of Fundamentals of
Mechanical and Civil Engineering has been included to impart basic knowledge of Civil and
Mechanical engineering to the students.




1. Transmission of Power (20 Periods)

1.1 Transmission of power through belt, rope drives and pulleys, gears and chains
1.2 Different type of pulleys and their application
1.3 Chain drives and its comparison with belt drive
1.1 Gear drives, types of gears, simple gear trains and velocity ratio

2. Air Conditioning System (24 Periods)

2.1 Basic principle of refrigeration and air conditioning

2.2 Working of centralized air conditioner
2.3 Concept of split air conditioner and its applications

3. Pumps - Types and their uses (06 Periods)

4. Construction Materials (12 Periods)

Properties and uses of various construction materials such as stones, bricks, lime, cement
and timber along with their properties, physical/ field testing and uses, elements of brick
5. Foundations (08 Periods)

i) Bearing capacity of soil and its importance

ii) Types of various foundations and their salient features, suitability of various
foundations for heavy, light and vibrating machines
6. Concrete (06 Periods)
Various ingredients of concrete, different grades of concrete, water cement ratio,
workability, physical/ field testing of concrete, mixing of concrete

7. RCC (04 Periods)

Basics of reinforced cement concrete and its use (elementary knowledge), introduction to
various structural elements of a building


1. Observe operation of a centrifugal pump and location of common faults

2. Decide the type of foundation too be used for various types of electrical machinery and
installation. Prepare a foundation for installation of a motor/ generator.
3. Identify various types of drives used in an IC engines and describe their function
4. Observe operation of air conditioning system. Identify locations of faults.
5. Trace the various paths of hot gases, cool gases, control system in a split air conditioner
model. Identify the possible location of faults/ malfunctioning.


Teachers should lay emphasis on basic principles and use charts in class, visits to Labs and
industry may be arranged to demonstrate certain materials and practices.


Mechanical Engineering

1. General Mechanical Engineering by M. Adithan; TTTI, Chandigarh

2. Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering by Jayagopal; Vikas Publications, New Delhi

3. IC Engines and Automobile Engineering by Dr.MP Poonia, Standard Publishers, New


4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by RK Rajput; SK Kataria and sons; Ludhiana

5. Theory of Machines by RS Khurmi and JK Gupta; S. Chand and Company Ltd., New
Civil Engineering

1. Textbook of Concrete Technology 2nd Edition by Kulkarni, PD Ghosh RK and Phull, YR;
New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi

2. Materials of Construction by Ghose; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi

3. Civil Engineering Materials by TTTI, Chandigarh; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd., New Delhi

4. Concrete Technology by Gambhir; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi

5. Building Construction by J Jha and Sinha; Khanna Publishers, Delhi

6. Building Construction by Vazirani and Chandola; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi Delhi

7. Civil Engineering Materials by SV Deodhar and Singhai; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi

8. Soil Mechanics and foundation Engineering by SK Garg; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi



Topic No. Time Allotted Marks Allotted (%)

1 20 17
2 24 27
3 06 06
4 12 25
5 08 10
6 06 08
7 04 07
Total 80 100

Periods/week 5 3

Diploma holders in Electrical Engineering have to work on various jobs in the field as well as in
testing laboratories and on control panels, where be performs the duties of installation, operation,
maintenance and testing by measuring instruments. Persons working on control panels in power
plants, substations and in industries, will come across the use of various types of instruments and
have to take measurements.

Instruments used to read and observe the general electrical quantities like current, voltage,
power, energy, frequency, resistance etc and their wave shapes, have been incorporated in this
subject. So the technician will know the construction and use of various types of electrical


1. Introduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments (07 Periods)

1.1 Concept of measurement and measuring instruments

1.2 Types of electrical measuring instruments – indicating, integrating and recording
type instruments
1.3 Essentials of indicating instruments – deflecting, controlling and damping torque

2. Ammeters and Voltmeters (Moving coil and moving iron type) (15 Periods)

2.1 Concept of ammeters and voltmeters and difference between them

2.2 Extension of range of voltmeters and ammeter
2.3 Construction and working principles of moving Iron and moving coil instruments
2.4 Merits and demerits, sources of error and application of these instruments

3. Wattmeters (Dynamometer Type) (06 Periods)

Construction, working principle, merits and demerits of dynamometer type wattmeter,

sources of error

4. Energy meter (Induction type) (08 Periods)

Construction, working principle, merits and demerits of single-phase and three-phase

energy meters

4.1 Errors and their compensation

4.2 Simple numerical problems
4.3 Construction and working principle of maximum demand indicators
5. Miscellaneous Measuring Instruments (22 Periods)

5.1 Construction, working principle and application of Meggar, Earth tester,

Multimeter, Frequency meter (dynamometer type) single phase power factor
meter (Electrodynamometer type). Working principle of synchroscope and phase
sequence indicator, tong tester (Clamp-on meter), signal generator, AC
milivoltmeter, tachometer

5.2 Instrument Transformers: Construction, working and applications

a) CT
b) PT and their ratio and phase angle error

6. Electronic Instruments (10 Periods)

6.1 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Block diagram, working principle of CRO and its
various controls. Applications of CRO
6.2 Digital multi-meter, basic principle, constructional brief, display system

7. LCR meters (07 Periods)

Study of LCR meter and its applications

Digital LCR and Q meter

8. Power Measurements in 3-Phase Circuits by (05 Periods)

(i) 2 wattmeter method in balanced and unbalanced circuits and simple problems
(ii) Three wattmeter method


1. Use of analog and digital multimeter for measurement of voltage, current (a.c/d.c) and
2. To calibrate 1-phase energy meter by direct loading method.
3. To measure the value of earth resistance using earth tester.
4. To measure power, power factor in a single-phase circuit, using wattmeter and power
factor meter and to verify results with calculations.
5. Measurement of power and power factor of a three-phase balanced load by two wattmeter
6. Measurement of voltage and frequency of a sinusoidal signal using CRO time base as
well as Lissagous pattern and draw wave shape of signal.
7. Measurement of power in a 3 phase circuit using CT, PT and 3-phase wattmeter.
8. Use of LCR meter, digital LCR meter for measuring inductance, capacitance and
9. To record all electrical quantities from the meters installed in the institution premises.
10. To measure Energy at different Loads using Single phase Digital Energy meter.

After making the students familiar with measuring instruments, they should be made
conceptually clear about the constructional features and make them confident in making
connection of various measuring instruments. Teacher should demonstrate the application of
each measuring instrument in laboratory and encourage students to use them independently.


1. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments by Golding and Widdis; Wheeler

Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments by SK Sahdev, Unique International
Publications, Jalandhar
3. A Course in Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by AK Sawhney and PL
Bhatia; Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi
4. Electric Instruments by D. Cooper
5. Experiments in Basic Electrical Engineering by SK Bhattacharya and KM Rastogi, New
Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Delhi
6. Electronics Instrumentation by Umesh Sinha, Satya Publication, New Delhi
7. Basic Electrical Measurements by Melville B. Staut
8. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons,
New Delhi
9. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by ML Anand, SK Kataria and Sons,
New Delhi

Topic Time Allotted (Period) Marks

Allocation (%)
1 07 10
2 15 20
3 06 05
4 08 10
5 22 25
6 10 10
7 07 10
8 05 10
Total 80 100

Periods/week - 6

An electrical diploma holder will be required to inspect, test and modify the work done by
skilled workers working under him. In addition, many a times, it will become necessary for him
to demonstrate the correct method and procedure of doing a job. In order to carry out this
function effectively, in addition to conceptual understanding of the method or procedure, he must
possess appropriate manual skills. The subject aims at developing special skills required for
repairing, fault finding, wiring in electrical appliances and installations.


1. Study of electrical safety measures as mentioned in the Electricity Rules and shock
treatment including first aid

2. Types of wiring and to make different light control circuits in the following types of
wiring Casing and capping, (PVC) conduct, baten wiring

3. Study of ISI standard for MCBs and ELCBs Conduct one test on MCB on above basis

4. Wiring of main distribution board with four outgoing circuits for light and fan loads
including main switch and MCBs Types of wiring and to make different light control
circuits in the following types of wiring.
4.1 Casing and Capping (PVC) wiring
4.2 Conduit wiring (surface/concealed)
5. Construction of distribution and extension board with two 5A sockets and two I5A
sockets, a fuse and indicator with series test lamp provision controlled by their respective
6. Testing of domestic wiring installation using meggar.
7. Fault finding and repair of a tube light circuit.
8. Carry out pipe/ plate earthing for a small house and 3 phase induction motor. Testing the
earthing using earth tester.
9. Connection of single phase and three phase motors through an appropriate starter.
10. Winding/ rewinding of a fan (ceiling and table) and choke.
11. Repair of domestic electric appliances such as electric iron, geyser, fan, heat convector,
desert cooler, room heater, electric kettle, electric oven, electric furnace and weighing

Note: Students may be asked to study control circuit of a passenger lift, automatic milling
machine, etc. using relays.

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