Iterative 3D Geomechanical Modeling To Determine Distribution and Impact of Stresses in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Subsalt and Near-Salt Environments
Iterative 3D Geomechanical Modeling To Determine Distribution and Impact of Stresses in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Subsalt and Near-Salt Environments
Iterative 3D Geomechanical Modeling To Determine Distribution and Impact of Stresses in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Subsalt and Near-Salt Environments
*now with Shell Exploration & Production Company, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
ABSTRACT: A 3D finite-element model (FEM), covering an area of 300 km2 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, was used to
determine the stress distribution around salt structures, and to study the impact on well design decisions. A 3D model was
necessary to accurately determine the full stress tensor (i.e., changes of stress magnitude and orientation around the salt body). An
iterative workflow to fine-tune properties and stresses has been developed to validate wellbore failure and to explain drilling
events. The 3D FEM was built using a geological model, high-quality seismic velocity data, and results from 1D mechanical earth
models. The model indicates that the stress magnitude and orientation are modified by salt morphology. In particular locations at
the salt/sediment interface, this phenomenon resulted in significant stress rotation and high von Mises stress. In these
circumstances, the safe drilling mud weight window can quickly disappear, forcing the operator to manage both wellbore instability
and mud loss, and with no choice but to sidetrack or select a new well location. The described case study illustrates the application
of the 3D FEM, which was able to explain drilling events (including an abandoned wellbore), provide input for calculating the mud
weight window (range between shear failure and minimum stress), and guide well design. The significance of this study is that, as
more well trajectories are drilled in these complex environments, robust, predictive 3D FEMs will be necessary to assess potential
risk prior to drilling and to improve well planning.
The conventional industry-standard approach to estimate
the stresses along a trajectory planned to reach a subsalt
Many major discoveries in the deepwater Gulf of target mostly include 1-dimensional (1D) analytical
Mexico are located beneath thousands of feet of salt. calculation of properties, pressures, and stresses. The
This salt environment (supra- and subsalt) is intrinsic properties, formation pressures, and stress
characterized by complex geological structures and gradients are often migrated, from the existing offset
represents significant drilling challenges for operators. wells to the planned well location, along geological
Many of these challenges have been described [1], and markers. These simple assumptions and results do not
include drag zones composed of deepwater shales, low- explain and cannot predict drilling events around
strength strata and reactive shales, subsalt “rubble-” or complicated salt environments because the assumptions
breccia-like zones, and active or relict translation that the largest compressive principal stress (P1) is
surfaces (faults and “gouge-zones”). These challenges vertical, that rotation of stresses around the salt body can
are mostly associated with the sedimentary strata in the be ignored, or that rock properties are laterally constant
vicinity of the salt and sediment contact (e.g., fractured are generally erroneous.
carapace facies in the suprasalt or at the lower salt
Three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation
interface), which is characterized by relatively low
techniques have been developed for solving a complex
minimum stress and fracture gradient, perturbed vertical set of equations with appropriate boundary conditions
and horizontal stresses, horizontal stress anisotropy and needed to estimate stresses and fluid pressures in salt
stress-arching [2‒4].
environments [2, 5‒8]. Detailed description and 2. METHODOLOGY: ITERATIVE 3D
comparison of the modeling techniques is included in MODELING
Luo et al. [4]. Numerical simulation to solve complex
geomechanical problems has proven suitable; however, 2.1. Wellbore-Centric Modeling
it has not become a routine practice due to the perceived 1D mechanical earth models (MEMs) were constructed
lack of well information or lack of quality subsalt for three existing offset wells in the area of interest
seismic velocity data prior to drilling, which makes the (Figure 1). The MEM is defined as a mathematical
results uncertain. Furthermore, basin-wide models representation of rock properties, pore pressure, and in
usually have low spatial resolution; therefore these situ stresses as a function of the depth for a particular
models are mostly impractical for wellbore-centric interval. The development of the earth model followed a
studies. Finally, it is difficult to validate the results of a detailed workflow, which comprises ten steps [10]. Input
3D model with wellbore data; therefore, the 3D results data used to construct the models includes formation
are often considered qualitative only. evaluation logs (compressional and shear velocity,
gamma ray, density, neutron porosity, and checkshots)
In this paper, we describe a modeling approach in which from wireline or logging-while-drilling operations;
3D numerical simulation covering 300 km2 (115.8 mi2) formation markers and lithology descriptions, drilling
was used to predict stresses around a salt body in a data with list of drilling events from offset wells, fluid
deepwater field in the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1). While and mud logging information, and petrophysical
recent publications in which authors describe attempts to interpretations (porosity and volume of clay).
overcome the shortcomings associated with spatial Proprietary correlations for mechanical properties based
resolution or data quality [8, 9] by incorporating local on laboratory measurements on cores were adapted from
gridding techniques or well data and high-quality a nearby field. Pore pressures and stresses were derived
processed seismic interval velocity, respectively; we from available wellbore density and sonic data, and
show examples that validate the 3D model by using calibrated against in situ formation measurements and
wellbore data to explain drilling events. The calibrated well events (kicks, results of leakoff test (LOT), and
iterative model was used to estimate the mud weight mud losses).
window for a planned well in the same prospect. The
combined 3D models generated from well log-derived 2.2. Field-Centric Modeling
and locally calibrated elastic properties, strength, Factors considered while building the 3D geological
pressures, and stresses provide a more realistic earth model for the study area included the structural
model in contrast to the past published stress models, complexity of the salt (overhangs), orientations
which are mostly uncalibrated and are built on spatially (pinchout) of the reservoir sands relative to the base of
constant properties (layer-cake). salt, and the positions of existing offset wells. In
addition to the 3D interpreted surface representing the
water bottom, the top and base of salt and the reservoir
sand surfaces were used to generate the structural
framework. In the framework model, truncation rules
(e.g., erosional, base, discontinuous, and conformable)
were accurately represented, as interpreted from the
available seismic image data. A 3D MEM was generated
on the basis of well log-derived rock properties (1D
MEMs) and the available 3D seismic data. In sections
where well logs were not available due to the absence of
logging operations, such as in the overburden,
correlations were used to predict the required properties
from the seismic velocity. The 3D MEM, which
incorporated reservoir geometry and mechanical
properties was exported from the geological model and
imported into the finite element stress modeling routine
of proprietary geomechanics modeling software [11].
The geological model was extended by adding
sideburdens on the four vertical sides and the
underburden (below the reservoir). This improved the
Figure 1. Location map of the study area (magenta rectangle) model’s aspect ratio and ensured a reasonable transfer of
in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico showing available offset stresses within the reservoir and from the overburden in
wells, A, B, and C, and the reservoir top surface in the
the preproduction stress phase of the modeling. The
background. Scale: 1 U.S. offshore block is 4.8 km 4.8 km
embedded model consisted of 148 72 358 I,J,K cells,
(3 3mi).
for a total of 3.81 million cells. Properties in the good match was achieved between the minimum
sideburden section were assumed constant for each layer principal stress (P3) and field data (mud losses and LOT
and reflected average layer values. Properties in the data) at well locations within the model. The 3D stress
underburden section were extended downward from the model computes the six Cartesian components of the
model bottom. stress tensor (sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, sxz) in each cell, from
The initial stress state of the field was determined with which the three orthogonal principal stresses and stress
finite element geomechanics software [11]. Inelastic directions were determined (P1, P2, and P3).
constitutive laws for sediments surrounding the salt were Computed stresses inside the salt converged to an
applied in multiple modeling runs, while the fluid isotropic conditions after relaxation. This was verified
pressures were derived from 3D seismic interval velocity by evaluating the ratio between the deviatoric stress q
data, using a velocity-to-pore-pressure transform. The and the mean stress p inside the salt.
Mohr-Coulomb plastic yield criterion was used to model
2.3. Iterative Workflow
intact rock behavior. Effective stresses were used during
The stresses in the initial 1D MEMs were calculated
simulations, and then were added to pore pressure to
assuming that the orientation of the largest principal
obtain the total stresses according to the effective stress
stress was vertical and orthogonal to the intermediate
principle. The salt formation was modeled as a linear
and minimum principal stresses (i.e., P1 = SV, P2 = SH,
elastic perfectly-plastic material (with high Poisson’s
and P3 = Sh) (Figure 2). Because of the absence of
ratio, low Young’s modulus, very low cohesion, and
strength measurements from cores in the study area and
zero pore pressure) to ensure isotropic principal stresses
within the salt formation. there is no way to directly measure SH, the unconfined
compressive strength (UCS) and the horizontal stress
ratio (Sh/SH) were fine-tuned so that the calculated shear
Initial condition: and tensile failure were consistent with oriented (four-
P1 = SV, P2 = SH, and P3 = Sh arm) caliper, image logs, and reported drilling events
Subsequent condition:
P1 ≠ SV, P2 ≠ SH, and P3 ≠ Sh
(results of shoe tests and mud losses). The values of
UCS and Sh/SH had considerable uncertainty when
imported into the stress model with the other properties,
First run: First run:
which include density (r), pore pressure (Pp), static
sxx, syy, szz, sxy, syz, sxz Pp, r, n, E, UCS, T, , Sh/SH Young’s modulus (E), tensile strength (T), friction angle
Second run: Second run: (), and Poisson’s ratio (n). The main outputs of the 3D
s’xx', s’yy, s’zz, s’xy, s’yz, s’xz UCS (T)
stress model include the stress and strain tensors, from
which principal stresses (effective and total),
3D stress displacements, and deviatoric stresses were calculated
(Figure 2). The six-component stress tensor, extracted
Six-component stress tensor (magnitude and
orientation), total principal stresses (P1, P2, P3), from the 3D model along the wellbore trajectory,
total volumetric strain , plastic volumetric strain
allowed the recalculation of the wellbore stresses (and
Figure 2. Schematic workflow showing the iterative approach shear and tensile failure) in a new 1D MEM, using
applied during the execution of the study. Some Nomenclature inclined far-field stresses (P1’, P2’, and P3’). In this new
for explanation of symbols. 1D iteration, the far field stresses were fixed (P3’ = P3)
because it was calibrated by well events, and the UCS
The stress initialization process, similar to that used by was further adjusted until the shear failure matched the
Fredrich and colleagues [2], was performed in several profile of the oriented (four-arm) caliper, image logs,
discrete steps. First, rollers on the sides (allowing the and was consistent with reported drilling events (tight
model to move freely in the vertical plane) were hole, drag, and overpull). The last step of the workflow
introduced, while vertical motion of the base was included the export of this updated UCS’ to the stress
prevented. The model was subjected to gravity loading, model (Figure 2).
with the appropriate pore pressure for sediments
calculated separately. This loading induced a reaction at 3. CASE STUDY BACKGROUND
the base of the model. Second, the model was fixed at The area of interest is located in the deepwater Gulf of
corner points and the stress from the first run was Mexico and covers 300 km2 (115.8 mi2) that includes
applied at the base. While the loads were applied, approximately 13 US offshore blocks (Figure 1).
stresses were calculated on the sides of the model on the
basis of the prescribed boundary conditions (ratio of the Drilling of the recent exploratory well, Well A, resulted
far field stresses Sh/SH, where Sh is minimum horizontal in a serious well-control incident followed by mud
stress, and SH is maximum horizontal stress). Third, the losses, and finally loss of the wellbore before entering
boundary conditions were adjusted iteratively until a the salt body. The existing two other offset wells, Wells
B and C, 17.7 km (11 mi) and 32.2 km (20 mi) away, obtained using the compressional velocity and the shear
respectively, successfully reached subsalt targets after wave velocity according to
considerable non-productive time. The planned well is
𝑉𝑝2 − 2𝑉𝑠2
located approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) to the northwest 𝜈𝑑𝑦𝑛 =
from Well A, and the play is defined by a three-way salt 2(𝑉𝑝2 − 𝑉𝑠2 )
closure. There is a significant thickness variation of the
suprasalt sedimentary sequence in the study area, The same correlations for Young's modulus and
varying from 370 m (1200 ft) at Well B to 1830 m (6000 Poisson's ratio were used for both sands and shales.
ft) at the planned well and Well A. Well A was drilled Because no laboratory measurements of rock strength
on the top of a local salt high that plunges steeply toward were available in any of the offset wells, a proprietary
a minibasin to the southeast, which is filled with up to correlation, defined for an adjacent field, was used for
4900m (16,000 ft) of thick suprasalt sedimentary rocks sands and shales. For rock strength, Horsrud-type [12]
that onlap the salt body. The thickness of the salt varies equations were defined for sand and shales and
from 500 to 8000 m (1400 to 26,000 ft) and is expressed as
characterized by a high width-to-height aspect ratio 𝑈𝐶𝑆𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑 /𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑒 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑉𝑝𝐶 (5)
within the study area and has no significant salt
overhangs (therefore simplifying the construction of the where the unit of UCS is expressed in psi units, Vp is in
geological model). ft/s, and a, b, and C are calibration parameters for sand
and shale. Because the original equation was defined in
4. RESULTS units of MPa and Vp in km/s, unit conversion parameters
were used for consistency.
1D properties, pressures, and sand stresses were
calculated from well log data. In sections in which well The friction angle was according to the method in
logs were not available due to the absence of logging Plumb [13], which is valid for both grain-supported and
operations, such as in the overburden, correlations were clay-supported rocks; whereas the tensile strength was
used to predict the required properties from the seismic estimated as 10% of the UCS for both sand and shale.
velocity data. These properties were calibrated using The results of the mechanical property profiles (elastic
available wellbore data, and validated within the properties and rock strength) along the trajectories of
geological model for consistency, as described below. Well A and Well B are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4,
4.1. Mechanical Properties
As with all mechanical properties, local correlations The salt lithology was assumed to be made up
from core are preferred for calibrating log mechanical exclusively of halite and was modeled with properties
properties. For this study, however, no core data were published previously [8, 14].
available for calibration; therefore a proprietary
The 3D MEM containing key elastic properties and rock
correlation, defined for an adjacent field, was used to
strength was generated on the basis of well log-derived
establish the static Young’s modulus:
rock properties, and the available 3D seismic interval
𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎 = (𝑎 − 𝑏𝜙)𝐸𝑑𝑦𝑛 velocity volume was used where log data were not
available. Poisson’s ratio for the suprasalt sands and
where Esta is the static Young's modulus, a and b are shales was correlated with Vp and expressed as
calibration parameters, is total porosity, and Edyn is 𝜈 = −0.0004 × 𝑉𝑝 + 0.62493
the dynamic Young's modulus. The dynamic Young's (6)
modulus is obtained from the density ρ, the where Vp is in ft/s, and n is dimensionless.
compressional wave velocity Vp, and the shear wave
velocity Vs : Static Young’s modulus for the suprasalt sands and
shales was correlated with Vp and expressed as
3 𝑉𝑝2 𝑉𝑠2 − 4
𝐸𝑑𝑦𝑛 = 𝜌𝑉𝑠2 𝐸 = 0.003 × 𝑒 0.00082 ×𝑉𝑝
𝑉𝑝2 𝑉𝑠2 − 1 (7)
where E in Mpsi, Vp is in ft/s.
where the density and velocities are in consistent units.
4.2. Pore Pressure
To calculate the static Poisson's ratio n from the sonic The pore pressure model was built for the area of interest
data, the following correlation was used: using the seismic interval velocity from the e-Wave
𝜈 = 𝑎 × 𝜈𝑑𝑦𝑛 volume provided by WesternGeco [e.g., 15]. The
accuracy of the seismic velocity was investigated at the
where a is a locally derived calibration parameter. In the available offset well locations as described in the
above equation, ndyn is the dynamic Poisson's ratio, Appendix.
where z is depth below the mudline, and a and b are
fitting parameters.
Figure 6. Map view showing the orientation of the minimum 5.2. Stress Orientation, Rotation and Stress Anisotropy
principal stress (P3) just above the first reservoir sand in Well Adjacent to the Salt Body
B as shown in data derived from the 3D model (left) and from The changes in vertical, horizontal and shear stresses
wellbore data (right). Note that the orientation of P3 (blue cause principal stress directions to be perturbed and
become reoriented adjacent to a salt body [2, 8]. The orthogonal to the base of salt surface (Figure 9, top),
isotropy of the stresses inside the salt should induce whereas the mid (P2) and minimum principal stresses
rotation of the principal stresses at the rock/salt (P3) are rotating in and out of the plane (Figure 9,
interfaces [2, 4, 14]. Similar observations were made in middle and bottom)
the study area with the principal stresses in the sediment
near the salt oriented parallel and perpendicular to the
salt/sediment interface. Visualization of the stress
orientation calculated from the six-component tensor is
presented with arrow(s) pointing in the direction of
principal stresses within in each cell. Note that the
presentation of orientations includes out-of-plane
directions, which may not be truthfully represented on
Flow, gpm
ECD, ppg
200 15.5
0 15.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, min
B - Moment of losses
400 15.8
Figure A-1. Comparison of P-wave velocity from the seismic
cube (red curves) with the P-wave velocity from the suprasalt
well (top) and subsalt well (bottom). The wellbore (sonic) 250
Flow, gpm
ECD, ppg
velocity is represented in a 2D histogram.
200 15.5
ECD, ppg
important because it is required for calibrating the stress
200 15.5
model. One method compares the oil-based mud
invasion profile using time-lapse resistivity data 150
acquired across the zone of losses. Since this data was 100
not available, the resistivity data acquired during 15.3
logging-while-drilling services and, following that, on
wireline tools were used. This analysis, however, did not 0 15.2
960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080
clearly indicate the zone of losses. Review of the drilling
Time, min
report and the annular pressure time-data indicated that
the point of losses is likely to have occurred on-bottom
while drilling the sand/shale interface at the reservoir
D - 2nd connection G - 5th connection
400 15.8 400 15.8
350 350
15.7 15.7
300 300
15.6 15.6
250 250
Flow, gpm
Flow, gpm
ECD, ppg
ECD, ppg
200 15.5 200 15.5
150 150
15.4 15.4
100 100
15.3 15.3
50 50
0 15.2 0 15.2
1230 1250 1270 1290 1310 1330 1350 2220 2240 2260 2280 2300
Time, min Time, min
E - 3rd connection Figure A-2. Signature of annular pressure during the mud-loss
400 15.8 event in Well B. Legend: Black curve is downhole pressure
350 (converted to mud weight equivalent in ppg); Red curve is
15.7 flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm). From top to bottom: A
300 shows last connection without losses; B shows the moment of
15.6 losses at 220 min. Note the characteristic drop in ECD from
Flow, gpm
200 15.5 (250 gpm); C shows 1st connection after the losses with
150 sigmoid-shaped curve characteristic of fracture closure and
15.4 reopening; D, E shows 2nd and 3rd connections after the losses
100 with only fracture closure interpreted; F, G shows 4th and 5th
15.3 connections after the losses with fracture closure and
0 15.2
1590 1610 1630 1650 1670 1690 1710
Time, min
F - 4th connection
400 15.8
Flow, gpm
ECD, ppg
200 15.5
0 15.2
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940
Time, min