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N4 (70)

İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры

UOT 654.197:37.03

Afsana Mammadyarova
Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art



Abstract. The article examines the role of television in the formation of

personality. Physiological, psychological and sociological development plays
an important role in the formation of personality. Specialists, researchers
and scholars approach different aspects of the factors that play a role in the
formation of personality. Specialists take heredity, upbringing, and some of
the environment as key factors in the formation of personality. In the article,
the author presents television as a means to protect and promote values,
emphasizing its role in shaping personality. Because television does not only
transmit information, it also has a direct impact on human emotions.
The article gives an overview of the importance of child-centered
television programs, the impact of today’s television shows, and the positive
and negative impact of television on personality formation.
The author notes that television was invented here as a technical means
of transmitting information from a distance, and then began to play an
important role in democratizing society, expanding the information space
and shaping individuals as individuals. The article draws attention to the
fact that television, which provides socialization and human existence in a
confused and conflicting environment, creates a special cultural environment
by establishing functional mechanisms to determine whether human behavior
and desires are right. The author states that the cultural level of the personality
is determined by the programs he chooses to follow.
Key woords: personality, television broadcasts, information, spiritual
values, children’s programs, education

Introduction.Television is such a means of mass communication that its

main activities can directly influence one’s consciousness and make certain

İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры N4 (70)

changes. From the date of birth, a person receives information in a variety

of ways. The emergence of television has a direct impact on the formation
of their identity by channeling people in the process of transmitting values
as a social agent. From this point of view it is necessary to evaluate the
formative role of television in modern society. Let’s look at the impact
of television as a means of communication that has its pros and cons in
terms of its impact on society. Television is a key factor in the formation of
practical social knowledge and helps to solve the problem of identity. This
is a positive aspect of it. The downside is that it has a direct effect on the
minds of the masses, separating them from the reality and virtualizing it.
Television has the power to actively intervene in the individual’s social life,
weakening the influence of important and traditional social institutions such
as family, school and environment. The time spent by a young man in front
of the TV is several times longer than the time spent communicating with
his parents. As a result, individual opinions about life and their position on
many issues are largely influenced by television. A number of factors play a
role in the formation of personality. The fact that television has an important
impact here is an indisputable fact.
The interpretation of the main material. Mass communication plays
an important role in shaping the moral values of the individual. Recently,
rapidly evolving technologies have made some changes in the interactions
of individuals in society. Television, which is one of the means of mass
communication, is responsible for the promotion of moral values and the
transmission of future generations to individuals.
Television is always available. This feature can sometimes pose a threat
to society. Thus, the availability of television can turn viewers into passive
viewers and consumers. This happens when television does not transmit
high-quality information to its viewers, and distances itself from information,
enlightenment and entertainment. The main importance of television in the
medium of mass communication is its role as a social institution of society.
The power of television is measured by its cultivation, not by conveying
special attitudes and ideas.
The formation of an individual as an individual begins at an early age.
Assuming that the child’s formation period is 5–6 years old, then the low
number of children programs in our television broadcasts shows that the
situation is not satisfactory. There is a need to prepare programs for children
and adolescents, young people who are interested in science and education,

N4 (70) İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры

and to enhance their intellectual level. Through these programs, individuals

who are children today become more of a moral person in the future.
Television plays an important role in the formation of children ‘s personality
and intellectual development through their educational function. We can see
this in the practice of television in Europe, North America and Asia.
Children’s broadcasts have a very important impact worldwide. In
addition, television is a kind of “window into the world” for many children.
Researchers have repeatedly proved the impact of television programs on
children’s intellectual level. Television shapes children’s knowledge of the
world and their position in life through the dissemination of values, normative
and behavioral models. Particularly in children under 6, the process of
personality formation is underway, with specialists paying close attention to
the effects of on-screen images on children. Because these images have a
special effect on the formation of the child’s personality.
Despite the international popularity of children’s programs, many
countries prefer the production of locally produced children’s programs. In
this case, the main indicator is the national moral values.
The first children’s programs were broadcast on major national television
channels – public or state, and on commercial television networks in the
United States. Since the 1980s, commercial broadcasting has begun to
develop globally, with the beginning to devote time to children’s television
programs [4].
There are 12 national and 11 regional television broadcasters in Azerbaijan.
Of these TV channels, the only ARB Gunes children’s TV is. The 24-hour
broadcast, which runs from April 1, 2015, is broadcast on satellite, cable,
internet and other platforms. Before the channel started operating, children
had to watch foreign TV channels. This also had a negative impact on the
national upbringing of children. ARB Gunes channel pays special attention
to the protection of national and moral values in children’s programs and
cartoons. The age limit on the broadcast is to be monitored by the parents.
TV shows such as “When I was schooling” “We will come” “From small to
great” “Be aware” not only children but also their parents watch 80% of the
ARB Gunes television broadcast are animated films and 20% are television
broadcasts. These figures show that the education of Azerbaijani children in
the national spirit. However, the activities of a single broadcaster alone are
not enough to shape the younger generation as a reflection of national and
moral values.

İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры N4 (70)

The colorfulness, shape, and capacity of the programs that play a part
in the intellectual games and the usual knowledge that play a direct part in
the process of teaching children’s television play an important role in front
of every TV channel. Presentation of children’s programs in a fun, colorful
way, close to the child’s language and world; dynamic, well-organized
game of intellectual games; The perfect way to present information
about intimate, kitchen or other vital areas is to provide artistic, well-
organized presentation to the creative team. As important as the accuracy,
professionalism, and resourcefulness of the content here, it is also important
that it meets the highest requirements in terms of visual resolution, artistic
aspects, and aesthetic taste. According to researchers, children who sit in
front of the television an hour every day are better than their peers who
are less interested in television, because of their level of development and
interest [3, p. 305].
Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Television
and Radio Broadcasting” encompasses, among other important issues, the
principles of the protection of national and moral values, professional ethics
and ethics, and the quality of programs. Chapter 5 of the Law (Television
Broadcasting) regulates the terms of broadcasting in the country, requirements
for the program, protection of children and minors, advertising and other
matters. Article 32 highlights the need for prioritization of educational and
cultural issues, as well as the prevention of commercial, informational or
other broadcast content by balancing programs, as well as the preservation of
national and moral values and the organization of social media. Chapter 6 of
the Law (Broadcasting Rights and Duties) defines the rights and obligations
of the broadcaster.
Many researchers believe that value orientation is shaped by social
institutions, including the media. From this aspect, television provides people
with exemplary models of revolution that form the moral values of personality.
Conclusion. Television is the main distributor of information. In this
regard, any broadcast block, the target audience, is taken into consideration
by the television when developing the rubric. Television creates a reality
that meets the expectations of the publisher. The average person is unable
to focus on what is happening around the world. Almost everyone receives
information from television. Just as television transmits this information, so
does the society. This is a clear example of why television has a very powerful
mechanism of influence on society. Not only does television achieve this

N4 (70) İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры

goal, it also creates a new social structure, shaping the moral values of the
Television has the power to influence one’s thoughts and decisions.
Psychologists claim that excessive television viewing of children destroys
their reading skills. In addition, this means of communication weakens
communication between individuals. Thus, children sit for hours in front
of the TV screen, instead of playing games and communicating with
their parents. At this time, children grow up shutting themselves out of
communication. As a result, such children cannot be assimilated into
Modern television directly influences society and the work of social
institutions. When describing the process of socialization of today’s youth,
the most noteworthy point here is their intellectual, educational, cultural, and
spiritual decline. In addition, changes in the standards of mass culture and the
stimulation of young people are constantly being discussed by sociologists of
different countries.
There is an urgent need to increase the efficiency of television channels
for active socialization of young people. From this point of view, television
has to take on the responsibility of encouraging young people to choose their
profession, to study, to improve their intellectual level and to develop their
intellectual capacity. In order to achieve this, television must first convert
young people who prefer to spend time on social media with their innovations
to their audience:
- TVs need to change and develop. This development must show itself both
technically and aesthetically;
- TVs have to educate their audience by using the fun feature to shape their
- TVs should pay special attention to the target audience.
Finally, we can say that television will not solve all the moral problems,
but well-organized work in this area will help in the most important goal – the
formation of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed moral and moral

1. Azərbaycanın efir məkanı: problemlər və vəzifələr http://www.ntrc.gov.az/
2. ARB Günəş haqqımızda http://gunesh.arbtv.az/

İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры N4 (70)

3. Əlibəyli.E.Televiziya nəzəriyyəsinin əsasları. Bakı, “Elm” nəşriyyatı,

4. Телевидение для детей. – Mockвa, 2003.

Əfsanə Məmmədyarova (Azərbaycan)

Şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasında televiziyanın rolu
Məqalədə şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasında televiziyanın rolu nəzərdən ke-
çirilir. Şəxiyyətin formalaşmasında fizioloji,psixoloji,sosioloji inkişafın mü-
hüm rolu var. Mütəxəssilər, tədqiqatçılar və bir sıra elm adamları şəxsiyyətin
formalaşmasında rol oynayan amillərə müxtəlif aspektlərdən yanaşırlar. Bir
sıra mütəxəsislər şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasında irsiyyəti, bəziləri tərbiyəni,
bəziləri isə mühiti əsas faktor kimi götürür. Müəllif məqalədə televizi-
yanı dəyərləri qoruyan və təbliğ edən bir vasitə kimi təqdim edərək onun
şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasında mühüm rol oynadığını vurğulayır. Çünki televi-
ziya yalnız informasiyanı ötürmür eyni zamanada insan duyğularına da bir-
başa təsir göstərir.
Məqalədə şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasında hazırlanan uşaq verilişlərin
əhəmiyyəti, bugünkü televiziyaların bu istiqamətdə gördüyü işlər, televizi-
yanın şəxsiyyətin formalaşmasına müsbət və mənfi təsiri təhlilinə geniş yer
Müəllif burada televiziyanın uzaq məsafədən məlumat ötürmək üçün tex-
niki vasitə kimi ixtira edildiyini, sonradan cəmiyyətin demokratikləşdirilməsi,
informasiya məkanını genişləndirməsi və fərdlərin bir şəxsiyyət kimi forma-
laşmasında mühüm rol oynamağa başladığını vurğulayır. Məqalədə qarışıq
və ziddiyyətli mühitdə sosiallaşmanı və şəxsin mövcudluğunu təmin edən
televiziyanın insanların davranışlarının, istəklərinin düzgün olub-olmadığını
müəyyən etmək üçün funksional mexanizmlər quraraq xüsusi mədəni mü-
hit yaratdığı nəzərə çatdırılır. Müəllif şəxsiyyətin mədəni səviyyəsini onun
izləmək üçün seçdiyi proqramların seçilməsi ilə müəyyən edildiyini bildirir.
Açar sözlər: şəxsiyyət, televiziya verilişləri, informasiya, mənəvi dəyərlər,
uşaq verilişləri, maarifçilik

Афсана Мамедъярова (Азербайджан)

Роль телевидения в формировании личности
В статье рассматривается роль телевидения в формировании личности.
Физиологическое, психологическое и социологическое развитие играет

N4 (70) İncəsənət və mədəniyyət problemləri / Problems of Arts and Culture / Проблемы искусства и культуры

важную роль в формировании личности. Эксперты, исследователи и ряд

ученых выделяют различные факторы, которые играют роль в формиро-
вании личности.подчеркивает, что он играет важную роль в становлении
телевидения. Ряд специалистов принимают наследственность в формиро-
вании личности, некоторые из них как воспитание, а часть окружающей
среды – как ключевой фактор. В статье автор представляет телевидение
как средство защиты и продвижения ценностей и подчеркивает его роль в
формировании личности. Поскольку телевидение не только передает ин-
формацию, оно также оказывает непосредственное влияние на человече-
ские эмоции.
В статье дается обзор важности ориентированных на ребенка теле-
визионных программ, влияния сегодняшних телевизионных шоу, а также
положительного и отрицательного воздействия телевидения на формиро-
вание личности.
Автор отмечает, что телевидение было изобретено здесь в качестве
технического средства передачи информации на расстоянии, а затем стало
играть важную роль в демократизации общества, расширении информаци-
онного пространства и формировании как личности. В статье обращается
внимание на тот факт, что телевидение, обеспечивающее социализацию
и индивидуальное существование в запутанной и противоречивой среде,
создает особую культурную среду, создавая функциональные механизмы
для определения правильности поведения и желаний человека. Автор ут-
верждает, что культурный уровень личности определяется программами,
которым он выбирает следовать.
Ключевые слова: личность, телевизионные передачи, информация,
духовные ценности, детские программы


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