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Richfaces Photo Album Application Guide

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RichFaces Photo Album Application Guide

RichFaces Photo Album Application Guide

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
2. Getting started ............................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Environment Configuration .................................................................................. 3
2.2. Installation .......................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Running Functional(Selenium) Tests ................................................................... 4
2.4. Context Help ...................................................................................................... 5
3. Application Overview .................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Page flows ......................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1. Page flows: implementation details ............................................................ 9
3.1.2. Data Model ............................................................................................ 11
4. How it works ............................................................................................................... 13
4.1. Used Components ............................................................................................ 13
4.2. Skinnability ....................................................................................................... 14
4.3. Navigation tree ................................................................................................. 15
4.3.1. Navigation tree for a guest ...................................................................... 16
4.3.2. Navigation tree for a registered user ........................................................ 18
4.4. Album View ...................................................................................................... 23
4.4.1. Image Size Control with <rich:inputNumberSlider> .................................... 24
4.4.2. Slideshow .............................................................................................. 27
4.5. Image View ...................................................................................................... 32
4.5.1. Custom images scroller widget ................................................................ 34
4.6. Upload Images ................................................................................................. 37
4.7. Context Menus ................................................................................................ 39
4.8. ToolTips .......................................................................................................... 42
4.9. User Input Data Validation ................................................................................. 44
4.10. How the button is created and how it acts ....................................................... 46
4.11. The <a4j:status> component ........................................................................... 50
4.12. Errors Reports ................................................................................................ 52

Chapter 1. Introduction

The "Photo Album" web application is a desktop-like on-line photo manager. It provides social
services for uploading photos, storing and previewing them, creating your own albums and sharing
them with other users, searching albums, photos or users, managing the environment. Newcomers
or not registered users can navigate through other users' shelves and albums in "Anonymous
mode", but in this case no possibilities to create personal shelves or albums or upload photos
are available.

The "Photo Album" represents and implements strict "Shelves - Albums - Photos" hierarchy. It
means that photos are kept in albums and albums are stored on shelves, but albums can not
contain another albums or shelves and shelves can not keep another shelves and can not be
stored in albums.

The Photo Album web application is designed and developed with RichFaces and by RichFaces
team. This application demonstrates:

• wide variety of UI components - the RichFaces provides a Lego-like way of building user
interfaces for web applications;

• Built-in Ajax capability - the RichFaces offers both component-wide and very flexible page-wide
Ajax support with no need to write any JavaScript code;

• Highly customizable look-and-feel - the RichFaces have special feature called Skinnability [../../

The Photo Album application also encompasses technologies and frameworks such as:

• Facelets [https://facelets.dev.java.net/]

• Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 3.0 [http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/]

• Seam framework [http://seamframework.org/]

The application is available online at Photo Album [http://livedemo.exadel.com/photoalbum/]


Chapter 2. Getting started

Getting started
2.1. Environment Configuration
In order to download, build, modify, and deploy the Photo Album application you need to have
the following installed and configured:

• JDK 1.5 and higher [http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp]

• Maven 2.0.10 [http://maven.apache.org/download.html]

• JBoss Tools [http://www.jboss.org/tools] (or Eclipse [http://www.eclipse.org/])

• JBoss Server [http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads/] (4.2.3.GA, 5.0.x.GA)

• SVN client [http://subversion.tigris.org/]

2.2. Installation
Once you have configured the environment you can install the Photo Album application:

• Checkout the project

svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/richfaces/trunk/examples/photoalbum/

• Build the project. Open command line console, point to the folder with checkouted project, and
tell Maven:

mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.5

• Import the project into Eclipse IDE. You can just deploy Photo Album application onto the server,
but the convenient way is to import the project into your IDE. We recommend Eclipse with
JBoss Tools since this bundle is more preferable to ensure rapid development process with
Seam and RichFaces. You can find a step-by-step tutorial "Importing existing projects" at the
Eclipse documentation [http://help.eclipse.org/ganymede/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/
tasks/tasks-importproject.htm] page or simply in the Help > Help Contents of the Eclipse. As
the result three modules of Photo Album project appear in the Workspace:

Chapter 2. Getting started

Figure 2.1. Modules of Photo Album in the Workspace

• Add JBoss AS. Now you need to add JBoss Application Server runtime. Detailed instructions
on how you can do it are given in the Runtimes and Servers in the JBoss AS plugin [http://
download.jboss.org/jbosstools/nightly-docs/en/as/html/runtimes_servers.html] chapter from the
JBoss Server Manager Reference Guide [http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/nightly-docs/en/

• Run photoalbum-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT on the JBoss Application Server you have just installed.

• Browse to http:/localhost:8080/photoalbum.


By default Photo Album is assembled with a limited set of images (4-5 in each
album). In order to build the version of the application with a full set of images you
need to use livedemo profile while building Photo Album like this:

mvn clean install -Plivedemo

2.3. Running Functional(Selenium) Tests

Before starting Selenium test please make sure that you have Firefox browser installed on your
local machine, as the Photo Album application is designed to be deployed and run on JBoss
Application server, so please make sure that the <jboss.installer.url> property of the project
pom.xml (examples/photoalbum/) points to an existing JBoss Application server copy.

You also need to build the Photo Album project in inexamples/photoalbum/resource.

Then, you need to go to the test folder of the project (examples/photoalbum/test/) and run the

mvn clean integration-test

Chapter 2. Getting started


By default Selenium tests are executed in the Firefox browser, hence you need to have it installed.
If you configured everything like it is said above you will see tests being executed in the Firefox
browser. When the tests are finished you can read test reports in the examples/photoalbum/
tests/target/surefire-reports/ folder.

2.4. Context Help

The Photo Album application was developed in the first place to demonstrate the
mighty power of RichFaces thus most of UI elements in the application has a context
help article that tells how a particular element works, providing technical details about
it. A context help article is displayed when you click on the question mark icon (


Chapter 3. Application Overview

Application Overview
3.1. Page flows
The page flow of the application is illustrated in the diagram.

Chapter 3. Application Overview

Figure 3.1. Page Flow diagram

Chapter 3. Application Overview

3.1.1. Page flows: implementation details

This section covers how the particular elements that govern page flow are implemented in the
application. Registering

Registering in is basically the first step a user takes in the application if he/she wants to have
access to all features of the application. Have a look at a piece of code from \includes\index

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{!identity.loggedIn}" styleClass="top-right-bottom-menu-item-
link" layout="block">
<h:form style="margin: 0px">


When the button is hit the goToRegister method of the Authenticator class is invoked and the
START_REGISTER_EVENT is raised. These action display the registration form that is included from

The <a4j:commandLink> displays the link to the registration form and invokes the goToRegister

When all fields are filled out with correct values the authenticator.register(user) is triggered
and a new user object is declared. Navigation Between Pages

Technically, user does not browse between pages of the application: every content page is
included into the content area of index.xhtml file after a certain action performed by user.

<h:panelGroup styleClass="content_box" layout="block">
<ui:include src="#{model.mainArea.template}" />

Chapter 3. Application Overview

Figure 3.2. Content Area

The NavigationEnum enumeration encapsulated all possible states, that can be applied to content
area ("mainArea") on the page.

public enum NavigationEnum {

Chapter 3. Application Overview


This class specifies which file is included depending on some user action. The template to be
loaded is identified according to some condition in the Controller (Controllor.java) class and
is saved to the Model (Model.java). During index.xhtml page rendering the value is taken from
the Model to define what should be rendered to the page.

3.1.2. Data Model

The data model of the application has the following structure:

Chapter 3. Application Overview

Figure 3.3. Photo Album Data Model

Chapter 4. How it works

How it works
In this chapter we explain how the Photo Album works.

4.1. Used Components

Have a look at the list of components used in the Photo Album application.

Table 4.1. Components used in "Photo Album Demo"

Name Value
<a4j:commandLink> The component is very similar to the
<h:commandLink> component, the only
difference is that an Ajax form submit is
generated on a click and it allows dynamic
rerendering after a response comes back. It's
not necessary to plug any support into the
component, as Ajax support is already built in.
<a4j:commandButton> The component is very similar to the
<h:commandButton> component, the only
difference is that an Ajax form submit is
generated on a click and it allows dynamic
rerendering after a response comes back. It's
not necessary to plug any support into the
component, as Ajax support is already built in.
<a4j:poll> The component allows periodical sending of
Ajax requests to the server and is used for
a page update according to a specified time
<rich:calendar> The component is used for creating monthly
calendar elements on a page.
<rich:contextMenu> The component is used for creation of
multileveled context menus that are activated
after a user defines an event ("onmouseover",
"onclick", etc.) on any element on the page.
<rich:dataGrid> The component to render data as a grid that
allows choosing data from a model and obtains
built-in support of Ajax updates.
<rich:datascroller> The component is designed for providing the
functionality of tables scrolling using Ajax

Chapter 4. How it works

Name Value
<rich:fileUpload> The component is designed to perform Ajax-ed
files upload to the server.
<rich:inplaceInput> The component is an input component used for
displaying and editing data inputted.
<rich:inplaceSelect> The component is used to create select based
inputs: it shows the value as text in one state
and enables editing the value, providing a list
of options in another state.
<rich:mediaOutput> The component implements one of the basic
features specified in the framework. The
component is a facility for generating images,
video, sounds and other binary resources
defined by you on-the-fly.
<rich:modalPanel> The component implements a modal dialog
window. All operations in the main application
window are locked out while this window is
active. Opening and closing the window is done
with client JavaScript code.
<rich:progressBar> The component is designed for displaying a
progress bar which shows the current status of
the process.
<rich:tree> The component is designed for hierarchical
data presentation and is applied for building a
tree structure with a drag-and-drop capability.
The component also uses built-in drag and

4.2. Skinnability
The Photo Album application employs such feature of RichFaces framework as skinnability. If
you have a look at the web.xml you will see that the org.richfaces.SKIN parameter has
"photoalbum" value.


Chapter 4. How it works

This means that the application uses the custom "photoalbum" skin. The skin parameters are
stored in the photoalbum.skin.properties file that is located in the photoalbum\source\web
\src\main\resources\META-INF\skins\ folder.

Each visual RichFaces component has a XCSS file where some CSS selectors are defined
with style properties mapped to the skin parameters. Here is a fragment of the XCSS file of

<u:selector name=".rich-calendar-header">
<u:style name="border-bottom-color" skin="panelBorderColor"/>
<u:style name="background-color" skin="additionalBackgroundColor"/>
<u:style name="font-size" skin="generalSizeFont"/>
<u:style name="font-family" skin="generalFamilyFont"/>

This code sets style for upper part of the calendar. Hence, for example, font-family property
is mapped to the generalFamilyFont property which in its turn has Arial, Verdana, sans-
serif value.

These are all values the .rich-calendar-header has.

generalFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif

You can find more information about the Skinnability feature in RichFaces Developer Guide [../../

4.3. Navigation tree

The <rich:tree> component takes one of the main places in the Photo Album and is tightly bound
with the application logic. It helps to represent and implement inherently the "Shelves - Albums"
hierarchy. Shelf is the highest possible level in the tree hierarchy, that is used to group thematic
albums and may contain as many albums as needed.

There are two types of navigation tree in the application: for a registered user and for a guest. The
difference between them is that the first one has a context menu and drag-and-drop possibility.

Chapter 4. How it works

4.3.1. Navigation tree for a guest

Navigation tree for a guest is represented as a simple <rich:tree> component.

There are several ways to implement the <rich:tree> on a page. In the current application the
<rich:tree> is designed using a model tag <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>.

The <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component has a "nodes" attribute that accepts a collection of

elements, so <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> iterates over the collection and renders a hierarchical
tree structure on a page.

According to the "Shelves - Albums" hierarchy we need two nested <rich:treeNodesAdaptor>

components. The first one iterates over the Shelves collection that is returned from the
getPredefinedShelves() method of ShelfManager.java class:

public List<Shelf> getPredefinedShelves() {
if (shelves == null) {
shelves = shelfAction.getPredefinedShelves();
return shelves;

The second <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component iterates over the Albums collection of the
current Shelf which is available via "var" attribute. The "var" attribute is used to get access to the
data object of the current collection element Shelf, so it is possible to output any necessary data.
Let's see the src/main/webapp/includes/index/tree.xhtml file:

<rich:tree adviseNodeOpened="#{treeManager.adviseNodeSelected}"
ajaxSubmitSelection="false" id="PreDefinedTree"
treeNodeVar="treeNode" switchType="client"
<rich:treeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{shelfManager.getPredefinedShelves()}" var="shelf">

<rich:treeNode style="cursor:pointer" reRender="treePanel,mainArea" selectedClass="tree-

<f:facet name="icon">
<h:graphicImage style="border: none" value="/img/shell/tree_icon_shelf.png">

Chapter 4. How it works

<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
event="onclick" actionListener="#{controller.showShelf(shelf)}"
<a4j:outputPanel >
<h:outputText style="cursor:pointer" value="#{shelf.name}" />
<h:outputText value=" :: " />
<strong>#{shelf.unvisitedImages.size()}</strong> new
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
event="onclick" actionListener="#{controller.showShelf(shelf)}"

<rich:treeNodesAdaptor var="album" nodes="#{shelf.albums}">

<rich:treeNode style="cursor:pointer" reRender="treePanel,mainArea" selectedClass="tree-

selected-node" icon="img/shell/tree_icon_album.png">
<f:facet name="iconLeaf">
<h:graphicImage style="border: none" value="img/shell/tree_icon_album.png">
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
mainArea"event="onclick" actionListener="#{controller.showAlbum(album)}"similarityGroupingId="sel"
<h:outputText style="cursor:pointer" value="#{album.name}" />
<h:outputText value=" :: " />
<strong>#{album.unvisitedImages.size()}</strong> new
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
mainArea"event="onclick" actionListener="#{controller.showAlbum(album)}"similarityGroupingId="sel"

The image below shows how the navigation tree for a guest is rendered on the page.

Chapter 4. How it works

Figure 4.1. Shelves and albums nodes rendered with the help of the

4.3.2. Navigation tree for a registered user

As it was mentioned before a navigation tree for a registered user has two main features: drag-
and-drop and context menu. Context menu is described in the "Context menu" chapter.

Drag-and-drop feature supported in the Photo Album application is not so complicated as it may
seem from the first view. In this application we can mark out two types of drag-and-drop: one type
takes place only inside the tree (between tree nodes) and another one - between the watching
area and the tree. The difference is not considerable enough to describe two types separately,
but also not at all insignificant to be omitted here.

The tree related components (<rich:tree> and <rich:treeNode>) have their own attributes that
provide drag-and-drop functionality. These attributes can be divided into two groups: those
which provide drag (dragValue, dragListener, dragIndicator, dragType attributes) and those which
provide drop operations (dropValue, dropListener, acceptedTypes, typeMapping).

Due to "Shelves - Albums - Photos" hierarchy we can say that photos could be
moved between albums, albums could be moved between shelves. To avoid a
mishmash, it's not allowed to place photos directly in shelves as well as nesting
shelves inside shelves or albums inside albums.

Let's explore how drag-and-drop works for albums.

All albums, that are represented as TreeNodes, must be marked somehow for dragging. For this
purpose we use previously mentioned "dragValue", "dragType" attributes. Let's have a look at the
src/main/webapp/includes/index/tree.xhtml file:

Chapter 4. How it works

<rich:treeNodesAdaptor var="album" nodes="#{shelf.albums}">

<rich:treeNode style="cursor:pointer"
reRender="mainArea, treePanel"
<rich:dndParam name="label" type="drag" value="#{album.name}" />

To provide drop functionality for the marked albums, we should mark Shelves as drop zones in
the application code too. For this purpose we add the "dropValue" and "acceptedTypes" attributes
to the "Shelf" node in the same src/main/webapp/includes/index/tree.xhtml file:

<rich:treeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{shelfManager.getUserShelves()}" var="shelf">

<rich:treeNode style="cursor:pointer"
treePanel" selectedClass="tree-selected-node">

The "acceptedTypes" attribute tells the "Shelf" node what types of dragged zones (albums in this
case) it can accept. We have specified "Album" node "dragType" as "album", so the "Shelf" node
can accept it.

Finally in order to process drop on the server side we need to specify a listener for the <rich:tree>
in the "dropListener" attribute (src/main/webapp/includes/index/tree.xhtml file):

<rich:tree adviseNodeOpened="#{treeManager.adviseNodeSelected}"
ajaxSubmitSelection="false" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
treeNodeVar="treeNode" switchType="client"

Chapter 4. How it works


The code for the <rich:dragIndicator> looks like the following:

<rich:dragIndicator id="dragIndicator" />

The processDrop() method of DnDManager.java class is shown in the listing below:

public void processDrop(DropEvent dropEvent) {
Dropzone dropzone = (Dropzone) dropEvent.getComponent();
Object dragValue = dropEvent.getDragValue();
Object dropValue = dropzone.getDropValue();
if(dragValue instanceof Image){
Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, Constants.DND_PHOTO_ERROR);
handleImage((Image)dragValue, (Album)dropValue);
}else if(dragValue instanceof Album){
Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, Constants.DND_ALBUM_ERROR);
handleAlbum((Album)dragValue, (Shelf)dropValue);

Here is the whole example of the "Navigation tree for a registered user":

<h:panelGroup id="tree" rendered="#{identity.hasRole('admin')}" layout="block">

<a4j:commandLink actionListener="#{controller.selectShelves()}" reRender="mainArea,
treePanel"><h2><h:outputText value="My shelves:"/></h2></a4j:commandLink><br/>
id="dragIndicator" />

Chapter 4. How it works

ajaxSubmitSelection="false" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
treeNodeVar="treeNode" switchType="client"

<f:facet name="icon">
<h:graphicImage style="border: none" value="/img/shell/tree_icon_shelf.png">
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForShelf.xhtml" >
<ui:param name="shelf" value="#{shelf}" />
<h:outputText style="cursor:pointer" value="#{shelf.name}" />
<h:outputText value=" :: " />
<strong>#{shelf.unvisitedImages.size()}</strong> new
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,

<rich:treeNodesAdaptor var="album"
<rich:treeNode style="cursor:pointer" reRender="mainArea,
treePanel" dragType="album"
dragValue="#{album}" dropValue="#{album}"
<f:facet name="iconLeaf">
<h:graphicImage style="border: none" value="img/shell/tree_icon_album.png">
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForAlbum.xhtml" >

Chapter 4. How it works

<ui:param name="album" value="#{album}" />

<rich:dndParam name="label" type="drag" value="#{album.name}" />
<a4j:outputPanel >
<h:outputText style="cursor:pointer" value="#{album.name}" />
<h:outputText value=" :: " />
<strong>#{album.unvisitedImages.size()}</strong> new
<a4j:support reRender="treePanel,
actionListener="#{controller.showAlbum(album)}" similarityGroupingId="sel"



The image below shows how the described above drag-and-drop features are rendered in the
Photo Album.

Figure 4.2. Dragging the "Flora" album from "Sport" shelf into the
"Nature" (left) and the tree after drag-and-drop (right).

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the
components used in the application and described in this chapter:

• Tree [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/tree.jsf?c=tree] for the <rich:tree>


Chapter 4. How it works

• TreeNodesAdaptor [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/
treeNodesAdaptor.jsf?c=treeNodesAdaptor] for the <rich:treeNodesAdaptor> component;

• DragIndicator [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?
c=dragIndicator] for the <rich:dragIndicator> component;

• DragDropParameter [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dragSupport.jsf?
c=dndParam] for the <rich:dndParam> component.

4.4. Album View

Album view allows you to observe album items as thumbnails, scale the size of the thumbnails
with the slider control, as well as to switch to slideshow mode. By clicking on an image in the
Album view the Image View is opened.

Figure 4.3. Album view

Chapter 4. How it works

4.4.1. Image Size Control with <rich:inputNumberSlider>

The <rich:inputNumberSlider/> component in the Photo Album Demo is used as a control that
helps a user to change photos size while previewing an album. A handler position on the slider
track corresponds to a particular value of an image size. The component is included into the page
with the help of <ui:include/>:

<ui:include src="src/main/webapp/includes/image/inputNumberSlider.xhtml"/>

Now let's have a look at src/main/webapp/includes/image/inputNumberSlider.xhtml file:

<ui:composition ...>
<rich:inputNumberSlider value="#{imageSizeHelper.value}"
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="userAlbumImages"/>

There is special Enumeration type that contains four predefined values for image size. Each type
has a set of image related attributes such as CSS class for new photo size, postfix for a new file
name, image background. The setValue method of the ImageSizeHelper.java class is triggered
on each slider's position change. This method sets one of four predefined values for image size
and corresponds to slider's position.

public void setValue(int value) {

currentDimension = ImageDimension.getInstance(value);
this.value = currentDimension.getX();

Chapter 4. How it works

And here is the ImageDimension.java class:

public enum ImageDimension {

SIZE_80(80), SIZE_120(120), SIZE_160(160), SIZE_200(200), SIZE_MEDIUM(600), ORIGINAL(0);

final static String CSS_CLASS = "preview_box_photo_";

final static String FILE_POSTFIX = "_small";
final static String IMAGE_BG = "/img/shell/frame_photo_%1$d.png";
final static String IMAGE_BG_STYLE = "width: %1$dpx; height: %1$dpx";

int x;
String bgStyle;
String cssClass;
String imageBgSrc;
String filePostfix;

private ImageDimension(int x) {
this.x = x;
this.bgStyle = String.format(IMAGE_BG_STYLE, x + 20);
cssClass = CSS_CLASS + x;
imageBgSrc = String.format(IMAGE_BG, (x == 160) ? 200 : x);
if(x == 600){
filePostfix = "_medium";
}else if(x == 0){
filePostfix = "";
filePostfix = FILE_POSTFIX + x;

After the <a4j:support> finished its job user photos (more exactly, the h:panelGroup with
userAlbumImages id that contains user photos) are rendered correspondingly to the new value.
Here is web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/imageList.xhtml:

<h:panelGroup id="userAlbumImages">
<a4j:repeat id="imageList" value="#{model.images}" var="image" rows="20">

<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.cssClass}">

Chapter 4. How it works

<h:panelGrid cellpadding="0">
reRender="mainArea, treePanel">
<a4j:mediaOutput id="img" element="img"
style="border : 1px solid #FFFFFF;"
<f:param value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.x}" name="x" />

<rich:dragSupport rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}" reRender="mainArea,

treePanel" id="dragSource" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
dragType="image" dragValue="#{image}">
<rich:dndParam id="dragParam" name="label" value="#{image.name}" />
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >
<ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />
<ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>

<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_name">#{image.name}</h:panelGroup>

<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_data">

<h:outputText value="#{image.created}">
<f:convertDateTime />

When the <rich:inputNumberSlider> is rendered, initially its default value for image size is 120

Chapter 4. How it works

Figure 4.4. Image size control

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the
components used in the application and described in this chapter:

• InputNumberSlider [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/
inputNumberSlider.jsf?c=inputNumberSlider] page for the <rich:inputNumberSlider>

• AjaxSupport [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/support.jsf?c=support] for

the <a4j:support> component.

4.4.2. Slideshow

The slideshow feature in the Photo Album Demo can be enabled by clicking on "Start Slideshow"
link from two different places in the application: 1) from user's album preview (/web/src/main/
webapp/image/albumInfo.xhtml) and 2) from a particular photo preview (src/main/webapp/
image/imageInfo.xhtml). Both of two mentioned XHTML files include slideshow with the help of
Facelets <ui:include tag (for more information about <ui:include see Facelets Reference Guide
— http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/facelets/01-Introduction/index.jsf).

The components that implement the slideshow functionality are:

• <rich:modalPanel> located in web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml

that is hidden by default as the attribute showWhenRendered="#{slideshow.active}" and the
active property of SlideshowManager.java is set to "false" by default.

Chapter 4. How it works

• <a4j:poll> located in includes/misc/slideShowPooler.xhtml which is also inactive due to

the mentioned active property ( active=#{slideshow.active})

After activation, <a4j:poll> will send asynchronous requests to the server with some certain
interval, as the result of these requests modal panel will display the next image in the row.

Now let's have a look at the details of the slideshow implementation.

The startSlideshow() method of SlideshowManager.java is invoked when no photo is

selected in the current image list. The method iterates over all photos of a particular album starting
from the first one in the list. Look at the SlideshowManager.java listing below:

public void startSlideshow(){
active = true;
this.slideshowIndex = 0;
if(model.getImages() == null || model.getImages().size() < 1){
Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, "No images for
this.selectedImage = model.getImages().get(this.slideshowIndex);
this.selectedImage.getAlbum().visitImage(selectedImage, true);

The second variation of the startSlideshow() method is activated when a link to slide-show is
clicked from a particular photo preview. This method iterates over the rest of photos starting from
the current selected one:

public void startSlideshow(Image selectedImage){
active = true;
if(model.getImages() == null || model.getImages().size() < 1){
Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.ADD_ERROR_EVENT, "No images for
this.slideshowIndex = model.getImages().indexOf(selectedImage);
this.selectedImage = selectedImage;
this.selectedImage.getAlbum().visitImage(selectedImage, true);

Chapter 4. How it works


Both variants of startSlideshow() method set the active property to "true" as a result the poller
is activated and modal panel becomes visible.

The slideshow modal panel is kept in the web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/

slideshow.xhtml file and referred from the corresponding pages with the help of <ui:include>
Facelets tag:

<ui:include src="/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml"/>

Have a look at web/src/main/webapp/includes/image/slideshow.xhtml file:

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"...>

<rich:modalPanel showWhenRendered="#{slideshow.active}"






<f:facet name="controls">


<h:graphicImage value="/img/modal/close.png" style="cursor:pointer" id="hidelink">

mainArea, tree" />


Chapter 4. How it works







This is the source code of includes/misc/slideShowPooler.xhtml:

<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<a4j:form id="slideShowForm">
<a4j:poll reRender="slideshowImage"

The slideshow poller sends the request for the next image (showNextImage() method) each four
seconds. The interval is defined in the interval property of the SlideshowManager.java and refers
to a INITIAL.DELAY constant (constants.java).

The described above example implements a modal panel with photos that rotate them in the order
they are stored in an album.

Chapter 4. How it works

Figure 4.5. Image size control

To stop the slide-show user clicks Close window button on the slide-show panel and
stopSlideshow() method is invoked.

public void stopSlideshow(){
active = false;
this.selectedImage = null;
this.slideshowIndex = 0;

The active field is set to "false" again, consequently the poller becomes inactive and the modal
panel becomes invisible too.

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the
components used in the application and described in this chapter:

• ModalPanel [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/modalPanel.jsf?
c=modalPanel] page for the <rich:modalPanel> component;

Chapter 4. How it works

• Effect [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/effect.jsf?c=effect] for the

<rich:effect> component;

• MediaOutput [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/mediaOutput.jsf?
c=mediaOutput] for the <a4j:mediaOutput> component;

• AjaxSupport [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/support.jsf?c=support] for

the <a4j:support> component;

• CommandLink [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/commandLink.jsf?
c=commandLink] for the <a4j:commandLink> component;

• AjaxForm [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/form.jsf?c=form] for the

<a4j:form> component;

• Poll [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/poll.jsf?c=poll] for the <a4j:poll>


4.5. Image View

Image View in the Photo Album application is a page where only one image is displayed. In
this view you can also browse the current album with the image scroller as well as to switch to
slideshow mode. If you are a registered user you can leave comments under the current image.

Chapter 4. How it works

Figure 4.6. Some title

Chapter 4. How it works

4.5.1. Custom images scroller widget

The Images Scroller implementation in the Photo Album application is basically <a4j:repeat> with
the value attribute bound to #{model.selectedAlbum.images}, which is a collection of images
of the selected album and the <rich:dataScroller> component tied to the <a4j:repeat> .

The source code you can find in the includes/images/imageScroller.xhtml file. Now let's go deeper
into the details. The main component here is <a4j:repeat>:

<a4j:repeat value="#{model.selectedAlbum.images}" rows="5"
var="img" id="repeat" rowKeyVar="rk">

<a4j:outputPanel layout="block"
styleClass="preview_box_photo_nav #{model.selectedImage == img ?
'preview_box_photo_current' : 'preview_box_photo_default'}">
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="preview_box_photo_80">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="pr_photo_bg"
value="/img/shell/frame_photo_80.png" />
<h:panelGrid cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
<h:panelGroup layout="block">
<a4j:mediaOutput element="img"
value="#{fileManager.transformPath(img.fullPath, '_small80')}">
<br />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_name">
<h:outputText value="#{img.name}" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_data">
<h:outputText value="#{rk + 1}" />

<a4j:support event="onclick" rendered="#{model.selectedImage != img}"

reRender="mainArea,treePanel, imagesTable" action="#{controller.showImage(img)}" />

Each element of the <a4j:repeat> has a corresponding <a4j:outputPanel> with the

<a4j:mediaOutput> as a nested element. <a4j:mediaOutput> renders the thumbnail of the

Chapter 4. How it works

image. As the rows attribute is set to "5" (rows="5"), only 5 images are displayed on the page
at a time.

As you've noticed, the currently selected image in the images scroller has different style, namely:
a red frame around thumbnail, which is implemented with this code:

<a4j:outputPanel layout="block"
styleClass="preview_box_photo_nav #{model.selectedImage == img ?
'preview_box_photo_current' : 'preview_box_photo_default'}">

As you can see from the code snippet, identification of whether the currently selected image is
the same image displayed by the <a4j:repeat> is performed in the styleClass, if it returns "true",
different style is applied.

Each <a4j:repeat> has a corresponding <a4j:support> configured like this:

<a4j:support event="onclick"
rendered="#{model.selectedImage != img}"
reRender="mainArea,treePanel, imagesTable"
action="#{controller.showImage(img)}" />


On every click <a4j:support> calls #{controller.showImage(img)} method that sets the

current image, thumbnail of which has just been clicked on. For more details please see
Controller.java class.

To implement thumbnails scrolling effect the <rich:datascroller> is attached to the <a4j:repeat>:

<rich:datascroller page="#{controller.getPage()}"
styleClass="image-scroller" lastPageMode="full" for="repeat" reRender="imagesTable"
boundaryControls="hide" stepControls="hide">
<f:facet name="pages">
<h:outputText />
<f:facet name="fastforward">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="image-scroller-right-arrow"
value="img/shell/arr_right.png" />

Chapter 4. How it works

<f:facet name="fastforward_disabled">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="image-scroller-right-arrow"
value="img/shell/arr_right_dis.png" />
<f:facet name="fastrewind">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="image-scroller-left-arrow"
value="img/shell/arr_left.png" />
<f:facet name="fastrewind_disabled">
<h:graphicImage styleClass="image-scroller-left-arrow"
value="img/shell/arr_left_dis.png" />


The page attribute identifies which page should be displayed right now. For instance, if you have
th rd
only 20 images and the current image has the 12 index in the collection, then the 3 page will
be displayed:

public Integer getPage(){
final Integer index = model.getSelectedAlbum().getIndex(model.getSelectedImage());
return index / 5 + 1;


The lastPageMode="full" attribute ensures that 5 thumbnails are always shown on the page.
If this attribute hadn't been configured like this, in case the 19th thumbnail out of 20 had been
selected then only 2 last thumbnails would have been displayed.

As you can see, <rich:dataScroller> has a slightly different look-and-feel, the trick is in the
redefinition of fastforward, fastforward_disabled, fastrewind and fastrewind_disabled facets on
which places we display our images. We didn't redefine other facets because they are not rendered
to the page which is achieved with boundaryControls="hide" and stepControls="hide
attributes of <rich:dataSroller>.

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the
components used in the application and described in this chapter:

• DataTableScrolling [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/
dataTableScroller.jsf?c=dataTableScroller] page for the <rich:dataScroller> component;

Chapter 4. How it works

• Repeat [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/repeat.jsf?c=repeat] for the

<a4j:repeat> component.

4.6. Upload Images

In the previous chapter we have discussed how to create Navigation Trees that represent "Shelves
- Albums" hierarchy. Now it is time to upload images.

The <rich:fileUpload> component in the Photo Album application uses the embedded Flash
module that adds extra functionality to the component:

• Multiple files choosing;

• Definition of permitted file types in the "Open File" dialog window;

• A number of additional client-side object properties.

The code for the <rich:fileUpload> is contained in the "/includes/fileUpload/fileUploader.xhtml"


allowFlash="true" maxFilesQuantity="100" autoclear="true"
fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadManager.listener}" id="fileUpload"
disabled="#{model.selectedAlbum == null}"
immediateUpload="false" acceptedTypes="jpg,jpeg">
<a4j:support event="onuploadcomplete" reRender="filesPanel,
treeform" actionListener="#{fileWrapper.setComplete(true)}"/>
<a4j:support event="onfileuploadcomplete" />

The "allowFlash" attribute set to "true" enables the Flash module.

The "acceptedTypes" attribute specifies "jpg", "jpeg" as the permitted file types you can upload.

The "fileUploadListener" attribute represents the action listener method listener() of the
FileUploadManager class that is notified after file is uploaded. This method makes the main job
on the upload:

public void listener(UploadEvent event) throws Exception {
UploadItem item = event.getUploadItem();
Image image = constructImage(item);
try {
extractMetadata(item, image);

Chapter 4. How it works

} catch (Exception e1) {

addError(item, image, Constants.FILE_PROCESSING_ERROR);
if(image.getAlbum() == null){
addError(item, image, Constants.NO_ALBUM_TO_DOWNLOAD_ERROR);
}catch(Exception e){
addError(item, image, Constants.IMAGE_SAVING_ERROR);
if(!fileManager.addImage(image.getFullPath(), item.getFile().getPath())){
addError(item, image, Constants.FILE_SAVE_ERROR);
Events.instance().raiseEvent(Constants.IMAGE_ADDED_EVENT, image);

The listener() method is called at server side after every file uploaded and server saves these
files in a temporary folder or in RAM depending on configuration. In the Photo Album application
the uploaded files are stored in the temporary folder because the value of the createTempFile
parameter is set to true. See the code from the web.xml descriptor:

<filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>

Chapter 4. How it works


The listener() method creates an Image object and extracts all image metadata such as
Camera name, Image size, etc. It performs scaling of an image and saves six different image's
dimensions in order to create thumbnails. After that the photo is added into the database the
temporary file is removed.

Visit following pages at RichFaces Live Demo for more information, examples and sources on the
components used in the application and described in this chapter:

• FileUpload [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/fileUpload.jsf?c=fileUpload]
page for the <rich:fileUpload> component;

• AjaxSupport [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/support.jsf?c=support] for

the <a4j:support> component.

4.7. Context Menus

Context menus are called when you right-click on a UI element. RichFaces library provides a
special component <rich:contextMenu > to implement this type of functionality.

Context menu is made for the following UI controls:

• Album menu item in navigation menu/Album thumbnail

Figure 4.7. Context Menu for

• Image thumbnail

Figure 4.8. Image thumbnail context menu

Chapter 4. How it works

• Shelf menu item in navigation menu

Figure 4.9. Context Menu for Shelf menu item

Let's have a look at how the context menu for a single image is constructed.

<rich:contextMenu disableDefaultMenu="false" style="text-
align:left;" rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}"
event="oncontextmenu" attached="true" submitMode="ajax" attachTo="#{mediaOutput}">
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image.delete']}" limitToList="true"
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image.edit']}" limitToList="true"
<rich:menuItem value="#{messages['image_show']}" limitToList="true"

That is a listing from \includes\contextMenu\CMForImage.xhtml. This code is included into the

very bottom of imageList.xhtml file like this:

<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >
<ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />
<ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>

The context menu code is included with 2 parameters: "image" and "mediaOutput". The first
( "image") is the name of the current image. The <a4j:repeat> iterates over a collection of

Chapter 4. How it works

images(see the next listing), the name of the current image is stored in the "image" variable.
"mediaOutput" parameter is set with the help of rich:clientId('id') that returns client id by
short id or null if the component with the id specified hasn't been found.

This is the block of code that displays each image:

<a4j:repeat id="imageList" value="#{model.images}" var="image" rows="20">

<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.cssClass}">

<h:panelGrid cellpadding="0">
reRender="mainArea, treePanel">
<a4j:mediaOutput id="img" element="img"
style="border : 1px solid #FFFFFF;"
<f:param value="#{imageSizeHelper.currentDimension.x}" name="x" />

<rich:dragSupport rendered="#{controller.isUserImage(image)}" reRender="mainArea,

treePanel" id="dragSource" dragIndicator="dragIndicator"
dragType="image" dragValue="#{image}">
<rich:dndParam id="dragParam" name="label" value="#{image.name}" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_name">#{image.name}</h:panelGroup>

<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="photo_data">

<h:outputText value="#{image.created}">
<f:convertDateTime />
<ui:include src="/includes/contextMenu/CMForImage.xhtml" >

Chapter 4. How it works

<ui:param name="image" value="#{image}" />

<ui:param name="mediaOutput" value="#{rich:clientId('img')}"/>


The key attribute of <contextMenu> is "attachTo" that specifies for which control the
context menu is displayed. As you can see this attribute has #{mediaOutput} as its
value( attachTo="#{mediaOutput}" so this way the id of the current image is passed to
<rich:contexMenu> and this is how it knows what photo is affected by user actions.

4.8. ToolTips
When using RichFaces components library you've got nealy everything to build UI, making a tooltip
is not an exception. RichFaces provides a separate component to make a bubble appeared when
the user hovers a UI element or layout area. The component is <rich:toolTip>. There's nothing
complicated in using <rich:toolTip>: you just need to set the text to be shown in the tooltip with
the "value" attribute and specify for which component you want the tooltip to be shown with the
"for" attribute that takes the id of the targeted component as a parameter.

<rich:panel id="panelId">
<p>Element which has a tooltip</p>
<rich:toolTip value="This is a tooltip." for="panelId"/>

Alternatively, you can just place <rich:toolTip> as a nested element of container for which the
tooltip is shown.

<p>Element which has a tooltip</p>

<p>Tooltip text</p>

Chapter 4. How it works

This approach was adopted in the Photo Alum to display tooltips for

This code outputs an album's image.

<a4j:mediaOutput id="img" element="img" styleClass="main-image"
createContent="#{imageLoader.paintImage}" style="border : 3px solid #808080;"
value="#{fileManager.transformPath(model.selectedImage.fullPath, '_medium')}">

<rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-right"
showDelay="500" styleClass="tooltip" rendered="#{model.selectedImage.showMetaInfo}">
<span style="white-space:nowrap; display:block; text-align:left;">
<h:outputText value="Size in bytes: #{model.selectedImage.size}" />
<br />
#{model.selectedImage.height}x#{model.selectedImage.width}" />
<br />
<h:outputText value="Captured at: #{model.selectedImage.created}" />
<br />
value="#{messages['camera']}: #{model.selectedImage.cameraModel}" />

The <rich:toolTip> is nested in <a4j:mediaOutput> and prints the size of the image, size in
pixels, when the picture was taken and the type of camera used to take the picture.

Chapter 4. How it works

Figure 4.10. Tooltip

4.9. User Input Data Validation

Validation of user input is a very frequent situation for a developer. RichFaces library
offers 3 component to get this job done: <rich:beanValidator>, <rich:graphValidator>, and
<rich:ajaxValidator>. The latter two components are used in the Photo Album application.
<rich:graphValidator> is intended to validate the whole object or the graph of interrelated objects
and the validation occurs when the whole form is submitted. While <rich:ajaxValidator> validates
only one input field or a value at a time, validation is activated upon some event and adds

Chapter 4. How it works

interactivity to the application. Both components use Hibernate validators which helps to locate
validation logic in one place, such approach is really helpful given that usually data validation logic
is stored in multiple places including UI pages and in Java code that interacts with a database.

Let's have a look at the components usage on the registration page. This is how the page looks
like (some irrelevant details were removed from the example):

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ...

<h:inputText id="loginName" value="#{user.login}" />
<rich:messages for="loginName" />
<h:inputSecret required="true" id="password" value="#{user.password}" />
<rich:messages for="password" />
<h:inputSecret required="true" id="confirmPassword"
value="#{user.confirmPassword}" />
<rich:messages for="confirmPassword" />
<h:inputText id="firstname" value="#{user.firstName}" />
<rich:messages for="firstname" style="color:red;" />
<h:inputText id="secondname" value="#{user.secondName}" />
<rich:messages for="secondname" />
<h:selectOneRadio required="true" id="sex" value="#{user.sex}">
<f:selectItems value="#{userPrefsBean.sexs}" />
<s:convertEnum />
<rich:messages for="sex" />
<a4j:outputPanel id="calendar" layout="block">
<rich:calendar id="birthDate" value="#{user.birthDate}"

<rich:ajaxValidator event="oninputblur" />

<rich:messages for="birthDate" />
<h:inputText id="email" value="#{user.email}" />
<rich:messages for="email" />
<richx:commandButton actionListener="#{authenticator.register(user)}"
value="Register" />
<richx:commandButton actionListener="#{controller.cancelRegistration()}"
immediate="true" value="Cancel" />

Chapter 4. How it works


<rich:graphValidator> validates the entity User object, in which restrictions are set with the help
of Hibernate annotations. When the Register button is clicked on the name, password, sex etc.
fields are validated sequentially. In case of an error (for example, if a loginName contains only one
character and the annotation restricts it to at least 3 characters to be typed in) a error message
in red color is displayed next to the input field and the request is aborted. If all values are valid
the authenticator.register(user) method will be invoked and the user will be saved to the

<rich:ajaxValidator> acts in a slightly different way, in our case it is attached to the

user.birthDate field. When the value of the field is changed and the field loses focus it is
immediately validated. If the input data is incorrect and error message will displayed, which is a
quick way to respond to user input errors and avoid sending incorrect data to the server.

If you would like to get more details about the validators that RichFaces library provides please
visit Live Demo [http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/ajaxValidator.jsf] web page
and RichFaces Developer Guide [../../devguide/html_single/index.html].

4.10. How the button is created and how it acts

Due to specific design of the buttons in the Photo Album application, it's necessary to clarify some
design and development points about the button. The button is visually represented by Facelets
template stored in the button.xhtml file.

Please have a look at the content of the file:

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<a4j:loadScript src="/scripts/buttons.js" />
<a4j:outputPanel layout="block" style="#{style}" styleClass="photoalbumButton
#{styleClass}" lang="#{lang}" dir="#{dir}" title="#{title}"
rendered="#{empty rendered or rendered}"
onmousedown="RF_RW_DEMO.toPressed(this)" onmouseup="RF_RW_DEMO.toReleased(this)" onmou
<h:graphicImage value="/img/shell/button.png" alt="" />
<h:graphicImage value="/img/shell/button_press.png" style="display: none;" alt="" />

Chapter 4. How it works


<a4j:commandButton accesskey="#{accesskey}"
actionListener="#{mappedActionListener}" action="#{mappedAction}" bypassUpdates="#{bypassUpd
eventsQueue="#{eventsQueue}" focus="#{focus}" ignoreDupResponses="#{ignoreDupResponses}"
onbeforedomupdate="#{onbeforedomupdate}" timeout="#{timeout}" tabindex="#{tabindex}" status="
reRender="#{reRender}" requestDelay="#{requestDelay}" process="#{process}" oncomplete="#{onc
onblur="#{onblur}" onclick="#{onclick}" ondblclick="#{ondblclick}" onfocus="#{onfocus}" onkeydown
usemove="#{onmousemove}" onmouseout="#{onmouseout}" onmouseover="#{onmouseover}" onmouseup="#{onmouseup}" /


The <richx:actionMapper> tag is covered in more detail further in the text. In brief, it's a special
tag developed deliberately to pass to the button a method expression of the action which must
be performed when the button is clicked.

To make sure the button works correctly we include the required JavaScript code that is located
in the button.js file using <a4j:loadScript src="/scripts/buttons.js" /> component.

The button consists of several parts:

• 2 images (pressed and not pressed states)

• <div> element that displays the button's text

• <a4j:commandButton> that sends Ajax request to the server

These elements are wrapped by <a4j:outputPanel> to adjust the look-and-feel.

In the application the button is used for example like this:

<richx:commandButton actionListener="#{authenticator.register(user)}" reRender="mainform,
headerPanel" value="#{messages['user.register']}" />

We can pass to the <richx:commandButton> all required attributes, in the example only
actionListener, reRender and value are passed.

<richx:commandButton> is a custom tag that is declared in the photoalbum-taglib.xml tag


Chapter 4. How it works

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE facelet-taglib PUBLIC
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Facelet Taglib 1.0//EN"

In order to use the <richx:commandButton> on the page the namespace of the taglib must be

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

A more complex part of the button implementation, as we said earlier, is <richx:actionMapper>

which is also described in tablib. But it is not just a simple tag-template since it has Facelets
handler-class which specifies how it is handled when declared on the page. It is created because
Facelets templates do not allow to make the MethodExpression a Facelets-template parameter.
Please find below the code of the class(some irrelevant details are omitted):

public class ActionMapperTagHandler extends TagHandler {

private static final Class<?>[] ACTION_PARAM_TYPES = new Class[0];

private static final Class<?>[] ACTION_LISTENER_PARAM_TYPES = new Class[] {ActionEvent.class};

private static final String ACTION = "action";

Chapter 4. How it works

private static final String ACTION_LISTENER = "actionListener";

private static final String MAPPED_ACTION = "mappedAction";

private static final String MAPPED_ACTION_LISTENER = "mappedActionListener";

public ActionMapperTagHandler(TagConfig config) {


private MethodExpression remap(FaceletContext faceletContext, String varName,

Class<?> expectedReturnType, Class<?>[] expectedParamTypes) {

MethodExpression result = null;

VariableMapper mapper = faceletContext.getVariableMapper();

ValueExpression valueExpression = mapper.resolveVariable(varName);
if (valueExpression != null) {
ExpressionFactory ef = faceletContext.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = faceletContext.getFacesContext().getELContext();

result = ef.createMethodExpression(elContext, valueExpression.getExpressionString(),

expectedReturnType, expectedParamTypes);

return result;

public void apply(FaceletContext ctx, UIComponent parent)

throws IOException, FacesException, FaceletException, ELException {

MethodExpression actionExpression = remap(ctx, ACTION, String.class, ACTION_PARAM_TYPES);

MethodExpression actionListenerExpression = remap(ctx, ACTION_LISTENER, null, ACTION_LISTENER_PA

if (actionExpression != null || actionListenerExpression != null) {

VariableMapper initialVarMapper = ctx.getVariableMapper();
try {
VariableMapperWrapper varMapper = new VariableMapperWrapper(initialVarMapper);

if (actionExpression == null) {
actionExpression = NOOP_ACTION_EXPRESSION;

Chapter 4. How it works


if (actionListenerExpression == null) {



nextHandler.apply(ctx, parent);

} finally {
} else {
nextHandler.apply(ctx, parent);


You can find more information about Facelets, custom tags, taglibs, Facelets tag handlers and
Facelets templates http://java.sun.com/javaee/6/docs/tutorial/doc/giepx.html here.

4.11. The <a4j:status> component

<a4j:status> is a component, designed to create some visual effect during Ajax request. The
component is usually attached to a certain request, which implies time consuming processing, so
that the end user is aware the page is not hung up, it's responding to her actions: the user sees
the processing progress (the component is frequently used to indicate file uploading process).

However, in the Photo Album application the <a4j:status> component is triggered on any Ajax
request: to demonstrate the component itself and partially to display for the user that on every
click on a link or a button something is happening, as all actions in the application occur on a
single page which is not typical for usual web-workflow, when on each action the user navigates
to a new page.

By default, <a4j:status> works for each Ajax components inside the local region. This means if you
have no region defined on the page (the whole view is a region) and have only one <a4j:status>

Chapter 4. How it works

on the page, the <a4j:status> will be activated during Ajax request by any of the Ajax component
located on the page.

As there are no regions defined explicitly in the application, <a4j:status> is located in the main
template (template.xhtml) for all pages:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<body class="main-body">
<ui:include src="/includes/index/status.xhtml" />


Hence the default behavior of the component meets that application's requirements: the
component is shown on every single Ajax request.

This is the page with the <a4j:status> component:

<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<a4j:status layout="block" stopStyle="display: none;"
startStyle="height: 52px; width: 79px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 278px;">
<f:facet name="start">
<h:graphicImage style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;"
height="79" width="52" alt="" value="/img/shell/ai.png" />
<h:graphicImage style="position: absolute; top: 26px; left: 13px;"
height="26" width="26" alt="" value="/img/shell/ai.gif" />

Chapter 4. How it works


The startStyle="height: 52px; width: 79px; position: absolute; top: 0px; left:
278px;", attribute specifies what is displayed on the page after the request initiation, which means
in our case that it is positioned absolutely: 278 pixels from the left border of the page and 0 pixels
from the top, its width is 79px and the height is 52px.

The stopStyle="display: none;" attribute is responsible for displaying the component on the
page when the request is finished, in our case the it will be hidden.

As we need to show only the beginning of the request, we customize only the <f:facet
name="start"> which is just an image(you can insert any image you like).

If you would like to get more details about the <a4j:status> please visit Live Demo [http://
livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/status.jsf?c=status] web page and RichFaces
Developer Guide [../../devguide/html_single/index.html/#a4j_status].

4.12. Errors Reports

The Photo Album application has a global mechanism for errors checking. You become informed
about the error each time it occurs. It is possible because the main page of the application
web/src/main/webapp/index.xhtml includes the web/src/main/webapp/includes/misc/

<a4j:outputPanel id="errors" ajaxRendered="true">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{errorHandlerBean.errorExist}">

<rich:modalPanel id="errorPanel" showWhenRendered="true" minWidth="300" minHeight="200" autosized="tru


Here is the listing of the errorHandlerBean class:

package org.richfaces.photoalbum.ui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;

Chapter 4. How it works

import org.jboss.seam.annotations.AutoCreate;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Observer;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
import org.richfaces.photoalbum.service.Constants;

public class ErrorHandlerBean {
private List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();

public List<String> getErrors() {

return errors;

public boolean isErrorExist(){

return errors.size() > 0 ;

public void addToErrors(String e){

The error panel contains the <a4j:outputPanel> component that is rendered on every Ajax
request (ajaxRendered="true"). If an error is occurred the isErrorExist() method of
errorHandlerBean class returns "true", so the <h:panelGroup> component is rendered.
In order to show nested <rich:modalPanel> component with the collected errors the
"showWhenRendered" attribute should be set to "true".

The addToErrors() method is annotated with @Observer annotation, thus it observes all events
with ADD_ERROR_EVENT constant and adds errors to the errors List.


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