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Q.1 Explain the concept of profession. Discuss teaching as profession.

Concept of profession: The word “profession” means different things to different people.
A Profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and
who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special
knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of learning derived from research,
education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge
and exercise these skills in the interest of others.  It is inherent in the definition of a
Profession that a code of ethics governs the activities of each Profession.  Such codes
require behavior and practice beyond the personal moral obligations of an individual. 
They define and demand high standards of behavior in respect to the services provided
to the public and in dealing with professional colleagues.  Further, these codes are
enforced by the Profession and are acknowledged and accepted by the community. A
profession arises when any trade or occupation transforms itself through "the
development of formal qualifications based upon education, apprenticeship, and
examinations, the emergence of regulatory bodies with powers to admit and discipline
members, and some degree of monopoly rights.
Teaching as profession
“Teaching is the noblest profession in the world”. But teaching is a profession that only
appeals to a special type of person - a person who is concerned about others, one who
has a desire to touch the lives of his students and somehow leave them better than they
were. The richest rewards of teaching come when a teacher can observe growth and
development in his students. Since teaching involves arousal of interest in teaching
learning process, it requires an intellectual operation. The teacher evolves a suitable
plan of action to carry out teaching by creating a conducive and supportive learning
environment to achieve the pre-specified objectives, i.e. bringing desirable changes in the
behavior of the learners. All the above are intellectual operations on the part of teacher.
Therefore, teaching is essentially an intellectual operation and exercise. A nation or a
society marches forward on the track of development if teachers serve in a better manner
to effect changes in various ways. Teaching infuses a sense of service in the minds of
teachers, because teaching is essentially a social service. Self-interest recedes giving way
to general interest. It accords high premium on social service-the crux of profession.
Another chief characteristic of teaching is that this profession requires a lengthy period
of study and training. In other words, a person willing to take up this profession has to
study for a number of years and acquire mastery over the contents of the subject matter.
After this, he/she has to pursue training in teaching skill and method. Teaching
profession has a common code of ethics which guides the behavior and conduct of
teachers in their institutions and outside. A code of professional ethics is a charter of
rights and duties for the protection of professional autonomy and freedom. This can
ensure development of a high degree of recognition, regard and social status of the
profession so that true professionalism emerges in the long run. He/she is committed to
his/her profession in a true perspective. In teaching profession, a teacher always learns
at all stages of teaching. Learning does not stop. An extra-ordinary literary genius R.N.
Tagore says, “A lamp can never light another lamp unless if continues to burn its own
flame; a teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself”. The teacher
has to be engaged in self-study and has to carry on self-learning in order to keep
himself/herself of abreast with the latest trends in his/her subjects. This aspect is
emphasized in teaching profession which ultimately leads to growth of a teacher while in
service. However, in-service training is a path finder for the growth of professionalism of
teachers. With all these characteristics, teaching has become a noble profession with the
prime motive of rendering multi-furious services to society.
Q. 2     Write in detail about professionalization of teaching profession?
'Professionalism' refers to that peculiar nature of a specific occupation which entails, for
commencement as well as continuation, maintenance, individually and collectively, of
certain standards in relation to knowledge, skills and behavior, which standards are
such that they ensure the user of the services the profession provides a high, expected
and usually objectively measurable level of competence and commitment, and which
standards afford the profession a legitimated status, established right to privileged
communication and relatively great autonomy, on the basis of the general confidence in
the individual and collective maintenance of standards in the profession, from societal
supervision or control. The professionalization process tends to establish the group
norms of conduct and qualification of members of a profession and tends also to insist
that members of the profession achieve “conformity to the norm.” and abide more or less
strictly with the established procedures and any agreed code of conduct, which is policed
by professional bodies, for “accreditation assures conformity to general expectations of
the profession.” Different professions are organized differently. For example, doctors
desire autonomy over entrepreneurship. Professions want authority because of their
expertise. Professionals are encouraged to have a lifetime commitment to their field of
work. Here are five steps you can take to professionalize teaching:
1. Knowledgeable
Teachers should have a good understanding of the curriculum they teach and know how
to transfer that knowledge to their students in a meaningful way. An elementary math
teacher, for example, should know how to work out the math problems herself and to
show her students how it relates to their lives, such as counting change at the grocery
store. Because the world is always changing, it's vital that teachers continue to learn
2. Aware of Diversity
Teachers should understand how cultural differences and different life experiences can
affect a student's learning, like differences in ethnicity, language and age. Additionally,
teachers should be able to modify their instruction as needed to help students with
special learning needs.
3. Ability to Plan
Teachers should be able to plan their teaching both for the short- and long-term based
on their understanding of the curriculum goals, student's needs and learning styles.
They should also have the required resources before they are needed in the classroom.
4. Strong Communication Skills
A professional teacher should know how to listen as well as he can speak. This includes
being aware of, and able to use, both verbal and nonverbal cues, as well as written
communication techniques to encourage interaction in a supportive teaching
5. Ability to Collaborate
Professional teachers should understand that learning doesn't stop in the classroom.
They should be able to build relationships with parents and guardians as needed to
assist their students. They should also develop good working relationships with school
administrators and other teachers so they can assist each other in meeting their needs,
goals and objectives.

Professionalizing the teaching industry advances the profession as a whole and goes a
long way to create better opportunities for student success. But it also has a significant
impact on attracting more talented people to the profession and retaining the highest
performers, which creates a win-win situation for students and teachers.

Q. 3     Describe the code of professional conduct and values in teaching profession.
Code of professional conduct: The code of professional conduct has been developed with
three key objectives in mind:
Promote quality Encourage and support Promote the
teaching and learning teachers in their teaching
professional role profession

Clarifying the ethics and setting out Affirming the role of Confirming the
the core values underpinning teachers’ teachers in the social, status and
practice cultural and economic integrity of the
development of the profession
Setting out clear standards of country
professional practice to which teachers Informing and
are committed Being supportive of enhancing the
teachers in their public perception
Assisting in achieving and maintaining professional lives of the teaching
high standards of professional practice profession
in the profession Promoting collegiality
within the aching
Encouraging teachers to reflect on profession
professional practice
Promoting cooperation with the
education partners, co-professionals,
related bodies and agencies and allied

Values in teaching profession: Teachers’ core work is to educate and the following values
underpin the work of the teaching profession in Ireland. These values are reflected
throughout the Codes and may be considered under the headings of:
1) Commitment
Teachers are committed to the highest standards of professional service in their
teaching and understand that their primary professional obligation is to their
2) Quality of Education
Teachers promote and maintain the highest quality of educational experiences for
their students. Teachers facilitate student progression in their learning and
development and their effective engagement with the curriculum.
3) Student-Centered Learning
Teachers seek to create an environment where students are active agents in the
learning process.
4) Responding to Change
Teachers acknowledge the changing nature of society and recognize their role in
providing appropriate educational responses to cater for the identified needs of
students. It is recognized that this is enhanced through mutual support from all
partners in education.
5) Professional Development
Teachers reflect on and continue to improve their own professional practice and
are provided with opportunities to engage in professional development and the
process of curriculum development.
6) Cultural Values
Teachers see themselves as providing opportunities for the development of
awareness and appreciation of cultural values being mindful of Irish, European
and more global contexts.
7) Social Justice, Equality and Inclusion
Teachers in their professional role show commitment to democracy, social justice,
equality and inclusion. They encourage active citizenship and support students in
thinking critically about significant social issues, in valuing and accommodating
diversity and in responding appropriately.
8) Collaboration
Teachers work collaboratively with students, parents, school management, teacher
educators and other professionals in developing shared goals towards the
achievement of high quality education for all.
9) Respect
Teachers respect students, parents, colleagues, school management, co-
professionals and all in the school community and work to establish and maintain
an atmosphere of mutual respect in their schools.
10) Care
As well as the legal duty of care which teachers exercise, their role as career is
central to their professional value system. Their practice is motivated by the best
interests of the students entrusted to their care.
11) Co-operation
Teachers engage in a professional manner with the wider community including the
partners in education, co-professionals and related educational bodies and
agencies, as appropriate, for the benefit of students.
Q. 4     Discuss professionalism and teaching profession in Islamic teachings?
Professionalism: Professionalism is defined as an individual's conduct at work. In spite
of the word's root, this quality is not restricted to what we describe as "the professions,"
which are typically careers that require a lot of education and have high earnings
associated with them. The art of Professionalism can be understood as the practice of
doing the right thing, not because how one feels but regardless of how one feels.
Professionals make a profession of the specific kind of activity and conduct to which they
commit themselves and to which they can be expected to conform. Moral ideals specify
virtue, i.e., desirable feature of character. Virtues are desirable ways of relating to other
individuals, groups and organizations. Virtues involve motives, attitudes and emotions.
Teaching profession in Islamic teachings
Teaching is one of the most respectful and valuable professions in the world. In religion
Islam, this profession has more importance as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
introduced himself as a teacher. Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran:  “Like (a favor
which you have already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger of your
own, rehearsing to you Our verses, and purifying you, and instructing you in scripture
and wisdom, and in new knowledge” (Quran, 2:  151).  According to this verse of Holy
Quran Holy Prophet (SAW) were sent to teach about the Holy Book Quran, the wisdom
and unknown things to the people of this world. As we all know that the person who
teaches is a teacher, a man of obedience and respect. Teachers are some of the most
influential people in society and have great importance in modern society. Teachers bear
the responsibility of molding students’ personalities and educating them. Teachers are
considered the most honored person in every religion. Due to the important role of
teachers, Islam has granted high status and rights to teachers. Islam has paid great
attention to teachers for their being the first brick in the structure of social development
and perfection and the cause of guiding and developing behaviors and mentalities of
individuals and communities. We can understand the highest rank of teachers from the
Quote of Hazrat Ali (RA) in which He (RA) stated that: “If a person teaches me one single
word, he has made me his servant for a lifetime. “ The teacher is considered the
profound father in religion Islam. All Prophets were the teacher that sent before Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) and obviously, Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also the great teacher for all
mankind. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us how to worship Allah, how to
implement teachings of the Quran in our daily lives and many other things. Islam lays
great emphasis on knowledge. At numerous times and instances, Allah Almighty ordered
the Muslims to acquire knowledge and learn. Islam lays so much stress on seeking
knowledge and also on giving the respect to the ones who imparted knowledge. That’s
why teachers have the highest status in Islam.  In Holy Quran Almighty Allah says:
“Allah elevates to high positions those from amongst you who are faithful and those who
have acquired knowledge”. (Quran, 58:11). A teacher teaches the person so he has some
rights some of them are mentioned below:
1) Lead his pupil means it’s the duty of the teacher to make his student smarter and
have a good Akhlaq.
2) Get reward and appreciation. The teacher is the spiritual father of the student as
he is the one who provides spiritual nourishment and improves the behavior of
learners. That’s why we should appreciate teachers for their great work.
3) Teachers should have freedom of expression, obstacles and intervention should be
4) Teachers should get respect from other people. We need to respect the teacher who
is willing to give us the knowledge.
5) Teachers should get good treatment to make his job easier.
6) Teachers should have freedom in giving judgment.
7) Teachers should acquire and utilize learning facilities and infrastructure.
8) Teachers should get physical and spiritual needs.
In short, we should know respect and become closer to the teacher who is willing to give
us education and knowledge.
Q. 5     Critically comment on changing the role of teacher in 21st century.
For changing the globalizing world, the role of the teachers is essential to improve the
sustainable education. At the same time, inspiring and guiding the students in
increasing employability skills with the digital tools is the prerequisite for a teacher.
Thus a teacher in the twenty-first century will be a digital teacher. Teachers are not the
facilitator for learning of the students only, and now they are responsible for training the
students for increasing employability skills, expanding the mind, growing digital
citizenships, critical thinking, and creativity as well as sustainable learning. Thus, the
winning of the students is the win of the teachers. With the passes of time and
integration of technology in every sector, the teacher’s role has changed a lot. They need
to enrich some skills to develop their students. Otherwise, the students will not get the
lesson, and it will increase the educated unemployed in the digital era. Let’s see the
changing role of a teacher in the 21st century.
1. A Planner for 21st Century Careers
This is the most competitive world, and there has the diverse option to choose the next
career for a student. In this case, a teacher needs to become a big planner to support
them according to their psychology. The future of a student will depend on 4C’s (Critical
thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity). It is the duty of a teacher to
introduce them the mentioned terms very clearly.
2. A Resource Provider
In this digital age, the internet is full of supportive resources. When a teacher teaches
the students from a collaborative perspective, the students will learn more deeply if they
get the resources.
3. A digital Instructor for Different Ways of Learning
Effective teachers don’t limit the learning resources for the students. Correspondingly,
they are the best instructor for the students. In contrast, they will create the learning
materials entertaining. In the digital age, you can find a lot of resources who are
teaching the course efficiently. The instructor knows how to make the meaningful
learning opportunities for all students.
4. Learning Facilitator
A digital teacher or leaders in the teaching profession don’t teach the students only.
Also, they help their colleagues to become the supporter of technology and show them
how to find the online resources and how to stay updated on their subject. They know
how to enjoy the work and how to make the lesson enjoyable. That means they are the
facilitator for all the students and teachers.
6. A digital Learner for the lifetime
Effective teachers who are the builders of a nation are the lifetime learner. To point out,
they keep knowledge of the latest changes in their subject. Then again, they keep
knowledge about which jobs will be available in the next decade. In addition, they learn
the newest technology to help the students.
7. A genuine predictor
The teachers of the 21st century know the importance of Acquisition-based learning and
Participation-based learning. Similarly, he knows the value of engaging and working in
the community. For bringing innovations in the technology sector, it is necessary to
create cooperation with one another.

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