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B.Ed (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)

Course Code: 8613

Name: Fozia Mobeen
Roll No. CA630682
Registration No. 20KKI00621
Semester: Spring 2021
Theme: Children’s Socio-Emotional Development
Sub-theme: Interaction and Relation among students

Topic: Developing healthy interaction and relations among students

of grade 6 through group activities.

(To be filled and signed by the student and retained by the Controller of

I Fozia Mobeen Daughter / Son of Muhammad Iqbal Roll No.

CA630682 Registration No. 20KKI00621, a student of B.Ed Program (1.5 Year
) at Allama Iqbal Open University do hereby declare that the research project
entitled Developing healthy interaction and relations among students of grade 6
through group activities submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the B.Ed (1.5
Year) program is my original work and has not been submitted or published earlier.
I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in the future, be submitted for obtaining any
other degree from this or any other university or institution.

I also understand the zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism of the

university and the HEC and if my work is found to be plagiarized or copied from
someone other‘s work at any stage, even after the award of the degree, the work
may be canceled and the degree confiscated.

Fozia Mobeen
(Signature of the Student)

Date: 28/10/2021

Fozia Mobeen
(Name of the Student)

Name of the School: (Govt. High School Khuiratta)

The overall background of the participants of the project;

area/school: (socio-economic status, occupation/profession –
earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic
quality, and any other special trait of the community where the
school is situated) (10 marks)


I have selected Govt. High School Khuiratta Tehsil Khuiratta District Kotli for my
research project. The participants of my research project were 6th grade students. It
was local action research conducted to fulfill the criteria of degree for bachelor of
education, Allama Iqbal Open University. Before initiating research it was essential
for me to know the overall concept and background of my study.

The school was situated at Khuiratta Kotli. It had its main gate toward the west side
and the school was situated on the east side. This school is 25 years old.It had only
12 rooms, and 1 office and a huge well maintained assembly ground with
beautiful trees and greenery.

Socioeconomic Status/Occupation/Profession:

I recruited 6th class students to participate. The number of selected students for the
study was 20. Different students had a different and separate backgrounds.

Occupation/Profession Information and Earning Trends:

It was a semi-rural area and most people were attached to labor work or
agriculture. It was observed that 25% of students' parents were attached to

agriculture, 5% in the teaching field, 8% were labor and servant, etc. 2% were in
offices and well educated having jobs in army and police departments. Few have
their poultry farms and animals farms. Each parent has a different method of
earning. Children help their parents at work.

Literacy Rate:

I noticed that the literacy rate of the area‘s public was not that poor. It was 55% but
it was better than some other areas surrounding the tehsil. Parent meetings were
held in school then I observed that the literacy rate of the public of that area was
almost 20% for a parent who was well educated and 50% belonged to average
socioeconomic status whereas most of the parents of students had matriculation as
the qualification.

The special trait of Community:

In the community where the school is situated people have good habits and hobbies
like plantation, greenery, and playing cricket, football, students and other members
mostly boys participate in the outdoor game.

Theme: Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development

Sub-theme: Interaction and Relation among students

Topic: Developing healthy interaction and relations among students of grade 6

through group activities.


Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to
your experience/problem in your classroom/institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

I was a trainee learner and I have chosen Govt. High School Khuiratta for my
research project. I know that action research is based on a local level. In the
School, I have chosen 6th class for my action research. When I spent few days with
the class I found that some of the students have no interaction with other students
which is not a good sign for better socialization. Good children‘s Socio-Emotional
Development needs to Interaction and relation among students that is why I decide
to improve their children's Socio-Emotional Development skills through
Interaction and Relation among students.

I think Interaction and relationships among students is a fundamental tool for

Children's Socio-Emotional Development that is why I selected interaction and
relation among students as a sub-theme and developing Children's Socio-
Emotional Development ability at the primary level. My purpose was to enable the
students to be proficient in Children's Socio-Emotional.

Being able to understand and manage your interaction and relation among students
is an essential tool to survive in a community. Interaction and relation refer to the
interaction that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like
school. Characteristics of the school, teachers, and peer group all impress the
interaction of children within school settings. The family remains an important part
of children‘s interaction and relation among students, even when they enter into
school. Children, however, will now have other carrying people in their lives from
whom they will learn the skills of social interaction.

The rationale of selecting this topic was only to support students in developing
interaction and relation among students, and understand how teachers impact
interaction and relation level of 6th class. So that in future studies better ways
to develop interaction and relation among students level through the use of various
techniques and teachers behaviors could be understood.


I have noticed that many students had issues in their interaction and as a result,
there was a lack of relations in school and classroom. This resulted in the passive
environment for students if lack of communication from their side stopped them
from interaction and relation among students and reason that they felt like this was
probably lack of training of them to build their interaction and behave more
assertively or perhaps a collective effort overall on the majority of them was

In 6th class, I noticed that many students were very shy to undeceive their
problems that they do not know but I also found that many students of 6th class
have not able to clear their questions. So, they were lost their confidence.

"Interaction and Relation among students"

"Effective Children's Socio-Emotional Development depends upon the interaction

of the community mean to say at student life, simple and accurate terminology to
express ideas. This choice is based on the correct idea of the recipient in terms of
knowledge level and understanding of the issue at hand"

Interaction and relation among students are known as the basic term to live in a
community and I also noticed that at the primary level teacher were not try to
develop this ability Interaction and relation among students implies emphasizing on
specific goal or objective at a time rather than trying to move away from the track.
Interaction and relation among students help to understand messages easily.

This is the only reason behind choosing Interaction and relation among students
asmy action research topic.


What was your discussion with your colleague/friend / senior

teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)

(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for a

better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions)

The major problem of the 6th class is the lack of ―Interaction and Relation
among students to define something which is a big problem in class special for rural
area‘s schools. In this regard 1st of all, I discussed these problems with the
headmaster of the institute in detail. After the meeting with Headmaster, I have
arranged a meeting with all the teaching staff of that school and discuss a problem
which I found my observations.

Before conducting the experimental research, I made a detailed discussion with my

supervisor and my colleague on managing the use of a smartphone, internet,
central processing unit, laptop, and other applications. During a discussion with
friends and teachers, I found that no education system can rise above the quality of
parents, they are expected to have sound intellectual skills, communication skills,
integrity, respect, trustworthiness, caring, confidentiality, good dressing habit, and
guidance oriented.

The problems were noticed in the student‘s ability to enhance their interaction and
relation. They used to lack the ability to deal in several classroom situations and

manage behaviors of themselves, in certain times and lather as a result, a passive
classroom environment on behalf of the students was the consequence.

After this, I met my supervisor and discuss this special topic which I found in
school regarding Children's Socio-Emotional. I tell my supervisor that I found
Interaction and relation among students issue in the 6th class of Govt. High School
Khuiratta and request them that I want to do my research on this topic.

After understanding my issue which I found in school during observation He

allows me to research "Interaction and Relation among students”. So, I work on
Interaction and relations among students


What did you find about the problem in the existing literature
(books/articles/websites)/ (10)

A small study looked at how underachievers' scholastic achievement and

compliance were affected by interactions with "warm" teachers or "friendly" peer
leaders. For nine months, a group of 28 underachievers in fourth, fifth, and sixth
grade were matched with ―warm‖ teachers; for four months, each member of a
second group of 31 underachievers was placed with a friendly peer leader.
Following the treatment periods, accomplishment and conformity characteristics
were compared between the experimental and control groups. DA Davis For the
peer leader therapy, there were significant changes in teacher grades, tardiness, and
the severity of disciplinary violations, as well as in the frequency and severity of
disciplinary crimes offenses for the ―warm‖ teacher condition.( KB Engle, GE
Mazer, 1968)

The goal of this study was to see if there was a link between academic achievement
and socioeconomic status and classroom behavior in grade four students. — The
study involved nine classrooms from rural St. John's schools, with four learning
issue kids and four average achievers serving as target students in each classroom.
Teacher rankings on reading achievements were used to determine the
achievement group. (LE Keogh, 1980)

The findings of this study have a number of ramifications for classroom

instruction. Different patterns of interactions were discovered for different
teachers, implying that different teachers had different levels of tolerance for
different sorts of student behavior in the classroom. The findings backed up recent
study that showed average-achieving pupils exhibited more on-task conduct.
Teachers could use the differences in peer directed behavior displayed by the eight
groups of kids in this study to better understand peer interactions in the classroom
and control disruptive conduct. (LE Keogh, 1980)

The authors investigated a social-contextual view of the mechanisms and processes

by which early adolescents' achievement and peer connections can be promoted
simultaneously in this study, emphasizing the developmental requirement for
positive peer interactions. CJ Rosette, DW Johnson A meta-analysis was
conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of cooperative, competitive, and
individualistic goal frameworks in promoting early adolescent achievement and
positive peer relationships in 148 independent investigations.(RT Johnson , 2008)

This study examines, evaluates, and compares five recently published strategies for
performing cooperative small-group learning in the classroom, as well as the
experimental studies done by the developers of these methods. Aronson's Jigsaw
classroom, DeVries' Teams-Games-Tournaments (TGT), Slavin's Student Teams

and Academic Divisions (STAD), the Johnsons' cooperative learning approach,
and the Sharans' Small-group Teaching style are the five ways. These cooperative
small-group strategies appear to have notable effects on a number of cognitive and
social-affective characteristics, suggesting new study directions.( S Sharan, 1980)

Peer interaction during learning assignments has sparked a lot of curiosity. AS

Palincsar, AL Brown Numerous research have shown that peer tutoring and
cooperative learning arrangements improve academic, social, and affective
outcomes; yet, little emphasis has been paid to the method by which these changes
occur. This article describes an exploratory peer tutoring project that focused on
modelling a process of interaction to increase text learning.(SM Martin, 1987)

Classroom observations in four grade were used to assess the quality of teacher–
student interactions (emotional support, classroom organisation, and instructional
support); peer behaviour was assessed through teacher reports (prosocial
behaviour, aggression, relational aggression, and asocial behaviour) in fourth and
fifth grades, as well as classroom observations (sociable/cooperative peer
behaviour) in third and fourth grades. Children in fifth grade classrooms with
higher quality organisation interactions had more pleasant observed interactions
with their classmates and lower teacher ratings of aggressiveness and relational
aggression, according to multiple regression analyses.( AE Luckner, RC Pianta,

Peer learning has been demonstrated in studies to boost children's self-esteem,

arouse their interest in difficult tasks, improve academic achievement, and develop
prosocial conduct. It is particularly helpful in allowing children to learn
fundamental concepts that underpin school curricula. Peer learning is divided into
two categories: "peer tutoring" and "peer cooperation." Peer tutoring can be used to

pass on information and practise specific skills, while peer cooperation can help
with intellectual discovery and the acquisition of fundamental knowledge.( W
Damon, 1984)


What is the major variables/constraint of your project? Given

definition/description from literature. (05 marks)

(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean by
these terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term
when used in this project?)

In my action research project, interaction and relation among students is major


Interaction and Relation among students

―Peer interaction is something that children often manage on their own from a
young age and are thus expected to do without too much adult engagement. When
an adult is present, the interaction is no longer largely a peer interaction. This
presents a barrier for both parents and professionals who work with children who
have language and communication difficulties.‖ (Landa, 2007)

Collaborative Learning:

Brown (2001) defines Collaborative learning is an educational technique that

involves working in groups to improve learning. Two or more students work
together to solve issues, accomplish projects, or learn new concepts in groups of
two or more. Scholars have recognized collaborative learning as a particularly
successful instructional strategy to higher education.

 Interaction and relation among students is dependent variable.
 Collaborative learning is independent variable.


What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)

(Objective/purpose of the study; what was the critical question that

was tried to be answered in this project)

The topic that I choose in my action research project is to develop Children‘s

Socio-Emotional Development skills through ―Interaction and relation among students

According to my topic, my objective is as under.


 Review social-Emotional development in children.

 Develop a sense of interaction and relationships among students.
 Identify the Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development skills among the
students of the 6th class through collaborative learning.
 To Explain the Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development skills among the
students of the 6th class through collaborative learning.
 To describe the role o f ― Interaction a n d r e l a t i o n s among
students” in enhancing Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development skills
among the students of 6th class through collaborative learning.
 To suggest how we can enhance Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development
skills among the students of the 6th class through collaborative learning.


My purpose was building interaction and relation among students for
educational success in their behavior at 6th class students in collaborative
learning environment.

Critical Question:

1. How can we explain the role of ―Interaction and relation among students
in developing Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development among the students
of 6th class through collaborative learning?
2. How we can enhance Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development among the
students of 6th class through a collaborative learning environment?


Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)

(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this

project e.g. the early-grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was
not good or the students of class VIII who did not have good
communication skills)

My research project is ―Interaction and relation among students in Children‘s Socio -

Emotional Development so, the participant involved in my research is as under.

 Students
 Tecahers


The population from which the sample was selected is mainly the class 6th of
school having lower interaction level as per the pre-test report. A total of "20"
students and 2 teachers were taken as a sample of the study. Applying the matched

pair random sampling technique, So, the total sample size was 22, including 22
teachers and students. Students were selected from the 6th class. This sample
provides appropriate knowledge regarding all the students in the school. They were
studying at the school's Govt. High School Khuiratta .

Teachers: Participant of the project were the primary teachers of Govt. High
School Khuiratta . Teachers participated in project as a viewer who solved the
provided questioner. According to their experience and observations in the class
they filled the questioner which helped a lot in judging the views of different
teacher that how they feel that students can be made able to interaction and relation
among students in classroom at 6th class. Research was not possible without the
participation of teachers because teachers are observer of daily affairs occurs in
class. They teach the students how to deal with each other in annoying situations.
For making them understand the ideas they perform different simple activities
which increase the interest of students in class an also make them able to
interaction and relation among students by their own.


How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)

(Narrate the process step-wise. The procedure of intervention and

data collection)

When I start my research project I observed that class 6th, in which 20 students at
the start of my observation judge that most of the students have no Interaction and
Relation among students in children's Socio-Emotional. According to my action
research topic lack of interaction and relation among students in Children‘s
Emotional Development is a major problem due to this we cannot convey our
messages to others in an efficient way.
I have chosen the 6th class for my action research at Govt. High School Khuiratta
In stating I judge the problem and prepared a Performa, observation sheet, and
evaluation sheet. After this, I keenly judge the problem and made a master plan to
solve the lack of interaction and Relation among students problem in social -
Emotional. I solve this problem in this activity.

Steps of Process:

1) Focus selection
2) Clarification of theories

3) Identification of research questions

4) Data collection

5) Data Analysis

6) Result Reporting

Focus selection:

Action research begins with identifying the focus. Focus selection is main step in
which we select the direction where we will go in rest of our research. In this
project I also start work with selection of the theme/topic i.e. ―Enhancement of
interaction and relation among students through collaborative learning environment
of Class 6th students‖ Reading the previous work done by authentic researchers

help a lot to know that how much work is done and what more can be done on it.
Previous works give right direction in less time.

Clarification of theories:

To next step of action research is to identify the values and believes and theoretical
aspect which need next for research. These values help to work further on focus.
As my focus is about developing ability among students to interaction and relation
among students through collaborative learning at 6th class so in this step I selected
the collaborative types which were useful in developing the sense of interaction
and relation among students. I have chosen the way which would be useful in my
study. For this purpose I took help from experience teachers and also from
literature review I got much useful information.

Identification of research questions:

Once the focus area is selected and the values, theoretical perspective and beliefs
of researchers are clarified then the next step is to generate the questions of the
topics which will be meant to guide the inquiry.

Data collection:

Everyone desires the best data including educators who are professional in their
field so that they can take their decision on the basis of that data. Action research
also includes this step to collect the data. But data must be valid and reliable at the
same time. Validity means data truly depict the researcher work and focus and
reliability means data taken from the sources is reliable to use. To gain the
reliability and validity of data at the same time we cannot rely on single source to
gate rata. For this purpose we have to use multiple sources for data collectio n. To
gather data from multiple sources is called triangulation. I followed same policy to

collect the data. I did conferences with teachers, use work sheets and questioners as
a tool to collect the data for my project.

Data Analysis:

Data analysis is usually a complex step which mostly uses different tabulations and
statistical calculations. But in action research, case is quite different. In this
research it may be user friendly procedure which may help a lot the researchers to
get the results. I also go through this process. It was easy process for me because it
includes the tabulation of questioner‘s result and observation sheets. In some case I
also took help of class teacher to gather data for me through observation sheets
during their class what they experience in the class. All this procedure helped me a
lot in analyzing data.

Result Reporting:

This step relates with reporting result. Where we have to report or present our
research work to the others which may work as a guideline for their future work.
Actually my focus topic was related to the class room environment where a teacher
is mostly alone with his students. No one usually judge the teacher at that time.
Such lonely environment creates problems in getting reliable data. That‘s why I
supported the data by different data gathering tools. I reported results in my group
discussion with my colleagues and also made report for evaluation by my
supervisor as well as my examiner.


What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the
instrument developed? (05 marks)

(For example observation, rating scale, interview, student work,
portfolio, test, etc.)

For collection of data from students I decided to select Govt. High School
Khuiratta. My project was to develop the ability to interaction and relation among
students among students through collaborative learning at 6th class. Students of
grade one to five were my target population.

Instruments Used for data Collection:

 Observation Sheet
 Data Collection
 Rating scale
 Questionnaire

Observation Sheet:

In the very beginning, I have prepared an observation sheet to judge the general
aspect of Socialization of Children‘s Socio-Emotional.

Data Collection:

In last, I prepared a questionnaire based on a rating scale and then I judged the
improvement in their attitude during social situations and their class participation.

Rating Scale:

Rating scale has prepared for collection, description, scale users, its data collection
and method and data analysis was done for the result.


A questionnaire consists of series of questions which are asked by different people

who are relevant to that questionnaire. A questionnaire is typically combination of
open ended and close ended questions. The questions in questionnaire must be
unbiased as possible. It is more feasible and efficient research method than in
depth interviews. Questionnaire is cheaper to conduct than interviews. They also
save time for both parties because it can be filled quickly. And presence of the
person is not necessary who is conducting this research. As I concerned with the
classroom affairs and my project deal with the activities one in class to develop the
ability of interaction and relation among students among students that‘s why my
questions were related to the class environment.


What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and

analysis as an appendix) (10 marks)


As previously mentioned that data collection phase was conducted through two
tools of data collection. For collection of data I choose 6th class students and
teachers of Govt. High School Khuiratta . In this section we will describe every
tool with conclusion.


The tool used to collect data was questionnaire. It included the response of
students and teachers. Questionnaire selected was very easy to answer because it

included low age group of 6th class. I choose option questionnaire including agree,
satisfy and disagree.

Interaction and relation among students Questionnaire

Instructor: ………………………………………… Date and Time: …………………………………………
Experience (if Teacher): …………………….Grade (if Student):

SR Statements Agree Satisfy Disagree

1 I use free time in an acceptable and 70% 20% 10%
productive way.

2 I invite others to join in activities. 60% 30% 10%

3 I finish class homeworks/assignments 95% 4% 1%

within time limits

4 I make friends easily. 50% 20% 30%

5 I responds appropriately to teasing by peers.. 50% 40% 10%

6 I control temper in conflict situations. 80% 5% 15%

7 I give compliments to peers 60% 20% 20%

8. I volunteer to help peers with classroom 40% 45% 5%

The goal of this action research is to improve Interaction and relation among
students inChildren‘s Socio-Emotional Development ability. In this research as a
result of a
questionnaire that almost 60% of students strongly agreed, 25% of students just
normally agreed and just 15% of students give a neutral answer.

Therefore I have seen that the majority of the students agreed to the fact of learning
about Interaction and relation among students in Children‘s Socio-Emotional
Development and its importance in Children‘s Socio-Emotional.


By using several methods to improved interaction and relation among students

Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development in students. Students can solve
problems. I conducted several tests to check the improvement and I was satisfied
because of the great difference between pre and post Children‘s Socio-Emotional
Development test. The improvement is also shown from the behavior of the
student, like dressing Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development in class and
children‘s Socio-Emotional Development with other teachers. Improvement has
also shown attitude during the action, during implementation. The students were
more interactive than before.


Guideline for Reflective Report

The following questions are guidelines to reflect your feeling and progress.

 Do feel more improved?

 Which find a more useful part?
 What we’re solving strategies you used to overcome the problems?
 How is helping your interaction and relation among students
improvement inChildren‘s Socio-Emotional?
 What is group interaction and relation among students?

 What is work interaction and relation among students?
 Why is the interaction process important for a group?


Summary of the project? (05 marks)

(What and how was the research conducted -main objective,

process, and finding)

Although, the study title in scope, gives an interesting result. For my action
research, I have selected my school. University recommended some basic
Children‘s Socio-Emotional Development skills with Theme and sub Theme was
included I choose Interaction and Relation among students in Children’s Socio-
Emotional Development as a sub- theme and my topic is developing children‘s
Socio-Emotional Development Skill among the students through ― Interaction and
Relation among students‖. I choose Interaction and Relation among students in
Children‗s Socio-Emotional Development of class skill because I found a lack of
Interaction and relation in children‘s socio Emotional Development of the 6th

My project participant were students of 6th class. Before starting my work I made a
Performa judge the student's interaction and relation with others in Children’s
Socio-Emotional Development skills. In my class, there were 20 students. In the
rural area mother language in Punjab so, that students fail to communicate with
others in the national language clear. I decided to solve this problem. This not only
affect their academic performance but also the behavior in the class because the
student could fit in that place as there is a battle going within himself.

So, the objective of this study is to enhance the socio-emotional of the student,
improve the interaction and relation among students in the classroom through
collaborative learning environment. For this research, I discussed with my
supervisor and my colleagues, they really helped me and gave me different ideas
and approaches that I could really use. After that I went through the literature that
has already been stated so that I can get the idea what kind of work has already
been done and how it should be carried out so that it could be completed in time as

After Several activities students feel active, happy, more confident and easily
interact among students


How do you feel about this practice? What have you learned? (Self-
Reflection) (10 marks)

I feel this project did not just helpful the students but also made me to a better,
positive about myself and more interactive towards other type of person and it
developed my ability of adopting actions and behaviors in a way which does not
make me feel I am less others or I am unworthy.

I was a trainee teacher by AIOU and conduct an action research project at my

school. When I start this project I felt afraid but when I start my work at the staff
of Govt. High School Khuiratta was also with me. This amazing works for me to
work for Socio-Emotional Development.

So I have chosen Interaction and Relation among students to develop the
socialization skill of students. By conducting this project I also learnt a lot of
knowledge about Interaction and Relation Among students. This is an excellent
step of AIOU because through research work teachers are familiar with the modern
way of teaching as well as updating regarding students behavior. By conducting
this project teacher able to work on student’s performance.


Self-reflection means just like you are looking in to the mirror and describing that
what you are observing. It is a very important element of any research to
sequentially do self-reflection. Self-reflection gives you awareness of yourself.
You can judge that what were you and now what you are. What are
improvements in you and what are needed? And if I do myself reflection regarding
this project then I will say that I learn almost every aspect of my personality. I
learn at every stage of my research, either it was a class or questionnaire or it was
observation sheet. Every ting was building my confidence and everything was
grooming me. It was an experience that was enriched with joy, ethics, manners and
experience. It is an unforgettable experience of my life.


What has it added to your professional skills as a Teacher? (05marks)

As we know that action research is based on a local level. So, this action research
added some new things to my knowledge. This action research also makes me a
good organizer and I am internally motivated also. This research enables me to

aware of my abilities and efficiency as well as to motivate others and judge my
ability self-awareness.

1. Identify the Problem

This research also made me able to motivate others and try to improve their
Making Choice behavior in the society as well as the ability of self-efficiency and
also find the solution of the problem to motivate.

2. Analysis

This action research project also build the ability of analysis in me. Due to this
research, I‘m able to analyze the problems and also its solution. After this project,
I‘m also able to analyze the situation and self-motivational behavior.

3. Creativity

This project made me innovative and I start to find new things and knowledge. I
also start to motivate others and addressed the people on various occasions to be
well aware of abilities and to differentiate according to the ability rather than
copies others.

4. Implementation

After and during my work on the impact of Motivation on students of 6th class or
the Achievement Life through Making Choice, I feel that I’m able to implement
my plans according to the situation to get good results because during the research
work I made many plans and implement them in various situations.

As a teacher, it adds to me the basic skill of

self-motivation and motivation to others as well as Making a Choice.

Q. 13 List a work you added in your project ( follow the APA model in
6 th - edition)? (05 marks)

Examples of format are available on websites.

August, D. L. (1982). The effects of peer tutoring on the second-language

acquisition of Hispanic elementary school children (Doctoral dissertation,
Stanford University).

Al-Rahmi, W. M., Othman, M. S., & Musa, M. A. (2014). The improvement of

students' academic performance by using social media through collaborative
learning in Malaysian higher education. Asian Social Science, 10(8), 210.

Croff, J., Cox, R., Washburn, I., Liu, C., & Broadbent, C. (2017). Multilevel
effects of alcohol among early adolescents in an urban school district. The
International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research.

Damon, W. (1984). Peer education: The untapped potential. Journal of applied

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