Aops Community 2015 Indonesia Mo Shortlist
Aops Community 2015 Indonesia Mo Shortlist
Aops Community 2015 Indonesia Mo Shortlist
– Algebra
A2 Suppose a real number so that there is a non-constant polynomial P (x) such that P (x+1)−P
P (x+π)
x+π for each real number x, with x + π 6= 0 and P (x + π) 6= 0.
for every x, y, z ∈ R
and there exists some real a such that f (x, a) = f (a, x) for every x ∈ R.
q q q
A5 Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that a
b+c + b
c+a + b
c+a + c
a+b + c
a+b + a
b+c ≥3
for every x, y ∈ R+ .
f (x)
(a) Prove that g(x) = 2015 for every x ∈ R+ .
(b) State an example of function that satisfy the equation above and f (x), g(x) ≥ 1 for every
x ∈ R+ .
A7 Suppose P (n) is a nonconstant polynomial where all of its coefficients are nonnegative inte-
gers such that
P (i)|nP (n + 1)
for every n ∈ N.
Prove that there exists an integer k ≥ 0 such that
P (n) = P (1)
for every n ∈ N.
– Combinatorics
C1 Given natural number n. Suppose that N is the maximum number of elephants that can be
placed on a chessboard measuring 2 × n so that no two elephants are mutually under attack.
Determine the number of ways to put N elephants on a chessboard sized 2 × n so that no two
elephants attack each other.
Alternative Formulation:
Determine the number of ways to put 2015 elephants on a chessboard measuring 2 × 2015 so
there are no two elephants attacking each othe
PS. Elephant = Bishop
C2 Given 2n natural numbers, so that the average arithmetic of those 2n number is 2. If all the
number is not more than 2n. Prove we can divide those 2n numbers into 2 sets, so that the
sum of each set to be the same.
C3 We have 2015 marbles in a box, where each marble has one color from red, green or blue.
At each step, we are allowed to take 2 different colored marbles, then replace it with 2 marbles
with the third color. For example, we take one blue marble and one green marble, and we fill
with 2 red marbles.
Prove that we can always do a series of steps so that all marbles in the box have the same
A meeting was attended by n people. They are welcome to occupy the k table provided k ≤ n2 .
Each table is occupied by at least two people. When the meeting begins, the moderator selects
two people from each table as representatives for talk to. Suppose that A is the number of
ways to choose representatives to speak.
Determine the maximum value of A that is possible.
C6 Let k be a fixed natural number. In the infinite number of real line, each integer is colored with
color ..., red, green, blue, red, green, blue, ... and so on. A number of flea settles at first at integer
points. On each turn, a flea will jump over the other tick so that the distance k is the original
distance. Formally, we may choose 2 tails A, B that are spaced n and move A to the different
side of B so the current distance is kn. Some fleas may occupy the same point because we
consider the size of fleas very small. Determine all the values of k so that, whatever the initial
position of the ticks, we always get a position where all ticks land on the same color.
C7 Show that there is a subset of A from {1, 2, 3, ..., 2014} such that :
(i) |A| = 12
(ii) for each coloring number in A with red or white , we can always find some numbers colored
in A whose sum is 2015.
C8 It is known that there are 3 buildings in the same shape which are located in an equilateral
triangle. Each building has a 2015 floor with each floor having one window. In all three build-
ings, every 1st floor is uninhabited, while each floor of others have exactly one occupant. All
windows will be colored with one of red, green or blue. The residents of each floor of a building
can see the color of the window in the other buildings of the the same floor and one floor just
below it, but they cannot see the colors of the other windows of the two buildings. Besides
that, sresidents cannot see the color of the window from any floor in the building itself. For
example, resident of the 10th floor can see the colors of the 9th and 10th floor windows for the
other buildings (a total of 4 windows) and he can’t see the color of the other window. We want
to color the windows so that each resident can see at lest 1 window of each color. How many
ways are there to color those windows?
C9 Given 2015 balls. Astri and Budi will play a game. At first, Astri will choose two different num-
bers a and b from the set S = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 30}. Budi will then choose another 2 different num-
bers c and d from the remaining 28 numbers in set S.
By taking turns, starting from Astri, they take balls with the following rules:
(1) Astri could only take a or b balls.
(2) Budi could only take c or d balls.
until someone couldn’t take any balls satisfying the condition given (and that person will lose).
Prove that Budi could choose c, d such that he has a strategy to ensure his victory on this
– Geometry
G1 Given a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD so that AB = AD and AB + BC < CD. Prove that the
angle ABC is more than 120 degrees.
G2 Two circles that are not equal are tangent externally at point R. Suppose point P is the inter-
section of the external common tangents of the two circles. Let A and B are two points on
different circles so that RA is perpendicular to RB. Show that the line AB passes through P .
G3 Given ABC triangle with incircle L1 and circumcircle L2 . If points X, Y, Z lie on L2 , such that
XY, XZ are tangent to L1 , then prove that Y Z is also tangent to L1 .
G4 Given an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = AC, suppose D is the midpoint of the AC. The
circumcircle of the DBC triangle intersects the altitude from A at point E inside the triangle
ABC, and the circumcircle of the triangle AEB cuts the side BD at point F . If CF cuts AE at
point G, prove that AE = EG.
G5 Let ABC be an acute triangle. Suppose that circle Γ1 has it’s center on the side AC and is
tangent to the sides AB and BC, and circle Γ2 has it’s center on the side AB and is tangent
to the sides AC and BC. The circles Γ1 and Γ2 intersect at two points P and Q. Show that if
A, P, Q are collinear, then AB = AC.
G6 Let ABC be an acute angled triangle with circumcircle O. Line AO intersects the circumcircle
of triangle ABC again at point D. Let P be a point on the side BC. Line passing through
P perpendicular to AP intersects lines DB and DC at E and F respectively . Line passing
through D perpendicular to BC intersects EF at point Q. Prove that EQ = F Q if and only if
BP = CP .
G7 Given an acute triangle ABC. ΓB is a circle that passes through AB, tangent to AC at A and
centered at OB . Define ΓC and OC the same way. Let the altitudes of 4ABC from B and C
meets the circumcircle of 4ABC at X and Y , respectively. Prove that A, the midpoint of XY
and the midpoint of OB OC is collinear.
G8 ABC is an acute triangle with AB > AC. ΓB is a circle that passes through A, B and is tangent
to AC on A. Define similar for ΓC . Let D be the intersection ΓB and ΓC and M be the midpoint
of BC. AM cuts ΓC at E. Let O be the center of the circumscibed circle of the triangle ABC.
Prove that the circumscibed circle of the triangle ODE is tangent to ΓB .
– Number Theory
N2 Suppose that a, b are natural numbers so that all the roots of x2 + ax − b and x2 − ax + b are in-
tegers. Show that exists a right triangle with integer sides, with a the length of the hypotenuse
and b the area .
N4 Suppose that the natural number a, b, c, d satisfy the equation aa ba+b = cc dc+d .
(a) If gcd (a, b) = gcd (c, d) = 1, prove that a = c and b = d.
(b) Does the conclusion a = c and b = d apply, without the condition gcd (a, b) = gcd (c, d) = 1?
N5 Given a prime number n ≥ 5. Prove that for any natural number a ≤ n2 , we can search for
natural number b ≤ n2 so the number of non-negative integer solutions (x, y) of the equation
ax + by = n to be odd*.
* For example when n = 7, a = 3, we can chooseb = 1 so that there number of solutions og
3x + y = 7 to be 3 (odd), namely: (0, 7), (1, 4), (2, 1)
N6 Defined as N0 as the set of all non-negative integers. Set S ⊂ N0 with not so many elements
is called beautiful if for every a, b ∈ S with a ≥ b (a and b do not have to be different), exactly
one of a + b or a − b is in S. Set T ⊂ N0 with not so many elements is called charming if the
largest number k such that up to 3k |a is the same for each element a ∈ T . Prove that each
beautiful set must be charming.
N7 For every natural number a and b, define the notation [a, b] as the least common multiple of a
and b and the notation (a, b) as the greatest common divisor of a and b. Find all n ∈ N that
n n n
X X X 1
4 [n, k] = 1 + (n, k) + 2n2
(n, k)
k=1 k=1 k=1
N8 The natural number n is said to be good if there are natural numbers a and b that satisfy
a + b = n and ab|n2 + n + 1.
(a) Show that there are infinitely many good numbers.
(b) Show that if n is a good number, then 7 - n.