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Mock AIME 2015

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Mock AIME I 2015

David Altizio, Justin Stevens

August 19, 2014

This Mock AIME is the result of our efforts to produce a mock Mandelbrot contest through the
summer. It is meant to be treated as a real mock AIME - in other words, three hours and no calculators.
All the problems were written by us, and most of them have been kept secret until now. Good luck!

Problems Mock AIME I 2015 Page 2

1. David, Justin, Richard, and Palmer are demonstrating a “math magic” concept in front of an audience.
There are four boxes, labeled A, B, C, and D, and each one contains a different number. First, David
pulls out the numbers in boxes A and B and reports that their product is 14. Justin then claims that
the product of the numbers in boxes B and C is 16, and Richard states the product of the numbers in
boxes C and D to be 18. Finally, Palmer announces the product of the numbers in boxes D and A. If
k is the number that Palmer says, what is 20k?

2. Suppose that x and y are real numbers such that logx 3y = 20 2

13 and log3x y = 3 . The value of log3x 3y
can be expressed in the form b where a and b are positive relatively prime integers. Find a + b.

3. Let A, B, C be points in the plane such that AB = 25, AC = 29, and ∠BAC < 90◦ . Semicircles with
diameters AB and AC intersect at a point P with AP = 20. Find the length of line segment BC.

4. At the AoPS Carnival, there is a “Weighted Dice” game show. This game features two identical looking
weighted 6 sided dice. For each integer 1 ≤ i ≤ 6, Die A has 21 probability of rolling the number i,
while Die B has a 21 probability of rolling i. During one session, the host randomly chooses a die, rolls
it twice, and announces that the sum of the numbers on the two rolls is 10. Let P be the probability
that the die chosen was Die A. When P is written as a fraction in lowest terms, find the sum of the
numerator and denominator.

5. In an urn there are a certain number (at least two) of black marbles and a certain number of white
marbles. Steven blindfolds himself and chooses two marbles from the urn at random. Suppose the
probability that the two marbles are of opposite color is 21 . Let k1 < k2 < · · · < k100 be the 100
smallest possible values for the total number of marbles in the urn. Compute the remainder when
k1 + k2 + k3 + · · · + k100
is divided by 1000.

6. Find the number of 5 digit numbers using only the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 such that every pair of
adjacent digits is no more than 1 apart. For instance, 12345 and 33234 are acceptable numbers, while
13333 and 56789 are not.

7. For all points P in the coordinate plane, let P 0 denote the reflection of P across the line y = x. For
example, if P = (3, 1), then P 0 = (1, 3). Define a function f such that for all points P , f (P ) denotes
the area of the triangle with vertices (0, 0), P , and P 0 . Determine the number of lattice points Q in
the first quadrant such that f (Q) = 8!.

8. Let a, b, c be consecutive terms (in that order) in an arithmetic sequence with common difference d.
Suppose cos b and cos d are roots of a monic quadratic p(x) with p(− 12 ) = 2014
. Then
| cos a + cos b + cos c + cos d | =
for positive relatively prime integers p and q. Find the remainder when p + q is divided by 1000.

9. Compute the number of positive integer triplets (a, b, c) with 1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 500 that satisfy the following
(a) abc is a perfect square,
(b) (a + 7b)c is a power of 2,
(c) a is a multiple of b.
10. Let f be a function defined along the rational numbers such that f ( m 1
n ) = n for all relatively prime
positive integers m and n. The product of all rational numbers 0 < x < 1 such that
x − f (x) 9
f = f (x) +
1 − f (x) 52
can be written in the form q for positive relatively prime integers p and q. Find p + q.
Problems Mock AIME I 2015 Page 3

11. Suppose α, β, and γ are complex numbers that satisfy the system of equations

α + β + γ = 6,
α + β 3 + γ 3 = 87,

(α + 1)(β + 1)(γ + 1) = 33.

1 1 1 m
If α + β + γ = n for positive relatively prime integers m and n, find m + n.

12. Alpha and Beta play a game on the number line below.

-2 -1 0 1 2

Both players start at 0. Each turn, Alpha has an equal chance of moving 1 unit in either the positive
or negative directions while Beta has a 32 chance of moving 1 unit in the positive direction and a 13
chance of moving 1 unit in the negative direction. The two alternate turns with Alpha going first. If a
player reaches 2 at any point in the game, he wins; however, if a player reaches −2, he loses and the
other player wins. If pq is the probability that Alpha beats Beta, where p and q are relatively prime
positive integers, find p + q.

13. Let A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 be a hexagon inscribed inside a circle of radius r. Furthermore, for each positive
integer 1 ≤ i ≤ 6 let Mi be the midpoint of the segment Ai Ai+1 , where A7 ≡ A1 . Suppose that hexagon
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 can also be inscribed inside a circle. If A1 A2 = A3 A4 = 5 and A5 A6 = 23, then r2
can be written in the form m n where m and n are positive relatively prime integers. Find m + n.

14. Consider a set of n(n+1)

2 pennies laid out in the formation of an equilateral triangle with “side length”
n. You wish to move some of the pennies so that the triangle is flipped upside down. For example,
with n = 2, you could take the top penny and move it to the bottom to accomplish this task, as shown:

Let Sn be the minimum number of pennies for which this can be done in terms of n. Find S50 .

15. Let 4ABC be a triangle with AB = 13, BC = 14, and CA = 15. Let O denote its circumcenter and H
its orthocenter. The circumcircle of 4AOH intersects AB and AC at D and E respectively. Suppose
AD m
AE = n where m and n are positive relatively prime integers. Find m − n.

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