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Mock AMC 12 Solutions: Scrabbler94 L TEX Template By: Scrabbler94

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Mock AMC 12 Solutions

LATEX template by: scrabbler94

1. Answer: (A) The price of four candy bars is 4 × $2.50 = $10. If

five candy bars are bought, the price is 5 × $2.50 × 0.7 = $8.75. The
amount saved by buying five candy bars instead of four is $10−$8.75 =
(A) $1.25 .
Alternate solution: With the 30% discount, buying five candy bars is
equivalent to buying 5 × 0.7 = 3.5 candy bars at full price. Then
Nathan saves the cost of half a candy bar, or $1.25.

2. Answer: (A) Suppose there are 3x boys and 4x girls in the class.
Then 14 · 3x = 43 x boys have a pet, and 13 · 4x = 43 x girls have a pet.
Then there are 34 x + 34 x = 25
12 x sophomores who have a pet. The
percentage of boys is
3 3
4x 4 9
25 = 25 = = (A) 36%
12 x 12

3. Answer: (D) We can simplify by dividing both numerator and de-

nominator by 2017!, in which we obtain
2020! + 2019! 2020 · 2019 · 2018 + 2019 · 2018
2018! + 2017! 2018 + 1
= 2020 · 2018 + 2018
= 2021 · 2018
= (D) 4078378

Note we can skip the multiplication of two 4-digit numbers as only

choice (D) has a units digit of 8.

4. Answer: (C) We can tessellate the area as follows, using dotted

triangles as indicated:

2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 2


... ...


The fraction of area covered by the triangular tiles is approximately the

fraction of area covered by one triangular tile within a dotted triangle.
Without loss of generality, suppose each tile has a side length  √ of
Then the side length of one of the dotted triangles is 1 + 2 2 =

1 + 3. The ratio of the area of the shaded triangle to the area of a
dotted triangle is the square of the ratio of their side lengths, which is
12 1 1
√ = √ ≈ ≈ (C) 13% .
(1 + 3)2 4+2 3 7.4
To be absolutely sure without use of a calculator, we note that 4+2 3
1 1√ 1
8 = 12.5%, and 4+2 3
< 7.4 < 14%.

5. Answer: (C) We do casework on whether 6 ∈ S.

If 6 ∈ S, then we can choose any or all elements of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} to
obtain a valid subset, giving 25 = 32 possible subsets.
If 6 6∈ S, then 3 must be in S, as well as either 2 or 4 (or both).
There is 1 way to choose whether 3 ∈ S, followed by 22 − 1 = 3 ways
to choose which of 2 and/or 4 are in S (either choose 2, 4, or both).
We can choose any or all elements of {1, 5} to determine S in 4 ways,
giving 1 × 3 × 4 = 12 possible subsets.
Adding both cases, there are 32 + 12 = (C) 44 subsets S whose
product is divisible by 6.
6. Answer: (B) We have f (g(x)) = |x2 − 4| and g(f (x)) = |x − 4|2 =
(x − 4)2 . Thus we wish to solve |x2 − 4| = (x − 4)2 for real x.
If |x| ≥ 2, then |x2 − 4| = x2 − 4, and solving the equation x2 − 4 =
(x − 4)2 = x2 − 8x + 16 gives x = 52 . If |x| ≤ 2, then |x2 − 4| = 4 − x2 ,
and the equation 4 − x2 = x2 − 8x + 16 rearranges to the quadratic
2x2 − 8x + 12 = 0 ⇐⇒ x2 − 4x + 6 = 0. This has no real solutions
as the discriminant is negative. Hence the number of real solutions is
(B) 1 .
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7. Answer: (A) Rewrite the given equation as a(bc + b + 1) = 64.

Clearly, a must be a power of 2 greater than 1, so bc + b + 1 must
equal 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. This implies bc + b = b(c + 1) must equal 1,
3, 7, 15, or 31. As b and c + 1 are at least 2, the number b(c + 1)
must be composite, and only 15 satisfies this condition, giving a = 4.
Then b(c + 1) = 15 giving solutions (b, c) = (3, 4) or (5, 2). There
are two ordered triples (a, b, c) of integers greater than or equal to 2
which work, namely (a, b, c) = (4, 3, 4) and (4, 5, 2). In either case,
a + b + c = (A) 11 .

8. Answer: (D) Extend the side lengths of the triangles to form square
AP QC of side length 7 as shown, where B is contained on P Q:

4 3
B 3

3 4

Let ∠ABC = α. Then tan α = − tan(π − α) = − tan(∠ABP +

∠CBQ). Noting that tan ∠ABP = BP = 74 and tan ∠CBQ = QB =
3 , we can use the addition formula for tangent:

tan ∠ABP + tan ∠CBQ

tan(∠ABP + ∠CBQ) =
1 − tan ∠ABP tan ∠CBQ
= 4 7 37
1− 4 · 3
12 49
= =−
− 37
49 49
Then tan α = − − = , so m + n = 49 + 37 = (D) 86 .
37 37
Alternate solution: Assign coordinates (0, 0), (5, 0), (5, 5), (0, 5) to the
square such that B has coordinates (0, 0). We can then find coordi-
←→ ←→
nates A( 16 37 37 9 37
5 , 5 ) and C( 5 , 5 ). The slope of lines AB and BC are 16 and
37 , respectively, so the angles formed by these lines and the positive
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 4

x-axis are tan−1 37

16 and tan
−1 9 . Thus, we have ∠ABC = tan−1 37 −
37 16
tan−1 37
. To find tan ∠ABC, we can compute tan(tan−1 37
16 −tan−1 9 )
using the subtraction formula for tangent, yielding
37 9 372 −9·16
16 − 37 16·37
tan ∠ABC = =
1 + 37
16 ·
37 · 25
as above.

9. Answer: (D) It is easy to check that Joanna can make all monetary
amounts of the form $5k, where k = 0, 1, . . . , 74, using denominations
which are multiples of 5. Using one or two $1 bills, she can also make
the amounts $5k +1 and $5k +2. Thus, there are 75 possible values for
k, each of which gives 3 different monetary amounts, giving 75 × 3 =
225 different amounts. However this includes $0 which is invalid (since
one or more bills is needed), so the answer is 225 − 1 = (D) 224 .

10. Answer: (B) If the √ ant crawls along the red path, as shown below,
the ant travels 2 + 3 units:

A better solution is for the ant to crawl along two square faces as

2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 5

Unfolding the two square faces, we see that the length of the path
equals the hypotenuse of a right triangle with leg lengths
√ 2 and 3;√by
the Pythagorean theorem, the distance crawled is 22 + 32 = 13
units. However, the optimum solution is to crawl along one square
face and one triangular face:

Unfolding the net, the path will appear as follows:

2 A

r  √ 2
3 2 3

We see that the length of the dotted path is 2 + 2+ 2 =

(B) 7 + 2 3 .

11. Answer: (D) By the change of base formula, we can rewrite log8 (a3 )
as log 2 (a )
log2 8 =
3 log2 a
3 = log2 a. Thus, the given equation simplifies to a
cubic in log2 a, namely 8(log2 a)3 − 8 log2 a − 1 = 0.
We observe that the cubic polynomial 8x3 − 8x − 1 has three distinct
real roots. This can be shown by looking at the graph of y = 8x3 −8x =
 √−x), which
8(x √ 
has roots 0, ±1 as well as local minima/maxima at x =
3 16 3
± 3 , ∓ 9 , in which shifting the graph down by 1 will still result
in a graph which crosses the x-axis at exactly three distinct points
(note that the computation of the local extrema is not needed; we
can also observe that y ± 12 = ∓3, which yields the same conclusion).
Thus, each real root of the cubic 8x3 −8x−1 gives exactly one solution
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 6

a to the original equation. Suppose the roots of 8x3 − 8x − 1 are x1 ,

x2 , x3 , and suppose their corresponding solutions are a1 , a2 , a3 , where
xi = log2 ai .
By Vieta’s formulas, we have x1 + x2 + x3 = 0 (as the x2 coefficient is
zero), which implies log2 a1 + log2 a2 + log2 a3 = 0 ⇐⇒ log2 a1 a2 a3 =
0 ⇐⇒ a1 a2 a3 = 1, so the product of the real solutions is (D) 1 .

12. Answer: (D) The numbers which are not multiples of 2, 3, or 5

eliminate children from the circle. Thus, if n children are originally in
the circle, then the first n − 1 such numbers eliminate children from
the circle, in which the (n − 1)th number is 121 by the conditions of
the problem. That is, we want to find the number of positive integers
less than or equal to 121 which are not multiples of 2, 3, or 5.
Consider the system of modular congruences

x ≡ a (mod 2)
x ≡ b (mod 3)
x ≡ c (mod 5)

where a ∈ {1}, b ∈ {1, 2}, and c ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}. By the Chinese

remainder theorem, any valid choice of a, b, c gives a unique solu-
tion for x (mod 30). As there are 1 × 2 × 4 = 8 choices for (a, b, c),
there are 8 numbers in {1, 2, . . . , 30} which are not multiples of 2,
3, or 5. Similarly, there are 8 numbers in {31, . . . , 60}, {61, . . . , 90},
{91, . . . , 120} which are not multiples of 2, 3, or 5. From this, we estab-
lish n − 1 = 4 × 8 + 1 = 33, so the number of children is n = (D) 34 .

13. Answer: (D) Observe that the prime factorization of 2021 is 43 × 47;
this can be seen easily from the difference of squares factorization
2021 = 452 − 22 = (45 − 2)(45 + 2).
Using Legendre’s formula, we have 2021! = 4348 × 4743 × K, where K
is not divisible by 43 or 47. Also, we have 2020! = 4347 × 4742 × K.
In order for lcm(n, 2020!) = 2021!, the smallest possible n is n =
4348 × 4743 , and the number of factors of n is (48 + 1)(43 + 1) =
49 × 44 = (D) 2156 .

14. Answer: (E) The prime factorization of 216 is 23 × 33 , so 216 has

(3+1)(3+1) = 16 factors. There are 163 = 212 equally likely outcomes
for the triple of numbers Robert draws.
Each divisor of 216 can be represented as an ordered pair (a, b) where
0 ≤ a ≤ 3 and 0 ≤ b ≤ 3, corresponding to the number 2a × 3b . Thus,
we can consider the equivalent problem of choosing a random ordered
pair (a, b) ∈ {0, . . . , 3} × {0, . . . , 3}, and finding the probability that
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 7

three such pairs sum to less than or equal to (3, 3) (where (x, y) ≤ (3, 3)
if and only if x ≤ 3 and y ≤ 3).
Suppose these three pairs are (a1 , b1 ), (a2 , b2 ), (a3 , b3 ). By stars and
bars, the number of non-negative integer solutions to a1 + a2 + a3 ≤ 3
equals the number of non-negative solutions to a1 + a2 + a3 + s = 3,
which is 63 = 20 (and similarly b1 + b2 + b3 ≤ 3). Any such 6-

tuple (a1 , a2 , a3 , b1 , b2 , b3 ) uniquely gives a sequence of three pairs or

equivalently, a valid outcome whose product is a factor of 216. Thus,
the number of valid outcomes is 202 = 400, and the probability is
400 25
= (E) .
15. Answer: (E) Note that there are four distinct lines which are tangent
to both ω1 and ω2 , but only one pair of lines intersects at a point on
segment O1 O2 , as shown. We will label the “steeper” line as `2 , though
this labeling is irrelevant.





We claim that P is the point (3, 4). Let A and B be the points where
`1 is tangent to circles ω1 and ω2 , respectively. By a simple AAA
argument, 4P AO1 ∼ 4P BO2 ; since the radius of ω2 is twice that of
ω1 , the ratio P O1 : P O2 is 1 : 2. This implies `1 intersects O1 O2 at
(3, 4). Similarly, `2 intersects O1 O2 at (3, 4), so P = (3, 4).
For simplicity, shift everything by (−3, −4) so that P is now the origin.
Thus, we have two lines passing through the origin which are tangent
to the circle (x + 3)2 + (y + 4)2 = 1, for which we can determine the
possible slopes. Let y = mx where m is the slope of `1 or `2 . Then
the following quadratic must have exactly one real solution x in order
for y = mx to be tangent:
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 8

(x + 3)2 + (mx + 4)2 = 1

(m2 + 1)x2 + (8m + 6)x + 24 = 0

The discriminant is ∆ = (8m + 6)2 − 4(m2 + 1)(24), which we set

to zero in order to have exactly one real solution x. We obtain the
resulting quadratic equation in m:

64m2 + 96m + 36 − 96m2 − 96 = 0

−32m2 + 96m − 60 = 0
8m2 − 24m + 15 = 0

Let m1 and m2 be the two real solutions of the above quadratic, cor-
responding to the slopes of `1 and `2 . By simple application of Vieta’s
formulas, we obtain m1 + m2 = 24 8 = 3.
Back in the original setting (before shifting by (−3, −4)), we have that
both lines intersect at P = (3, 4). Thus, if the equations of `1 and `2
are y = m1 x + b1 and y = m2 x + b2 , we have

4 = 3m1 + b1
4 = 3m2 + b2

implying b1 + b2 = 8 − 3(m1 + m2 ) = 8 − 3(3) = (E) − 1 .

16. Answer: (D) Let ak denote the largest real solution to the equation
f k (x) = 0, so that x1 = a2020 . We observe a pattern:

k=1: x2 − 20 = 0 =⇒ a1 = 20

2 2
k=2: (x − 20) − 20 = 0 =⇒ a2 = 20 + 20

k=3: ((x2 − 20)2 − 20)2 − 20 = 0 =⇒ a3 = 20 + 20 + 20

This pattern can be shown inductively. Suppose we know the value of

ak for some k ≥ 1. Then f k+1 (x) = (. . . ((x2 − 20)2 − 20)2 − . . .)2 − 20.
Here, the innermost x2 − 20 must be a root of f k (x), so in√order to
maximize x, we set x2 −20 = ak where x > 0, giving ak+1 = 20 + ak .
We claim that the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . is strictly increasing and
converges to the positive root of the polynomial
√ a2 − a − 20. To show
the sequence is increasing, we note that 20 < ak < 5 for all k ≥ 1
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 9

(provable inductively), and that 20 + ak > ak iff 20 + ak > a2k iff
(ak − 5)(ak + 4) < 0. As 4 <qak < 5, this inequality holds, so (ak )
p √
is strictly increasing. Let a = 20 + 20 + 20 + . . .; squaring both
sides gives a2 = 20 + a =⇒ a = −4, 5 by the quadratic formula. Since
a > 0, we take the positive root, or a = 5. However, a2020 is less than
5 (by an extremely small amount); that is, x1 = a2020 = 4.999 . . . < 5.
Here it is sufficient to bound 4.95 < x1 < 5, so that 24.5 < x21 < 25.
To find x0 , we observe that f k (x) is an even function for all k ≥ 1.
This can be shown inductively; f 1 (x) is even, and if f k−1 (x) is even,
then f k (−x) = f 1 (f k−1 (−x)) = f 1 (f k−1 (x)) = f k (x). Thus for real
x, we have f 2020 (x) = 0 iff f 2020 (−x) = 0, so x0 = −x1 ≈ −4.999 . . .;
that is, |x0 | = |x1 | ≈ 4.999 . . .. Then 49 < x20 + x21 < 50, so the largest
integer less than or equal to x20 + x21 is (D) 49 .

17. Answer: (B) Let us define a positive integer as ascending (resp.

descending) if its digits are in strictly increasing (decreasing) order.
Note that 1, 2, . . . , 9 are both ascending and descending. For now, we
will count the number of ascending numbers which are 1 (mod 3).
Observe that there is a bijection between the set of ascending numbers
which are 1 (mod 3) and the set of ascending numbers which are 2
(mod 3). The bijection is as follows: given an ascending number n,
map it to the ascending number which contains all and only all digits
1-9 which are not contained in n. For example, 7 maps to 12345689,
and 24578 maps to 1369. This is valid as 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + 9 = 45 ≡ 0
(mod 3).
There are 29 − 1 = 511 ascending numbers; this is easily seen as
any nonempty subset of {1, 2, . . . , 9} induces exactly one ascending
number. It suffices to find the number of ascending numbers which
are multiples of 3. Using the divisibility rule for 3, this is equivalent to
finding the number of nonempty subsets of {1, 2, 3, . . . , 9} whose sum is
divisible by 3. More generally, this can be done using the roots of unity
filter (see Alternate Solution); a simple solution is to use casework by
considering the digits modulo 3. Let x1 , x2 represent the number of
digits (elements) which are 1 (mod 3) and 2 (mod 3) respectively.

ˆ Case 1: (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 0) (all digits are 0 (mod 3)). This gives
23 − 1 = 7 subsets.
ˆ Case 2: (x1 , x2 ) = (1, 1). This gives 31 × 31 × 23 = 72 subsets.

ˆ Case 3: (x1 , x2 ) = (2, 2). This gives 32 × 32 × 23 = 72 subsets.


ˆ Case 4: (x1 , x2 ) = (3, 0). This gives 33 × 23 = 8 subsets.

ˆ Case 5: (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 3). Similarly this gives 33 × 23 = 8

2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 10

ˆ Case 6: (x1 , x2 ) = (3, 3). This gives 8 subsets.

Altogether we count 7 + 72 + 72 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 175 nonempty subsets of

{1, 2, 3, . . . , 9} (equivalently, ascending numbers) whose sum is divisi-
ble by 3. Then 511 − 175 = 336 ascending numbers are not divisible
by 3. By the above bijection, exactly half of these leave remainder 1
when divided by 3, so there are 168 such ascending numbers.
We can count the number of descending numbers similarly; the only
difference is that a descending number may end in 0. To count this,
consider any positive ascending number that is 1 (mod 3) and reverse
its digits. We can optionally add a 0 at the end. The number of
such descending numbers is 168 × 2 = 336. However we overcounted
the numbers 1, 4, and 7 as they are both ascending and descending.
Therefore the number of monotone numbers which leave remainder 1
when divided by 3 is 168 + 336 − 3 = (D) 501 .
Alternate solution: We find the number of ascending numbers which
are 1 (mod 3) using the roots of unity filter. Let ω = e2i 3 be a third
root of unity, and let ω 2 = ω be its complex conjugate.
Let f (x) = (1 + x)(1 + x2 )(1 + x3 ) . . . (1 + x9 ) = a45 x45 + . . . + a1 x + a0 .
The coefficient of xn represents the number of subsets of {1, 2, . . . , 9}
whose sum is n. Now consider g(x) = x2 f (x) = a45 x47 + a44 x46 +
. . . + a0 x2 , so that we wish to find a43 + a40 + . . . + a1 . We have
f (1) = 29 = 512, and f (ω) = f (ω 2 ) = 8 (note that (1+ω)(1+ω 2 ) = 1).
This gives g(1) = 512, g(ω) = 8ω 2 , and g(ω 2 ) = 8ω 4 = 8ω. Using the
roots of unity filter:

g(1) + g(ω) + g(ω 2 ) = 3(a43 + a40 + . . . + a1 )

512 + 8ω 2 + 8ω = 3(a43 + a40 + . . . + a1 )

Since ω 2 + ω = −1:

504 = 3(a43 + a40 + . . . + a1 )

168 = a43 + a40 + . . . + a1

Thus there are 168 ascending numbers which are 1 (mod 3), since the
RHS represents this quantity. Proceed as above.
18. Answer: (C) Label the persons 1, . . . , 6 with 1 the shortest and 6
the tallest. Note that 1 must stand next to 2 and 6 must stand next
to 5. Thus we may treat 1 and 2 as one “pair” (similarly with 5 and
6). The remaining constraint is that 3 must stand next to 2 or 4, and
4 must stand next to 3 or 5.
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 11

We can do casework on whether 3 and 4 stand next to each other.

ˆ Case 1: 3 and 4 stand next to each other. Then we may treat 3

and 4 as one pair, in which we have three pairs (12), (34), (56).
There are 3! = 6 ways to order these pairs, followed by 23 = 8
ways to order the two people within each pair, giving 6 × 8 = 48
ˆ Case 2: 3 and 4 do not stand next to each other. Then 3 stands
next to 2, and 4 stands next to 5. Thus, 1, 2, and 3 form a “triple”
(denoted (123)), and so do 4, 5, 6. There are 2! × 2 × 2 = 8 ways
to arrange the two triples (123),(456). However, this overcounts
the arrangements 123456 and 654321, as 3 and 4 are next to each
other. Thus, the number of ways is 8 − 2 = 6.

Adding, we obtain 48 + 6 = (C) 54 ways.

19. Answer: (B) Let O1 and O2 be the centers of ω1 and ω2 respectively.

Since O1 O2 = O1 A = O2 A, triangle AO1 O2 is equilateral.


O1 1 O2

Let ∠O1 P A = ∠O1 AP = α. With a little angle chasing, we see that

∠O2 AQ = ∠O2 QA = 120◦ − α, ∠AO2 Q = 2α − 60◦ , and ∠P O1 A =
180◦ − 2α. Let P A = x and AQ = 2x. Applying the law of cosines on
4P O1 A and AO2 Q:

x2 = 2 − 2 cos(180◦ − 2α)
4x2 = 2 − 2 cos(2α − 60◦ )

Using basic trigonometric identities, we can write cos(180◦ − 2α) as

− cos 2α, and cos(2α−60◦ ) = cos 2α cos 60◦ +sin 2α sin 60◦ = 21 cos 2α+


2 sin 2α. Now, observe that sin 2α = 1 − cos2 2α; this follows from
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 12

the Pythagorean identity and using the fact that 2α ∈ (0, π) (so that
sin 2α is positive). Hence our system of equations implies

x2 = 2 + 2 cos 2α
√ p
4x2 = 2 − cos 2α − 3 1 − cos2 2α

Let y = cos 2α. Multiplying the first equation by 4, we can obtain an

equation entirely in terms of y:
8 + 8y = 2 − y − 3 − 3y 2
3 − 3y 2 = −6 − 9y

Square both sides to obtain a quadratic in y:

3 − 3y 2 = 81y 2 + 108y + 36
84y 2 + 108y + 33 = 0
28y 2 + 36y + 11 = 0

Using the quadratic formula, we obtain y = − 11 1

14 or y = − 2 , so the
possible values of cos 2α are − 14 or − 2 . However, notice that 21 is

extraneous as it implies x = 1 =⇒ P Q = 3, which is impossible

given the configuration of the problem. Hence cos 2α = − 11
14 =⇒ x =

3 21
= 7 , so P A = 721 and P Q = 3x = (B)
P A2 = 2 − 2 − 14 .
20. Answer: (E) For n ≥ 1, let pn denote the probability that Paige’s
first n rolls sum to 7. Note that p1 = 0 since each roll is at most
6, and pn = 0 for n ≥ 8 since each roll is at least 1. The answer is
p2 + p3 + . . . + p7 .
To find pn for 2 ≤ n ≤ 7, we can find the number of outcomes on n
dice rolls which sum to 7, then divide by 6n . The number of “good”
outcomes equals the number of positive integer solutions to the equa-
tion a1 + . . . + an = 7 where 1 ≤ ai ≤ 6. By stars and bars, this yields
n−1 outcomes.
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 13

The desired answer is

7 6

X n−1
p2 + p3 + . . . + p7 =
6 1 6 1 6 1
= + + ... +
1 62 2 63 6 67
1 6 1 6 1 6 1
= + 2
+ ... +
6 1 6 2 6 6 66
" #
1 6

= 1+ −1
6 6
76 − 66
Hence m = 76 − 66 and n = 67 , in which m + n = 76 − 66 + 67 . To find
m+n (mod 1000), we can use 76 −66 = 3432 −2162 = 559×127 ≡ 993
(mod 1000), and 67 ≡ 2162 × 6 ≡ 936 (mod 1000). Then m + n ≡
6 6
993 + 936 ≡ (E) 929 (mod 1000) (Note that 7 6−6 7 ≈ 25.4%).
Alternate solution: We can use recursion. For n ≥ 0, let an denote
the probability that Paige eventually gets a running sum of n, with
a0 = 1, a1 = 16 , and an = 0 for n < 0. The recursion step is an =
6 (an−1 + an−2 + . . . + an−6 ), by examining the last die roll before
obtaining a running sum of n. We compute an = 7 6n for 1 ≤ n ≤ 6.
This pattern breaks down at n = 7, since we only consider the last six
terms of the sequence and not the entire sequence. We can compute
6 6 6
a7 = 767 − 16 = 7 6−6
7 , then proceed as above.

21. Answer:√ (A) By the quadratic formula, if z 2 + az + b = 0, then

z = −a± 2a −4b , so we wish to determine the set R of all complex
numbers z which can be written in this form, for some a, b ∈ [0, 1].
Note that if the discriminant a2 − 4b ≥ 0, then z is real, and the
range of possible real numbers z is an interval which has zero area.
Specifically, the set of all real numbers in R is the interval [−1, 0]. We
can see this by observing that if the discriminant is non-negative, then
0 ≤ a2 − 4b ≤ a2 , so −1 = −a−a 2 ≤ z ≤ −a+a2 = 0. Moreover, it is
not hard to show that for every real z ∈ [−1, 0], there exist a, b ∈ [0, 1]
such that z 2 + az + b = 0.
√ a −4b ≤ 0, in
Now suppose the discriminant is non-positive; i.e., √ which
2 −a± a2 −4b a 4b−a2
the roots of the quadratic z +az+b are z = 2 = − 2 ± 2 i.

Geometrically, this represents the point (− a2 , ± 2 ).
Consider some a ∈ [0, 1]. The real part (“x-coordinate”) of z is − a2

and the imaginary part (“y-coordinate”) is ± 2 , whose absolute
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 14

√ 2
value varies continuously between 0 and 4−a 2 , when b = a4 and b = 1
respectively. Hence for a fixed a ∈ [0, 1], the set of non-real numbers
in R which are the root of some polynomial√ of the form z 2 + az + b
for some b is − a2 + mi where 0 ≤ |m| ≤ 4−a 2 .

Consider points of the form (− a2 , 4−a
2 ), where a ∈ [0, 1]. Notice
that these points lie on the unit circle; this is checked as − a2 +
√ 2 2 2
2 = a4 + 4−a
4 = 1. This gives us enough information to plot
the region R. Note that R also contains the interval [−1, 0], but this
has area zero.



The area of R can be calculated with basic geometry. For instance,

we can divide R into an isosceles triangle 4AOB and two 30◦ sectors,
as shown:



2 O Re(z)

2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 15

√ √
The area of isosceles triangle AOB is 21 · 3· 12 = 4 ,
and the combined

◦ π 3 π
area of the two 30 sectors is 6 . The total area of R is + =
√ 4 6
3 3 + 2π
(A) .
22. Answer: (C) First, we observe that M N OP QR is an equilateral
hexagon; note that M N is the side opposite the 120◦ angle in 4BM N .
To find M N , we can either use the law of cosines on 4BM N , or
drop an altitude from N onto BM and use the Pythagorean theorem.
Though trigonometry is not required for this problem, we compute
M N using the law of cosines:

M N 2 = 72 + 142 − 2 · 7 · 14 cos 120◦

= 72 + 142 + 7 · 14
= 343
√ √
Then M N = 7 7. Similarly, N O = OP = P Q = QR = RM = 7 7,
so hexagon M N OP QR is equilateral. However, it is not regular as
∠M N B = ∠ON C 6= 30◦ .
Extend M N , OP , and QR to form triangle XY Z as shown in the
figure below. Then ω is the incircle of this triangle, as it is tangent to
the sides of 4XY Z. Consider triangle RM X:



A M 14 B
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 16

Let ∠RM A = α and ∠M RA = β, where α + β = 60◦ . Because

4RM A ∼ = 4N M B by SSS congruence, we have ∠AM X = ∠N M B =
α, and similarly ∠ARX = ∠F RQ = β. Then A is the intersection of
two angle bisectors in 4RM X, so A is the incenter of 4RM X. Using
this, we establish ∠RXM = 180◦ − 2α − 2β = 180◦ − 2(60◦ ) = 60◦ ,
and similarly ∠N Y O = ∠P ZQ = 60◦ , so 4XY Z is equilateral. It
suffices to find the side length of 4XY Z, since we can compute the
inradius easily from there.

Recall that M N = RM = 7 7. Using the congruence 4RXM ∼ =
4N Y O, we see that N Y = RX, and that the side
√ length of 4XY Z
equals the perimeter of 4RM X. Since RM = 7 7, it suffices to find
RX + XM .
Let PM , PR , and PX be the points where the incircle of 4RM X is
tangent to RX, XM , and RM , respectively:

β PX
PM β √
7 7

r α

We first compute the inradius r of 4RM X. Fortunately this is not

hard to find, as the inradius is simply the altitude from A to RM in
4RAM . We can use one of many methods to find [4RAM ] (either
Heron’s formula, 12 ab sin C, or dropping an altitude from M to AR),
obtaining √
49 3 1 √
[4RAM ] = = (7 7)r.
2 2

Solving for r yields r = 21.

Notice that PM R = RPX and PR M = M PX , so PM R + PR M = 7 7.
√ 4AP
Further, since √R X and APM X are 30-60-90, we have PM X =
R X = √ r 3 = √ 7. It √follows that the perimeter of 4RM X is
7 √7 + 7 7 + 2(3 7) = 20 7. Therefore the side length of 4XY Z is
20 7.
Using 30-60-90 triangles, the inradius of an equilateral triangle with
√ √  √ 2 700π
side length 20 7 is 10 3 21 , so the area of ω is 10 3 21 π = (C) .
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 17

Alternate solution: Extend AB, CD, and EF to form an equilateral

triangle of side length 28 + 14 + 14 = 56. By a rotational symmetry
argument, the center of the circle is the incenter of the equilateral
Assign coordinates M = (0, 0), B= (14, √ 
0). Using 30-60-90 triangles,
28 3
the coordinates of the center are 0, 3 . We can easily find the co-
7 3
ordinates of N to be 35 2 , 2 . The equation of line M N is therefore
√ √
y = 53 x, or equivalently 3x − 5y = 0. Using the formula for the
distance from a point to a line, we obtain
√ √ √
|0 · 3 − 5 · 283 3 | 10 21
radius of ω = √ = .
3 + 52 3
Similarly as above, the area of ω is 3 .

23. Answer: (E) We will consider the problem in binary. The binary
representation of 2020 is 111111001002 .
Let fP
(n) denote the number of tuples of the form (a0 , a1 , . . . , ak ) such
that ki=0 ai 2i = n and ai ∈ {0, 1, 2}. The desired answer is f (2020)
(note that 211 > 2020, so the maximum possible k is 10). To represent
the tuples, we will express them in a way similar to binary, except
that digits may be 0, 1, or 2 (for example, 102 corresponds to a2 = 1,
a1 = 0, a0 = 4):

n f (n) Solutions n f (n) Solutions

1 1 1 9 3 1001, 201, 121
2 2 2, 10 10 5 1010, 1002, 210, 202, 122
3 1 11 11 2 1011, 211
4 3 100, 12, 20 12 5 1100, 1020, 220, 1012, 212
5 2 101, 21 13 3 1101, 1021, 221
6 3 110, 102, 22 14 4 1110, 1102, 1022, 222
7 1 111 15 1 1111
8 4 1000, 200, 120, 112 16 5 10000, 2000, 1200, 1120, 1112

We observe some patterns regarding f . First, we see that f (2k −1) = 1

(the only solution is 11. . . 1), and f (2k ) = k + 1. We can state these
claims more generally:

Lemma 1. The following are true for any integer n:

f (2n) = f (n) + f (n − 1) (1)

f (2n + 1) = f (n) (2)
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 18

Proof. Note that this “binary” representation of 2n can be obtained

by appending a 0 to any representation of n, or by appending a 2
to any representation of n − 1 (which proves (1)), and a “binary”
representation of 2n + 1 must be obtained by appending a 1 to any
representation of n.
Corollary 2. f (2k − 2) = k.

This can be shown inductively with (1).

Corollary 3. f (4n) = f (n) + 2f (n − 1).

This can be shown by applying (1) then (2).

Note that 2020 = 111111001002 . Using the above Lemma and corol-
laries, we compute f (2020) successively:

f (63) = f (1111112 ) = 1
f (252) = f (111111002 ) = f (63) + 2f (62)
= 1 + 12 = 13
f (505) = f (1111110012 ) = f (252) = 13
f (2020) = f (111111001002 ) = f (505) + 2f (504)
= 13 + 2(f (252) + f (251))
= 13 + 2(13 + f (62)) ((2), f (251) = f (125) = f (62))
= 13 + 2(13 + 6) = (E) 51

24. Answer: (E) Note that points (Pi ), (Qi ), (Ri ), (Si ) are positioned on
the sides of the square roughly as follows, with a sample quadrilateral
P1 Q1 R3 S2 shown.

S R1 R2 R3 R


S1 Q1


P P3 P2 P1 Q
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 19

We use an expected value argument to find K. Note that [Pp Qq Rr Ss ] =

1−[4P Ss Pp ]−[4QPp Qq ]−[4RQq Rr ]−[4SRr Ss ]. First, we will find
E([4P Ss Pp ]), where p, . . . , s are randomly and independently selected
from {1, 2, . . . , 2020}. Using Area = 21 bh, this equals 21 E(P Ss · P Pp ) =
2 E(P Ss )E(P Pp ) using the fact that the expected value of a product of
two uncorrelated random variables equals the product of the expected
values of those random variables.
By definition of expectation, we have
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E(P Pp ) = + + . . . + 2020 = 1 − 2020 ≈
2020 2 4 2 2020 2 2020
E(P Ss ) = 1 − E(P Pp ) ≈
1 2019
More precisely, E(P Pp ) = 2020 − ε and E(P Ss ) = 2020 + ε where
ε = 2020·22020 . Then we have

1 2019
E([4P Ss Pp ]) = E(P Ss )E(P Pp ) ≈ 2
2  2 · 2020

1 2019 1
= +ε −ε
2 2020 2020
= − ε0
2 · 20202
for some small ε0 > 0 (note that ε and ε0 are on the order of 2−2020 ,
which can be treated as a negligibly small number). By symmetry,
the quantities E([4QPp Qq ]), E([4RQq Rr ]), and E([4SRr Ss ]) are also
equal. Thus, by linearity of expectation, we have
E([Pp Qq Rr Ss ]) = E(1 − [4P Ss Pp ] − [4QPp Qq ] − [4RQq Rr ] − [4SRr Ss ])
= 1 − E([4P Ss Pp ]) − E([4QPp Qq ])
− E([4RQq Rr ]) − E([4SRr Ss ])
= 1 − 4 · (E(P Ss )E(P Pp ))
2 · 2019
=1− + 4ε0
Since K is the sum over all possible areas [Pp Qq Rr Ss ], and there are
20204 equally likely choices for (p, q, r, s), then we have

2 · 2019
K = 2020 4
1− + 4ε0
It follows that bKc = 20204 − 2 · 2019 · 20202 ≡ −2 · 2019 · 20202 ≡
(E) 800 (mod 1000).
2020 Mock AMC 12 A Solutions 20

25. Answer: (B) Note that 0! = 1! = 1, so we may assume WLOG that

a, b, c, d, e ≥ 1, since we are only looking for the integers expressible
as a sum of five factorials, not the 5-tuples (a, b, c, d, e) themselves.
Further, since 7! = 5040 > 1000, the greatest possible value for each
of the variables a, . . . , e is 6.
For i = 1, . . . , 6, let xi denote the number of variables a, . . . , e which
are equal to i. In particular, x6 ≤ 1 since 2 × 6! > 1000. Consider the
following instance of stars and bars:

x1 + x2 + . . . + x6 = 5

where x6 ∈ {0, 1}. Each non-negative solution (x1 , x2 , . . . , x6 ) to the

equation which satisfies this constraint gives us a positive integer ex-
pressible as the sum of five factorials (we do overcount a bit, which we
will mention later).

ˆ If x6 = 0, then the  number of non-negative solutions to x1 + x2 +

. . . + x5 = 5 is 94 = 126.
ˆ If x6 = 1, we observe that 720 +120 +120 + 120 > 1000 so x5 ≤ 2.
Further, 720 + 120 + 120 + 24 + 24 > 1000 and 720 + 120 + 24 +
24 + 24 ≤ 1000, so if x6 = 1 and x5 = 2, then x4 ≤ 1.
– If x5 = 0, then the number of non-negative solutions to x1 +
x2 + x3 + x4 = 4 is 73 = 35.

– If x5 = 1, then the number of non-negative solutions to x1 +


x2 + x3 + x4 = 3 is 3 = 20.
– If x5 = 2, then the number of non-negative solutions to
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 2 is 53 = 10. However this counts
(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (0, 0, 0, 2) which is invalid as this results in
a number greater than 1000, so there are 10−1 = 9 solutions.

Therefore there are 126 + 35 + 20 + 9 = 190 6-tuples of non-negative

integers (x1 , . . . , x6 ) for which x1 + . . . + x6 = 5 and the sum x1 · 1! +
x2 · 2! + . . . x6 · 6! is at most 1000. However, this overcounts as some
positive integers can be represented as the sum of five factorials of
positive integers in two or more different ways (e.g., 10 = 3! + 1! +
1! + 1! + 1! = 2! + 2! + 2! + 2! + 2!). It can be checked that the only
integers less than or equal to 1000 that can be represented as the sum
of five factorials in two different ways are 10 (as illustrated above),
and 30 = 4! + 2! + 2! + 1! + 1! = 3! + 3! + 3! + 3! + 3!. Thus we have
overcounted by 2, so the answer is 190 − 2 = (B) 188 .

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