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2021 Aime

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——

by P Groudon, franzliszt, IAmTheHazard, Grizzy, franchester, Smileyklaws, fidgetboss 4000, Archimedes15,

– I

– March 10, 2021

1 Zou and Chou are practicing their 100-meter sprints by running 6 races against each other.
Zou wins the first race, and after that, the probability that one of them wins a race is 32 if they
won the previous race but only 13 if they lost the previous race. The probability that Zou will win
exactly 5 of the 6 races is m
n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

2 In the diagram below, ABCD is a rectangle with side lengths AB = 3 and BC = 11, and AECF
is a rectangle with side lengths AF = 7 and F C = 9, as shown. The area of the shaded region
common to the interiors of both rectangles is mn , where m and n are relatively prime positive
integers. Find m + n.



3 Find the number of positive integers less than 1000 that can be expressed as the difference of
two integral powers of 2.

4 Find the number of ways 66 identical coins can be separated into three nonempty piles so that
there are fewer coins in the first pile than in the second pile and fewer coins in the second pile
than in the third pile.

5 Call a three-term strictly increasing arithmetic sequence of integers special if the sum of the

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——

squares of the three terms equals the product of the middle term and the square of the com-
mon difference. Find the sum of the third terms of all special sequences.

6 Segments AB, AC, and AD are edges √ of a cube √

and AG is a diagonal
√ through the
√ center of
the cube. Point P satisfies BP = 60 10, CP = 60 5, DP = 120 2, and GP = 36 7. Find AP.

7 Find the number of pairs (m, n) of positive integers with 1 ≤ m < n ≤ 30 such that there exists
a real number x satisfying
sin(mx) + sin(nx) = 2.

8 Find the number of integers c such that the equation

|20|x| − x2 | − c = 21

has 12 distinct real solutions.

9 Let ABCD be an isosceles trapezoid with AD = BC and AB < CD. Suppose that the dis-
tances from A to√the lines BC, CD, and BD are 15, 18, and 10, respectively. Let K be the area
of ABCD. Find 2 · K.

10 Consider the sequence (ak )k≥1 of positive rational numbers defined by a1 = 2020
2021 and for k ≥ 1,
if ak = m
n for relatively prime positive integers m and n, then

m + 18
ak+1 = .
n + 19

Determine the sum of all positive integers j such that the rational number aj can be written in
the form t+1
for some positive integer t.

11 Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with AB = 4, BC = 5, CD = 6, and DA = 7. Let A1 and

C1 be the feet of the perpendiculars from A and C, respectively, to line BD, and let B1 and
D1 be the feet of the perpendiculars from B and D, respectively, to line AC. The perimeter of
n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.
A1 B1 C1 D1 is m

12 Let A1 A2 A3 ...A12 be a dodecagon (12-gon). Three frogs initially sit at A4 , A8 , and A12 . At the
end of each minute, simultaneously, each of the three frogs jumps to one of the two vertices
adjacent to its current position, chosen randomly and independently with both choices being
equally likely. All three frogs stop jumping as soon as two frogs arrive at the same vertex at
the same time. The expected number of minutes until the frogs stop jumping is m n , where m
and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——

13 Circles ω1 and ω2 with radii 961 and 625, respectively, intersect at distinct points A and B. A
third circle ω is externally tangent to both ω1 and ω2 . Suppose line AB intersects ω at two
points P and Q such that the measure of minor arc P d Q is 120◦ . Find the distance between the
centers of ω1 and ω2 .

14 For any positive integer a, σ(a) denotes the sum of the positive integer divisors of a. Let n be
the least positive integer such that σ(an ) − 1 is divisible by 2021 for all positive integers a. Find
the sum of the prime factors in the prime factorization of n.

15 Let S be the set of positive integers k such that the two parabolas

y = x2 − k and x = 2(y − 20)2 − k

intersect in four distinct points, and these four points lie on a circle with radius at most 21.
Find the sum of the least element of S and the greatest element of S.

– II

– March 18, 2021

1 Find the arithmetic mean of all the three-digit palindromes. (Recall that a palindrome is a num-
ber that reads the same forward and backward, such as 777 or 383.)

2 Equilateral triangle ABC has side length 840. Point D lies on the same side of line BC as A
such that BD ⊥ BC. The line ` through D parallel to line BC intersects sides AB and AC
at points E and F , respectively. Point G lies on ` such that F is between E and G, 4AF G is
isosceles, and the ratio of the area of 4AF G to the area of 4BED is 8 : 9. Find AF .



3 Find the number of permutations x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 such that the sum of

five products
x1 x2 x3 + x2 x3 x4 + x3 x4 x5 + x4 x5 x1 + x5 x1 x2
is divisible by 3.

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——

4 There are real numbers a, b, c, and d such that −20 is a root of x3 + ax + b and −21 is a root

of x3 + cx2 + d. These two
√ polynomials share a complex root m + n · i, where m and n are
positive integers and i = −1. Find m + n.

5 For positive real numbers s, let τ (s) denote the set of all obtuse triangles that have area s and
two sides with lengths 4 and 10. The set of all s for which τ (s) is nonempty, but all triangles in
τ (s) are congruent, is an interval [a, b). Find a2 + b2 .

6 For any finite set S, let |S| denote the number of elements in S. FInd the number of ordered
pairs (A, B) such that A and B are (not necessarily distinct) subsets of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} that satisfy

|A| · |B| = |A ∩ B| · |A ∪ B|

7 Let a, b, c, and d be real numbers that satisfy the system of equations

a + b = −3
ab + bc + ca = −4
abc + bcd + cda + dab = 14
abcd = 30.

There exist relatively prime positive integers m and n such that

a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = .
Find m + n.

8 An ant makes a sequence of moves on a cube where a move consists of walking from one
vertex to an adjacent vertex along an edge of the cube. Initially the ant is at a vertex of the
bottom face of the cube and chooses one of the three adjacent vertices to move to as its first
move. For all moves after the first move, the ant does not return to its previous vertex, but
chooses to move to one of the other two adjacent vertices. All choices are selected at random
so that each of the possible moves is equally likely. The probability that after exactly 8 moves
that ant is at a vertex of the top face on the cube is m n , where m and n are relatively prime
positive integers. Find m + n.

9 Find the number of ordered pairs (m, n) such that m and n are positive integers in the set
{1, 2, ..., 30} and the greatest common divisor of 2m + 1 and 2n − 1 is not 1.

10 Two spheres with radii 36 and one sphere with radius 13 are each externally tangent to the
other two spheres and to two different planes P and Q. The intersection of planes P and Q is

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——

the line `. The distance from line ` to the point where the sphere with radius 13 is tangent to
plane P is m n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.


11 A teacher was leading a class of four perfectly logical students. The teacher chose a set S of
four integers and gave a different number in S to each student. Then the teacher announced
to the class that the numbers in S were four consecutive two-digit positive integers, that some
number in S was divisible by 6, and a different number in S was divisible by 7. The teacher then
asked if any of the students could deduce what S is, but in unison, all of the students replied
However, upon hearing that all four students replied no, each student was able to determine
the elements of S. Find the sum of all possible values of the greatest element of S.

12 A convex quadrilateral has area 30 and side lengths 5, 6, 9, and 7, in that order. Denote by θ the
measure of the acute angle formed by the diagonals of the quadrilateral. Then tan θ can be
written in the form m
n , where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

13 Find the least positive integer n for which 2n + 5n − n is a multiple of 1000.

14 Let 4ABC be an acute triangle with circumcenter O and centroid G. Let X be the intersection
of the line tangent to the circumcircle of 4ABC at A and the line perpendicular to GO at G.
Let Y be the intersection of lines XG and BC. Given that the measures of ∠ABC, ∠BCA, and
∠XOY are in the ratio 13 : 2 : 17, the degree measure of ∠BAC can be written as mn , where m
and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m + n.

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AoPS Community 2021 AIME Problems ——



15 Let f (n) and g(n) be functions satisfying

(√ √
n if n is an integer
f (n) =
1 + f (n + 1) otherwise

and (√ √
n if n is an integer
g(n) =
2 + g(n + 2) otherwise
f (n)
for positive integers n. Find the least positive integer n such that g(n) = 47 .

These problems are copyright © Mathematical Association of America (http://maa.org).

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Art of Problem Solving is an ACS WASC Accredited School.

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