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Analysis of Moral Values of 9Th Grade Students' Reading Texts

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NIP. 196803161994031014 NIP. 196107051988101001

Yuri Prasetya, Albert Rufinus, Luwandi Suhartono

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Untan Pontianak
Email : yuriprasetya1909@gmail.com

This research is aimed at (1) describing the moral values in folktales of students reading
texts in Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs and (2) to describe the connection between the
values of folktales in Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs and the assessment of core
competencies of 2013 curriculum. The method used in this research is descriptive
qualitative. The researcher chooses documentary study as the technique. The results of
this study are (1) the moral values contained are patience brings happiness at the end, Do
not easily believe in the news that we do not know the truth about it, do not be stingy and
arrogant, Think clear before you act, dictatorial nature causes a lot of damage, in making
choices must be accompanied by confidence, and Generosity brings blessings and (2)
Each values of folktales in the book Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs have connection
with the values in the assessment of core competencies of 2013 curriculum.

Keywords: Folktales, Moral Values, 2013Curriculum, Descriptive Study

INTRODUCTION elements was the reference of basic

Moral values are the standards of good and competencies and should be developed in any
evil, which govern an individual’s behavior and event integrative learning. Competencies with
choices. Individual’s morals may derive from regard to social and religious attitudes are
society and government, religion, school or self. developed indirectly (indirect teaching) when
School is an important part for students to learn students learn about knowledge (core
moral values. Moral values also belong to one competence 3) and the application of
of the problems that exist in education. (Zuriah, knowledge (core competence 4).
2011, p.2) In general, there are four types of texts,
As educators, we should all advocate the they are descriptive, narrative, expository, and
teaching of moral values in the schools. argumentative. By reading texts, students can
Knowledge gained in school is only one goal of take many benefit such as, knowledge, language
education. The primary goals of education features, and moral values. In this research, the
should be enabling students to gain knowledge researcher will analyze only narrative text in
and moral values. Fortunately, the curriculum this case folktales because there are so many
2013 already provides some features that we moral values available in this text. The research
know as Core Competencies which can be used variables consist of single variable that is moral
as the instrument teaching moral values in values in folktales from Headline English 3 for
school. SMP/MTs written by M. Badrus Sholeh.
Core Competencies are designed in four Moral education has always been an issue
elements. Religious attitudes (core competency in schools. Zuriah (2011, p.19) says, moral
1), social attitudes (core competency 2), education seek to develop a person's pattern of
knowledge (core competency 3), and behavior fit with the view of the society. The
application of knowledge (core competency 4) view exists in morality or decency which
are the goals of the curriculum. All these contains the values and the life in the society.

Because involving these two issues, those are brings; such as giving the readers enjoyment,
(a) the values, and (b) the real life, then the enriching their vocabulary, expanding their
moral education discusses more about useful experience, and so forth (Norton 1983, p.5)
dilemma to take moral decision that is best for Reading narratives with moral values can
themselves and society. be a good habit for students. The advantage of
Moral values are important aspect in teaching moral values is students can learn
curriculum 2013. There are four aspects of the about life. According to Wringe (2006, p.17),
assessment in curriculum 2013 (Sholeh, 2015, ‘values are essentially attitudes of admiration or
p.vi) : a) Spiritual (core competence 1); b) approbation towards certain way of behavior or
Social (core competence 2); c) Knowledge aspect of our way of life, which we regard as
(core competence 3); d) Skills (core important to preserve or guided by’. It means
competence 4). that teaching values is important to guide
In teaching and learning activities in class human’s life. In teaching moral values, parents,
9, core competencies can be described as teachers and environment play an important
follows: a) respect and appreciate the teaching role and they have effect for students.
of their religion; b) Respect and appreciate the Reading materials play an important role in
honesty, discipline, responsible, care (tolerance, reading activity. Norton (1983, p.5) remark that
mutual cooperation), courtesy, confidence, to ‘the vicarious experiences of literature result in
interact effectively with the social and natural personal development as well as pleasure’. If
environment within reach of the association and the readers find pleasure in reading, obviously
its existence; c) understand and implement the they will find reading as an enjoyable activity.
knowlege (factual, conceptual and procedural) Moreover, reading activity brings many
by curiosity about science, technology, art, advantages towards them. Reading makes
culture related the phenomena and event people use their brain to keep thinking. In other
visible; d) processing, presenting, and reasoning words, reading activity practice brain to think
in the realm of concrete (using, parsing, critically.
arranging, modifying, and creating) and abstract Adler and Doren (2015, p.25) describe
(writing, reading, calculating, drawing, and there are three purposes in reading, they are : a)
composing) according to school lesson and Reading for information; b) Reading
other sources in the same point of view/theory. comprehension; c) Reading for fun. Amer
From core competencies, we can drag (1992, p.711) says that ‘narrative texts tell a
eight moral value features, they are: a) story and are the type of text usually found in
religious; b) honesty; c) discipline; d) literature selections’. The purpose of narrative
responsible; e) care (tolerance and mutual text is to amuse or entertain the readers because
cooperation); f) courtesy; g) confident; h) the most interesting part of narrative text is the
Curiosity. climax which will turn into resolution to the
Bamberger (1975, p.8) remarks that problem.
‘incorporating fiction into teaching can help to The generic structure of narrative text
develop talents and interests which last a consists of three parts, they are: a) Beginning of
lifetime and building up solid knowledge is of The Narrative Text (Orientation); b) Narrative
course a way of developing character’. Text Development (Complication); c) The
Therefore, by using fiction in reading class, Ending of Narrative Text (Resolution).
students are wished not only to be able to have The folktales teach by example and have
literal comprehension but also interpretative one or more of the following characteristics
comprehension in order to learn the moral features they are simplicity, fantasy, magic and
values or the message of the narratives. the supernatural, customs, traditions and
Narrative texts are suitable to be used to insert beliefs, A Moral. In conclusion, folktale is a
moral values in teaching-learning process in kind of narrative text. Folktale is meant to teach
classroom. It becomes an interesting topic to something and encourage particular kinds of
deal with because of the advantage that it behavior-namely moral values that are

contained implicitly. This makes folktale need interpretative comprehension if they are to get
much more understanding to be interpreted. the message of the narrative. This is supported
Giskin (2002, p.28) claims that folktale is not by Nuttal (1981, p.18) who points out “The
simple because the readers must move from skills of interpretation which we see as required
literal understanding to deeper appreciation to by every reader are, when fully developed,
catch what the message is. precisely the skills required for a sensitive
Norton (1983, p.197) says that narratives is appreciation of literature”. This makes sense
suitable to be read, not only by children but also because the ultimate goal of reading narrative is
teens and adults. It means that narratives are to get the messages or moral values.
read not only by children but also teens and Furthermore, Sumara (2002, p.147), claims
adults. It is because narratives are told from one that ’studying literature meant paying attention
generation to the next. In addition, Norton to the details that distinguished literature from
(1983, p.201) claims that narratives originate “not literature”. The distinction that makes
from the oral storytelling traditions of narrative different from other kinds of reading
respective cultures. Moreover, she adds that materials is that it contains moral values. It
folktales have characteristics related to means that moral values must be the ultimate
characterization, settings, plot development and goal of reading narrative.
theme that make folktale different from other Chesla (2001, p.133) remarks that finding
types of literature. The theme in folktale the main idea or main theme in story is not
absolutely contains moral values. These are the totally different from finding the main idea in
messages that story wants to convey to the other texts. If the reader looks carefully for the
readers. Reading any kinds of literature without clues, they can uncover the meaning of
getting the moral values are in vain. Therefore, narrative. What the readers have to do is
moral values are the core of each literary work. reading between the lines. This sometimes has
According to Norton (1983, p.197) there made some people become reluctant to read
are six types of folktale. They can be explained narrative because they cannot find the message
as follows: a) cumulative tales; b) humorous of narrative by themselves.
tales; c) beast tales; d) magic and wonder tales; Narrative has become a media to convey
e) pourquoi tales; f) realistic tales. Chesla messages of life from the writer to the reader.
(2001, p.133) remarks “In literature, meanings Moreover, Rees (1973, p.2) says that ‘literature
are often implied, and messages and themes are is writing which expresses and communicate
not conveniently housed in a topic sentence”. In thoughts, feelings, and attitudes towards life’.
this book, theme is defined as the over-all In this research, narrative as fiction is
message or idea that a work of literature discussed. Norton (1983, p.5) states that
conveys’. Thus, the term ‘reading between the “Literature opens discovery and adventure for
lines’ always appears in the context of reading children. Its values provide enjoyment, transmit
literature. The message of narrative especially literary heritage, allow understanding and
in a story can be intergrated into its elements, valuing of cultural heritage , provide vicarious
like the characters. Furthermore, Chesla (2001, experience, transmit knowledge, nurture an
p.134) states that ‘the main idea of a text is the expand imagination, foster language
thought that holds everything together. development, stimulate cognitive development,
Likewise, the theme of a work of literature is foster personality development, and encourage
the thought that holds together the characters social development.”
and action’. Narrative needs more than literal
comprehension-namely what is said explicitly RESEARCH METHOD
in the text. The type of this research is descriptive
However, Nuttall (1981, p.133) says that qualitative research. Descriptive Research is a
‘literal comprehension is an essential study that is conducted to describe the
preliminary to any work on the text’. In reading phenomena or situations that become the focus
narrative, the readers must come to of research.This type of research is included

descriptive qualitative research means that the analysis which focused on generic structures
data described are qualitative data rooted in the and theme of story. The technique used to
natural setting as a whole that relies on humans present the results of data analysis is the
as a research tool. A descriptive study is technique of informal presentation. The
undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to technique of informal presentation is
describe the characteristics of the variables of presentation of data analysis result using
interest in a situation. The purposes of this ordinary words (Sudaryanto 1993, p.145)
research are to describe the moral values in
narrative text of 9th grade students text book in RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION
this case Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs by Research Finding
M. Badrus Sholeh and to describe the The researcher describes the findings of
connection between the moral values of the this research based on the research purpose was
narrative texts and core competencies of mentioned in chapter I which are to describe the
curriculum 2013. Therefore, the researcher moral values in folktales of students reading
chooses descriptive study to answer the texts in Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs and
research problems in rich description. The book to describe the suitability between the moral
has a thickness 252 pages published in 2015 by values of folktales in Headline English 3 for
Srikandi in Bandung which is used in high SMP-MTs and core competencies of curriculum
school students of class IX. 2013. In the book, the researcher found seven
In qualitative research, the sample size is folktales to be studied namely, Golden
generally small. Dawson (2002, p.47) remarks Cucumber, The Legend of Surabaya, The Story
that describing what is happening within a of Pari Temple, The Legend of Mount
group of people is the major goal of qualitative Tangkuban Perahu, The Legend of Prambanan,
research instead of making generalization of the Unlucky Teacher, and The Stingy and The
research findings. Then, purposive sampling is Generous. Conducting this research, the
generally done when the goal is to describe researcher applied descriptive study. This
rather than to generalize. method of research had described the
In this research, the researcher chooses phenomena or situations that became the focus
documentary study as the technique. The of research. In analyzing the moral values, the
researcher collects some narrative texts from researcher found the main moral values taken
Headline English 3 for SMP-MTs and conducts from the theme of the folktales and also the
the research on the narrative texts to answer the values in more detail by doing content analysis
research questions. The research instrument to the story. Based on the analysis, the
used in this research are in the form of writer, researcher found answers of the problems that
stationary, and table of specification that arised. Research findings in this thesis was
contains title, theme, generic structure, presented using table specification to facilitate
description, values, and values connection to the researcher in analyzing the story on
the assessment of 2013 curiculum. Technique narrative texts.
of data analysis used in this research is content

Table 1. Research Findings of Golden Cucumber (Timun Mas)

Theme The Fruit of Patience

Values Patience, positive thinking, curiosity,
Main Moral Values Patience brings happiness at the end.
Curriculum 2013 Connection The value curiosity are the values contained in
the syllabus of class XII curriculum 2013. In
Golden Cucumber analysis above has been
explained there are values of religion and

curiosity which make this story has been in
accordance with the values to be achieved in
the curriculum 2013.

Table 2. Research Findings of The Legend of Surabaya

Theme The danger of slander

Values Caring, trust, wisdom, honesty, self-control,
calmness, self-defense, peace
Main Moral Values Do not easily believe in the news that we do
not know the truth about it.
Curriculum 2013 connection In the Legend of Surabaya, we can find some
values that correspond to the desired values in
curriculum 2013. The values are care, trust,
honesty, and self-control. Trust is part of the
honesty because it is only with the honesty
people can trust each other. While self-control
is part of the discipline. A person who can
control himself means he has good discipline.

Table 3. Research Findings of The Story of Pari Temple

Theme The danger of arrogant

Values Religious, persistence, patience, curiosity,
sacrifice, independence, caring, diligence,
humility, generosity, courtesy, self-evaluation,
Main Moral Value Do not be stingy and arrogant!
Curriculum 2013 connection In the story of Pari Temple we can find the
values of religion, curiosity, caring, and
courtesy as a representative of the moral values
expected by the curriculum 2013.

Table 4. Research Findings of The Legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Theme Unnecessary vow, The badness of angry

Values Responsibility, self-evaluation, self-control,
truthfulness, honesty
Main Moral Value Think clear before you act.
Curriculum 2013 Connection The Legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a
values corresponding to the curriculum 2013,
those are responsible, truthfulness, and
honesty. The value of responsibility can be
taken from Dayang Sumbi who kept her oath.
It showed that Dayang Sumbi had a
responsible attitude with what she had
said.Truthfulness is part of honesty because
with honesty, truthfulness can be achieved.

Table 5. Research Findings of Loro Jonggrang ( The Legend of Prambanan Temple)

Theme Forcing the willing

Values Peace, sense of satisfaction, kindness, concern,
responsibility, persistence, openness, mutual
cooperation, wisdom.
Main Moral Value Dictatorial nature causes a lot of damage.
Curriculum 2013 Connection In Loro Jonggrang's story, the moral values of
caring, responsibility, and mutual cooperation
are the moral values that represents the
expected moral values in the curriculum 2013.

Table 6. Research Findings of Unlucky Teacher

Theme Consistency and confidence

Values Confidence, consistency, prudence
Main moral value In making choices must be accompanied by
Curriculum 2013 connection In the story of Unlucky Teacher, the value of
confidence is the value that corresponds to the
2013 curriculum.

Table 7. Research Findings of The Stingy and the Generous

Theme Generous person

Values Caring, gratitude, kindness, generosity
Main moral value Generosity brings blessings
Curriculum 2013 connection The moral value of caring is the moral value
that corresponds to the curriculum 2013 in
The story of The Stingy and The Generous.

Discussion of The Stingy and the Generous there is a

If we look at the moral values that exist value of caring.
in folktales of Headline English 3 for SMP- However, although each story has
MTs, they are good values for students to included values that have been in accordance
learn and practice. In each story we always with the assessment contained in the 2013
find values that are in accordance with the curriculum assessment, there is still one point
values contained in the 2013 curriculum of value that escapes that is the value of
assessment. discipline. In researching the folktales
It can be seen in the story of Timun Mas contained in the book Headline English 3 for
we can find the value of curiosity, in the SMP / MTs, the researcher did not find any
Legend of Surabaya there is how important stories that give the value of discipline as
the meaning of honesty, in the story of Pari values that can be picked by the students.
Temple there is a religious value and Therefore, it is necessary that the parties
courtesy, in the story of Mount Tangkuban concerned in this matter to provide materials
Perahu there is a responsibility value, in Loro that can foster the value of discipline as a
Jonggrang there is mutual cooperation value, reference for teachers and students.
in the story of Unlucky Teacher there is a Morality is something very important in
value of confidence, and the last in the story human life. Education on morality must be

done early by parents, educators, and especially for class XII students and
community leaders. This needs to be learned generally for people who need media in
from the time a person is born until they teaching moral values to their children.
leave the life. Morality is very important After analyzing the moral values that
because it is what distinguishes man from exist in these stories the researcher gets some
animals and makes man the perfect being insight. Religious value provides basic
created by God. religious knowledge to be grateful for what
In education in Indonesia, moral values given by the Lord (Allah) and it is a belief in
occupy a very important position. Especially the doctrine religion. The value of honesty
in the syllabus of class XII in the 2013 teaches people to always uphold the truth and
curriculum, students are required to have avoid the fraud. The value of discipline
noble values such as values of religious, always maintains the prevailing order in
honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring (in working whether it is the regulation or time
this case divided into two, namely tolerance as well as how a person control himself. The
and mutual cooperation), courtesy, value of responsibility invites a person to
confidence, and curiosity. carry out his duties and obligations that he
Learning about moral values can be should do. The value of care, cooperation,
developed through narrative text. The and tolerance creates mutual help and the
researcher tries to research an English ability to respond the differences with a
learning book entitled Headline English 3 for positive attitude. The value of courtesy shows
SMP - MTs by M. Badrus Sholeh. In this one's mentality and a way for one to succeed.
book, the researcher found seven interesting The value of self-confidence leads someone
folklores to be used as a medium of learning to have a strong belief and not easily
in the development of moral values of wobbled. The value of curiosity gives a
students according to curriculum 2013 person a boost to know more deeply what he
desired. sees, feels, or hears.
The interesting thing the researchers Beside the values which suitable with
found all the moral values that were the curriculum, there are other important
instructed in the syllabus can be found in the values found in the narrative texts. Firstly,
seven folklores in the book. For example, the value of patience and persistence. With
value of religious can be found in the story of patience and persistence, anyone can lead a
Golden Cucumber and the story of Pari tougher life as exemplified by Mbok Sundari.
Temple. The value of honesty can be found Furthermore, the value of positive thinking
in The Legend of Surabaya and The Legend which can make a person always take the
of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The value of wisdom in every situation both sad and
discipline is in the story of The Legend of happy. Then, the value of thoughtful and
Surabaya. The value of responsibility lies in calm can make a person always mature and
the story of Loro Jonggrang and The Legend wise in facing everything. Beside that, the
of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. The value of value of self-defense can be taken if the path
care and mutual cooperation can be found in of diplomacy is closed then we must defend
The Legend of Surabaya, Story of Pari the truth we have.
Temple, Loro Jonggrang, and The Stingy and The value of peace we need to uphold
The Generous. The value of courtesy is on this value because no one wants to live in
the story of Pari Temple. The value of chaos. Next, the value of sacrifice is needed
confidence can be found in the story of to make us realize that to achieve success
Unlucky Teacher. Lastly, the value of requires sacrifice in the form of material,
curiosity can be seen in the story of Golden thought, and time. The value of independence
Cucumber and the story of Pari Temple. It makes a person becomes more dignified and
shows that these stories can be used as can determine the direction of his own life
references in teaching moral values, without any element of coercion from other

parties. The value of hard work makes a accompanied by confidence, and Generosity
person unyielding to face difficulties, firm, brings blessings. Furthermore, more detailed
diligent, and trying earnestly to reach his values in stories, they are positive thinking,
goal.The value of humility makes one not curiosity, willpower, caring, trust, honesty,
arrogant and willing to receive advice. the self-control, self-defense, religious, sacrifice,
value of generosity provides an important self-reliance, hard work, generosity,
meaning that makes one willing to share with responsibility , mutual cooperation, and
others and not be greedy. The value of self- confidence. Beside that, the values in the
evaluation allows a person to reflect on his / story that match the values that exist in the
her life whether it is on the right path or has assessment of the 2013 curriculum are the
deviated from the real purpose of life. values of religious, honesty, responsibility,
The value of respect makes one caring, confidence, courtesy and curiosity
appreciate others, especially parents, and in each story we always find values that
teachers, and community leaders. The value are connected with the values contained in
of satisfaction makes a person can be grateful the 2013 curriculum assessment.
for what he has been obtained and keep
trying to improve themselves. The value of Recomendation
kindness makes a person have a goal to Based on the above conclusions, then
continue doing good in his life. The value of the researcher’s recomendation for teachers
open-minded is an important thing for and high school students of class IX can
someone to accept changes as something that utilize the narrative texts in the book
can improve the quality of life. The value of Headline English 3 for SMP - MTs as a
consistency makes a person not easy to medium to learn and teach moral values in
change direction on the decisions that he has the school and daily life. Students are
made. The value of prudence makes a person expected to read literary works primarily
not easily to misstep and be careful in doing folktales because in folktales many found
things so that he do not cause destruction in positive values that can be taken as learning
his life. The value of help is important in in everyday life. Furthermore, it is necessary
social life because often a person experiences that the parties concerned in this matter to
difficulties and needs help from others to provide materials that can foster the value of
solve the problem. By practicing this value discipline as a reference for teachers and
makes everyone feel safe and cared. Finally, students to complete the value which is
the value of gratitude makes a person always needed based on the assesment 0f 2013
remember the goodness of others to him and curriculum.
the next time he can reply with something
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